I Love You**

Dean instructed the maid on the door to send food in the room for them and call them down only when his grandfather was home. He was wearing his bath robe while he instructed the maid and came back soon after. He didn't want to waste a single moment of togetherness with his beauty.

"I think its better if we go down for lunch to eat with everyone. This is so embarrassing. They will all tease me to death when I will go down." Rita murmured as soon as the helper left.

Dean laughed removed his bathrobe and climbed on the bed to cuddle his wife.

"Nah, they will understand. Besides, I'm the sacrificial lamb that will suffer being alone inside that house so I must make the most of it or else I will die inside for missing my soft, cuddly, beautiful pillow so much." Dean protested as he buried his face in Rita's chest.

She gasped from the sudden attack on her love struck wolf on her breasts.