373 - 379

Chapter 373 - Bloodline Connection (**) - Part 1

"Huh…? What old hag?" Nuwa asked back confused, still not fully out of her pleasure roller coaster. She even forgot she thought about it, nothing controlling her random thoughts during her ecstasy moments.

Xuefeng tightened the embrace and he said while pouting, "You just thought about it. Saying I am your King and that you don't want me to leave you. Who told you that? I want to meet the person who speaks such lies." He was happy that Nuwa believed in him but was curious who dared to say it. The first into his mind came Yiren's grandma but he quickly let go of that suspect, knowing she would not say that.

Only then did Nuwa realise what he was talking about and explained out of instinct, anger building as she spoke, "Hmm… Remember that lady in the golden crystal that I told you about? I found her in a cave when I first went out to explore the outside world. She said she could foretell the future and she told me that my love life will be really sad. She even implied that I will age without a King."

Xuefeng searched through his memory and finally recalled one information about it as he said, "Huh? Are you talking about that free Fate Spirit? I almost forgot about her… You told me about her."

Nuwa nodded and showing an angry expression, she said unhappily, "Yes. It's her. I got really angry at her and even want to smash her Golden Crystal but I was sent away from the cave. It locked soon after and I couldn't enter again." She was really upset for a while after that but knowing the situation she was in, she somehow believed that spirit.

Xuefeng nodded with understanding before giving Nuwa a peck while rubbing her cheek to calm her down, "I get it. Don't worry. Either she was wrong or she thought of something different. If I can't be your King, I will be your husband. Maybe that's what she meant."

Nuwa listened to him but a sudden worry filled her mind. She was not willing to accept such an outcome. She hid in his chest and asked quietly, "But what if she is right and something happens to you…? I don't want to lose you…" This was probably the first time she contemplated about this subject and she could barely imagine such times, away from Xuefeng for so long.

Fortunately, Xuefeng was there for her and he quickly whispered into her ear as he tightened his embrace around her, "You won't lose me. I'm not going anywhere. Heavens will need a lot to take me away from you. Also, don't even think of running away yourself too. I'm not letting go of you even if you want to leave."

Even someone like Nuwa felt those words and smiled at him as she looked up before kissing him as she said happily, "Why would I leave you…? You are my King…"

"And you are my Queen..." Xuefeng said right after, causing Nuwa to suddenly ask while laughing upon realising something, "Hah, we suddenly got really romantic, don't you think?"

"Mhmm…" Xuefeng nodded as they returned to their special moment.

They stayed connected with their waist to each other for a little while roaming with their hands, checking every corner of the other's body. Their lips interlocked in a passionate kiss as Nuwa slowly resumed her movements, feeling the hot erection still tingling her insides.

They cooled down during their conversation so she was freer to talk as bottom lips slowly swallowed him. Nuwa separated from their kiss and while still embracing him by his neck, she asked curiously, knowing they dodged one topic, "How did you know what I was thinking about earlier...? You did not tell me about it yet…"

As if she wanted to test it, she observed Xuefeng's face and thought, 'Test test. One, two, three. Xuefeng better flee as I will eat him no matter the plea. His tree is as long as my knee and it is a key to my sea.'

Xuefeng couldn't help but laugh at her silly rhymes and she quickly called out as if she exposed him, "Ha! I got you! So you can hear my thoughts! How did you do it?" It was the first time she was met with such ability so she thought it was Xuefeng's doing. She even thought that it was Xuefeng ability that evolved from his bloodline and immediately got excited, jumping up and down on his lap to show it.

Instead of replying immediately, Xuefeng smiled and reached out to take her clip off which released her golden hair onto her back before brushing his fingers into them. She didn't know what he was doing but still followed with his demands, letting him kiss her once again as he got control over her head.

Naturally, Nuwa was surprised when, in the next second, she suddenly heard his voice inside her mind, 'Isn't it nice like this? We can kiss and talk at the same time. Hehe, I could hear you clearly the whole time.'

'Ah! This is great!' Nuwa quickly exclaimed happily, asking him excitedly once again, still thinking it was Xuefeng's doing, 'How did you do it?'

Xuefeng skimmed down towards her bottom, grasping it strongly before helping her move up and down as he replied, 'I didn't do anything. The moment I entered inside you, I suddenly happened to hear your thoughts. Hearing everything you wanted, I just stayed quiet and continued to pleasure you the way you wanted, hehe.'


"Mhmm!" Nuwa moaned after Xuefeng smacked her butt at the topmost position but she still called out to him in their connected mind, 'So you cheated! And here I was saying how thoughtful you are, tsk, tsk…'

They returned to their teasing attitude and Xuefeng said playfully, 'You were saying how much you love me and all that for a second I even thought you were cute… Ahh!' He already expected an attack but didn't think Nuwa would suddenly tighten her walls around his member while asking, 'Do you want a beating? It's Yiren who is cute. I'm not. It seems you didn't receive a Queen treatment for a while…'

This made him let out a groan but he still continued his attack, disagreeing with her, 'Nope. You are much cuter when you get angry. I can't help but want to squeeze your cheeks and tease you some more.'

Chapter 374 - Bloodline Connection (**) - Part 2

Nuwa knew he would simply banter with her so she admitted defeat and said curiously, 'Anyway, if what you said is the truth, it seems like we can hear each other's thoughts only while being connected. I never heard of that with any Elves Bloodline having such feature so it must be an internal perk of having the Royal Elf Bloodline.'

As if to test her theory, she suddenly raised her butt, letting Xuefeng's member leave her completely before glancing at him, talking to him in her mind. Seeing no reaction from him, she connected with him once again, asking right after, 'Can you hear me now?' It looked as hilarious as it sounded like but there was no other method to test it.

'Yes, I think this is the correct way. Do you think there is any other way we can use our bloodlines connection?' Xuefeng asked as he suddenly laid down on the bed with Nuwa still sitting on top of him.

While she slowly rode on top of him with their hands interlocked, Nuwa pondered over the issue but it was hard to think of the things they could test on the spot. It was naturally precedence as she didn't think any other bloodline had such a connection.

Thinking about this deeper, she laid on top of him and questioned, 'As I said earlier, there has never been a male Royal Elf so everything we are testing now is new. I have many questions like, are there other ways to connect with each other or only through lovemaking? If there are, can we use it in some other ways than just talking with our minds?'

'Or what if we can strengthen this connection and reach the level where we can communicate with each other only using our minds? This would be a great advantage for us.' Xuefeng proposed his idea which made Nuwa momentarily excited and she called out seriously, 'We will have to deeply test everything. This is important.'

'We will. There is a whole week ahead of use which we can use to experiment.' Xuefeng naturally agreed and anticipating her plea, he added right after, 'But not now. I want to finish what I started. Nothing stands between me and satisfying my wife.'

He didn't wait for her reply and rolled with her on the bed, placing her beneath him and thrust into her with power. This time she moaned but with her own voice, "Ahhh, fine…" She really wanted to test stuff right away, but feeling the returned passion in him, Nuwa didn't interrupt.


Nuwa was a hard player to beat but for Xuefeng who could literally endlessly regain his stamina, it was just a matter of time. Nuwa breathed hurriedly after coming for another time and collapsed on Xuefeng's chest without strength, paralyzed with pleasure.

Only then did Xuefeng regenerate her stamina, healing the overworked muscles and let her take a breather as he enjoyed her naked body to the fullest. Only after a few minutes of rest did she say while cuddling into his arms, "You know… After what that Fate Spirit said, I was really upset with my life and I even wanted to find myself a King to show that it's not true but after some time I started accepting it. Thinking that I wouldn't find love ever again, I focused on raising my daughter, hoping that her fate will be different..."

Xuefeng rubbed her on the back to give her courage, knowing she was confessing something. Nuwa continued after a pause, "This is why after you appeared, I wanted you to stay and transform into a Royal Elf so that my daughter can experience love. Only afterwards did I realise that I can also have you as my King. The moment I thought of that, I dove into this plan with all my heart. I wanted to prove that I will not age without one. At first, I was just playing around but later on… I really started to like you…"

Hearing Nuwa, Xuefeng suddenly thought of something, finding he should finally reveal something to her, "That Fate Spirit probably didn't expect me to appear in your life. I think I know what happened now. When she was foretelling you the future, I wasn't even in this world at that time." Only Tianshi knew that secret as she only shared it together with Xuefeng.

Nuwa didn't quite get him and rolled her eyes, thinking he was using her age card to solve the issue, "Are you trying to tell me that I am old?"

Fortunately Xuefeng quickly explained, getting right to the point, 'Of course not. I'm saying that I am literally from a different world. I only came here after dying in my own world and reincarnated here, into this cultivation world. That Fate Spirit couldn't predict something would happen when I wasn't even existing in this world. I am an anomaly that broke into her future and disrupted it. You will not age alone. I am here to age together with you."

Nuwa was only a bit shocked and said with a proud expression as she caressed Xuefeng's face, 'I somehow always thought you were different than others. It's your mindset and thinking which is much more advanced and mature. Now I know why. It must have been shaped by the culture in your own world.' She was naturally proud to be Xuefeng's wife.

Xuefeng thought that she will be stunned by this news so he couldn't help but comment, "You doesn't seem surprised by that."'

Nuwa though had a quick response to that, asking back, "Why would I? There are probably thousands of worlds out there. What we know is just a tiny little Realm. You being someone who comes from one like that is not that big of a shocker."

Just then, she sat up on his body and jumped to the floor before reaching out to him as she asked, "How about we clean ourselves as you tell me some stories about your own world?"

As Xuefeng already decided to tell her about it, he didn't mind and grabbed her hand while agreeing, "Sure."

Chapter 375 - The New Beginning - Part 1

As Xuefeng started describing his own old world to Nuwa, she was in great amazement. The happier she was and the more closely she listened, the more eager Xuefeng was to story tell about all shocking technology or inventions his world had, feeling proud of where he came from.

Although they already cleaned themselves, they still laid inside the bathtub. Nuwa was sitting on his lap while cuddling into Xuefeng's chest and she listened while letting Xuefeng caress her body. Just like he, Nuwa also couldn't resist his love touches no matter where they were.

Smelling the sweet scent of the shampoo from Nuwa's hair, Xuefeng continued to reply to Nuwa's innocent question, "I mentioned about schools, right? It's basically similar to a Sect here. We study different subjects there but there is no cultivation or fighting to survive. Although there were some wars here and there, everyone coexists with each other, no matter the race. Killing is also forbidden."

Nuwa naturally asked him how he died as she was interested but she didn't stop him when he sidetracked, sucking all the information like a sponge.

Xuefeng already told her so much, even about his old family so he didn't have a reason to hide anything else. Imagine the last scene of his Earth's life, he described with nostalgia, "Anyway, we had this trip to the mountains from school so we could relax before our final test but unfortunately, this was my last one. When we went together to take one last picture of the scenery, the ground beneath us cracked and slid off the cliff. I managed to push her away but I fell off the cliff and died. Silly death, right?"

"No, it wasn't silly… You actually sacrificed for someone else which is commendable." Nuwa shook her head, denying right away, finding that really romantic.

Although she also thought that it was kind of stupid, she knew that she would do the same for Xuefeng if there was a chance. She quickly figured out that the girl Xuefeng saved had to be special for him and asked cautiously, "Was it your lover that you saved…?"

Xuefeng smiled as he gave her a kiss on the head, knowing she would ask that question and admitted, "Well, kind of… We were not together at that time but I loved her deeply." He already expected what would be the next question but he still did not know if he should involve Tianshi in his story. Xuefeng already shamelessly decided to tell about his origin without Tianshi's opinion about it so he felt bad.

Just as he thought, Nuwa followed up with what he predicted, glancing at him curiously, "What was her name...? Do you miss her…?" Nuwa was giving him the look that she wouldn't give in until he tells her, having word determination written on her forehead which made Xuefeng sigh.

He didn't actually want to hide anything and decided to expose some secrets, suffering from Tianshi's wrath later. She would be a bit upset but he believed she would forgive him.

"Tianshi. That is her name and I really missed her for a while." Xuefeng said after a moment, tasting Nuwa's lips as the sign of love for her.

She naturally got confused upon hearing his words and quickly followed with questions, "Tianshi? Don't tell me you took our Tianshi as your wife just cause she resembles your old lover?" If that was the case, Nuwa was sure to be mad at him.

One cannot substitute their loved one with someone who looks the same as that would mean they never loved the person inside but only their external shell. It would be the same as Nuwa finding someone who looked exactly similar to Xuefeng after his death before marrying them. There was no other Xuefeng for her.

Xuefeng naturally declined but there was a smile on his face, not giving out any other clues, "How could I do it? I naturally didn't. Maybe you should ask Tianshi about it? She will tell you exactly what happened."

He gave her an encouraging rub on the back as he planned on picking her up and leaving but Nuwa pushed him back to sit down and questioned, "If you didn't do that, does that mean she is still the same person? Did she follow after you into this world? Or maybe the name is just coincidentally similar?"

Xuefeng only smiled and thinking this would be a good opportunity, he spoke determined, "I'm not saying anything else. Ask Tianshi. Use this chance to socialize more with one another. But be nice, okay?"

She quickly pulled on his cheeks before snickering as she got out of the bathtub, "Tsk, fine. I will ask her right now. You made me too curious." She flickered with her finger causing all water droplets to fall from her body and asked before leaving, "Are you coming with me or going to rest?"

Xuefeng didn't need to think too much about his answer as he already knew what he had to do next. There was a certain person that was waiting for him for a while already. Her issue was very important to his growth so he didn't want to postpone it. "I will rest. I need to talk with Ling about something. You guys can join me after you girls are done." He said as he also left the bathtub, walking towards her before letting her go after a kiss.

She poked him in the chest, getting rid of water on him as well and led him to the bedroom, wanting him to watch as she sexily wore her clothes. Xuefeng had to admit that no matter if she is undressing or putting the clothes back on, she could make both actions soak with sex appeal.

Xuefeng didn't plan on wearing his own, simply laying on the bed after Nuwa left before calling to Ling, "Can I com—" He didn't need to finish his sentence before his mind was already sucked inside her space.

Chapter 376 - The New Beginning - Part 2

He was surprised that he found himself standing on the sunny field instead of her palace but with such weather created by her, he didn't think it was a bad idea.

Just then, something soft knocked him from behind, pressing against his back before embracing him around his chest, locking in a tight connection. With the embrace came the smell of field flowers and grass as well as something more distinctive like a smell of roses.

Based on Xuefeng's memories, Ling could replicate any smell and she liked to test many flowers. She imagined roses as a thorny love, the same which she had with Xuefeng. Not in a sense of having arguments in their relationship but even though they were so close to each other, it was still hard for them to meet frequently.

As she feasted her mind on Xuefeng's body, Ling whispered as she pouted at him, "I missed you… You said you will visit me more often… I want to see you more often..."

Xuefeng reached towards his torso and covered her small hands with his, saying back with a sigh, "Ling… I told you earlier to call me when you want to meet with me… Didn't we settle to meet in the evening?"

Ling suddenly pulled away, rotating him so he could face her and said unhappily, "You are late. It's almost the middle of the night… I also want you to be the one who comes on your own. I don't want to force you..." She didn't let him reply and dove into his embrace once again but this time while sealing his lips that she wanted to taste for a while.

Only then did Xuefeng realise he was the one fully at fault and he apologized sincerely as he pulled away from her lips for a second, "I'm sorry Ling, I didn't look at the time when—" Unfortunately, Ling didn't want those and quickly shushed him by placing her finger on his lips before assuring him with the first smile since Xuefeng entered her space, "Shhh… It's alright… As long as you came. Nothing else matters anymore."

She waited for Xuefeng's nod and they finally laid down on the grass with Ling snuggled in his arms. She didn't search for his member or try to engage in any special activity and simply enjoyed his presence.

After some time of pleasant silence, Xuefeng asked what he came for while brushing his fingers through her hair, "Why you don't want to advance to Fate Law? I wish you were able to travel alongside me with everyone else… Don't you want that as well?"

Ling didn't think much and nodded right away but she was still reserved, "Mhmm, I want it too… It's just there are some things I'm still not sure of… Just give me some more time to think this over…"

Entangling his hand with her own, Xuefeng delved on the subject, "Are you worried that you will change after your transformation? I don't think this will happen. And if it does, so what? I will still love you no matter how bad you will become. I will just spank your butt a few times as punishment."

Hearing his joke Ling smacked his chest as she called out worriedly, "It's not funny! You saw how much I changed before. What if you won't recognize me anymore? You managed to seize my heart this time, but what if I'm too overbearing after the last unlock? All my memories will influence my personality and I won't be the same as I was before. I can feel deep coldness hiding within me… I don't want to stop loving you… Sniff…"

Ling was so concerned about this that even single tears started falling from the corners of her eyes. Xuefeng was too important for her and losing everything they shared together just like that was the last thing she wanted.

Instead of immediately cheering her up, Xuefeng suddenly rolled on the grass with her before pinning her hands to the ground. Their eyes appeared right in front of each other and he stopped her from talking with a forceful kiss. He was moved by her feelings but he knew that without showing his own, she would continue to worry.

Pulling all of a sudden after making her lips numb, he assured her while looking at her sternly, "I stole your heart once so I can do it again. Why are you worried about it? It will be my job and I can promise you that until you are mine, I won't give up. I don't believe you will change so much that I can't recognize you. There will always be the Ling I know inside you. I just need to discover it."

Seeing she was still hesitant, Xuefeng tried to reach her from a different perspective, saying, "Also, you are bound to change anyway at some point. Nothing will change if you do it now or later. We are in this together."

Ling looked at him with confusion in her eyes and smiled realising she didn't have to worry with Xuefeng by her side. Did they even suffer a loss when they worked together in something? So what that it will be hard. They will go through it like every hardship so far.

"Mhmm, let's do it then." Ling finally agreed as she escaped from Xuefeng's trap and wiped her tears away, showing her sweet smile at the same time.

Xuefeng decided against telling her about his talk with Little Ming's big sister as he knew that would only ruin the mood. After getting all of her memories back, she would know what to do with this situation herself.


Xuefeng didn't leave Ling's space for the whole night, spending it in each other's embrace. He was paying her back for his late arrival tonight. He knew that none of his wives came to sleep with him that night so he could spend his time with Ling.

When he opened his eyes in the outside world, it was already morning. He wore his clothes and went outside only to see everyone working hard to improve. Only Nuwa noticed his entrance but she was busy with Yiren so she didn't come up to him right away.

Glancing at the sky, Xuefeng noticed the familiar warship, already ready to set off and muttered happily under his breath, "The new beginning."

Chapter 377 - Plans

Xiao Wen was the first one to finish her cultivation, leaving her peaceful state before throwing herself into Xuefeng's arms as she greeted him, "Xuefeng! Good morning!"

"How was your training? Did you enjoy testing your abilities?" Xuefeng asked with a smile, embracing her in a tight hug as if to reward her arriving first.

"Mhmm," Xiao Wen nodded after taking sudden liberties with his lips and described her experiences, "I improved greatly. I think that with enough practise, I will be able to cause explosions from the distance without even creating a fireball to initiate it. What's more, it doesn't even require a lot of Fate Qi. I'm really happy about that."

"I'm happy for you. I rested pretty well too. I spent the night with Ling instead." Those were some great news so Xuefeng expressed his happiness while also recounting what he did but Xiao Wen thought he was blaming her. She quickly apologized as she hid her face in his chest, "I'm sorry… After I came back, I wanted to sleep with you but then I saw everyone was working hard so I just joined them…"

"Haha, It's okay. I'm not blaming you." Xuefeng laughed as he assured her, patting her head until she calmed down before calling out to everyone, "Girls, we are going to depart soon. Finish your training and get ready." The warship was already prepared so it could only mean that his father began packing the stuff inside it. They didn't have too much time left.

His voice finally woke the rest up from their cultivation state and Yiren quickly skipped towards him, calling out in a similar fashion like her sister, "Good Morning Xuefeng!" Others also arrived and greeted him with smiles but they had a guilty conscience for leaving Xuefeng alone that night.

Fortunately, Xuefeng didn't mind that at all but they didn't get to receive a hug as he let go of Xiao Wen and ordered everyone as they gathered, "Hugs and morning kisses after you are all ready. Take a morning bath if needed or clean your face and change."

The girls didn't have anything against it, not wanting to create any problems and entered the room, with only Tianshi staying behind. She stared at him and he quickly figured out what she wanted from him.

"I know I could have asked you first… But I—" Xuefeng said softly but before he finished, Tianshi placed her finger on his lips and shushed him with a slight smile, "Shhh, its okay. As long as you understand. I already gathered the girls and explained everything. Though, I'm still yet to tell Xiao Wen… I don't know how will she react to the truth…"

Xuefeng didn't hesitate as he decided, "We will talk about it with her together. You still have your old Tianshi's memories so I think she will understand. It's not like it's your fault. Her sister died by herself... "

Just then, Xiao Wen who entered inside with everyone, suddenly returned outside, wanting to ask Xuefeng something. She happened to overhear the end of their conversation and asked them curiously instead, "Whose sister died?"

They both turned around and saw the confused Xiao Wen which made Tianshi not knowing how to react but fortunately, Xuefeng was there with her and he reached out for Xiao Wen's hand as he said, "Come, we need to tell you something important."


Hearing their joint explanation, Xiao Wen frowned slightly and she asked hesitantly, trying confirm everything she got told, "So… You are someone else that took over my sister's body and memories after she died… Did I understand it all right…?"

Tianshi was really worried about this so she was the one who nodded, describing her feelings, "Yes… We reincarnated into this world together with Xuefeng… I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it before… I still have real Tianshi in me and I love you as a sister…"

Xiao Wen could see Tianshi's dejected expression but she still felt ultimately confused, saying quietly, "I understand it… But it's still hard for me to accept it right away with a smile on my face… I know you are not at fault…"

"I'm sorry…" Tianshi apologized once again, even though she didn't had to and hugged Xiao Wen tightly. Xuefeng embraced both of them in his arms, making sure they talk it out before they separate.

Xiao Wen was understanding but still asked to confirm her thoughts, "Do you remember what gift I gave you for your tenth birthday?"

Tianshi smiled at that, knowing it was one of her predecessor favourite memory and described it, "I do… Father grounded me so I could focus on studying but you snuck me out for my birthday and we attended my first auction… You bought me a pin that I still wear till this day…" She pointed at the pin that was on her hair the whole time.

This actually made Xiao Wen smile, knowing that Tianshi didn't change much in the end and whispered, "Then you are still my sister, just with an additional memory of another person. Don't worry about it. You will always be my little sister."

"You will always be my big sister too…" Tianshi whispered back as she tightened their embrace and they stood like that for a moment until Xuefeng teased, "Ah… You both are so cute."

Xiao Wen naturally punched Xuefeng on the chest for that and focused on her sister without commenting on his words, "Tianshi let's go. We need to prepare to depart." Tianshi only gave him a sweet smile and let Xiao Wen pull her inside by the hand.

"Haha," He couldn't help but laugh at that, loving to tease them and finally flew into the sky after creating a pair of golden wings on his back. He noticed earlier that someone was waiting for them outside and he already figured out who could it be.

Right after he flew across the courtyard roof, he spotted Sect Master Jiao leaning over the wall and quickly landed in front of her, asking with a cheeky smile, "Miss Jiao, why are you waiting in front of my courtyard?"

She didn't beat around the bush and asked what she came for, staring calmly at his face, "Xuefeng, did you kill the Emperor of this country?"

Xuefeng was never ashamed of his deeds and admitted to it with a shrug, "Yes, I did. Is there a problem? I wanted to avoid it but he crossed the line that never should have crossed. For me, the family is the most important. He prefered to trade his daughter's happiness to save his ass and that's not something I can allow. If I could turn back time, I would do the same."

"I understand. Don't worry, I'm not here to scold you. I can't care less about him. What I am interested though is your next target…" Jiao pursed her lips in a smile as she assured him and asked curiously, "Are you maybe planning on killing Zhen Zhao?"

He already planned it and having a basic trust in her, he worded out his thoughts, "Yes. He is an evil person that needs to be destroyed before more people will suffer. From what Shan told me, aside from chasing after her, he was using other girls as well. If I only beat him up to put him in his place, he would take revenge on me or even worse, try to attack people I care about. I'm not planning on making this mistake."

Xuefeng knew that if Zhen Zhao learns that he can't match him, he would act like a coward and attack people close to him like for example his Clan's branch or scheme against him by striking Clan's businesses. He couldn't let that happen. If Royal Family wanted to take revenge on him, he would destroy them too.

"Mhmm, I predicted that. You have to know that the news spread fast. Zhen Zhao will know you are coming before you even arrive. If he knows he can't fight against you, he won't leave the sect, hiding inside of it." Jiao informed him, giving him a warm glance.

Xuefeng didn't mind that in the slightest as he said, shrugging once again, "It's fine. If he doesn't want to leave, I will force him to. Once their sect faces destruction, they will abandon him. They are all the same. They put benefits they can get above anything but once their life is in danger, nothing else matters for them."

Witnessing his attitude, she tested him further, "Don't tell me you plan to make the whole Sacred Sword Sect your enemy…? Once you do that, even the main sect will try to eliminate you. It will be hard for you to pass through the Azure Dragon Empire."

"So what?" Xuefeng asked back, suddenly picking up a small rock from the ground and crushed it in his hand as he continued, "Their Branch Sect is just a small fry. Even though I might not be able to face the whole Main Sect, I am not alone. In addition to that, I have Xiao Family support. If even the so-called Ruler of the Realm can't do anything to me, do you think I would be scared of the Empire?"

"Hmmm…" Jiao looked closely at Xuefeng's face and quickly decided, "I will go with you there. If they see that my sect supports you, they will pressure Zhen Zhao to face you earlier."

Xuefeng actually expected this and he patted her on the shoulder, rejecting her help tactfully, "You don't have to do it. Won't it endanger your Sect? I thought that White Lotus Sect is friendly with them? We can handle it by ourselves."

Unfortunately, Jiao wasn't that quick to change her mind after deciding something and assured him determined, "Don't worry. I'm the Sect Master so I can do what I think is right. You all are soon to be White Lotus Sect disciples. I should naturally help you and protect the future stars of the sect. Even without counting you into the picture, just having Xiao Family as a friend is more than enough for us to act in your favour."

Seeing her so stubborn, Xuefeng could only accept her while joking, "Fine, I won't stop you then. We are giving you a free ride back home so I might as well make you more useful in my case, haha."

She couldn't afford to fight back but she still pouted, calling out to keep her pride, "Hey! I'm doing it cause I want to! Hmpf!"

"Haha," Her puffed cheeks caused Xuefeng to laugh and he finally stopped their conversation, looking at the warship in the distance," Anyway, is that all you wanted to talk about? I will be going to check out the Warship and ask if they need any help."

"Yeah… That's all." Jiao nodded, thinking that Xuefeng will ask her to follow but he simply waved at her and said, "Alright, then bye." He didn't wait for her comment and took off explosively with just one strong swing of his wings.

'Tsk, he could at least ask me to come with him…' Jiao complained in her mind as she snickered but she still launched after him as she cried out, "Wait for me!"

Chapter 378 - Departure - Part 1

Just as Xuefeng flew above the warship to take a good look at it, he couldn't help but comment the moment he saw the flat board of the ship, "Whoa, it is spacious out here… I wonder if one can stay on the board when the warship is moving. It would be nice to train up here."

He landed on the metal surface and gave it a solid thump to test its durability. Finding no reaction, the metal being all sturdy and hard, Xuefeng nodded in satisfaction. The whole Warship had a similar shape to the aircraft carriers from his old world but naturally more adjusted for air flying with better air aerodynamics. He was still sure that the Warship would swim if it had to.

Jiao, who followed after him, answered his question before he even asked her, "It is possible but only if the Warship will turn on its Spirit Barrier to protect you from the wind. I doubt your father will turn it on, knowing how much costs it will add."

Xuefeng wasn't even remotely bothered by it as he said with a smile, "This is not a problem for me. It will actually be a good practise. Although I have my Air Qi Wings, I'm still far behind on Wind Element. I guess I will use this travel to train it further."

As he said that, Xuefeng created a small ball of air on top of his palm before crushing it with a smile. He finally turned to Jiao who watched his back with interest the whole time and heard her question, "Have you ever thought of creating your own Elemental Domain?"

"Elemental Domain? Just like Shan?" Xuefeng asked curiously, already thinking about this before. He wanted to master a Domain for each element and switch it in battle depending on the situation.

"Yeah, just like Shan." Jiao nodded and explained as she walked up to the edge of the Warship, "She is still far from mastering her Ice Domain but she is on a correct way to do so. You could already see the power of it after just reaching the first threshold. This is the next step after mastering your element."

"Did you master the Ice Domain yourself?" Xuefeng followed up with another question but even before he finished, he suddenly felt the temperature falling down around them.

The metal surface of the Warship got covered by a small layer of Ice and snowflakes began appearing out of thin air before hovering right in front of his face. He caught one and it quickly melted on his palm, confirming that they were real.

Looking into Xuefeng's eyes with a smile, their surrounding returned back to normal and Jiao said proudly, "How could I teach Shan if I didn't master my own Domain? I naturally reached the highest mastery. The only thing that holds me down is the amount of Water Qi in my Dantain." She made it seem like it was effortless for her but it was in reality quite draining.

"Mhmm…" This made Xuefeng wonder. If he was not limited by the amount of Qi he has, won't he be able to keep his Domains activated at all time?

It looked too good to be true so he asked Jiao to make sure, "What if someone had an infinite amount of Qi? Wouldn't that make him invincible?" He said it sarcastically, acting as if he was just curious.

Jiao was happy to talk to him so she taught him, "Technically, yes, but practically no. It would only work if he fights against someone who first, doesn't know that element, or second, doesn't know the other elements that counter his. He could master all Elemental Domains to fix that so it's technically feasible but practically impossible to carry out. It would take someone tens of years to do so and it would only work inside the Earth Realm as cultivations in Heaven Realm are bound to know techniques to counter Elemental Domains. I would mostly use it as a support to strengthen your other skills."

"So if I also knew Ice Domain, it wouldn't give me an advantage while fighting against you?" Xuefeng asked after analyzing her information.

Jiao smiled, seeing how quick Xuefeng learned and walked up to him, saying, "Yes. Even if you had more Qi than me, as long as our Ice Domains connects to each other, I would be able to steal your Qi to keep mine activated. I'm also quite used to cold so even if you attack me with your Ice Domain while catching me off guard, you won't inflict much damage to me."

Stopping right in front of him, Jiao suddenly booped his nose and asked, "Are you interested in learning it? I can teach you if you want." Without being daring, she knew Xuefeng wouldn't even consider her so Jiao acted when she saw the chance.

Unfortunately, Xuefeng already had different plans so he had to reject her for now, "I'm sorry, maybe in the future. We already have Shan who knows Ice domain so I will try something else. It wouldn't make sense if we all studied one thing at the same time. I will use this week to master Wind Domain first and we will see next week what to do afterwards. Our plans keep changing."

Jiao couldn't handle Xuefeng's confidence this time and almost started laughing as she asked to confirm, "Pffft, you will do what…? You will master your Wind Domain in a week?"

Xuefeng tilted his head to the side, not actually knowing what was wrong with it and asked confused, "Yeah, is there a problem?" It was normal for him that he was mastering things faster than others thanks to Ling and his Royal Elf Bloodline. He already gave himself a huge timeframe of one week as he wanted to spend some time on his wives as well.

Seeing his puzzled face, Jiao realised that he was actually not joking and her inner obligation as a teacher to inform him of the reality activated. Looking at him like at a silly student, she asked him, "Don't you know that Shan only reached the first threshold with three full months of hard work? To reach full mastery, I spent more than three years. Do you think you will cut that time short to a week? I know you are a genius but isn't it too… Overconfident?"

Before he responded, Xuefeng double-checked with his biggest supporter, 'Ling, is it possible to do it in less than a week?'

Based on his calculation, it wasn't that hard and fortunately, Ling agreed with it, saying, 'Yes. If you use the extremely windy environment, it should even speed up the process. Based on our experiences, it shouldn't take you more than three days. Though, that's just basic mastering. If you want to use it in connection with your other abilities, it will require much more practise time.'

This made Xuefeng smile naughtily and he immediately returned to Jiao, asking, "How about we bet?"

Jiao thought that Xuefeng would understand her, taking her knowledge and experience into consideration but it turned out he didn't, acting cocky instead. She was also disappointed as she took him as a smart person and said dejectedly, "Sigh, I told you it is impossible to do so in a week. One needs to know when to stay humble..."

Xuefeng only widened his smile without commenting on the latter and corrected her, "It won't be a bet with a week. I know my limits."

"Oh, good. At least you listened. How many weeks then? If its too much—" Jiao finally relaxed, thinking that Xuefeng wasn't that silly in the end but then he cut her words as he stated while showing her three fingers, "Three days. I will master Wind Domain in three days. Do you accept?"

Hearing him decrease the number instead of adding more, Jiao snapped and didn't bother to warn him anymore, accepting right away to give him a lesson, "Fine, you want to lose a bet then I won't stop you. What are the stakes? What will you give me if you lose?" Jiao knew how hard it was for her to master Ice Domain so she naturally got annoyed with Xuefeng's three-day bet.

Xuefeng thought of what Jiao could want and said, knowing she will accept, "Hmm, how about I will be your servant for a month and do whatever you want. What do you think?"

Just as he expected, her eyes brightened but instead of quickly accepting, she tripled the stakes, already having plans on giving him a big lesson, "Three months. You will be my servant for three months if you lose."

"And what if I win?" Xuefeng asked back with a confident smile.

Jiao was sure he can't master it this fast so she would accept any punishment. She simply took his own and said, "The same. I will serve you for three months."

"Deal. I can assure you that I know nothing about Element Domains yet. I'm starting from a fresh account." Xuefeng quickly accepted and guaranteed as he reached out his hand for a handshake.

Jiao accepted it and shook his hand as she grinned, saying happily, "Alright, I believe you. The bet is on." She wanted to have Xuefeng for herself and he came up with such a bet. Now that she thought about it, the opportunity was perfect for her.

Xuefeng cut their handshake with his free hand and teased as he patted her shoulder, "Hehe, I hope in three days you will have more faith in your master. I'm going to meet my father now."

Securing a great servant for himself, Xuefeng spread his wings and flew down from the warship, no longer thinking about it. Jiao didn't mind his remark, knowing she will be the one who will laugh later before following after him.

Chapter 379 - Departure - part 2

Xuefeng landed soundlessly behind Liu Xiaobei who was talking with Senior Wang, the next Clan Leader of the Branch Clan that they were leaving behind and called out to Jiao who came right after him while creating a small thud, "You seem to fit nicely in your future role. Already following your master without hesitation. Though, you need to work on your landing."

She knew he was only teasing her so he glared at him and ignored his comment. As a Sect Leader of the respected White Lotus Sect, Jiao had to be in the place where most important matters happened and it was naturally by Xuefeng side. She already considered him as the decision-maker of the whole operation so she would naturally follow after him, no matter how much he teases her.

Hearing the commotion behind them, Liu Xiaobei turned around and called out with a smile, "Xuefeng, good you came." He didn't forget to greet Jiao as well, giving her respect, "Sect Leader Jiao, good morning."

Xuefeng stopped bantering with Jiao and said back as he smiled apologetically, "Father. Sorry, I'm late. Is there anything I can help with?" He was the one who proposed this idea yet he came late and his father already started managing everything for him. He definitely wasn't a filial son.

He didn't know that Liu Xiaobei actually prefer it, feeling that with Xuefeng achievements, he would be considered useless anytime soon. At least he could show that his old bones are still useful for something.

"Most of the things were already done but there is one thing I need from you." Liu Xiaobei said as he patted Xuefeng's shoulder and pointing at the end of the Warship where many men were loading clan's supplies, he whispered, "There is a lady who wants to talk to you at the back. You can go and talk to her. Help her if she needs something."

"Who is it?" Xuefeng asked curiously but his father teased him by shrugging as replying playfully, "Go and find out. Make sure you are nice. She is an important partner for our clan. We want to work together with her and her father."

Not saying anything else, Liu Xiaobei walked away, leaving Xuefeng curious. He could only walk to the back and see which lady wanted something from him.

Although it was not a big distance, Xuefeng still jumped into the sky and flew that small distance, not willing to wait any longer. With that, he was quick to find out who exactly was waiting for him.

He was pleasantly surprised and quickly landed, calling out from the distance, "Manager Wu! Long-time no see!" The person waiting for him was no other than Manager Wu that was managing her men that continued to pack her own resources to the Warship storage.

She quickly turned around and smiled seeing the approaching Xuefeng, replying sweetly, "Xuefeng! It's nice to finally see you. I was asking around for you." Though she was talking to Xuefeng, Manager Wu didn't stop ordering her people as she called out right after to one of the men, "After you are done with those, move the rest of the crates as well. I will be busy talking with Young Master Liu."

"Yes, Manager Wu! We will be done in a moment." The man quickly responded with respect and they swiftly returned to work. Only then did Manager Wu fully focus on him while putting down her list, muttering to herself, "If only medical herbs could be placed in Storage Rings, life would be so much easier, sigh."

"Manager Wu, is there anything I can do? I heard from father that there is something Miss wants from me?" Xuefeng asked while ignoring Jiao who followed after him once again.

Both of the women seemed to meet with each other earlier already as they only exchanged a nod before Manager Wu said, "Yes. I have a few things I wanted to settle with you. First of all, I heard from your father that you are searching for many high-quality swords for your training. I managed to gather one hundred Rank 4 swords of similar origin and size. They should be easy to control. I hope you can accept them as my greeting gift."

As she said so, a Storage Ring appeared in Manager Wu's hand and she passed it to Xuefeng with a smile. Seeing him accept it with a surprise, she added, "I know those are just rank 4 but we don't have the better stock here. After we reach the Capital in the Central Region, I will ask to replace them with something better."

Xuefeng checked the content and smiled, thinking right away, "Manager Wu, thank you. I actually needed those so I will accept this gift." He didn't act humble as it was rude to return gifts. Xuefeng also realised he needed flying swords for his training so it was a perfect gift for him.

Manager Wu nodded and continued with what she wanted from him, "Mhmm, second of all, I would like to work with you and your clan closer in the near future. Would you mind if I became your Exclusive Manager?"

"Exclusive Manager?" Xuefeng asked curiously, first time meeting with such a naming. Even Jiao was surprised when Manager Wu proposed it which made him even more puzzled.

Manager Wu did not find his ignorance strange and explained it with a question, "Let me ask you this, do you plan to expand your knowledge into crafting artefacts or even making pills in the future?"

He quickly confirmed, already knowing that Xiao Feng would probably push him hard to study, "That's definitely on my to-do list."

"Well, then an Exclusive Manager will be perfect for you. I will provide all materials no matter what you want in both your pill making as well as artefact crafting. In exchange, you only need to give everything you make to me. After I sell them, we will split fifty-fifty. What do you think?" She proposed after describing her job and Xuefeng eyes brightened.

This was more than perfect for him as he could simply focus on practising without worrying about unnecessary stuff like finding materials or medical herbs. Even though he basically didn't need to use pills, it was still a good skill he wanted to master before reaching Heaven Realm.

Not thinking about profiting at all, Xuefeng gave her a counterproposal, "Manager Wu, I will go ahead and straight up agree. What's more, as long as you can provide me with all the materials for practice, I can give you all the pills while keeping only those I really need? I'm not in the need for money."

Seeing his slight smile, she naturally recalled the fortune they potentially gained by plundering Tang family and agreed while laughing, "Hah, right. After Tang Family defeat, you should have a lot of capital in your disposal. I'm naturally happy with those terms. Hope we have a great partnership with each other."

"Me too." Xuefeng shook her hand that she reached out which signified that he settled his second deal for this morning.

Just then, he noticed a small group of females approaching them from the distance and he knew he had to end the conversation with her. As if they got in sync, the men responsible for packing the materials inside the Warship finished their job as well.

Looking at both Jiao and his new partner, Xuefeng called out happily, "I guess I will see you two on the board. I'm going to my girls." He didn't wait for their responses as he considered it done and walked up to Nuwa and the rest who were walking up to him while chatting with each other.

When he was some distance away from them, Jiao asked calmly, "Does Xuefeng know about Manager Wu's origin? I doubt he knows who is he dealing with…" She naturally recognized Manager Wu and even Liu Xiaobei learned about it today but something was telling her that Xuefeng wouldn't care even if he knew.

Manager Wu smiled and waved with her hand to not bother with that, saying, "It's okay. It doesn't matter to him. I like how he treats everyone similarly, no matter from where they came from or how big their status is. Those are the characteristics that I noticed since the moment I met him."