Tear Drops and Rain Drops

I laugh so hard and I'm teasing Kyle because he looks so guilty because he thought that I have an asthma...,

well my acting skills is good haha!

While my parents and his mom is in the living room I heard that they are talking about us

"I'm so glad karyl still single, well then she is not interested at all"

"oh kyle too! he studied very well and he got some high grades"

"well I hope in the future karyl and kyle will be together forever and I'm going to cry!! tears of joy"

*my mom slaps the back of Kyle's mom*

"what are you saying!! they are just best friends...,but wait I hope too! hahaha anayways they are so cute together"

we planned to go to the living room and kyle said "Who will be the last one who goes to the living room will have a consequence! karyl deal or no deal? "

I replied "deal!! "

then we ran up to living room.....

"They still like karyl and kyle playing 10 years ago, I'm so happy seeing them happy" Kyle's mom said

"They grew up so fast but they act like a kids" my mom said

"My karyl still don't have any boyfriend since she turn 17, I'm so glad because she's not interested she focused in her studies" my dad said

While hearing some of their complement...,I was thinking what will be there reaction knowing that me and professor Nico have an issue in my school...

"karyl since you are the last the consequence is..."

kyle suppose to say the cnsequence but his mom called us "kyle and karyl come here! "

"Kyle we're going to stay here for 5 days, is that okay to you? " his mom said

he replied "sure mom it's okay!! "

my mom interrupted "You get your luggage kyle and put it in the guest room..., karyl guide kyle"


"Don't worry I hate you too but I care for you....! " kyle said

[few minutes later]

"karyl where are you going!? " kyle said I ignore him and go...,but for real I'm going to the park and just chill..., realizing all of my mistakes I love myself but I hate myself.....


Professor Nico's POV:

"Nico what comes to your mind? you're dating one of your students?!? "

"You need to resign or else this will be worse and worse! this campus will be ruin! because of you"

they said and I don't know what to say but...

"Okay I will resign...,but I'm just gonna tell this to all of you that I'm not dating one of my students! "

after saying that to all of them I get my pag and run away.

This is all my fault! I guess karyl is not okay right now.....,some of the students talked about us

why they over think some things that they don't know the story behind? what should I do I'm really inlove with karyl?

while walking going home with my bike some of the students looking at me

"Poor professor Nico..., was dropped from the campus because of his student flirting with him"

I bow down and walk fast, while walking I'm just thinking about karyl like what she's doing right now, is she okay? I didn't straight to my house I walked in the park....,Until I saw karyl walking too, what should I do? I will talk to her or ignore her?

but I can't control myself! so I walk to her and said "karyl are you okay? I'm sorry"

then she replied "what? for what? I think you and I should be strangers for now! stop pretending that you're okay, It's all my fault! why did I fell inlove to my professor! "

I was really shocked that she's inlove with me

"karyl I love you" The rain comes and I hugged her she cried and pushed me she said

"I think it's wrong! you're my professor...,I will go far away, let's just forget this day! " she ran I know it's hard for her to forget but for me it's harder, I can't take this anymore I chase her and give her a back hugged

"karyl I'm not a professor anymore the school dropped me because of what happened" I said then

she replied "Stop! what's on your mind? you say I love you to your student! remember you're 24 and I'm only 18.....,it's very wrong! If you really love me let me go, I love you but I know, we know it's wrong! falling inlove with your professor is really wrong! stop thinking that it's your fault....., I'm sorry for ruining your life"

Karyl's POV:

saying those words I know it breaks professor Nico's heart

"karyl stop! don't go! I don't know what to do without you let's just be friends don't go!" he said but I ignored him and go

I ran..,and seeing professor Nico crying and chasing me my heart is breaking through! I can't take this anymore! My tear drops is cooperating to the rain...,My tears does dropping like the rain drops, our words is very painful for our hearts..., If you love me let me go..., professor Nico was dropped in the campus because of me?, what's in my mind I fell inlove to my professor now he was kicked out from the campus because of me!

while walking in the rain I heard someone yelled my name I thought it's professor Nico but it's kyle

"karyl! why are you walking in the rain you'll be sick! come here let's go home! " oh it's kyle he even knows how to drive a car?!

"kyle is this your own car? " I ask

then he replied "no it's mom's car"