Truth or Dare

"What the heck is with this kind of place for the night out!" Bernard shouted as soon as he got off from his private helicopter that landed at the location given by Dean.

It was the terrace of a big mansion at a private island owned by Ryu where he could see two more helicopters were already parked, indicating others have already arrived.

Ryu laughed and gestured Bernard to follow him.

"Well at this place no one can stalk us so it's perfectly safe and private." Ryu explained as he pressed the button for the elevator to open.

So you bought an entire island and made it a private property for your own use and leisure only. How nice… Maybe I should think of buying one too." Bernard uttered as he followed Ryu inside the elevator.

"Yes, you can tour around if you want. I will make it open for families and trusted friends only." Ryu answered grinning.

Bernard was taken aback and murmured, "So I'm considered a trusted friend already…"