Only Beats For You**

After hours of travelling in the mountains and then at land, Old Master Ken couldn't sleep anymore and stared at Deyna sitting beside her.

It was Chief Physician's request to him, to help Deyna until her memory is not back. The woman seemed to be of the same age as Arya and the rest of his granddaughter-in-law's age.

He and Deyna tried to convince the Chief Physician to come with them but latter refused, saying he would wait for his final days in that village helping more people.

According to Deyna, Doctor Song had only a week more to live.

"Chen, make sure that the evidences we got can still be used. If the lab here is not useful go outside the country and find a better one." Old Master instructed Chen who was in the front seat.

"Yes Old Master." Chen answered then his phone rang and it was Omni who reported that the boys had safely arrived in the Mansion.

He spared no time and instructed Omni to monitor the status of clearing out Shawn from his connection at the underworld.