Chapter 10 - Time travel or flashbacks?

Emma's mother rushes to the hospital, the runs are numbers and numbers of room, but she cannot find Emma's room, the hallway feels endless, but she kept running. Finally, she finds her room, room 307. "W... what can I expect... I... I don't know...." Emma's mother thinks to herself as she is trying to hold back the tears. She walks into the room, but the bed was empty, Emma was not there... she double checks the door, "this is Emma's room, I am sure about that... maybe I should... I... guess wait" Emma's mother told herself. She sits down on a chair, waiting impatiently, she is tapping her legs in the ground to try and relax, because she is too nervous, not even a minute passed by, a middle-aged looking doctor came into the room, he began talking "okay so Emma..... wait, where is Emma" he asks, "I... I wish I knew..." answers back Emma's mother. "Wait a minute... Rachel? Is... is that you!?" the doctor remember, "wait, Harry? Hello!" answers back Emma's mother Rachel as they hug, "it's so nice to see you!" says the doctor, "yeah you too" answers back Rachel, Emma's mother, "now if you excuse me I have to go to find where Emma is for her medication, and I am assuming you came in to see her, right?" says the doctor, "yeah, I came to visit her" Rachel tells the doctor, "anyways, you can follow me then!" the doctor tells Emma. Emma's mother followed the doctor, until they stumbled across the nurse that was taking care if Emma, "Diana (the nurse) would you know where Emma is?" asks the doctor, "umm... yeah, room.... 205" answers the nurse, "oh why there... anyways, thank you Diana" the doctor praises the nurse. The soon begin to move again, and all that Rachel can do now is hope that her daughter is alive in the hospital.

Emma wakes up in a darker room than her room that she is staying at, but it was not too dark. Emma's head begins to hurt again as her eyesight begins to go blurry, "why is this happening to me again!?" Emma says to herself and she begins to clench her teeth and grip the blanket with her hands as she closes her eyes shut. With every pulse, the pain increases, she can feel the pain getting sharper and sharper as her forehead begins to sweat. "Please... somebody help me" she whispers, over and over and over again, tears begin to go down her cheeks, "please... help me" she whispers again. Suddenly, Emma lost the grip of the blanket, she opened her eyes and stopped clenching her teeth, the pain was slowly going away. She relaxed, lying on the bed for a minute or two before raising her head to inspect the room, she saw two chairs that were empty, "where is everyone?.... Jenifer?.... Tom?" she thought to herself, but then Emma's head collapsed back down to the pillow, she felt powerless, weak, she didn't have energy, she couldn't stop her eyes from closing, she fell back asleep. Emma could hear quiet voices of children getting slowly louder and louder, suddenly, a flash of white.

"Smile!" says a deep male voice, "come on Emma! Smile!" says a light girly voice, "open your eyes, Emma," Emma tells herself. She opens her eyes, with disbelief, "d... dad?" asks Emma, "yes honey?" asks the deep male voice, "oh... nothing" answers back Emma, "okay now... smile!!" says Emma's dad. "Very nice girls! This one is a keeper for sure, can't wait until mom sees you two!" says Emma's dad, "yeah! Come on Emma lets... Emma?... are you okay?..." asks the little girl, "this is not happening... I... I" Emma begins to speak, but stumbles upon words, "what? Is everything alright?.... You look pale... do you want some water?" asks the little girl, "no... I... I need to sit... I..." Emma begins to speak, but she just cannot speak the words out. "This has to be a dream... I... I don't know what else it could be, but it feels so real...I... I remember this...." Emma tells herself. Emma and the little girl go to the couch and sit down, "w... who are you?... may I ask?" asks Emma, "I... am Samantha... your best friend...I will assume that you were only joking there about asking me about my name... are you?" says Samantha, worried. "Yeah... I... I was... haha, got you..." Emma says, forcing a smile, "how can this be happening!? My father.... he is here!? I feel like I went back in time... but that is impossible... right?" Emma talks in her head to herself, "what date is it today Sam?" Emma asks Samantha, "it's.... the.... 24th of June, why?" Sam asks Emma, "okay what year?" Emma asks Samantha again, "you kidding?..." Samantha tells Emma, "just answer my question please..." Emma pleads Samantha, "it's 2014... and you have lost your mind..." Samantha tells Emma, slightly feeling worried. Emma opens her eyes wide, "this must be a dream, it has to be a dream, how the fuck could I then explain me going back 4 years in time... this is getting weird" Emma thinks to herself, "woah Emma, your's bleeding" Samantha points out Emma's nose bleed. Emma begins to blink rapidly as she lowers her head down towards the palms, "my head!? It hurts!!" Emma shouts as she falls on her knees to the ground, "Emma!?" Samantha calls out as she goes down to grab Emma. Emma could hear Samantha's voice echo and she could hear loud footsteps approaching her, but then *BOOM*

Thunder hit a tree near Emma, she was lying on the grounds getting more and more wet from the rain, from all of a sudden she twitches and raises her head a bit, "where am I? What's happening?" Emma talks in her head, "I have to get out of here" she adds. Emma tries to stand up, she first stands on her left foot before gaining more support with her right foot, she puts her hand over her face to reduce the wind, rain and flying debris from going into her eyes, "hey... look, there is... a walkway... ahead, let's follow it and see where it leads to.... I... I guess" she tells herself. She begins to walk forward, but the wind and rain make it hard to walk and see what's in front, the rain begins to intensify, as lightning lights up the sky and loud thunder echos through the air, Emma begins to move up a slope. She was suddenly brought down to her knees by an abrupt shaking of the ground, "is... is this an earthquake!?" Emma says out loud as she begins to worry. The ground around her begins to crack, she tries to stand up and get away from the circle that was just after cracking, but it is too late, the ground that Emma was standing on collapsed bringing her down below the surface... Suddenly! *wakes up*

Emma wakes up in an empty classroom, in the middle of a large thunderstorm, she looks around as she raises her head, "why the fuck I am here now!? What is happening? Where is everyone?" Emma tells to herself with a horrified look in her eyes, she stands up and begins her way to the door, she opens the door of the classroom and goes out to the long glass corridor, she looks to her left, straight away so begins to move to her right, she can see a red liquid in the ground and a light flickering vigorously embraced by the darkness. She then proceeded to look to the way that she was heading, the right side, she sees that it's brighter than the left side, she can see the principals office at the end of the corridor, about fifty meters away, she also spots to her excitement, a door that leads outside.... she tries to open it but it is locked, "I hope I can find the key to this in the principals office then, right?" Emma asks herself, she proceeds to the door of the principal's office and opens the door calmly, she suddenly began to feel paranoid as she entered the office, but a colourful calendar caught her attention, "25th if October 2016... Halloween" Emma tells herself, she then saw the principals chair facing away from her, "s... sir? We need to get out of here... sir?..." Emma tells the principal, as she is walking toward the chair, she reaches the chair and slowly begins to turn it around. She quickly steps back as she sees that her principal is sitting on the chair, dead, with a large slit across his throat. She quickly goes out of the room and begins to walk down toward the classroom where she woke up in when suddenly she sees a large and fat figure coming from the corner down where the flickering light is, and it saw Emma. The figure began to run towards Emma, getting faster and faster, as it appeared and disappeared, the figure was a huge monster with mushy, grey skin that had a really big hammer in its right hand, when the monster reached Emma, it swung the hammer as Emma placed her hand in front of her and screamed, right before the hammer hit Emma, there was a bright flash of white and a loud sound of glass breaking.

*deep breath* Emma opened her eyes, she is back in the hospital, tears run down her face as she begins to think if what just happened, " what the fuck!? I almost died to that monster hit me with that hammer, and... I... I also saw my dead friend and my dead father in my dream, I remember taking that picture... *heavy inhale and exhale* I miss you dad and Samantha" Emma whispers to herself. She sees her mother, Tom and Jenifer asleep in the room she feels relieved that she is back to reality.