Too Good To Be True**

"Mom had decorated everything in here personally. She's not sure if this will…" Denise words were shut by Shawn's lips that landed abruptly onto hers as soon as the door was closed.

Denise who was startled at first closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Shawn's neck as she savored the sweetness of his kisses.

"I missed you hubby," muttered Denise in between the kiss. "I have never missed anyone like this before."

"I missed you too wifey, you are the closest to my heart. I feel like going crazy..." With these words he let himself lose control of himself as he busied himself in kissing and nibbling her lips and neck.

His hands caressed every parts of her body. But quickly opened the buttons of her shirt and flung it open to reveal her beautiful curves in front of his eyes. He took the semi-exposed bosom of hers in his hands and pressed at them with a little force leaving her gasping loudly.