Behind the Tantrums

The following morning when Talia woke up she felt the bed for him, but he was already gone. She got out of bed, stepped into the shower and took a quick one. Today she was meeting with her therapist and she wanted to act her part. It was becoming such a bore seeing that man but she could not stop unless her parents were dead.

No one except her parents knew of her secret and she liked that. She had moved away from Alex because she was becoming infatuated with him and the attention he gave her innocently. Before she left for high school Talia had been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder.

Day after day, she became boastful and self-centered causing trouble for her parents and their employees. She ignored people's feeling and needs and always wanted to be the center of attention. She became entitled, even if she was the only child and all her parent's affection and attention were already hers.

As she got older and her feelings for Alex began to grow. Talia became preoccupied with fantasies of being successful to the point where not even Alex could leave her.

Her first tantrum was during high school when she did not place first in her class. She had everyone in the classroom bully the girl who did, pushing her to transfer to another school. She wanted to be superior in any and everything.

After noticing her erratic behaviors, her parents forced her to see a therapist, telling her that they would take away her inheritance if she refused.


Talia admired herself in the mirror before heading down to the kitchen for breakfast. To her surprise, there was a warm plate with pancakes, eggs, and bacon with a cup of coffee. There was a note next to the plate which said,

"Good morning baby, thanks for seeing me again, see you soon, Robert."

When she saw the name at the end her face turned ugly. She picked up the plate about to dump it in the trash, along with the note but her stomach began rumbling loudly. She sighed, sat on the kitchen stool and ate the breakfast.

"Today I'm going to do my best, as always." She whispered with a smile as she checked her schedule for the following week.

A few moments later she was ready to head out when her phone rang.

"Dr. Pouh, don't worry I'm on my way." She said the moment she picked up.

"Ahh, Talia, I'm sorry I'm going to have to reschedule our session. I have a family emergency today and won't be able to make it out to your session. However, I did schedule you with a very close friend of mine. Would that be okay?" The male voice spoke.

There was silence on the line before Talia angrily replied.

"Today is my day; what exactly is more important than seeing me? I got ready and I'm on way out. What therapist reschedules their patient? Am I not important to you? Shouldn't I be first?" She roared in the phone and ended the call without waiting to hear what else the therapist had to say.

The phone rang a second time in her hands. She let out a sigh of relief to calmed herself then picked it up.

"What, did you conclude that seeing me is more significant?"

"Talia please calm down. I can schedule you for later in the afternoon. My daughter is really sick, and I need to take her to the hospital."

"Can't she go alone? Why do you have to cancel my session for that?" Talia replied with no empathy.

"My daughter is only seven, so no, she can't go alone. I will see you at four in the evening. Is that alight." He replied to her.

"Forget it, I don't feel like seeing you anymore. Who's the referral therapist?"

"I'm sorry, I re…"

"Save it! Hurry I don't have all bloody day. Who am I going to?"

"Y-Yes, umm her name is Dr. Zunnie Bai. She's renowned for her psychotherapy methods."

"Forget it, I'll find something else to do. See you next week Dr."

She hung up the phone and paced back and forth infuriated that her time had been rescheduled.

"There's no way I'm going to see that bitch, she stole what belongs to me. Wait till I get Alex back, she's going to regret ever opposing me. I'm the best and only person for Alexander Zi. We've loved each other since childhood." She was rambling on when the phone rang again.

"What the fuck Dr. Pouh." She shouted angrily into the phone.

"T-Talia, are you okay?" Tami's voice could be heard on the other end.

"Ah, it's you. What's up?"

"We're going out for brunch and shopping after and wanted to know if you wanted to come."

"Sure, I will be there. Where are you guys eating?" Talia replied happily as if she had not just had a mental war.

"We're going to Clara's Breakfast and Lunch Bar. Do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, I'll make my way. See you."

She ended the call and went back to her room to change her outfit.