Something Was Wrong

The crowd cheered her up and most of it came from her fan clubs.

"We love you Arya! Do tell us your story! We would love to hear it and even the people watching on their television are curious to know about it too," shouted the fans in chorus.

Arya laughed and said, "Alright, I will be fast and briefed. I would like to share this story because I want you guys to know everything about me..."

Then she looked at Senior Cooper first, waiting for his signal if she could continue on her speech. As soon as Senior Cooper smiled and nodded Arya smiled and slightly bowed to say thank you.

Then, she began her story on how her family had crumbled and how she was set up to meet and play with Ryu Ken… she continued and told how she eventually fell in love with him yet had to part ways with him for the sake of her family.

Finally, how Ryu found her out and trapped her in the contract… and now they were going to get married soon.

The crowd gasped…