Chapter 12 - Emotions

"I just cannot believe that like... we already kissed and yet we barely know each other" Emma says, surprised, "I know, I know what you mean, but it just felt right to kiss, I don't know, was it a stupid idea?" Tom tells Emma as they reflect on their relationship. "I honestly don't know, but one thing that I managed to get out of this is that you are a great kisser" said Emma, "and so are you" said Tom back to Emma, "so, should we begin to talk about ourselves, introduce ourselves to each other?" Emma asks Tom, "I... I don't know, I feel like I know you well, in a weird way, but then also I kind of don't" Tom explains to Emma, "you know, I went out with many girls, and none of them made me feel this way like you, which is a good thing btw, I just wanted to put that out there, you know" Tom adds, "does that mean that we can be something more, I mean we already kissed, so... does that mean?..." Emma asks curiously, "I wish I had an answer, but I just don't want to assume, I think it's way too early, besides, it was our first kiss, anything can go wrong is you look at it from a realistic side, not that I want anything bad to happen" Tom explains to Emma. "I... I know... but I just feel like you are perfect for me... you know... not that I want to give you that pressure that you have to be with me, it just a feeling" Emma tells Tom, "but for now I know that I love you, and it just came like suddenly" Emma adds as she comes closer to the edge where Tom is sitting, "I feel the same way about you too Emma, believe me, but I am just scared to begin anything serious yet, it's way too early, please understand, I don't want you to be brokenhearted is something actually goes wrong" Tom tells Emma, "because you are with someone else, it that it?" said Emma as she went back to her place, "no Emma, I told you, I am single, I would have told you that I am I'm a relationship with someone else if I was in a relationship with another girl, okay?" Tom tells Emma in a calm tone. "Then why don't you want me and you to be together, I mean, you told me that you love me, and I told you that I love you, what are we waiting for?" Emma thinks to herself, "also I have to go now to get some work done, I'll let you think a but about this, okay?" Tom tells Emma as he come in for a kiss, but Emma moves back, not accepting the kiss, "will a hug do then?" Tom asks with a smile on his face, "maybe later..." Emma answers back with a dissapointed look in her face, "text me when you are not mad at me, okay?" Tom tells Emma, "how would you know whether I am or not mad at you?" Emma asks Tom, "relationships Emma, relationships" Tom answers Emma's question, "and remember, I am doing this for our sake, for our future relationship, just keep that in mind, okay?" Tom tells Emma as he walks out if the room. Emma gets a sour feeling, "ugh... "just wait".... wait for what?" Emma thinks to herself.

A minute later, Jenifer comes in with a smile on her face, but it slowly began to turn into a frown as she saw Emma on her bed, sad, "what's wrong Emma? How did it go?..." Jenifer asked hoping that it at least went in some way well, but she began to lose her hopes as she heard Emma's typical loud and angry inhales and exhales, "never mind then... don't worry" Jenifer comforts Emma. "I think he hates me" Emma said as she began to panic a bit, "don't be ridiculous Emma, I could see it in his eyes, he has some feeling for you" Jenifer tells Emma, ".... just tell me what happened, okay?" Jenifer adds, "okay" answers Emma, "so... we did kiss-" Emma begins to explain but she gets interrupted by Jenifer "holy cow, really!? How was it, was it good?" Jenifer asks excitedly. "Well to be completely honest, it was not that bad at all, he is a pretty good kisser, I noticed, and yeah, he is different, which is what I like" Emma explains to Jenifer as her tone slowly began to become more and more happy. "Why do you then think that he hates you, tell me?" Jenifer asks Emma, "I mean, you guys have kissed and you probably told him how you love him and blaby blady bla... tell me" Jenifer adds. "This will either sound stupid or just... make no sense" Emma begins, "it's okay, I'm used to that... coming from you" Jenifer jokes around with Emma, "okay I see... shade...." Emma jokes around with Jenifer, "okay, but now for real" Emma adds, "I... don't know, I feel like I'm not important to him, he wants to take it slow, like I get it that we are still like very new to each other, but like... I'm just scared that he is lying to me about being single, he manages to convince me in front of him that he is single, but there is a little piece of me that is like no... do you get me?" Emma explains to Jenifer. "Okay, now, don't get me the wrong way, but are you jealous?" Jenifer asks, "what?" said Emma worried, "are you jealous Emma, you can tell me if you are, it's perfectly normal, don't worry" Jenifer tells Emma, "I... I literally don't know, I feel so many emotions, but if I was to guess I will just say maybe a bit..." Emma tells Jenifer, "yeah, I see, the way you speak makes it seem that you are disappointed that Tom in a way declined you" Jenifer explained to Emma, "but hey, I could be wrong" Jenifer adds. "Ahh, I just hope that something good will happen at the end of this... I don't know...." Emma tells Jenifer, "and.... I... I think it's my first time that I am scared that a relationship could go wrong" Emma adds as she looks at Jenifer with a terrified look in her eyes.