Chapter 136 to Chapter 143

Chapter 136 Secret Society

Agatha's apartment.

Agatha was lying on the bed with her legs exposed. Kiba was sitting at the corner massing her feet.

"I never knew you were such a good masseur," Agatha smiled as the relaxing sensation elevated her senses.

"There are many things you don't know about me," Kiba sighed as he remembered the conversation with Eva from a few days ago.

Agatha had shown her trust and faith in him by sharing her secret but so far, he couldn't even tell her about his student life much less about his other secrets.

"Don't overthink," Agatha looked at him with kindness, "We have all the time in the world to share what we want."

She knew the dilemma he had ever since she visited his lab and saw the entrance of Section IV. There were things he wished to share but couldn't.

"Thank you," Kiba took a handful of almond oil and applied on her toes, "You truly are far too kind and generous."

"I have no choice," Agatha carried a faint teasing smile, "Otherwise how will I get such a talented servant for me and my daughter?"

Kiba smiled in response to her words. He glanced at the baby bump.

Agatha was in the fourth month of her pregnancy and there were months left before she gives birth to Hope.



Poseidon entered the crystal temple with a white bead in his hand. He glanced at the crystal throne and was deeply startled by the state of Rhea.

Her complexion was pale while her body was much thinner then he remembered.

"Holy Seer," Poseidon greeted with a deep bow, "How are you feeling?"

"Not good," Rhea answered honestly.

Days ago she was almost killed when the gray matter corroding her entire being. The attack subsidized with gray matter becoming dormant but the side effects of the attack were far too worse.

If that wasn't enough, yesterday, she felt a strange resonance from the gray matter inside her body for a few seconds.

She felt as if the gray matter was resonating with its source but yet there was something completely strange about the resonance.

She was sure this strangeness was the reason for her current condition and it worried her further.

"How are your wife and daughter?" Rhea asked about Anthea and Melina.

"By your blessing, they are doing well," Poseidon respectfully answered.

"That's good to hear," Rhea continued with a faint sigh, "Melina is the future of Atlantis."

"...our future is you," Poseidon faintly said.

"I'm afraid my future is bleak," Rhea had a self-deprecating smile, "My life is no longer in my own hands."

Poseidon became silent at the words.

The events from a month ago were fresh in his mind. After learning about the possible existence of Cosmic Spark in Delta City, he requested Rhea to gaze in the future.

He originally believed it was a golden opportunity to strengthen Atlantis with new power but in just minutes, the opportunity turned into a disaster.

The god of Atlantis was injured and infected with a strange matter. Poseidon knew very well the crisis he had brought to Atlantis due to his greed for power.

"I'm sorry," Poseidon kneeled on the floor, "Everything is my fault."

"Stand up," Rhea waved a finger and Poseidon was back on his feet, "Even if not for you, my fate would still be same."


"Anyways, why are you here?" Rhea asked since she hasn't summoned him.

"There has been an incident in that city," Poseidon shattered the white bead in his hand.

The next moment, the temple was filled with virtual images.


Rhea saw the golden lightning phenomenon in the wasteland and the appearance of dark clouds in the city.

"Did this event took place a week ago?" Rhea asked a moment later.

"Yes," Poseidon was surprised by her words.

Has she seen this event in her visions of the future?

"No, I haven't seen this," Rhea answered the unasked question.

It was five days ago when the gray matter attacked her so she connected the dots.

"Did something happened yesterday as well?" Rhea asked further.

"No," Poseidon had access to world government information so he was sure of this.

"Is that so?"


The inner zone of Paradox Dimension.

The enormous castle was chained to the ground with chains made from the bones of various species.


A deep sigh originated from the castle startling the living beings nearby.

The titans and giants some distance away trembled in dread as their bodies tore apart by a strange force.


They exploded in a mist of blood. The next moment, the mist of blood was absorbed by the chains connecting to the castle.

Inside the castle.

The man on the throne of darkness retraced his vision back from Delta City after giving a sigh.

"The second onslaught of reality is weeks away," The man gave another sigh, "If only blood was thicker than water."


Royal Heart Academy.

Zed was sitting in the cafeteria along with Felicity, Jessica, and Loren for lunch.

On a table nearby, two students were enviously gazing at Zed. They were the same ones who swore to protect Felicity from Kiba's clutches a month ago. (Chapter 19).

Gante and Ralin were with Felicity when she expressed her wish to meet Kiba at White Angel Corporation.

The two were afraid due to the urban legend associated with Kiba and hence dreaded Felicity's meeting with Kiba.

Of course, things turned out much different from what the two imagined. Kiba didn't even flirt with Felicity, and from what the two could tell, Kiba seemed afraid of her!

This behavior truly startled them for Kiba they knew wasn't like this.

What startled them further was how Kiba promised to have a 'man to man talk' with a 'friend' of Felicity. The others might not know who that friend was, but the two knew it was Zed.

They were sure 'man to man talk' would mean Kiba guiding Zed into how to get women!

So how can they not get jealous?

Personal coaching by Kiba!


The number one womanizer in the city!

His name was synonymous with affair and scandal!

The two could imagine how Zed's luck with women would increase exponentially after learning from Kiba. This made them angry and hurt for they too have tried to learn Kiba's secrets but failed.

"Damn it," Gante gritted his teeth, "He had four girlfriends after he joined the academy."

"The number would rise after he learns from Kiba," Ralin added while staring at Zed.

"If only we were acquainted with Kiba," Gante opened his smartphone to search for the latest news on Kiba, "Then we can learn from him."

"That would be so great," Ralin nodded enviously, "Do you think Zed had that meeting with Kiba?"

"It doesn't seem like---" Gante was saying when his eyes suddenly turned wide in astonishment.

"What happened?" Ralin looked at Gante's smartphone, "This is..."

"Could this be real?" Gante muttered glancing at the top link on the search result.

"Open it," Ralin pushed Gante to click on the link, "It is on the top of results so it should be genuine!"

"I guess so," Gante nodded as the website loaded.

The screen was filled with an image of Kiba sitting on a throne.

A banner flashed above the image of Kiba.

[Welcome to Wife Hunter Society - #1 knowledge portal on Lord Kiba - The savior of women!]

Chapter 137 Wife Hunter Society!

Inside an apartment in a middle-class community.

A man in twenties was sitting on a couch inside the bedroom. He has an oval shaped face with dark eyes and short black hairs. His physique was strong with his straight posture hinting to professional training.

Currently, the man was sitting opposite a computer desk. The computer was connected to multiple servers required for personal hosting of a website.

The wall behind the computer desk was decorated with some fifty posters of women. Some women were in modest clothing and some in not so modest clothing.

The women were from various backgrounds and professions. Actress, models, socialites, businesswomen, housewives, and so on.

The women on the posters were from different ethnicities carrying ranges of skin tones. One can really say the posters were truly inclusive.

Even the greatest feminist couldn't find a single point of discrimination on the posters.

"Lord Kiba truly never discriminates," The young man thought with deep reverence in his heart, "He has relationships with women of all background and colors."

The people of the world like to preach about equality and brag how they don't judge others on their skin colors or their backgrounds.

But the reality couldn't be further from this and the history is the biggest proof. There was a deep sense of prejudice inside and one would always discriminate with people who don't share their colors and background.

"Lord Kiba is the only true broad-minded man in the world."

Just how many people can be so open-minded like Kiba who don't care about ethnicity or profession?

The young man was full of admiration as he glanced at the poster on the middle of the wall which showcased Kiba sitting on a golden throne like a rightful emperor.

"No! He is not a human but a god!" The young man corrected his thoughts.

Only a god can be so inclusive and show 'love' without indiscrimination.

"Yet the world doesn't know about his noble deeds!" The young man's eyes were filled with unyielding determination as he typed on the keyboard.

A moment later, the computer screen was filled with the welcoming page of Wife Hunter Society.

The young man had created this secret society to spread enlightenment to the ignorant masses! He has to let the world know about the sacrifices his lord had made!

The time would change and so would the people. The men of today would be ashes of tomorrow but the records of history would live forever.

He wanted to create annals of the great lord so that not only the current generation but even the future generation would know about the noble deeds!

"And earn some money in the process," A faint sound of reasoning ringed inside his brain.


The cafeteria, Royal Heart Academy.

Zed, Felicity, Loren, and Jessica waited in anticipation as the waiter served the lunch dishes: sandwich, salad, pasta, casserole, enchilada, and soup.

Felicity was in the middle of savoring pasta when she suddenly turned her head around to glance at the table of Gante and Ralin.

"Why are they acting like that?" Felicity asked seeing how close those two were sitting with their eyes on their laps.

"Don't know," Zed answered as he sipped in the soup. He could care less about their activities for he has a schedule to follow since his other form has many tasks to complete.

"There is something strange," Felicity still looked on the two's activities.


[Wife Hunter Society - The savior of women]

Gante and Ralin looked at the welcome banner with shock on their faces. They glanced at each other to make sure their eyes weren't playing a trick on them.

"Savior of women?" Gante faintly muttered. He wondered what deeds has Kiba done to deserve such a grand title.

Does having affairs with married women and taking maidenhood of young women counts as qualifications to become their savior?

'If so then I want to become a savior as well!' Gante and Ralin thought in their hearts.

"There should be some real content," Ralin was sure there has to be a reason for the website to be on top search results, "Scroll down."

The two were so engrossed on the phone that they didn't care about the lunch dishes on their table.

"What are you two being so secretive about?" A voice came from nearby.

Ralin and Gante abruptly turned their head around after they heard the question.

"F-Felicity?" Gante stammered seeing Felicity standing opposite their table.

"What is so important for you to ignore the lunch?" Felicity asked further.

She was very curious about their activities so she left her table and arrived next to them.

Some distance away, Zed and others were looking at Ralin and Gante as well. Not only them but almost everyone in the cafeteria had their attention on the two.

They have seen the engrossed expression the two carried when staring at the phone. Most wondered if Gante and Ralin have found a leaked question paper or something like that.

Some thought they were looking at some nudes but the majority disclaimed. The cafeteria was no place for such things!

This was why everyone was delighted when Felicity moved to find out the truth!

"N-nothing really," Gante shook off his head while his fingers moved to press 'back' on the phone.

He didn't wish Felicity to see the types of the website they have opened. For a long time, he had a crush on her, and he didn't want her to know the types of websites he was surfing.

He wouldn't be able to show his face to anyone if she found about his activities so he quickly pressed 'back'.

"You sound suspicious," Without any warning, Felicity grabbed the phone from Gante's hand.

"Please don't!" Gante and Ralin jumped together to grab the phone back.

They have only pressed back once so the search result was still open on the web browser.

"Definitely suspicious!" Felicity turned around to prevent the phone from being taken away.

Gante and Ralin's hearts jolted with a bad feeling as they saw Felicity looking at the phone screen.

"Women seduced by Kiba," Felicity read out the search topic.


The entire canteen turned completely silent with everyone trying to make sure they heard it right. The next moment, everyone burst in a peal of loud laughter.


"You heard it as well, right?"

"Maybe they think they can become Kiba by searching about him?"

"Seems so."

"Truly desperate."


Gante and Ralin lowered their head with their faces as red as tomatoes. It was nature of people to take fun in another's plight and the same was now.

"Shut up," Felicity's voice shattered the laughter in the cafeteria, "Does anyone of you dare to show your browsing history?"

The laughter instantly died with no one daring to answer Felicity's question.

"If not then keep your trap shut," Felicity completed her words with full disdain.

Gante and Ralin were pleasantly surprised by Felicity's words. Earlier they inwardly blamed her for their predicament, but now she had helped them instead of taking joy in their situation.

"She is truly kind," Gante thought to himself.

"An angel born on earth," Ralin muttered.

He now believed not only was she beautiful outside but inwardly as well.

"What is this?" Felicity didn't really care about the two's opinion as she brought her attention on the phone.

Her eyes turned wide in surprise as she read the top headline link on the search.

"Wife Hunter Society?"

There was absolute silence in the cafeteria so the words reverberated until the end. Everyone turned dumbfounded by the mention of this strange society.

Even the cafeteria staff were equally startled by the clickbait title.

Kiba was famous in the city and his popularity increased further after the news of Agatha's pregnancy was played by SBC News.

There is always an attraction for any news on celebrities and this was especially true for any news on Kiba.

After all, he was the most infamous of the celebrities thanks to his womanizing habits. Infamy attract more attention when scandals were involved!

Kiba was the only Wife Hunter known in the city, and now a society on the same?! This was more than enough to arouse their interest!

Almost on a cue, everyone opened their phones to search for this mysterious society.

Only Zed hasn't laughed earlier but when he heard the new words spoken by Felicity, his expression turned rigid.

"There is a society for my other form?"

He turned around and saw Jessica and Loren searching for this society on the internet.

No matter how innocent and pure-hearted one is, there is always a deep sense of curiosity regarding the 'evil'.

This was the current state of many of the innocent young women here. The same applied to Jessica and Loren.

Even Felicity was checking the website much less others. Of course, her reason was different for she didn't care about the gossips regarding Kiba at all!

The only reason she opened the society website was to know more about the man named Kiba since he wasn't afraid of dangers just like her!

After all, she was relying on Kiba to teach Zed on how to be fearless and live for the thrill. She believed Kiba can help to lower the burden she carried by making Zed into a fearless man.

Then she could freely leave the city and visit the Paradox Dimension without regrets.

Zed saw the expression on her face and he could pretty much imagine her thought process.

He complained of hardship for how was he supposed to fulfill her impossible wish of Kiba meeting Zed?!

"This is a propaganda site!" A minuter later, Felicity muttered in disappointment, "That Kiba guy must have hired some PR company!"

Alas, Felicity's words fell on deaf ears for everyone besides Zed, Loren and Jessica were still glued to their phone screen.

The others didn't care about Felicity's remark and continued to browse the glorious website dedicated to Kiba.

"...I don't need a PR company!" Zed bitterly muttered in his heart.

Felicity sat back on the chair and started eating her lunch dishes. She ignored Zed as well for she still remembered how he was glued to the tv screen when news regarding Agatha's pregnancy was shown.

She was sure he would open the website sooner or later so she allowed nature to take its own course.

The only reassuring part for her was that Jessica and Loren didn't further care about the site as they too resumed the lunch.

"I should check as well," Zed did live up to Felicity's guess.

The very next moment, his face was sweating profusely after he saw the image of Kiba sitting on a throne.

"Erone Ciun!" Zed muttered the name of the perpetrator inside his heart.

The scene from a few weeks ago was still fresh in his memories. He had seen the same poster in Erone's apartment along with posters of women so he was sure of the mastermind behind this society.

Zed was in a daze as he scrolled down further in the website's homepage reading the titles Erone has given him.

He stopped scrolling and clicked on the menu to know more about the website.

"This..." Zed was terrified as he saw the multiple options on the menu.

Just how vast is this website?!

Background of Lord, Women Blessed by Lord, Seek Blessing from Lord, Discuss the deeds of Lord, Become a member, Donate, etc.


Are you kidding with me!?

You should have more than enough revenue from advertisements to run the site!

So why the heck do you want donations?!

"That kid is too cunning," Zed pressed on the donation tab in the menu. He wanted to know how Erone had justified this move of his.

[To make a church for our Lord, we need funds!]

"....." Zed felt a severe headache as he read. The more he read, the more he regretted opening this website.

[The church would exist till the end of times in order to pass the glorious teachings of our Lord!]


[If you are a woman then you should donate with an open heart! Lord is your savior and your contribution to the church would increase your chance of blessings!]


[If you are a man then you should donate more then the women! Otherwise, Lord has his own ways to punish you!]


Chapter 138 Those Blessed by Lord!

The cafeteria, Royal Heart Academy.

Many people have opened the donation page just like Zed.

Unlike Zed though, the male students and male staff members were afraid when they read the message for male viewers.

[Lord has ways to punish you!]

This sentence ringed inside their minds like a clap of thunder. None of them need to be told about the 'ways' by which the Lord punish the male offenders.

Almost everyone in the academy were from a rich background so without any hesitation, most of the male quickly made generous contributions for establishing a church in the name of Lord!

It's better to be safe than sorry!

"Are you dumb?" Few sound-minded women slapped on the male students' backs, "This site isn't owned by Kiba!"

"Don't be idiots by wasting your money!"

"You guys resemble those people in the chat who would forward a message because of evil warning in the message!"

"You think a guy like Kiba would care about a church on his name?"

"Kiba only cares about one thing and it isn't money!"

"Truly education has made you into fools."

The male students who had just donated lowered their heads in shame and embarrassment. As they thought further, they indeed realized they were being naive to act so quickly and donate.

Alas, they couldn't take back the donation. The only thing they could do was blame their luck.

Zed, on the other hand, was speechless by their behavior. He never imagined his fellow students feared his other persona so much.

But then he thought how most of his affairs were with women from higher society. The students here belonged to the same higher society so obviously, they know about his sexual exploits.

"Erone would earn a decent profit if more idiots visit the site," Zed thought.

The young women who wished to increase their chances of blessings from Kiba sighed in disappointment. They knew how outlandish their wishes were for Kiba chose women on his own without caring about their status.

Zed ignored others and once again focused on the phone. He scrolled down the webpage, and as he did, he finally realized what was bugging him as odd ever since he opened this website.

Erone has used a style of writing which was very similar to Kiba's way of speaking!

"Only she could be responsible," Zed bitterly thought.

While Agatha and Eva knew his style, they didn't know it well enough to copy.

"Claudia!" Zed opened a chat window on the cellphone.

[[How are you, sir?]] Claudia messaged on the chat.

"Not so well thanks to you," Zed typed.

[[What do you mean, sir?]]

"You are responsible for this society, right?"

[[...partially, sir.]]

Zed pressed his forehead as the intensity of the headache amplified. He wasn't sure earlier of his guess, but now Claudia pretty much made him realize his worst fears were true.

"Why?" Zed typed a few moments later.

[[I was aware Erone has plans to form a fan club. I believed you care about him since you spared him back then. So I helped him partially.]

Zed wanted to loudly shout that he didn't care about him at all! But now it was far too late to make his intentions known.

What can he do after the website was up and running? All he could do was let it go just like the last time.

"Partially?" Zed quickly typed on the screen.

[[I suggested few ideas to him through fake profiles on social media.]]


Zed wondered just how 'few' were 'few'.

"Donation was your idea?"

[[No. He wished to earn so I just guided him with a better method.]]


Better method?!


You literally made him blackmail the readers by using Kiba!

[[A devotee needs money to eat and support his hobbies.]]



You mean making out with girlfriends of his friends?!

Zed shook his head as he recalled the confession of his devotee. He still remembered how excitedly Erone confessed to drinking 'holy juices'.

"You should have asked me," Zed wanted to cry but had no tears to shed.

[[Years ago you said I shouldn't ask you for small matters. I believed providing some ideas to your loyal follower is only a small topic not worthy of your attention.]]

No matter how he argued, Claudia found ways to put the blame back on him. Even he started feeling that he was at the fault here and not Claudia.

"....." Zed closed the chat window tried. He sighed deeply exhausted by the findings on the website and the activities of Claudia.

Felicity, Jessica, and Loren noticed his strange reactions as they had their lunch.

Felicity glanced at him with complete disdain. She couldn't stand his behavior of taking an unhealthy interest in the lives of celebrities.

She believed it was her responsibility to ensure he had more interest in the real world.

If she couldn't do this then she would fail in her duties as a sister. An outcome she didn't wish to see.

After a few seconds of contemplation, Felicity made a mental note to take him for an adventure somewhere really fun. She had multiple choices and after some thinking, she decided to use all the options.

Alas, poor Zed was ignorant of the trouble he had created for himself once again.

He opened the browser to browse the website further even though he knew he wouldn't like what he was about to see.

He opened the menu and pressed on another option.

Women Blessed by Lord.

When Zed opened this page, his eyes almost popped out of the socket. The list of women whom Kiba has 'blessed' was filled with 100+ names. The good part was that these affairs weren't really a secret since news or gossips regarding them were already available in public domain.

Further the list didn't have the name of the women with whom his affairs were private. This was reassuring since most of his affairs were discrete without the knowledge of husband or boyfriend or parents.

The list contained names, image and a short description of the women concerned.

"Small mercy," Zed muttered as he read the names on the list.

[1. Maya Sifron - Housewife- The first known lucky woman to be blessed by the Lord.]

[ Married to a managing director of a popular corporate, she was a poor soul devoid of happiness. The Lord took mercy on her in the fall of 2021 at her house.]

[Her husband found her on the bed as she became one with the Lord. What a glorious sight was that for the husband to discover his wife in the arms of the Lord.]

[Revered is Maya for she would always be remembered as the first of the blessed ones.]

[2. Irene Summers - Heiress - The first known maiden to be favored by the Lord.]

[How marvelous the beginning of the year 2022 was for the Delta City and its young occupants. The heiress of Delta Food Chain transformed into a woman on the 1st January thanks to the grace of the Lord.]

[All the struggles between the young men for the favors of Irene Summers ended thanks to the blessing of the Lord. Truly the great Lord works in mysterious ways to spread peace and prosperity.]

[3. Savannah Horton - Actress- The first of her profession to be graced by the Lord.]

[Savannah had been married to a popular movie director. Theirs was a love marriage but alas, not a happy one under the test of the time. The Lord's heart was filled with sadness after seeing the unhappy couple, so he decided to fill their lives with happiness.]

[The movie director is now popular for his tragic love stories.]

Chapter 139 The List Expands!

Women Blessed by the Lord contained a list of 121 women from various backgrounds. They were women whose affair with Kiba were not really a secret with news and gossips regarding them being out in media and gossip portals from years.

Not all of them were really 'affairs' as some of them were short-lived relationships. Like Kiba's relationship with Irene Summers lasted two months which included the initial courting period.

Kiba parted with Irene on rather good terms. In fact, months later, she thanked Kiba during a public speech when she took over Delta Food Chain.

She expressed her gratitude to him since he helped her evade the greedy clutches of the men who were after her wealth instead of her heart.

What she further admired was that he never tried to make her believe their relationship would last forever.

When she started dating Kiba, she has just turned 18. She was at an age where lovers often promise the moon and eternal love so strong that even the gods would be jealous.

But Kiba was different in his conduct which was why she felt attracted to him even besides the good looks and strong personality.

From the start, Kiba told her the time they would spend together, no matter how short, would be enough for them to last till their final breath.

With time they may move on with new lovers or with a new family, but when they look back on their lives, they could say they didn't regret the time they spend together.

Just how many people can dare say such things in the starting of courtship?

The other men tried to earn her favor by using the outdated cliche lines of love and following similar lines of courtship. Something she absolutely detested for she knew it very well that most of them were attracted to her fortunes no matter how beautiful she was.

As far as Irene was concerned, Kiba was a breath of fresh air offering her something no other man offered. He never showed even the slightest bit of interest in her fortune or her company. The only thing he showed interest was her.

In the two months they stayed together, she felt like a queen spoiled by her king. There were wild parties which would last till mornings, and then there were nights where they would be in each other's arms.

Two years after they broke up, an interviewer of a popular magazine asked her opinion on Kiba to which she said:

"A man every woman want as a lover but definitely not as a husband!"

When Kiba heard came to know her words, he smiled and had a drink remembering the times they spend together.

A rake was someone who ensures his past lover remember him fondly no matter how short the time they spend together was. Sometimes it felt good to have a relationship where there were no broken hearts.

It was a different matter that his habit of seeking relationships with married women often resulted in broken hearts.

Like in the case of Savannah Horton. As her marriage turned sour, she found solace in the arms of Kiba. Alas, her husband lost his faith in love after he discovered her relationship with Kiba.

On the bright side, her husband became a super hit director with back to back blockbusters on tragic love stories.

[The great Lord's punishment is also a blessing in disguise.]

When Zed read this part, he had an awkward smile.

"Claudia truly gave him many nice ideas," Zed thought as he moved further down the list.

[4. Kiera Valdez - CEO - The first of the business to rise in the name of the Lord]

[Known for her cold temperament and ruthless takeovers, Keira Valdez was often referred to as the evil queen in the field of business.]

[She was a woman who lacked any warmth in her life. The heavens took pity on her state as one day she fell under the vision of the Lord.]

[The great Lord showered her with such warmth that she lost all traces of coldness.]

[5. Aimee Mercado - Student - The first to be rescued by the Lord.]

[Aimee was shattered by the deaths of her parents. She jumped from the terrace of a 100 storied building to reunite with her parents.]

[The Lord rescued her from the madness and further gave her the familial warmth and love. Aimee is now running a hospital to fight depression.]

[6. Gracie Weaver - Government Officer- The first to get a confidence boost by the Lord.]

[Gracie was an absolute beauty but alas, she lacked confidence in both personal and professional space. The Lord took pity on her and helped her gain confidence in herself.]

[Glorious were the methods of the Lord since now, Gracie has reached the top hierarchy in the city. She now had multiple suitors asking for her hand all thanks to the Lord.]

[7. Holly Gould - Singer - The first to tutelage under the Lord]

[Holly was an amateur singer struggling in the competitive music industry to meet the day's ends. The fate smiled on her after she turned for she met the Lord in a singing competition.]

[Impressed by her 'competitive spirit' during the audition, the Lord blessed her. She won the competition and is now a brand to reckon.]

Zed rubbed his forehead as he read down the list further. All the names were familiar and he could remember the time he spent with them like it was yesterday.

[71. Gilly Welch - Housewife - The first from the police fraternity to be blessed by the Lord.]

Many of the students in the cafeteria were similarly reading the list. When they read this name, they turned their heads around to glance at a table in the corner.

Alex Welch! (Chapter 47)

The son of the police chief and Gilly!

Alex's expression turned extremely unsightly as he felt the gazes of others on him. He clenched his teeth so hard that they were on the verge of shattering.

"Fuck you, Kiba!"

He knew about the affair his mom had with Kiba. Two years ago, Kiba was caught in a compromising position with the wife of a junior officer. (Chapter 130)

The scandalous part was that the scene occurred at the house of the police chief who was hosting a party for the donors of the police fund!

The details turned out to be more damaging with the junior officer blaming the wife of the police chief for hiding the details!

The story took a twist when it was found out that the wife of the chief was having an affair with Kiba from months! That too under the eyes of the chief without him realizing anything!

The police chief resigned in anger and shame at the scandal. For what kind of police officer he was if he couldn't even know the affair of his own wife!

[Gilly was a neglected housewife handling the stress from her husband's demanding job. Further, she was a young mother taking care of her children without any support, her life was full of sorrow.]

"I made her life full of sorrow?" Alex felt his blood pressure increasing.

[The Lord took pity on her state and gave her a massage at her house! The massage did wonders for she gained an extraordinary glow!]

Massage to relax her?!



Alex's eyes turned completely bloodshot. His entire body was trembling as he read the words. He was having a hard time controlling the anger boiling inside him.

Nearby, the other students continued their discussion.

"Alex's mom and dad got divorced, right?"

"Yeah, but they got back together."

"Actually they broke up again."


"She was caught with Kiba again."

"Amazing! I mean damn!"

Alex's expression was as ugly as it could get. The remarks were like arrows of fire striking at his weak spots.

He clenched his fist and punched on the table in front of him.


The table shattered in fragments and the food dishes fell all around.

"Just fuck you all," Alex loudly cursed before dashing out of the cafeteria.

The others lowered their voices as they discussed the list.

"Poor guy!"

"Yeah! So pitiful!"

"Hey, Sam!"


"Your mom's name is at #87!"

"What?!" The boy name Sam fell off from the chair horrified by the words he heard.

"I was just kidding!"


"Mabe her name is there at the end!"

"You never know!"

Chapter 140 Prophecy!

The cafeteria, Royal Heart Academy.

"I never knew we got so many artists due to Kiba!"

"Kiba has truly given rise to many stars in the entertainment industry!"


"Anyways, so many women were blessed by Kiba?"

"I have known about few of them but not all."

"The website owner must have made a lot of efforts to compile this list."

"This alone deserves donations!"



Meanwhile, the student named Sam gritted his teeth and stood up from the floor. He couldn't match his eyes with the fellow students after what happened now.

Sam glanced at the fellow student who had just played a prank on him by saying his mother's name was there on the Women Blessed by Lord.

The male student was rather unfazed as he enjoyed the attention he got for playing such a smart prank. He was now the center of attention in the cafeteria and he felt elevated.

"You never know your mother or sister's name might be there in the future," the male student remarked after which he started laughing loudly.

The other male students beside him became silent as they stopped their discussion. They were afraid that this fear might manifest into reality.

Kiba didn't even spare the wife of the police chief so how could their mothers and sisters be safe?

Just how can they be sure that the fate of Alex wouldn't become their fates?

Then would they be able to show their faces to anyone else?!

Just five minutes ago, they were taking pleasure in the plight of Alex but now their expressions turned extremely ugly. They didn't dare look at the list on the phone any longer afraid of facing their worst fear.

Some of them even closed their phones and placed them back in their pockets. All their interest in the list was gone.

The male student who played the prank, on the other hand, continued to laugh. He was fascinated by his wits to outsmart his male friends.

"You're right on that," a female student adjacent to the prankster male student nodded in agreement "Maybe even your girlfriend's name is there."

"....." the male student from before stopped laughing.


Earlier he joked for he didn't have any women in the family but what about his future girlfriend?!

"If I marry and have a wife then," The male student's face was extremely unsightly as this thought struck in his heart.

He lowered his head feeling a sense of dread he had never faced before. He felt butterflies fluttering inside his stomach as his mind showed him the 'possibilities' of the future!


"Lord, please spare my future wife!" He prayed sincerely inside his heart. Never once in his life, he has shown such sincerity to his own god as much as he was showing to the Lord.

He wasn't the same though. Most of the male students similarly prayed inside their hearts.

"I would never look at any women with bad intent," a twenty-some old student muttered, "So Lord please don't target my girlfriend."

"I will contribute ten thousand dollars for the construction of the holy church," a twenty-three fat student joined his hands, "All I ask is for you to let me have a wife who is free of your blessings."

"I will even become a member of the church," a boy with freckles prayed with eyes closed, "Please take me as an apprentice and teach me the ways of the blessings."

Some distance away, Zed's mouth was wide open after listening to the discussion among his fellow academy students.

They were praying to Kiba?!

Are they for fucking real?!

And fuck the church!

He wasn't going to take any apprentice nor share his methods!

Zed gave a deep sigh and shook his head. He gave a quick glance at the names and was relieved to see there was no mention of Agatha on it.

He was sure Claudia was responsible for this since she knew his bottom line. Then there was also the retraction given by SBC News and other outlets for broadcasting the news about Agatha's pregnancy.

So there was no way Erone would publish about Agatha in the list.

Of all Kiba's affairs and relationships, Agatha was the most unique. She was someone with whom he has a good friendship from years ever since he arrived at the city.

For more than three years, she was kind to him when she didn't have to. This was the reason why he never tried to have any intimate relations with her.

But in the end, the nature of a man was difficult to suppress forever.

Kiba was Kiba!

When he saw her marriage with her Jack breaking due to Jack's affairs, he seduced her.

He didn't use any dirty methods due to the respect for her, but she was still vulnerable and he took that as an opportunity!

It was a different matter that the seduction resulted in many unexpected things. Agatha became pregnant with his child.

Somehow 'he' manipulated the events without him 'knowing' to ensure that the world believed the child Agatha was carrying belonged to Jack.

Only after the H News event did he learned this truth.

For him, this was as dangerous as the end of the world!

Someone who has dreaded the possibility of becoming a father would now become a father in five months!

Perhaps if not for Agatha's help and patience, he would never be able to accept this reality.

"Hope," Zed closed his eyes and smiled, "Even if she wasn't mine, I would have protected her due to the promise I gave to Agatha."

The promise was something he gave even before learning the truth of her paternity, and now after knowing the truth, the worth of the promise only increased further.


A minute later, Zed opened his eyes and switched off his cell phone. He had enough of the website.

"Had enough of celebrity's life?" Felicity asked in an annoyed tone.

She never understood the unhealthy fascination people show in the lives of the rich and the famous. As far as she was concerned, the celebrities can jump in a volcano and she wouldn't give a damn.

Why should people care about the affairs and scandals of the others? Isn't one's own life enough instead of seeking joy in the imaginary life of another?

She believed the only thing people should care about is their own lives and those of their loved ones. Life is

"...Yes," Zed answered.

He could understand her annoyance with the interest he was showing in the Wife Hunter Society but he was helpless since it concerned him!

Zed gave another sigh for his inability to explain her the truth. He resumed lunch...


The rest of the students, on the other hand, were still discussing the contents of the website. They were also shocked by the sudden devotion shown by their mates inside the cafeteria.

"How is Kiba the Lord?" A male student with long brown hairs muttered, "He is a devil for everyone to fear him so much!"

"Yeah," Few females silently agreed, "But a very attractive devil."

"...." This was not the response the males wanted to hear!

Isn't calling him attractive confirming that feel their fears were well-founded?!


The women should not find him attractive!

Just from when did a womanizer become someone to be admired and revered?!

Shouldn't the women fear a man like Kiba the worst after knowing his history of flings?!

Or is it true that the women are truly attracted to men with bad reputation?!

Or could it be the women like a man with more experience in the bed!?

The male students' minds were in chaos as these thoughts ran across their minds. The females, on the other hand, were taking joy in the conditions of the men.

"Those praying to him are just fools," a male student suddenly spoke loudly, "And the same is true for those who admire him and find him attractive!"

He was afraid of Kiba 'blessing' his girlfriend but he didn't let it show. He believed now was the time to get the support of everyone and remove the fear of man known as Kiba!

They have to let the females know they weren't scared of Kiba! They have to let the women know that there were more than enough worthy males to compete against Kiba!

Only then could they sleep peacefully without any dread!

"Sooner or later, Kiba would be destroyed if he continues this habit!" Another male student added, "There would be justice!"

It wasn't clear whether he was stating a fact or trying to convince himself that such a thing was possible.

Suddenly, every male in the cafeteria found a sense of hope as they listened to these words. When people are at their lowest, they are ready to cling to any support!

"He has broken the hearts of many!"

"The sins of destroying marriage have accumulated beyond the limit!"

"The true god out there would punish this demon!"

"Gods would never let this sinner go scot free!"


"Earlier we were just overreacting!"

"Kiba isn't omnipotent nor he is the lord!

"He is just a human like us with limited lifespan!"

"He couldn't sleep with every beauty!"

"Nor would every woman agree to sleep with him!"

"Definitely true! Not every woman is born to be his!"

"We were worried for nothing!"

"Kiba is nothing to be scared of!"

"Let's check other pages!"

Everyone brought their attention back to their phones with more determination.

From the drop-down menu, almost everyone clicked on 'Background of the Lord'. The males especially were more eager when they opened this page.

No one in the city knew about Kiba so the excitement was understandable. The male students wondered just what type of information was being placed on the page.

Why were they so curious about his background?!

This was in order to prepare themselves better for the war!

After all, the easiest and most secure way to win any war is to know the enemy!

And the most basic part of knowing the enemy was to know the background!

It is the background which decides how a man becomes what he has become now!

"The page has loaded!"

The vision of everyone was glued on their cellphones as the webpage appeared in the format of a scroll.

The scroll was placed on the lap of a sage who has a long white beard. The features of the sage were very extraordinary and captivating.

The next moment, an ancient looking brush manifested in the hand of the sage.

The sage slowly moved the brush on the scroll to write words. The words were golden and when one looks at them, it was like they were hypnotic.

It was as if the color, the font, the background, and almost everything on the webpage was carefully designed to entrance the viewer.

[Long ago, a great prophecy was made by the great sages of the past! When the world is in turmoil and shrouded by darkness, a hero would be born!]

Everyone in the cafeteria was dumbfounded by the words. They read the words again to ensure they have read it right instead of their eyes playing a trick on them.


"There are indeed many prophecies about great calamities from eons..."

"But those prophecies don't make sense on a website as this!"


"We're forgetting the last part!"

"A hero would be born?!"

"Kiba is the hero?"

"The sages prophesized about a wife hunter as the hero?!"

"Were they smoking weed to make such a prophecy?"

"That guy is a demon in disguise!"

"He is no hero!"

"There is more description on the page!"

"What? Just how long is the prophecy?"

Everyone brought their eyes back on their cellphones to read further.

[The society of today has been infected with greed, ego, ignorance, anger, and hate! Only one positive force can get rid of such negativity from this world!]

"There is truth to that."

"Yeap! My grandma says the new generation is more cynical and prone to anger and hate."

"So the prophecy was about this turmoil and darkness?"

"But what is this positive force?"

"No idea."

"Let's read further."

[Love! The only happiness and the source of positive force in this world is to love!]


"I don't understand how love is supposed to be the answer."

"Me neither."

[Wherever there is love, there is no hatred or anger or war! Love is the equivalence of peace! Alas, we are far too engulfed by the negativity that we have lost our ability to show true love.]


[Worry not for our Lord was the hero that was promised by the sages! The hero who would answer hatred and violence with love!]

"Answering with love! That sounds so great!"

"Don't be naive!"


"You think Kiba is a hero?!"

"He takes the maidenhood of innocent virgins by fooling them with his soft tongue and charmful appearance!"

"There was no love involved in that!"

"He has a habit of targetting married women for one night stand! Just where was love involved in that?!"

[The ignorant masses have a wrong concept of love! But unlike us, our Lord knows the true meaning of love!]


"Son of a bitch!"

"We are not ignorant!"

"It is you who don't know about love!"

[How were we born? How would we survive after we die?]


"No one knows how are born beside the biological process."

"It is the greatest mystery in the world!"

"But surviving after dying?"

"What does he means by that?"

[Answer is love! The greatest form of love is to make love! We were born from the lovemaking, and we would survive after our deaths through our children who will be born through love!]

"That's true."

"Why am I feeling the words make sense?"

"I am feeling the same as well."

"Could the prophecy be right?"

"So far it seems so."

[Sages have said the greatest way of spreading peace in this world is by making women happy! All women needs is love, but alas, we men have failed badly!]

Zed covered his ears with his hands. He couldn't stand to listen to the conversation any longer.

As Kiba, he has always taken joy in trolling but today, someone was using his name to troll others. This made him feel embarrassed for he believes only he had the right to troll.

"Not trolling but brainwashing," Zed corrected his thoughts.

He was sure by the end, Erone would be able to get few patrons from the students here for his website.

He swore to chide Claudia later on for helping Erone to create this mess.

[Men have been blinded in their journey of power and money! We men have failed in our responsibilities but thankfully, our Lord chose to make up for our fault! He blessed the world by descending in this lowly realm.]

"The writer is on the mark!"

"My boyfriend was always busy with other stuff instead of giving me attention!"

"We women are to be cherished but men have been such a disappointment!"

"Only Kiba is different!"

"We need more men like him!"

"No! There could be no other man like him!"

"He is the true man!"

[From years, our Lord has been making love with women of every race and ethnicity without any discrimination! Whether it is a maiden or a housewife, our Lord has never backed away from his responsibilities of making love with them!]

"He is right!"

"Kiba had never discriminated!"

"Only a true soul without any malice can love everyone!"

"Kiba is truly great!"

"I always thought Kiba as an evil man but I was blind!"

"I'm sorry for calling him as wrong!"

"Kiba is the hero!"

"No! He is the Lord!"

"The savior of women!"

"The Messiah the world needs!"

"Long live the Lord!"

Chapter 141 Mistress" Massage Centre

The cafeteria was full of arguments and discussions on the prophecy of the hero that was promised to the world.

Everyone was muttering words like a hero, Messiah, Lord, savior, and a few others. There was a sense of genuine admiration and fascination among the people regarding Kiba.

Even though Zed has closed his ears, he could still listen to the loud discussion. No matter how shameless he was, even he felt awkward about the exaltation of his other self.

"Haah~ Claudia and that kid are a deadly combo," Zed thought with a sigh, "Erone is surely going to get a lot rich today."


The other students, on the other hand, were still on the website of Wife Hunter Society. The webpage of Background of Lord was filled with flash animation.

[Don't miss the chance to join the followings of the great Lord.]

The sage in the animation wrote on the scroll in front of him. His features were otherworldy and each word wrote he wrote, was bewitching to the soul.

[Contribute to the cause of the Lord! Let's construct the greatest church in the world to celebrate the birth of our hero!]

The next moment, the sage disappeared from the page and the donation portal opened.

[Donate with open hearts!]

Everyone clicked on the donation tab to contribute! They didn't need any more convincing to the cause!

"I'm donating a thousand dollars!"

"So cheap!"

"I'm donating five thousand!"

"Seven thousand!"

"Ten thousand!"

Each contribution was higher than the last. Every person behaved like a fanatic believing the money was the medium for the attention of the Lord.

Some were contributing due to fear, a few for genuinely supporting the website and the rest for blessings and favor!

The donation portal has a 'Request to Lord' box where a contributor could state their pray.

"Don't bless my girlfriend," a student who has contributed ten thousand dollars wrote, "Please."

"Great lord, don't favor my mom and sister," a student who didn't have faith in the women of his family typed.

"Biology teacher is my crush," a thin guy muttered as he typed on the screen, "Please don't bless her!"

Not everyone was asking for themselves though. There were students who were thinking about the welfare of others!

"My friend has a girlfriend while I don't," a student with thick glasses muttered in his heart, "Please bless his girlfriend!"

The singles especially were asking Kiba to 'bless' the girlfriends and mothers of their friends! To ensure their wish was conveyed properly.

"The history teacher is the worse teacher," a bulky student typed, "But he has a beautiful daughter!"

Some students didn't forget to ask favors for their teachers!

Just like Zed predicted, Erone truly made a fortune from the website any longer even though only around 10% visitors donated!

Only Erone knew for what cause he would use the money!



Mistress' Massage Centre was the most popular spa in the city. Located on the outskirts of the central district, the spa was free from the chaos of the city

The spa was surrounded by natural greenery. Every part of it was rich with the aroma of flowers.

As one enters the spa, one would walk through a track filled with special pebbles so designed that it improves the blood flow of the body.

The aim of any spa was to promote relaxation, relieve stress and boost one's mood, and this spa took its goals seriously.

Just the entrance was designed to meet these requirements so one couldn't help but look forward to the real massages offered inside.

Currently, a couple parked their car outside and stepped on the track to enter the spa.

The couple was none other than Suzane and Morgan!

"This is wonderful," Morgan inhaled the fragrance from the flowers as he stepped forward, "I'm so glad we are here."

"This is all thanks to you," Suzane responded with a smile, "You were able to get a coupon for us."

"Haha, that was nothing," Morgan said this but there was a smug expression on his face.

He has heard great praises about this spa but the cost was so high that it almost gave him a heart attack.

He checked on the internet to find discounts but there was no success.

Yesterday though, a miracle took place!

When he opened the website of the spa, there was a notification pop-up saying he would be gifted with a 70% discount due to him being the 100001st visitor!

Such a high discount made him dance in joy!

After all, he was trying to get a chance to enter the spa, and now the Lady Luck blessed him with such an opportunity!

"I'm damn lucky," Morgan laughed. He was looking forward to the spa facilities inside.

A few minutes later, they entered the spa.

Inside, a woman clad in white clothing greeted them with a warm smile.

She has dark black hairs spanning to the end of her back. Her nose was short and pointed while her skin tone was fair.

All over, she has an attractive appearance suiting her slim figure.

"Welcome to Mistress' Massage Centre," The woman's smile was as radiant as the morning sun, "I'm Tanya Rosales, the manager of this spa."

"The manager?" Morgan was surprised the manager was there to welcome them.

"Yes," Tanya nodded her head, "It isn't always I get to meet such a lucky man like you."

"Ah!" Morgan and Suzane nodded in understanding.

"Please follow me," Tanya brought them to a large hall.

The flooring was made from the wood of a mutated tree known for medical properties. The only source of light in the room was the candles giving it a pleasing appearance.

Then there was the rich flavor of incense in the room which was nothing less than a delight for the senses.

At the center of the room were four white chairs. Suzana and Morgan took seats on the two chairs at the end.


The wooden flooring parted and two large bowls of water appeared below the chairs. The couple drowned their feet inside the water.


Just the ambient environment inside made them lose the stress and anxiety. The energy circulation in their bodies amplified thanks to the water below. They even felt the impurities inside them were cleaned out by the powerful fragrance of the incense.

"Just what are this incense and water?" Morgan wondered as the muscle tension inside his body eased while the pain he never knew alleviated.

"Please relax," Tanya politely continued, "And choose what type of massage you wish to have."

She waved her hand and two screens appeared in front of the couple displaying the menu.

"We offer massages such as hot stone, aromatherapy, deep tissue, trigger point, shiatsu massage, prenatal,--"

Tanya was reading out the choices when she heard a burst of faint laughter from Morgan. She closed her lips and looked at him with a frown.

"Prenatal massage is obviously out of choice," Morgan offered his explanation, "My wife is not pregnant."

"Don't be like that," Suzane looked at Tanya and said, "I apologize for his rude behavior."

"It is fine," Tanya waved off her hand like it was nothing, "We offer prenatal massage since your wife might become pregnant now. sO having her learn this massage is beneficial for the future."

"Pregnant today?" Suzane and Morgan looked at each other in dismay.

What does she mean by that?

"The relaxing atmosphere here increase the sexual drive," Tanya smiled like the wind of the autumn, "This obviously enhance the chances of getting pregnant later on."

"I have no plan of having a third child," Morgan stated his intentions.

"The choice was never yours, to begin with," Tanya explained in a pleasant tone.

"?" Morgan has a confused expression on his face. '

Only he can result in the pregnancy of his wife!

So how can the choice not be his?

"I'm just kidding," Tanya said with a smile but her voice didn't seem she was kidding, "Anyways, please select your options."

"Sure," Suzane and Morgan glanced at the screen.

"We have the best masseur in the industry," Tanya continued with a radiant smile, "I'm sure the lady would definitely be pleased by our service."

Chapter 142 Massage!

The massage was touching the body to clam the mind and heal the spirit. It was not just a luxury; it was a way to a healthier and happier life.

A good massage depends on the ambiance, the equipment, and a masseur! Suzane and Morgan were already impressed by the former two and now wanted to know about the masseur.

"You can rest assured on the quality of our masseurs," Tanya 's voice was filled with confidence, "So please specify your choice of massage you wish to have."

"Yes," Suzana and Morgan clicked on their respective screens to select out of multiple options, "We're done."

"Good," Tanya signaled them to stand, "Please follow me."

Suzane and Morgan nodded and followed her as they left the hall.

A minute later~

The three of them arrived in a corridor which has access to multiple rooms.

"Please wait a minute," Tanya clicked on a virtual interface on a door to one of the room, "Mr. Morgan, you can enter."

The door slid open to reveal a large room. At the center, there was a massage table while the floor below was covered with a soft blanket to massage oil staining the floor.

A middle-aged bulky man was standing near the massage table. He was clean shaved and bald with a brown skin tone.

Morgan was struck on the corridor in disbelief.

Shouldn't there be a female masseur for him?!

He wouldn't cheat on his wife but as a man, he would like nothing more than having a female applying oil on him.

But now a bulky man was going to massage him?!

"Is there anything wrong?" Tanya asked.

"N-no, but a male masseur," Morgan answered.

"Slesone is a well-known masseur," Tanya spoke confidently, "He is well versed with the structure of the human body so you could expect the best quality.

"....." Morgan wanted to decline but he didn't know how without sounding pervert.

He couldn't tell Tanya in front of his own wife that he wished to have a female masseur!

"What about my wife?" Morgan asked after he gripped with reality.

"She would be served by our best masseur so there is nothing to worry," Tanya's voice contained an obvious trace of excitement as she continued, "I'm sure your wife would always wish to come back after the massage therapy is done."

"Oh," Morgan nodded.

He has heard about the popularity of the spa especially among women.

"Please," Tanya requested Morgan to enter the room.

"Yes," Morgan entered the room.


Tanya guided Suzane to a room at the end of the corridor.

"Here is your room," Tanya clicked on the virtual interface of another room, "I hope you have a good time."


The room was larger than the one before. The lights were dim since the only source was the votive candles.

Suzane slowly stepped inside and was surprised by the perfect temperature in the room. Just like the other room, there was a massage table at the center of the room along with a small footstool.

Some distance away, there were two circular tables filled with bottles of oils, hand towels, fruit and cheese platter, and so on.

"Your masseur would be here shortly so get ready," Tanya said from the entrance of the room, "Please get changed and tie your hairs."

"I will," Suzane moved to a changing room connected to the main room.

A few minutes later~

Suzane stepped out with a white towel wrapping her body. There was a faint fragrance of incense and flowers inside which elevated her mood.

She glanced at the circular table where glass bottles containing oils were placed. The scented plant oils were added to the massage oil and then placed in the glass bottle.

The oils were extracted from mutated flowers and other plant parts. Not only did they offered a pleasing scent they also have great healing properties.

Suzane moved towards the massage table. She lied flat on her stomach and waited for the masseur to enter.

"Sorry for making you wait," A familiar voice entered her ears.

Suzane was startled as she saw a man slowly stepping towards her.


Kiba was wearing a loose fitting shirt and a tight-fitting sports shorts. He glanced at the gorgeous curves which were covered nothing but by a towel.

Her curly hairs were tied exposing her fair neck. Since she was lying flat on her stomach, her breasts were pressing against the massage table.

"Lovely to meet again," Kiba licked his lips, "It pleasures me to no ends to serve you today."

"Y-you are a masseur?" Suzane tried to make sense of things.

When she met him the first time, she believed he was a mercenary. Then she meet him at a gym where he was her special instructor!

Now he was even a masseur?!

Just how many jobs he was working on?!

"A man needs money to sustain himself and his hobbies," Kiba explained with a smile, "The spa is the only profitable venture I own."

"You even own this place?!" Suzane was having a hard time understanding the extent his influence held.

Kiba didn't reply, instead, he pulled the towel down to expose her back.

"Ah!" Suzane felt his fingertips stroking on her back. The strokes alternated between a firm and light pressure.

He moved up and down on her back while ensuring the pressure was soothing as well as strong enough to relieve the tension from her muscles.

"You're not bad," Suzane muttered.

"I have just started," Kiba took a glass bottle containing oil.

He squirted some scented oil on his palms and then gently rubbed it over her exposed back. The oil along with the pressure helped her relieve the stress her body was holding.

"Let's get started for real."

His oil-stained fingers lightly ran over her exposed back making her feel a tantalizing sensation.

"Now that's definitely good," Suzane closed her eyes as the knots inside her body were released. His fingers traced the contours of her body, from head to the toes, in a slow and gentle manner.

Kiba applied extra oil on her buttocks and rubbed them in a circular manner. His fingers parted the cracks of her ass, allowing the oil to flow below.

"Ahh!" Suzane released a loud moan as she felt a finger rubbing oil on her vaginal openings.

She would be lying if she said she wasn't expecting this, but still, she was caught off guard.

"There is too much tension here," Kiba inserted the index finger inside her pink coverings.

Suzane was struggling to control herself as his finger glided deeper. Just as she embraced the feeling developing inside her, she felt his finger move out.

He once again started massaging her thighs and then her back.

"Such a tease," Suzane complained in a low voice.

"You were saying something?" Kiba asked as his hands cupped her ass.

"N-nothing," Suzane closed her eyes as two fingers slid inside her vagina.

"Really?" Kiba spread her ass wide with his other hand.

"Yes," Suzane felt his fingers moving up and down.

"That's good to know," Kiba removed his fingers and patted her buttocks, "Roll up."

Suzane did as she was asked and a few seconds later, she was now lying on her back. The towel was still covering her breasts but not for very long as Kiba tossed it away.

"We don't need unnecessary distractions," His hands slowly worked up from her stomach in a relaxed manner.

"Ah!" She flinched as his hands arrived on the curves of her breasts. He slowly caressed the swelling below her nipples in a circular motion.

"Give me a second" Kiba wiped his palms with a hand towel, "We need to follow different the new method."

"?" Suzane looked with surprise as Kiba brought a tray containing fruits and cheese.

He took out a strawberry from the tray and brought it towards her closed lips. She slowly parted her lips to take the strawberry in her mouth.

"Save some for me," Kiba rubbed a finger over her lips. His face zeroed into hers and slowly, their lips meet.

The strawberry inside her mouth was now surrounded by two tongues rolling in as one. Suzane and Kiba sucked in each other's lips with the taste of strawberry moving in their saliva.

She felt his one hand moving below to cup her right breasts. He fondled her breast while his mouth chewed on the sweetest strawberry the world has to offer.

Suzane felt her tongue melting into his as the time passed. Slowly their lips parted and he brought his complete attention on her breasts.

He fondled her breasts with both hands in a slow and gentle manner. From the side of the curves, his hands moved towards her nipples.

"Ohh," Suzane relased a light moan as his hands piched her nipples. Aroused from the teasing and caressing, her nipples turn hard and erect.

Suzane looked in surprise as he took a bottle containing cheese and squirted on her aerola. He rubbed the cheese all around her nipples while giving them a soft pinching.

Kiba lowered his head on the top of her right breast. His tongue wrapped around her nipple.

Suzane felt a bolt of current passing through her nipple as he licked on it. His tongue savored the taste of the chesse on her breasts.

He pressed her breasts together and fondled them while his mouth sucked one nipple after the another.

"This is the best type of massage," Suzane moaned.

"Let's make it better," Kiba passed a hand on the back of her neck to tilt her head forward while his other hand cupped her breast up.

Suzane's tongue parted from her lips to lick over the aerola. Kiba's tongue joined hers and soon they were both licking over her nipples in delight.

She felt a mix of different taste as their lips once again joined for a kiss. As the kiss intensified and their tongues mingled, she left the table.

"We need to get ready for the main massage," Kiba said as their mouths left each other.

"We do," Suzane nodded as her eyes moved to his sports shorts where the buldging outline was on display.

He slid off his sports shorts and his throbbing hard cock sprang from confinement. Her delicate hands stroke his cock a few times, after which she bent down.

She kissed the head of his raging hardon with her soft red lips. Her hands, in the meantime, gently rubbed the testicles.

She placed her tongue at the base of his shaft and slowly licked back to the head of his cock. She then slowly slid his cock into her mouth.

Kiba grabbed a handful of her soft hairs as Suzane looked at him. Their eyes meet as she slid her lips up and down the shaft of his cock.

Slowly as she built the momentum, she opened her mouth wider to take him further down till the end of her throat.

She continued this motion for a minute allowing his cock to enjoy the warmth and moist feeling of her mouth.

There was a smile on her face as she freed his cock from her mouth. She stood up and glanced at him with eyes filled with anticipation.

"Time for the main massage," Kiba wrapped his arms around her waist to position her on the edge of the table.

He swiftly angled his hips while she opened her thighs further apart. She held her pussy lips between her fingers on each side and pulled them apart letting him see the slinkiness inside.

Kiba glanced at the scene with fascination while he rubbed the head of his cock up and down her entrance.

"Please," Suzane's face was flushed from the teasing, "Don't make me wait."

His cock throbbed in excitement as he pushed it against her opening. He applied some more force and her moist vagina engulfed the head of his cock.

"Oh god," Suzane clenched the table tightly as his cock gradually advanced into hers, "I have missed this."

"Me as well," Kiba slowly advanced deeper into hers. He could feel her pussy covering his cock with warmth and wetness as he penetrated further.

"Ahh," Suzane felt a jolt of pressure and discomfort as he reached the end of her pussy. He quickened his pace and she gradually became accustomed to him.

"Faster," Suzane muttered with her head arched back. She clutched his shoulders tightly with her nails clawed deep in his skin.

Kiba pulled her into him and began ramming inside her with more force. She started matching his thrust as he continued driving inside her.

"Ohhhhh fuck," Suzane moaned loudly without restraints.

Kiba closed his lips to hers as he pumped her harder and slamming her out of her mind.

"Ohhh Yesss!" As he thrust frantically into her deepest depths, the orgasm took over her. She begun shaking uncontrollably with every part of her body relaxing in blasts of pleasures.

Kiba, on the other hand, shut his eyes tightly as he reached his limit. Her pussy clamped on his cock as he melted and released a thick rope of cum inside her. The cum slowly oozed from her overfilled pussy down the cracks of her ass.

Chapter 143 No Rest

They both jerked and trembled until the aftershocks of the orgasm passed. Suzane lied on the table savoring the fading feeling of the euphoria.

She took a towel and cleaned the sweat from her body.

A few minutes later~

"I need another round of massage if you don't mind," Suzane looked at him with a teasing smile.

"Anything for a customer," Kiba moved forward to join her for another deep massage.



Morgan stepped out of his massage room. He looked refreshed with all signs of stress and pain removed from his body.

He even felt young and energetic, and he now finally understood why this spa was so popular among the top echelons of the city.

"Mr. Morgan."

Morgan looked behind and saw Tanya standing some distance away. She still has a perfect smile on her face.

"How was the massage?" Tanya asked.

"Excellent," Morgan answered. He was initially hesitant to get a massage from a male masseur but truly the man knew his stuff.

"That's good to know," Tanya expressed her delight through the words.

"Where is Suzane?" Morgan asked.

"She is still in her massage therapy," Tanya answered.

"How long it shall take?" Morgan further enquired.

"At least half an hour," Tanya answered with a smile, "It all depends on Suzane."

"So long?!" Morgan was startled. He wanted the masseur to continue his massage but the masseur declined by saying the timing was fixed.

Yet her wife was getting an increase?!

This was unfair!

"The needs of a woman are different," Tanya understood his trouble so she explained, "The women have so many stresses in their life whether it is family or household or job-related."

Tanya listed out at least a dozen issues faced by women including the emotional sacrifice the women make for their families.

"The spa center was specially designed in keeping mind the needs of women," Tanya continued, "I'm sure you would be delighted by the changes the treatment would bring."

"I understand," Morgan was himself feeling rejuvenated.

"What type of treatment she is getting?" Morgan curiously asked since Tanya said there was a unique treatment for the women.

"A deep tissue massage," Tanya answered in a pleasant voice, "Truly deep one with special tonic and nourishment."

"Oh," Morgan judged that Suzane would have a transformation at a very deep level.

He wondered about the changes in Suzane after the massage since he has felt good improvements in the body along with an increase in libido.

"I hope the special tonic and nourishment would bring a wonderful transformation in her," Morgan prayed in his heart.

He couldn't help but wait in anticipation of the night they would spend together.


Almost an hour later~

The door at the end of the corridor opened.

Startled, Morgan dashed towards the room. He glanced inside and saw a massage table at the center of the room.

Suzane was standing next to the table along with a woman clad in white clothing. The woman was holding a towel.

"She should be a masseur," Morgan thought.

His eyes then moved on Suzane to further check her out, and he couldn't help but open his mouth in a pleasant surprise.

Her skin was radiating with while her face was flushed red. No matter how he looked at her, her body seemed to be new and rejuvenating with exhilaration.

"This should be the effect of the deep tissue massage," Morgan contemplated.


Ten minutes later~

Morgan and Suzane left the spa building and stepped on the track made of pebbles.

The greenery and the fresh fragrance of the flowers mingled in the air. The couple stopped on their path to enjoy the feeling of the nature.

"This was the best massage I had," Suzane pecked Morgan on his cheeks, "Thank you for bringing me to this heavenly place."

"It was nothing," Morgan turned his head towards her, "I'm glad you liked it."

"Oh, I loved it," Suzane leaned her head further to kiss him further, "And we should definitely come often."

"Well..." Morgan was hesitant.

The cost was not something he could afford regularly. He couldn't get a 70% discount every day no matter how lucky he was!

"My masseur gave me a 99% discount for a year!" Suzane brought out a golden card from her purse.

"What?" Morgan took the card in disbelief. The text on the card read: 'A gift for a lovely couple on a special occasion.'

"Special occasion?" Morgan looked at her in confusion.

"I was the 1000th customer of my masseur so it was a gift," Suzane explained.

"Ah!" Morgan was pleasantly surprised, "We both have terrific luck!"

"You have no idea!" Suzane remarked as she leaned on his shoulder.

Inside the spa.

Kiba was standing in front of a window which opened towards the exit. His eyes were on Suzane and Morgan as they walked out with hand in hand.

"They are more intimate than before," Tanya arrived next to him, "A good massage can truly do wonders."

"Yeah," Kiba continued with a smile, "Our spa is meeting its goal of bringing people closer."

"Far too close in some cases," Tanya flicked her fingers, and the next moment, the window closed.

"Just doing my job," Kiba closed his eyes and said.

They both took seats on a sofa couch. A female staff served them with two glasses of red wine.

"No doubt you're doing a great job," Tanya took a sip from the glass, "But if you continue giving such heavy discounts then this venture would go in a loss just like your other ones."

"Haah~ I think by heart," Kiba released a long sigh, "I'm really not suited for running a business."

Most of the businesses he owned as Kiba were in losses. He was basically paying out of his own pockets to run them.

The losses were especially high in Wife Pleasuring Service Ltd. and Maiden's Love Circle. Even he felt a headache when he thought of their expenditure.

While he believed money was made to spend, one has to earn it! He basically saved nothing as Kiba!

Thankfully, as Zed, he owned many profitable ventures. They were mostly managed by Claudia so he could still be a billionaire. Then there was the help of Eva which further ensured he wouldn't sleep on streets.

"You're right on that," Tanya placed the glass of wine on a table nearby. She turned towards him and said, "Anyways, I wish to have a relaxation massage as per the company policy."

"Free massages for employees?" Kiba gulped down a mouthful of wine before placing it away, "I'm giving far too incentives to my staff.'

"You owe me many massages from last month," Tanya slid a hand on his pant, "Now is the time to make up for the past."

"Truly no rest for me," Kiba closed his lips with hers.