A Dream to Remember

When Alex arrived upstairs, his eyes surveyed the room looking for her. There was something about her that intrigued him and wanted to know more about her. How old she was, what did she do for a living? He wanted her to be someone he was familiar with. Would she speak to him if he approached her?

'She would probably think I'm a flirt. What does her voice sound like?' He wondered, as he kept his eyes peeled toward the crowd, searching for her figure.

Unable to locate her in the bustling room, Alex eventually gave up. He spent an hour catching up with Hunter. Another one of his close friend Juno Langu, whose family owned a chain of luxurious hotels across the country had also joined them.

The exhaustion from his busy day becoming evident, Alex decided it was time to leave. On his way home, his mind lingered on the brief moment their eyes met and the enchanting smile she had bestowed upon him. Doubtful that he would encounter her again, he pushed the image to the recesses of his mind.

Alex arrived home at half past twelve, fatigued from the day's activities. After a quick shower, he headed straight to bed. As soon as his eyes closed, he succumbed to sleep. The weariness in his bones ensured that he drifted into dreamland almost immediately.

Deep in his dreams, he met the beautiful girl he had seen earlier. He had been looking for her everywhere since that night at Club Zen but could not find her. After a week of searching, he finally saw her and invited her over for dinner which she accepted. They chatted over a delicious dinner cooked by him, then watched a movie afterward. During the movie, he couldn't stop peeking at her as she watched the screen. 

Unaware that he had been stealing glances, Alex found himself repeatedly drawn to her presence. Each time she shifted, he would quickly avert his gaze, pretending to focus on the television. Only when he noticed she had settled would he allow himself to look back, studying her features intently.

His eyes fixated on her pink, cherry-red lips adorned with a subtle gloss. Alex involuntarily swallowed as his gaze traveled downward to her throat. Delicate skin met his eyes, and he couldn't help but wonder about its smoothness. His eyes made their way to her chest and rested on her C-cups. Her chest was rising in a rhythmic tune. He closed his eye and swallowed once more as his heartbeat gradually became erratic. When he opened his eyes, they were filled with lust.

He slowly reached out for her waist and pulled her close to him and inhaled her familiar scent. Placing his hands on her chin he tilted her head and brought her lips to his, tracing it with his warm tongue.

'Mmm, they taste sweet.' 

He parted her lips with his tongue after running his tongue aver them a few times. He poked his tongue into her mouth, teased hers and nibbled on it. Tracing her bottom lip her processed to kiss her. His actions must have excited him because she returned his kiss.

Eager to devour her, his hand slide under her blouse and caressed her left side through her brassiere. Feeling her circular firmness under the white lace, he unhooked her bra and cupped her bareness, massaging them pleasurably. Breaking the link between his lips and hers, he pulled her shirt over her head, then did the same for himself. Alex stared into her deep blue eyes then seductively examined her smooth skin with his hands. Slidding down into her pants as if he was searching for something in there, he locked his amber eyes with her deep blue eyes. Without uttering a word he understood the look in her eyes. He removed any barrier between their bare skin, lifted her up from where she had been sitting and gently laid her on her back. Planting his throbbing lips onto hers once more he kissed her passionately until he was out of breath and had to pull away.

The beautiful girl bit her lip as she reached her hand to rest them on his shoulders. Her actions pleased me.

Just as he was about to thrust himself into her, his alarm went off. Still groggy from his dream, Alex picked up his phone and hit the 'stop' button to his alarm. Under the sheets, his shaft stood erect and throbbing.

"What in the actual hell was that dream all about." He mumbled as he got up.

In the shower, an around Alex let the cold water run down his flaming hot body, cooling off his desires.

'How can I have such an explicit dream about a girl I've only seen once?' 

Stepping out of the shower after his body relaxed he got dressed then drove toward Zi mansion for brunch with his grandparents.