Pee Break

Old Master Ken was back from his meeting and he had found out everything about Shawn's birth. He summoned all the family in his study and instructed the girls to take care of Deyna.

The Kens then gathered in the library where Old Master Ken waited.

Shawn and Ryu arrived in the study together and Old Master Ken stood up and hugged Shawn affectionately and possessively.

Shawn was startled when he was suddenly hugged by Old Master Ken. Then he gently released Shawn and smiled as he said, "Child welcome home. I'm your grandfather and I would be glad if you call me grandpa from now on.

Then he asked Shawn to sit beside him. He looked around and arched his brow and asked Ryu, "Where's Dean?"

"Speaking of the man on fire…" Ryu murmured and pointed his lips at the door where Dean just entered.

"Hello my hard working grandpa, are you looking for me? Your most jolly and likeable grandson among all?" Dean said smiling. He was obviously in a good mood.