Girls Night Out

Club Zen happened to be one of the notorious clubs in the area, where the rich and famous came to have a good time. After his meeting with a few investors from the top construction company in Fort City, Alexander Zi decided to head home. The moment he left the parking lot, he received a call from his Australian friend Hunter Brown, asking him to stop by the night club for a few drinks. Feeling tired, he decided to head back to his condo to freshen up before heading there.

When Alex arrived, he went straight to private room seven. Since his friend was the owner, the workers were familiar with him and allowed him to walk right in. Hunter was talking to a few guests when Alex entered the room. He excused himself and came to greet his long-time buddy.

"Yo Zi! Thought you changed your mind. Glad to see you, bro." Hunter welcomed him.

"Went home for a bit."

"What's good mate?" Hunter asked as he pulled a chair at an empty table and motioned for Alex to join him.

At the moment he was about to reply, he noticed two women sitting three tables to their left. One had her back to him and the other was busy chatting with her. He knew the girl facing him was the heir of Luo Fashions, Sanua Luo. However, Alex had no idea why, but the girl with her back to him seemed oddly familiar.

"You know how things are." Replied Alex as he sat at the table.

Club Zen stood in the heart of the city and since it was the weekend, it took them a while to get there. The atmosphere in the room was already lively when they got there.

"Are we going upstairs to dance later?" Sanua inquired as she took a sip from the strawberry mojito in her hand.

"And if I said no, would you listen to me, your best friend?" The beauty sitting opposite from San replied and they both started laughing.

"What can I say, I need to relieve some stress." Sanua giggled.

"You can do whatever you want. Just remember I'm driving us back."

"Yes ma'am!" She saluted Zunnie trying to put on a serious face but failed horribly.

Two hours passed, and Sanua really wanted to head upstairs to dance. Just as she was about to head to the washroom, a loud voice spoke over the noise,

"Everyone the dance floor and bar upstairs are now open. You are free to head up now."

Most of the guest were waiting to go dancing because as soon as the person made the announcement, they all headed to the door. To avoid the crowd, Zunnie and Sanua decided to finish their drinks before heading towards the dance floor.

When most of the people had gone out, they stood up to head upstairs. Turning towards the stairs, Zunnie found herself meeting the intense gaze of a set of icy and captivating amber eyes. She had never seen such fierce-looking eyes. It caught her by surprise. To avoid the awkwardness, she politely smiled and nodded at the person who was staring as she walked by.


As the night progressed, Alex couldn't help but be captivated by the girl in black, with her back turned to him. It proved challenging for him to avert his gaze and each time he managed to look away, his eyes inevitably returned to her. There was something about her that sparked an intense curiosity within him. Despite not knowing anything about her, he found himself strangely captivated. Deep down, he acknowledged his lack of genuine interest, considering he had no idea who she was. Yet, a persistent curiosity lingered, driven by the question of whether she was the same girl he had observed entering the condo building he was renting. After nearly fixating on her the entire evening, he was increasingly convinced that she was indeed the same girl he had seen before.

Over the course of the night, Alex greeted several of his business partners, the majority of the people in the room. Nevertheless, his attention kept drifting in her direction intermittently. After about an hour, Hunter took the stage for an announcement. Hearing Hunter's voice through the speakers as he announced that the dance floor was not open, Alex glanced three tables to his left, only to find them still occupied. He pondered, when he had become so intrigued by someone's appearance. The entire night, he had been stealing glances out of sheer curiosity. Hoping to get a chance to see her face.

When Hunter returned to inquire about heading to the dance club upstairs, Alex was about to decline when he noticed the figure whose back had captured his interest standing up. He hesitated, his gaze fixed on her, hoping to catch a glimpse of her face. To his surprise, their eyes met briefly. Alex was momentarily captivated by her deep blue eyes. The conversation with Hunter slipped from his mind as she walked by, offering a polite smile that revealed her perfect white teeth. Even after she was gone, the faint yet sweet scent of her perfume lingered in the air.

"What are you smiling at bro?" Hunter erupted his thoughts.

Alex was so dazed, he didn't realize that Hunter had stopped speaking and was now staring at him like he was crazy.

"Nothing," he replied not wanting to give himself away.

"So, are you coming upstairs or not?" Hunter queried once more.

"Mhm.." was all he muttered.

Alex along with Hunter and the a few remaining guest headed to the dance club on the second floor.