380 - 386

Chapter 380 - Zhen Zhao

Standing on top of the Warship, Xuefeng looked down at all the last clan members entering the Warship with their families and couldn't help but smile, knowing their journey was finally about to start. Although those who were chosen to come with them and join the new clan, had very little time to prepare, they were still willing to drop everything and follow them.

"Interesting… So if you win, we will have a servant?" Wuying asked curiously as she hung on Xuefeng's back while wrapping her arms around his neck. They were all on the top deck, taking the last look at the city when Xuefeng described his bet with Jiao, not planning on hiding it from them.

Xuefeng was crouching as he looked down which allowed her to easily catch him. Being the closest, Wuying was the first to sneakily claim Xuefeng's back, knowing he wouldn't reject her embrace. In the case where one had to share their husband with other sisters, being the first was crucial.

He indeed wouldn't let go off something so soft that pressed against him and instead picked her up by her thighs, making his fingers sink in them. As she enveloped his waist with her legs as well, fully sticking to him like a monkey, Xuefeng gently stroked her squashy thighs and explained to everyone, "Yeah, I have three days to master the Wind Domain. Ling said it is possible so I will definitely do it. I work much better when I have a deadline for something so this bet can actually motivate me. Don't worry, I won't lose."

"Of course… How could our Xuefeng lose? We believe in you." Wuying cheered as she tightened her hug before thinking out loud, "I wonder how does it feel to have a servant. It was always me who was attending you. It would be nice to have one."

Xuefeng couldn't help but laugh as he asked, "Haha, don't you have me already? I can help you change anytime. I can also help you bath and dry you with a towel." As he said so, his hands travelled to the back and he gave her butt a solid squeeze.

He thought she will banter with him but Wuying agreed instead, not falling for his trap, "Yeah, you are the only one I need. I will bother you for those from now on, hehe." She followed it up with a kiss on his cheek as if to seal the deal, leaving him speechless.

Wuying used to be those girls which are fearless in front of their enemies but shy and cute towards a person they love. Under his constant teases and busy nights, she changed into someone confident, who knows what she wants and doesn't mind to lovingly fight back.

He couldn't say he loved the change but he knew this would happen after her personality was affected by her Blood Skills. Fortunately, she was slowly going back to her cute and cuddly Wuying. He just needed to give her a little more care to stabilize her personality which he already planned for this week.

Princess Shan, who was a bit surprised after hearing this bet, wasn't like Jiao and instead believed in Xuefeng's skills, immediately proposing while giving him a warm smile, "Xuefeng, I will try to help you as much as I can… I know how hard it is to master a domain."

Although he anticipated it, Xuefeng was still glad he was right about her and appreciated her, "Mhmm, thank you. I expected nothing less. I wanted to ask you to explain the fundamentals to me before I start. I don't want to explore blindly."

Just then, they felt the Warship vibrating, signalling the activation of the array's that fueled the Warship and he decided to finally enter inside. He knew not everyone was strong enough to resist the winds on the outside of the ship.

Patting Wuying's thighs which told her to drop down from his back, he ordered to everyone, "Let's go, we are about to depart."


When the Warship finally rose into the sky, inside a throne room of the Sacred Sword Kingdom's palace there was a big argument involving the current ruler and his son, the Crown Prince Zhen Zhao.

It wasn't a peaceful argument as curses spew out of the majesty mouth, "Damn it! How can you be so stupid!" He glared at his son, finally fed up with his deeds.

Though, even when he was being cursed at, Zhen Zhao remained calm and asked back with a smile, "I don't know what are you talking about. Do you mean that blonde girl that I was a little bit rough with? It's not my fault, she was the one who tried to run away from me. No one dares to run away from me."

His father facepalmed himself and scolded more, getting to the point right away, "Are you dumb? Who cares about your girls! I'm talking about Liu Xuefeng! Do you want to ruin our family?!"

Zhen Zhao wasn't actually informed well about Xuefeng's doings so he asked, "Who? Are you talking about that guy my wife is interested in? Don't worry, I will settle him now. I just came back from the mission and had to relax with a beauty. I might be behind on the news—" Unfortunately, he couldn't finish his sentence as his father suddenly reached out and slapped his face.


The crisp ding resounded through the throne room and Zhen Zhao father shouted, "What Crown Prince are you?! Fucking disgrace! Only girls in your head! Say one more thing about girls and I will turn you into a eunuch!"

Zhen Zhao didn't even stagger from the hit but there was still a red mark on his face. He glared at his father and asked angrily, "You dare hit me…?" It wasn't a secret that Zhen Zhao was stronger than his father but that didn't mean he was scared of him.

His father took about a letter from his robe and threw it at his son as called out, "Yes! And I will hit you once again if you continue being dumb. Don't even think about fighting him. That Xuefeng is too strong for you. Read the letter and you will understand."

There had to be a reason for his father actions so Zhen Zhao caught the letter and decided to read it while also hearing his explanation, "Not only can he destroy a Spirit Barrier with only one attack that Monarch Stage cultivators need to group up to crack, he also has a great background that even the Ruler of the Realm is scared of. He is not someone we can deal with."

"It says here that he is untouchable and anyone close to him is as well. Who sent this letter?" Zhen Zhao asked with a frown after reading about Xuefeng's achievements and he quickly got a response, "This letter was sent from the Ruler of the Realm himself to every Royal Family on this world. Once something happens with him, the organisation backing Xuefeng will destroy us. This is not a joke."

Only then did he start to realise the seriousness of the situation and asked confused, "What are we doing now then?" He didn't think that Xuefeng would improve this fast.

Too bad that his father already decided to separate himself from this case as he said, "We? This is your problem. I'm done cleaning up your mess all the time. You tried to mess with his woman and he will definitely come find you. He already killed both Emperor Shang and his son just cause they tried to give Princess Shan to you after your blackmail. Do you think Xuefeng will leave you alone?"

"He is killing Royal Family members. Are you are not going to do anything?" Zhen Zhao asked with a frown, not believing that Xuefeng could get away with that so easily but he was mistaken once again when his father said decisively, "I will do exactly that. Nothing. Though, I know you. Because you are so impulsive and would definitely try to scheme something that can endanger Royal Family, I will prevent you from doing so."

Just then, as if they had it planned, hundreds of Royal Guards started walking out of the side doors and soon the whole throne room was surrounded. Zhen Zhao wasn't a bit scared when he saw that and instead laughed maniacally as he asked, "Hahaha! Do you really think you can lock me with just them?"

The Emperor of the Sacred Sword Kingdom simply shrugged and having no choice, he explained, "That's not my intention. They are here to kick you out. I already passed the decree. You are no longer a member of the Royal Family and you no longer my successor. Now you can do whatever you want. Naturally, I won't protect you anymore as well."

Zhen Zhao wasn't surprised by that choice and actually preferred it, now having the option to act the way he wished and called out while laughing, "Haha, fine! It's not like I even needed any of this. The Sacred Sword Kingdom is too small for me."

With one last look at his father, he glared at the Royal Guards that blocked his way and walked out the moment they opened a path for him.

Being his father, the Majesty couldn't just let him die so he advised, "Go hide in the Sacred Sword Institute. You can use them to protect yourself. If Xuefeng wants to kill you, he would have to offend a big sect. Use this to your advantage."

Zhen Zhao only halted his footsteps for a moment but he didn't turn around and walked out with exactly such plan in his mind.

Chapter 381 - Draconic Longsword Improvements

The Warship looked much more spacious inside compared to what Xuefeng imagined. The corridors were really open and acted as a vast web, connecting everything inside. Aside from the hundreds of private rooms each having its private toilet, there was also a training room, massive dining room and recreation area where many could hang out with each other.

He was surprised to see it was so advanced, almost resembling a spaceship instead of an ancient Warship. Thanks to the guidance of Xiao Wen who already knew every nook of it, they quickly reached the operating room where his father was managing the ship.

The controls were described in detail by Xiao Feng so it wasn't hard for him to navigate it. They could feel that the ship was slowly raising and gaining speed so his father was doing a good job.

Inside the control room, there were only important people like his parents, Manager Wu or Jiao who were their guests. Just as he was spotted, Liu Xiaobei called out, "Xuefeng, you are finally here. Miss Jiao told me you will train using wind on the deck, is that right?"

Glancing at Jiao who was sitting to the side on the sofa, Xuefeng nodded as he explained, "Yes. I will be training outside for the next three days. There is no need to activate the barrier. We will be stopping a few times on the way so we are not in that big of a hurry."

"Alright, noted." Liu Xiaobei nodded before asking as he started setting coordinates for the first destination, "Are we going to the White Lotus Sect first to give Miss Jiao a lift?"

Jiao remained silent so Xuefeng replied in her stead, "Actually no. The first station will be Sacred Sword Institute. I have some matters I want to deal with. Miss Jiao said she will join and support us. Only afterwards we can visit her sect."

Liu Xiaobei didn't mind that, knowing that everything was provided by Xuefeng anyway and they had sufficient resources to stop and start a few times. After confirming that he set everything correctly, he activated the array and the Warship suddenly exploded forth. They could see the ground moving extremely fast through the thick transparent windows while not even moving at full speed which impressed Xuefeng.

Slowly increasing their speed to about half of their maximum velocity, Liu Xiaobei stopped escalating and said satisfied, "Alright. With such speed, we should be there before sunset. We don't need to burn more money to arrive faster. You can start your training. I will inform you when we are about to reach."

His mother who was in charge of the rooms, passed him four keys at the same moment while saying, "I saved four rooms for you. Even the biggest room in this Warship is not enough for all of you so I decided to give you a studio that is connected with four two-person rooms. I will leave it to you to decide who sleeps where."

Too bad that before he reached for them, they were already snatched by Nuwa as she announced, "I will handle it. Xuefeng will probably train whole night, leaving us to ourselves anyway."

Mu Lan didn't mind that and only smiled while pinching on her son's cheeks, saying lovingly, "Mhmm, naturally. My baby is so hardworking…" Even Xuefeng with his strength couldn't escape the ultimate cheek squeeze of his mother.

As he saved himself from his mother's clutches, Xuefeng excused himself, "I will start my training then and leave the rest to you. I need to master a certain skill in the next three days so I can't slack." He glanced at Jiao with a playful smile, reminding her of the bet and finally departed with everyone.

He didn't worry about Nuwa taking jurisdiction over the rooms as based on their agreement before, she would be in charge for the next week anyway. He was already cheating by betting with Jiao which forced him to train hard.

As Jiao had nothing else to do, she followed after them while calling out, "Wait, I'm going with you. I will watch how you train." She naturally wanted to learn how Xuefeng planned to win the bet.

Xuefeng grinned as he caught waists of both Yiren and Wuying who were the closest to him before asking, "What? You don't trust me? I don't mind. You can wait for me near the exit."

"Fine." Jiao nodded without arguing, seeing that Xuefeng wanted to talk with his women and overtook them, no longer glancing at him. Their bet improved her mood as it was a win-win situation for her. Even if she had to serve him for three months, she would at least deepen their relationship which was exactly what she wanted.

Unfortunately, she wasn't the only one who noticed it. Having seven additional pairs of eyes, Xuefeng could see a lot. "This Jiao wants something from you," Wuying mentioned calmly after hugging into his chest, her gaze looking at the corridor Jiao disappeared into.

As if in sync, everyone else nodded in agreement and Nuwa proposed, "Xuefeng, how about you just prove her what you are capable of by winning the bet but without claiming the reward? I don't want a servant anymore. She has ulterior motives."

"Can't we cancel the bet?" Yiren asked curiously but then Xuefeng calmed them, "It's okay, I know exactly what to do. I'm using this bet to push myself to study harder. When I win, I will just just ask her to do something for me and we will be even."

Xuefeng didn't like their jealousy but he knew it was natural so he understood them well. Even though there was a mutual trust between them, Xuefeng already broke it a few times, bringing new girls into their relationship over and over again. He could only blame himself for their on-guard attitude.

They could only accept his reasoning and sneakily stay close to him in case any woman tries to seduce him. They quickly found their rooms after that short break and seeing four connected rooms, Xuefeng asked Nuwa, "So, who will be living with whom?"

The studio room was probably made for a big family to live in as many things were shared like bathrooms or a small kitchen. It was one of the biggest rooms in the Warship so they were spacious but it would be hard to fit them all in one bed even if they tried. Xuefeng wouldn't be spending a lot of time there anyway so he didn't put too much attention to the details of the room.

Being in charge, Nuwa already thought of the placements and she actually wasn't selfish this time. She gathered everyone in one of the rooms and ordered, "Yi, you will still with Shan. Wen, you will stay with Tianshi and I will stay with my daughter. Wuying, you will stay with Xuefeng."

"Oh!" Wuying got pleasantly surprised by that assignment and naturally accepted it happily.

Nuwa didn't finish on that and added, "Naturally, those are just the rooms where we will train so we don't sit on each other heads. At night we can sleep wherever we want."

Just then, when Xuefeng wanted to comment on that, he heard a call inside his mind from Drakos, 'We are done. The Draconic Longsword is ready. Wuying should be satisfied with it.'

Xuefeng exclaimed happily before praising them, 'Oh! That's great! You guys worked hard. Thank you.' He didn't wait and the moment he felt the new sword inside his Dantain, Xuefeng pulled it out right in front of everyone.

Drakos didn't take all the credits and rather passed them onto Ming as he said,

'Lady Ming added a lot of improvements to the sword, making it even more explosive and powerful. Even I wouldn't be able to come up with it.'

He tested the sword in front of everyone, not necessarily feeling anything out of it aside from the deep blood scent so he passed it to Wuying who was a better expert while thanking again in his mind, 'Thank you, Ming.' He could see a big smile on Wuying's face so he knew she liked it.

'It's nothing… I just added some things that could help her control her skills. The sword will suck in the negative emotions that gather in her mind the moment she cast her blood skills. As long as she holds the sword at the same time as she casts the skill, she won't suffer from the side-effects.' Ming said weakly, clearly tired after that long transformation.

'Oh! That's genius!' Xuefeng exclaimed once again before asking Wuying who was already testing the sword, "Wuying, what do you think?"

Chapter 382 - Mastering Domain - Part 1

Wuying swung her new crimson sword a few times in front of everyone, having no problems even though she didn't practise swordsmanship at all. She immediately commented as she tested it with a few moves, "It's so light yet powerful at the same time… I can feel my blood boiling as I hold onto this sword. Where did you get it? I love it!"

The others who didn't take part in the raid were also curious and Xuefeng didn't hesitate to explain, "It's a Draconic Longsword. I got it as loot after we defeated Tang Family and my Spirits improved it even more. I decided to gift it to you as you are the only one who mastered Blood Qi. It was tailored for you and apparently, it can not only improve your skills but also suck away your side-effects. You won't be haunted by them anymore as you use your skills."

Wuying's eyes quickly brightened as she quickly tried using her Blood Qi skills and quickly exclaimed, almost getting emotional, "Whoa! It works! Amazing… I finally won't change and lose control…" In the end, she couldn't hold them back and looked down, covering the face with her hair and wiped the water from her eyes.

Yiren quickly reached her, overtaking Xuefeng who also noticed the change and hugged her tightly, cheering her up, "It's great Wuying! You won't need to worry anymore~" She was the one with whom Wuying shared her worries so she knew why Wuying was touched.

"Wuying, are you alright…?" Xuefeng asked confused as he hugged Wuying from the other side and seeing her crying, he quickly helped her wipe them while trying to stop her from crying further, "Aww… Don't cry… If you cry, I will take the sword away…"

The method turned out to be very effective and Wuying quickly called out while putting on a smile on her face, "No! I won't cry, I'm fine… I'm just happy…" She let Xuefeng wipe her tears, finally calming after he gave her a few kisses.

"What happened?" Xuefeng asked confused, forcing Wuying to confess. She hugged them both while placing her head on his chest before saying quietly, "Since the moment I first activated my skills, losing my control and mind in the process, I was afraid to use them again… I was worried that once I do, I might hurt you guys… I told you about it…"

Xuefeng nodded, caressing her back and asked concerned, "I know, but didn't we constantly work on that? You said there were signs of improvements, right?" He was hoping that nothing bad happened to her.

"Yeah… But that was only the basics… If I were to use the Shackles of Doom, I am certain that I might once again lose control and in the process hurt everyone. Now that you solved the problem, I'm just happy that I won't need to worry about that anymore…" Wuying explained and finally calmed down her emotions.

Just then, everyone else joined in the group hug and soon eight of them were squeezing little Wuying in the middle making them all laugh happily. It was rare for them to hug like that outside from the bed so it was a memorable experience.

After everyone finally let go, it was time to separate and start training. As each of their rooms was equipped with cultivation spots next to their beds that were providing Spirit Essence for Cultivators, it was really convenient to train inside, without going out.

Xuefeng entered inside of their room with Wuying but checking it was the same as the others, he lost interest and simply warned her as he pointed at the Draconic Longsword, "If there is something wrong with it, tell me immediately. If you notice anything that is still unsolved, notify me about it as well.

She quickly nodded as she easily hid the sword in her Storage Ring before saying cheerfully, "Mhmm, I will, but I think it will be okay. The moment I first touched the sword, I felt as if my mind was instantly cleared. I will tell you if I notice anything, though…"

With all the stress finally gone from her mind, Wuying was like a new person, behaving much more confidently and the moment she sensed he was planning to leave, she proactively kissed him before he replied and sent him away, "I wish you a happy training. I will be here if you need anything."

Xuefeng didn't mind that change as long as it was positive and nodded, walking into Shan's room after saying, "Alright, I will be going then. Jiao is probably getting mad from all the waiting."

He quickly stole Princess Shan who was needed for basic Elemental Domain teachings before leaving the rest to themselves for now. Fortunately, everyone knew that he didn't have any more time to waste.

When he tried to thank Ming again, she didn't respond to him, only acknowledging it but he knew there was no need for that as long as she heard him.

As they walked through the corridors he remembered, Princess Shan began doing her part while holding onto his hand without worries, "There are many explanations on how to create your own Elemental Domain as everyone is using different techniques and each breakthrough is unique. What I'm going to teach you is the most common technique and you can simply change it as you see fit. It's not going to work for everyone so you will have to experiment if it suits you well."

"So I need to basically find my own way while supporting myself with the existing theories. Got it." Xuefeng copied the information into his mind.

Princess Shan smiled and explained further, "Yes. This is also the reason why it is so hard to master Elemental Domain as sometimes you will need to find your own path to reach that level. For some, it might be easy but for most, it's extremely hard. I heard that the fastest cultivator mastered his domain to perfection in less than half a year. What you are aiming for are three days which seems to be an extremely small number in comparison. I will try to help you achieve that."

Xuefeng could feel the care in her voice and thanked her while squeezing her hand warmly, "Thank you, Shan."

She simply smiled and continued, "The most common method has few steps. The first step is naturally getting full control over your desired element which you already achieved. The second one is much harder, namely, sensing and controlling the essence of the element in the air. While creating an Elemental Domain, you can't only use your own Qi else you would simply run out of it momentarily.

"What you need to do is utilize your surroundings into creating a zone around you consisting of only your element. Once you can influence and control the element in your zone, you will officially reach the entry-level to your domain. This is the level I'm at right now."

Hearing all that, Xuefeng felt it was too effortless and asked confused, "Wait, so all I need to do is create a zone using my Qi and the elements in the air? Isn't that too easy?"

Just as Princess Shan was about to reply, they heard Jiao voice from the front, saying with a chuckle, "Hah, say that after you try it." They reached the exit without realising it and Jiao overheard his boasting but he didn't mind as he actually meant it.

Smirking at her, he went past her while only replying, "We will see very soon."

Aside from her, there were also two Shadow Guards protecting the exit but seeing that Xuefeng was coming, they let him pass and Jiao followed after them as well. He was quite relaxed as he knew that even if he couldn't make it, there was also Ming, Ling or Drakos who could help him in need.

"Good luck!" Princess Shan gave him a kiss in the cheek for luck before letting him walk towards the exit. As the two of them were not that adept in Air Element, they wouldn't be able to withstand the wind pressure outside. They could only watch through the barrier that was separating the deck and the ship entrance.

He walked up the stairs to the double-door exit on the ceiling and opened them swiftly, seeing a transparent barrier that only let objects pass through while keeping the wind outside. He couldn't help but reach out and pass through it with his hand.

Chapter 383 - Mastering Domain - Part 2

Due to the speed of the Warship, he felt a sharp, frosty wind on his fingertips. He wanted to test the power of the wind without any protection and he was impressed. Though he wasn't hurt, he knew it would be hard to stabilize himself on top of the deck.

'Any suggestions? How can I use this wind to master my domain?' Xuefeng asked his group of experts inside his mind and Ling who wanted to help called out, 'How about using your Air Qi to shield yourself from the wind first before going out and slowly expanding your zone?'

Just as he was about to do exactly that, Ming added, 'All you need to do is think of the Air Essence in your surroundings as yours and control it without even absorbing and refining it.' Ling didn't have her memories but Ming was a full-fledged Fate Law which gave her access to all information she had.

'Alright, I will do that. Thank you both.' Xuefeng thanked them and started channelling his Air Qi when Ling suddenly followed up with a question, 'Xuefeng, can we schedule our transformation into a Fate Law for some time after your bet deadline? I wish to help you more in those cases...'

Not fully knowing something that Xuefeng asked her made her feel bad. As they finally decided to do it, they might as well do it quicker. She would be able to help him even more this way.

Xuefeng didn't have anything against it and agreed, apologizing for the delays, 'Yeah, this will be perfect. I know it takes time. We moved it cause of me and my bets. Sorry, Ling.'

'Mhmm, It's okay. Go back to training now.' Ling said calmly. She already waited for a while with her decision so a few days were not a problem anymore.

With nothing stopping him anymore, his body was finally wrapped with Air Qi and under Jiao and Princess Shan's watch, he entered the deck. By creating a small zone around him, the wind was just dodging him instead of pushing against him which allowed him to stay on the deck without problems.

Though, this wasn't impressive to Jiao as this was the minimum she expected him to do. What she wanted to see was him taking control and using the elements of nature. Normally, one had to absorb and refine the Essences to use them in the form of Qi but in this case, all Xuefeng had to use was Essence of it.

"You look confident he will win. Do you want to see your master lose so much?" Jiao asked Princess Shan who was staring at Xuefeng happily. He was sitting cross-legged next to the exit which allowed them to see all of his actions.

"I believe he can do it. This is not his first miracle." Princess Shan replied assured, knowing Xuefeng wouldn't fail her.

Jiao folded her arms under her chest and asked with a smirk, "Don't you remember how long it took you? Almost a month. Do you think he can do so in less than a day? This is just the first step. There are two more after this." Jiao was sure that even though Xuefeng was a genius, he couldn't win against hundreds of thousands cultivators who tried it before him.

Instead of bantering with her, Princess Shan smiled for some reason and pointed at Xuefeng with her eyes, she said, "Maybe he won't even need a few minutes in the end." She immediately thought that becoming Xuefeng's woman was the best decision of her life.

Jiao turned to look at Xuefeng and her eyes widened when she saw already a half-meter zone of Air Qi created around him. It looked similar to a normal Elemental Domain but in a miniature version. It hasn't even been a minute yet and Xuefeng already reached this far?

In Xuefeng mind, he was also confused as he asked himself, 'That's it? I thought it will be a lot harder…' He did exactly as he was told and used his Air Qi to influence other particles of Air Essence. It didn't take long before the Air Essence moved around as he wished and passed into his zone from the outside, making him create a bigger and bigger zone with each minute.

'It's probably because of your Royal Elf Bloodline. You are now naturally more connected to elements which makes it easier to control them.' Ling proposed the explanation.

As if to cover her shortcomings, Ming said right after, 'What I think happened is that you used a different approach than others. You know that Essence, as well as Qi, are actually small elemental particles that you can mend together as you wish. You immediately started from the smallest scale, separating the Essence into small parts before attempting to control them. Others didn't even have such imagination and went straight into big chunks. Naturally, what Ling said is also correct. Your Bloodline helps you a lot as it attracts those particles, allowing an easier approach.'

Only then did Xuefeng understand, not even realising it and said, 'I guess that modern knowledge is helping me. I thought that's the correct way so I used it. Let's try with the bigger scale.' Knowing he might need some assistance, he added, 'Ling, if I need an additional Qi, I will be counting on you.'

'Mhmm…' Ling agreed quietly, but there was something behind it that Xuefeng couldn't notice without seeing Ling's face. It was the first time she was actually upset at herself for not knowing something.

She could calculate how long he needed to master the Domain with the same method everyone else uses, based on the example she saw from Shan's battle but the details were not clear for her.

Knowing he was going in the right direction, he continued to widen his Domain until it was around five meters in diameter, surrounding him and the exit. To Jiao shock, he didn't use more than ten minutes to do so. Standing up he glanced at the two of them and beckoned, asking them to come on board.

Princess Shan wasn't scared and quickly walked up to the exit, grabbing onto his hand without worry. She felt only a small breeze the moment she entered into his arms and immediately said in amazement, "You did it!" Seeing him keeping the Elemental Domain around him without any support, focusing on her instead, she knew that it was the real deal and hugged him in happiness.

Xuefeng patted her head as he said, "I think I did, but this is just the start, right?" He knew there was much more to it that this step.

Princess Shan nodded and quickly explained, "Yeah… There are two more steps. First, speed and second, durability. If you create your own domain, you can't take a full ten minutes to set it up. Once you break it, you will have to start from the scratch so you need to train to the level where you can immediately set up your Elemental Domain."

He partially had an idea but still asked, letting her showcase her knowledge, "Oh, I get it. I will test how quick I can do so next. I was slowing down to do everything properly. What about durability?"

Princess Shan was happy to explain it for him and said, not leaving his embrace, "You naturally can't let anyone breakthrough into your Elemental Domain or you should at least make it more difficult for the enemy. By setting up the Spirit Barrier outside of the domain, you can prevent anyone from getting inside and breaking it. Right now, if I wanted, I could create a hole inside of it and escape."

Xuefeng thanked her as he gave her a solid squeeze before kissing her as a reward, "Mhmm, I will do that afterwards. I will start from the speed and work from there. Thank you for the help..." They rotated from Jiao's view, letting her watch his back as they engaged in their act.

Even though the girls were naughty, Xuefeng wasn't a saint either and whenever he got a chance, his hand would travel onto his wives' butts and Princess Shan wasn't an exception. If she already decided to be his wife, she naturally agreed to such treatment.

Feeling his hands grasping her fully, she didn't even flinch and simply complied with anything he wanted. Even though they kissed for just a moment, it was a great step for her, knowing they didn't do anything excessive yet.

As he pulled away from her, she gave him one last hug and said while going back inside, "You're welcome. You are doing great. Keep it up."

Jiao stared at her with a calm expression but Princess Shan wasn't dumb. She knew that Jiao had feelings for Xuefeng. Feeling like teasing her master, she asked playfully, "Master, how about I ask Yi to give you some tips on how to become a good servant? She was one before and it seems like the bet is finished." She didn't say that in a bad way as she knew Yi was their friend now.

Instead of getting angry, she grinned and said calmly, "It's not yet decided. This is not the end." She didn't look like someone who was worried about losing, but Princess Shan only shrugged and returned to watching Xuefeng.

Chapter 384 - Mastering Domain - part 3

Watching Xuefeng's rapid improvement, Jiao commented, "Told you, it's a lot harder than it seems. He has been trying to decrease his time for a few times already but he only achieved five minutes. Do you still think he will reach perfection in three days?" She didn't mind standing to the side and watch him all day long.

"I do. It has only been a bit over an hour yet he already improved his speed by half. He still has a whole three days left. He has more than enough time to make it." Princess Shan replied confidently, not changing her opinion but rather strengthening it.

Jiao only shrugged to it and said with a smile, "It's okay if he does. It's not like I mind it. Serving him for three months sounds good to me. What can he ask me to do? Clean his back? I'm willing to help with that, hehe." She already calculated that before she agreed to a bet, so everything was working in her favour.

Rolling her eyes, Princess Shan commented sarcastically, "Master, I thought that as a Sect Leader you would have a little bit of shame. Are you going to fight for a man with your student?" Her female instincts were alarmed already after hearing Jiao's words.

Jiao grinned and said casually, "With Xuefeng's current achievements, I can't compare to him so why can't I be shameless? I'm not going to force anything… But I can't do anything if something happens by accident."

Seeing Jiao's attitude, Princess Shan stopped talking to her, just hoping in her heart that Xuefeng wouldn't be swayed. It might have been selfish but she couldn't help it. After all, if Xuefeng wasn't swayed by her, she wouldn't have joined his group as a wife.

Even though Princess Shan was optimistic about Xuefeng's improvements, Xuefeng himself wasn't satisfied. Feeling that it was harder and harder to speed up his conversion speed, he had to think of another method to quicken the process.

Xuefeng thought out loud as he tried to think of a solution, 'If I make no mistakes, I can speed up the procedure to seven and a half minutes. If I try to control more than one particle at once, I can decrease the time even further but that's still not our goal. I can go with this method and with some more time I can reach Shan's level but this is too time-consuming. There has to be a better routine.'

Before Ming or Ling said anything, he continued as he suddenly got an idea, 'How about I completely change it, turning it all around?! I waste the most of time by gaining control over the Air Essence in the air. Can I eliminate that process by simply doing the bare minimum while filling the rest with Air Qi? I have an almost unlimited amount of Air Qi at my disposal. After I momentarily create my Wind Domain, I can then influence the Essence in the air. Wouldn't that be faster?'

He still wanted to confirm it and Ling quickly responded, 'I think that might work. I will be refilling your Air Qi if there is a need so you can just focus on your job.''

Xuefeng was excited to test it so he said as he reset the Wind Domain around him to start from the very beginning, 'Alright, let's test this then.'

He closed his eyes to focus more on his task and suddenly the Air Qi exploded from within him, pressing against the pushing winds surrounding the Warship. It hasn't been more than a few seconds since he started but a zone with about twenty meters in diameter was created around him.

It worked similarly to creating a barrier with your Spirit Qi so it was definitely not that hard. The only problem was that anything within the barrier was not within his control yet but he quickly acted to fix it. By pushing against the wind a moment earlier, he forced all the Air Essence outside so he had to bring it back in.

He immediately explained when he realised he made a right choice, 'It's working! I can now slowly suck in the Air Essence which will let me create my Wind Domain while also being in the midst of fighting with my enemy. I think this is a much faster solution. Instead of going one step at a time, I can create a stage around myself before turning it into my own death trap. With each second passing, I would be getting stronger and stronger and by the time I fill the Wind Domain to the brim, I can simply suffocate my opponent by taking the air from him.'

Ling quickly exclaimed, 'Congratulations! You are amazing!" She also added afterwards, trying to help him more, 'I can do that for you too and instead you can fully focus on your battle. We can also create domains with other elements as well but that leaves us with another problem. There are simply not enough Element Essences in one place. If you wanted to create an Earth Domain in the sky, that would be a problem.'

'Hmm, can't we simply replace the whole Essence with my own Qi? Technically, I have the near-unlimited supply of it. I know that it wouldn't stimulate the natural element but I can always transform some of it instead, right?' Xuefeng asked as he thought of another theory and Ling quickly jumped on the train, ready to test it, 'Let's do it then.'


"Huh?" Liu Xiaobei muttered confused, seeing the alarm signalling there was something approaching them from the distance, and realising it was a rather big group of Wild Spirit Beasts, he turned serious, saying to his wife, "It seems like we have a company."

"Should we activate the Spirit Barrier? I read that it has the ability to defend against a Rank 6 Spirit Beasts with ease." Mu Lan asked worriedly, knowing that Xuefeng was training outside on the deck. Being a mother, she momentarily forgot that her son was more than enough to take care of a few beasts.

Fortunately, Liu Xiaobei had more faith in Xuefeng and called out with a smile, rejecting her, "No need. We will let Xuefeng take care of them. This might be good training for him. Let's just slow down in case he loses his footing. This way he can return back on the deck."

He believed that Xuefeng would quickly clear the way for them.


At that moment, when his parents decided to leave everything to him, Xuefeng happened to be laughing as he finally concluded his tests which confirmed his theory. "Hahaha, so it's possible! I guess I can do it both ways then!" He called out loud with a grin on his face.

Just then, he noticed that the Warship started slowing down to the point that even his speed by flying was faster, but Xuefeng quickly realised why. Spirit Beasts.

'There are about three thousand of Bloody Bats approaching us. They all seem to have Rank 3, being just a little bit stronger than a Spirit King but naturally, they could be scary in a group.' Ling informed after scanning the distance and she didn't even need to ask him as Xuefeng was already prepared to rush out.

His golden wings spread out from his back and with the Wind Domain still surrounding him, he launched himself into the air while saying happily, "Haha, let's test this domain on some live targets."

Chapter 385 - The Power Of Wind Domain

"Hahaha," Xuefeng laughed maniacally as he launched himself into the sky before crying out at the incoming swarm of bats, "Come at me! I am right here!"

With the Golden Wings on his back and the Wind Domain following as well, with him as a centre, Xuefeng decided to directly face the beasts. It was a great opportunity to test the power of his first domain.

Ling was already prepared to fill his dantain if there was a need as Xuefeng planned to use only his Wind Domain attacks which he would think of in the process. With the Warship decreased velocity, he could easily catch up if he got too immersed in the fighting.

'If you kill their King, they should all disperse. He is hiding in the middle of his group.' Ling informed before Xuefeng reached them but he didn't have that in plans. He didn't mind battling with them longer.


The cries of the first bats reached his ears as hundreds of black bodies pierced through the outer barrier of his Wind Domain. Although his surroundings suddenly turned black, Xuefeng was smiling and quickly rushed into action. Out of nowhere, tens of wind blades appeared in the domain and cut through the nearest bats as if they were made from mud.

The bodies of the bats were halved before falling down like broken kites. Unfortunately, there were not enough Wind Blades flying left and right to defend him which forced Xuefeng into unleashing his second power move.

"Eat this!" Xuefeng shouted with a smile as he threw a handful of small air bombs right into the group of the closing bats, blasting them apart and not bothered by the wastage of his Air Qi, he continued to unleash one skill after another.

He noticed that the Warship was distancing itself from him so he gave up on killing each bat and chased after it. Surprisingly, the bats followed after him in the chase, angrily crying out. He momentarily killed hundreds of members in their group so they were naturally pissed off.

Landing on the Warship's deck, Xuefeng turned around and shrugged, saying, "Okay, if you really want to die so much, I will grant you this wish." He wanted to let them go, but they were too stubborn.


Another series of cries hit him but he was already prepared. Manipulating the entire domain, the wind began moving in one direction, rapidly accelerating. The clueless bats tried to fight against the wind but they were quickly blown off. Once they entered the domain, they couldn't escape from it anymore.

Out of nowhere, tens of hovering Wind Blades appeared in the tornado he created, cutting and slicing all bats one by one. Green blood spilt everywhere, painting the deck of the Warship with bat's slimy blood. Even Xuefeng was splashed with it which made him frown and create a shield surrounding him.

Seeing that he killed all the bats, he glanced down at his outfit and cursed, "Dammit, there is no way those stains will go away…" He definitely didn't plan for that to happen but he asked for it, trying to end them all in style.

"Huh?" Just then, he noticed something moving inside his Wind Domain, right when he planned to cancel it and return to the ship to get changed.

Glancing behind him, he noticed it was one of the bats who somehow survived the onslaught, having only one of its wings cut off, preventing it from taking off. "Tsk, to think you are still alive. Let me end your misery." Xuefeng snickered as he extended his hand and killed it with the power of his bloodline, breaking his neck in a single move.

Xuefeng wasn't taking pleasure in killing and definitely didn't like to abuse or treat beasts with cruelty. A quick death was the best solution in this type of situation.

As if his father knew that he was finished, the Warship accelerated once again and they even picked up the pace to catch up on the time they lost.

Like most Spirit Beasts, the king of the bats in front of him created a Spirit Artefact right after dying which Xuefeng picked up. The king of the bats was the only one with most of his body intact which fortunately didn't destroy his Spirit that later creates the Spirit Artefacts. All smaller Bats were completely destroyed by him and killed in the midst of his tornado which destroyed the created of any Spirit Artefacts.

Checking out the Artefact, he realised it was just a simple crimson stone which made him wonder and ask in his mind, 'Hmm, what is that? Looks like a blood crystal.'

'Sometimes Spirit Beasts can create a Beast Core instead of the Spirit Artefact which can be later refined into an artefact. You should keep it and use it later on when you study crafting from Xiao Feng. It has Blood Element origin which would make the crystal good to strengthen some Blood Artefact for Wuying.' Ling explained as Xuefeng watched the crystal closely.

Xuefeng nodded, keeping the crystal as he said, 'Mhmm, I will definitely make something nice with it later on. I already planned to make one artefact for each of my wives.' He was stinking from the blood of the bats so he didn't waste time anymore and walked back towards the entrance.

Just when he crossed the barrier, dropping on the stairs, Princess Shan dove into his arms as she congratulated, "Xuefeng! That was amazing! You mastered your first domain in just a few hours!" They could watch his fight and seeing how he manipulated his Wind Domain, she naturally believed he was close to the mastery.

Knowing he was all filthy, Xuefeng quickly tried to stop her as he called out, "Ah, Shan, you will get dirty!" Too bad that Shan didn't mind that one bit and said happily while squeezing him tightly, "It's okay. I don't care. I just wanted to hug you."

"Alright, then I will accept it," Xuefeng replied back while smiling and looked at Jiao who was watching them silently.

She thought he was thinking about the bet between the two of them and being somehow prepared for it she admitted, "Fine… You won the bet. I will honour it."

Xuefeng grinned and replied calmly, assuring her, "Don't worry. We are not in a hurry. I still have more than two days. I still need to improve it a little and add some defences from the third step."

She didn't know if he was playing with her or not as they both saw him using his domain properly so she gave up on the bet as she said, "But we both know you will win… so I admit my defeat earlier."

He couldn't reject her anymore and shrugged, asking as he let go of Princess Shan, "So you are ready to be my servant?" He took off his Jacket as he asked, checking how it looked.

She let out a deep breath and agreed, "Yes. I will do anything you ask me for the next three months. I can even help you clean—" Unfortunately, just as she wanted to mention helping Xuefeng with his bath, she was disturbed by him as he finished her sentence, "My black jacket? Perfect! I just dirtied it but I like so much. Can you clean it for me? I will go clean myself with Shan in the meantime."

He passed her his stylish leather jacket and grabbing Princess Shan's hand, they walked first down the hallway. Jiao was staring at their backs before looking at the jacket in her hands and her eyebrows twitched.

She took another deep breath and calmed herself down as she followed after them, 'It's okay… You will find other opportunities… There is plenty of time…'

Chapter 386 - Come Out And Face Your Death! - Part 1

Walking back towards their rooms, Xuefeng spotted one small figure standing right in front of their doors and immediately smelled trouble. It was naturally Liu Mei who was waiting for him, probably because he promised to train with her and she immediately came to claim him on his promise.

With Princess Shan hugging onto his arm despite being all dirty in slime-like blood, they had to go clean themselves anyway so he at least had the excuse to escape. They hadn't even reached the doors when Little Mei saw them and quickly exclaimed while running up to them, "Xuefeng! I was waiting for you!"

Taking on a serious approach, Xuefeng asked her sternly, "Little Mei, why are you walking alone on the warship? Don't you know it's dangerous?"

Little Mei didn't mind that and instead thought that Xuefeng was caring for her which made her happier. She stopped right in front of him and replied with her dazzling smile, "I know, but I was searching for you. How is your training? You are all dirty."

She tried to behave like a little adult and wasn't bothered by the beauty that Xuefeng was holding in his arms. Xuefeng sighed in relief to that, happy that she didn't do anything stupid and said calmly, "The training is going surprisingly well. Though, I still have a lot to do so I'm afraid we will have to postpone our training. We just beat a large group of Spirit Bats and our clothes dirty. We need to first clean ourselves and then I have something important to settle."

"Mhmm, it's okay. Wu Kong wanted to check out the Warship together and visit the training room but I wanted to find you first and check out what are you up to. I guess I will go if you are busy… Good luck with your training…" Little Mei replied as if she didn't mind it but the more she talked, the sadder she got and in the end walked away with her head looking down.

Seeing her slowly walking away, taking time to place each step as if she wanted him to stop her, Xuefeng couldn't get himself to leave her like that and called out, "Wait."

Little Mei immediately turned around and asked back sweetly, "Yes? Is there anything I can do for you?" He could only pat her with his clean hand and assure her, "I hope you can work hard but rest is also important. Even I give a lot of time to my wives as life would be boring while only focusing on training. You also need to enjoy a little."

He didn't expect to see her pout as she grabbed his hand and said, "It's easy for you because you advance in stages so easily… If I don't work hard, will I even catch up to you? There is still a huge gap between us. Don't worry, I know what I want to do. I will stay by your side in the future and I won't change my mind."

This made Xuefeng silent for a second, wondering how should he respond to that but before he could, Little Mei hugged his hand and stated calmly while walking away, "I'm going to train." She didn't turn back even though she wanted to check out his expression but Little Mei knew it was necessary if she wanted to build the desirable atmosphere.

"Your little sister seems to like you. What are your thoughts on her?" Princess Shan asked curiously as she pulled away his attention from the corridor where Little Mei walked into.

With her hand pulling on his chin, he finally glanced at her, fixing the embrace on her and replied with his eyes lost in contemplation, "I treat her like my little sister. I don't think anything will change my feelings."

"What if she catches up to us? She seems to be quite determined." Princess Shan continued asking as she pulled Xuefeng towards their room.

Instead of giving her an answer, Xuefeng suddenly caught her arms and pinned her to the wall. She didn't need to wait for long before her lips were sealed deeply. He used more strength than usual as if he was trying to knock out those thoughts from her mind and it definitely worked well.

Just then, she felt two people approaching from the other side of the corridor but Xuefeng didn't seem like he cared about it. She was sure that he knew about them but still tried to warn him, "Mhmm…" Unfortunately, the only response she got was a warm tongue that suddenly slipped into her mouth, inviting her to dance.

The two people turned out to be patrolling Shadow Guard members but they acted as if they didn't see anything and just walked past them. Her eyes were closed during their kiss and only after she opened them did she understand why they didn't notice them.

They were invisible. Even though she couldn't see neither herself nor him with her eyes, the feeling of his soft tongue entwined with her own was still ongoing.

Pulling away from her, their bodies appeared once again and Xuefeng looked deeply into her eyes as he confessed, "I already have a lot of responsibilities. I'm trying to be the best husband to all of you. I only accepted you as my wife because I was confident I can provide you with the same love I give others. If I can't even satisfy my current wives, I will never think of accepting anyone else."

He didn't let her speak and instead gave her a simple peck before pulling her with him towards their room. She knew they would be going to clean themselves and for some reason, Princess Shan felt tense. She naturally knew what Xuefeng liked to do in the bathroom.

She didn't have much time to think about it though as before she knew, they dodged Nuwa's room, seeing both of them sitting down with their eyes closed and entered straight into the main bathroom.