A Jealous Husband

"It was no mistake that I sent you that file. I wanted you to have a look and tell me if there are any techniques you would use to treat a patient like her. Or even give me a hand in treating her. I'm at a crossroad with Miss Omalu and the older I get the more tiring treating her is becoming. I wouldn't mind if you treated her in my place. I like your innovative treatment methods."

"As much as it enthuses me thinking about all the methods I can utilize, there is a conflict of interest. Miss Omalu is not very fond of me, and getting her to agree to see me would be asking her to walk on sharpened knives. She won't agree. If you can get her to come then, by all means, I'll willingly treat her. However, the chances she may agree are very slim."

"Ah, what a shame. I guess there is nothing I can do about it then." Dr. Pouh was downcast by her revelation.

"I can do some research on her case and come up with a treatment plan then hand it to you, but she can't know of my involvement."

"I guess if she isn't fond of you there is nothing we can do about. With her personality disorder, there's no way she would accept you, but I will try convincing her nonetheless."

Dr. Pouh chatted with her for an hour then went about his scheduled plans.

When he left Zunnie browsed through Talia's file again. After a few minutes, she picked up the file of her next patient and began getting ready for her session.

Zunnie was unable to focus after a while because thoughts of Alex kept flooding her mind. She sighed then picked up her phone to call Alex. The phone rang three times before he picked up.

"Honey, what's up?" He sexy voice made her heart beat quicken.

"Nothing…I'm just calling to see if you're still brooding."

There was a long pause, so she called out to him,

"Darling? Are you seriously still fussing? It's just lunch, nothing is going to happen. Do you want to come as well to see I'm not going to cheat? Maybe then you won't give me the silent treatment."

Zunnie had no idea Alex already knew exactly what was going to happen at the lunch date.

"Okay, I'm going to hang up." She tried to trick him to see if he would say something to her and sure enough, he did.

"Honey are you busy right now?" He finally spoke.

"I'm seeing a patient in thirty minutes, I'm getting ready."


"I will head back to work now."

"See you soon…"

Zunnie ended the call and went back to reading the files. She had been reading for three minutes when she heard a knock on the door. Thinking it was her secretary she called out for her come in and continued reading without looking up.

Usually her secretary would speak immediately when she walked in; however, there was no sound. Zunnie raised her eyes from the file and was stunned when she saw who it was.

"How come you're here? I had no idea when you said see you soon, you meant in less than five minutes. Why didn't you say you were here?" She smiled at him her cheeks flushed like a child in a candy store.

"Then you wouldn't have looked this happy to see me." Alex walked over to where she sat and pulled her up from the couch.

"Darling, did you already go to work?" She was curious.

"I was on my way there, but I missed you." He embraced her and kissed her cheek.

"Why didn't you talk to me this morning. Are you that jealous?"

"I'm not jealous. I just don't like the idea of my wife meeting another man for lunch. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well he said it was something personal, I couldn't say anything because I was respecting his privacy. I am a counseling psychologist when someone asks to speak with me, I always consider their privacy. Plus, you said he's been helping you find information regarding the accident; I thought this would be a good opportunity to thank him."

"You're right…but let me know if anything happens."

"You sound like a dad speaking to his daughter who's about to go on a date. It's not that serious darling...its just lunch. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Eh, A dad? Let me show you something." He tilted her chin and kissed her passionately for what seemed like five minutes.

Her lips were throbbing with pain when she pulled away. She frowned then creased her brows;

"You're naughty. I'm at work, save your punishment for home."

"I got carried away, I will see you at home then. Don't stay for more than an hour. Have a good lunch and make sure to tell me everything at dinner tonight." He smirked as he walked out of the office.

"What am I going to do with this jealous husband. I can't believe he did this in my office." Zunnie mumbled as she walked to the bathroom in her office to inspect her lips. It was not as bad as she had imagined. She put on some more lip tint then walked to her desk to get ready for her session.