Being Happy is wrong

Karyl's POV (point of view)

This day was terrible! I still feel his hug omg! anyways I need to sleep alrrady tomorrow is another day!

[next day]

While going downstairs I heard professor Nico's laugh!

he's actually eating breakfast with my parents!

Oh no! they saw me! my mom yelled "karyl! go down let's eat breakfast!"

then professor Nico also called me "karyl come here! join us"

then my father interrupt "karyl don't be shy to your professor..."

"karyl your professor said you're very outstanding student, I'm so proud of you! " my mom said

"Wow! really? we need to buy her a new bike! "my dad said

"Uhmm Dad no need I will give my other bike to karyl" professor said...

-after breakfast-

that moment is really awkward!

While getting ready for school I heard someone yelling outside my window "Karyl! I will go to school early! that's why I cannot go with you..., take care! " Oh! it's professor Nico!

Just arrived at school and the moment last day happened again! all of the students walking looked at me and some of them is whispering

"O my gash a second year senior highschool dated a professor!? "

"That's the girl I'm talking about"

-really? she's very flirty!

"I can't believe a second year highschool dated a professor! "

While walking and hearing some whispers.., my heart beats fast and I'm really nervous, I ran to the cr with a tears in my eyes, I always remember some whispers of the student I KNOW IT'S FAYE AGAIN!..., urghhhhh I don't know what to do!

While watching myself in the mirror...

"why? why being happy is wrong? what's wrong with me and professor Nico? why everyone is overthinking just a simple picture of us?"

"well, well, well there you are the girl in the picture right? I think I need to pour a water in your head, because you're not thinking of what you're doing! what's on your head huh!"

*Faye's friend get her water bottle and pour the water in my head*

"hahahaha! Oh what are you trying to do huh?, Dating your professor is more embarrassing than being wet!..., poor karyl! " they said then I yelled to them

"I'm not dating prof. Nico! "

*faye pulled my hair*

"what did you say? You're gonna lie again?"

*showed a picture of me and professor Nico in the library*

They go outside and left me..., I'm here don't know what to do...,I'm just crying like a baby...

well I always think that I will not fight with them..,I will let them do everything they want to do..., what to do now is pray for them....

[few minutes later]

I ran and go home without riding a bike I'm just running until I arrived in the house....., my mom was shocked because it's so early since I go home and my uniform was wet...

"karyl are you okay? why you're so early?and why is your uniform wet? what happened to you!? " my mom said then I replied "Mom my uniform was wet because of the sweat, I go home without riding a bike"

"Do you want a new bike?" my mom said

I ignored what my mother said and I straight to my room and change

Karyl's Mom POV:

What happened to this kid! she go home early it's 11:26 am only..., And her uniform was really wet! maybe there's something happening in her school!

karyl's POV:

after changing my mom called me "karyl your childhood best friend and his mom will visit here get ready! " my mom said

I replied "mom? who's my childhood best friend? "

she replied "nah! you forgot you will see each other later!!! after 10 years you and maybe him really grew so fast! "

"Karyl! It's time for lunch! "

"okay mom!,comming"

while going downstairs I heard we have some visitors! maybe it's already my childhood best friend! I need to change my outfit...

-Wow kyle is that you? you're so tall! (mom's vioce)

-kyle you've change alot! you're so handsome!

oh no I'm so nervous! meeting my childhood best friend!! "oh there's karyl!, come on karyl" tita said

"KARYL IS THAT YOU?! do still remember me? " kyle said

"well I still remember you! you're so tall 10 years ago is not long haha.., such a cheater! last 10 years I'm taller than you but now...." I said

"come here karyl I miss you!" tita said and I go to her

she hug me....

[after lunch]

while going to my room kyle chase me and said "karyl you've changed alot! " then I said

" really? " *go inside my room*

I offer him a seat then we talked and he didn't changed alot because his joke still corny!

"hey karyl do you have a boyfriend? " he ask and

I replied none

then he said "okay but remember the day that you tell me that your crush is your talking with? "

I laugh and said "What you still remember that!? "

then we laugh together then

he said" if you can't catch me you're crush is me" then I reply quickly "WHAT DON'T BE ASSUMING KYLE! " he ignored me and ran outside

He's very lunatic! my gosh Kyle!..... my mom and dad and her mom watches us chasing each other like a kid they laugh..

urghhh! when kyle stops running and he is really far from me he keeps on teasing me with his face he make some wacky faces...

he saw me looking so tired

he go to me and said "are you okay? "

then I replied "do you think I'm okay? "

he replied "ohh! sorry sorry"

well I'm very good at acting after we walk going inside the house then I slap his arms and said "okay kyle I already catch you! hahahaha!"