Chapter 128 to Chapter 135

Chapter 128 Overcrowded

Sweet Love Club.

The entire club was dark and noisy save the occasional flash of lights on the dance floor. The heavy music reverberated on both floors while people danced with full enthusiasm.

The chief bartender poured some vodka into the metal cup of a cocktail shaker. His hand motions were fluid and rapid as he added lemon juice, sweet sherry, and other components to make Bloody Mary.

A minute later, the bartender served the drink in a glass garnished with a celery stick, lemon wedge, and a cherry tomato.

Zed took the glass while another bartender served Club Special to Olly, Jessica, and Loren.

"You really don't drink alcohol?" Olly asked surprised how Zed was only drinking vodka with negligible alcohol content.

"Yes," Zed answered after taking a sip.

He was stating truth partially since his current form rarely consumed alcohol heavy drinks.

Kiba, on the other hand, was different. He would drink whiskey, rum, and other varieties of liquor every day.

It was one of his dreams to drink every fine liquor out there, and so far, he has tasted the best the city has to offer.

He never felt drinking liquor was a sin, and even if it was, he didn't mind committing this sin.

Liquor and women were the ultimate bliss a man can ever have. All his businesses were just a means to this blissful life.

They might be sinful in the eyes of many but for him, they were the means to joy.

"I see," Olly took another sip from his glass, "You must be earning a fortune from this club."

Jessica and Loren nodded as well at Olly's words. Just the price of the cheapest drink was more than the monthly income of a lower-class family.

"Not a fortune but enough to sustain my monthly expenses," Zed truthfully answered.


Olly, Loren, and Jessica looked him with wide eyes.

Monthly expenses?!

Just what type of expenses he had for so much money to only sustain a month?!

Does he spend money on drugs or something?!

Zed sighed after seeing their expressions. He couldn't tell them how it costed a fortune to run the underground sections of his villa.

Of course, he has many businesses and was now a billionaire with no lack of money.

"Let's have some fun" Zed shook off his head and pointed towards the dance floor, "Would be a pity if we don't use this opportunity to dance."

"I don't know how to dance," Jessica nervously said.

It was her first time in the life that she came to a club and she didn't wish to make fun of herself.

"Most people here don't know either," Zed took her hand to pull her from the stool, "But they are having fun nevertheless."

Jessica's cheeks turned red from the close contact. Thankfully the club was dark most of the times so no one was able to notice her nervousness.

"Loren, be a sport and join us," Zed offered her his other hand.

"Yes," Loren accepted his offer and the three rushed to the dance floor.

"Wait!" Olly hurriedly joined them.


Jessica didn't embarrass herself on the dance floor thanks to Zed's guidance. He leaned close to her and grabbed her arm as a slow tune came on.

They both swirled around in fun and laughter, and in few minutes, Jessica forgot that she was a newbie on the dance floor.

"He truly makes me forget my fears," Jessica thought in her heart as they danced.

Zed curled a hand into the curving span above Jessica's hips, fitting his fingers around her waist. Jessica didn't shudder and she moved her hand forward while the DJ changed the music to the latest party song.

Olly looked in disbelief how Zed moved his hands on Jessica's waist as they shook their hips to a fast tune. The next moment, Zed turned around and moved his hands on Loren ensuring he has the attention of both women.

No one could even complain of intimate touches since it was a dance and nothing more.

Initially, both Loren and Jessica felt embarrassed but now they were lost in the dance and music.

"He seems like a professional in managing two women," Olly bitterly thought. He could only dance with random strangers...


Twenty minutes later~

The four of them returned back to the bar counter with sweat covering their faces.

Zed was sitting in the middle of Loren and Jessica with Olly sitting next to Loren.

"We need freshments," Zed clicked a panel on the virtual interface to check the menu, "What would you ladies like to have?"

"A fruit drink," Jessica and Loren chose their favorites from the menu, "No alcohol please."

"You heard the ladies," Zed turned towards the chief bartender and placed his order as well, "Fruit juice for all of us."

The chief bartender nodded in agreement and proceeded to carry out the task after giving them a tissue box to wipe their sweat.

"You come here regularly?" Jessica has spent all her energy on the dance floor.

She took a tissue to clear her face of the sweat.

"No," Zed shook off his head, "Maybe once in a month or twice."

"What about Felicity?" Loren asked with interest. She knew they were close so she wanted to know as well.

"She is not really a fan of clubs," Zed answered with a heavy sigh.

"...Yeah," Jessica nodded her head recalling the type of activities Felicity loved.

She felt a chill when she thought of the thrill park and was glad Felicity didn't invite her out.

Olly looked on as the three of them conversed. He felt left out but could do nothing except savor the drink the bartender offered.

He didn't regret his decision of joining them to the club though for he got to have Club Special multiple times.

Olly has enough pictures from the club to make his friends envious. He could imagine their shocked reactions when they see the pictures.

"We should invite Felicity as well---" Loren was in the middle of speaking when a wave of a crowd behind jostled.

The force from the crowd pushed her body on Zed. Her lips almost met his but thankfully Zed backed away to save her embarrassment.

"Are you all right?" Zed asked with concern.

"Yeah," Her cheeks turned red as tomatoes and she regained her composure after the justle of crowd stopped.

"That's good to know," Zed said.

"I'm sorry for the poor display," Loren apologized for pushing her body on his.

"It is fine," Zed waved off his hand and took a sip from a glass.

Loren didn't bring the earlier topic again and for a moment there was silence between them.

"Are you truly not worried about the police?" Jessica asked after she completed her drink.

She felt she needed to break the awkward silence so she brought the investigation into the conversation.

"There is no reason to," Zed answered with a smile.

"What do you mean---" Jessica was forced to stop as another jostle of the crowd surrounded them from behind.

Jessica fell from her position and fell on Zed's arms. Her breasts touched his arms but he helped her regain her balance.

Jessica felt grateful he didn't try to take any advantage of her. He was still the gentleman she knew and his impression only grew in her heart.

"I'm sorry," Jessica sat back on the seat, "It is overcrowded here."

"Yeah," Loren agreed for the crowd has pushed her on Zed again.

They were feeling hot and crampy unlike before thanks to the growth in the crowd.

"We should go elsewhere," Both Loren and Jessica said together at the same time.

They stopped as they realized how inappropriate their words were as women telling a man to go elsewhere.

"Sure," Zed left his chair, "Let's get some fresh air."

"Thank you," Jessica and Loren said.

They felt gratitude he didn't show any strange reaction and reacted in a natural fashion. Most men would misinterpret their words but he didn't.

What truly made them respect was his conduct. Not once he showed any inappropriate move when they fell on him.

Olly was in the middle of drinking when the three left the bar counter. He left the glass on the counter to follow them but then he suddenly stopped.

He turned around and saw the chief bartender leaving the bar counter. The bartender was not walking towards inner staff room but instead towards the dance floor.

"That's strange," Olly felt something amiss, "Why would the bartender suddenly leave? And he is not going towards the washroom either."

He used the methods he has left from his father to sneakily followed the bartender's movements and a minute later, he got a shock of his lifetime.

"Here is the amount we agreed," The chief bartender took out an envelope consisting of cash.

"Glad to work for you," The head member of the crowd said.

Olly looked on in disbelief as the bartender gave thousands of dollars to a crowd of twelve. What shocked him wasn't the money offered but the twelve people making the crowd.

They were the same ones who have pushed Loren and Jessica a few minutes ago! It was because of their movements that both women fell on Zed!

"This can't be," Olly muttered in his heart.

He was completely horrified as a terrifying possibility struck in his mind to explain why the bartender offered the money to the crowd.

"Don't tell me Zed planned the movement of the crowd to make Jessica and Loren felt cramped?"

Olly retraced his steps back to leave the bartender and the crowd of twelve.

"He created a situation where Jessica and Loren had no choice but to suggest to Zed to take them out!"

Olly then recalled how Zed has helped both Jessica and Loren when they fell on him. His actions were so fluid without any malicious intention.

Even Olly felt impressed by Zed's conduct. After all men of such nature were rare who didn't take advantage of such situations.

But now Olly felt the world he knew before was a complete lie. The impression he had of people and their actions fully changed.

He moved back to the bar counter and ordered a drink. He no longer thought of his sister but only about Zed's actions.

"Why couldn't I think of such method to get girls?" Olly bitterly thought as he consumed a glass of vodka.

He wasn't angry on Zed, but instead, he was envious and impressed!

In his entire life, he has never heard of such a genuine trick to fool women! He felt the methods he has read on internet paled compared to what Zed pulled today.

The methods he knew would arouse the suspicion of women but what about the trick Zed used?

There was nothing to be suspicious of! A fully safe method especially when he recalled Zed's conduct during the entire process!

After all, who would expect the pushing from the crowd in a club be a part of an elaborate scheme?!

"Just how did he got such a method to get girls?" Olly thought as alcohol helped him forget his sorrows...

Chapter 129 Hospitality

Sweet Love Club.

Zed along with Jessica and Loren left the club through the back door. They were now out on an empty street free from the confines of the crowd.

There was no longer any chaos or the noise from the club.

"Finally some relief," Loren relieved the breath of fresh air.

She has enjoyed the ambient environment in the club along with the drinks but the last five minutes were nerve wrecking with the jostle of the crowd.

"I'm sorry," Zed looked at Jessica and Loren before continuing, "This is my fault."

"Why would you think so?" Jessica disagreed with his view, "You made us have a great time."

"Yes," Loren agreed with Jessica. She has enjoyed the dance and the care he provided to them.

"Haah~" Zed gave a deep sigh and turned around.

How could he tell them that what happened earlier was a scheme run by the bartender?

The bartender felt it was a good opportunity to get in good graces of Zed by manipulating the crowd.

After all, it was natural for the bartender to assume Zed would love to spend time alone with Jessica and Loren.

Zed could pretty much understand the motives of the bartender so he couldn't really fault him either.

Buttering the employer was nothing new for employees and rather something natural to advance the careers.

What the bartender didn't know was that Zed didn't really appreciate the scheme. If he truly wanted to have Jessica and Loren, he could have them by far better methods.

But he didn't since he has no wish to take advantage of them.

He has his own bottom lines especially when his current form was concerned. While both Zed and Kiba have the same consciousness, the roles he has decided for them were different.

He has fixed goals for his Kiba form and the same was true for Zed form. He didn't wish to change them.

Zed form existed to enjoy the life his parents failed to provide. During his youth, he envied children with stable background who had food, clothes, shelter, and fun.

Just as angry he was on his parents for discarding him, he felt more anger to be denied of the basic pleasures of life.

This was why after he gained his powers, he fulfilled his dreams of having a home filled with everything he ever wanted.

A home so big that it could shelter hundreds if he felt like so.

Even his admission to the academy was to remove anger and frustration on his parents. Of course, the wisdom shared by Veronica helped him see past his hate, and he decided to quit the academy.

It was a different matter that he met Felicity on the same day and the meeting changed everything.

Zed might be the dormant side of his personality but it was as important as Kiba. Their conduct and behavior were different.

"It is getting late," Jessica's words brought Zed back from his thoughts.

"Yeah, my mom would kill me if I stay out late," Loren added glancing at her watch.

"Let's get Olly and then return," Zed entered to the club to bring Olly.

When Zed returned to the counter he saw Olly drinking whiskey.

"Don't drink so much," Zed took away the glass of whiskey from Olly's hands and placed it back.

Olly turned around and looked at Zed with multiple emotions.

"Just how can you be so good at fooling others?" Olly asked.

Olly's entire opinion about Zed has changed after seeing the chief bartender giving the crowd money. He believed Zed was a womanizer with deep schemes.

"What are you talking about?" Zed was confused.

Just when has his current form fooled others?

"Still pretending to be the noble guy," Olly mused inside as he left his chair and moved towards the exit.


10 PM.

Athol's house was located in a residential area on the outskirts of the central district. He put his eyes under the retina scanner and a moment later, the door opened up.

A domestic droid welcomed Athol inside his house by taking away his office bag and offering him a glass of water.

"That bastard thinks he is some hotshot in the city," Athol thought as he removed his shoes.

The words spoken by Zed were still fresh in his mind and this made him frustrated to no end.

Athol had been living alone for last two years ever since his divorce. His ex-wife got the custody of their two children so the house was empty for the most times.

"That kid even dared me to frame him," Athol gritted his teeth as he recalled how his ass was set on fire by Zed.

Sure he might have attacked the kid first but how dare the kid retaliate? He was a police captain and he commanded respect!

Athol gulped down the entire glass of water to calm himself and moved to the sink at the end of the living room to wash his face.


Athol felt relief after splashing water on his face. The droid offered him a towel to wipe the face.

"I should order something to eat," Athol thought as he moved towards the dining room.


Athol stopped suddenly. He felt he heard a sound of something crunching so he listened more carefully.

"It is from the dining room," Athol took out his laser gun as he walked forward. A minute later he arrived at the open dining room.

"What the fuck?" Athol muttered in disbelief.

Some distance away from him, a man clad in a white shirt and black pant was sitting on the host chair on the dining table.

A circular box was lying open on the table with a slice of pizza on the man's hand. From what Athol could tell, it was mushroom and pepperoni pie pizza.

The pizza was topped with mozzarella, pepperoni, mushrooms, and sauce among other things. The fragrance of the pizza could make even a stuffed man hungry.

The man has his eyes closed as he slowly consumed the pizza. His face showed how much he loved the pizza as he savored each bite from the single slice.

"Zed?" Athol was shocked, to say the least.

He was thinking about this annoying bastard from last few hours after the interview and didn't expect to see him again in such a manner.

How did this kid enter the house without activating the motion sensors and other security checks?


Why was this kid eating a pizza in his house?

"Pizza is life," Zed faintly muttered but in the silent room, his voice was loud enough for Athol to hear.

"What are you doing here?" Athol asked trying to make sense of things.

"Ah!" Zed opened his eyes in surprise, "You are finally here?"

"I'm finally here?!" Athol felt his blood boiling by the words, "It is my home so obviously I would be here!"

"I mean you were late," Zed took out another slice of pizza from the box, "Anyways, have a slice."

Zed motioned his hand containing the slice towards Athol as if Athol was a dog and the slice of pizza was a bone.

Athol looked at Zed's actions with complete hate.

"If you don't like pizza then tell me," Zed started munching on the pizza slice, "Your loss."

Athol moved forward with his gun ready. He was sure there was something completely wrong with how Zed was able to get in and have a pizza fully relaxed.

Athol looked around but didn't find anyone else in the home.

"He is really alone," Athol couldn't believe it. He was sure the kid didn't have the ability to barge in without any help.

"It is good anyways," Athol contemplated with a smirk, "I can kill him and no one could blame me for killing an intruder."

Athol was confident in his ability to kill Zed. After the interview, he has checked Zed's profile and knew the extent of Zed's abilities.

While he was surprised that a kid can use a domain, he wasn't afraid. Athol has complete confidence in his abilities and experience along with the weapon given to him as a cop.

There was no way the kid could harm him! He fully believed in his own abilities!

Athol was in the middle of contemplation when he noticed the movement of the domestic droid.

"Impossible," Athol looked with disbelief.

The droid has taken out a goblet glass and filled it with coke. The droid then placed the glass in front of Zed.

"Thanks," Zed expressed his gratitude to the droid in middle of eating. He took a sip of the coke followed by a bite from a slice of pizza.

"How can the droid work for him?!" Athol knew how secure the droid was from external hacking but yet the droid was behaving like Zed was its master.

Five minutes later~

"Thanks for the hospitality," Zed looked in appreciation at the owner of the house.

"Son of a bitch," Athol was so shocked by the actions of the droid that he was out of his senses for minutes.

"I'm not lying," Zed shook off his head, "You paid for the pizza so obviously I have to express my gratitude"

"I paid?!" Athol took out his cell phone from the pocket. He opened his bank app and saw the charges of pizza in the statement.


This kid managed to hack my account?!

"Why are you here?" Athol secretly typed an emergency help code on the cell phone while looking at Zed.

He was sure there were more helpers for this kid outside even if they were not in the house. It was impossible for the kid to hack his account and droid by himself!

So just as a sign of caution, he dialed for help. It was better to be safe than sorry!

"You are wasting your efforts," Zed left the chair with the glass of coke in his hand, "Besides I'm alone so no need to make this complicated."

"What?" Athol glanced back at the cell phone screen and noticed there was no signal, "What have you done?"

"You should already have an idea on what I have done," Zed continued after taking a sip, "And you should know why as well."

Athol suddenly felt a chill down his spine. He felt like he was sealed in an ice hole as he recalled the words Zed has spoke after he called him a bastard for the second time.

Athol's expression turned ugly at his own behavior. How could he dread a kid so much just because of few words?

"Kid, take this!" Without any warning, Athol fired from his gun. The gun was made to tackle mutant opponents and has the power to kill even strong physical-type mutants.

A red light, in the shape of a bullet, manifested from the muzzle of the gun. The next moment, the laser bullet struck towards Zed's chest.

Athol's eyes were filled with joy as he saw the bullet penetrating the chest. The glass of coke flew out from Zed's hand, and it shattered on the floor with coke spilling all around.

"You wanted to kill me for calling you a bastard and trying to frame you?" Athol smiled as he saw droplets of blood flowing outside, "Boy, you are too naive."

He felt delighted how the kid didn't even get to time react after he used the gun. This was far easier then he thought, and he silently praised himself for his swift actions.

He was able to kill his enemy and he didn't even need to fear retaliation from his seniors! Everything was perfect!

What a joy it was to get rid of this annoying kid! The night couldn't get better than this!

"Never underestimate others," Athol's smile turned to smirk as he turned around to get a drink for himself.

"That's good advice."

Athol's smirked turned rigid as he heard a new voice from behind. He glanced back and his eyes turned wide.

All of the color from Athol's face faded to white, and his jaw dropped open in complete disbelief.

He took a step backward and fell on the floor horrified by the scene in front of him.

There was still a man in front of him clad in a white shirt. The shirt was still stained with blood at the chest area.

Everything was just like a few moments ago except for a single change!

A change which made him dread to no bounds!

The man in front of him was not Zed!

"H-how?" Athol tried to make sense of things with no result.

He knew the new man in front of him and this only further terrified him.


One of the strongest known mutants in the city!

How did he replace Zed?!

"But the one who needs to follow that advice is not me," Kiba put a hand on his shirt and the traces of blood disappeared, "Now allow me to pay you for the hospitality."

Chapter 130 Hated Enemy

Athol was lying on the floor looking at the man in front of him with complete disbelief. His forehead was covered with cold sweat and his entire body was trembling.

Earlier he had the confidence to defeat Zed but now the confidence has deflated like a balloon seeing the presence of this new man.


He didn't find him an impossible target just due to his reputation as one of the strongest mutants but also because of personal experience!

"How could you replace Zed?" Athol asked trying to regain his lost strength. He knew he couldn't afford to lose his composure at such a crucial moment.

"Zed is me and I'm him," Kiba answered with his right palm on the chest.

A flash of white light manifested from his hand and the next moment, the flesh wound on his chest rapidly healed with new tissues and fibers being regenerated.

In few seconds his body was completely healed like there was no injury, to begin with along with the disappearance of the traces of blood.

"Impossible," Athol didn't believe Zed and Kiba were one and the same.

Zed and Kiba's abilities were different so how could they be one? How is it possible for a single person to have so many abilities?!

What further terrified him was with ease the flesh wound was healed like nothing. He knew the laser wound has a poisonous nature which should stop regenerative abilities but yet it was totally ineffective against Kiba.

Kiba didn't say anything and instead took a seat on the dining table looking at Athol. Claudia and he has already made enough preparations to ensure Athol couldn't contact outside for help.

"You're still the same," Athol stood up from the floor, "Looking at me as if I don't matter."

"We have met?" Kiba was startled by Athol's words.

"You don't remember?" Athol's hands formed into tight fists.

"I don't," Kiba answered truthfully, "I'm not some computer able to recall every encounter from my life."

"Haha," Athol gave a laugh mixed with anger and desperation, "You ruined me and now you don't even remember that?!"

"Ah!" Kiba has an expression of realization, "Is your wife perhaps a beneficiary of my service?"

Athol's eyes turned bloodshot and the veins on his forehead protruded out at the words. He brought his hands forward and aimed the gun at Kiba.

Three laser shots fired from the gun at rapid speed. Even before one could blink their eye, the laser bullets were at Kiba's forehead.

Kiba didn't take any action as the red laser bullets struck on his forehead.


The energy from the laser shots dissipated into nothingness the moment they touched his forehead. Much less a scratch, there was no trace of any swelling.

"I take that as a yes to my question," Kiba said with a smile, "So who is your wife?"

Kiba didn't really study Athol's history before coming here. If it was something important then Claudia would have informed him but since she didn't, he wasn't aware of Athol's wife.

So naturally, he enquired Athol about his wife. He never forgets any women with whom he has shared intimacy so he was sure he could remember the details if her name was mentioned.

"Y-you," Athol's blood was boiling from anger.

How could the man in front of him be so insensitive?

"My bad," There was a flicker of understanding in Kiba's eyes, "I mean who is your ex-wife?"

Alas, Kiba's understanding only incensed Athol further as memories from the past flashed before his eyes.


A little over two years ago~

Athol was attending a party at the police chief's house after the annual fundraiser for Delta Police.

There were people from various fields in the party who have made generous contributions to the police fund.

Athol was in a joyous mood as he has recently become a father for the second time. The life couldn't get better for him with the promotion and the extra he made from his 'side activities'.


Athol clinked his glass of alcohol with his friends. As he drank, he noticed the absence of his wife in the room.

"Where is Saskia?" Athol asked GIlly, the wife of police chief.

"S-she should be upstairs with your child," Gilly stammered as she answered.

"Hmm," Athol didn't notice the nervous expression on her face.

"Have another drink," Gilly tried to make him have fun.

"No, we would be leaving soon," Athol said after which he moved upstairs to join his wife and their child.

As he walked forward, he suddenly stopped.

"We didn't bring our child to the party!" Athol was drunk so it took him a while to clear his thoughts.

He dashed on the stairs and he arrived on the second floor.

"Yes, suck them."

He heard a faint sound from one of the room. He was able to judge the voice belonged to his wife after he arrived in front of the door.

He tried to open the door but it was locked. He crouched down such that his eyes were on the doorknob.

From the slight gap, he could see the activities in the room.

Inside, his wife, Saskia, has her blouse open. She was sitting on a bed with a man on the floor.

The man's face was on her naked breasts with his hands on her back. The man's face was not fully visible but his golden hairs stood out.

Athol clenched his fists tightly as he saw the man sucking on his wife's nipples. He could see droplets of milk on the man's face.

"Son of a bitch!" Athol stood up and waved his hand. A green orb manifested from his palm and struck the door.


The door blasted open and Athol rushed inside. Saskia was shocked by the events and she hurriedly backed away.

"Dear, this is not what it looks like," Saskia muttered as she covered her breasts with her hands.

"You think I can't see you were being fucked by him?" Athol's fist was surrounded by a green current of light.

"You're gravely mistaken," The golden-haired man was rather composed, "She was just breastfeeding me."



Athol was struck on the spot. Even Saskia was shocked in silence by the words.

The golden-haired man pointed at the droplets of milk on his face and then at Saskia.

"Her breasts were overflowing and your newborn was not here," The golden-haired man continued in a sage-like voice, "So I decided to help her out of sheer goodwill."

"Goodwill?" Athol muttered in rage, "Sucking on my wife's breasts is your definition of goodwill?!"

The green light on his hand manifested into a menacing tiger-head.

"The anger has blinded your senses but please think for a moment," The golden-haired man was still calm, "Would you be fine to let the highly nutritious milk go to waste? I'm sure you wouldn't, and this is why I helped her."

The tiger-head phantom on Athol's hand roared in anger.

"Sucking on my wife's nipples to ensure the milk doesn't go waste?"

What type of logic is this?!

"Obviously, I wouldn't agree!"

Athol was in the middle of saying this when he noticed the golden-haired man walking towards the exit.

He is leaving just like this?! So easily after what he has done?!

"Motherfucker!" Athol lost his senses and lunged on the golden-haired man.

"Athol, don't!" Saskia shouted from the bed.

The tiger-head phantom viciously opened its mouth to rip apart the golden-haired man's back. The other hand of Athol released a green orb on the golden-haired man's neck.

"Bitch, there is no saving of your lover!" Athol roared with his eyes full of menacing light at the care shown by Saskia towards her lover.

"I'm worried about you and not him!" Saskia shouted back.



Athol's pupils dilated the size of a needle as the sound of ripping apart reverberated in the room.

The tiger-head shattered into fragments of green energy like pieces of mirror. The green orb dissipated into oblivion as a pressure of mountain manifested on it.

Before Athol could process further, an elbow fiercely struck on his stomach. His back bent out while his stomach caved in as the terrifying force invaded his body.

He flew backward like a kite with its string cut.


As he struck on a wall behind, his mouth opened to spray blood like a fountain.

"That's not the way to appreciate someone's efforts for your well being," The golden-haired man's voice entered Athol's ears.

Athol turned his head above and saw the golden-haired man looking at him like he was nothing. There was complete disregard in those half-golden and half-blue eyes.


In the present, Athol saw the same eyes with the same disregard for him. The eyes were looking at him as if he was nothing but an ant not deserving to live.

Athol hated those eyes and hated the man in front of him. He was helpless back then for he has learned later the golden-haired man was named Kiba - a rising star in the city.

His reputation was anything but good with episodes of his tryst shocking the top echelons of the city. All Athol could do was suppress his hatred and move on with his life.

Now, he met this hated enemy again by a twist of fate. He never thought trying to frame Zed would make him meet this man.

"You seduced Saskia," Athol muttered in a voice mixed with anger and hate, "But you don't even remember it."

"Saskia?" Kiba contemplated with his chin resting on his hands, "You're the guy who didn't appreciate my help for your wife!"

"Help?!" Athol's expression twisted.

"Obviously help by feeding in her breast milk!"

Chapter 131 Trust!

The dining room.

Kiba was sitting on the dining table with his chin resting on his hands. His legs were on a chair while his eyes were on the owner of the home who was standing some distance ahead.

"You're such an ungrateful man," Kiba said with a deep sigh, "All I did was help your wife in ensuring the milk doesn't go waste but you misunderstood my intentions."

"!#@%~" Athol muttered god knew how many curses after hearing the explanation.

When he muttered the name of his ex-wife, Saskia, he didn't expect Kiba would remember him as an ungrateful man.

Milk doesn't go to waste?

Are you some milkman on a mission to conserve all the milk in this world?!


What was there to be misunderstood with your face on Saskia's breasts?!

What help?!

"Sucking on my wife's breasts is not some help!" Athol loudly said.

"Haah," Kiba shook off his head in disappointment, "You were like this back then as well if I remember it right."

"Obviously, any sensible man would be like this!" Athol angrily said, "Or you expect me to buy your explanation?!"

"Then tell me what happened back then for you to assume I'm lying?" Kiba asked in a serious tone.

"You're asking me for real?!" Athol's blood pressure was increasing with every passing moment, "You were planning to fuck my wife!"

"Planning? How would you know that?" Kiba has an expression of frowning on his face, "Are you some psychic or someone with the ability of divination?"

Athol's heart veins almost burst from anger after he heard the questions. What incensed him further was the expression used when asking such questions.

He is asking for real?

You gotta be kidding!

Who needs abilities to guess such stuff?!

"Your limited worldview and negative attitude towards the life made you assume the worst," Kiba said after getting no response from Athol.


Limited worldview?


How was this related to worldview?

Negative attitude?

There was nothing about the attitude in this matter!

"Why are you making it sound as if everything is my fault for catching you and Saskia?!" Athol's eyes were complete red.

A green flash of light wrapped his hands with a green tiger phantom appearing behind him.

"Because you are truly at fault," Kiba left the dining table, "You blamed Saskia with no fault of hers."

"Die!" Athol could no longer handle the mockery.

He brought his hands forward and aimed them at Kiba. Two green streams of light manifested from the center of his palms and flew towards Kiba.

The destructive might from the energy stream broke the tiles on the floor in fragments. The ceiling showed signs of cracks while the dining table shattered in fragments of wood.

The green streams were like a storm of chaos as they rushed at Kiba with fragments of wood, titles, and ceiling wrapped in it.

"Nothing good ever comes out of violence," Kiba slightly waved his right hand in a gentle manner.


Golden ripples radiated from his hand and soon they converged in the form of a force field surrounding him.


The green stream of light collided with the force field and green sparks flew. The sparks struck with the walls and started breaking the foundation of the home.

"Damn it," Athol was sweating heavily.

He has faced Kiba before so he knew how strong he was. But he didn't expect him to have the ability to create a force field.

Athol gritted his teeth and transferred his entire energy to the tiger phantom behind him.


The tiger leaped from behind like the king of the world. Its canines were the epitome of death and nothing seemed to escape from its might.

The entire ceiling above shattered and the room was filled with dust particles. The furniture from above crashed in below as the tiger phantom lunged on the golden force field.

Athol turned around and started dashing away. He has spent his full energy on the last attack not for killing Kiba, but instead to divert his attention.

He knew his strength so he didn't expect to win. All he wanted was to buy some time to leave the house and contact for help.

He was sure Kiba wouldn't dare kill him on the street in presence of onlookers and surveillance cameras.

Meanwhile, the entire dining room was full of smoke and dust filled with the noise of colliding objects. The tiger phantom struck its teeth on the golden force field followed by its claws making scratch marks.

"How noisy," Kiba said annoyed.


An enormous illusory hand appeared above the tiger. The hand caught the tiger in its palms.


The tiger desperately struggled to leave the hand. The claws struck on the illusory hand but much to its disappointment, there was not a single scratch.

"Your master is running away," Kiba clenched his right palm slightly, "So I can't play with you."


The illusory hand clenched its palm tightly. The tiger phantom wailed in desperation as it shattered away in particles of green energy.

Meanwhile, Athol has reached the living room exhausted from the earlier usage of his power. He showed no sign of stopping as he rushed ahead towards the main exit.

"Yes!" Athol sighed in relief looking at the door five meters ahead of him.

Just five more meters and he would be safe!

Even with all the exhaustion, he rushed ahead powered by a force he never knew existed till now.

It was the force of survival instinct! Every single cell of his body contributed to this force!

Four meters!

Three meters!

Two meters!

One meter!

"Finally!" Athol moved his hand forward to unlock the door. His hand suddenly stopped while his body trembled.


He coughed a mouthful of blood as he felt the connection with the tiger phantom disappearing. The backlash of his attack being destroyed dislocated his internal organs.

"Shit!" Athol bite his tongue to let the pain help him retain consciousness, "I can't afford to lose consciousness now!"

He brought his hand towards the door again.

"Yes! I'm safe!"

Just as he reached the lock, space before his eyes blurred. The door faded and all his eyes could see was a blinding white light.


Athol desperately cried as the white light enveloped him.


When Athol opened his eyes, he was on his knees. He was back in the dining room.

There was no more dust or smoke inside even with all the destruction. The fragments of furniture and walls were on the corner of the room.

Some distance ahead, Kiba was standing with his arms crossed.

"It doesn't suit a cop to run away," Kiba said with a hint of mockery in his voice.

"Y-you won't get away with this," Athol's forehead and face were soaked with cold sweat.

"I'm sure I will," Kiba said with a smile.

"Don't be so overconfident in your abilities," Athol felt the insides of his stomach twisting in dread. He wished to live and he was ready to rely on the might of police force.

"I'm indeed overconfident," Kiba took a step ahead, "But it is not because of my abilities."

"What?" Athol looked at him in fear and confusion.

"I'm overconfident because I trust the police force," Kiba said as he stepped forward, "You see the police force has never broken my trust."

"Trust on what?" Athol couldn't understand Kiba at all.

He was not relying on his abilities but on the police?

Athol was himself relying on the police for survival but now even his enemy is relying on the same?!

This didn't made sense!

"Trust on the incompetence of the police force," Kiba patiently explained.


This is your reason for overconfidence?!

Are you kidding with me?!

The police force is not incompetent!

"The police force has lived up to this trust for the last four years," Kiba crouched in front of Athol, "And I'm sure they will maintain it in the future."

Chapter 132 Dreadful Death

(A/N: This chapter would be confusing if you don't remember the conversation between Irina and her brother from Chapter 59.)

There was absolute silence in the house. There was no more sound from the falling debris or the broken furniture.

The dining room was completely broken with the rubble and furniture lying in a corner. At the center of the room, Athol was on his knees.

His entire body was precipitating in cold sweat. From the corner of his mouth, blood was leaking due to the destruction of his tiger-head attack from before.

He was completely exhausted with his organs suffering from internal damages. All he wanted was to rest but he couldn't.

His face carried multiple emotions: anger, fear, and despair. He looked at his hated enemy with nothing but dread.

"Police are not incompetent," Athol did his best to sound convincing, "You would be caught sooner or later."

He was sure the only hope for survival was to rely on his organization. Killing a police officer would anger the entire police force. After all, if today one officer had been killed, then tomorrow another officer might be killed.

This kept the police force united during external threats even if there was an internal rivalry. This also ensured no one would want to make the entire police force as an enemy no matter how one strong is.

One can escape or run but there would be no peace if a lookout notice was issued. Even if one kills a few police officers, more officers would follow the trail.

The only way to live would be either to join mafia or a powerful organization, but this would mean the loss of freedom. No organization would accept a murderer on the run unless it can gain benefits.

Athol carried a faint hope that Kiba would see the reason and let him go. He was ready to promise to let go of this matter if he can survive.

"You sound very confident in your claims of police might," Kiba said with a smile, "But then so did the people before you, and yet here I'm."

Kiba's words were like a clap of thunder on Athol's ears. The smile and the casual style of talking made his heart hollow in trepidation.

"People before me?" Athol's eyes turned wide in astonishment as a realization hit him, "You have killed cops before?!"

This should be impossible!

Most of the police murderers were caught and punished! A few were on the run but there was proof to hold them guilty!

"There is no way Kiba has murdered them!" Athol tried to pacify his heart, "He is just lying!"


There were few accidents in which police officers died!

Athol shuddered as this thought struck his mind. The thought was like a dagger piercing his heart.

He knew how dreadful the word 'accident' was since as a cop, he has orchestrated many accidents!

Many of the police encounters were staged as accidents. This not only gives police officers credibility as justice enforcers who have killed evil but also gave them fame and money.

Athol tried to remember the death of police officers which were passed as accidents or casualties or even health issues!

"Officer Sulin suddenly died by a heart attack even though he was fit before.

"Officer Millam was killed during the chemical blast in Greedy Wolf Gang's headquarters along with the entire gang. According to the forensic report, the gang was making some explosives when the blast occurred.

"Lady officer Killy died when she was undergoing power enhancement in the government lab. We believed it was a device malfunction..."

Athol's entire throat turned dried as he remembered a dozen cases from last three and half years after the arrival of Kiba in the city.

Before today he thought of them as nothing more than unlucky freak accidents which resulted in casualties. He never believed them as man-made accidents for there was no reason to believe otherwise.

There was never any hint of proof which could point out the accidents were not accidents. But now after hearing Kiba's words, he was sure Kiba was responsible!

He didn't know why he killed so many police officers and others but there was no more doubt in Kiba's role.

"Then there are few murders where the culprits pleaded innocence even after seeing the evidence! The culprits were seasoned criminals so no one believed them but it possible that Kiba..."

Athol scrambled back not daring to look at the man in front of him. The little hope he had of living died with the guesses.

As he backed away on his legs and hands, his pant turned wet. A foul liquid dripped from his pant to the floor.

His stomach churned in despair as his mind flashed his possible fate.

"Please spare me," Athol begged as his spent body tried its best to escape, "I will never try to frame you."

Kiba didn't say anything but looked on as Athol dragged his body outside the dining room.

"Please..." Athol didn't look back but he sensed a menacing vision on him. He felt thousands of ants crawling on his skin trying to sip his blood.

"I don't like killing," Kiba said without any emotions in his voice, "But when I kill someone, I make sure to enjoy it."

"Don't...sir, please..." Athol muttered glancing back.


The debris and the broken furniture in the room started floating. The fragments of glass and dishware joined together to transform into the utensils.

Athol looked in disbelief as brick and stones moved above and filled the gap in the walls. The dining table was back at the center of the room filled with glassware and the empty pizza box.

"H-how is this possible?" Athol muttered as the room was restored like there was no destruction, to begin with, "Just how many abilities he has?!"

Kiba slightly moved his right hand forward. A blue spark manifested from the tip of his index finger.

"From the fire, we were born," Kiba said as the blue spark flew towards the gas pipeline in the kitchen, "And it to fire we shall return."

"NO!" Athol desperately used all his strength to stand on his legs. He stood up and took support from the wall to escape.

The blue spark passed inside the pipeline and reacted with the gas. The spark was all the gas needed for it to create an explosive fire.


A blue flame ripped apart the pipeline. The flame started a chain reaction and soon it filled the entire room.

The furniture blew to the restored ceiling before burning to ashes. The fire sprinklers activated but the meager amount of water wasn't enough to stop the raging flame which was like a dragon.


The wiring in the house short-circuited and the electronics blasted as the fire expanded. The domestic droid exploded a moment later.

Athol has reached the living room when he sensed the fire catching up. The sofa and the couch burned to nothingness as the fire surrounded Athol.

"NOOOOO!" Athol released a blood-curdling scream as the fire engulfed him. The fire scorched his body black as it invaded his insides.

Athol fell on the floor rolling in pain. The floor was nothing less than a bed of lava, and it only increased his agony.


He tried to grasp for air but all he breathe in was the flame. His skin melted like wax to reveal the corroded insides.

"," Athol begged for the final time.

"Stop wasting your efforts on me," Kiba said in a cold voice, "Instead, if you believe in a god, now is the time to pray for a cool bath in the afterlife."

Kiba looked at the wailing scorched black body in front of him without any emotions.

"And I hope your god is omnipotent enough to fulfill your wish."

Chapter 133 Losing Sanity

The entire house seethed in flame while black smoke dissipated in the night sky. The people from the neighbourhood noticed the fire which was spreading like raging wildfire.

Parents took their children in their arms as they hurriedly left their homes. Many were in nightclothes and some were even almost naked when they rushed out of their houses.

The dread of the blue fire left them no time to contemplate about the loss of their valuable property or their clothes.

"Gas explosion!"

"Damn! The fire is spreading to my home!"

"It has started from Athol's home!"

"Is Athol inside?"

"I don't know!"

"Call the fire department!"


Inside Athol's home, the fire continued its onslaught of destruction. In what remained of the living room, there were two living beings.

One was Kiba who was intangible unaffected by the inferno of fire. The other was Athol on the floor.

Athol wriggled in agony unable to mutter a single word. His skin melted and blood evaporated making him experience a pain he has never thought was possible.

Even though his nervous system was burned away, the pain only increased further. He felt as if his entire consciousness was fried under fire.

Athol wanted to die but the fire didn't allow him to die yet. Not even in his worst nightmare, he expected to face a time when he wanted to beg for death.

Kiba looked at Athol with any emotions on his face. He didn't think he was doing anything extreme by giving Athol such a death.

If he was going to kill someone, he wished to enjoy the feeling. This feeling was something ethereal and satisfied the very core of his being.

There was joy from every single cell of his body whenever he took a life. The happiness of taking away life was no less heavenly than the sensual pleasures.

He didn't wish to admit but he truly enjoyed this sensation. He no longer knew if it was his true self who enjoyed this sensation, or whether it was his powers which enjoyed this sensation.

At such times he could not differentiate between his true nature and the urges created by his cosmic form.

Whenever he killed, he felt free from shackles he never knew existed, to begin with. It was like a load was removed from his body and giving him liberty.

Meanwhile, inside his brain, the single gray particle flashed. It was like it was feeding on the sensation enjoyed by Kiba.

As the gray particle flashed, Kiba felt a strong urge to kill further. He just wanted to destroy and kill these insignificant beings outside.

He was like a hunter sighting countless preys. The preys which didn't deserve to live in this world.

Unconsciously, he clenched his fist and the fire around the house turned more violent as it absorbed energy from him.

The people outside on their street backed away. Their eyes turned wide in horror as the fire expanded at an unbelievable rate.

The fire was like it has its own consciousness as it moved away from the houses to target the people on the street.

"W-what's going on?"

"How can the fire leave the houses and come after us?!"

"The fire trucks would take a long time before they arrive!"

"We have to do something!"

"Watch out!"



"Someone help please!"

A male mutant formed a protective barrier around him and his children. Similarly, a female mutant surrounded herself and her boyfriend with layers of soil.

A middle-aged man, meanwhile, waved his hands towards the sky, and the next moment, heavy rain started pouring.

A young girl spun her hands in a circular motion to summon columns of air in order to dissipate the fire.

Inside the house, Kiba's eyes were cloudy. There was no clarity in them just like his muddled thoughts.

"Annoying insects," Kiba muttered as he clenched his another fist tightly, "None of them deserve to live."

He was like a hunter offended by the sight of struggling prey who he deemed to be insignificant.

Outside, the blue fire raged in excitement as its might suddenly increased. It was like a young dragon evolving to its mature phase.


"W-what?" The mutant protecting his children with the water barrier felt the water evaporating.

He clenched his teeth and used further power to enhance the barrier, but in response, the fire grew stronger countless times.

The fire expanded and moved towards the sky as if to fight the rainy clouds. The middle-aged man who has summoned the rain felt a chill down his spines.

"Just what type of fire is this?" He thought with deep dread as he found himself engulfed by the fire.

"ARGH---!" The female mutant and her boyfriend released blood-screaming cries as the fire destroyed the layers of soil and engulfed them.

"No!" The young girl backed away with tears in her eyes. The column of air she has summoned proved no longer useful against the raging inferno of fire.

The entire street was in a frenzy as the blue fire engulfed countless lives. Parents tried to get their children out of danger but alas, there was no difference for the fire between the young and the old.

Inside Athol's house, Athol was dead leaving behind nothing but a skeleton.

Some distance away from the skeleton, Kiba has a smirk on his face as he sensed the deaths outside.

"Haha," Kiba let out a burst of laughter filled with joy, "This is so much fun."

There was a negligible trace of gray in the half-blue portion of his irises as he laughed.


The silver bracelet on his right wrist started buzzing as strong vibrations manifested from it. The vibrations passed the layers of his skin and passed inside the nerves which connected with his brain.

"Argh," Kiba looked down at the bracelet with a struggling expression, "Damn."

He brought his other hand on the bracelet to take it away, but then the next moment, the bracelet released more high vibrations.

"Stop it, Claudia!" Kiba clutched his head with both his hands. The vibrations were jolting his entire nervous system and ultimately his brain.

All traces of joy he felt were killed under the severe headache. The gray particle inside his brain stopped flashing and once again, become dormant.

Kiba's entire face was drained with sweat after he regained his sanity. As if sensing his state, the bracelet stopped releasing vibrations.

Kiba closed his eyes while his senses covered the entire neighborhood. He sensed the desolateness on the street along with the scorched skeletons still engulfed in fire.

"How could I do this?" Kiba opened his eyes unable to believe the carnage he had carried out. All he planned was to kill Athol but not the bystanders.

This was why, at the start, he purposely allowed the fire to slowly spread and give enough time for the people in surrounding houses to escape.

But now...

Kiba gritted his teeth in anger and frustration at his own actions. His expression turned unsightly as he imagined the horror those innocents suffered due to him.

He might not care about the lives of those who died, but he hated killing them without any reason...

Chapter 134 If You Were Not There

Inside an apartment somewhere in the city.

Rufus and his six colleagues were in a panic mode as they hurriedly packed their luggage.

"Quick! We have got no time!" Rufus took the red suitcase in his hand, "The government dogs would be here any minute."

"It is all due to that masked bastard," A woman named Yuizi cursed as she gathered explosives in a bag, "We can't even plan things perfectly."

The government had stepped up security in the city after the attack on police headquarters. Thanks to the attention brought by the masked man, the government was now on a lookout for revolutionaries.

Rufus grudgingly nodded his head while opening an encrypted video conference app on a tablet.

A few seconds later, a man was visible on the tablet screen. If Zed was here, then he would easily identify this man especially by the tattoo of ouroboros on his right wrist.

"You only have five minutes," the man said with a slight hint of panic in his voice, "stay low key otherwise you would definitely be caught."

"I know," Rufus said as he and his team left the room, "What should we do with the plan?"

"I don't know," the man said sounding displeased, "But whatever you do, don't forget my part of the deal when you carry out your task."

"You can rest assured on that," Rufus said as he entered the elevator, "Just make the conditions right and we would handle everything."

"I will," the man said.


Dream Rise House.

Inside a bedroom on the second floor.

Kiba looked at his reflection on the mirror. His expression was unsightly with his eyes being bloodshot.

When Kiba looked at his own reflection, he didn't saw himself but rather a bloodthirsty demon.

His hands were stained with the blood of countless innocents who were killed for no reason other than to satisfy his bloodthirst.

"Damn," Kiba struck his fist on the mirror.


The mirror shattered in small fragments which fell on the floor. Kiba glanced down and from the small fragments, he could still see his reflection.

Before there was only one reflection, but with hundreds of mirror fragments, there were a hundred reflections of his bloodthirsty form.

"How could I let myself carry out such an act?" Kiba felt extreme anger at himself to give in to his instincts.


Kiba turned around after hearing the sound of the door being knocked.


A droid silently entered the bedroom with a tray consisting of two syringes filled with yellow and red liquids.

"Claudia," Kiba took a deep breath before continuing, "Have you found anything from the scan earlier?"

After leaving Athol's house, he had undergone a detailed medical examination to find out details on why he did what he did.

[[No, sir.]] Claudia's voice came from the micro speakers embedded on the walls.

"As expected," Kiba lied down on the bed.

[[I assume what happened today can be attributed to the attack of Psychic Hunter.]]

"...I wish I could blame that monk," Kiba sighed in frustration, "But sadly the monk isn't responsible."

In the last four years, he had only lost control twice. The first was when he killed the investigators on the wasteland. The other time was today.

He could justify the first loss of control since he had used his full powers. The greater the powers he used, the more was the risk of being affected by his basic instincts.

Then there was the anger inside him against the monk so it wasn't impossible for him to lose his sanity for a few moments.

After all, that time the monk had made his intentions of dissecting Hope. This could explain why he became muddle-headed and lost control temporarily.

But he couldn't justify today's accident. He hasn't even used his full powers nor there was any anger inside him like the previous time.

He has killed thousands of people in the last four years but never had he lost control like today. He dreaded this might repeat in future if he didn't take any action now.



"I now understand why you were so insistent on me wearing the bracelet," Kiba said as he glanced at the bracelet on his right hand.

Claudia had reasoned that Zed has to wear the bracelet otherwise Felicity might not wear the one they created for her protection.

Felicity had no interest in jewelry and she would plainly refuse to wear one unless she sees her brother figure wearing one as well.

Zed understood this reasoning so he grudgingly clad a similar bracelet on his wrist. He didn't need protection but for Felicity's sake, he was ready to wear the bracelet for namesake.

When he transformed into Kiba, the bracelet would remain on his body just like clothes.

He would rarely remove the bracelet in his Kiba form since it wasn't enough to connect dots with his other form.

Before today Claudia never activated the bracelet since there was no need. The activation should have resulted in a force field instead of vibrations strong enough to jolt his mind.

The fact that the vibrations brought him back to sanity could only mean Claudia designed the bracelet for him.

[[I apologize but I meant no---]]

"Don't apologize," Kiba interjected in between, "If not for you, I would have killed more innocents."


"Claudia," Kiba closed his eyes as he muttered her name slowly.

He was glad she did what she did, and helped him. He didn't wish to become a monster without any reasons.


"Thank you."

[[I was just carrying out my duty, sir. There is no need to thank me for that.]]


Kiba just smiled at her response. He knew she only cared for him and would never take any credit for saving him.


A few minutes later, Kiba opened his eyes and signaled the droid to come forward. The droid placed the tray on a table and took the syringe filled with red serum.

Kiba put the right sleeve of his shirt to the end of his shoulder. The droid slowly injected the serum on the arm.

"I don't know what would happen to me if you were not there," Kiba said as the serum mixed with his bloodstream.

[[Most likely you would carry out a slaughter until the government and other organizations intervene. Then you might be either killed or used as an experiment specimen.]]

"...." Kiba turned speechless for a minute.

He was just making a statement and wasn't really looking for an answer.

[[Then there is also a possibility of---]]

"...I don't want to hear more possibilities," Kiba was afraid she would make another statement he wouldn't like.

He was sure the other possibilities were related to his womanizing nature and hence he didn't wish to hear about them.


Claudia's feminine voice sounded disappointed which made Kiba sure that he was right in his conjecture.

"I don't know how I will be without you," Kiba shook off his head with a smile, "But I'm glad you would be with me till my final breath."

Chapter 135 Life & Waterfall


Dream Rise House.

Zed was sitting alone in the living room around a black table. The end of the room was open and showed the captivating waterfall in its full glory.

"Shimmering and falling, breaking into a thousand shards of spray. Crashing water scares and attracts soul."

The famous words of Mikhail Lermontov truly defined the impressive power and beauty of nature.

Zed enjoyed the spectacular feeling of fresh falling mist on the face. It helped him forget the horrifying act he carried out yesterday.

Two droids silently entered the room carrying trays filled with breakfast.

Orange and pomegranate overnight oats, orange-spice challah buns, cranberry streusel coffee cake, caramelized onion casserole, herbed egg-potato bake, and olives along with fruits and tea.

The droids placed the dishes and drinks on the table and left Zed alone. He continued to gaze at the waterfall while trying to clear his thoughts.

"I can't change what I did," Zed's heart was filled with conviction, "Only thing I could ensure is that I don't repeat my actions."

He couldn't change the past so he could only move forward. There was no other choice for him, and he knew it.

He turned around with his eyes now on the breakfast. There was no more sadness and gloominess in his eyes.

"Claudia," Zed took a bite from an apple, "Please make arrangements---"

He suddenly stopped and turned around as he noticed a droid entering the room. The droid was carrying a small black box.

"You truly know me far too well," Zed mused with a smile. She could predict his thoughts much before he formed them.

The droid opened the box to reveal a black ring carved with almost undetectable red inscriptions similar to electronic circuits.

[[The ring would turn to white when you are in your Kiba form.]]

Zed didn't say anything and placed it on a finger of his right hand.

[[The ring is more powerful than the bracelet but there is a very big flaw compared to before.]]

Zed nodded his head for he knew what was the flaw. The bracelet could jolt his mind because he was caught off guard.

But now he knew about the true function of both the bracelet and the ring. This also meant that the next time he lost sanity, the first task he would try to do was to destroy the bracelet and ring.

"Make more arrangements," Zed resumed the breakfast, "Just don't tell me what those arrangements are."


Only surprise factor could help him so he gave Claudia the complete freedom.


[[You have visitors.]]

A white screen appeared above the table showing the real-time footage from the entrance of the villa.

"Emily?" Zed muttered in surprise. He hasn't seen her after the one night stand a few days ago.

Emily was standing outside along with three cops and the parents of four fools. Emily placed a crystal card on a virtual scanner to show the authority she carried.

"Let them in," Zed said slightly annoyed.

A few minutes later~

Emily and others entered the living room and walked to the black table.

"I assume you are not here for breakfast," Zed said as he munched on a coffee cake.

"I'm Emily," Emily showed her identity card, "A special investigator from the government."

"I know," Zed placed the cake back on the table.

"You know?" Emily asked surprised. She had only shown the clearance she had at the entrance and not her name or position.

"Your name and picture were on the internet," Zed wiped his hand with a tissue, "After all, as a commoner, I have to know about the people conducting a freak experiment on us."

"Ah!" Emily flinched in realization.

She obviously knew the identity of the investigators was revealed by the masked terrorist. She was surprised earlier since Zed showed an expression as if he knew her well.

"We are not conducting any experiment," One of the four fools' parent said, "So stop the nonsense."

"I doubt you would confess if you were conducting an experiment," Zed continued with a faint smile, "Besides the conduct of you four has shown me that you are capable of much worse."

"You son---"

"Silence," Emily waved her hand towards the four investigators, "Don't talk when you're not asked to."

The four could only silently nod their heads no matter how bitter they were inside.

"Miss Emily, forgive my lack of manners," Zed pointed towards a chair opposite his, "Please have a seat."

"Thank you," Emily took a seat.

"Tea or coffee?" Zed asked politely.

"Nothing," Emily looked at him in the eyes, "We are here for an investigation."

"Oh," Zed didn't look surprised, "Investigation on the complaint of those four idiots?"

"No," Emily shook off her head, "It is on the death of Captain Athol."

In normal times, she wouldn't be conducting an investigation on the death of a local police officer given it wasn't related to the task given by the government.

But thanks to the current environment in the city, and the strange fire involved, she was forced to take the case.

The media showed the incident as a gas explosion but the cops knew better with the CCTV footage from the neighborhood.

How can the fire from a gas explosion intentionally leave the houses and move towards humans outside on streets?

If not for the deaths of people outside, even the police would have believed Athol died in a gas explosion.

The incident occurred ten hours ago and so far, the cops were able to force the media to not reveal the names of victims.

She believed now would be the best time to get his reaction before the victims' identity is revealed by media.

Zed's calm expression rapidly turned into shock as he heard Emily's words.

"H-he is dead?" Zed asked in a low voice.

"Yes," Emily answered in a serious voice.

She was sure his reaction was real. If not, then she believed he was a great actor deserving an award for such a genuine performance.

"What has that to do with me?" Zed's expression turned normal.

"You murdered him!" One of the four fools' parents jumped in, "We have proof so there is no use pretending!"

The other three nodded in agreement as well.

Emily didn't say anything but continued to look at Zed. As an investigator, it was her role to use different tactics to carry out an inquiry.

"Arrest me then," Zed said annoyed.

Emily's eyes turned wide in surprise. This wasn't the normal response a suspected criminal or even an innocent would give.

"What's wrong?" Zed glanced at the four who were struck on the spot.

This didn't go by the script they were supposed to follow! He should have called himself innocent or ask for a lawyer!

There is no way he should have asked them to arrest him!

"I see," Zed had a look of understanding on his face seeing no response, "You four and this miss are trying to frame me after your last attempt failed."

"No, we don't have such intentions," Emily was shocked by the allegations.

They were supposed to allege him as a killer, but instead, he was leveling allegations on them.

Is he truly a twenty-one-year-old kid?!

"No need to pretend, Miss Emily," Zed shook off his head, "I know how pure-hearted you investigators are."

Emily didn't reply but instead, glanced at the four idiots. Before coming here, she had enquired the details so she knew their activities well.

Now was the worst time to dwindle what little goodwill they had in the city by trying to frame someone.

But yet they did the unforgivable and what was truly worse that they failed spectacularly.

Emily felt like slapping them very hard but alas, she had to control now.

"Please don't misunderstand," Emily cleared her thoughts and said, "Captain Athol died 6 hours after your meeting with him at the police station. So we are just carrying out a standard inquiry."

"I don't care if he died," Zed said in a cold voice, "Heck, I'm even glad that he is dead."

Everyone looked at him in disbelief. He was actually saying such things openly?!

"I understand why you would feel so," Emily released a sigh before continuing, "But more people have died along with Athol."

"And what does everything has to do with me?" Zed asked.

Emily took out her cell phone and passed it to him. Zed saw video footage of a blue fire wreaking havoc on a street by killing people.

"I see," Zed passed back the phone, "So all fire-related incidents in the city are caused by me?"

"We don't mean that," Emily clarified further, "But the fire was definitely controlled by a mutant."

"That fire was blue," Zed opened his right palm and a small red fireball materialized, "I'm not strong enough to use blue fire."

He wasn't lying about this. Blue fire was different from the red fire he could use.

Of course, the truth was limited to his Zed form. Kiba could pretty much manipulate all types of fire.

Emily has checked Zed's history so she knew he was stating the truth in this regard.

"The mutant who killed Athol and the others was more powerful than a twenty-something kid could be," Emily contemplated in her heart.

She has seen from the CCTV footages how the fire amplified to kill the people after they used their abilities to defend themselves.

She didn't think he was of that level but since they lacked any leads, they have to start somewhere. Zed was a possible suspect due to the standoff between him and Athol at the police station.

"What about your parents?" Emily asked a minute later.

In a few cases, the parents' ability pass to the children. From what Emily knew, the nine great families and many organizations have methods to ensure the children possessed the abilities of their parents.

Of course, Emily was sure Zed didn't have such powerful background. She has read his report and knew he was a slum dweller who made a fortune thanks to lucky chances.

But there were many cases where even without any interference, the children inherited the abilities of their parents. This was why she asked him about his parents.


"I don't know about their abilities," Zed answered in a plain tone, "They died when I was young."

"I'm sorry," Emily lowered her head, "I meant no offense by bringing such a sensitive topic."

"....." Zed didn't reply and instead pointed towards the door. .

This was enough to make them understand his intentions.

"We shall take our leave," Emily left the chair, "Thank you for your time."

Zed didn't say anything and resumed his breakfast as they left the room.

"Claudia," Zed completed the breakfast.


"The tea has turned cold."

[[Apologies, sir. Fresh tea would be ready in a minute.]]

Zed left the chair and walked towards the end of the room. He smiled as the droplets of water fell on him from the waterfall.

He rushed a hand in the waterfall to take a handful of water.

"Life is just like a waterfall," Zed sipped in the water, "It begins to end somewhere."

"Before my life ends," He closed his eyes as the mist enveloped him completely, "I have to live the life to the fullest."