Chapter 120 to Chapter 127

Chapter 120 The Revolutionary Part II

For almost a century, the struggle between revolutionaries and world government has shaken the entire world.

The common knowledge among the masses was the Nine Great Sovereigns spared few members of the dynasties of the past even with their horrible sins.

Instead of appreciating the kindness, the surviving members found a nation: The Nation of Terror. Ever since then they have been in a bitter struggle with the government to take back the world and put it in the old order.

The masses believed the revolutionaries were nothing but terrorists who have orchestrated many horrifying incidents throughout the world all in order to make the world fall in chaos.

Perhaps the most powerful strength of the revolutionaries was their soldiers. They fully believed in the vision of revolution which was to free the world from the control of the government.

The strength of belief was so strong that the foot soldiers of revolution wouldn't hesitate to commit suicide if their sacrifice can help the revolution.

The investigators clearly knew this conviction the revolutionaries have for the 'freedom' and the 'old order'.

After all, the Revolutionaries blindly believed the government was corrupted and full of greedy people.

Greed and corruption.

The investigators and the local officers obviously knew the meaning of these two words. At least they thought they knew the meaning until now...

The masked man has called Davis greedy for having his wife to himself when so many men out there have never tasted the sweet taste of a woman.

The masked man has called Tamara corrupted for she chose Davis as her husband even with better men out there who have striking looks and personality.

"I have known the revolutionaries have believed we are corrupted and greedy," Ellen who was on her knees muttered, "But never thought the meaning of those two words was different from what I knew."

"...same here," Polan, who was next to her, said in confusion.

"So when those revolutionaries ask for freedom just what exactly they want?" A civilian named Sheena asked.

She was struck to the floor by the gale from earlier. She has come to the headquarters to have a lunch with her husband but never thought she would be attacked by revolutionaries.

Even attack was fine but now her understanding of the world has changed. She was now seeing the revolutionaries in a completely new light.

"I'm afraid of knowing their definition of freedom," Ellen said with her face drenched with cold sweat.

"Me as well," Almost every woman agreed with Ellen's fear.

Earlier they didn't want revolutionaries to win due to their job and lifestyle but now it was for personal safety!

What will happen if the madman like the masked man gets control over the world?!

Just imagining the scenario gave both men and women chill down their spines. The men who were married especially felt afraid for they didn't wish to 'share' their woman!

Earlier they hated being called 'greedy' but now they wanted to be greedy!

Who in their right mind would not be greedy?!

"Does anyone of you still think you are not corrupted and greedy?" The masked man asked as he gazed every one of them.

No one spoke a single word. They were now sure he was a psycho who would do anything.

The masked man clenched his fist tightly and the dust from the floor settled down.

Few tables and chairs from the adjacent rooms floated out in the corridor. The masked man took a seat over a chair with his legs on a table in front of him.

He removed a tablet from his jacket and focused his attention on the tablet screen.

The twelve droids, on the other hand, have their guns aimed at the officers and civilians.

"It is so boring to drag time here," The masked man muttered as he read data on the screen, "Still ten minutes more before the next phase of the plan."

[[Sir, you have no right to complain.]]

A voice came from the tablet. The frequency of the sound was of low intensity so it could be only heard by the masked man.

"I'm not complaining," the masked man said with his voice in a low frequency, "Anyways, how is the fourth floor?"

[[Just as planned but with more casualties on their side.]]

"Good," The man sighed, "If only we could have avoided it."

He put back the tablet back in the jacket. He left the chair and glanced over the females.

"So many good women," The masked man thought. He has believed his greatest weakness was his thirst for women, especially married ones.

"What are you planning?" Davis asked as his hand regenerated, "Why are you not killing us?"

"Are you so eager to die?" The masked man cleared his thoughts.

"..." Davis didn't dare answer.

"I will give you a chance to live," The masked man glanced at his wristwatch, "As long as you can prove you are not greedy and corrupted."


Everyone looked at the masked man.

Proving we are not greedy and corrupted?!


"Tamara, right?" The masked man crouched in front of Tamara, "Do you want your husband to live?"

"Yes," Tamara gulped down a mouthful of saliva before answering.

"Then can you prove your pussy is not corrupted?" The masked man asked.

The mask covered his entire face except for the eyes, and Tamara felt she saw a devilish glint in them.

"How dare you!" Davis ignored the pressure from the gale as he tried to stand up.


He fell on the floor with his face striking the tiles.

"Never good to show greedy behavior," The masked man said in a mocking tone, "Learn from your wife on how to behave."

"Motherfucker!" Davis looked at him with hatred.

"You didn't answer," The masked man glanced at Tamara.

"What is it you want me to do?" Tamara asked trying to control the anger.

"We need to see your pussy," The masked man said in a teasing voice, "Purely for research purpose to check corruption."

"YOU!" Tamara expected him to make a shameless demand but still couldn't believe he would ask.

"I would kill you!" Davis felt his blood boiling at the words of masked man.

How was he a revolutionary by demanding such a thing?!

"I was just kidding," The masked man stood up, "No need to be so offended by a joke I made to cheer you."

Davis and Tamara sighed in relief. A moment ago they dreaded the masked man would do something extreme.

"In my line of business, I can't afford to have morals," The masked man said as he glanced at the wristwatch, "But I do have a bottom line."

"Line of business?" Tamara asked.

Just what business was he referring to?

Is it terrorism? Or something different?

"Anyways, time is up," The masked man took out the tablet back, "Activate the last phase."

The tablet flew from his hand and hovered in the air with its back camera on him.

"What is he talking about?" Ellen muttered.


Outside, the police headquarters.

The force field surrounding the parameter was still active but the police officers and droids were fighting with white droids inside the parameter.

"It is over here," Emily sighed in relief after destroying the last droid, "But there is still...If only Liam and others were here."

She glanced at the fourth and fifth floor of the headquarters. It was surrounded by a black barrier preventing anyone from entering it.

Five military helicopters were floating outside the building trying to gather any information from those two floors.

"Just how did so many droids entered here?" Emily knew the electromagnetic field was still active which meant no teleportation should work, "And more importantly what is going on those two floors?"

Some distance away outside the parameter of the headquarters, news reporters were present with their cameras on the building.

"We are live from the police headquarters," A female reporter said, "Twenty minutes ago some hundred droids entered the parameters and launched an attack."

"We have no words on the objectives of the attacker," A male reporter from a different media channel reported, "More help would be arriving soon from the mayor office and government officers."


The mobiles and video cameras in the entire area started releasing faint buzzing sound.

"What is going on?" A cameraman looked in disbelief as the live feed from the camera was interfered and a new visual arrived.

"Our communication system is hacked!" A female cried in shock.

Chi~ Chi~

A masked man appeared on every tv, computer, and mobile in the area.

"For more than a century the world has been shrouded by darkness," The masked man on the screen said, "This darkness has given the world nothing but nightmares."

"Who is this man?" A reporter wondered.

"What darkness?" Another reporter asked.

"The darkness is the world government," the masked man on the screen continued, "They have ruled over us satisfying their greed and hunger for power and money while we suffered hunger and pain.

"The echelons of the government live the life of kings while the masses work their asses to contribute to the king life of our rulers. We struggle to meet our day's ends and pay our taxes while the rulers live without any care.

"But this tyranny and injustice would end. There would be no more darkness in this world."

Everyone in the surrounding 5 km was seeing the visuals of this masked man on the screen.

"No more darkness?" A woman wondered, "Is he a terrorist?"

"Seems so," A man said, "Only those terrorists use such words when they do something terrible."

"Yeah," the woman agreed, "Those bastards don't honor the sacrifices of our past heroes."

"Some of you might doubt our intention," the masked man continued, "You believe the darkness is the light. Let us clear your misunderstanding."

The screen was now replaced with various reports on corruption in the city. There were even visuals of the secret images from the wasteland where the golden lightning incident took place and the same went for the meteorite.

"The government lied to you about the incident in the wasteland by calling it as a missile test but in fact, the government has retrieved a treasure which would obliterate us all.

"Don't believe us?"

The screen showed the visuals of few mutants dissipating into nothingness. These images were originally recorded by Sylvan and given to the world council. (Chapter 54)

"The mutants in the visuals are government officials but yet they were killed by the government when they tested their treasure. Many of you might be even acquainted with these mutants."

The people in the area were shocked by the visuals. Most believed they were fake but some felt there was some truth in it.

"Don't you find it strange the presence of so many government officers in the city recently?"

The screen now showed the pictures of investigators in the city at various locations.

"They are trying to use the treasure on a large scale by conducting the experiment on the city."

"No way!" The reporters and the others cried in horror. They wanted to think the masked man was lying but seeing the reports so far made them believe there was some truth in it.

"The government will give an excuse like some missile test or gas explosion after the experiment is over," the masked man continued, "Believing it or not is up to you.

"We will still fight for you regardless for we are revolutionaries. No matter what you think we are your beacon of hope in this world of darkness."

The screen now showed the visuals from the fifth floor of police headquarters.

"They are the government officials sent here to conduct experiments on us," the screen displayed the investigators, "As revolutionaries, it is our duty to punish them by death."

"What?!" Davis and others were horrified. They did expect to die but now that the words of judgment were passed they felt terrified.

What truly scared them was how the masked man has made them as the villains who are here to conduct an experiment on the masses.

While it was true they have done morally ambiguous things in their job, they now felt they were wrongly blamed.

Sure they would have gone to any cost to retrieve the treasure they were sent here to seek, but they weren't as evil as the masked man said!


"We are not here to kill!"

"Stop lying!"

"We are the good guys!"


Meanwhile, in an apartment somewhere in the city.

The revolutionaries sent by Count Viper looked at the live feed from the masked man in a holographic projection.

They were far away from the police headquarters but they were looking over the activities of police so they knew about the incident ever since it begun.

In the corner of the room, Rufus was standing with the cylindrical glass pod in his hand. His eyes turned red and the veins on his forehead were on brink of popping out.

"Son of a bitch!" Rufus almost threw the pod with blue liquid, "Who the hell is he?!"

"Control yourself," A woman tried to pacify him, "You know what will happen if the nanites are freed."

"Fuck," Rufus placed the glass pod inside the suitcase, "That masked man is not one of us!"

"I know," The woman sighed in relief knowing there would be no incident from the blue liquid, "But we can't do anything."

"That bastard is screwing us!" Rufus wished to strangle the masked man, "Now government would try to search for us."

"Yeah," the woman agreed, "That man has impersonated us well."


"If I didn't know it better then I would have thought he is a true revolutionary!"


Alas, they didn't know the masked man was a true revolutionary. It was just that his idea of revolution was about something else...

Chapter 121 The Revolutionary Final Part

Most, if not all, communication systems in the area were showing the live feed of the masked man. The people in their homes and those in the streets contemplated about the information the masked man has shared so far.

They recalled how a few days ago dark clouds were seen in the city as well, unlike the previous times where they appeared in the wasteland. While the golden lightning didn't manifest in the city but the pressure of dark clouds has created many incidents. (Chapter 109).

"Could he be correct?" A woman on a street asked as she gazed at her mobile screen, "Is the government truly using us as guinea pigs for some weapon of mass destruction?"

"They wouldn't," A man next her to muttered in a low voice as if unsure of his own words.

"I have seen those government officers in the slum," A middle-aged man muttered, "And didn't a carnage took place there a month ago?"

"Now that you mention it," A middle-aged woman tried to recall, "That incident took place the same day when the golden lightning manifested in the wasteland."

"You guys are thinking wrong," A twenty-year-old protested, "The slum carnage was different from how those people disintegrated in nothingness."

"Maybe the government is using different weapons," A buddy of the twenty-year-old argued, "Using different styles would avoid suspicions."

"It is possible!"

"We have to run away before they kill us in some freak experiment!"

"Revolutionary, please kill those officers!"

The will of the people is easy to manipulate if one knows how to use facts with fiction. From thousands of years, propaganda has been used to manage the public opinion by various organizations whether they are religious, dynastical or the government.

Most people often ignore the power of 'words' but in fact, their power is the strongest. A master of words can change the perspective of an individual.

That's why the politicians spend so much time on their speeches to create a sympathetic node with the public. As long as one knows what interest or scare the public, one can have their attention and use it to for own benefit.

Kiba has always known about the power of words. Maybe more than anyone else for he has always used it to charm women and torture men.

Ever since the incident at the wasteland, he and Claudia have created multiple plans to tackle the attention of government and other organizations.

When Eva informed him of a possibility of his other persona's involvement in the mining incident being known, he decided to use one of the plans by modifying it to match the current requirements.

He used the explosives, droids and other materials he has 'borrowed' over the years to strike the police headquarters.

His attack has three objectives. Firstly, he wanted to go away with any evidence which might become a trouble for Zed.

Secondly, he wished to ensure the government attention was diverted from the first objective by blaming it on revolutionaries.

While he was confident in his ability to impersonate as a revolutionary in the attack, he wasn't overconfident to believe the government would blindly trust the narrative he was selling.

After all, what he knew about revolutionaries was from the media and corporate knowledge, he didn't know what the government knew about revolutionaries. His knowledge was limited in this regard.

This brought him to his third objective: Turn public will against the government, or at least against the investigators. While he knew the government would soon pacify the public, the damage done to their image would be far too great.

Every action from now would be seen with suspicion especially after he leaked the pictures of investigators. Sure the government might send more forces but that would only create more trouble.

You can kill people but never a thought of suspicion.


Fifth floor, Police headquarters.

"You are lying!" the investigators shouted in unison but alas, their efforts were useless. The live feed only carried what Kiba wanted.


"Hmm?" The masked man looked at the tablet.

[[The communication system has been restored. We can't hack again in a short while.]]

"It is fine," The masked man said in an audible voice to everyone, "We already have left the impression we wanted."

"Impression?" Davis was terrified as he thought of a possibility, "You are not a revolutionary?!"

Ellen, Tamara, and others thought in a similar fashion.

"No, I'm a revolutionary," The masked man removed his mask, "Just not your definition of revolutionary."

Everyone looked with eyes wide open as the face behind the mask was revealed

"He is..."


"What is going on?"

"Never thought esteemed investigators from the government know of me," Kiba said with a smile as he crunched the mask into dust, "I'm flattered."

"What are you doing here?" Jason tried to make sense of things.

Just what is his objective?!

"I think I now understand the revolution he wanted to create," A civilian woman muttered after knowing the attacker was Kiba.

"...Me as well," Her husband consented.

"Oh?" Kiba looked back.

His vision passed the black barrier at the end of the floor and saw a blond man attacking the barrier with his fists. The blond-haired man's fists were like missiles as they created vibrations on the barrier.

"Powerful but not enough for now," Kiba mused without any care, "The barrier is created on Castor Damon's knowledge as well with many modifications by me based on Section IV."

"Castor Damon?!" Ellen was horrified by the words.

"Could you be responsible..." Tamara trailed off at the terrifying guess.

"You can learn everything in a short while," Kiba turned his face around, "There are many knowledgeable persons waiting for you all in the underworld, and I'm sure they would be glad to share their information with reputed investigators like you."

"Bastard!" Davis tried to stand up from the floor. He was sure what awaited for them if they didn't fight back now.


He fell on the floor just like others as the air above them compressed like a mountain.

"Farwell," Kiba took out a grenade from the jacket, "It was fun to know you all."

"You wouldn't go scot free!" Tamara shouted in resentment, "You evil creature!"

"Evil?" Kiba laughed loudly as he finger moved on the firing pin, "Evil is purely subjective."

What might be good for one might be evil for another.

"You are killing innocents so that is evil!" Jason looked at him with deep hatred. He didn't wish to die but he knew his fate.

"Innocents? What about the slum dweller whose memories you were forcefully retrieving? You should know what his fate would be," Kiba said with contempt, "Or what about the people you killed in one way or another to get your hands on information?"

"This is not the same! We were doing our job as investigators and those deaths only occurred because we didn't have any alternative!" Ellen argued trying to find ways to stop him, "We had permission from the government!"

"So the permission of government gives you right to torture and kill," Kiba laughed at the logic, "But I also have the permission to kill you."

"What?!" Ellen was startled.

He has permission?!

"Who gave you the permission?" Davis asked trying to think who could have ordered him.

"My desires," Kiba answered with a playful smile, "I don't need anyone else's permission."

"Bastard!" Jason cursed loudly.

"You would suffer hell!"

Kiba ignored their cursings as he took out the firing pin.

"You aim here is to destroy the life I have built for myself," Kiba's voice turned cold, "Nothing can be eviler than this for me."

He threw the grenade at the investigators and turned around.



"You can have me!"


The investigators begged and cried but he ignored them. He stepped towards the civilians who were on the opposite corner.

"P-please don't," A woman begged, "Let us go."

"I plan to," Kiba gave a sigh, "But before that, there is something I have to do."


The civilians didn't even get to contemplate as their eyes were stuck on his. They felt his eyes were like a vortex of unmeasurable depths.

"I hate slaughter when I have an alternative," Kiba's voice passed in their heads, "And thankfully for you, there is an alternative which suits my goal."

The memories of the civilians were churned out and replaced with few adjustments as he wanted. If he hasn't copied the psychic ability of the monk then he would have killed them as well.

But now this alternative even worked better for him since he could make them remember as he wants to improve his narrative.

"This should be enough," Kiba waved his hand and the civilians were pushed to the end of the floor.

He turned around and saw the struggle on the face of investigators as they tried to escape from the grenade without any success.

"Send my regards to Castor and Lisa in the underworld," Kiba said as rays of white light surrounded him and the droids, "I'm sure you would have fun there in the investigation."


The grenade exploded into green flames.





Outside, the police headquarters.

Liam launched another fist on the black barrier covering the fourth and fifth floor.


The barrier cracked like a mirror and fragments of black energy floated all around. Liam jumped inside the fifth floor while few others jumped in the fourth floor.

"Damn!" Liam gritted his teeth in anger as he saw the state of the floor. There were civilians lying in a corner with minor injuries from the explosion but there was no trace of the investigator.

He noticed green flames at the end of the floor and he knew what they signified.

"Those terrorists!" Liam's eyes were bloodshot...


Section I, Dream Rise House.

"He is in a vegetative state," Kiba sighed in disappointment as he checked the condition of the slum dweller he has teleported from the forensic room, "His brain has been ruined by the memory retrieval equipment."

Forceful retrieval of memory has severe side effects. The doctor didn't really care for the life of a slum dweller.

Of course, before the doctor could retrieve his memories fully, Kiba has killed the doctor.

[[What should we do with him?]]

"This could have been avoided if I was a few minutes earlier," Kiba glanced at the old man on the glass examination table, "Euthanize him."


Claudia knew he has a soft spot for the slum dwellers. Otherwise he wouldn't have helped them by killing slum overlords. Nor he would have helped the woman and her two children by giving them food and money.

"If only living beings stop lusting after power and eternal life," Kiba stepped towards the elevator at the end of lab, "So many deaths could be avoided."

[[You are thinking of the impossible, sir.]]

"I know it very well," Kiba entered the elevator, "It is just like Elissa once told me...there is an attraction to the impossible."



A few hours later at the police headquarters.

The entire perimeter outside was filled with ambulance and military vans while news reporters and protestors were placed outside the barricade.

Emily was sitting on a chair near the entrance of the building. The injuries she took during her battle with droids were fully healed by the treatment.

"In just a week we have lost so many of our comrades," Emily said after taking a sip of coffee, "First the incident at the wasteland and now this."

"Don't forget them," A woman officer next to pointed towards the protestors far away, "We are now public enemies."

"Yeah," Emily sighed in frustration.


"Hmm?" Emily and the officer next to her turned around as her name was called loudly.

Emily was startled as she saw a familiar figure running towards her. Before she could say anything, the figure hugged her.

"I'm glad you're safe," the man said with heavy breathing, "Thank god."

"K-Kiba," Emily was completely caught off guard by his sudden entrance and hug. Her cheeks blushed as she saw the strange expression on the woman officer next to her.

"I'm sorry," Kiba left her hug, "I didn't mean to.."

Emily looked at him and noticed traces of worry on his face.

"He was worried for me?" Emily thought surprised.

She was impressed by his conduct and personality during the dinner but never thought he would care so much about her.

The attack has shocked everyone in the city but for him to be here even after all this... She couldn't help but look him in a different light.

"Why are you here?" Emily asked just to hear him clear her doubts.

"I saw the news," Kiba said with a bit of sadness in his voice, "I was afraid the terrorists..."

He trailed off in between but Emily and the other woman could feel an aura of melancholy from him.

"Thank you," Emily moved forward to hug him with an affection she has rarely shown in her life, "I'm glad you are here."

Chapter 122 Rake!

The Police Headquarters.

Neither Emily nor the woman officer knew the aura of melancholy around Kiba was for a different reason instead of what they assumed.

A few hours ago he has recalled the words of Elissa which was responsible for his melancholy...

"I'm glad you're here," Emily said in a voice filled with affection.

She recalled all their meetings till now. The embarrassing police interview, the witty and philosophical conversation during the dinner where he changed her views on the world, the ways how he played with Morgan, and now this.

The woman officer looked in disbelief as Emily tightly hugged Kiba. Emily has forgotten the existence of everyone after she wrapped her hands around him.

All she cared was returning the affection this man has shown her. She didn't think he was her type of ideal man nor she believes there would be any meaningful relationship in the long run.

Yet she hugged him.

She wanted to have the moment with him regardless of the future. For far too long she has been blinded by the thoughts of the future and the views of others.

The recent happenings after arriving at the city have made her realize just how short life could be. She finally understood life was far too important to waste on the opinions of others.

Now she wanted to live for herself even if it was for a short moment. A few moments of happiness together were more meaningful than meaningless long-lasting relationships.

"That was unexpected," Kiba muttered with a smirk as they left each other's arms.

"Yeah," Emily's misty blue eyes were filled with a seductive force no man can ever resist, "I'm hungry for some food."

"Me as well," Kiba looked around the protestors some distance away, "We should go somewhere else but not here for food."

"Good idea," Emily said as Kiba's hand moved on her arm. Rays of white light surrounded both of them and in the next moment they teleported out.

"Emily is not her usual self," the female officer was shocked by the happenings, "That womanizer must have hypnotized her!"

She shook her head helplessly knowing her friend was like a sheep under the grasp of a wolf.

"God saves the naive women," the female officer sighed deeply.


An hour later~

"That was a good meal," Emily said as she placed her eyes under a retina scanner, "We should go there again."

"I would love that," Kiba looked on as the door to her apartment opened up.

"Give me few minutes to freshen up," Emily removed her jacket as she proceeded to the washroom, "Feel free to explore in the meantime."

Kiba didn't need to be told for he has always considered other's homes like his own. He wasn't least bit uncomfortable as he walked around the apartment.

"Nice room," Kiba has to confess that the government has been giving five-star treatment to the investigators, "I wonder just how long they could afford to give such freebies any longer after today's incident."

Kiba has a smile as he stepped in the bedroom. He sat on the bed while his vision passed on the attached washroom where Emily was taking a quick shower.

"It was good she was not there," Kiba thought as he retracted his vision, "At least now I don't have to worry about the investigation for a long while as the government tackles the mess I have created."

Ten minutes later~

"I'm sorry for making you wait," Emily said after she stepped out of the washroom. She has wrapped a white towel around her body which covered her breasts and the mound below.

"I'm sure you are going to make up for it," Kiba curled two fingers in the towel to tug it away, "Besides a fine lady like you never need to apologize."

Emily was surprised by his actions so quickly. She was expecting things to happen but not so fast.

Before she knew it, both of them were naked with his hands wrapped on her waist. He lowered his head to hers as their lips joined for a kiss.

The warmth of his lips drew away the least bit of hesitation she had as she enjoyed his soft caressing. His one hand was on her torso drawing her body against his, while his other hand was cupping the curves of her ass.

Her eyes were closed as the kiss turned frantic and the touches more intimate. His tongue parted her willing cherry-red lips to explore her sweet mouth.

Down below, his hand lightly rubbed on her ass to savor the soft and firm flesh. Her breasts were pressing against his chest as he pushed her torso while his tongue wrapped around hers.

His erection was poking above her clit and she felt a jolt throughout.

She has never felt such a passionate but yet brazen kiss before. A lightning passed through her as his hand moved from the curves of her ass to the front of her body.

"Ah," Emily lightly moaned as their kiss broke.

"You are beautiful," Kiba complimented from his heart as his eyes cherished her gorgeous body, "A true piece of art."


Emily didn't get a chance to thank as his lips once again joined hers. She felt her feet leaving the floor and when she opened the eyes she lying on the bed.

Kiba was sitting at the corner of the bed marveling at the sight of her body. He slowly kissed his way up her slender body. His kisses were soft and short as he kissed from her thighs to her belly.

Tinges of current passed through her as his lips arrived on the curves of her breasts. His short but intimate kissing was driving her wild.

He kissed her cleavage with his right hand cupping her right breast. Her nipples were light pink and puffy.

His mouth moved on her right nipple to nibble on it. Her nipple trembled at the touch of his lips.

She released a low but sexy moan as his tongue licked her nipple. His tongue made soft circles around the outline of her nipple.


His hand fondled her breast while his mouth savored her nipple. He moved his mouth over both her nipples to suck them in.

"Ooo don't stop," Emily moaned as she cupped her breasts together as his hungry mouth sucked her nipples like a beast.

He moved his hand down to the edge of her mound. He curved a finger at the start of her clit.

"Ah!" Emily squirmed as his finger rubbed her clit and then moved to the vaginal openings.

Kiba lowered his body to make his head lie between her thighs as he appreciated her folded coverings.

"Oh god!" Emily bite down her on her lower lip as his tongue touched her coverings. She let out a delighted moan as his tongue barged in her waiting pink pussy.

His tongue tasted the sweetness of nectar as he licked her inside. His fingers rubbed the top of her clit and she squirmed loudly.

She grasped his blonde hairs as he sucked on her clit and then below. His mouth was filled with her juices as he tongue worked on her pussy.

"You are sweeter than honey," Kiba said as he moved his head towards her to kiss her on the mouth.

"Oh!" Emily tasted her juices from his mouth. His tongue rolled inside her mouth to spread her sweetness.

He held her body during the kiss to swipe the position. She was on top of him while he was on the bed enjoying the feeling of her breasts on his chest and his cock dangerously close to her pussy.

Emily parted her lips with his as she positioned herself on his cock. He controlled his hips to slowly enter inside her.

"Ahhh," She felt a bolt of lightning throughout her body as his cock penetrated her to the edge. Her eyes were tightly shut as she accustomed to him.

Her pussy was tight and wet, and Kiba felt a seductive warmth inside. He put his hands on her hips as she begun to bounce on his lap.

"Oh god," Emily's breathing became heavy as she rode him and felt his cock touching her limits. Her back arched as she increased the pace.

Kiba moved one hand to rub her clits in a circular motion as she bounced on him. She trembled from ecstasy and her vaginal muscles clenched tightly around his cock.

Kiba leaned her body to meet his as he took control. He swapped her on the bed with him on her top.

He spread her thighs apart as he plunged into her welcoming pussy. She squirmed and moaned as he thrust deep into her.

His face zeroed on hers to share a wet kiss while his cock rammed in with a much stronger force. His chest pressed on her breasts tightly while he pushed inside her.

"Cum with me," Emily said in between their kiss as she felt close to orgasm. She clenched her shoulders tightly as holts of orgasms invaded her.

Her body trembled and huffed in delight as she felt him pumping loads of cum inside her.


Emily was lying beside Kiba covered with a white blanket. She ran her hand in his golden hairs while her eyes were looking at his half-golden and half-blue pupils.

"Is this a one night stand?" Emily asked a few moments later.

"I don't know," Kiba caressed her face with his hand, "Depends on what you want."

"We don't have a future together, do we?" Emily asked with a smile.

She knew his womanizer nature and she wasn't naive enough to believe he would settle down with her. She didn't regret the night though for it was her choice because she wasn't looking for love.

The world has changed with time and so has the mindset even if few things remained taboo.

She was independent and knew one true eternal love was just a fantasy. She has seen close couples breaking up and moving on with new lovers.

Even married couples were estranged from each other even though they continued in the relationship.

Maybe true love existed but she has never seen it so far. What she liked about Kiba was that the time they spend together, he made her feel like she was loved and cared for.

He might have many women in his life but during the time together, he made her feel she was the only woman who mattered. Even during lovemaking, he cared more about her pleasure than his own.

"Future?" Kiba looked at her with a smile, "I don't know, but I know we are going to spend a lot of time together now."

He moved on top of her with his hand cupping her breasts while his lips closed into hers.

"You truly are a rake," Emily mused as their lips joined...

Chapter 123 Never Lie!

Rake! A man who is habituated to immoral conduct, particularly womanizing.

In the society, women are often bound by the chains of relationships which suppress them.

The chains which ensure they serve the role of tender and civilizing force by becoming an example of eternal commitment and loyalty.

This didn't mean women didn't have their own desires. They too have their dark fantasies in which they are free and pleasured.

Fantasies which the normal men could not satisfy for they too are bound by the moral convictions of the world or are simply incapable due to their own innate weakness.

But Rake was different! He might be immoral and dishonest but he was seductive. From the beginning of time, there has always been a strong attraction to the forbidden and taboo.

Women were the same in this regard.

The rake offered them what their deepest fantasies desired! Pleasure without any bonds! Love without any ties!

The rake never followed what was considered as moral and standard behavior of a gentleman! His past would be filled with conquests of women from various backgrounds, but that only increased his charm to the women.

An affair with such a man was rare and thrilling no matter how short it was.

Emily considered Kiba as a true rake from his behavior during the interview, dinner and then after the attack on police headquarters.

A rake was someone who seduced his targets by his conduct and words. Emily believed no men could compare to Kiba in either word, conduct or even his performance in bed!

Women desired him and men envied him!

"No wonder he is hated by Morgan and other men," Emily thought as she begun another session of lovemaking with Kiba...


The Seventh Floor of Delta Police Headquarters.

Liam was sitting in a conference room. On a chair opposite to him was a virtual projection of Mason Maxwell - The President of World Government.

"The revolutionaries have not taken responsibility for today's incident," Mason's expression was gloomy as he continued, "But our sources have confirmed that a team of revolutionaries has crossed Blood Dunes on a mission."

"Was their mission to screw us here?" Liam gritted his teeth as he recalled the losses he has suffered. Just yesterday, few of his comrades died by the strange incident in the wasteland and now today the revolutionaries killed few of his other comrades.

"We don't know," Mason could understand Liam's frustration, "But chances are those revolutionaries might be in the city."

"The revolutionaries might be here for the shard of Cosmic Spark," Liam guessed after thinking of the propaganda the masked man spread in the city, "They have helped Castor Damon secretly four years ago so they already know its existence or at least should have a guess."

"Maybe or maybe not," Mason shook off his head, "Anyways, I would send forces here to help you and your team. You already have equipment with you so there is nothing to worry."

"Worry?" Liam's eyes were bloodshot, "The masses here are looking at us like we are some genocide maniacs. And you are saying there is nothing to worry?"

Liam knew it pretty well that he couldn't resort to force on the protestors easily. The government has to keep its image of democracy and this meant his hands were tied.

"Masses are fools," Mason said without any emotions, "They will move on from this topic in a short time. And if not, we will bring a new topic to distract them after some time."

"You politicians sure are the most dangerous bunch," Liam said annoyed.

He knew what these distractions would be. They would start new mutant tournaments, celebrity world tour, etc. In worst cases, there might be even financial or security crisis to get the people in line by making revolutionaries as a scapegoat.

"For the time being try to be low key," Morgan ignored Liam's words as he ordered, "The pressure I'm facing from the councilmen is killing me so give me some good result as soon as possible."

"I would try," Liam said but in his heart, he wasn't optimistic given the recent happenings and the threat of those revolutionaries...


The next day.

The Cafeteria, Royal Heart Academy.

"Now now," Felicity scrutinized Zed from head to toe, "How great of you to show your face today."

"I was busy with some stuff," Zed slowly reasoned as he took a seat opposite to hers, "There was some insurance check due to the hover car incident."

He couldn't tell her that he skipped yesterday to launch an attack on the police headquarters. So he used the hover car incident when the monk attacked him.

"Really?" Felicity asked with a smile.

"Y-yes," Zed was having a bad feeling but he has already told a lie and he couldn't back away now.

"You sure have got guts to lie again and that too this soon," Felicity clenched her fist and from the floor, green vines materalized.

Zed sensed the vines and he instinctively left the chair, but alas he was too late. From behind, the stems of flowers from the vases on tables extended all around to create an impenetrable net.

The petals of flowers expanded and pushed him ahead. From the floor, the vines clutched his legs.

"Felicity, there is a misunderstanding!" If it was someone else besides Felicity then he would already have counter attacked by now, "I can definitely explain!"

"I made sure there is no trouble for you due to the car explosion," Felicity waved her hand to push the table behind, "Claudia has shared the details with me so there was no way you could be busy due to car issue."

"Claudia knew?" Zed felt betrayed by his trusted aide.

She should have warned him before so that he could have made another excuse.

He knew it better than anyone the type of fiend Felicity was when she was angered, and he knew she has every right to be after his multiple lies.

"Yes," Felicity rubbed her hand in anticipation, "And now it is time for you to learn that you should never lie to me."


Jessica, Loren and others in the cafeteria closed their eyes and silently prayed for Zed...

Chapter 124 Police Station

Royal Heart Academy.

Twenty minutes later~

Zed was lying on a table inside a dispensary. His entire body was filled with bruises and cuts while his face was pale-blue.

"It hurts," Zed said.

"Don't lie," Felicity coldly snorted as she cleaned his wounds with antiseptic, "Or haven't you learned that already?"

"...." Zed didn't dare say anything no matter how unfair he felt.

First, she thrashed him in the cafeteria and then brought him to the dispensary to treat him. Even the doctor in the dispensary was left speechless when he learned this.

The doctor silently retraced and allowed Felicity to treat him.

Zed glanced at her as she moved on his shoulder. Her expression was a mixture of anger and worry as she treated his injuries.

"I'm sorry," Zed said in a barely audible tone.

He knew he has worried her greatly when the attack of Psychic Hunter took place a few days ago. He could also imagine the frustration she must have felt after she learned he was lying.

"What did you say?" Felicity asked as she applied a healing cream on his forehead.

"I'm sorry," Zed repeated his apology but this time loudly enough for her to hear him, "I shouldn't have lied."

"I'm not really angry at your lies," Felicity looked him in the eyes, "What truly offended me is how you didn't respect our promise."

"Promise," Zed thought as he remembered a scene from two years ago. The time when their relationship transformed from friends to siblings.

The time when they promised to look for each other and never hesitate in taking help...the time when they promised to be there for each other till the end of their lives.

"I would never break our promise," Zed wasn't able to look in her eyes as he continued, "Forgive my behavior from last few days."

She was the only reason why he decided to stay in the academy even after his initial decision of quitting the academy the day he joined it.

The life he lived as Zed wasn't as exciting or thrilling like the life he lived as Kiba. But yet to him, Zed was the most rewarding part of life as long as Felicity was there in it.

There was another major reason why he lived as Zed but now that reason no longer mattered. Even if not for that reason, he wouldn't stop living as Zed...


An hour later~

"Are you fine?" Jessica asked as Zed and Felicity walked in the classroom.

"Yeah," Zed answered with an awkward smile.

He wondered how the people he has sent to underworld would react if they learn he feared a girl.

"That's good to know," Jessica controlled her smile, "I thought you were going to die today."

"Same here," Loren nodded as well.

"Next time he might," Felicity's anger has calmed down.

"...." Zed silently took his seat and waited for the class to start.

"Everything is Claudia's fault!" Zed thought.


A few hours later the classes ended and Zed stepped inside his new hover car.

"You betrayed me," Zed said as he drove the car out of the academy.

[[Betrayed?]] Claudia asked confused.

"You shared the car details with Felicity but yet didn't warn me," Zed was sure he could have saved himself from Felicity's anger if he knew this in advance.

[[How am I at fault when you didn't give me a chance to explain?]]

"You had opportunity---"

Zed didn't even get time to complete his sentence as a log screen materialized in front of him.

[[Lady Felicity asked me details about the car when you were busy with your tryst with Lady Eva in the academy. Then you were busy with the role-playing as a revolutionary in the police headquarters. Later on, you took three hours rest since you were mentally tired from the killings.]]

[[I believed I would get a chance to share details after your rest ends but then you decided to use the mess you have created for another purpose.]]

[[I seem to recall your exact words - 'In my line of business I can never let an opportunity to go waste.']]

"...." Zed's lips were twitching.

[[You muttered these words and teleported to police headquarters to increase your 'affection' with Emily. It seems you were successful since you teleported to the house only in the morning.]]


[[Please tell me just when exactly did I get an opportunity to share details about my conversation with Lady Felicity.]]

"...I was just kidding," Zed felt helpless as he took control over the car.


"Hm?" Zed saw another notification panel appearing on the car screen.

[[The four fools and their families have started creating trouble for you.]]

"Four fools?" Zed recalled the children of investigators who have hired a local gang to cripple him a few days ago. Those four felt he was responsible for the 'humiliation' of their admissions in the academy being canceled.

[[They have registered a complain so the police have sent a notice to you for an interview.]]

"Took them long enough but then again the last few days would be a pain for their parents," Zed mused.

The next day after the four fools were crippled, the dark clouds in the city and the golden lightning in the wasteland incident occurred. The investigators would hardly have time to focus on the plight of their children.

And then there was the attack at the police headquarters a day later.

He actually felt pity for the parents as he remembered the mess he has created for them in his both forms.

[[You have to attend the interview now.]]

"Sighs~ If the notice was for Kiba then interview could be so much fun," Zed sook off his head in disappointment.

He took a reverse turn to drive towards the police station.


Delta Police Station, Central District.

Zed parked the car in parking lot. He left the car and was surprised the next moment.

"Loren?" Zed said as he saw Loren leaving a car adjacent to his along with Suzane and Olly.

"Zed," Loren looked at him as well, "I expected to see you here."

"I guess they called you as a witness," Zed smiled.

Loren and Jessica were accompanying him when those four fools and the local gang attacked him.

"Yes," Loren was surprised by his relaxed attitude.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am," Zed greeted Suzane in a polite tone.

"Such a well-mannered child," Suzane nodded in appreciation.

"You are?" Zed glanced at Olly.

"He is my brother Olly," Loren introduced on her brother's behalf.

"Ah! Nice to meet you as well," Zed greeted him.

"Same," Olly tried to be polite but he couldn't since he knew Zed was responsible for his cancellation of admission to Royal Heart Academy.

While he didn't hold a grudge like the four fools, he couldn't be warm as well.

"Please don't take any offense," Suzane gave Olly a stern gaze as she continued, "He lacks manners even though he is my son."

"Mom!" Olly felt wronged.

How can she chide him so openly?

"No offense taken, ma'am," Zed has a radiant smile as he turned towards Olly, "I'm sure Olly is a very good son of yours."

Good son.

Two short words but when Olly heard them, the entire world changed for him. All he could see was 'good son' plastered everywhere telling him what a son he was.

His body shivered and cold sweat dripped out of his skin as the two words brought out his worst nightmares.

In all his nightmares, Olly would be referred to as a good son by Kiba. The 'motherfucker' would often express his gratitude for helping him in his tryst with Suzane.

The first time this happened was in their own apartment when he saw Kiba stepping out Suzane's bedroom. Kiba was fully relaxed as he chilled with drinks and thanked Olly for introducing him to Suzane.

The next time was in a five-star hotel when Kiba walked out of a women's bathroom after making out with Suzane.

Kiba has expressed gratitude from the heart for ensuring no one barged in when he 'explored' his relationship with Suzane.

Only Kiba has called him a good son due to all these things but now even Zed called him as such in a similar fashion.

"Does he know about the affair?" Olly shuddered as he thought of this.


He fell on the floor in horror as this terrifying thought ran in his mind. All he could think of what would happen to him if his father learned this secret he was guarding so well.

"Olly!" Loren and Suzane were surprised by Olly's falling.

A moment ago he was fine and aloof but suddenly he fell on the floor.

Just what happened?

The mother-daughter duo moved forward to help but before they could, they saw Zed offering his hand in support.

"Are you all right?" Zed asked as he helped Olly stand up.

"Y-yes," Olly feigned composure "I just lost balance."

"That's a relief," Zed gave a reassuring smile towards Loren and Suzane, "He is fine."

"You scared us," Suzane sighed in relief.

"Do some exercise to get your body in shape," Loren similarly sighed in relief as she along with her mother and Zed walked in the police station.

Behind, Olly was struck on the spot thinking of everything that happened in last two minutes.

How could he tell his mom and sister that he was not feeling well?

How can they understand the dilemma he was facing when the two words struck him?

"I'm overthinking things," Olly tired to calm his rapidly beating heart, "Zed called me a good son just to be polite and nothing else."

Chapter 125 Liar!

Delta Police Station - Central District.

A police constable guided Zed, Loren, Suzane, and Olly inside a room which served as an office for a Captain rank officer.

The room was large with multiple sofas and chairs along with a working desk at the end. A middle-aged man with short white hairs was sitting in front of the desk. He has a dusky skin stone with some white patches on his face.

He was Athol - the sole captain rank officer in the police station.

As Zed stepped inside, in addition to Athol, he saw many familiar faces along with some new faces.

The four fools: Edgar, Rees, Percy, and Brian. They were each accompanied by a parent.

Even Jessica was in the room sitting in a corner along with a blonde woman in her forties.

Zed assumed she was her mother given the similarity in facial features.

"Zed!" Jessica rushed towards him while the woman followed from behind.

"I knew you would be here," Zed then greeted the woman, "It is our first time meeting, ma'am."

"Please call me Eloise," The woman responded with a smile but Zed could see the anxiety she was desperately trying to hide.

He could understand for a lower-middle-class family like Jessica's, the police station was the last thing they ever want to enter. This especially was true for Jessica's family who has suffered under the corruption in police force.

Jessica was forced to work for Irina and her gang but the police never helped. So the reputation of the police wasn't really good in their eyes.

They feared the police so the current situation wasn't really pleasing for them especially when Jessica was a witness to an incident caused by the children of investigators.

Not like Zed looked down on Eloise for her nervousness and anxiety. If he was in her situation then he would be the same.

The attitude of a person to a situation is largely depended on one's own background and standing. The weak don't get the right to interfere in the matters of strong.

"Eloise, please rest assured there is nothing to worry about," Zed spoke in a calm tone, "Jessica doesn't have to give a statement in my favor."

"No! I will not lie!" Jessica refused before her mother could sigh in relief.

Jessica felt she has taken many favors from Zed whether it was the awakening of her new ability or her freedom from Irina's clutches.

"Jessica, do as I ask," Zed spoke in a light manner, "They can't do anything to me even if they win."


"There is not but," Zed shook his head, "In the worst case, I can take help from Felicity. You, on the other hand, would bring unnecessary trouble for your family by being honest."

Jessica bit her lower lip as she understood how correct Zed was. She felt helpless by the situation and knew there was no easy way out for her.

Felicity might help her avoid the trouble but she couldn't help her forever.

"If only I was strong," Jessica clutched her hand in frustration at her inability to help a man who has helped her so much.

"Relax, nothing would happen to me," Zed put a hand on her shoulder, "Anyways, let's go for drinks after this is over."

"Drinks?" Eloise, Suzane, Jessica, Loren, and Olly looked at Zed in disbelief.

How can he be so relaxed in such a situation where odds were against him?

And he is even talking about drinks like like this is some park instead of the police station!

"I assume neither Jessica nor me nor Loren are underage so why the strange looks?" Zed asked confused.


"Besides I'm only talking about beer," Zed added but they continued to give him strange looks.


"Cough~" Athol gave a small cough to bring their attention. While the conversation wasn't loud, he has heard every word.

Even he felt strange by Zed's attitude much less others. The four fools and their parents were sitting opposite towards Athol with displeasure so he has to remind Zed about their existence.

Zed and others walked to Athol's desk.

"I won't waste any time and start with the topic in hand," Athol clicked a panel on the desk, "Zed, you are the perpetrator---"

"Excuse me," Zed interjected in a polite tone, "Can these ladies have a seat?"

Zed pointed towards Jessica, Loren, Suzan, and Eloise.

"I'm sure they are not perpetrators of whatever crime you are trying to make me a culprit of," Zed added in a polite tone, "So please be a gentleman and a good police officer by giving these ladies a seat."

Athol was startled by the demand and the polite tone. While the tone was respectable he felt a hidden mockery inside them as if telling him that he was not a gentleman nor a good police officer.

There was a limited number of chairs around the desk so he couldn't give everyone a seat. In fact, space surrounding desk was already overcrowded with four 'victims' and their parents sitting around.

There were already eight chairs so how he accommodate more seats?

"Surely those fours fools are not so mannerless to sit around while ladies are standing," Zed completed.

Four fools?!

Edgar gritted his teeth in anger at the familiar insulting words. He has used those words before bribing the gang to cripple them.

"How dare you!" Edgar and the other three stood up to teach him a lesson. Their missing limbs were regenerated through cloning technology.

"So nice of you to offer your seats for the ladies," Zed signaled the ladies to have a seat while ignoring the threatening words of the four fools, "I'm glad you still have some manners left."

Loren and others didn't know what to do. The four fools didn't really 'offered' them the seats. They only left the chairs to face Zed!

"Don't ignore us!" Edgar shouted.

"Silence!" His father's stern words came from behind.

"Suzane, please have a seat," Edgar's father requested Suzane and other women to have the seats.

He was acquainted with Suzane due to Morgan since they were investigators.

The four fools felt helpless by the situation. They were now standing along with Zed and Olly while all the parents and ladies were seated.

"Now that everyone is seated---" Athol stopped in between as he saw Zed turning around and walking towards a sofa in the corner.

Under the disbelief of everyone, he took a seat on the sofa far away from the desk.

"Please continue" Zed 'politely' signaled Athol to continue, "My legs are tired so I hope you don't mind."

"You..." Athol was having a hard time controlling himself.

"Nice sofa," Zed complimented loudly enough for everyone to hear, "Glad to know the taxes I and others pay are making the lives of police officers comfortable."

"Bastard," Athol stood up from his seat no longer able to control himself.

While he has indeed decided to frame Zed in the crime since he didn't wish to offend investigators, but he was still going by the rules.

Yet this kid continued to act so brash under the disguise of politeness. Even his words on 'taxed' and 'comfortable' were full of hidden insults.

"Bastard? Are you introducing yourself?" Zed looked confused, "Why would your parents name you as such?"

Athol's eyes bloodshot with every vein in his body popping out. He leaped up in the air and waved his hand.

A green arc of light rushed towards Zed.

Everyone in the room was startled by the sudden turn of events. The green arc of light carried a destructive might as it moved.

The ceiling in the room cracked and the air compressed into a heavy pressure as the arc of light moved forward.

"Stop it!" Suzane and others shouted but it was too late for the green light was already above Zed.


Smoke and dust spread around the room while the sound of an explosion reverberated all around.

"Zed!" Jessica was horrified.

Athol has leaped on the floor but then his eyes turned wide. He turned around in disbelief as the dust settled down.

"Impossible," Athol stepped back unable to believe the scene in front of him.

Zed was standing in a place where originally there was a sofa. A faint layer of fire covered him and as the layer of fire disappeared, everyone saw he hasn't taken a single scratch.

"How can it be," Suzane knew the green arc of light wasn't so weak for a kid in twenties to come out unscathed.

"He is a monster," Olly muttered. He was sure if he has taken the attack head on then he would be in a very sorry condition.

"You shouldn't waste taxpayers money like this," Zed ignored the shocked expression as he moved towards another corner of the room where a couch was placed, "Otherwise you would make people believe the terrorist was right when he attacked police headquarters."

Zed sat down while waving his right hand up and down as if it has turned numb.

"Son of a bitch," Athol felt his blood boiling whenever Zed spoke.

He couldn't understand how can a kid be capable of turning him mad just due to words.

"Athol, calm down," Edgar's father pacified him. The last words said by Zed has reminded him how grave the situation was in the current environment.

"Damn," Athol gritted his teeth and gulped down a glass of water to calm himself. He grasped the chair handle as he sat down.


A streak of fire suddenly landed on the chair just the moment Athol sat down. The fire spread from the chair to Athol's pants.

"AHH!" Athol jumped from the seat with his hands on his bumps. Black smoke followed along with a terrible stench as the fire seethed around on Athol's body.

Athol moved his hands as fast as he could to clear the fire. Alas, the fire showed no sign of stopping.

His clothes were torn and his skin was now scorching black with every second. The stench of skin and hairs burning reeked the surrounding.

"What?!" Suzane and others were totally caught off guard.

"Help him!" Edgar's father waved his hand a stream of blue light flowed on Athol.


The fire faded into oblivion and the smoke cleared out. Athol's thighs and the lower half was black and filled with black marks. Maybe the fate was on his side for his 'main asset' was still safe.

"This is..." The ladies hurriedly turned after they saw Athol's lower half naked.

"Please wear something!" Loren muttered.

"Fuck!"Athol was feeling insulted and anger in equal amount.

He quickly grabbed a pant from a shelf where his spare clothes were placed. He then turned around after wearing the pant.

His eyes were filled with anger as he gazed at Zed.

"Oops," Zed scratched his cheek in embarrassment, "I was just waving my hand to ease the numbness but a streak of fire materialized without my intent."

"Liar!" Everyone in the room, including Loren and Jessica, muttered together.

Chapter 126 Frame Me!


How can his ability manifest without his intent?!

Even if it did, why would it land on the chair just when Athol took a seat?!

"I'm not lying," Zed looked hurt by their reactions, "My hand has turned numb after I blocked the green arc of light.

"I was just waving the hand to lose the numbness but unconsciously a small amount of my power manifested."

Everyone did recall Zed waving his hand up and down as an exercise to ease the numbness.

Could he be speaking truth?!

But this still didn't explain why the streak of fire landed on the chair!

"Besides how am I supposed to know a great police officer would be affected by my meager amount of power?"

Loren, Jessica, Suzane, Eloise, the four fools and others looked at each other to make sure they heard it right.

"He is now blaming Athol for this?!"

"It might be a meager amount of power but he caught Athol off guard!"

"Not to mention no one can handle an attack of fire on their ass!"

"Athol was lucky his main asset is still safe!"

The four fools especially shuddered when they spoke about the 'main asset'. They recalled how Zed has burned away 'main asset' of a poor fellow named Finlay.

The four fools felt their stomach churning as the horrifying scene flashed in their mind. They now felt Athol was truly lucky to be spared.

"Zed, you think this is y---"

Athol was in the middle of making a statement but then he stopped as he saw Zed taking out his cell phone.

Zed turned his body around to make the camera in 'selfie' portrait to ensure everyone was in the phone's camera.

"What is he doing?"

"Is he truly taking a selfie in the middle of this?!"

"Are you fucking kidding me?"


The sound of a photo being clicked in the room.

"Good pic," Zed muttered while he stood up from the couch and stepped towards the desk.

"What are you doing?" Athol was having a hard time controlling his anger.

This kid first insulted him by words and then set his ass on fire! Now he even took a selfie!!

This kid needs to be taught a lesson!

He didn't really think Zed as anything special even though he blocked the earlier green arc of light.

Athol has only attacked lightly without any intent to kill, so while it was surprising for him when Zed blocked it, he didn't think much of it.

"Calm yourself," Edgar's father once again reminded him about the propaganda spread by the masked terrorist.

The impression of the investigators in the city was already ruined with people believing them to be in charge of some freak experiment.

Now the investigators couldn't afford to be caught in some murder scandal. This was why the parents of the four fools wish to use the law and order to get Zed into jail.

In ordinary times they could easily kill or cripple the target but now the present scenario demanded utmost care even in a frame-up.

"I'm posting this pic on my social media," Zed's voice waked Athol from his thoughts, "So I wanted to ask for some cool headlines."

Zed turned his cell phone around to show everyone the 'selfie'. The picture showed the faces of everyone especially Athol whose expression couldn't be uglier. There were even remnants of burned pant lying around in the picture.


"Posting on social media?"

"He couldn't be serious, right?"

Zed looked at the blank expression of everyone.

"Haah," Zed let out a sigh, "How about #meetingwithfools, #corruptcop, #freakinvestigators?"

Athol and the four investigator parents looked at Zed with plain hate. Just what type of hashtags they were?!

"I have already posted the earlier video of Sir Athol attacking me," Zed showed them a short video, "It has got 10K+ likes!"


No one dare believed Zed has recorded the video from earlier. They didn't see switching on his cell phone but the video proved them wrong!

Looking at the camera angle in the video, they were sure the video was captured while the phone was still in his shirt pocket.

How did he do it?!

Athol's eyes turned wide in disbelief.

He was recording the entire situation and even shared it?!

The investigators, on the other hand, were even in worse condition. They trembled in horror as Zed showed them the title of the video: "Powerful investigators forcing a corrupt cop to attack an innocent!"

What truly scared them out of wits was the description of the video: "In all my life, I have respected the investigators and the police. When the attack on police headquarters took place, I believed the terrorist was lying. But today I saw four of those investigators trying to frame me in a crime I didn't commit. Not only that but they even asked the corrupt cop to kill me. When I took a seat on a sofa, the cop attacked me after the investigator's order. #corruption #greedycop #freakinvesitgaotors #powerabuse #scandal #nosafeplace"

"This is false!" Ree's father shouted.

"Just how did this kid posted so much in such a short time?!"

"And how can it get so much publicity?!"

"Bastard!" Athol's veins were on brink of exploding. He could imagine how the situation would turn out in the current environment.

The people just wanted a single proof of power abuse and they would fully believe the narrative sold by the terrorist.

And now he exactly gave the public the proof they wanted!

He could perfectly guess the seniors in the police department would force him to take responsibility and make him a scapegoat.

All his past crimes would be investigated by the frenzied media.

"Bastard?" Zed's voice turned cold, "You have no idea how lucky you are to be able to mutter this word twice and yet still live."

In his current form, his emotions were fully stable. But if it was Kiba form, then he would barely be able to tolerate this word which reminded him of his caretaker.

Just a little over a month ago, this single word got Hanks nearly killed by Kiba in White Angel Corporation. (Chapter 22)

Athol didn't know why but he suddenly felt a chill down his spine and his entire body violently shook as Zed completed his words. His face turned pale with his heart palpitating in deep fear.

"W-what's going on?" Athol felt a killing intent so strong that his entire body was precipitating heavily.

Just how can the words have so much killing intent in them?!

"And you think only these four fools and their dumb parents have influence around here?" Zed continued in a cold voice, "You think I'm some stray dog you can imprison as you wish?"

Athol gulped down a mouthful of saliva. He was still horrified from the earlier killing intent and in no state to think of Zed's words.

"Haven't you learned anything from your admission being revoked?" Zed turned towards the four fools, "Last time I showed mercy since you were Loren's acquaintance but it seems fools would be fools."

"Y-you!" Edgar clenched his teeth.

"Shut up," Edgar's father stopped him. As the words of Zed set in his mind, he felt dread.

Earlier in his anger and frustration at the state of his child, he has forgotten that Zed was able to revoke the admissions in the number one academy of the city!

But now when he heard Zed's words he remembered just how severe the situation was.

Just what sort of background could influence the academy to not respect the children of investigators?!

"Zed," Jessica and Loren were shocked by Zed's conduct. They have never seen him act like this.

He was always soft spoken and never used demeaning words like today.

"One more thing," Zed opened his cell phone, "I never posted the video and picture."


Athol and others looked at Zed with complete horror.

He was bluffing earlier?!


If he was then why would he reveal it now!

This didn't make any sense!

"I was just playing around to relieve my boredom," Zed answered.

Relieve boredom?!

Suzane and Eloise looked at each other thinking just how strange their daughter's friend was!

"This is a police station!" Suzane muttered.

"Yeah," Eloise nodded, "Not really a place to relieve boredom."

"He was trolling?" Loren asked in a low voice.

"Seems so," Jessica answered.

"Well played though," Loren and Jessica muttered together with their eyes sparkling at Zed's style.

"....." Suzane and Eloise were speechless.

"Besides I don't need to rely on these childish tricks to protect myself," Zed added without caring about others' reaction.

He turned around towards the exit.

Childish trick?!

The investigators didn't dare believe such a smart move was just a childish trick! The video could turn the situation around but yet he was throwing it away?!

"It is for good, right?" Percy asked.

"No," Percy's investigator mother answered, "His refusal to use the video means he has a more powerful card in his hand."

"No way," Percy muttered.

"If you have got guts then frame me," Zed said as he walked away, "I want to see just how smart you dumb idiots are."

Chapter 127 Sweet Love

Jessica and Loren were startled by the dare Zed gave.

He was asking the investigators to frame him and even called them dumb idiots?!

What truly shocked them further was how silent Athol and the investigators have become.

Athol and the investigators didn't do anything to stop Zed as he left the room. They had prepared an elaborate plan to frame him but now they no longer dared to follow their plan.

"From the very start, he played us," Percy's mother muttered.

She now understood Zed intentionally provoked Athol in order to record his activities on the phone. If the video was really shared then there would be irrevocable damage for both Athol and them.

"That's not the worse part," Edgar's father said with a deep frown, "He is not relying on the video and instead is now daring us to frame him."

"Yeah," Percy's mother nodded her head.

She was sure Zed had a powerful card in his hand for him to discard the video as a childish trick.

"What to do?" Athol finally got his wits together.

"Nothing for now," One of the investigators answered.

"We're leaving," Suzane interjected in between their conversation, "Unless you wish to seek our daughters' statement."

Suzane decided to help Jessica and Eloise out of good will. She was a wife of an investigator so she knew how the police would try to exploit the two of them.

"There is no need," Athol decided to not record their statements for now.

"Goodbye then," Suzane, Eloise, Jessica, Loren, and Olly took their leave.

"I won't let this insult pass," Athol muttered in his heart after everyone left.

He promised to retaliate...


Outside the police station.

Zed was standing in front of the police station. He didn't really fear the police or the investigators.

The only reason he wished to avoid them was to protect the life has built here. In the last four years, he has invested far too much in the city to let it be taken away by the government.

This was why he initially decided to spare the previous principal and his wife even though they were responsible for the current situation.

He didn't wish to bring attention to his current form since there was a chance of his association with Castor Damon being leaked.

Now he didn't even have that fear after the preparations he had made along with the crisis he had created for the investigators during the attack on police headquarters.

He could handle anything as long as it didn't concern his secret. The investigators only enjoyed unlimited authority for their main investigation about the wasteland and not for other matters.

"You didn't leave?" Jessica's voice came from behind.

"Yeah," Zed turned around, "Remember we were going for drinks?"

Jessica and others were startled. He truly wished to have a drink after all this?

Beer was rather a common drink even in households so even the parents have no excuse to refuse.

"Y-yes, we were," Jessica answered after some time, "Loren is joining us as well, right?"

"I..." Loren didn't know if she should decline or not.

"Of course she is joining us," Zed gazed at Olly, "Her brother is accompanying us as well."

"I am?" Olly asked surprised.

He wasn't even acquainted with Zed but yet he was inviting him?

Suzane, on the other hand, sighed in relief. Earlier she was trying to think of excuses to not allow her daughter to visit the bar but now she no longer bothered.

If her son was accompanying her daughter then there was nothing to worry about!

"Let's go," Zed motioned them towards his hover car.

Eloise and Suzane looked on as their children left with Zed.

"That kid is difficult to understand," Eloise said thinking of his behavior inside the police station and outside.

"Yeah," Suzane agreed, "He is strange."


Sweet Love was a popular club in Central District. The club was always overcrowded thanks to the ambient environment and the wonderful drinks it offered.

A long queue of people was standing outside the club waiting for a chance to enter. More than ten bouncers were overlooking the queue to ensure no trouble.

Then there was the surveillance droids and the protection of humanoid droids to further help the bouncers in their task.

"We won't get entry," Olly said as they left the car along with others, "There are no VIP entries."

He knew how popular the club was so he wasn't least bit surprised by the crowd outside. He also knew a rich status was useless here since he and his friends have tried using their influence before with no result.

"Let's try anyway," Zed didn't join the queue and instead directly went to the entrance.

Suzane and others looked at each other and then decided to tag along. Olly was sure they would become a laughing stock but he joined his sister nevertheless.

Olly's fear came true and soon the people in the queue started laughing.

"Dream on, kid!"

"Hahaha, I have been waiting here for an hour, and you think you can directly enter?"

"Even I'm from a good background but it was useless."

"Stupid asshole."

"Those girls are even stupider to tag along."


Suzane and Loren's cheeks turned red from anger and embarrassment. Even Olly felt insulted from the jeers of the crowd.

"We shouldn't embarrass ourselves further," Olly muttered as Zed reached the entrance.

Three bouncers in black were guarding the entrance with a frown on their face.

"Kid, there is no special treatment here," One of the bouncers said in a heavy voice.

Zed didn't say anything and instead took out a black card from his purse.

"He thinks a card can change the rules here?" Someone from the queue shouted.

"The club is known for its fairness!"

"Stop being delusional!"

"Even if you are mayor's son you wouldn't get an entrance---"

The crowd suddenly turned silent. Each person looked on in complete disbelief at the scene in front of them.

The head bouncer opened the entrance of the club! Not only that but the bouncer was showing a respectable attitude.

Zed still remained silent as he entered the club followed by Olly and others. The bouncer then closed back the entrance with a loud thud.

The crowd got their wits back as they saw the entrance being locked again.


"This is unfair!"

"It is against the rule!"

"Get that kid out!"

"We will protest!"

"Yes! We will boycott the club unless you get that man out!"

The head bouncer looked at the crowd with a mocking expression.

"You think I will give more preference to your protest than the owner of the club?" The bouncer asked with a smirk.


"That kid owns this place!?"

"No way!"


"No wonder he didn't give us a damn!"

"The world is unfair!"


Inside the club.

The club was spacious with two floors filled with people to the brim. Multiple lights flashed around on the disco floor.

At a far corner, a DJ made sure people had more than worth the money as he adjusted the music to give them the fun of their lifetime.

From the opposite side, Olly, Loren, and Jessica entered the club.

They were in disbelief at the special treatment they were given by the bouncer. They were sure the club offered no special treatment but yet they were made exceptions!

This was definitely something to brag about since the club was one of the most popular ones in the city!

"You own this club?" Jessica asked surprise about the sheer size of the club.

It was her first time entering a club and she was startled by the glamor and vanity inside.

"Yeap," Zed stepped towards the bar counter.

Rows of liquor bottles were placed behind the bar. Beers, wines, whiskey, vodka, and many other beverages were displayed on the glass shelf.

The bar counter was made from glass with a virtual interface to allow the patrons to choose their drinks. Seven bartenders were making the drinks in a fully professional manner.

"No wonder you are so rich," Loren muttered as she glanced at the prices of the drinks and the crowd inside.

There was hardly any empty space in the club and there were more people waiting outside. While the patrons here were rich, the cost was still high than most clubs she knew of.

"Why wouldn't you allow VIP treatment to others?" Olly asked as he sat on a stool opposite the bar counter.

He felt the club could earn more money and favors by giving special treatment to the rich and powerful of the city.

From what he knew, no one was given special privileges. Except for today of course.

This was such a wasted opportunity and he felt, if he was in charge, then he could earn even more.

"Actually not giving special treatment is more profitable," Zed answered with a smile, "This makes the entrance to the club a privilege issue and attract more spoiled brats."

Spoiled brats?

Olly felt like he was kicked in his guts. He has tried to come here many times before but with rare success.

This only made him his desire to enter the club stronger and when he did, he felt the reputation of the club was well deserved.

"Forget this boring stuff," Zed shook off his head, "Let us have a drink."

"Club Special!" Olly loudly placed his order before others could even check the menu.

Jessica and Loren looked at Olly in dismay.

Why was he suddenly acting like a country bumpkin?!

"It is the best choice for beer," Olly pointed towards the menu on the glass interface, "Most people here come for only this."

"Is it really that good for you to act in such fashion?" Loren was displeased by her brother's conduct.

Zed ignored the banter between brother-sister. He turned his face towards the chief bartender and said, "Club Special for all of us."

"Understood, sir," The chief bartender was a man with square face and short brown hairs.

He was acquainted with Zed unlike the bouncers at the entrance. This was why he gave more attention to Zed from the start.

A minute later~

Four glasses of beer were placed on the counter. Boozy, roasted malt and dark fruit aromas would be the first characteristics anyone would notice from the beer.

Olly has never smelled a more alluring perfume from a beer. He slowly sipped in a mouthful from the glass.

"Amazing," Olly closed his eyes as he savored the rich and creamy taste. The beer was smooth, fragrant and full of complex hop flavor.

"Truly the best," Jessica added. She felt refreshed and light as she devoured the entire glass of beer.

"Can we have one more?" Loren asked the chief bartender. She now felt her brother's earlier behavior was only natural.

The beer felt lightly sour, lightly sweet, distinctively spicy and a little bit funky. A rare among rare truly deserving its reputation.

Loren has checked the rule on the virtual interface and knew the Club Special was limited to one glass per customer.

This rule ensured customers never had enough of this flavor, and hence offering them a strong reason to return again.

The bartender didn't answer Loren's request and instead glanced at Zed.

"It is fine," Zed signaled him with a smile, "Just make an exception for them."

"Yes," The bartender nodded before proceeding to make another set of drinks.