To Love is To Sacrifice

Two weeks turned into a month and a month turned into two months. It was May and Zunnie had not woken up from her coma.

Alex, on the other hand, had been discharged from the hospital and was back at work. Even though his injuries had healed, the only pain he felt was in his heart. He had lost weight and his staff has been complaining that he had become grumpier and stonier than he generally was. He couldn't help it. He did try being as pleasant as he could. However, knowing he would not be going home to her warm hugs and cheerful smile, he felt empty.

Wanting to be with her all the time he decided to spend his days at work and his nights at the hospital. Being next to her comforted him and even though her paleness was slowly disappearing, not seeing her smile or hearing her voice left a void in his heart.

Alex had the hospital transfer Zunnie to a bigger bed, so he could sleep next to her. Her body was still warm which meant that she was still alive.

Hugging her tightly but carefully, he cuddled closer to her ear and began whispering sweetly in them.

"Honey it's me. I've been working hard to catch whoever is responsible for hurting you. I'm sorry for not being able to protect you. I am vowing every day to try harder. Ah, I have lost a lot of weight, but I still look handsome. I'm still strong enough to carry you, so don't worry." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Eyan said Carson is still working on the video footage. He's busy but he's doing his best. By the end of the week, we should have clear footage of the accident and anything else on the camera. I'm really glad I put them there. If I had told you, you probably would have said that it's not necessary. So, I'm glad I installed them. Your dad had lost weight as well. I think we all have. Nyo came to see you today. Did you hear him? He's gotten taller and even cuter. He gets mad when we call him cute. He says he's good-looking and handsome. 'Cute is used for girls.' Ha-ha, his exact words. He's quite the charmer honey. He misses you and never wants to leave your side when it's time to go home. He's doing really well in school. Can you believe he finally decided on becoming a painter? He's maturing, and you'll be proud. Your hair is short now honey. The long red-brown hair you had is gone. The doctor had to cut it to treat your head injuries. It doesn't matter though, because it will grow back. I do love your long hair, but I'll let it slide just this once." He paused and gently stroked her face.

After stroking her face for about five minutes he continued speaking.

"Honey, I really miss you. I have a surprise for you when you wake up. Open your eyes if you want to see it. I know you love surprises, you'll love this one. Oh, I found the ring you bought me. I was going through your things and found it. I like it, you know what suits me the best. You should have hidden it better so even if I emptied your closet I couldn't have found it. I'm also wearing it. Please, don't be mad that I ruined the surprise. You're always thinking of me darling and I love that about you. Please wake up. I miss you so much." Alex's voice began cracking.

He stopped speaking and closed his eyes to prevent the tears that had welled in them from falling. Trying hard to stay strong for her and control his emotions, he felt something lightly brush his hand. Thinking it was the sheets, he ignored the sensation.

He reached to her side and placed his large hand over her palm as if he were transferring some of his energy to her.

As time went by in the now quiet room, his tired body began to relax from the long day he had at work causing him to sleep.

That night Alex had a wonderful dream. His dreams took him back to the days when Zunnie was alive. The first time he had seen her walking into the building. Not only did he see her face in his dream, but he had followed her and caught her. She was beautiful and had the most heartwarming smile. She was telling him that everything will be alright.

When Alex woke up from the dream it was four in the morning. He peered down at her, caressed her face and smiled. He closed his eyes and went back to sleep unaware of the frail fingers that were wrapped around his.