
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because the reality is finally better than your dreams." Dr. Seuss

"Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love." Mother Theresa

The now third most popular actress in Una City smiled and closed the journal in her hand after she read the quotes by Dr. Seuss and Mother Theresa. Natalia Omalu came across the two quotes the week before, whilst browsing through Twitter and saved them for inspiration.

She had been extremely busy with work and could not make time to come to the Zi's for dinner or even message Alex. Shooting the movie in Italy went well. The movie would be released the following year in January.

Even though Talia felt hurt that Alex had rejected her first love confession, she was still hopeful. After arriving from Italy on Monday she decided to head to the mansion for dinner. She had not seen Alex for a month and really missed him.

Filled with optimism, Talia waited for Wednesday to see him. She knew Alex frequently went back to the mansion for dinner on that day and arranged her schedule, so she could visit the Zi mansion around dinner time.

She stepped out of her car, walked gracefully to the door and rang the bell. When the housemaid opened the door, there was an astonished look on her face which Talia noticed.

"Miss Natalia welcome. Does Madam Zi know you're coming today?" She welcomed Talia nervously.

"No, I wanted to surprise her. I just came back on Monday. Is anyone home?" Talia replied, entertained.

"Well, they're about to sit down for dinner, Madam Zi did not tell me you were coming…" The housemaid replied not sure whether to invite Natalia in or send her away. She knew Natalia had feelings for the young master of the house but right now he was about to have dinner with his fiancé.

Before the housemaid could continue, Talia lightly tapped her arm and winked;

"Mara it's okay. I came for dinner, I know they eat at that time."

Mara could not refuse and tensely led Natalia in, even if knew that should be scolded, Natalia would explain her unannounced visit.

When she walked in, Talia had not been expecting anyone other than the Zi family. She took a quick glance at the familiar face sitting next to Alex and greeted the everyone.

"Ah Talia, what brings you here unannounced." Madam Zi's sweet voice broke the silence.

"I wanted to surprise you since I only got back on Monday. Plus, I haven't seen Alex since the last time he drove me back to the city. Oh, am I interrupting an important dinner? I had no idea you would be having guests. I can always come back tomorrow." Talia explained.

She stood at the entrance and hoped that they would let her stay since Alex was there and she had driven herself. She had not seen him for over a month and as always, her heart began pounding every time she stared at him.

Madam Zi glanced over to where Alex sat whispering to Zunnie.

"Alex, would it be alright if Talia joined us for dinner? She drove all the way here to see us and I would feel bad to send her away seeing we only started eating."

A conflicted Alex gazed up at Natalia then back to his grandma and nodded.

Natalia seeing Alex nod, gave a bright smile. Without delay, she strolled over to the table and sat in the chair across from Alex and eyed Zunnie.

It was a good thing she had not seen them holding hands beneath the table, or her heart would have shattered.

She knew Alex never brought anyone home and was curious about the incredibly stunning woman sitting next to him. Talia wondered if Mr. and Mrs. Zi had invited another woman for him to meet and couldn't stop herself from saying;

"Hello, I'm Natalia Omalu. Please to meet you. I believe I saw you at the Bai Entertainment gala."

Even though she knew that Zunnie is her boss' sister, she acted as if she had no idea of that fact. Her inquisitiveness as to why Zunnie was at dinner and sitting next to Alex seemed more important.

Zunnie was about to reply when she heard Alex speak.

"Talia, this is Zunnie Bai, the heiress of Bai Entertainment Corp. She's also my wife." Alex said proudly and turned to smile at Zunnie who had been blushing because he wouldn't stop stroking her thighs under the table.

Zunnie looked over to where Talia sat with weird expression in her eyes. She ignored what she saw and said;

"Hello, please to meet you. I saw you at our company's gala as well. I trust that my brother is treating you well, seeing how popular you've become in the industry. Congratulations."

A speechless Talia could only nod.