Chapter 11 - Sweet Surprise

Jenifer suddenly wakes up and coughs, she looks at Emma, "Emma! You are finally awake, you worried us so much!" said Jenifer as she approached Emma's bed, "how long was I knocked out for?" asks Emma. "I am not sure for how long, but when I came into this room you were here sleeping, and that was about 3 hours ago" said Jenifer "but are you feeling alright now?" asks Jenifer, "my head still kind of hurts, but not as much, it was so weird, I felt weak... and dizzy" Emma answers, "wait... why are you crying" Jenifer asks as she notices that Emma's eyes are red and her cheeks are wet, "it's... it's nothing..." Emma tells Jenifer as she tries to convince Jenifer that everything is alright, "I don't think so Emma, tell me, please, we are like best friends" Jenifer tells Emma, "okay... I feel like this will weigh on me heavily, so yeah... while I was zonked out, I... I *begins to tear up* oh god... so, I.. I don't know... I know that it was a dream, but it felt like reality, you get me?" Emma tells Jenifer, "yeah I get you, it's like a dream that feels so real but like its impossible, I have those too" Jenifer tells Emma as she tries to comfort her, "you don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to, I hate to see you hurt, crying, but if you want to tell me, then okay" Jenifer adds as she hugs Emma, "I'll tell you, I feel like I will feel better, anyways, I have a dream of how I saw my dead dad and my dead friend, well back then we were best friends, but yeah.... *begins to cry* they seemed so happy! My father took a picture of us two, it just breaks my heart, that I will never be able to see them in person, to hug them... why does life have to be so fucking hard sometimes..." Emma tells Jenifer as her voice trembles, "it's okay Emma, besides, you got us now, I don't mean that in a mean way, but we are still here for you, and besides, even Samantha and Dan are still with you" Jenifer comforts Emma, "thank you, Jen, I am so lucky to have a friend like you, and I mean it, thank you for being there with me" Emma tells Jenifer as they both hug, "and remember, I hate to see me best friend sad and crying, because it will make me cry too... see..." Jenifer tells Emma as she begins to tear up too, "awe don't cry please" says Emma as she hugs Jenifer, "thank you" Emma adds.

10 minutes pass before Tom and Rachel wake up, "Hey guys!" Emma says as she wakes happily at them, "my child! You are finally awake, are you better?" Rachel asks Emma as she begins to tear up, Rachel hugs Emma, "I am better now mom, I feel better than I was before, don't mean to sound cliche, but it's true" Emma tells her mom, "well that's good... also, look who else is here, this young man" said Emma's mother as Tom came to the other side of the bed, "I know him!" said Emma with a funny tone, "I know you too" said Tom back to Emma. "Since we are all awake, or partially awake, who needs some coffee since I am going to get some for myself" Tom offers, "I think that everyone needs coffee, pfff" Jenifer jokes around with Tom, "I mean, I want a frappe" said Emma, "ohhh you mean what type.... makes sense" Jenifer realizes, "I'm sorry I'm still sleepy, anyways, I'm gonna get... a frappe as well" Jenifer said, "and you, Miss Scheinfield?" asks Tom, "oh nothing, I actually have to go to work very soon, but thanks" said Rachel, "okay then, I will be back... soon" said Tom as he went out the door, "what a fine morning, sky is clear... it is it just all the condensation on the window" said Rachel as she looked out the window, "I'll see" said Jenifer as she went to the window, "it sure is condensation" Jenifer told Emma and Rachel just before she wiped the window, "jeez.... look at that!" Jenifer said with excitement, "what?" said Emma with anticipation, "it's snowing!!" said Jenifer happily "what!?" Emma squeaked in surprise. "Isn't that ni... *phone rings* ... it's Diana, I have to take this" said Rachel as she went outside the room to answer the phone, "sweet! It's snowing, I love snow" said Emma as she sat up, "Hey girl, you can now sit up!" said Jenifer with excitement, "I told you I felt better!" Emma said "watch this!" adds Emma as she stands up. "Careful Emma!" Jenifer warns her, "do you have some music on your phone?" asks Emma, "umm, lemme think... duh! Why do you think I have Spotify then? What song?" Jenifer tells Emma, "any happy song please, I just wanna be more happy, you know" Emma tells Jenifer, "that's my girl! Let's go!" Jenifer plays 'Party in the USA' by 'Miley Cyrus', "let's go, girl! Shake that butty!!" Jenifer tells Emma as they both dance, they both laugh, smile, and cry tears of laughter, suddenly the door opens and Jenifer quickly turns off the music, "what's going on here!" Rachel asks pleasantly surprised, "Emma, you know that you have to stay in bed" Rachel adds, "but mom, I'm feeling better, way better!" Emma tells her mother, "I see.... but.. please just be careful, okay?" Rachel warns Emma, "what else was I about to say.... ugh.... ah yes, I have to go now, Diana said that she is having an 'urgent problem' you know, wine on the carpet is bad, but not urgent" Rachel tells Emma and Jenifer, "ahh, drama queen, tell her that I love her and miss her please" Emma tells Rachel, "will do, now, you two be careful, okay?" Rachel tells Emma and Jenifer, "okay, bye mom!" Emma waves at her mom, "also I'm gonna come back after work since straight after Diana's I'm going to work, call me if you need anything, okay?" Rachel tells Emma, "yes mom, don't worry, I'm not a child," Emma tells Rachel, "I... I know... it seems like you were a child yesterday... anyways I'm off" Rachel says as she leaves the room.

"What are we gonna do now?" Jenifer asks Emma, "music duh!" Emma tells Jenifer, "you sure?" she asks Emma, "yes Jenifer.. I'm am sure" Emma tells Jenifer "okay," Jenifer tells Emma as she turns on music, "let's go!!" Emma tells Jenifer as they both begin to dance, "hey, I wonder where Tom is?" said Jenifer, "yeah me too, he is missing out!" Emma said laughing. Then they both hear a loud knock, the doors opened, it was Tom with the coffees, "okay girls, calm down, I got the coffee!" said Tom, "thanks Tom" said Emma, "yeah, thank you" said Jenifer. Jenifer leaves the music on in the background as they drink coffee and talk to each other, "so tell me, Tom, how's sixth year?" Jenifer asks curiously, "well, it's not as bad as they say it is at least, maybe it is for some, but for me it's easier than I thought" answers Tom, "do you get to go on any field trips?" Emma asks Tom, "Ummm, well none for now, but I heard that we are meant to go to West Ireland like Sligo or something, so it shall be fun" answers Tom, Emma was about to ask another question, but was interrupted by a knock on the door, Emma's doctor came in, "Emma, how are you?" asks the doctor, "I am very good, the best I have felt in a long time believe it or not!" Emma answers, "yeah, I see, you sound more happier, and to make you even more happy, we can let you go out if the hospital in 2 days, I was told in a week, but we double checked you analysis, and 2 days should be fine!" said the doctor, "thank you so much doctor!!" said Emma said excitedly, "no problem!" said the doctor as he went out of the room and closed the door, "that's great news Emma!!" said Jenifer, "yeah! Now we can take care of you, or maybe just me, we will see..." said Tom smiling, "stop... now" said Emma joking around, "why Emma? Why you gotta break my heart" Tom sings to Emma as Emma begins to blush, "awe, stop... I'm blushing!" said Emma, "okay... I think I will just wait outside" Jenifer said, "KISS HIM!" Jenifer mouths to Emma before she stepped out of the room, "well she left" Tom said beginning to laugh. "I will go too then, to leave you to rest" Tom said, Emma is beginning to panic... "Tom wait.. please?... Can you stay... I'm feeling... lonely... please?" asks Emma. "Sure... what's up?" says Tom as he sits down on a chair, "no, can you come a bit closer?" asks Emma, "okay" says Tom as he moves closer, "closer?" asks Emma, "enough" asks Tom with a confused look in his eyes, "a bit more closer" Emma tells Tom, "okay, can I try something?" Tom asks Emma, "sure" Emma says confused, "okay close your eyes" Tom said to Emma, "okay" said Emma as she closes her eyes, "wait" said Emma "can I try something else?" she adds, "sure" said Tom more confused, and quickly Emma gives Tom a quick kiss, that turned into a long make out, they tongues touching as Tom pushes his lips into Emma's lips.