Even the Slightest Change Matters

The following day Alex woke up later than usual. He slowly opened his amber eyes and glanced over at Zunnie. Her eyes were closed. Her long eyelashes were still cute and even if her head was wrapped in bandages, she nonetheless looked gorgeous. The scars she had gotten on her face from the shards of glass had faded. Rubbing that scar cream the nurse had given him really did work.

He glanced at her head and worried if she would forget him, forget the time they had spent together and all the wonderful memories that had created.

Alex couldn't help worrying that she possibly would wake up and not remember him. He frowned as the thought dawned on him, anger riling inside him.

The person who had initiated all this and was responsible for her pain would definitely feel her pain but twice as much.

As the hunger for revenge clouded his mind, a cold and vicious aura filled the room.

He pulled his eyes away from the bandages and stared at her face instead. He stroked her face and used his fingers to trace over her smooth and flawless skin. Watching her calmed his anger and a sweet warmth replaced the cold aura.

Today he was spending his entire day with her because he had no meetings and could get his work done without going to work. The previous night, he arranged for Zhang to bring all the work he would need to sign and finish to the hospital.

"Good morning honey." He kissed her on the lips as he said so.

There was no reply, but he continued speaking.

"I am spending the entire day here with you. Don't worry I asked Zhang to bring my work here seeing as I have no meetings today."

Alex sat up and was about to get out of bed when he noticed her frail fingers were clinging to his hand and became ecstatic.

"Honey it's me, Alex, your darling husband. Are you awake? Can you hear me?"

When there was no response he pressed the button next to him to alert the nurses.

The nurses were only a few meters down the hall so they arrived in no time.

"Mr. Zi, is something the matter?" One of the nurses said when they walked in.

"I-I-I think she's waking up. Look…" Alex said and pointed to the hand holding his.

The nurses too starting chatting amongst themselves.

"Call the doctor. We need to check her vitals ASAP."

The moment he arrived, the doctor had Zunnie's vitals checked, they were good. He then scheduled her for an MRI scan to ensure that her brain activity was on par with her movement.

Alex had been so happy that he had forgotten to call her family. When they wheeled her off to get the examination done a few minutes later, he called Eyan first.

"Hey bro is everything okay with sis?" Was the first thing Eyan asked him when he answered the call.

"Yes, everything is good. They took her to get an MRI scan. This morning when I woke up she was holding my hand, she was really holding my hand. Maybe she's finally going to wake up." Alex could not contain his excitement as he informed Eyan of the news.

"That's fantastic. I'm going to call dad. He's probably on his way over there as we speak. I'll be there soon."

Then both men hang up their phones. Alex was glad that he had been sleeping next to her or he would have missed her first movement. He paced the room impatiently as he waited for any good news. Her holding him had to mean that she was waking up right?

He moved to the hallway, to see when she was returning and continued patrolling fervently. He had his back turn to the elevator when he heard it ding. Alex hurriedly spun around about to run towards it when Wan Bai stepped out.

He let out a sigh of relief bummed that it wasn't her, but happy that it was her dad. He had lost so much weight that his clothes were loose-fitting. Maybe this good news would warm his heart.

"Son, where is she?" Wan Bai asked the moment he reached him.

"They took her for an MRI scan. Why don't you wait inside?" Alex placed his hand on his shoulder and ushered him to a chair in the room.

Wan Bai obediently sat on the couch but his hands suddenly began fidgeting. Alex could tell he was nervous and reassured him;

"No matter what they say we will be alright. I know deep down that she will wake up. Let's be hopeful."

He only earned a nod from his father in law and went back to pacing the hallway. He too was nervous and understood what her father must be feeling. His heart pounded against his chest as if it were a caged vicious animal wanting to get out.

Alex tried to control his breathing, but it was futile. His throat became dry and he could feel a lump bulging in there. He walked to the water cooler a few feet away from the elevator and gulped down a few cups until he felt better.

Feeling helpless he did not return to the room but stood in front of the elevator so that when the door opened, he would be the first thing they saw.