My tongue was disabled like my senses and this time my sharp instinct was dwelling at home. This was the most critical situation in my life because I have bothered my boss at first day.

"Misses Ash! You can go out if you are not feeling well."

His triumphal smile was boosting my own assumption of being "FIRED ON FIRST DAY". I converged my attention to the smile and got a clue that this man has link with me. If he had any link with me then why is he not telling me. What is stopping him to tell me about us. His accent is what I am well familiar with. Might be he is acquainted with me too but he is acting like stranger. I decided to discuss about these mind games with Mary. She might know my past. She is the one who could tell me what I was going through. I alerted myself for the interview because I needed this job badly.

"Sorry Sir! I am good so there is no need to put it off. I am ready."

"Nice to hear you say sorry. This is what I needed to hear from you since last years."

"Excuse me! what are you referring to?"

"There is nothing left to refer to. This is my office and I don't want my shitty past to play with me like this. I think you won't mind if we discuss our business not ourselves."


His mobile rang and he excused me. I did not know what was going on with me. It was like I was on a foreign island messing with strangers. I found it apt to go back to apartment. I was broken inside to core with my head pounding severely.

It was mid of the day when the door bell rang. I opened the door and saw Jenn with Anaya and Tommie. All were smiling at me. I accidentally looked into Anaya's eyes and felt an intense pulse in my brain like the day I have seen her first time.

"Mom! Mom! Mom! Where are you? See mom I have got first prize. Where is Tom? Mommie! Show me up please."

"here I am my babygirl in the kitchen. Come over here."

"Mommie! What happened to your face?"

"I was baking cake for my baby girl so gradients have grafted my face."

"Look Mom! I have got first position"

She was holding small Tom in her hands and loving her. I encircled the two in my arms creating a protective cage.

"I love you so much Mom!"

"love you too both."

I fell on my knees before Anaya, Jenn and Tommie. I started to cry out loud. The tears ran consistently from my cheeks. The battle was intense. My heart was at war with my brain. Everyone became nervous because I was silent since I opened the door of an apartment with short episodic cry.

"What happened?"

"I just had gotten a flashback and it says that Anaya is my daughter."

I wiped another tear trickling from my eyes. I knew what I was saying was making no sense because I knew Jenn was mother of her.

"I think you need some rest Ash. Go and have some rest."

I shut the door of my room behind me and went straight to my bed. I grabbed my pillow with all my strengths and emptied all my tears. I fell asleep for about an hour and after that I was fully awake by the voice of Jenn as if she was talking to someone on phone.

"Ryan! Just listen to me she does not know anything. Today she got a flashback and she now knows that Anaya is her daughter. What should I do now?......................what is this non sense Ryan? You just insulted her on her first day...........what if she is right and you are wrong. Why are you consuming yourself? just talk to her ............she does not remember her wedding day and may be she had never married to yourself have parted from her after you knew that she has not taken care of your child ......….may be she is innocent. May be she don't know about Peter and you.........Ryan Ash! You know what keep yourself safe inside Royal Business Companies. I am hanging up now."

For few moments I let every insanity free from my head and talked to myself out loud:

"He is Ryan Ash. How he know about Peter Ash? How does he know me? I am mad today. I need to call Mary first."

I reached for mobile and rang Mary. She replied at second ring.

"Hellock Lunash!"

I got up from my bed and started to tread focusing on the voice.

"yes Mary! How are you doing?"

"I am perfect and you?"

"what do you think?"

"I hope you are fine and you have found an apartment out there and job too optimistically."

"why are you so sure?"

"hey Lunash! Why are you acting so rude. Is everything perfect?"

"being straight Mary…I need to know about me if you are comfortable with it."


"Do you know about my wedding?"

"yes….. you did a love marriage and you fought with your mom and dad too for it...…hhh"

"M a r y.... only truth please because I don't remember my wedding. Please help me get out of this agony Mary. I request you please."

"you were married to Ryan Ash and you had a daughter. Ryan gave your child the name Anaya Ash".

"NA" from "luNA" and "YA" from "rYAn".