Calm Days Ahead

When Zunnie and Alex arrived in the dining room for breakfast her father was already there. The pair nervously walked into the room like two teenage lovers who had done something bad and was about to get scolded.

Alex squeezed her hand to comfort her as they approach Papa Bai.

"Good morning Dad," they echoed through the room simultaneously.

"Ah good morning you two. Alex, it's nice to have you for breakfast. I trust that you both slept well…" Wan Bai said with a smile.

"Y-yes I did," Alex replied nervously.

"How did you know he slept over?" Zunnie asked curiously.

"Ha-ha, you both walked in with that look like you've done something bad. But I did see you sneaking your husband in late last night pumpkin." Mr. Bai perked his brow, amused at the married couple before him.

Zunnie cleared her throat before speaking, "Oh, it was a surprise visit. It was too late to let him drive home, so I asked him to stay…"

She began explaining making her dad laugh loudly startling them.

"You don't have to tell me pumpkin. He is my son in law and your husband. You guys remind me of my younger days with your mother. Oh, what fun we had together." Her father smiled and continued to jelly his toast.

"Okay dad, I'll remember that." She replied taking a seat.

"Hey, dad what are you doing today?" She asked him, recalling the conversation she and Alex had earlier.

"I have plans with an old friend later. Do you need anything?"

"Alex thought it would be a good idea to take you out to dinner. Can you make it?"

"For my son in law, yes I can make time." Wan Bai grinned at Alex to show his approval.

"You're welcome, I just think that since I'm part of the family, we should spend more time together." A pleased Alex replied.

He was impressed with how easy-going Wan Bai was. He had always heard good things about him but after meeting him in person and getting to know him, Alex understood why he was admired by many.

"Yes, I agree. I am throwing a Christmas party next week, please make sure to attend with your sister. I have not seen her since she had the baby. I've also asked your grandparents to come." Wan Bai continued to say.

"Sounds like it will be fun. I'll be sure to let her know."

"So what time should we go out for dinner?" Zunnie asked.

"How about we seven thirty," Alex replied to which she and her dad agreed to.

After breakfast, they both drove back to Lake-view condos in their respective vehicles. They parted ways, since Alex had to go to the office and Zunnie, had a therapy session.

Lately, she had been receiving an unusual amount of emergency sessions, specifically during her weekends. On her way to the office she smiled as she remembered how happy she had been to see Alex outside. She never once thought he would surprise the way he had and that made her feel special.

She was waiting on the elevator when she got a call from Dr. Pouh. He was an older therapist she had worked with on many cases. He had also recommended a few patients she had been seeing.

"Dr. Bai sorry to be informing you this late. I need help with one of my scheduled patients. I have a family emergency and was wondering if you had time to meet with one of my NPD patients. I'm not sure how she will take it, but I will call her to inform her if you agree. She's not to the point of no return but she doesn't see anything wrong with her actions. As we know her information and personality disorder is confidential but I trust you as a fellow therapist. If the session is successful, I would be happy to let her see you period. What do you think; can you see her?"

The patient Zunnie had to meet with, happened to be two hours later so she decided to help her good friend.

"I have two hours before my scheduled session. I will gladly help you. Just send me an email with the details."

"Ah, thank you, Dr. Bai. Let me find out whether she's willing." Dr. Pouh ended the call and called the patient.

Zunnie had just walked into her office when she got another call from him.

"Dr. Bai, I'm afraid she's not happy with the change. I'm sorry for taking up your time. Let's have lunch sometime. Maybe you can help me with this patient in the future since she's becoming a handful. I would also like your input on how you would treat her."

Zunnie was not surprised that the patient had declined. Most patients don't like changing their therapist once they've established a bond. However, she was interested in that patient because she had not met anyone with narcissistic personality disorder.

She agreed to meet Dr. Pouh for lunch and talk about NPD further. After ending the call she went to read a few files and took care of some documents she had planned to look over while she waited.