Chapter 20 - The Safe Place

"Emma? Can you hear me?" asks a sweet female voice.

"Give me a slight nod if you can" she adds as she can feel a hand, resting on her forehead.

She does, she tries to nod.

This was the last thing that she remembers before everything went black again.

She suddenly wakes up, lying in the grass, she looks up, seeing the beautiful indigo sky.

Moments later she sits up and looks around her, but she cannot see anything from the long grass.

She then decides to stand up on her feet and finally, she can see the horizon filled with beautiful trees and swaying grass. Everything seems so happy here.

She turns around and suddenly stops as she sees the biggest looing tree of them all that she could see around her. It's up on a hill.

She begins walking towards the tree and she begins to walk up the hill. It took her multiple more meters till she reached the large tree.

She walks up to the thick tree trunk but suddenly gets attracted to a sound, sound of laughter, joy, happiness.

She realized that it is on the other side of the tree trunk, so she takes a few more steps before peering out. What she sees will make her heart pound with joy and make cause her eyes to tear up.

She could see people, elders, adults, young adults and kids, the kids playing tag, running around, while the rest are talking with each other, laughing together, smiling.

Emma begins walking down to the crowd of people, the people still don't notice you, they keep on talking to each other.

Emma can see the kids running towards you, and when they reach her, they would separate into the groups, running in front and behind her. When they pass her, they rejoin back into one group. Emma watches them in joy, "play together, kids, be free, stay free" she thinks to herself as a tear runs down her right cheek.

"Emma?" a familiar voice calls her.

She quickly turns around, suddenly facing a familiar face, "dad!?" she calls out as she runs into his arms.

"H... how are you still alive?" she asks him, as she hugs him tightly. But he does not answer.

She can feel his hand stroking her head.

"I... I saw you die, dad..." she begins, "they shot you... killed you..." she said as she began to cry more and more.

She could feel another touch on her left shoulder, "Emma?" her dad calls her name out again, as they begin to separate.

"Yes, dad?" she says as she wipes her eyes.

"Behind you is a person that I want you to see, he saved you..." her father adds.

Emma looks at her father with a confused look before turning around to see who is behind her. She began to feel nervous, but something was telling her not to worry, to keep calm...

When she turns around, she sees the figure, a familiar figure, "dad, that... that is you... in your army uniform..." she said, turning back to her father.

"Emma..." her dad begins talking, "that is... *inhales* it is not me..." he dad adds looking at the figure before looking back at her.

"What do you mean dad? That is you, you saved me, from... from that hospital... remember?" Emma explained to her dad, "you have to remember" she adds.

"This is my grandfather Emma..." her father tells her as he looks at him.

"He served in World War... and sadly passed away, the enemy captured him and shot him..." Emma's father explained to her as he looked back at her.

"He is my..., my great grandfather?" Emma asked, surprisedly.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind colliding into them, beginning to build up, becoming stronger and stronger.

Both her father and great grandfather looked up into the sky. Emma looked at them both of them before looking up at the sky.

She could see grey clouds building up, covering the beautiful indigo sky. The winds keep on building up as leaves begin to fly across the grey sky.

The people who were once smiling happy, talking to each other, are now running for shelter as torrential rain begins falling.

"Something is not right..." her father says, looking at Emma before coming to a realization.

"Emma... you need to go back... you can't stay here..." her father tells her as he looks at her, "okay?" he asks her.

"Why? To go back where?" she asks, "where are we?" she asks him again.

"There is an unbalance in Nature..." her great grandfather tells himself as she looks at Emma before looking up at her father.

"What is happening? Please tell me?" she asks them.

"Emma, listen to me, okay?" her dad asks her.

"Yes dad?" she answers him looking him in his eyes.

"You are not meant to be here, Emma. I don't know how you managed to come here, but you have to go back, you are not meant to be here..." he tells her as she holds her by her shoulders.

He up at the hill, and could see something shining by the big tree.

"We have to go up there..." he tells them as they all follow Emma's father.

"Where are we?" she asks her father again.

"Somewhere... somewhere where you are not meant to be... you are meant to be on Earth, with your mother, not here..." he answers her as he looks at her for a second before looking straight at the big tree.

Emma looks at her dad nervously as she tries to process the information...

"... I'm I... dead?" she asks.

"You are not meant to be dead..." her great grandfather told her.

"You need to go back, okay, your mother still needs you... please," her father tells her as they reach the tree, with a glowing door in front of the trunk of the tree.

The weather intensifies to a storm, as lightning can be seen and claps of thunder can be heard, mixed with torrential rain and gale force winds.

They managed to walk over to the door, with the father opening the door.

"Dad!?" she calls out.

"Don't worry Emma, we will be here safe, you need to go back to Earth, okay?" he tells her as he holds her hands.

"Your family and friends need you much more than you actually think, don't worry about us here, we are safe here, okay?" her father explained to her, slowly letting go of her hands.

"But I don't want to leave you... dad, I miss you so much!" Emma tells him as she breaks down.

"Listen to me Emma, honey, you never left me, nor have I left you, I am right there with you back there on Earth. I can see your every move and everything you do" he explains to her as he tries to calm her down.

"I am so sorry dad..." she tells him as she gives him one last hug, sobbing into his shoulder.

When they separate, she begins to walk towards the door, right before she enters, her dad calls out her name, "Emma!".

She turns around, facing him.

"Tom is not a bad choice," he said, smiling at her, trying to keep his tear in.

Emma forcingly smiles back as she cries and nods.

"... Tell him I said hey" her father adds as he begins to bite his lip, to keep his tears in.

"I love you so much dad..." she tells him as she walks into the door.

"We will be waiting for you here Emma!" her great grandfather shouts out to her before everything suddenly flashes white, and everything calms down. The wind and rain stop, as the Thunder can no longer be heard.

The rays peering through the blinds of the sunset cause her to open her eyes, she looks outside and sees the beautiful indigo blue sky.

Tears begin to roll down her eyes, as she can feel her heart beginning to ache.

She turns around the opposite way and could see her mother, Jenifer, Tom, and a stranger.

Jenifer was the first one to see her awake, she runs over to her and gives her a big hug as she begins to cry.

Emma feels powerless, but she manages to get enough power to wrap her left arm around Jenifer as Emma begins to sob too.

She could see her mother and Tom approach her from the other side of the bed.

"Thank you god that you are alive" her mother mutters as she looks at Emma with griefing eyes as tears roll down her face. It is the first time that Emma aw her mother cry.

Tom comes closer to her as he softly strokes her left arm, trying not to cry.

Suddenly she could see the stranger above her head, "Hey Emma, I am Tamara by the way".

Emma looks at her, confused.

"I am Tom's new girlfriend" Tamara adds, giving Emma a slight evil grin.

"I am so sorry, I got to go now, bye Emma," she says as she walks away, "Tom, you coming?" she adds looking back at him.

Feeling like he has no choice, he walks goes off to Tamara. They go out of the room, leaving Emma, her mom, and Jenifer in the room.

"I... I thought you loved me... Tom..." he tells herself as she looks at the door, with more tears running down her face.

*The End of Volume 1*