184 - 191

Chapter 184 - Help!

"You guys are forgetting something," Kiba called out.

The four wolves turned around and looked at Kiba with confusion. The injured man, on the other hand, felt his muscles tightening up with fear.

"W-what do you mean?!" The injured man tried to calm himself, but no matter how he tried, his body tensed further. His hands and feet turned cold and he knew this was not due to the stream water.

"I'm sure you know what I mean." Kiba jumped down from the boulder before turning towards the wolves. "You shouldn't forget your meal."

The fierce eyes of the wolves brightened up as they realized the meaning of Kiba's words. Not only has he spared their lives but now was also permitting them to complete their original mission.

They were excited and once again expressed their gratitude to Kiba.

"N-no!" The injured man shouted.

He knew the wolves hated him and the hatred has crossed the limit after he orchestrated the death of their leader. It was just that they didn't dare show it due to the threat posed by Kiba but now there was no one to stop them.

The wolves growled and slowly walked towards their food.

"Please stop them! I have tons of gold and money!" The man begged. He was in no condition to even stand much less flee.

"Not interested." Kiba tapped a foot on the water and he jumped up high in the air. "Dear wolves, have a happy meal without restraints."

The wind surrounded him, like invisible wings, as he flew away.

The injured man didn't even get a chance to say another word as the four wolves pounced on him. They opened their mouth and released a rancid breath.

The silent stream was filled with blood-wrenching screams as the wolves clamped down on their meal...


A few miles ahead.

Kiba landed on the ground and start walking. He was in no hurry to find the core region since he knew there were weeks left before it opens up.

From what Eva informed him, the core region was surrounded by a strong gravitational force field and miasma. These natural barriers would only subsidize at a certain time for a fixed interval.

"The entry to this core region is different from the meteorite where I got the Cosmic Spark," Kiba mused as he stepped further, "But then again it is too soon to judge without checking it myself."

He walked for some twenty minutes before coming across a thick tree trunk blocking his path. The trunk was lying vertically and the long branches were spread out like a net.

"Hmm?" Kiba's eyes radiated with excitement as he sensed something far away from the tree. "How interesting."

Kiba cleared his thoughts and decided not to teleport. He leaped up from the ground and landed on a branch which was full of needle-thin twigs. They were almost invisible with sharp thorns, and if one steps between them, then death was certain.

Kiba clenched his fist and punched between the twigs. It was like his hand was covered with an invisible gauntlet as his fist moved ahead, without actually touching the leaves and thorns.


The twigs and the thorns shattered into fine particles before disappearing in the air. Kiba walked till the end of the branch before jumping down.

His feet made a heavy landing on the grassland. The region wasn't as dark like the before, and Kiba continued his journey for a few minutes.



Suddenly, the two sounds entered Kiba's ears.

Some distance away from him, a dark-brown haired girl was rooted against the trunk of a tree. She was wearing glasses which had cracks.

Her yellow dress was stained with blood, and there were even missing patches in the clothes, exposing her fair skin.

In front of her, three brown wolves were closing towards her with open mouth. Saliva dripped down from the tongues and fell on the ground.

"Help me!" The woman noticed Kiba and shouted in a voice filled with despair. Her pitiful appearance and sweet voice could strike a chord with even the cruelest of the men.

The wolves turned their heads and warned him with their bloodshot eyes. Their ghastly teeth left no doubt on what would be the outcome if he didn't follow their request.

"My teammates are facing other beasts while I'm stuck with these three!" The girl begged once again. "Help me and I promise my team will offer you suitable compensation! My name is Ruby and I swear I won't go back on my words!"

Kiba appeared to be in a dilemma but then he gritted his teeth and nodded.

"I will handle them," Kiba rushed towards the wolves, "You should use it as an opportunity to escape."

Ruby's eyes lit up with tears streaming down.

Kiba vaulted into the air with his fist aimed at a wolf. The air whistled as his punch moved ahead with a tremendous force. His punch hurtled down the back of the wolf.


The skeleton of the wolf shattered and its bones protruded out of its skin and flesh. The wolf lied on the grass under a pool of blood.


The other two wolves leaped on Kiba. He took a half-step behind and dodged their claws.

"Damn," Kiba jumped on one of the wolves but another wolf attacked him with its mouth. Kiba somersaulted in the air and backed away.

"I will also help," Ruby also rushed ahead. She waved her hand and the thorns from the nearby vegetation flew out.

The thorns carried a tremendous force as they shot down on one of the two wolves.

The wolf twisted its body to dodge but without success as the thorns changed their trajectory. Like sharp swords, the thorns pierced throughout the body of the wolf. There was no sign of movement from the wolf except for the blood flowing from its wound.

Ruby fell down on her knees, huffing for breath.


Ruby raised her head and saw a hand stretched out to offer her support. She placed her hand on him and stood up.

"You killed the remaining wolf?" Ruby's eyes turned to a tree where a wolf's body was struck.

"Yeah," Kiba wiped the sweat from his face, "You brought me the opportunity."

"No," Ruby shook her head, "It was all thanks to you."

Her breasts moved up and down as she greedily sucked air.

"You didn't even get a scratch," Ruby further complimented him.

"I was lucky," Kiba turned his head towards another direction, "We should catch up with your friends."

"Right!" Ruby rushed ahead and Kiba followed from behind.

A minute later.

The two arrived in an area which was filled with broken trees and corpses of wolves. Among the corpses, two men were standing.

One of them was thinly built with brown skin while another one was well-built with a similar skin tone.

"Kyron! Xander!" Ruby called out.

"Ruby!" The thinly built man named Kyron was startled. Xander was also surprised but then his eyebrows creased after he noticed Kiba.

"Who is he?" Xander asked in a stern tone.

"Don't talk like that!" Ruby stepped in front of Kiba, "He saved my life!"

"What?" Kyron and Xander asked together.

"You heard it right. I have promised him a compensation," Ruby further explained.

"There is no need," Kiba interjected before her teammates could express their views, "It is only natural to help those in need."

"No!" Ruby closed upon him. Her chest rubbed on him as she disagreed, "A promise is a promise!"

"It would go against my morals," Kiba gulped down with his cheeks turning red as her breasts rubbed on him.

"Well...How about you join us then?" Ruby made a suggestion out of nowhere much to the disbelief of everyone.

"You seem to be alone," Ruby explained her reasoning, "And the forest is a dangerous land. We could use your support and you could benefit from our company as well."

"No way!" Xander loudly refused, "We can't trust him!"

Kyron was hesitant before adding, "He helped Ruby so he should be a good man."

"YOU!" Xander was incensed.

Ruby ignored the two and looked at Kiba.

"You won't decline, right?" Ruby removed her broken glasses.

"O-of course not," Kiba scratched his head embarrassingly, "Thank you."

"No! It is me who should thank you!" Ruby said as she hugged him.

Xander observed everything with a scowl.

"Welcome to the team," Kyron stepped ahead to greet him.

"I'm sure you would have a lot of fun!" Ruby added after the greetings were over.

"Well, I'm also sure of that," Kiba said with a smile, "This is surely going to be interesting."

Kiba's lips were curved up in a sincere smile but deep in his eyes, there was an icy glint.

Chapter 185 - Iron-scaled Fish

Ruby introduced Xander and Kyron to Kiba. She mentioned the three of them were from Deles City and have arrived in Desolate Blood Forest to collect herbs and beasts.

"My name is Kiba." Kiba proceeded to introduce himself. "I'm from Delta City."

"Oh! I think I have heard of that city!" Ruby put a hand below her chin as she wondered where she has heard, "Yes! The city was in news for some explosion."

"Yes," Kiba let out a heavy sigh, "Anyways, you guys are from far away."

Delta City was in the eastern hemisphere while Deles City was in the western hemisphere. He didn't know much about their city, but he was sure there would be many differences between their cities.

"Yeap! We need money for our families!" Kyron said in a friendly tone, "That reminds me why are you here?"

"I'm here to expand my horizons," Kiba answered.

"Oh!" Ruby looked at him with surprise. "An adventurer! How brave!"

"Haha, that sounds embarrassing." Kiba scratched his cheek in an awkward fashion.

"No! You are truly brave!" Ruby disagreed.

"Brave but fool," Xander said with contempt, "He doesn't seem to be carrying any camping stuff."

"I wanted to experience the hardships so I came here with nothing," Kiba explained.

"Fool," Xander said as he and Kyron started gathering the corpses of the wolves. They put the corpses in what appeared to be plastic bags.

Ruby, on the other hand, applied ointment on her wounds.


The wounds closed up in no time as if there was no injury, to begin with.

"Our camp is a mile away." Ruby further informed him. "If you don't mind, can you help us in carrying the corpses?"

"Sure." Kiba stepped ahead to take three plastic bags.

Soon, the four walked towards the camp. During the journey, they didn't meet any beasts besides wild hares and squirrels.

Ruby walked along with Kiba, shoulder to shoulder. She was close to him and this brought some angry glares from Xander throughout the journey.

Xander didn't try to hide his contempt and hate for Kiba from others. He openly mentioned he didn't trust Kiba and also asked Ruby to be wary of him.

"I have faith in him." Ruby defended Kiba with her sweet voice.

"Suit yourself." Xander gave a final glare before moving forward.

"Please don't mind him." Ruby apologized to Kiba.

"There is no need." Kiba assured her.

Ruby has changed her glasses and her face was now clear of her dust and blood. She was now as clean and pure as snow; her face and her curvaceous figure were a sight to behold.

Kiba gave her few quick glances and his cheeks were red.

"Is there something on my body?" Ruby asked with a confused expression.

"N-no," Kiba said before rushing ahead with the corpses in his hand.


A few minutes later.

The four reached the camp which was set up next to a stream. Kiba helped them put the corpses in one corner.

The camp was large enough and in ten minutes they prepared another room for Kiba.

"We should prepare for lunch," Ruby suggested after some time. Xander and Kyron nodded before moving inside the camp to bring utensils.

"Kiba, you can bring us the fishes from the stream," Ruby added as she set a fire.

"Ok," Kiba agreed.

He arrived at the bank of the stream and noticed the water level was higher compared to the stream he saw before.

"The streams should be originating from one river." Kiba mused as he moved his eyes on the stream.

The water sparkled under the sunlight and from time to time, he noticed small fishes. Kiba put his hand inside the water to catch the fishes.

His luck was rather good and he was able to collect two in less than a minute. He once again rushed his hand inside the water to hunt for fish, but then suddenly the stream rolled up.

A small fish inside the stream expanded and morphed into a humongous fish. The fish has dark scales while its mouth filled with snow-white fangs.

"Iron-scaled Fish."

It was a mutated fish, having scales not any weaker than iron. Such types of fish were usually seen in the river and not stream, so it was shocking for them to be in this region.


The fish opened its large mouth to clamp down on Kiba's hand. Kiba retraced his hand quickly and saved his arm from being severed.

The fish swung its tail towards him while jumping out of the water.

Kiba leaped up in the air to dodge the strike but the fish seem to expect this. The sharp jaws left the mouth of the fish and rushed towards him.

Their speed was fast and even before Kiba could blink, the jaws crunched down on his right hand.


Much to the disbelief of the fish, even before its jaws could touch the skin, the teeth started cracking apart. It was like his hand was covered with a metallic armor.


Kiba landed on the ground and threw away the broken jaw. The next moment, the fish opened its mouth and spat out a column of water on Kiba.


Kiba collided on the trunk of a tree and fell on the grass. The fish flew towards him like a sharp knife, unaffected by the lack of water.


Before the fish could strike Kiba, it heard a sharp piercing sound. Startled, the fish looked behind and saw dozens of pointed nails striking towards its body.

The fish turned around and rushed back to the stream while dodging the nails. The water rose up like a curtain and stopped the nails from piercing the fish.

Some distance away, Ruby gritted her teeth in frustration at the failure of her attack.

Before she could make any other move, she saw the water curtain breaking in two columns and then rushing towards her and Kiba.

Kiba somersaulted in the air to save himself but then another large column arrived.

"It is annoying to pretend to be weak," Kiba thought as he crossed his arms, "But then again that's the fun part."

The water column crashed on him and he slid on the ground. He stomped his feet on the ground to prevent his body from dragging behind any longer.

As he raised his head, he saw the mouth of the fish over him. His face has a panicked expression but deep in his eyes, there was only plain ridicule.


A giant boulder crashed on the fish and it fell on the ground.

Kiba turned his head and saw Xander throwing another boulder.

The boulder landed on the fish and its famous iron scales broke down. Shocked, the fish rushed back towards the stream.

"Thanks," Kiba expressed his gratitude, "That was close."

"Hmph." Xander rushed towards the stream to catch the fish but it was already long gone.


Ten minutes later.

The four sat on the grassland.

"Are you all right?" Ruby asked Kiba with concern.

"Yes," Kiba nodded his head.

"That's good," Ruby sighed in relief.

There was no more conversation as they cooked the fishes in a utensil. Soon, the air was filled with a delightful and sweet aroma. Just the breath alone could make one feel rich with extreme vitality.

Even the seemingly ordinary fishes in this region were mutated, and their bodies obviously have a high nutritious value. The dish currently was prepared with precious herbs so there was no doubt on how beneficial the meal would be.

Quickly, Kiba was served with a sparkling and splendor soup.

"It's amazing," Kiba slowly sipped in the special and wondrous taste.

"Have some more." Ruby lovingly treated him with extra soup.

"Thanks," Kiba accepted the soup.

"I'm full." Xander took his leave, annoyed by their display.

"He is not a bad person," Ruby said after Xander was gone.

"I know." Kiba smiled in response, "He helped me back then."

"Today was a tiring day." Ruby let out a small sigh.

"Yeah, first the wolves and now this fish," Kiba agreed.

"I just want to rest," Ruby faintly muttered before falling asleep on his arm.

"Umm..." Kiba's cheeks turned red as he breathed in her sweet fragnance.

"Haha," Kyron observed the scene and started laughing, "You are truly inexperienced with women despite your good looks."

"No...I..." Kiba murmured in an embarrassed tone.

"I was joking," Kyron controlled his laughter.

"....." Kiba glanced at Ruby with an embarrassed expression. His heart was beating rapidly and he gulped down as her hand slid over his stomach.

He scratched the back of his head awkwardly and looked at Kyron, waiting for an answer to his problem.

"Let's move her to her camp," Kyron suggested with another burst of faint laughter, "She is fully spent so she would sleep like a bear."

"I should have thought of that!" Kiba's eyes brightened up and he nodded.

"You should carry her," Kyron made a playful suggestion, "You need to gather experience on handling the women before you make a move!"

"...." Kiba smiled bitterly. Having no choice, he took Ruby in his arms and walked to a camp room while Kyron opened the door.

Kiba put down Ruby gently on the bed. He covered her with a blanket and placed a water bottle next to the bed.

"I should rest as well." Kiba hurriedly rushed out of the camp, "See you in the evening."

Kyron looked at him with a smile as he left the room. But soon, his smile faded and was replaced with a sneer.

"Such an easy target." Ruby suddenly opened her eyes and said.

"Indeed." Xander entered from another side and sat beside her.

Kyron took out a tablet from his shirt and observed the readings on the screen.

"He has high potential but he hasn't tapped into it yet."

"True but he is still strong enough for his age," Xander thought for a minute before adding, "He didn't bleed from the collision with the tree, nor did the jaws of Iron-scaled Fish injured him. Not to mention that he remained unscathed in his battle with the wolves."

"His enhanced strength suppress the air around his body into an invisible armor," Kyron said based on the readings, "So it isn't surprising he wasn't harmed. He also uses the enhanced strength for jumping around."

"We have struck rich." Xander said before turning his head towards Ruby, "You truly have done a good job."

Ruby's lips curved up into a smile. She brushed her hairs away from her face before taking down her glasses. She placed the glasses away and her eyes no longer have the sweet innocence from before.

"All men are same," Ruby licked her lips, "They would do anything as long as you give them a chance of getting close to a hole."

Chapter 186 - Share Everything!

(A/N: Twice as long chapter!)

Near the outskirts of Desolate Blood Forest.

A temporary camp was enacted besides a flowing river stream. The camp was in the form of a large and wide tent; dark red fabric attached to a frame of poles.

The fabric used for the camp was special, it could hinder the smelling ability of the wild beasts. Not only that but it also has a strong resistance to weather elements.

The camp was divided into six rooms; one for storage of beast hides, another for food items and utensils, while the rest were reserved for the individual occupants.

Each room was richly decorated in motifs and equipped with windows. There was a sense of luxury despite the dangerous location.

Inside one of the rooms.

Ruby and Xander were sitting on the bed while Kyron was standing opposite them. Their current expressions and attitude were far different from what Kiba witnessed earlier.

"All men are the same." Ruby licked her lips like a hunter. "They would do anything as long as you give them a chance of getting close to a hole."

Her voice didn't have a single trace of the former sweetness and innocence. if anything, her tone contained a bone-numbing chilliness.

Xander and Kyron silently listened to her words without making any comments. They believed she was only stating a simple truth.

"Let's proceed as we planned." Ruby put her glasses on a table. "We are going to get rich."

The three talked for a few minutes to discuss important details before the two men left the room.

Ruby lay on the bed and gazed at the ceiling. She was looking forward to the events to follow.

"Oh, Kiba...you are a naive sheep in a forest full of wolves."


A few hours later.

Kiba walked out of his room and stretched out his arms.

"A few hours of rest really do wonders," Kiba thought.

He was unaffected by his confrontation with the wolves and Iron-scaled Fish. The only reason he rested in the afternoon was due to the jet-lag.

In the Delta City it would be now morning, but here it was evening. The time zone difference was getting to him since it was his first day in the forest.

"It's reassuring Cosmic Spark doesn't interfere with my body cycle." Kiba mused while moving around.

It was the first time that he has taken such a long distance trip, so he wasn't aware of how his body would react to the changes. So he felt good to be not affected by his almost unrivaled powers. He never wanted his strength to interfere in his day to day functions.

While most people in the world would give everything to have a body like him...a body which wasn't affected by a virus, poisons, diseases and so on; he didn't felt the same.

He wanted his body to be immune but never to an extent that he might not be able to enjoy sleep, lovemaking, alcohol and other vices.

Sleep meant a wastage of time, sexual desires were biological urges to ensure the reproduction cycle continues forever, alcohol affects thinking capabilities and so on.

Those activities, from an evolution point of view, were things a supreme organism wouldn't like to be bound with. Theoretically speaking, given his current form's source of energy, his body shouldn't be bounded with such things either.

"Maybe my powers know what I want so they don't interfere in things I love," Kiba thought as he stepped towards the river stream. He cleared a stone of the dust before sitting down on it.

The sun was about to set with the orange-gold stretches of the sky reflected on the water. There were faint ripples on the surface, created by the small fishes.

"You were here." Ruby's sweet voice came from behind. She was wearing a black trouser and violet jacket along with her glasses.

"Y-yes." Kiba turned back and nodded.

"Mind if I take a seat?" Ruby asked as she walked between the stones to walk towards him.

"Of course not." Kiba provided half the stone for her.

"Thanks." Ruby sat beside him. Intentionally or not, her legs touched his and Kiba tried to make some comfortable distance between them.

"It is so beautiful," Ruby said in her charming and loving voice.


Kiba looked on the sun dipped below the horizon, the fleeting colors of twilight beginning to fade away. The scene was magical and this was especially true when one was accompanied by a beautiful woman.

What more can a man desire?

"I'm glad you are with us," Ruby's cheeks were as red as beetroots as she said this.

"Me as well." Kiba gave her face a quick glance and his heart started beating rapidly.

There was no more conversation for a minute or two and the atmosphere turned awkward. The only sound was the faint sound of crickets and mosquitoes nearby.

"We should make some preparations for dinner," Kiba said and he quickly stood up.

Ruby didn't say anything but looked on as he rushed away from her.

She has felt how tensed he was with their close contact earlier. She was sure he lacked experience and having a woman accompany him in such a location has made his heart stirring.

"Innocent men are the easiest ones." Ruby thought with a smirk. "He has most likely let his guards down after the Iron-scaled Fish episode."

She cleared her thoughts and joined Kiba as he chopped woods and started a fire.

"Where are Xander and Kyron?" Kiba enquired.

"They are hunting," Ruby answered. She prepared a teapot and put it on the burning wood.

The bottom surface of the teapot soon turned red. Water bubbles started forming, with hot steam rising into the air.

Ruby put tea leaves, resembling flower petals, into the pot. Kiba could smell the fresh aroma from the pot.

In no time, the tea was ready, and Kiba placed two teacups in front of Ruby.

She nodded and poured an almost transparent tea into the cups. They both picked up their cups and drank the content in almost one gulp.

"So comfortable."

The warm flow gushed in their bodies, rejuvenating them with a relaxing sensation.

"No tea for us?"

A voice came from the behind.

Kiba turned back and saw Xander and Kyron walking out of the bushes. They were carrying two rabbits and some wild fruits.

"Of course there is tea for you," Ruby answered in her innocent voice. The two put the rabbits and a knife in front of Kiba after which they sat on the grass.

Kiba helped with skinning the rabbits while Ruby treated the newcomers with tea.

"Kiba, what do you plan to do?" Kyron asked.

"I didn't really have any plans," Kiba answered, "But after the close encounter with the fish, I would like to be with you guys."

"A wise choice," Xander added in a sarcastic tone, "After all, you barely survived from Iron-scaled Fish. Who knows what would have happened to you, if not for us."

"..." Kiba has a downcast expression.

His expression clearly denoted how ashamed he was, but deep in his eyes, there was just plain ridicule. It was like he was watching ants acting as if they were the savior of a giant.

"Xander, stop," Ruby gave him a stern look before continuing, "He is one of us and we need to be united."

"I just spoke the truth," Xander shrugged his shoulders.

"It is fine." Kiba continued with a stiff smile. "He helped me back then so he isn't wrong. I just overestimated myself when I came here alone."

Xander gave a scoff.

He has checked the reports from the sensors and knew while Kiba has great potential, he still hasn't tapped in. Of course, he believed Kiba was not weak either but just not strong enough to tread a dangerous place like this.

Xander wasn't surprised by Kiba's words either. There were far too many people who would overestimate themselves and arrive in Desolate Blood Forest for adventure.

These people would either become food to the beasts or fertilizers to the savage plants.

"Or help people like us by giving us a jackpot," Xander thought with a grin.

Kiba and Ruby grilled the rabbits while Kyron brought plates. Xander prepared the salad and adjusted them on the plates.

After ten long minutes, the meal was ready to be served. Ruby brought the stream water and poured them on four glasses.

"Where does this stream originate from?" Kiba pointed to the river stream.

"There is a river in the south-west end of the forest," Ruby answered as she placed a leg piece in his plate, "That river is the source for all the streams."

"Oh." Kiba thought of the first stream he encountered, which was almost lifeless with a low water level. "Is the river facing some issues?"

"Yeap," Ruby nodded her head, "For reasons unknown, the river is drying up."

"That's a bad sign," Kiba said.

The plants can survive and thrive on rainwater and groundwater storage but what about the beasts?

If a day arrives when the river dries entirely then the forest would become a forest of death.

"Well, not for us," Kyron interjected in between, "Only for the beasts and the villagers."

"Villagers?" Kiba was startled.

"I don't know much, but I have heard there is a village somewhere in the forest," Kyron explained what he knew, "The beasts never target this village due to some Guardian Spirit."

Kiba was intrigued by the details but he didn't really care.

"Do you know why the government doesn't forbid entry to the forest?" Kiba asked another question. When he entered the forest, he was startled by lack of any barrier or security forces.

While it could be argued the forest was far too vast for the government to barricade, Kiba believed there should be at least some surveillance in the usual entry points. So far he has sensed none, not even from a satellite.

"Isn't it obvious?" Xander looked at him like he was an idiot, "The government doesn't wish to anger the mutant population by imposing too many regulations."

"Right! It was really obvious," Kiba smiled awkwardly but inwardly, he wanted to facepalm.

Has the World Government ever cared about the restrictions it has put on mutants in the civil society? The answer was a big no.

The government was more than capable enough to handle rogue mutants in cities so it shouldn't be impossible to impose the same rules here.

Not to mention, why would the government let so many treasure hunters take the resources? After all, who doesn't wants to have a monopoly in such a treasure mine?


Kiba and others completed their dinner after which they chewed some mint leaves. Each of them washed their plates and then helped in ensuring the camp's defense system was active. They didn't need to take turns to guard the camp either since they were not deep in the forest.

"Good night," Ruby waved her hands towards Kiba before entering her room.

Kiba also waved his hands in return like a lovestruck idiot, much to the annoyance of Xander.

"You are going to have very sweet dreams tonight," Kyron said with an eyewink.

"...." Kiba scratched his head and walked towards his room.

After seeing Kiba entering the room, the expression of Kyron and Xander changed. They both had a cruel smile on their faces.

"Sweet dreams after which his life would turn into a nightmare," Xander laughed in a sinister fashion, "I just couldn't wait to see his reaction after he wakes up."

They both entered their rooms to complete the preparations.


After half an hour~

Kiba was lying on the bed, with his eyes on his phone. The room was lightened by the inbuilt lights in the fabric.

"As expected no signal," Kiba put back his phone, "Most likely only satellite communication would work."

"Kiba." A voice came from outside along with the sound of fabric rustling.

"Hmm?" Kiba walked to the entrance and opened the door.

Outside, Ruby was standing. In her hand, there was a glass of saffron milk.

When Ruby saw Kiba, she was surprised. He was shirtless, exposing his chiseled six-pack abs and powerful shoulders.

"Ruby?" Kiba's voice contained a trace of shock by her unexpected visit.

"I hope I didn't wake you up," Ruby lowered her head and said.

"No, of course not," Kiba shook his head, "You can visit me anytime."

He then signaled her to come inside.

There was only a bed in the room with no chairs, so Ruby and Kiba both sat down on the bed.

Kiba took a few quick glances at her but otherwise remained silent. Ruby noticed his gazes but pretended to not notice them.

"I brought milk for you," Ruby gave him the glass.

She could hear his heartbeats and knew how excited he was by her presence. After all, what type of man wouldn't be touched by her actions this late in the night.

"It would be hard to find milk in the forest, but yet you brought for me..." Kiba looked at the glass like it was a treasure.

"It is nothing," Ruby said in her sweet voice, "Drink before it turns cold."

"Yes!" Kiba brought the glass to his lips.

Ruby's eyes were filled with sinisterness as she witnessed his actions.

"This saffron milk can make even Nine-headed Demonic Bull fall asleep for days. Much less a human mutant. " Ruby wanted to laugh at the ease by which the mission has gone.

Earlier, she couldn't use the sedatives since he might not accept food items which were not prepared in front of him. He would be on guards and would ensure the meal was prepared in his presence.

But now?

Xander has helped him against Iron-scaled Fish so why would he doubt them? Not to mention, the relationship with the group has improved after lunch and dinner. Then there were the special touches she has taken to make him relax his guards.

Kiba drank the entire glass of milk. He wiped his mouth and placed the glass on the floor.

"The milk was really sweet and fragrant," Kiba looked at her before continuing, "Just like you."

Ruby lowered her head, her cheeks flushed by the words.

Inside her heart, she was laughing with happiness. She was sure the sedatives were taking over his mind. Otherwise, in normal times, he wouldn't make such comments.

"Just a few more minutes and I would have the jackpot," Ruby mused with joy, "Oh god! Thank you for making men so weak in their minds when they are close to a woman!"

"Would you mind closing your eyes?" Kiba asked, much to the surprise of Ruby.

"Huh? Why?" Ruby looked at him in confusion.

"You brought milk for me." Kiba was blushing as he continued, "I want to reciprocate by giving you something special."

"Oh?" Ruby was intrigued. She wondered just how he would react when he realizes the truth behind the milk.

But she did as he asked. She slowly shut her eyes, looking forward to knowing what he has in mind before he fell asleep.

Ruby felt him taking her left hand in his hand.

"Just what he has in mind?" Ruby was really curious. She then felt something around her fourth finger.

Surprised, she opened her eyes. When she saw the object on her finger, she was shocked out of her wits. Her eyes turned wide in disbelief and her jaws almost dropped to the floor.

Not even in her wildest dreams, she ever expected this was what he had in mind when he said he wishes to reciprocate her gesture.

She once again looked at her finger to ensure her senses weren't playing a trick on them.

"This is true?" Ruby ran her other hand on her finger and felt the round object.

The object was absolutely dazzling and soothing, made from diamond and gold.

It was a solitaire ring!

Ruby's stomach was fluttering with butterflies. She turned her head and noticed Kiba was on his knees.

"W-what is this?" Ruby asked, trying to sound composed. She has a feeling she knew the answer, but she didn't dare believe it.

"My mother often used to say this finger had a vein that runs directly to the heart, the Vena Amoris," Kiba traced her ring finger, "Vein of love."

"...What do you mean?" Ruby was shrewd but no matter, she was still a female. Such words and actions were reserved for her one true love. As a maiden, the present situation has made her beyond shocked.

"This ring was given to my mother by my father," Kiba said in a low voice, filled with extreme emotions, "Before my mother died...she gave me this ring..."

Kiba stopped in between as tears flooded his eyes.

"She told me to give it to a woman who can make me flustered and loved," Kiba continued in a passionate voice, "A woman with whom I can share everything."

Chapter 187 - True Love?!

(A/N: The starting of this chapter relies on events mentioned in Chapter 95 and subsequent arc)

The State of Avalon.

The Hestia Estate was located some hundred miles away from the Valley of Fire. The estate was always surrounded by an invisible dome, making unrestricted entry impossible for even powerful teleporters.

Inside a large hall in the estate.

Lord Harley was sitting on a chair, his emaciated face filled with a sour expression. In front of him, a virtual projection of a man was in a kneeling position.

The man has a look of reverence on his face as he waited for his master to speak. He could understand the troubles of his master and that made him hate the gods.

Lord Harley was no longer close to death after consuming the Life Retrieval Fruit, but the fruit has only given him an extension of a few years at most.

For someone of his age and stature, death was the most dreadful entity in the world. He wouldn't mind spending everything he has as long as it could buy him an extra day to live.

"The government team has failed in Delta City?" Lord Harley bitterly muttered.

"Yes, my lord," the man in projection replied, "There are only two investigators who survived the recent incident, but now one of them wants a transfer. The other officer isn't capable enough to complete the job. Not to mention, almost all high profile investigators in other cities are refusing to help in the task. So it wouldn't be far too stretched to say the mission has failed."

"Haah~" Lord Harley released a heavy sigh. He made a swiping motion towards the projection, and the next moment, the projection faded.

"Revolutionaries, you really screwed us." Lord Harley blamed Lizenea and its elders for the recent events. "You hurt where it pains us the most."


Lord Harley's thoughts were disturbed as he heard knocking sound. He cleared his thoughts before saying, "Enter."

The door opened up and Kurtis stepped in.

"You summoned me?" Kurtis asked after giving a deep bow.

"Yes," Lord Harley pointed to a chair opposite to him and said, "First, have a seat."

Kurtis walked to the chair and sat down.

"Let me get to the point." Lord Harley looked at him with a stern expression. "Just what happened in the monastery?"

Kurtis' was startled.

"You know?" Kurtis asked in disbelief.

"In normal times, I wouldn't be able to know since you used a Dharma Chakra coin, but this time you messed up enough for me to notice." Lord Harley answered.


"So now answer my damn question." Lord Harley reminded him in an annoyed tone. "Just what type of request you made for Akshobhya to be in such a perilous state?"

"It was personal business," Kurtis got over his shock and said, "I'm not inclined to share details. The rules of Sovereigness Hestia dictates---"

"Don't bring those rules here," Lord Harley interjected in loudly, "This is not the type of situation where you should hide behind the rules."

Kurtis clenched his teeth. He obviously knew the situation he has created.

After all, Akshobhya was a powerful and reputed Psychic Hunter, but now he was in a state where death would be a relief.

The monastery wanted nothing more than strangling Kurtis for bringing the crisis. But the existence of Dharma Chakra and its sacred laws prevented the monastery from taking any step.

"I really don't know what took place," Kurtis answered briefly, "And I won't speak anymore."

Lord Harley was angry at the answer.

"Good." Lord Harley stood up. "Now scram before I forgot the rules."

Kurtis was incensed but he didn't say anything and started walking towards the exit.

"Like my losses were not enough. I now even have offended Lord Harley." Kurtis thought bitterly. "But I can't afford to tell him the truth."

"If the family ever learns my request and my use of that eye..." Kurtis felt his blood boiling up when he thought of the owner of the eye. "That bastard of his is truly lucky. He survived..."

"Kurtis." Lord Harley called out.

Kurtis stopped and looked behind.

"If you have tried to do what I think you have." Lord Harley gave a brief pause, "Then even the family couldn't save you from Rebecca. She did forgive the family for their role in the Solitary Snow Island crisis...mostly due to her obligation, oath and the teachings of Sovereigness. But after over two decades of separation, I am sure, she no longer have the same patience and respect for the family."

Kurtis felt a chill down his spines. He didn't wait for another moment and left the room.

Behind, Lord Harley closed his eyes.

"He truly did the unforgivable." Lord Harley was able to determine the truth from the reactions.

Lord Harley shook his head and walked towards a window. He opened the window and gazed out in the garden, where a girl was sitting on a wheelchair while a woman was standing next to her.

"The truth should never come out." Lord Harley closed the window.

In the garden.

Rebecca plucked a flower from a plant and then gave it to Kirstie.

"Thanks, mom," Kirstie looked at the flower for a minute, before placing it on the armrest of the wheelchair. "I wish I could have plucked it myself."

"I wish the same, my love." Rebecca leaned down to kiss Kirstie on her forehead. "And someday, this wish would definitely come true."

"I hope so," Kirstie controlled the wheelchair to move out of the garden.

Rebecca followed alongside her.

"Kirstie, let's plan for somewhere fun...Hiccup!" Rebecca stopped as she started hiccuping.

"Mom?" Kirstie looked at her, surprised.

"It is nothing...Hiccup!" Rebecca couldn't even speak as more hiccups followed.

A servant rushed with a glass of water.

Rebecca gulped down the entire glass and the hiccups subsidized.



"Why did you hiccuped suddenly?" Kirstie asked.

"...No idea." Rebecca answered. She knew the biological reasons but she didn't want to bore her daughter with such stuff.

"I know the reason!" Kirstie said in her teenage voice.

"Oh?" Rebecca looked at her with interest.

"Someone is talking about you from behind!" Kirstie explained.


"Leyla said hiccups occur when someone mentions you sincerely!" Kirstie further explained in an excited voice.

"I need to tell Leyla to not educate you with such nonsense," Rebecca said in a stern voice.

"No! Mom, this is true! Someone must be speaking about you in an emotional tone!" Kirstie was sure of her theory.



Desolate Blood Forest.

Inside a camp room, Ruby was sitting on a bed while Kiba was on his knees. He traced her left hand gently, observing the ring finger.

The diamond solitaire ring looked absolutely dazzling on the finger.

"My mom gave me this ring on her deathbed," Kiba said in a sincere tone. "She wanted me to give it to a woman who could make me feel loved and flustered."

Ruby was unable to mutter a single word. She was fully shocked by the event that occurred in the last minute.

After all, as a part of her plan with her two companions, she has come into the room to give him sedatives. Her mission was even successful with Kiba drinking the entire glass of drugged saffron milk.

It was just a matter of minutes before he would fall in deep sleep for days and then she could follow with her original plan.

She thought everything was going well but then suddenly, Kiba wanted to return her gesture of bringing him milk. Curious, she allowed him to do so as he pleases.

But now there was no more curiosity in her mind. Her thoughts were in a complete mess.

How could she ever expect that his gesture would actually mean that he would put an engagement ring on her finger?!

The ring was shocking enough, but then there were the words spoken by Kiba about the background of the ring.

"His father gave this ring to his mother...and now he is doing the same with me?" Ruby contemplated in disbelief.

Ruby raised her head and looked at Kiba. She could clearly see the raw emotions in his eyes amidst the tears.

"This ring must mean a lot to him." Ruby thought in her heart. "It is the last gift from his mother but yet he..."

"I never believed in love at first sight," Kiba spoke in a low voice, "But this was before I saw you against a tree, facing three wolves. The situation was dangerous, but the first thought which ran across my mind was that you are the one! The woman I have been looking for in my entire life! I decided I would save you even if I lose my life!"

Ruby knew she was gorgeous and that Kiba would definitely be attracted towards her beauty. Most of her plan was founded on this principle.

But she never thought he would fall in love with her!

"He loves me..." Ruby didn't know how to react. A part of her wanted to laugh at Kiba for falling in love with her due to her behavior throughout the day.

After all, she has invited him to the team, helped him against the Ironscaled Fish, shared the sunset, offered him an extra share of dinner and now this milk. All the time she has been very sweet and gentle with him.

It was obvious that he would be affected even though it was far beyond her expectations!

But another part of Ruby disagreed. This part was touched by his words and gesture!

Most people in the world waste their entire lives in search of true love but without any success.

True love was rare to find and most people never even get an opportunity to feel it, much less discard it.

But now, a man she has met just a day ago has declared her as his true love! His words, actions and the emotions he displayed left no doubt on this front.

"No! I mustn't be swayed! He has fallen with the deceptive me!" Ruby tried to calm her heart. "Besides, the drugs would be taking over him in a few minutes!"

"Ruby?" Kiba looked at her, waiting for her to speak.

"Kiba...this is too much for me to contemplate," Ruby tried to make up an excuse, "I don't know how to react or what to say."

"Then you don't have to," Kiba said with a smile that bloomed from his heart.

Ruby opened her lips to speak further, but she never got the chance as his lips zoomed into hers.

As soon as their lips met, a sweet and fragrant taste greeted her senses. She was completely stupefied as if a lightning bolt has struck in her head. She felt as if she was as light as a feather, flying high in the heavens, kissing the sun.


She opened her lips to protest, but much to her shock, he used this as an opportunity to push his tongue in her mouth...

Chapter 188 - Ruby's First Experience

Inside a camp room.

Ruby was struck on the spot, her eyes wide in disbelief as Kiba pushed his tongue in her mouth. She was completely caught off-guard by the entry of his tongue.


Ruby felt his tongue wrapping around hers. Their saliva mingled and she tasted the sweet taste of the saffron from the milk earlier.

"No!" Ruby broke the kiss despite the reliving sensation from senses. She was feeling lightless as a feather and this horrified her.

"I'm being affected by the sedatives I gave him in the milk!" Ruby's mind was in a mess.

"What's wrong?" Kiba asked, his expression a mix of hurt and confusion. "Did I do anything wrong by expressing my love?"

"No," Ruby didn't know how to proceed further, "You did no wrong."

She knew she didn't have any reasonable explanation to stop after what has occurred today, and she was worried if this continued, she wouldn't be able to stop either.

"Just the presence of saffron on his tongue made me dizzy but he still looks fine." Ruby tried her best to make a sense of the present situation. "Is he unaffected?! No! That should be impossible! Hang on!! He wasn't this passionate and bolder throughout the day...Could the drugs have taken a wrong effect on him?!"

There were rare cases when a standardized drug function in unknown ways in a few patients. This mostly happened when the genes and body structure were far too different from the standard consumer.

The chances of such occurrences were 1/10000. Ruby never believed she would meet one of those rare cases today.

"What should I do?" Ruby was thinking but then she saw Kiba closing into her.

"If I did no wrong then let's continue," Kiba brought his hands on the back of her head, "I want no more reservations between us."

Kiba pulled her hair back and held them with his hand, while he began biting on her lips. He softly marked on her upper lip followed by her lower lip. His other free hand traced her back in a gentle manner, making her senses tantalized.

He then lowered his body to move on her neck. His kisses on her neck were soft and short, but they carried a warmth she has never known.

Ruby felt an indescribable sensation, she loved where it was going but the future worried her.

"You are gorgeous and sweet," Kiba said as he parted from her lips. He then leaned up and pushed her down on the bed, with his hand on hers as he once again joined with her lips.

Ruby was held tight by him. She closed her eyes and opened her lips willingly, allowing his tongue to delve in.

She didn't know if she was doing it under the effects of the sedatives or because she was wanted to, but she loved the moment. She tossed the thoughts of the future in a corner and allowed the present to overwhelm her.

His hands moved away from hers and now wandered on her breasts. His tongue continued to dart with hers as if they were in a dance. The kiss was not just passionate and seductive, it was also filled with a sensation of overpowering.

His hands moved quickly to discard her dress and now she was covered with nothing but a bra and panty.

Ruby's cheeks and ears were flushed red. She could feel his eyes devouring her body like a treat.

Kiba unhooked her bra and slipped it off her shoulders. Her breasts were curvaceous like globes, firm and soft with pink nipples.

Kiba felt the firm texture of her breasts under his fingertips. She felt dizzier than ever as excitement built up inside her as he fondled her breasts.

He flicked his tongue out across her left nipple and she felt a shiver throughout her body. His tongue slowly swirled around her nipple while his other hand caressed her breast.

Ruby tilted her head back and grunted as he began sucking over her nipples. His mouth moved from one nipple to another in succession, and in between, he would pinch her nipples, sending bolts of electricity throughout her.

Ruby felt him sliding down her body while giving soft kisses. His face was now in between her thighs and she saw him pushed her legs in the air.

Kiba grabbed the sides of her panty and slid them down her hips. He slid it down her ankles and tossed it away.

"So beautiful," Kiba muttered in praise. He slipped his fingers between her pussy lips, exposing her wet insides.

Ruby squealed, with bolts of lightning striking across her body as Kiba sucked her clit into his mouth. His hand, meanwhile, continued to rub over her pussy, sometimes slow and sometimes fast, not giving her a chance to get used to his pace.

She moaned and closed her eyes as his tongue moved between her pink foldings and plunged it into her pussy. Her hips bucked wildly in extreme delight and she put her hands over his hair.

Kiba slowly began swirling his tongue inside her, sucking her sweet juice into his mouth.

"Ahhh..." Ruby whimpered as he continued to lick her within the warm and moist suction of his mouth.

He suddenly shoved two fingers inside her just as his mouth moved away.

Ruby arched her back and a shiver passed down her spine. She opened her mouth to breathe as a sensation she never knew boiled up inside her. Her body spasmed and her pussy convulsed in pleasure.

"Ooo God." Ruby collapsed onto the bed as orgasm ignited in her pussy.

Kiba removed his fingers from her and licked away the sweet juice.

"Delicious." Kiba lied beside her and place his hand over her breasts. He allowed her to savor her first orgasm as long as she wanted.

Ruby's breathing was heavy and it took her a while to regain clarity. She opened her eyes and noticed Kiba looking at her.

She didn't say anything but sat up on the bed. Her hand wandered over his muscular chest and then slide past his well-framed abs before arriving on his pants.

Ruby felt a gigantic bulge through the fabric. She leaned over him to unzip his pant and pull out his cock. He was hard and as it sprang in her hand, she felt weak in her knees.

"How could something so long and thick fit inside me?" Ruby gasped as she held his massive shaft in both hands with plenty of its length to spare.

She tried to get over her shock and brought her lips on the head of his cock. She has never made such intimate contacts with a man before, and all she knew was what she heard from her friends.

Ruby hoped her actions were not sloppy as she stroked his cock, while her lips made a contact with the head. She licked her lips unconsciously as an innate desire took her senses.

Her lips parted and she gave the head of his cock a long and wet kiss. She then slid her tongue out and began to slowly lick back and forth over the tip.

Ruby closed her eyes and she took him into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she began to lovingly suck the top few inches.

Her hands stroked his cock as she sucked up the top. She slowly started bobbing up and down while her eyes made a contact with his.

She observed his expression of pleasure as her mouth worked over his cock. Her saliva dripped over him, mixed with his precum.

Ruby opened her mouth wider as she took him deeper. His fingers clenched her hair and he shoved her down with such force that his cock touched the ends of her throat.

Her face turned pale and breathing turned ragged as he continued to keep her down on his cock. She wasn't able to breathe and just as she thought she would lose consciousness, he freed her.

"Haaa." Ruby opened her mouth to gasp for air. She turned towards him, surprised by his use of force.

"Apologies, my love," Kiba took her chin in his hand, "Your body awakened the beast inside me."

Before Ruby could reply, he shoved her on the bed. He positioned himself over her, his lips meeting hers again in a warm embrace.

Ruby felt heat boiling inside her with expectations. His cock touched her belly and she wondered just how it would feel inside her.

Her hand moved to guide his cock towards her pussy. He rubbed over her clit in a teasing manner before arriving at the entrance.


Ruby bite her lips as he slowly entered inside her. A sensation of extreme pain took over and she closed her eyes.

His cock continued to barge in as gently as possible. Slowly traces of blood covered the shaft of his cock as he shoved in further, as if breaking a wall.

"Should I stop?" Kiba asked in a faint voice.

"No," Ruby opened her lips to disagree, "Please don't stop now."

Slowly, a tinge of pleasure mixed in with the pain. Her hips trembled as he reached her tight ends.

Her breasts moved in a rhystmic fashion as he slid in and out. His strokes were slow, but with time, their pace increased as she became accustomed to him. He held onto her waist so he could ram inside her harder.

Her warm and wet insides embraced him completely as the power of his thrusts amplified.

"Ohhh." Ruby pulled his lips to hers for a tight kiss. His chest enjoyed the soft sensation of her breasts rubbing over him as he continued.

"Don't stop," Ruby pleaded.

Kiba didn't plan to, and he rolled over with her on top of him. She pressed her hands over his chest and tilted her head back.

Her long brown hair fell over her face and he brushed them away. Her expression was of pleasure and happiness as her pussy squeezed him.

Kiba brought his hands over her breasts and fondled them as his cock continued to enjoy her wet and tight pussy.

Ruby's entire body was flushed red with droplets of sweat falling down. She felt as if waves of current were passing through her, bringing her to heaven she never knew existed.

She opened her eyes and looked in his eyes. There was only pure lust inside them, and it gave her shivers of excitement.

"Ahhh." Ruby's hips bounced as she rode up and down his cock.

She let out a loud cry of joy as she felt the crest of another orgasm beginning to crash over her.

"Ooo yes," Ruby moaned loudly.

Her pussy grew wetter and started to ripple around him as the orgasm swept over her and she wailed in pleasure.

She clung to him tightly as he exploded inside her...

Chapter 189 - Xander's Nightmare

The Desolate Forest was shrouded by darkness. The light from the stars was almost non-existent at this late in the night.

In the forest, the night was far more dangerous than the day.

Dangerous beasts lurked in every corner, looking for preys. Their super enhanced vision didn't hinder them in the slightest as they proceeded for their hunt.

The outskirts of the forest, on the other hand, were relatively safe with the presence of only low-level beasts. It was possible to avoid them as long as one has the means, such as energy markers which would radiate the presence of higher-level beasts to fool the weaker beasts.

Currently, a camp with six rooms has such means. The camp was next to a stream but no beasts targetted the camp.

In the present, two human figures were standing outside the camp. They were wearing night-vision goggles which allowed them to see clearly. In their hands, they were carrying powerful laser guns.

The two figures were none other than Xander and Kyron. Their expressions were downcast with a tinge of worry on their faces.

"Ruby didn't come back after she went to Kiba's room," Xander said in a low voice, "It has already been close to an hour...could she has been caught by him?"

"This is impossible!" Kyron disagreed with the guess. "We three have done our part well so there is no way he can be suspicious!"

"That's true," Xander nodded his head. He was sure the drugs in the milk couldn't be detected by even top mutants much less Kiba.

"But then why hasn't she returned?" Xander once again asked. He was having an eerie feeling that something wasn't right.

"We should check out." Kyron made a decision after some contemplation. Xander nodded in agreement and the two walked towards the room which was allocated to Kiba.

Xander and Kyron clicked on a switch in their respective goggles to activate thermal vision.

All objects emit infrared energy, which in simple terms was heat, and what people usually referred to as heat signature.

The hotter an object is, the more radiation it emits. The thermal imager in their goggles was essentially a heat sensor that was capable of detecting tiny differences in temperature.

The goggles collected the infrared radiation from objects in the surrounding to create an electronic image based on information about the temperature difference.

"Let's see what is truly going on," Xander clicked on another switch to remove unwarranted hindrances. Now he was directly seeing the scene inside the room.

He saw the thermal images in the form of a female lying above a male. The mouth of the male was over the breasts of the female.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Xander muttered in complete disbelief.


The laser gun fell from his hand and landed on the ground.

Xander was in no state to think about the gun. He was rooted on the spot, his vision completely fixed on the room.

Inside, the infrared figures were moving in a rhythm. Xander noted a specific part of both the figures was clearly highlighted due to the high heat.

This specific part of both the male and female figures was connected as they continued their rhythmic movement.

Xander's body first became stiff, then it trembled vigorously. The veins on his forehead bulged out, like thick worms.

"How could she do this to me?!" Xander wanted to scream loudly.

In his entire life, he has only loved one girl, Ruby. He knew his love was one-sided but he believed there was hope. This was why he joined her in the forest for he wanted to become closer to her.

While he was aware they were on a mission and his role was to act like a jealous one-sided lover in front of their prey, he didn't mind this least bit. He never thought he was acting, for everything came from his heart.

He has always prayed that someday Ruby would notice his feelings and accept them. He has even dreamed of how they will share their lives together and the kids they would have.

But now...

"That bastard turned her into a woman...He did what I should be doing!"

Xander felt his blood boiling up as he further saw the event in the room. He observed Ruby lying on the bed with Kiba releasing thick ropes of cum over her breasts.

"Son of a bitch! How dare he do that?!"

Xander has envisioned many scenes of him sucking over Ruby's breasts. He has also imagined himself planting his face between those firm breasts but now...

"That motherfucker has marked her breasts! Hang on... What is he doing now...?! FUCK! Even her mouth?! Stop it!"

Xander saw Ruby's tongue sliding on Kiba's cock. She licked off every single trace of semen from his cock.

A trail of cum stretched out from her rosy lips and struck on her chin. Ruby brought her hand to clean the cum from her face.

"This has to be a nightmare! My Ruby can't be doing this!"

In the past, Xander has visualized the picture of him kissing on her lips and dueling with her tongue.

But now...

Her virginity was taken, her breasts were marked and even her lips were stained with cum.

She was no longer the Ruby he has known throughout his life. The girl of his dream has turned into a stranger.

"I would kill that bastard no matter what!" Xander swore deep in his heart.

His heart was burning with flames of anger and only revenge could extinguish them.

Xander promised himself he won't sleep or have food until he has taken out his enemy...

Chapter 190 - Duped?!

(A/N: Extra long chapter!)

Xander was fuming with anger. He could handle everything in life but not the 'tragedy' in front of his eyes.

The scene of Kiba making love with Ruby and marking her in ways he never could.

Just how can Xander handle the fall of his one true love under the claws of a man she has met a little over 12 hours ago!?

Xander has tried for years without any success, but yet she gave everything, which was rightfully his, to a complete stranger!

This was not a punch in his guts but a knife in his heart. It was a betrayal which pained him so much that not even the words could describe the feeling.

After all, the only true pain was that of heart. The only true suffering was of love.

"What's so special about him anyways?! He might have a handsome face and a well-proportioned body but that doesn't mean Ruby should be his!" Xander picked the laser gun from the ground.

"What are you doing?" Kyron stopped Xander from barging inside the room.

"I'm going to kill that fucker," Xander answered.

"Are you an idiot?!" Kyron put a hand on his shoulder and continued, "We have a mission and you want to ruin everything?!

"Fuck the mission," Xander pushed Kyron's hand away, "He has taken everything from me and I'm not gonna forgive him for this."

"You dumb idiot!" Kyron was incensed by Xander's conduct. "That man would make us a fortune but you wish to ruin everything just because he and Ruby had sex?!"

Kyron wanted to slap Xander for making an issue out of nothing and wanting to ruin their entire day's efforts.

"Ruby is my love," Xander said in a heavy voice, "And she is mine alone. No fucking bastard can take her from me."

Kyron was having a hard time to control his anger. Just what sort of reasoning was Xander carrying?

"It is her life and it is her choice to make out with anyone she wants," Kyron tried his best to explain in a calm voice.

"Bastard!" Xander clenched his left fist and landed a heavy punch on Kyron's guts.

"YOU!" Kyron fell some distance away, shocked by the sudden assault. He brought his laser gun and aimed at Xander, "Stop before you force me to do something you would regret."

"I don't regret anything!" Xander leaped on Kyron...


Inside the room.

Ruby sat down on the bed, her body covered with sweat. She took a tissue paper to wipe the sweat off her body.

Kiba clad his clothes and shoes back.

"Dress soon," Kiba said as he passed Ruby her clothes from the floor.

"Soon? Why?" Ruby asked, confused.

Kiba didn't reply but poured himself a glass of water. He brought the glass to his lips and gulped down the entire glass in quick succession.


The entrance of the room, which was made of fabric, broke apart into flames as a stream of red light moved forward like a shooting star.

As the stream of light rushed forward, the temperature in the room increased by countless folds.

"Laser!" Ruby's eyes turned wide in shock.

She knew the shot originated from either of her companions, and she also knew how terrifying the shot was. The guns they carried were specially made to overpower strong mutants and every shot of laser carried a tremendous force with it.

If one was hit directly then the only fate would be incarnating into ashes!

Ruby was in the middle of clasping her bra strings and didn't even get time to react further as the laser light rushed towards her.

The aim of the laser was the bed but she was sitting on it. There was no time for her to move or dodge.

"No!" Ruby shut her eyes, waiting for the pain of death to arrive. She has seen people dying from the laser and have heard their horrifying screams.

The death was momentary but yet the pain seemed to carry a lifetime of story. She has always prayed to never meet such a demise but now she was helpless.

She has so many aspirations she wished to fulfill but...

Man proposes, but God disposes.

Ruby waited and waited for seconds which seemed like years, but the sensation of the terrifying pain didn't arrive.

Slowly she opened her eyes and saw a hand in front. The hand was clutched and faint red dots of light were visible around it.

The red dots of light then turned into mist and disappeared into nothingness.

"Kiba?" Ruby raised her head to look at Kiba.

He was standing with a nonchalant expression, his other hand still carrying a glass. His expression was like he has caught an ordinary ball instead of blocking a laser shot.

Ruby was completely dumbfounded by his nonchalant attitude and the ease with which he handled the situation.

Just what type of strength does it take to block such a powerful attack without suffering the least bit of damage?

Kiba stepped in front of her and placed the glass away. Her breasts were exposed, with the bra falling down.

"Let me help you." Kiba picked the bra and slid it back on her breasts.

"T-thanks," Ruby's cheeks were as red as tomatoes.

"No problem," Kiba said as he hooked her bra before adding, "This was why I said get dress quickly."

"You knew the attack was coming?!" Ruby was startled. Before she could pester him for an answer, she noticed two figures some distance away from them.

The fire from the laser shot was extinguished but it has already burned away the entrance. The room was still lightened up with the inbuilt lamps in the remaining fabric.

Xander and Kyron were standing at the entrance, shocked by how the scene folded inside. Kyron has traces of blood on his face but he was in no state to think about his injuries.

When Xander fired the laser to the room, he was expecting the worst. But now it looked like his worry was for nothing, the laser shot has done no harm.

What shocked him was how the laser attack was neutralized. Ruby didn't notice it but he has. He has seen how Kiba just put his hand forward in front of the coming laser attack and then clenched his fist as soon as the laser made a contact.

Kyron expected him to turn into ashes, but instead, the laser was extinguished like sparks of fire.

"How is this possible?" Kyron was terrified.

He has made a report on Kiba and his powers when the latter faced the wolves and Iron-scaled Fish. The sensors he has put in the vicinity have given him an idea of Kiba's powers and his potential.

"Could the sensors have read wrong? No! He was hiding his powers!" Kyron contemplated the details, " Otherwise, with the power he displayed now, defeating Iron-scaled Fish should be easy! But yet, he was pushed back and Xander was forced to step in against the fish!"

"What is the meaning of this?" Ruby left the bed and looked at her companions. The near-death experience has made her numb for a minute but now she regained her clarity.

She couldn't believe her companions would attack her in the middle of the night. While she was inside Kiba's room, she knew her companions were obviously aware but yet they attacked her.

If not for Kiba, she would be ashes floating in the night sky.

"I want to ask the same!" Xander said in a loud voice, "What the hell were you doing with him?!"

Xander's eyes were filled with madness and he didn't care the least bit on how the laser attack was blocked. All he wanted was to get revenge for the humiliation and the pain he has undergone.

"You dumb rat," Ruby called out in an annoyed voice, "I can do anything I please and it is none of your business."

She was in no mood to care about the cute and innocent image she has earlier established in front of Kiba. She has experienced a near-death moment, and things like her plans were the last things she wanted to think about.

"Slut, I will kill you and your love---" Xander was in the middle of shouting, but then he stopped as he saw the scene in front of him.

Kiba placed a pillow on the headboard and then sat down on the bed, his back resting on the pillow. He took out his cell phone and pressed on the screen.

"What is he doing?!" Xander looked in complete disbelief as Kiba motioned his phone sometimes to right and sometimes to left.

"He is playing a game!" Kyron answered based on the movements shown by Kiba, "A car racing game!"

"Are you kidding with me?!" Xander's eyes were bloodshot.

He was letting out his steam and emotions, but yet the main culprit was playing games, instead of trying to apologise and beg for life.

This is not how the things should play out!

Ruby turned her head back and was similarly dumbfounded by the scene.

"Hmm?" Kiba seemed to notice their gazes as he raised his head.

"Ah! Please continue," Kiba lowered his phone, "Don't let my presence hinder you."

Ruby was perplexed by his sudden change in personality. Just moments ago he saved her life, but now he was acting completely oblivious to everything.

"Could it be the side effects of the drugs in the milk?" Ruby thought of how shy and nervous Kiba was before consuming the milk.

He would blush at even the slightest contact with her, but after drinking the milk, he became bold and passionate as he expressed his feelings to her. Now, he has changed again...

"Oh right! I get it now!" Kiba nodded his head as if he realized something, "You are trying to tell me it is not right to use phone such late in the night!"

Kiba put his phone back in the pocket.

"Honestly, I'm exhausted so thank you for the reminder," Kiba lay on the bed, "If you three don't mind, can you please continue your argument outside so that I can sleep?"

"Bastard!" Xander aimed the gun at Kiba's head.

"Stop!" Ruby raised her left hand and hundreds of nails and thorns shot out from the surrounding. They hovered in the air, waiting to strike their target.

Xander gritted his teeth, but then his eyes turned wide as he noticed something dazzling in Ruby's raised hand.

"A ring?!" Xander's body trembled with anger.

He has never noticed the diamond ring before so he was sure of what it meant.

Ruby was engaged with Kiba!

"Bitch! You became his slut in just a day?!" Xander turned the gun towards her.

"Your mom is a slut, you dumb pig," Ruby was ready to attack him.

She had enough of his conduct and didn't mind killing him to settle scores, even if it resulted in a punishment later on.

"Stop it," Kyron stepped in between them, "And clear your minds otherwise we three would die at his hands."

"What?!" Ruby and Xander looked at Kyron in shock.

"Don't you get it? He was hiding his powers!" Kyron reminded them of the details they missed due to their shock and anger.

"No way," Ruby glanced at Kiba and noticed a faint smile on his face. She suddenly felt a bad premonition bubbling in her heart.

"You are immune to sedatives, right?" Kyron asked him.

He has seen the empty milk glass lying in the room so he was sure the milk was consumed. But yet, Kiba was wide awake and even made out with Ruby.

Kyron knew what this signified and it made him tensed up.

"Well, not really," Kiba answered with a relaxed smile, "Some sedatives do work on me, but if you are asking about the ones Ruby gave me, the answer is yes."

"Y-you knew?!" Ruby asked.

Kyron hasn't stated the details about the milk nor her role, but yet Kiba clearly mentioned them. She was now sure her earlier conjecture on the functioning of the drugs was completely wrong.

Her heart thumped and she didn't fully react for a short period of time as an eerie feeling developed inside her.

"Yes, I knew," Kiba nodded in agreement, "I knew from the start."

"You were listening to our conversation when we discussed our plan in Ruby's room?!"

Kyron thought of how they planned for the night after Kiba carried Ruby to her room. The scenario of him carrying her was orchestrated to make him further loosen his guards against Ruby.

"Nope, I didn't," Kiba shook his head, "As I already mentioned, I knew from the very start, so I didn't really bother listening to details of your plan."

"Start?!" Kyron's pupils dilated to the size of a needle.

The start would mean the time before they actually met!

"The time before he saved me from the wolves!" Ruby's forehead was drenched in cold sweat.

All the nerves in her body instantly tensed as soon as she came to this conclusion.

"Honestly, I'm impressed." Kiba folded his legs and sat down on the bed. "While you indeed used the basics of seduction to create the first scenario, it was quite impressive in the execution. Unlike many idiots in the world, you realized the basics are the most profound element in the art of seduction."

The basics of seduction were based on the principle of how every living being was attracted to the impossible.

A total release from the limitations of life and fulfilling the ultimate fantasy.

In the case of men, this fantasy was often represented in the form of a knight in shining armor.

After all, which man doesn't secretly dream of rescuing a beauty and earning her favor? Especially if the beauty was desired by many!

There was absolutely nothing which could stir the ego of a man more than a conquered woman.

Ruby and her companions used this knowledge to lay out the trap.

They first created an artificial situation where Ruby needed a savior and then further enhanced the trap by bringing a rival who desired her. The rival would mock the 'hero' but yet the beauty wouldn't choose the former. She would side with the hero all along and slowly they would grow up closer due to the actions of the rival.

But this part was actually dangerous to play out in a place like Desolate Blood Forest. The 'hero' might assume the 'rival' would try to kill or poison him to get him out of the picture.

This would mean the 'hero' would be constantly on guard against the 'rival,' and this, in turn, would reduce the chance of the final trap being effective.

So how to tackle this problem?

By making the rival as humane as possible!

Just like how Xander helped Kiba when the latter was about to be killed by Iron-scaled Fish.

"A fantasy with a touch of reality, "Kiba brought his palms close for clapping, "You three deserve a round of applause."

Ruby's face turned pale and her heart shook violently. She glanced at the ring clad on her finger, and a dreadful possibility struck her mind.

"This ring..." Ruby faintly murmured, "No! That story can't be false!"

She observed the faint marks on the ring and was sure the ring has a story. The ring was dazzling but yet there were signs of its age.

These signs surely denoted the ring was carrying a history of decades with it.

"That ring," Kiba's lips curved up in a smile, "You can keep it as a gift."

"Gift?" Ruby's heart palpitated.

"Yeap," Kiba said as he snapped his fingers, "My mother gave me various items on her deathbed."


A column of white light appeared beside the bed. The light slowly began converging in the form of a giant jewelry box.

"Storage space?!" Kyron was startled. He has only heard rumors of a technology which can allow one to carry heavy loads without actually carrying it.

Before Kyron could think further, the box completely materialized in front of him. It was made of glass and filled with various sets of jewelry items.

Rings, necklaces, earrings, bangles, lockets, and so on.

The pieces of jewelry were studded with diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and other precious stones. They were artfully placed to provide a look of grandeur along with grace and elegance.

The designs, on the other hand, represented the eons of tradition and craftsmanship, carrying a timeless and pristine charm.

Every single piece of jewelry carried the ability to enhance the beauty of a woman. It brought out wonder, class, sophistication, and style.

Xander and Kyron felt their jaws dropping to the floor.

"So many gemstones!?" Kyron choked down a mouthful of saliva. He was sure even the smallest piece of jewelry would cost a fortune.

But yet Kiba was carrying so many items with him!

"Even the biggest jewelry store in Deles City would pale in comparison," Xander muttered in disbelief.

"Did he loot a store or two?" Kyron wondered aloud.

"Hey! Don't say such scandalous stuff!" Kiba was offended by the mention of loot. "I just borrowed from generous store owners."

Generous store owners who lent their entire shop?!

The two observed the gold and diamonds again.

"Do you actually want us to believe such magnanimous people exist in this world?!"

"If they exist, then why haven't we ever encountered such kind-hearted owners?!"

Xander and Kyron were absolutely dazzled by the jewelry. All they now wanted was to steal from the shop in front of them.

Xander has even forgotten his anger as he gazed at the precious stones. He envisioned just how rich he would become and the women he could get.

The only distraught person in the room was Ruby.

"My love, every piece has a story," Kiba looked at her with a smile, "But they all share one similarity with the story I told you...they are gifts to women who can stir my heart."

"Impossible," Ruby stupidly stared at the box for a long time before stumbling down on the floor. "That story was fabricated."

Her breasts moved up and down violently while her breathing turned heavy. Her face was now fully devoid of colors, with her eyes becoming unfocused as she gazed at her ring.

"I was duped?!"

Chapter 191 - Let's End This

Xander and Kyron didn't care, or perhaps didn't notice as Ruby fell down on her knees. Their eyes were still glued to the giant jewelry box.

"I was duped?!" Rubby muttered in a voice filled with grief.

For the last three years, she and her team have captured many gullible fools by the 'Knight In Shining Armor' scheme. She has duped them and she never felt bad for she ultimately believed those men were attracted to her due to her beauty and not true love.

But today...

Ruby's facial color became incomparably pale. She felt a lump rising in her throat and tears forming. Her condition was not any different with a person who has encountered a devil and lost everything.

"This ring..."

Ruby looked at the ring through her blurry vision. She recalled how Kiba took her left hand and put it on her fourth finger, and then stating how it was given to his mother by his father.

"My mother often used to say this finger had a vein that runs directly to the heart, the Vena Amoris, the Vein of Love."

Kiba's words floated in her mind. She was just twenty-one years old female, and those words struck a part of her heart which was hopelessly romantic.


Ruby has given Kiba something she could never give to another man. It was not just her virginity but her heart.

While it was true that her reasoning capability was severely affected when Kiba kissed her and shared his saliva containing the sedatives...the main reason she still consented to the lovemaking was due to the manner in which he expressed his love.

Ruby was touched by the words and the hope of true love. She trusted in him due to his conduct throughout the day. She believed he might be her first and her last love...

For him, she was even ready to abandon her plan no matter the consequences, but in the end, she realized she was the prey and not the hunter as she originally believed.

"I fell in his schemes..." Ruby thought as a tear fell down her cheek.

Once that first tear broke free from her eyes, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. She wanted to scream and roar, but all her body could do was suffocate under the torrent of emotions.

"Just why would you do this to me?" Ruby asked, her voice heavy.

"What exactly did I do? Did I scheme against you? No, I didn't." Kiba further continued in a nonchalant voice, "It was you three who targetted me and not the other way around, so stop pretending to be a victim."

After the events at the first river stream, where he left the injured man as food to the savage wolves, he flew some miles away. Then he walked for some distance before facing a tree which was blocking his path. (Chapter 184).

When Kiba was standing in front of the tree and deciding his next course of action, he has suddenly sensed mutants spying on him. The mutants were using binoculars and advanced sensors to check on him, and in most cases, it was impossible for a person to even notice their presence from such a long distance.

But Kiba noticed their presence from the time they brought their vision on him. This was why his eyes radiated with excitement and he muttered, "How exciting."

Kiba changed his plans and continued on the path without using teleportation. He was really bored so he didn't mind participating in their game.

Kiba has also decided to not spy on them to know what they have in mind. He wanted to be surprised so he didn't use his abilities to know their detailed schemes.

When he encountered Ruby facing the wolves, he was startled. But it only took him seconds to contemplate their scheme on his own, without actually relying on his powers.

Most people, if not all, wouldn't even realize it was a trap. This wasn't just the matter of execution with the injuries and the blood stains on Ruby, or the corpses of wolves, or the desperate call for help and the rewards offered.

The main reason was the setting. In a place like Desolate Blood Forest, just who would expect to encounter such a trap in the beginning?

Perhaps some people might become suspicious if such a situation arrives in the core regions where only the strong and ruthless could survive, but definitely not at the outskirts. The three had ensured to add realism and logic in their fantasy setting.

Alas, they targetted the wrong person. If it was anyone else then he would definitely become a victim of their seductive trap, but not Kiba.

He was someone who has spent most of his time in seducing women. Not only did he knew the art of the seduction, but he was also an expert in the field.

If Daniel and Sarah ever came to know about Ruby and her companions trying to lure Kiba, the couple would mock them.

The couple would definitely call the trio as idiots for trying a low-level trick on the master of dirty tricks!

After all, the couple has experienced his dark schemes first hand. He has torn them apart through his mind games. Everything just to take revenge for Agatha. Perhaps, if not for Agatha's interference, the couple would be truly broken.

"It is funny that you consider yourself as a victim." Kiba jumped from the bed and landed in front of Ruby. "If you are a victim, then I wonder what term do you use for people who fell in your traps earlier?"

Ruby continued to sob, her eyes red. She listened to his words but didn't say anything to retort.

"I'm curious about one thing though," Kiba passed her a tissue paper, "What happened to your previous victims? Based on what I have seen so far, you don't kill your target. You even try your best to ensure there are no injuries. So please do satisfy my curiosity."


Ruby didn't answer. She took the tissue to wipe tears from her face.

Kiba stood up and turned around.

Xander and Kyron were taking out the jewelry from the box. There were far too many items but not enough space for them to store.

"Well, you guys are having fun," Kiba brought a hand on his chin, "But seems like your parents didn't teach you basic manners. Stealing is morally wrong."

Bastard! You are the last person who should ever talk about morals!

Kyron and Xander cursed simultaneously. They were sure the pieces of the jewelry were stolen so why was he even talking about manners?!

"Anyways, could you answer my question?" Kiba walked towards them, "Just what happens to your victims?"

Xander and Kyron didn't say anything but instead, they suddenly brought their guns out and fired at Kiba.

One of them aimed at his heart and the other at his head. It was like they have decided this set of action before and were waiting for the timing.

A red flash appeared in the barrels of the laser guns, and the next moment, two streams of red light shot forward.

The ground shook and the fabric above burned to ashes as the light rushed ahead. The temperature in the room was as high as a volcano and even breathing became difficult.

"Laser shots? Really?" Kiba shook his head in disappointment. He raised his right hand and brought it in front of the coming attacks.

The speed of the laser light was faster than sound but yet it didn't reach Kiba as quickly.


The red laser lights stopped in the air, just before his raised palm. He clenched his fist and like a broken mirror, the laser light broke apart into fragments.

"Hmm?" Kiba noticed Xander and Kyron backing away from the room. "You wanted to divert my attention to buy some time? For what exactly?"

Outside the camp, there was nothing but darkness and eerie silence.


Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, the sound of wolves howling reverberated. Some distance away from the camp, a pack of ten Level 2 mutated wolves scuttled out of bushes.

Their eyes were filled with bloodlust as they rushed towards Kiba from all directions. They leaped up in the air and opened their ghastly mouths after closing into him.

The entire pack has sealed off all points of retreat, their claws striking down with the sound of air being sliced apart.

"Oho~ How nice of you to attack me like this," Kiba's lips curved in a mocking smile, "I feel so frightened."

A golden destructive force surged out of his body like a tidal wave. The force concentrated into small threads, resembling a blooming flower, as it shot into the wolves.


The wolves wrathfully roared as the destructive force coursed into their bodies. Their entire bodies were engulfed by the annihilative force, and they could only scream helplessly as they were torn into pieces.

Xander, Kyron, and Ruby were struck on the spot, alarmed by the sight in front of them. Their eardrums were on the verge of splitting apart and they shut their ears tight, waiting for the screams to end.

In a few seconds, there were no more screams and the eerie silence once again took over the land. The ground was filled with nothing but blood and gore of the deceased wolves.

"H-how is this possible?" Xander backed away, his body trembling in fear.

He now chided himself for trying to take on a freak like Kiba on his own. He was sure what his fate would be if Kyron hasn't stopped him.

A woman was important but not as important as his own life!

"What do we do?" Xander asked. He wanted to curse Kiba for hiding his powers and pretending to be an average mutant.

How the hell were they supposed to handle him without any prior warning?

Xander waited for his companion's answer, but he swore to not agree if the latter asked him to face Kiba head-on.

He has no confidence in direct confrontation and he didn't want to give away his life.

"No choice but to go all out," Kyron gritted his teeth before pressing a switch on his watch.


The water in the stream churned and two small fishes broke out. In no time, they morphed and transformed into Iron-scaled Fishes.

The fishes turned into a mirage as they rushed forward at Kiba. They viciously whipped out their tails, creating a strong gale.

The trees shook and the remaining camp rooms were rooted out.

"Oh please, I'm not in the mood to eat more fish," Kiba released a heavy sigh, "Can't you just die without damaging the environment?"

Kiba raised his hand towards the sky.


The night sky was suddenly filled with a blood-red light in the form of an enormous sword.

Xander and Kyron's pupils dilated the size of a needle. Their heart shook and they felt their blood flow turning opposite.

"What is going on?" Ruby fell down on her knees again. She felt pressure as heavy as a mountain from the sword.

The Iron-scaled Fishes stopped in the path as an enormous sense of crisis developed inside them.

"Have fun in afterlife," Kiba lowered his hand in a slashing motion, "And when you reincarnate, make sure you reincarnate into something truly delicious."


The sword struck out like a crescent moon, carrying a tremendous amount of killing intent with it.


The Iron-scaled Fishes didn't even get time to respond as the blade pierced through their bodies. They felt their insides contrasting and aging in quick succession, their vitality and blood sucked by the blade.


The fishes fell on the ground with a loud thud noise.

"What was that?!" Xander's entire body was drenched in cold sweat as he saw the bodies of the fish. They were dry like an ancient corpse.

"That blade sucked the blood," Kyron muttered in horror. He noticed the blood-red glow of the sword intensifying.

"You mean that sword is made of blood?!" Xander asked.

Just how many people has he killed to form such a huge sword?!

"A few thousand," Kiba answered as he waved his hand. The sword dissipated into blood-red particles and disappeared.

Kiba rarely used these types of attack. The last time he used it was when he freed the slum dwellers from the oppression of the overlords and their subordinates.

"A few thousand?!" Ruby's palms were soaked with sweat.

How can he mention such a huge number like it was nothing?!

She was now sure he was truly a monster in human skin. She couldn't believe how bad her luck was to encounter a demon like him.

"Let's end this before you bore me to death," Kiba said as his body turned into a series of afterimages.

He appeared right in front of Kyron and slammed a fist into his face.

Kyron didn't even get time to notice the attack as his jaw bones and teeth instantly shattered into pieces. He flew out like an arrow and collided with the trunk of a tree.

Xander backed away, but then he felt an ominous presence behind. Before he could turn, a fierce kick landed on his back.


Xander cried out in pain, his stomach caved out and his spine torn apart like frail glass. His face turned deathly pale and he fell on the ground.