A Jealous Husband

The next morning when Zunnie woke up, she was sore all over her body but that did not stop Alex. The moment her eyes flew open, he attacked her planting kisses her all over her body. Before she could protest he slowly entered her with his erected manhood.

She gasped when he did. She was really sore from the countless times he had fucked her but her dear husband had not had enough.

Her body instantly got excited when his movements became faster and a few minutes later they climaxed together.

They were laying on their back trying to recover. But that was short lived because Alex hurriedly got up from the bed and picked her up princess style. Thinking he was taking her to the shower, to get ready for work, she smiled up at him, happily.

To her surprise, he turned on the water, got in with her and began kissing her.

"I'm really sore darling; can I get a pass today? I don't want to be tired at work." She protested but it was futile.

He bent her over and slid inside her from behind. Even though he was gentle, his actions were different. She couldnt help thinking... 'He must really want to get me pregnant.'

Unable to get through to him she decided to let him enjoy her. Though she was sore he always excited her, and she couldn't help touching the sky with him for what seemed like the thousandth time in the last twenty-four hours.


She glanced over to where he stood while she covered all the visible kiss marks. He had not said a thing to her all morning. She knew he was brooding about something, but she couldn't figure out what. Curious about it, she decided to pick his brains.

"Did you have to do this to me?" She frowned as she looked over at Alex he was buttoning his navy blue dress shirt.

He chuckled and continued ignoring her.

"Darling, I know you heard me. I will place a ban on you if you do this every time." She scolded him.

When he was done tucking his shirt inside his pants neatly, he turned to her then creased his brow as he spoke,

"I don't see why you're covering it up. I placed it there for a reason!" He said, sounding upset.

Zunnie was amused, I was only teasing him yet he's getting worked up.

"I was only teasing you, Alexander, there no reason to get upset."

"You're not allowed to call me Alexander. I'm your husband…call me baby…"

Zunnie burst into laughter when she finally realized why he was upset.

"Are you acting jealous right now?" She turned to face him, but he immediately avoided her piercing gaze.

"Why would I be jealous, you belong to me. Why should I be jealous about it?"

'Jealous about it…' She replayed what he said in her mind trying to decipher any hidden meaning.

Zunnie racked her mind, trying to figure out what he meant but couldn't.

She was busy putting on her shoes when her phone buzzed. It was a lunch date reminder. She turned to Alex as if she had been struck by lightning.

"So, this is it. You're pouting because I'm meeting him for lunch today. Darling, you're jealous because I'm having lunch with another man? And you put all those kiss marks all over my body last night because you knew. How did you find out? Let me guess, Carson called you…"

She waited for him to respond but he pretended to be oblivious about what she had just mentioned and continued ignoring her presence.

"Alright fine…you don't have to reply. I'll drive myself to work today since I have plans later." She teased him some more.

She grinned when she saw him freeze for a brief moment then continued putting on his shoes.

'He-he, a jealous husband is so cute.' She thought, tickled by his behavior.

On the drive to work, Zunnie was happy she got to witness another cute side of her darling husband. She giggled ad the image of how dejected he had looked when she drove away.

"Who would have thought that Mr. Bossy, Ice Cold Alexander Zi had this adorable side to him when he was jealous." She mumbled driving into her usual parking spot.


"Good morning Dr. Bai, Dr. Pouh is already waiting in your office. Here are your messages and one of your patients canceled her appointment. Her son is sick and her ex-husband refused to stay with him while she steps out." Her secretary stated as she walked toward her office with her.

"Oh, what a shame…Send me her information later. I will give her a call at the scheduled time." She replied before stepping into her office.

"Good morning Dr. Pouh; it nice to see you again." She greeted her good friend when she walked in.

"Ah, Zunnie, when will you stop calling me Dr. Pouh." The older man replied with a smile.

"I respect you and you've been a great mentor; How can I ever be informal?"

"My, my you're stubborn. But I like it. Shall we begin, I have to leave soon." He got straight to the point.

She smiled and pulled a file from her desk and sat opposite Dr. Pouh.