Meet the Parents

As he peeked over at Zunnie from the corner of his eyes, Alex could tell she was nervous. He had been worried that his grandparents would disapprove and felt a bit unsettled.

Alex had gotten their marriage certificate done the day after they had dinner with her family. Since Zunnie was legally his wife, he couldn't wait to show her off.

He squeezed her hand and whispered;

"Honey don't worry. My sister also said they'll love you." He tried to calm her down.

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go in." Even though she was nervous, it had to be done.

She held onto Alex's hand and followed him through the mansion. The moment they walked in an older lady who looked to be in her seventies came to them.

"Alex, your finally here. I've been waiting all day." Old Madam Zi exclaimed and turned to face Zunnie with a smile, "Is this the lucky woman?"

"Yes, Nana. This is Zunnie Bai the heiress of the Bai family." Alex said proudly.

"Ah, you're quite beautiful Zunnie Bai." Old Madam Zi's eyes lit up and took Zunnie's hand from Alex and walked her to the sitting room for tea.

"Thank you, Mrs. Zi. It's nice to meet you," replied Zunnie.

Old Mrs. sat Zunnie on a luxury sofa and served her some tea. She stared at Zunnie and couldn't help admitting the Zunnie was one of the most beautiful girls she had ever laid eyes on.

"Alex has never brought anyone home, so I'm rather surprised to see you here in the flesh. At first, my husband and I thought he only mentioned he was seeing someone to stop us from inviting him to dinner with potential wives. I'm glad he finally took our advice and found someone to love."

"I'm honored to be the first girl he's brought home. My father said he's business friends with your husband and knows the Zi family very well."

Zunnie nerves slowly relaxed when she noticed how sincere Madam Zi was being. Having a great judgment of character, she could tell the old lady was truly being honest. She smiled and nodded as she listened to the older lady who was elegantly sitting across from her.

"Yes, my husband is very fond of Wan Bai. You may not remember but we came over to the Bai manor a few times when you were just a little girl. I'm sorry about your mother."

"Ah, I don't think I remember. Thank you but it's been a while so we're okay now."

"Alex go fetch your grandfather, dinner will be served in then minutes." Madam Zi ordered her grandson.

When Alex disappeared, Madam Zi looked up from the cup in her hand. "So, what do you like about my grandson? He's cold and likes doing things his way. He can be very difficult at times."

Zunnie blushed when she heard. She chuckled and said;

"Mrs. Zi if I must admit, I honestly like everything about him. He's bossy and yes, he likes having his way, but these points are less significant in comparison to his good qualities. If I can deal with troubled persons every day and can't handle my husband, then I have no right to claim and marry Alex." Zunnie proudly replied, shocking Old Madam Zi.

"Ha-ha, I like you, Zunnie Bai. What is it you do?"

"I'm flattered ha-ha. I am actually a counseling psychologist."

"My, my, that's very impressive. Next time my husband is nagging me about how much money I spend on tea leaves, I will send him to you for consultation." Mrs. Za as she giggled.

Zunnie was amazed at how outgoing Mrs. Zi happened to be. When Alex told her about his grandparents she had been expected them to be traditional and authoritative. However, speaking with his grandma mother, she couldn't be more wrong. They two ladies were enjoying each other's companionship when Alex and his grandfather walked in.

Old Mr. Zi went directly toward Zunnie.

"Come dear let me have a good look at you." Old Mr. Zi gave a hearty chuckle as he waited with arms extended for Zunnie to stand.

"Ahh, Marie she's grown up beautifully. I remember you when you were a little girl. Wan must be proud to have such a good-looking daughter who looks just like his wife." He complements as he clasped Zunnie's hand.

Mr. Zi, I'm sorry I don't remember you. I'm glad to finally meet you." Zunnie flashed her usual heartwarming smile.

"Call me grandpa, you make me feel young calling me like that." The old man chuckled, locked arms with Zunnie and ushered her to the dining area.

Everyone had been busy getting settled at the dinner table when the doorbell rang.

"Are we expecting anyone else?" Alex asked a surprised expression on his face.