Now I understood that I was recollecting my memory as I was healing day by day. I was restoring my memories which have sunk inside the dark corner of my head.
"Mary….I had a flashback today and I heard her call me Mom. I did not understand what was happening to me?"
"O really sweetheart????"
"Yes. I am emotionally disturbed and I had cooked her the birthday cake as I am planning to vanish all her complains. Today is Tommie's thirteen birthday. I remember that Tom and Anaya both shared birthdays. I had clear cut view about the day when we celebrated Tom's first birthday."
"what are you talking about Lunash? You had lost Anaya in the truck accident and you had a nervous breakdown because you had witnessed your own baby girl die before your eyes. You have went through comma of one year and you had lost your memory. But now I think you are getting worse."
"leave that because I will sort that out. Tell me another thing. What is my link to Peter Ash?"
"hhhhh…..Peter Ash is brother of Ryan Ash."
"why my mom and dad said me that I am married to Peter not Ryan?"
"I don't know either."
"Another thing is there which I want you to keep secret...…."
"I have met him."
"yes.....his last P.A. and surely the lost one met him again in his office."
"How is Jennet?"
"Mary! You bullying girl. You know Jennet?????"
"Yes! Did she not tell you that I am her closest friend?"
"Might be she is someone else's closest friend first and then yours???"
"What do you mean?"
"she talked with Ryan for the my job of P.A. at Royals. And you know what I have overheard her today talking about me to Ryan. I think you are getting my meaning clearly."
"I knew all....jennet and I vowed at your wedding that we will bind you two insane buddies together if needed. I wish you may have another flashback of your marriage....hahahah"
"Stop kidding...…."
Someone was knocking at my door. I found Anaya standing making akimbo shape with her arms. She was bare foot too as I was. She was a perfect copy. I wonder why Jennet has not told Mary about Anaya that she was alive.
"Come I have planned something for Tommie and you."
"Why for me?"
"Because you let Tommie come with me for school. Did you remember or not?"
"Yes I do my cutest."
I took her in my arms and forgot all the miseries and hardships of the day. This was my heavens. This was my daughter who was so close to me. The main door was decorated with the small sparkling lights and the floor was dancing with confusion made by lightening for one seconds and darkness for another. Jenn invited me:
"Come Ash!!!!!!"
"We are coming"
Jenn was wearing a beautiful reddish white frock and it was full length meeting the floor. She was looking like a fat princess with magic stick. She knew everything about Anaya and Ryan. Might be Ryan will come and wish our baby girl. I placed my baby girl's feet on the ground and let her walk to Tommie. Tommie was wearing nice shirt as it used to on his birthdays.
Ryan opened the door and brought bears and chocolate for Anaya and he swung her in his arms to and fro. I could hear the giggles of dad and her lovely daughter. For Tom he bought a necklace on which it was inscribed "LOVE". The necklace which I thought Peter might have bought to make me think that he cares for my Tommie too. I could see the same necklace hanging down his neck right now. The difference is of the age and time and someone's absence at this birthday. Ryan has changed. He does not care about our child and why Anaya is not demanding for his dad today as this is special day for her. I looked at her face for answer but she was happy. I moved to the kitchen for fetching the chocolate cake. This night was very important for me because after a long time I was accompanying my own daughter. As I entered the main hall I saw Anaya changed her clothes. She was wearing reddish white frock and she was looking like a fairy queen. I looked at my own suit. I was still wearing same black two piece suit with white linings. I have not changed my attire throughout a day. I threw my head to see if there was any time to change but it was already 12 o'clock. I rushed to the decorated table. Anaya was blowing the candles and she closed her eyes to wish for something. I also closed my eyes and wished that my daughter may get everything she wishes.
"Anaya! You will be surprised to hear that Tommie has his thirteen birthday today."
"O my have made him cake. Come we will cut it together."
I saw heavens converged to her one smile. I promised her smile that it will be forever and I will give her home back. I will give her dad back no matter how. I spoke to Jenn:
"Mary was asking about you."
"yes! I know you two. Why don't you tell me the part of your story."
She took my arms softly and moved me out of the apartment. Anaya and Tommie were busy with their cakes. The gush of wind flew our hairs back. She was still holding my arm.
"Ash! Ryan did not know it was you whom he was giving his new job."
"how do you know him?"
"I worked in his office and he gave me Anaya four years back. He said to me that if I needed a child. He knew that Jack and I were breaking up because I did not have got a child. I agreed to get Anaya and took promise from Ryan that I won't tell anybody that Anaya is not my child. I did not tell this even to Mary".
"Why is he not here today?"
"Because he was busy"
"Tell me the truth."
"He did not want to show up before you. He will take her to picnic tomorrow."
"Why does he hate me so much?"
"Ask him. This is your personal issue."
"Why can Anaya not recognize me?"
"I don't know."
"Did she remember anything about me?"
"I don't know."
"Do Ryan know that I am his wife?"
"I don't know."
"Is it true that you tell him about me from the start?"
"No! why should I tell him anything about you."
"Don't play with me. Just say what is right."
"He knows that you are his wife and he knows everything you planned."
I did not know that there was another knot ready to be undone.
"what everything? What planning?"
"He can answer you better. I must go inside to look my girl."