Chapter 19 - The Crash

As Emma opens her eyes, she finds herself in a bright place, filled with people, she is lying in a bed, and next to her left is her father, his eyes are still closed, "w... where am I?" Emma asked herself as she slowly looks around, "oh crap, my head is sore!" Emma thinks to herself as she clenches her teeth and fists. "Are you feeling better?" asked a soft female voice to her right, when she turns around, facing the nurse, she gives a small nod, "that's good, but don't try to stand up yet, let your body rest" the nurse said in a relaxed and a believable tone, "okay, I'll let you rest now, I wish you a fast recovery!" the nurse said Emma as she walked away from Emma's bed. Emma lays back and closes her eyes, slowly the noises she heard from around her began to quieten down, they became more, and more quieter until Emma could not hear anything, she fell asleep.

Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder woke her up, as rain fell on her, she was saturated in rainwater, "w.. why am I here again?!" Emma says out loud, as she looks around her in terror. The lightning lights up the dark, windy and stormy night, and the claps of thunder break the silence and disturb her thoughts. "How do I get out of here? I want to just go back" Emma says to herself as tears mixed with raindrops roll down her face, "I... I guess that I should go that way" Emma mutters under her breath as she looks straight at a clear path, "seems like it goes on for miles..." Emma thinks to herself as she begins to walk. Minutes separate each thunder strike close by Emma causing her to jump a bit, "This is crazy... I have never seen a thunderstorm this strong, Dublin sure does get some pretty nasty thunderstorms, but this is just over the top" Emma thinks to herself as her eyes grow wider and she clutches her teeth, she is scared for her life. Suddenly, Emma passes by a sign, that is covered by a large jacket and a scarf, "this... this could help me to see where I am perhaps?" Emma thought to herself, as she began to reach her right hand out towards the jacket and the scarf, her heart began to beat stronger, she can hear her heartbeat in her ears as time seemed to slowly begin to slow down, the rain droplets began to slow down, as the lightning, that was spreading across the sky began to slow down, Emma looked up and around her as she saw that things began to slow down, she looked around in disbelief, "what is happening here?" Emma asked herself with a very confused and a concerning look on her face. Emma looked back a the sign as she focused back on the sign, "okay Emma.... just take the jacket off and see where in the actual world you are...." Emma told herself as she began to again reach out to the jacket with her right hand, finally, she touched the drenched jacket, as she grabbed on to it, she could all the rainwater going down her fingers, but she began to pull to herself, at first she tried with a little force, but to no success. "How heavy is this jacket," she tells herself as she begins to pull with more and more force, slowly the jacket began to raise from the sign. When the jacket unveiled the entire sign, that was when Emma dropped the jacket on the muddy ground. She begins to concentrate on the words on the sign, "Wait... so, I can read the 'welcome to' part.... but it looks like the place name is smudged by.... by something" Emma reached out to the sign, as she touches, she runs her wet fingers over to the place name, "is... is that mud?" Emma tells herself as she looks at her fingers a that she pulled to herself, she looks back at the sign and reads out, "Welcome To..... no, no, no.... this can be! This.... this is not Dublin! This cant be Dublin!?" Emma shouts out loud as she looks around herself with a very worried look in her eyes, but then, suddenly, lightning strikes within meters of Emma.

Emma suddenly woke up to a very dusty place, she is still in her bed, she can see people running, trying to look of an exit, she can hear planes flying low over the shelter that she was in, she looks to her left, only to find that her fathers bed is empty, with the blanket on the floor, suddenly, a nurse runs to her and tells her, "we need to go now, okay? I will help you, can you walk?" the nurse asks Emma, concerned and in a hurry, "I.. I don't know" Emma answers. "Well, we will have to find out," said the nurse as she smiled at Emma. Suddenly, they could hear a person running towards them, after a few moments, the face of a soldier emerged from the smoke, a familiar face. Emma opened her eyes widely as she thinks to herself "Tom?".

The soldier grabs Emma by her arm and forces her to stand up on her legs, "easy, please, she is hurt" said the nurse who is standing beside Emma, watching the solider and Emma. Finally, when the soldier pulled her off the bed, she collapsed to the ground as she began screaming in agony, "her wound is open!" screamed the nurse as she looked in horror, she quickly looks the surrounding, before not disappearing into the smoke, the puddle of blood is getting bigger and bigger. "You... you could have been... been more.... gentle.... you know!" said Emma as she embraced her leg to decrease the bleeding. Suddenly, the nurse re-emerged from the smoke with a needle and some stitches, "okay, honey, this will not hurt, okay? Now you are going to have to turn around on your stomach, okay?" The nurse told Emma as she aided her with her turning around on her stomach. Suddenly, Emma began to feel light-headed, as she felt her eyes begin to close, and her head began to lower to the ground. Without any warning, Emma could feel the sharp and thick needle piercing through her skin, Emma could not help but scream in agony, as the nurse kept, forcingly, stitching up her wound. Finally, one of the most painful munites in Emma's life, came to an end, as she felt relieved when she could feel the nurse wrapping her leg up.

It was not long before the soldier lifted up Emma onto his shoulder and they began to move. All that Emma could see is smoke, and frequent flashes of light, until... everything became pitch black.

The whirling winds, loud helicopter sounds and bright light woke up Emma as she could barely see anything, everything was blurry for a minute, until, her vision came back. It took her a moment or two for her to realize where she actually is, she saw so many faces from the helicopter where she was sitting in, but one of them was extremely familiar, "is... is that?...." Emma began to think to herself as she blinks a few times. "Is that dad!?" She said under her breath as she looks at his face and the who soldiers who are dragging him by each arm until they suddenly came to a halt. Emma's vision slowly began to blur away again as she leans her head by the helicopter door. She jumped up abruptly as she hears a gunshot, and when she looked at her dad, she can see him collapsing to the ground with a bloody bullet hole in his chest. "Dad!?" she shouts as the helicopter begins to lift off. Tears roll down her face as she looks down at the floor of the helicopter before screaming out at the top of her voice, "DAD!?". She cried, but suddenly stops when she heard a soldier shouting, "Bomb!?".

Suddenly, a huge explosion rocked the battlefield as the helicopter got caught in extreme turbulence and began spinning around uncontrollably as if fell from the sky towards the ground, suddenly.....

"Emma? Emma, can you hear me?" she heard a faint voice, as she began to open her eyes. "She is awake!" another faint voice said, as blurry faces approached her.