Like A Bomb

Kay shouted, "Everyone please take out your mobiles and use the torch of your phones for light!"

Everyone followed and used their mobile phones to light the stage..

"What's going on? Where's Arya?" Denise mumbled as fear engulfed her while she clutched Shawn's arm tightly.

Shawn quickly made a phone call and Denise trembled as she heard Shawn's conversation...

"Arya is in danger, this bloody old man played his tricks again… Secure all exits and passages!" instructed Shawn to his people on the other line and quickly ended the call.

"Denise, I have to go… Stay here with mom and dad please be safe." Shawn murmured as he removed Denise's tightly gripped hands on his arm.

"But...Please… Can you please not go? Ryu will be there soon I'm sure..." asked Denise with teary eyes as fear started to engulf her whole being.