192 - 199

Chapter 192 - Two Choices

The night sky in the region was filled with heart-wrenching screams along with the stench of death. The camp rooms were rooted out of their spot and the land was marked with blood and gore.

"No way," Ruby looked at the scene ahead of her in utter shock.

Kyron was struck on a tree while Xander has fallen on the ground. Their bodies were filled with grave injuries and neither of them was in a condition to make a single movement.

Xander's spine was broken while Kyron's facial bones were shattered. The bone fragments protruded out of their bodies, giving them a hideous appearance.

Both Kyron and Xander didn't register Kiba's movements as he attacked them. His speed was far too fast and all they noticed was afterimages.

Before they could even judge what he planned to do, they were already defeated. Much less use their innate abilities to fight, they didn't even get a chance to struggle.

Even the entire pack of Level 2 mutated wolves and Iron-scaled Fishes weren't able to land any damage. Those beasts were under the control of Xander, Ruby, and Kyron from the very start.

This was the reason why they were able to successfully create the scene in which Ruby was put in a corner by the wolves. Kiba and Ruby killed those wolves but the trio didn't mind the loss as they had the ability to control more wolves.

The same applied to the Iron-scaled Fish which Kiba encountered when he was fishing for lunch. The trio wanted to know the full scale of his strength and potential, so they created the situation.

When the trio noticed Kiba being forced by the fish, they interfered and helped. They thought the sensors they have planted in the vicinity has caught the accurate stats of Kiba, and accordingly, they planned their next move.

But now their entire plan was destroyed...

If Xander and Kyron knew they would be so helpless against Kiba, the two would have preferred to run away when Kiba was facing the beasts.

Alas, it was far too late to regret. All they now could do was scream in agony.

Kiba ignored their cries and waved his hand in the air. Waves of white light shot out of his palm.


The items of jewelry and the giant box were wrapped by waves of white light.

"I already mentioned stealing is a bad manner," Kiba released out a heavy breath in disappointment, "But yet you didn't return the items. So I had no choice but to use force to get what is mine."


The white light disappeared along with the jewelry and the box.

In ordinary times, Kyron would be shocked by this. He has assumed Kiba was carrying an advanced-tech item which provided storage space. But now, by the movement of the energy in the air, it was clear Kiba was not relying on any item to transfer the objects.

Alas, Kyron was not capable of seeing the scene with his broken face. Even if he knew the truth, he wouldn't show any interest after witnessing the powers displayed by Kiba.

He has already realized the price one must pay for greed...

"The night is beautiful and it is a shame we ruined the beauty with unnecessary violence," Kiba took a step ahead and his body flickered.

Ruby felt the space in front of her blur and twist, and the next moment, Kiba was standing right in front of her. She was startled by his sudden arrival.

She backed away, her body drenched in cold sweat. A strand of hair stuck on her face but she was in no condition to think about her appearance.

All she wanted was to get away from this place as soon as possible.

"The night exists for special types of battle," Kiba said with a faint smile. He raised his hand and swiped away the strand of hair from her face.

Ruby was rooted on the spot, stunned into silence by his words. She didn't need to contemplate to know what he meant by special battle.

Her cheeks flushed unconsciously as the memories of the intense battle flashed in her mind. The battle in which she was duped to participate.

"And Ruby, you might not wish to agree, but I didn't dupe you. I only did what your scheme promised me in the first place."

Kiba wiped her cheeks with his hand before continuing.

"After all, your scheme was founded on the belief that a man would do anything as long as he has even the faintest hope of a sexual encounter. You might be keeping a carrot of love to lure your victims but you already know what they want. So in the end, I only played within the boundaries of the game you designed."

Ruby wanted to speak but she didn't know how to retort. She knew everything he said so far was true.

He might have cheated when he made a fake background and acted like a naive & innocent man, but that was still within the realms of the setting she created.

How could she blame him, when all he did was respond to the situations she created for his own benefit?

He didn't use force nor did he drugged her when he made love with her. Instead, the drugs she gave him actually affected her reasoning process and lead to a successful sexual encounter.

Not like this brought any relief to her. It only made her feel more aggrieved and incompetent. After all, now she could no longer blame him for everything that has occurred in the last few hours.

"The fault is mine for thinking I am undefeatable just because I created the game," Ruby bit her lips.

She realized only she was to be blamed for falling for his Vena Amoris story and giving him something she could never give to anyone else. She didn't have the right to label herself as a victim and this brought another set of tears in her eyes.

Kiba smiled and allowed her to think as she pleases. He didn't bother telling the fault was not truly hers since she was facing someone who was an expert in such games.

He might not have designed her game, but his experience allowed him to defeat the creator of such games.

It was like a child was unknowingly facing an adult. The playing ground was not fair, to begin with.


Kiba snapped his fingers to awaken Ruby from her thoughts.

"It is late in the night," Kiba glanced at the night sky before continuing, "And there are only a few hours before the sunrise."

"?" Ruby looked at him with a blank face.

"What I mean is that I wish to rest before I begin my second day of the journey," Kiba let out a small yawn, "I'm dead tired and I want to end this as soon as possible."

"End?!" Ruby's heart palpitated.

"Yeap," Kiba nodded his head, "Now you have two choices,"

"Choices? For what?" Ruby's brows creased up.

She thought he was going to kill when he said he wanted to end. But yet his tone and words denoted no murderous intent.

"Whether you want to join your companions or not," Kiba pointed towards Xander and Kyron, "I'm sending them to underworld shortly, and I wanted to know if you wish to accompany them."

Xander and Kyron shuddered in dread. They wanted to beg for forgiveness, but neither of them was in a condition to speak.

Ruby, on the other hand, swept a glance towards them and then at the body parts of the deceased wolves. Her hairs stood up in fright as her eyes arrived on the dry corpses of Iron-scaled Fishes.

She has witnessed how the wolves and fishes died, and she was sure she didn't want to die in such a painful fashion.

Ruby has already made her choice even though she didn't know what it was. As long as her fate was not like her companions, she was ready for any anything.

Kiba raised a finger in front of her.

"The first choice is a free trip to the underworld," Kiba explained in a sweet tone, "You would be getting an audience with His Highness, The King of Underworld. In your honor, there would even be a celebratory feast of blood."

"....." Ruby was speechless by his words.

Instead of acting as a true merchant of death, he was pretending to be a salesman offering royal trip packages. Even his tone and body language denoted he was truly a salesman.

"Do you wish to grab on this wonderful opportunity?" Kiba enquired in a polite tone. His eyes sparkled, waiting for her to grab this amazing chance.

"No," Ruby shook her head without the least bit of hesitation.

Who in their right state of mind would agree to die?! There were times she might even choose death, but definitely not a dreadful death like that of those beasts.

"Are you sure, my lady?" Kiba continued to pitch for this package, "If you refuse, then your companions would be missing your company in the afterlife. Surely you don't wish for them to be homesick in a foreign land, right?"


"Think once again, my lady. They would never be able to return back, and you wouldn't know when you would get the chance to meet them again."

"...My answer is still no," Ruby answered after a few moments of silence.

"Haah," Kiba released a heavy sigh, "So you truly wish for them to go without your company."

Kiba opened his palm and then clenched it fiercely.

"URGHHH!" Xander and Kyron cried loudly.

"Ruby, you are truly cold-hearted to be so adamant," Kiba twisted his fist.

Ruby quickly turned her head towards her companions.

"What on earth..." An intense feeling of dreadness swelled up within her heart.

She didn't know what occurred when she heard the screams, but now there were no more signs of her companions. Instead, in their place, all she could see was a bloody paste.

She felt her insides churning at the sight and she hurriedly turned her head away.

"You didn't even bid them a farewell," Kiba placed a hand on her shoulder, "That's really disheartening."

Ruby was terrified by his touch but she didn't dare utter a single word. She looked at his face and her sense of dreadness further increased

His lips were curled up into a sweet and innocent smile. One couldn't even imagine he was the same person who just violently murdered two humans.

Instead, his tone resembled of a kind man who was disappointed by her behavior for not saying goodbye to her companions.

But Ruby has witnessed the entire event and she knew the truth. She was alarmed and afraid like never before.

"Now, the second choice," Kiba continued in the same tone, "You will become my slave."


Chapter 193 - Master and Slave!

The wind rustled through the night sky, carrying cold waves.

Ruby felt a bone-numbing chill down her spine, not due to the night wind, but thanks to her current situation.

She regretted coming to the forest and targetting Kiba. She further cursed herself for failing to see his true personality, which he was hiding under the guise of a sweet and naive young man.

If not, she wouldn't be now hearing the choices he offered to her.

The first choice was nothing something she would ever take. Definitely not after witnessing the way by which Xander and Kyron were sent to a 'trip' to the underworld.

He has used flowery words to describe the first choice and give it a form of an attractive tour package, but now she knew his words and actions were not always in sync.

The second choice, on the other hand, was also not something she was expecting.

"You will become my slave," Kiba stated the only other choice she had if she didn't wish to join her companions.


Ruby's voice contained lingering fear. She didn't want to die but becoming a slave?

The first answer that came in her mind was an absolute no.

After all, she was in the prime of her youth, her entire life was waiting for her. She has aspirations and dreams like any youth, goals she wanted to achieve no matter what.

There was even a wish of romance and having a family in the future.

Today's era was different than the past ones, the women now have the opportunity to grow past their traditional roles.

Yes, there were difficulties involved and a part of the society was still orthodox when women were concerned, but the greater part of the world have equal rights.

The rights by which one can grow wings and break the shackles which confine them. The rights by which one can strive to achieve whatever one wants.

But now she was given a choice between death and giving away her rights.

One choice was forfeit of life and the other was living the life at the whims of another person. No matter how she looked, both choices were fatal to her very existence.

The only question she had in her mind was which choice was scarier?

Being a slave or death?

"Is freedom more important than living?" Ruby bitterly contemplated in her heart. She knew she was not ready to die if a person can ever be ready to die.

She just wanted to know if living at the cost of freedom was worth or not.

"You seems to be in a dilemma," Kiba said before sitting down on the grass.

Ruby was silent for a minute before asking, " Can I know what I would have to do as your salve?"

She silently prayed his answer would be different from the things she was imagining in her mind.

"Well, you will be accompanying me in the forest to do some stuff," Kiba answered in an obvious manner, "Like you will have to cook for me and wash my clothes."

"Really?!" Ruby's eyes brightened up in joy.

She was expecting unspeakable things but now she chided herself for judging him wrong again. She was now fully ready to become his slave.

"Actually, no, I was kidding," Kiba continued with a faint smile, "My clothes are made from specialized nanoparticles so they don't need cleaning. As for food, no offense, but your cooking is only average."

"....." Ruby fell down on her knees, shocked by his response. Her body was tensed up and she was in no state to handle his prank.

Ruby once again cursed herself for being naive and taking his words at their face value.

"In reality, you will have to engage in duels with me," Kiba explained his true objectives, "That's it."


Ruby rested her face on her hands. She felt her head spinning around he said she has to engage in duels.

Perhaps her past self wouldn't know the subtle meaning, but her current self knew after he told her how night exists for special types of battles.

"You don't have to thank me for being a generous master," Kiba said in a concluding tone.

Ruby wanted to cry but she had no tears to shed.

She really wanted to ask how exactly was this being generous? But she didn't ask.

She has a feeling he would answer in such a manner that she would actually feel he was being generous to her. She didn't know why such a feeling developed inside her, but she trusted this feeling.

If any 'client' from Wife Pleasuring Service Ltd gets to know this, then he would definitely give a thumbs-up to Ruby.

After all, who can know it better than Kiba's clients about how generous he was.

"Have you made your decision?" Kiba enquired.

Ruby bit her lower lip and then nodded her head.

"The second choice," Ruby answered like a whisper.

"If that's what you want then why not." Kiba looked at her for a moment before saying, "I'm sure you would be nice to your master."

"...I will do my best," Ruby lowered her head and said.

"That's what one can do." Kiba stood up and gave her his hand. "Let's go."

Ruby raised her head and observed him for a long time before taking his hand for support.

"Thank you, master," Ruby said politely.

Kiba was startled by her choice of words and he started laughing.

"Haha, you don't have to act in such a manner," Kiba tried to control his laughter, "It doesn't suit you."


Ruby didn't say anything in response.

"Gather your items," Kiba checked the surrounding before continuing, "This place is a not really suitable for the night."

"I understand," Ruby nodded in agreement. The air was filled with the stench of death and blood, it was not a place where any living being wish to stay.

Ruby collected her items from what was left of the camp. There were the corpses of the wolves which her team have gathered in the morning, but she didn't take them.

She obviously knew Kiba wouldn't like it and nor he would provide her any help. So she gathered her items in a bag and then washed her face.

The events have exhausted her soul, and the cold water on her face rejuvenated her.

Ruby wiped her face with a towel and put on a new set of glasses. The previous set was destroyed but thankfully she has multiple sets.

Ruby then joined Kiba. He waved his hand and a ball of fire shot out of his palm and fell on the camp.

Ruby closed her eyes as the remnants of the camp burned to ashes.

"It is done," Kiba said after the fire has settled down.

Ruby opened her eyes and followed Kiba as they moved out of the site.

The two traveled along the stream for ten minutes, and stopped after coming across a large open area. The ground was filled with small rocks and pebbles, and there was no sign of any activity from other humans.

"This should be good enough place for the night," Kiba said as he conjured a metallic cube out of thin air.

The cube was black with green inscriptions resembling circuit diagrams.

He placed the cube in the center of the area and pressed on an inscription.


The cube opened up and blew out a large expanse of light. The air flickered with light while the ground was quickly covered with metallic flooring.

Ruby looked around and noticed the light in the air formulating into thick concrete walls and ceiling.

She stared wide eyes as the metallic pieces jumped out of the flooring and morphed into bed, pillow, cabinet, table lamp, door, and other objects. She ran her hand over the bed and the feeling it gave her was no different from a real bed.

She checked around further and noticed there were three rooms in total; a bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom.

Each room was self-sustained, with all required facilities, the design was ambient and pleasing to the eyes.

One might even mistake it for a house given the environment inside.

"Advanced portable camping gear," Ruby muttered in surprise, "The old-fashioned camping gear we used previously couldn't even compare to it."

Ruby has heard about this advanced camping gear but it was far too costly for her team to even rent it, much less buy.

As far as she knew, only billionaires who have no better use of their money would purchase such extravagant items.

"Is he one of those billionaires?" Ruby wondered as she moved around.

After a minute, she returned to the bedroom where Kiba was removing his shoes.

"Haah," Kiba jumped on the bed and spread his body, "Nothing like the comfort of a bed."

There was only one bed, but it was large enough for two people to sleep comfortably. Ruby looked at the bed and then at Kiba, her face filled with a struggling expression.

She was aware she couldn't ask him for another bed nor she could sleep outside. The camp was safe and could resist low-level beasts.

But if she slept outside, then there would be no safety. The safety gadgets she had were destroyed when Kiba fought the wolves.

Ruby knew there was only one thing she could do, but it made her uncomfortable. This was despite her choice and the encounter she had with him a few hours ago.

"Hmm?" Kiba noticed her gaze so he turned his face towards her. "Are you planning to guard the bed for the entire night?"

"...No," Ruby answered.

"Then stop standing there and come here." Kiba signaled her to the empty space on the bed.

"Yes," Ruby nodded and moved towards the bed, slowly. No matter how short steps she took, she ultimately reached the bed in less than a minute.

Ruby sat down on a corner of the bed. Her hands were shaking and her palms were precipitating with sweat.

Her heart was thumping loudly and her cheeks were flushed red. She gave a quick glance at the other side of the bed and noticed Kiba was covered with a blanket till his chest.

His eyes were shut and his breathing was following a natural rhythm.

"He fell asleep?" Ruby looked at the scene in disbelief. She observed him for a minute and seeing no further movement, she concluded he has fallen asleep.

"Phew~" Ruby breath out in relief, "He must be tried after using so much power."

Earlier, she was afraid he would make a move on her another 'duel'. She knew she couldn't refuse him if he so desired.

After all, she has willingly given away her rights and become his slave.

Now, looking at the situation, she thanked the gods for giving her time to adapt to her new role.

Ruby removed her sandals and put her feet on the bed. She slowly lay on the bed, ensuring she would do nothing which could awaken her new master.

Ruby covered herself with the blanket and then took out her glasses. She placed them next to the table lamp without making the least bit of sound.

The entire room was in peaceful silence.


Ruby was startled by the sudden coughing sound, like a cat who was stepped on. Her heartbeat turned a notch louder as if her heart would jump out of her chest.

She hurriedly turned around and checked Kiba's face. His eyes were still shut tight and his breathing was the same as before.

"I got scared for nothing He was just coughing in sleep," Ruby put a hand on her chest to calm herself, "It is totally natural and nothing for me to freak out."

She couldn't believe how even a small cough has filled her body with fear. She now realized the sense of dread she truly felt from him.

Ruby cleared her thoughts and lay down on the bed.

"Hey." Kiba's voice greeted her just as she closed her eyes.

Ruby jumped up in fright, her forehead unknowingly covered with cold sweat.

"Mind shutting down the lamp?" Kiba said in a tired voice.

"Y-yes." Ruby quickly shut off the light. She waited and waited, expecting him to make a move now that he was awake.

Five minutes passed and there was no movement.

Ruby chided herself for being over imaginative and once again lay down on the bed. She shut her eyes and the tension in her body subsidized.

"Ruby, good night," Kiba suddenly said before giving a small kiss on her cheeks


Chapter 194 - The Most Profitable Commodity


The rays of sunlight passed through the window and fell on the bed. Ruby, still in sleep, put a hand over her eyes to stop the glaring sunlight.

After minutes of conflict, she opened her eyes and woke up. She left the bed and took the glasses from the table.

She stretched out for a minute or so but then suddenly her body turned stiff as she felt eyes on her. Startled, she turned around and noticed Kiba standing near the door.

"Good morning," Kiba said with a smile.

"G-good morning," Ruby repeated the greetings.

For a second, she had forgotten the events which led her to this room and the tensed moments before she fell asleep. She now recalled the details and knew this was not a nightmare.

"You should fresh up," Kiba opened the door, "I will prepare the breakfast."

"Ok," Ruby nodded.

She initially wanted to volunteer for breakfast but after hearing his words, she decided to follow his orders.


After twenty minutes.

The Bathroom.

The high-tech camp has all the facilities required for one to experience the comfort of a home.

Ruby was standing under the shower, her skin red under the hot water.

She rubbed her face while thinking over her next course of actions. She then grabbed a body-wash bottle off the shelf, poured some into a soft sponge and began slowly rubbing it across her shoulders and breasts.

The water washed over the foam slowly, from her breasts to her stomach.

"Need help?" A familiar voice came from behind.

Just as Ruby turned around, she found herself face to face with Kiba. He was wearing his clothes, and the shower water fell on them, making the clothes wet.

"N-no," Ruby quickly answered.

"Don't be so tensed," Kiba put a hand below her chin, "Just relax."

Kiba leaned down and planted a kiss on her lips, his hands moving on her back, bringing her close to him. His warmth spread through her body while his passion passed through her lips.

Her breasts rubbed on his chest, his raging hard-on resting on her belly through the fabric of the pant.

Ruby's face was flushed a deep shade of red as her lips parted with his. He turned her around and she closed her eyes, feeling his lips on the back of her neck.

She felt a current through her body as his fingers traced the length of her spine, before he turned her around.

"It is a new start for you, slave" Kiba took back his hands, "Let it begin with fun."

Water ran down the sleek curves of her body and Kiba couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sight.

He began to massage her fabulous breasts until they were covered in creamy foam. He then ran his fingers down, from her breasts to the end of her vaginal lips.

"Aren't you going to thank me for this?" Kiba grabbing a handful of her soft and wet hair, and pushed her down.

"Yes, master," Ruby understood his intentions and got on her knees to unzip his pant. She took his cock out and admired it for a few moments.

She then wrapped her hand around it, her fingernails barely touching. She knew this was going to hurt as just as much as it would please her.

"Master, it would be my pleasure if I can suck---"

"Just shut up and suck," Kiba grabbed the back of her head and shoved her face forward. She opened her mouth and took him inside.

The bathroom was filled with water and moans as master and slave bonded together...


Around an hour later.

Outside the camp, the morning sky has taken over the forest. The sweet chirping of the birds sounded among the trees, carrying a pleasing sensation to the soul.

Kiba and Ruby were sitting opposite each other on grass. In between them, a tray of fruits, jam, and slices of bread was placed.

Kiba munched on an apple before looking at Ruby who was eating bread.

"You have rather adapted to your new role far too soon," Kiba placed down the core of the apple.

"I...I don't want to disappoint you," Ruby said after a moment.

"You don't have to lie," Kiba took grapes from the tray, "You are just buying time till we meet your other companions."

"How did you know?!" Ruby asked, startled by his claims. She was sure neither she or her two deceased companions ever mentioned their other companions.

"Well, I didn't know before," Kiba gave her a wink before continuing, "You just told me now."

Ruby's eyes turned wide and her body flinched. She realized his question was a test, and she gave him the answer in the form of her question.

"Spare me the excuses," Kiba put a finger on her lips just as she opened her mouth to speak. "Your actions are only natural so there is nothing surprising, and honestly I'm not interested in knowing about your plan either. I look forward to what you have in mind, and you better hope it is not boring for your own sake."

Ruby closed her mouth and didn't say anything. She was scared and felt fear as she remembered his cruel side.

"There is one thing I do want to know though," Kiba said after a minute, "The answer to the question I asked you yesterday."

Ruby obviously remembered what he enquired her yesterday. He has asked what happens to those who fall in the trap set by her team.

The reason he wanted to know was that Ruby and her team wanted to capture the targets alive, without any injuries if possible. This meant usage of sedatives and other backhanded tricks to overpower the opponents.

"We sell them," Ruby answered after a moment of hesitation.

"Oh?" Kiba was surprised, but then he quickly nodded his head in understanding, "Now your actions make sense."

Why do most mutants risk their lives in the Desolate Blood Forest? The answer was resources in the form of flora and fauna.

The fruits, flowers and other vegetation were hot in demand for cure and research purpose and the same applied to the bodies of mutated beasts.

In fact, the beasts were more in demand since they could be used for actual experiments as guinea pigs.

But there was a commodity which was far more in demand than the beasts.

It was humans!

After all, almost all research and experiments were made in mind keeping the humans as the benefactor. So the best research and test item would be a human as well.

This was why Lisa Rey schemed against Kiba to use him for her experiments. Alas, her plans failed and she died in a cruel manner at the hands of Kiba.

While serving as an experiment specimen was a reason, it was not the only reason why humans were in demand.

The second important reason was the organs of humans.

The development in science has resulted in the development of cloning technology, which made it possible to make copies of organs. But the technology also has serious drawbacks, especially when an aging or injured mutant was concerned.

At such times, the organs of another human would come in hand. This was why organ harvesting was one of the most profitable business in the world.

The rich and powerful were ready to pay any price to get an organ matching their needs. This, in turn, meant a rise in demand for powerful mutants whose organs could be used.

The third reason was something which even Kiba wasn't aware of. The captured victims were used as slaves!

No matter the reason, there was a profitable market for the sales of humans.

Of course, the government has rules which restricted such practices in the open. Not to mention, finding and capturing powerful humans in civil society was very difficult.

But locations such as this forest were different since the rules of the society didn't apply.

Almost everyone who arrived here had either high strength or good potential. This practically meant every human in the region was a goldmine.

"Haah," Kiba released a heavy sigh, "It must be an interesting job to get money for selling gullible fools."

Ruby lowered her head. She knew her actions were despicable and borderline evil, but they made her profit so she didn't think much till now.

"Do you look down on me?" Ruby didn't know why but she asked the question. She thought perhaps his opinion mattered to her more than anyone else due to the recent events.

"Look down? Why?" Kiba asked in a surprised tone.

"I have done despicable stuff," Ruby answered with a bitter smile. "Things which a person can never be proud of."

"Ah! You mean your job," Kiba shook his head. "Nope, I don't look down on you."

"!" Ruby was startled by his response.

"Don't misunderstand," Kiba continued in a nonchalant manner. "I don't look down on your job because I never look down on any job."

He was not lying, and this view was established due to his life in the slums. He has begged and stole in the slums to survive and thrive.

So he could never look down on any job no matter how despicable it was from other's point of view.

For him, a job was a job. Nothing more and nothing less.

He never allows the job of an individual to affect his thought process.

"I see," Ruby closed her eyes.

His response was far better than she could have imagined so it relieved her.

"Can I ask you something?" Ruby opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Sure," Kiba said as he wiped his hands with a tissue paper.

"Why were my team's scheme infective against you?" Ruby asked in a low voice. After thinking for long, she was sure there should be nothing wrong in the scheme they carried out.

Everything was perfect from the setting to the acting of the main 'characters'. There was not a single issue she could think of, and this worried her.

She wanted to know his answer so that if she ever became free, she could learn a lesson from this failure and plan accordingly in the future when she targets another person.

"Well, there are multiple reasons," Kiba answered with a faint smile. "But in the end, I guess, all reasons ultimately drive from a single event."

Ruby patiently waited for him to continue.

"I had a close friend when I was in my early teens," Kiba said as he thought of Elissa. "She taught me the basics of seduction without even knowing. Honestly, her words were meant for something else, but long after she left, I realized her words were the foundation of the seduction."

"What words?" Elissa inquired further.

"There is an attraction to the impossible," Kiba repeated Elissa's words.

Ruby was confused by his answer.

How could such words make her trap ineffective against him?

Kiba didn't say anything further and he stood up from the ground. He stepped to the corner of the stream and looked at the reflection of the morning sun.

"Elissa, I hope you have found happiness."

Chapter 195 - Red Tiger

Kiba and Ruby sat down near the stream, looking at the crystalline water. The level of the water was higher and small aquatic lives flourished deep inside.

Kiba threw one pebble after another across the water. He looked on as the pebble slid over the water and fell on the other side of the stream.

From time to time, Ruby gave few quick glances at Kiba, wondering why he suddenly turned so silent after repeating the words mentioned by his friend.

She was curious and wanted to know the true meaning of those words, and why they helped him in the art of seduction. She opened her mouth to ask but no words came out.

"He might become angry if I pester him," Ruby decided to not ask him any further question. "Not until I'm close to him."

She silently wondered about his background and the reason why he came to this forest. She believed his reasons could help her understand him better, and she desperately wanted to since her survival depended on his whims.

After all, she didn't want to do anything which might offend him and send her to her decased companions.

"He mentioned he came here to expand his horizons and experience the wildlife," Ruby thought of what he said after their first meeting. He appeared to be a young man on the rush of adrenaline, seeking adventures in a dangerous land.

"But he could be lying just like how he lied about why he wasn't carrying any camping stuff or survival kit."

Ruby creased her brows, lost in thoughts.


The sound of an earth-shaking explosion reverberated in the air, destroying the serenity in the region. The birds left their nests and flew away from the trees as shockwaves spread in the air.

Ruby was startled by the sound. She raised her head and looked far in the distance.

A mile or so from her position, the sky was filled with a trail of black smoke originating from the ground.

"What happened there?" Ruby wondered aloud.

The lush vegetation of the forest hindered her vision and she couldn't see what resulted in the black smoke and the sound of the explosion.

"Well, let's see," Kiba threw the pebble in his hand before closing his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, they were flickering with golden radiance.

His gaze bore through the flora, noticing minute details of everything in his path. It was as if the forest has come alive with vivid pictures.

His eyes reflected the small bugs hiding in the flower buds, the bees collecting nectar and pollen, and the veins within the leaves forming strange textures.

Nothing was hidden from him as long as he wished to check the secrets.

His vision swept forward and arrived at the place which was the source of the smoke. The ground was filled with deep cracks and craters while the trees were torn. The roots were blasted apart and there were claw marks along with blood on the ground.

A rocket shell was lying at the center, its metallic coating ripped in pieces.

Some distance away from the rocket shell, a girl in early twenties was standing with her arms crossed. She has a scowl on her face as she contemplated her next course of actions.

She was accompanied by a middle-aged man and around a dozen armed guards.

Behind her, a green battle tank was standing, its muzzle powered up.

The girl was named Fiona Wilcox, a member of one of the aristocrat families. The middle-aged man was Joel, her chief protector.

"Fiona, that bastard dodged the rocket," Joel said as he stared at a humongous red tiger, standing on the branch of a tree, "It is much stronger then we thought."

The tiger or to be precise, the tigress, growled in anger. On its back, two baby cubs were clutching on her, their young eyes filled with fear.

"It is an evolved beast so it is natural for it to be this powerful," Fiona said. "Go all out to catch it."

Joel nodded his head and one of the guards hefted a rocket launcher. It aimed at the tiger and then fired the shot.

A rocket shot forward with a screeching sound and trail of dark smoke behind it.


The tiger leaped up and tore through the branches to create a safe distance. In the blink of an eye, it landed on another tree.

Suddenly, its body turned stiff and it jumped away from the branch of the tree as it sensed something dangerous.


A green arc of energy landed on the tree and instantly cleaved it into two.

"You are really agile," Joel was high in the air, green energy surrounding him. He twisted his body and bound towards the falling tiger.

The tiger opened its mouth to blow out a column of fire. Joy brought his hands together to create a green shield and blocked the coming attack.

The fire deflected and landed on a tree, instantly turning it into ashes.


The tiger and Joel landed on the ground with a loud thud noise, the former tensed up as she smelled more humans catching up.

The cubs on its back trembled with dread and they clutched their mother tightly.


The tiger suddenly released a frightening roar, that contained rich and brutal killing intent. The guards around stopped momentarily, their bodies feeling a suffocating pressure under the might of the ferocious beast.

The tiger used this opportunity to pounce away. As it rushed forward, its hoof stomped on the chest of a human who was in its path. The crystalline claws struck away a handful of human flesh as it dashed away.


A green energy beam landed on its back and the tiger stopped as it felt the weight on its top reduced.

The tiger turned around and noticed a cub has fallen on the ground.

"You are almost a Level 3 mutated beast and yet you can't fight properly," Joel said in a mocking tone. "You don't deserve to be called the ruler of the outskirts."

The tiger looked at its child, and then at Joel and the armed guards who were pointing their weapons at it.

"But your body is a treasure mine so you should be called a treasure queen instead," Joel further added.

The crystalline red claws of the tiger could be used to produce weapons while its bones were useful in medicinal drugs.

Then there was its soft and durable fur was preferred by the rich for clothing while the internal organs were a favorite of the scientists.


The tiger leaped high in the air and spit out flames all around, creating a wall of flame which spread towards its enemies.

"Bastard," The guards and Joel leaned back to avoid the raging flames.

The tiger, in the meanwhile, sprinted towards the cub.

Some distance away, a bright light suddenly flashed in the muzzle of the tank. The next moment, a powerful missile shot out, creating a rumbling sound as it moved forward.

The missile split into countless bullet heads and started raining down on the tiger and its cub. The tiger's countenance turned unsightly and it covered both its children with its body.


Just as the bullet heads landed on the ground, they blew up explosively, and the resulting blast shot outwards.

Along with the flame and the smoke from the explosion, shards of rock and shrapnel flew out.

As the flame subsidized and smoke settled down, Joel saw the tiger injured badly. Its skin was charred and its claws were broken, its entire body was covered in blood.

The eyes of the tiger were filled with tears and blood as it looked at one of its cubs. This cub has shrapnel pierced through its stomach.

"Finally done," Joel moved towards the tiger and its cubs. "It took some time but the reward was worth the efforts."

"Watch out!" Fiona suddenly shouted as Joel arrived in front of the tiger.

Joel was startled and confused, but just as he realized the nature of the threat, it was far too late. The tiger opened its mouth wide and clamped down on the right hand of Joel.

"Fuck!" Joel retreated back, his body drenched with cold sweat.

He didn't expect the injured tiger to have such power left after taking a missile attack head-on.

His hand was ripped apart by the tiger, and he gritted his teeth as he saw the tiger spitting his hand out like it was some filthy food.

Joel fell on his knees, the effects of the pain and blood loss taking over him. He felt weak and exhausted, and he regretted celebrating the victory far too soon.

The tiger roared ferociously and proceeded to attack again, despite its fragile state. After seeing the state of its children, the tiger has lost all sense of reasoning and all it wanted to do was kill the humans even if it meant certain death.

"Help me!" Joel rushed back.

As the tiger leaped forward, another missile darted towards it. This missile was different and instead of an explosion, it shot out a black net.

The tiger let out an anguished wail as it fell heavily towards the ground, trapped by the net. It brought its sharp claws to pierce away the net and regain freedom.


The black net turned blue and released high-voltage current. The tiger cried in despair as waves of current channeled through its body, making it paralyzed.

"Now it is done," Fiona arrived next to Joel and said in a cold voice, "You shouldn't underestimate an ominous beast."

"I'm sorry, Fiona," Joel lowered his head in shame. "I won't repeat such mistake again."

"As long as you learn a lesson it is fine," Fiona said along with a low sigh. "Now, have some rest."

"Help him," Fiona signaled one of the guards to treat Joel.

"Yes, ma'am, "The guard rushed towards Joel with a medicine kit. He took out two syringes and two serums, one yellow and other red.

"It is going to hurt," The guard said.

Joel remained silent, and the guard took it as approval.

He first injected the yellow serum to stop the blood flow. He then cleaned the wound and injected the red serum.

Joel clenched his teeth tightly as he felt tissues replicating on his cleaved hand.

With a rate visible to the naked eye, new flesh and skin started forming to regenerate the missing part, but the process was extremely painful.

His eyes turned bloodshot and his entire body was precipitating heavily.

"Damn it," Joel tried his best to fight the pain.

He was not only feeling pain but also humiliation and regret. Humiliation for making a show of himself, and regret for having his hand regenerate anew.

While his new hand would be the same as the previous one, the use of the serum would means his body would slowly turn resistant to future regenerative treatment.

This would effectively reduce his chances of survival when he suffers any serious injuries in the future, and this made him regret the moment. If only he had not underestimated the cornered beast, he could have avoided this.

"It is done," The guard said before taking his leave.

Joel brought his eyes on the tiger, and the rage in his heart exploded.

"That annoying beast."

He wanted to kill the evil beast for his actions, but he controlled his anger.

He knew a beast like this mutated tiger was far more precious when it was alive. Fiona wouldn't allow him to kill the tiger just to extinguish his thirst for revenge.

"Well..." Joel's eyes flashed with a sinister glint as he noticed the two cubs. One of them was near death while the other was in a comparatively better state.

Joel's lips curled in a smirk and he stepped towards the cubs. They were in no condition to struggle as he caught them in his hands.


He threw the cubs in front of the net in which the tiger was imprisoned. The tiger looked at is children, eyes moist.

"Look at them for the last time, you wicked beast," Joel said. "They are going to pay for your sins."

The tiger couldn't understand his words, but it understood the intentions as green waves of energy manifested on Joel's hand.


The tiger tried to roar and tear away the net but failed as more electricity channeled in its body.

"Haha, suffer as I kill your evil spawns," Joel laughed in a sinister fashion.

Fiona was standing behind him, her expression indifferent as she opened a water bottle. She could care less what he planned to do with the cubs now that she has the tiger.

Joel has a cruel smile on his face as a green energy arc manifested in his hand. He lowered it towards the neck of the cubs.

Just then, out of nowhere, a frightening aura rose up in the region. The earth quaked and the air vibrated while the morning sky instantly turned dark without any warning.

"Evil spawns? Why does a land of beasts reeks of human hypocrisy? " A devilish voice reverberated in the sky, startling everyone in the vicinity.

Fiona and others hurriedly raised their heads towards the sky. With solemn expressions, they observed the changes in the sky.

Wild winds swept down while the air turned turbulent as fiery golden energy rippled throughout the sky.

"What's going on?" An armed man asked.

"No idea," Joey answered. He felt a sense of dreadness he has never felt before.

Fiona kept silent, her brows creased up in deep thinking.


A burst of explosion resounded in the air, like claps of thunder, just as a beam of golden light passed through the dark sky.

The golden beam was like a falling star as it left a trail of blaze behind it.

Before the people on the ground could make a sense, the beam of light landed right in front of them.

Extremely dreadful energy ripples instantly swept out just as the beam touched the ground.

The ground cracked open and shattered stone flew all around, while the energy ripples moved forward.

Fiona's eyes turned wide as the water bottle in her hand exploded. The guards, on the other hand, were like leaves in the middle of a storm.

Those in front were ruthlessly smashed by the energy ripples. Their bodies shook as though they have been struck by a mountain.

Their complexions instantly turned pale and they spat out a mouthful of blood, dyeing the ground into crimson red...

Chapter 196 - Law of The Jungle

(A/N: Another extra long chapter to make up for a day break.)

The dark sky was marked with a vertical blaze of fire as the golden beam of light landed on the ground, the shockwaves forming a giant crater.

Fiona and Joel looked in utter disbelief, shocked by the armed guards coughing up blood. The guards' faces were pale and their mouths were stained with traces of blood.

The red tiger, entrapped in a black net, was equally startled by the sudden turn of events.

A moment ago, her eyes were filled with despair when Joel expressed his intention to kill her young cubs. She tried her best to get rid of the net but failed under the assault of electric current from the fibers.

Just when she thought all hope was lost and she would see the deaths of her children, the morning sky darkened and a frightening aura engulfed the land.

The tiger didn't know what was happening but her eyes brightened up seeing her cubs were still safe, even if it was momentary.

The darkness in the sky slowly dissipated as the golden beam of light converged into a male humanoid figure.

The man was 6 ft tall, with golden hairs that reached his shoulders. The irises of his eyes were a strange combination of blue and gold.

He was clad in a white shirt and black pant with matching shoes. It was definitely a strange sense of dressing in the forest, given most people would prefer to either wear armors or clothes which could blend with vegetation.

"Who the hell are you?" Joel got over his shock and asked.

He was sure the earlier words reverberating in the sky were muttered by this new figure.

'Why does the land of beasts reeks of human hypocrisy?'

Joel wondered just what this man meant by such words.

Was he calling them hypocrites? If yes, just why?

"Who the hell am I? I can answer but your peanut size brain wouldn't be able to comprehend, so let me skip the details and save your good-for-nothing-brain from malfunction," The golden-haired man said. "Just call me Kiba."

An odd silence fell in the region as Kiba concluded his sentence. Everyone stood in their place, dumbfounded.

Joel's expression turned unsightly. He couldn't believe how his simple question, asking for an introduction, resulted in an abusive response.

Meanwhile, Kiba ignored Joel and others' reaction as he stepped towards the cubs who were lying next to their mother.

The earlier energy ripples from his arrival have impacted everyone in the vicinity, one way or another, but not the mother-children pair.

The tiger looked at Kiba and her pupils dilated in shock. She smelled something she has never smelled to such an extent in her life.


Pure and unadulterated power like it could sever the sky and dismantle the earth.

She didn't know what type of power he carried, but she trusted her senses and was sure he was far more dangerous than the powerful ominous beasts she has heard of.

Kiba crouched down in front of the cubs. He placed a hand over the cub who was pierced by shrapnel.

The tiger growled, trying best to not let her fear show. She was afraid of him, but regardless she couldn't back out when it concerned the safety of her children.

Not even when she was brutally injured and trapped in a net.

"Aha~ You are just as fierce as yesterday," Kiba said with a faint smile.

This red tiger was the same one he has observed from the jet. He was impressed with her battle with a giant bird.

He observed her and then at her cubs. He understood why she put such a poor display in the recent battle.

Kiba shook his head and brought his attention back on the injured cub. The cub has suffered a tremendous blood loss and was in no state to move with shrapnel.

"Your child is going to be in more pain for some time," Kiba expressed his intention telepathically to the tiger, much to her surprise. "Calm your child."

He then pressed a finger on shrapnel, and the next moment, the shrapnel shot out. Black blood poured out of the injured portion.

The cub's body stiffened and it whimpered helplessly. The tiger noticed this and she tried her best to communicate with her child, telling everything was alright.

She believed Kiba has no malicious intent towards her or her children, at least that's what she felt from the telepathic connection. And if he did carry nefarious motive, she would be helpless anyway.

The situation couldn't get any worse so she tried to hope for the best.

A stream of golden energy flew from Kiba's palm and merged with the cub's wound. The energy wove into a healing net, and it passed throughout the wound.

The tiger was pleasantly surprised as it saw the wound filling up with new flesh and blood. In no time the wound was as good as gone, as if it never existed, to begin with.

Behind, Fiona, Joey, and others were startled. They didn't attack him due to the nature of his entry to the scene and the way he introduced himself,

"He is a healer?!" A guard asked.

"We don't know," Another guard said. "When he arrived here, the sky has turned dark, and don't forget how strong the shockwaves were. They almost knocked us out of our senses."

"He has multiple abilities?" An old armed man theorized.

"Seems so."

"Fiona?" Joel called out. He was angry at the words spoken by Kiba, but he didn't take any action without the permission of Fiona.

As a member of an aristocratic family, she was the supreme authority. Her commands were the ultimate rule they have to follow.

Fiona was in her young twenties, with dark eyes, brunette hair, and white skin tone. Currently, her brows were creased up.

After a minute or so of contemplation, she said, "Kiba."

"Hmm?" Kiba jumped back on his feet and turned around.

"We defeated the tiger and she is ours," Fiona said in a voice without any emotions.

"So?" Kiba's expression denoted like he didn't give a damn about her logic.

"Do you know who she is?!" Joey asked in a loud voice. He has had enough of the disrespect shown by Kiba towards him and Fiona.

"Umm...I really don't know," Kiba confessed truthfully.

"If you knew, you would get on your knees and beg for your life," Joey said with a cruel smile on his face.

"Oh really?" Kiba's lips curved up in a teasing smirk. "I feel so scared that I'm shivering in fear."

"YOU!" Joey was dumbfounded by his attitude.

Isn't it normal for any sane person to know about the background before picking up a fight? But here, this man was interfering in a matter which didn't concern him.

Fiona even tried to be civil about it, and Joey did his best to explain just how the messy situation could be for Kiba. But this man continued to be a pain with his mocking words.

"No need to get offended, pet dog," Kiba said in a nonchalant tone. "Let me guess, your master is from a powerful background, either with a strong family or an influential organization."

Pet dog?!

Joey's clenched both his hands into a fist. His veins were trembling, and he was having a hard time controlling the anger inside him.

"Her rich background explains why she could feed you rich dog food and impart you human hypocrisy," Kiba nodded in appreciation. "You truly are a lucky son of a bitch. And by your grace, your puppies have inherited your luck."

Fiona remained silent and oblivious as if the words didn't concern her. The guards, on the other hand, felt like their minds have been slammed by a hammer of humiliation.

How could they not understand he was referring to them when he said 'puppies'. This made them almost cough another round of blood.

They couldn't understand just how the topic of the conversation changed so much. Joel was trying to make Kiba dread about Fiona's background, but now instead, the background was used to shame Joel.

If the armed men were not the target of humiliation, they would have given Kiba a thumbs-up for his talent in twisting the conversation.

"Bastard, how dare you say such words?!" Joel's face turned unsightly.

Pet dog was one insult, but now the man in front of him was even implying he was the literal example of 'son of a bitch'.

"Did I say anything wrong?" Kiba asked, his voice containing doubt. "From what I have seen so far, you follow her command and bark when she wants to. In return, she feeds you and even applies for a bandage when you get hurt. This should be enough to get you a loyal dog reward."


Joel knew Kiba was referring to his hand getting severed by the tiger, and then Fiona helping him recover.

If one look sensibly and ignore the insults, the things spoken by Kiba were not far from the truth. Joel was just following Fiona's command and got injured in the process.

But how could Joel handle everything with calm?

He had enough of insults and humiliation in front of Fiona and his own subordinates. Just where was his any self-respect left if he let Kiba go after all of this?!

Waves of energy covered his body like armor.

"Joel, stop," Fiona commanded.


"Do what I say," Fiona said in a stern tone.

"Yes," Joel lowered his head and didn't dare speak more. He was afraid if he said anything more, she would snap out and punish him.

Fiona looked at Kiba with a complex vision. She would be lying if she said she wasn't offended by his words, but she tried her best to not let her emotions show.

While she was from a powerful family, she didn't let her status go to her head. She knew the forest was a dangerous place, and the people who die the soonest are those drunk on the influence of others.

The only status which mattered here was that of one's own power.

"Before you arrived, you said the land reeks of hypocrisy," Fiona said in a reserved tone. "And now, in your barbs with my subordinate, you mentioned the hypocrisy again. Just what do you mean?"

"Well, I was talking about your dog's world view," Kiba answered while pointing a finger at Joel. "Don't you find it funny that you attack the tiger and use her pups to capture her. But when the tiger attacks your subordinate in retaliation, he conveniently calls her children evil spawns. He wants to kill them as a 'punishment' for the wicked beast since she has committed 'sins'."


Joel wanted to strangle Kiba. He didn't think he has done anything wrong.

After all, the beast has almost killed him. So what was wrong in little revenge?

"You barge in a land which rightfully belongs to them. Then you try to capture them and in the process, you almost kill them. So I don't understand, how the tiger and her children are the evil ones for self-defense and retaliation?"

Fiona, Joel, and others were stunned to silence by his words.

Not because his words were anything profound, but since they actually implied his reason for helping the tiger was his belief that they were hypocrites.

Just what sort of reasoning was this?! If it was reasoning, at all.

"I really don't blame you, to be honest," Kiba shook his head. "Humans have always liked to make other races as evil so that they could take a moral high ground. They take away the forest and kill their original habitats by calling them as carnivorous and dangerous to human existence. The humans become heroes while the beasts become the villain. Nothing surprising, since humans have a tendency to see the world as black and white, instead of the original gray.

"But seriously this is just plain hypocrisy, especially in our current era. In this age, the humans are the supreme race while the beasts are the inferior ones. Yes, the beasts have power and some of them even have wisdom rivaling humans, but all over, the humans are the rulers. You can give credit to their high intelligence and scientific advancement.

"The beasts, on the other hand, have it so bad that they have to hide in these dangerous land to continue their existence. So I do get pissed when you make the beasts as the cruel ones instead of the humans."

Fiona was stupefied by his logic. She wanted to tell him that humans are obviously the good guys! It wasn't because the beasts were cruel, but simply, one must always side with their own race.

It wasn't a matter of wrong or right, just a simple living principle. Humans would kill humans, but when other race attacks them, they always unify and fight as one.

What startled Fiona and made her truly astonished was how Kiba referred to humans. His words and tone denoted as if he didn't consider himself a part of the human race!

"Excuse me," Kiba said while snapping his finger. "I have a minor task to finish before we continue."

Suddenly, the space above his palm distorted, and a crimson pill conjured out of thin air. The pill was circular and as soon as it appeared, the entire region was filled with a strong force of vitality.

Joey was stunned by the vitality in the air. His blood was boiling in excitement and he has a feeling all his hidden ailments could be easily cured by the pill.

The armed men, similarly, felt the recent injuries they suffered healing up just by breathing the fragrance of the pill.

"A recovery pill of Level V," Fiona muttered, surprised. "Just who is he to afford such a pill?"

The pills were divided by levels, I to IX. The level was determined by the pill recipe, composition and the types of equipment used in the manufacturing of the pill.

Only high-rank pharmaceutical companies, with strong backings, could make a pill which was of Level IV and higher.

The companies strongly guarded their secrets and not even their top scientists were allowed to discuss the pills with anyone, not even their close families.

Kiba took the pill between his fingers and then tossed it back.

Much to everyone's utter shock and horror, the pill landed inside the net where the tiger was entrapped.

"Consume this, and you should recover enough to break free," Kiba's words floated inside the tiger's mind.

Much to the disbelief of everyone in the area, the tiger opened its mouth and took the pill without any hesitation.

Joey and the armed men wanted to cry but no tears would come out. They would have done anything for that pill, but instead, it was given it to a beast.

"Those healing and regenerative serums we have are useless! They have serious side-effects in the long run but not this pill!"

"Fuck! A beast gets such an advanced pill and not us!"

"Is that beast some long lost relative of that man!?"

"If yes, then I want to be a relative as well and get a pill."

Even before the discussion could complete, the pill was already consumed by the tiger.

The pill melted into crimson sparks and coursed through every corner of the tiger's body. The rocks and shrapnel shot out of the body while the charred skin broke apart.

Soon, a new skin covered the tiger, with the signatory red lustrous fur. The shattered claws regenerated into full crystalline red claws.


"We did so much work to put those injuries and now..."

"Fuck! Let's stop it before it is too late."

The guards were angry and shocked by the turn of events. They wanted to open fire but seeing no response from Fiona and Joey, they didn't.


The tiger sliced the net and broke free from its confines. She stepped in front of her pups and licked their faces lovingly.

The pups were pleasantly surprised and they clutched to her legs.

"Leave this place," Kiba passed his message directly in her mind.

The tiger looked at Joel and others before bringing her eyes on Kiba. She wanted to join the fight, but knowing the power she has sensed from him, she was sure he was the last person who needed her help.

The tiger crouched down to allow her pups to get over her back.

"Fiona! They are leaving!" Joel shouted. His mind was in a mess after seeing all their efforts wasted.

"Relax," Fiona put a hand over his shoulder. "The backup team is still there outside."

Joel gritted his teeth and nodded his head.

"Kiba," Fiona turned towards him. "It doesn't matter if my subordinate was a hypocrite. After all, a small fish is the food for a large fish."

"I agree on that," Kiba looked at her with interest. He wasn't a part of some pro-animals cult that would protect every animal out there.

In fact, he was a meat consumer so he was anything but a protector of the beasts.

"The only law this place follows is the law of the jungle. The tiger lost to us by this very law, and she doesn't have the right to complain since she has benefitted from this law till now. I'm pretty sure you would also agree that the concept of good or evil doesn't exist in the food cycle," Fiona continued in a cold voice. "The weak are always prey for the strong."

"Oh, I completely agree with you on everything," Kiba said with sincerity. "And this law of the jungle is the reason why I even interfered in the first place."

"What do you mean?!" Fiona was startled.

She believed his reason for being here was to protect the tiger and her pups, but now he was saying he believed in the law of the jungle. This didn't make sense.

"Well, as you just said, the weak are prey for the strong," Kiba's lips curved up in a devilish smirk.


His terrifying aura rose up while golden radiance emitted out of his body like a sun.

"Just like the tiger and her cubs were your prey...you guys are mine."

Chapter 197 - Pain

"Just like the tiger and her cubs were your prey...you guys are mine."

Fiona, Joel, and the armed men were alarmed by the aura radiating out of his body. Then there were the words he just said.

He is going to hunt them just like they hunted the tiger?!

They looked at each and couldn't help but think he was overestimating himself. His aura was powerful and he appeared strong but they were 15. They had guns, rocket launchers, tank along with mutants who were powerful on their own right.

Just how exactly 1 would fare against the 15?!

As far as they were concerned, the question didn't even need to be answered. The result of this conflict couldn't be more obvious.

The blinding golden radiance around Kiba's body was like a sun. Slowly, the radiance curled up like raging flame and transformed into dozens of what resembled vines.

The vines danced in the air, radiating a menacing presence in the battlefield.

"Wow~ You guys look extremely confident in your abilities," Kiba said as one vine whipped out with a loud screeching sound. "Let's see just how well founded it is."

The golden vine penetrated the air and transformed into a blurry line as it shot forward.

One of the armed men in front was shocked by the sudden assault. Before he could even fully register the coming attack, the vine pierced through his neck, creating a large bloody hole.

The man fell on the ground, with a loud thud. His body twitched for a moment before he entered into eternal sleep.

"Here I thought you had a reason for your confidence," Kiba shook his head in disappointment.

The remaining armed men were stunned by the instant death of their comrade. Everything happened in such a quick time that they didn't even get to react, much less help him.

"Just what happened?! I only heard that man's voice and..."

"I didn't even see that vine fully before Xuoner was killed."

"Damn! We have to be on guards otherwise we would be next."

They looked at the bloody hole in their comrade's neck and knew this was not an illusion. They have lost a comrade before even the real battle began.

"I should stand in the last position for providing support," An armed man tried to move out of his original position. He believed this would give him some security against those vines.

"Silence," Fiona's expression turned cold.

She stepped in front of her subordinates and signaled them to get their wits back.

"This is no time to panic," Fiona turned towards Joel. "Take him down."

"I will, you can rest assured on this," Joel commanded the armed men into battle position.

"Excuse me, pet dog," Kiba called out. "But are you truly ready, for real this time?"

"Just you wait!" Joel looked at Kiba with plain hate.

Not only has he killed his one of his subordinates but now he was even rubbing salt on the wound.

He couldn't let this pass, especially when he thought of the 'pet dog' remark. Those words just made his blood boil in anger.

"Open fire!" Joel passed the order.

Four men brought their guns in their front and aimed at Kiba. Simultaneously, they pressed the trigger.

Bullets shot out one after another, at a speed which even the eyes could not even register. The sound of air being broken apart reverberated as the bullets moved forward.

"The bullets are not bad for weaklings," Kiba was fully relaxed as he continued. "But they would take you nowhere."

The golden vines around him whipped out to face the coming bullets.


The bullets struck on the vines, and they shattered apart into fragments. It was like they have struck a 100 meter thick steel wall.

The shattered pieces fell on the ground.

Meanwhile, one of Joey's subordinate marked coordinates and heat signature on a rocket launcher before firing the shot.

A rocket shot forward with a trail of blue smoke behind.

Just then, another of the henchman named Miso jumped high and disappeared into thin air, when Kiba was distracted with the rocket and the bullets.

The rocket rushed with a tremendous might, surging with the power of destruction.

Two golden vines rushed ahead to block the coming rocket. The vines caught the rocket and wrenched it apart.


Just as the pieces fell on the ground, they blew up with a loud explosive sound.

The resulting blast shot towards Kiba, leveling the surrounding area, and filling the air with smoke and dust.

"It should have done some damage, right?" An armed man wondered aloud.

The battle tank behind was charging up and it needed some time before it could be used. So they have to rely on themselves for the time being.

"No," Fiona answered in a cold voice. "He is all right."

"What?!" The armed men's were startled.

All they could see was black smoke and nothing more.

The next moment, a strong gale originated from the blast area, ripping apart the smoke and dust.

Kiba was standing there, without the slightest bit of injury. Much less traces of blood, there was not even dust on his shirt.

"Fuck!" One of the armed men muttered in disbelief. His scalp was numbing with pain as he saw the clean clothes of the enemy.

"How can such a freak exist?! "

"We wasted a rocket for nothing?!"

"Nope," Joel disagreed.

Just then, the air behind Kiba flickered as Miso appeared. He opened his mouth and shot his tongue out without any warning.

His tongue was like a long chain, covered with black liquid, as it rushed towards Kiba's neck at supersonic speed.

The air seethed like fire as the tongue lunged forward, carrying a fatal power.

Despite facing such a ferocious attack from behind, Kiba's lips were still curled up in his signature smile.

He bent his neck sidewards and the tongue shot past him. It struck on a broken tree some distance away.


The entire tree began to melt away like it was soaked in acid. In just a few seconds, there was no more trace of the tree, just corrosive marks on the ground.

"You don't clean your tongue, do you?" Kiba asked, without turning around. "I assume no girl ever made out with you."

"Bastard!" Miso retraced his tongue hurriedly, before cursing Kiba god-know how many times.

Miso's tongue might have failed to land any damage on Kiba, but Kiba's tongue didn't fail in retaliation. The word Kiba rolled out with his tongue hit a sore spot on Miso's heart.

There were mutants who were born with strange body features.

It wasn't rare for a mutant to born similarities with a bird or a beast. Then there were cases of mutants with body deformation and peculiar physiques.

Such mutants were often a target of bullying and social discrimination. Very rarely such mutants could find acceptance in the society and experience the simple pleasures of the lives.

Miso was one such mutant. His nature of powers made it hard for him to attract the opposite sex. No girl has ever shown any interest in him, much less have a physical relationship.

Not even the women in the brothels wanted to sleep with him, so Kiba's words really hurt his weak spot.


Miso's body flickered and he merged with thin air as he saw the golden vines shooting towards him. He was like the wind, flowing through the air as he backed away from his opponent.

"Come on, let's be civil, there is no reason for you to be so embarrassed," Kiba raised a finger in the air and then struck downwards. "I'm rather a good guy so allow me to help you."


The sound of air being sliced apart reverberated in the region. The air was filled with a turbulent force and just then a human figure became visible, a diagonal bloodied mark across his chest.


The next moment, blood splattered in the air and Miso fell on the ground with a loud sound.

"How could you find me in my formless state..." Miso asked, horrified by his condition.

He was sure no one could catch him when he was fused with the air. Not even the explosion from before have hindered him, but now, just a single movement of a finger ripped his chest apart.

"Well, I don't really deserve credit for this," Kiba answered. "It was the gods who actually stopped you. Everything so that I can help you."

"Help me by slicing my chest?!" Miso felt his head spinning around. He wanted to believe it was due to blood loss, but he has a feeling it was due to words spoken by Kiba.

"The agony from an injury is momentary," Kiba explained in a calm voice. "The gods are rather worried about your true pain."

"True pain?!" Miso asked, confused.

"Blue balls," Kiba answered in plain terms. "Your current life is only filled with such pain and sufferings."

"@#$%!" Miso muttered one curse after another.

Why does he have to state his worst nightmares in a battlefield?! That too in front of his friends and boss!

The wound across his chest was hurting him and he was having a hard time even speaking, but this didn't stop him in the least bit as he cursed Kiba.

Kiba ignored the offensive words Mailo spoke.

"The gods feel your current life is pitiful," Kiba said in a friendly voice. "And they want you to have a better opportunity in the next life. So I'm just carrying out their will."

"Son of a bitch!"

Miso cursed once again, but he then he stopped as he thought of the second half of Kiba's words.

Opportunity in the next life?!


Miso felt a chill down his spine as he realized the meaning of Kiba's words. While it was true that he was desperate to have women in life, but not to the extent that he wanted to die!

Miso didn't want this opportunity!

He wanted to shout and ask why weren't his comrades stepping forward to help, but he didn't have enough energy left.

Alas, what he didn't know was that his comrades were trying but they were facing the golden vines.

"You don't have to thank me," Kiba said with a smile. "I consider it as my responsibility to carry out the will of the gods, and send you to a better life."

"NO! Please no!" Miso frantically begged with tears in his eyes. "I don't want this! Please don't!"

"You are so happy that you even have tears in your eyes," Kiba gave him a kind look. "It would be morally wrong to keep the opportunity away from you for another second. Have fun."

"N---" Miso's pupils dilated as he saw five vines waving towards him.

Soon, the only sound from his mouth was a scream as the vines shredded him to pieces...

Chapter 198 - Prey

"Have fun," Kiba looked on with a smile as the golden vines shredded Miso to pieces. The vines were made of nothing but pure golden radiance and as they retraced back, they had a crimson hue.

Some distance away, Joey's expression turned unsightly. He was not expecting the rocket attack to land actual damage on Kiba, but yet he commanded the attack.

Everything was planned so that that Miso could use this as a distraction to launch a sneak attack from behind.

The neck was one of the most fatal parts of an individual. It could result in instant death if one knew the trick.

Miso's tongue was deathly given its corrosive power.

Joel wanted Miso to use his ability to attack the weak point of Kiba but now...

Not only the attack failed badly, but Miso was also killed despite his ability to blend with air. Joel did consider the possibility that the attack might not be successful, but he never expected to lose his subordinate.

"Even Miso is no more..." An armed man muttered, horrified by the way Miso died.

Just thinking about it made his insides churn.

"How could that man commit such an act with a smile?!" Another colleague of Miso joined in.

He especially felt dread when he recalled the conversation between Miso and Kiba. The way Kiba smiled before launching the fatal strike gave him a chill down his spine.

"No sane man can ever carry out such an act!" A close friend of Miso said.

"He is definitely crazy!"

"No! He is insane!"

Fiona heard the discussion among her subordinates but she didn't join in. Her expression remained the same as if Miso's death didn't matter to her at all.

"Ah!" Kiba suddenly pressed a hand against his forehead. "How can I forget such an important part!"

"?!" Joel and the armed men looked at him in confusion.

What has he forgotten for him to react as such?

"Hey," Kiba looked at the armed men before continuing. "Which one of you was close to this guy?"

When he said 'this guy,' he pointed a finger at the pieces of Miso.

The armed men were startled, but one of them unconsciously raised his hand.

"I was close to him," The armed man said. He was like a brother to Miso and he never looked down on the latter's physical features.

"Could you do me a small favor?" Kiba asked in a very polite tone.

"Favor?!" Everyone looked at Kiba in disbelief.

He was asking them a favor in the middle of a battle and that too after killing their comrade?!

"Yes," Kiba nodded his head, "I forgot to give important advice to that comrade of yours."


"Yeap," Kiba patiently explained. "As you know, he never cleaned his tongue and which in turn, resulted in him never getting laid. I don't want him to suffer in the next life so please pass this advice."

"#!@%" The man who has raised his hand cursed. Suddenly, his pupils dilated as he thought of how he was supposed to pass the advice to a deceased person.

"Don't tell me..."

Before he could fully contemplate, a golden vine shot out like a stream of light and pierced through his head.

"You have my gratitude," Kiba said in a sincere tone.

The man's corpse fell on the ground with a loud thud, awakening everyone from their trance-like state.

Everything happened in an instant, without any warning, when everyone was still in the middle of cursing Kiba. They didn't even get time to react until it was far too late.

"Fucking bastard!" Joel's body was shaking with anger.

"Please don't be so abusive," Kiba continue in a polite tone. "Especially when I am doing everything for the sake of your subordinates."

"How dare you say this!" Joel leaped up towards the retracing golden vine.

In his life so far, he has never felt humiliated to such extent. He could handle the insults but not the killing of subordinates in such a manner.

Green waves surrounded him as he clutched his fist and landed a heavy punch on the vine.


The punch resulted in a recoil along with the surge of two opposite force. The air was filled with shockwaves and many of the guards jumped back to avoid themselves of harm.

Fiona stood in her place, unaffected by the shockwaves.

Joel landed back on the ground with his eyes on the vine he has just attacked. The vine has cracks like a frail glass, but in just a second, the cracks filled up.

"Not bad for a pet dog," Kiba passed a compliment.

The vine coiled up and then shot towards Joel with a terrifying force.

"Stop underestimating me!" Joel waved his hand and a green energy arc landed on incoming the vine. "I am not some weak dog!"

In the meantime, Joel backed away to create a safe distance from the range of the vines. Meanwhile, two of the armed men leaped high in the air and fired laser shots at Kiba.

The laser guns were far more powerful than the ones used by Ruby's comrades. The laser beams pierced through the vines as they rushed forward.

While another man lunged from behind with a rocket launcher in his hand. He fired two consecutive rockets, aimed at the vines.


As the vines went ahead to block the waves of incoming attacks, an armed man appeared high above Kiba. He opened his mouth and released a stream of black ripples.

Kiba raised his hand towards the figure above him. Just then, the ground behind him cracked apart and a man resembling a rock jumped out.

He was carrying a plasma grenade in his hand and he threw it at Kiba. Without waiting for the confirmation, the man tunneled through the ground.

Kiba's expression remained nonchalant as the waves of consecutive attacks struck towards him. From above the black ripples were rushing at him, while from front laser beams and rocket shells. Not to mention, the plasma grenade which was about to land on him.

Every attack was in perfect sync and it didn't even take a minute for all the attacks to happen.

Just as the attacks were to land on him, his lips curved up in a smirk.

"You guys have spent so many efforts on these attacks," Kiba said in a friendly tone. "It would be morally wrong if I neutralize them and waste your hard work."

There was no time for Joel or armed men to make sense of things as everything was happening in a fraction of seconds.


The men who fired the laser beams and launched the rocket suddenly felt a sucking force from behind. They felt as if a primordial beast was engulfing them.

The same happened to the man in the air who has released black ripples and also to the man who was underground and tunneling his way back. Their expressions were of shock, but before they could even utter a single bit of sound, they disappeared from their places as rays of white light surrounded them.

At the same time, Kiba's body became illusory and he teleported away.

Just as he teleported, the men who have launched the attacks materialized in his place.

"Please feel free to enjoy the fruits of your labor," Kiba's voice echoed in their minds.

The men cried in utter horror and their expression twisted into that of despair.


They finally realized what was happening to them and this made them regret their decisions of launching those attacks.

Alas, there was no time to evade as the attacks they launched landed in the place. The plasma grenade burst out in orange flames while the rockets exploded out along with the black waves and laser beams.


A loud sound of explosion resounded through the area. Multiple-color flames curled out in all directions from the point of explosion.

The explosion was in the shape of a massive sphere of dazzling flames as it expanded further and further, destroying everything in its path.

Joel, Fiona and the remaining armed men have already backed away from the blast range. They knew the explosion was coming so they evaded on time.

But this didn't give them the slightest bit of joy. They have witnessed the startling turn of events before the explosion occurred.

Everything happened in an instant and there was no time to help their comrades. The armed men clenched their fists tightly and their bodies trembled as they thought of the losses.

"We lost 5 brothers just now..."

"And 3 brothers died before."

"From 15 we are now only 7."

"The situation is turning from bad to worse."

"It was just like he said...we are preys for him just like the tiger and her cubs were to us."

Fiona still remained silent and didn't show the least bit of worry on the damage her team took.

"Damn! That bastard is a teleporter!" Joel's face looked far uglier than crying. "No, he is a teleport domain master."

Joel was sure of his guess after witnessing his subordinates teleporting away. He cursed Kiba for hiding his ability till the final moment and causing the deaths.

His ears were ringing with the sound of the explosion, but all he could hear was the begging sound his fallen subordinates made before their deaths.

When he closed his eyes, all he saw was the look of despair on his deceased subordinates. The scene of them wrapping in flames of explosion repeated in his mind.


Slowly, the flames of explosion extinguished to reveal a giant crater. There was not even a single trace of a human body.

The armed men were expecting this, but when they saw the crater, they felt weak in their knees.

"They have been wiped out from existence..."

None of them ever wanted to die in a way in which there was not even a corpse left.


"What's that?!" An armed man suddenly pointed in the space above the crater.

Space was filled with a twinkling of light and then it grew into an orb of white light. In no time, the orb expanded to a column of light.


The column of light converged into Kiba. His eyes were closed as he hovered above the crater, his long golden hair fluttering in the air.

He slowly flew past the crater and the dust particles parted away as he soared towards the group of humans.


He stepped his feet on the ground lightly and opened his eyes. As he did, a menacing pressure engulfed the area.

The birds far away stopped chirping while the grass stopped swaying. The entire land resembled a hell, shrouded by an ominous force.

The surviving armed men shuddered in dread while their bodies sweat profusely. They felt their insides twisting in despair.

Some of the weaker ones even fell down on their knees. They were trembling violently, and their facial colors were incomparably pale.

"How does it feels to be a prey?"

Chapter 199 - This Is Really Fun!

"How does it feel to be prey instead of being the predator?" Kiba asked as he slowly moved forward.

Only five armed men remained along with Fiona, Joel and the two who were operating the battle tank. The others were wiped out of existence.

The armed men didn't dare imagine they would suffer such heavy casualties in the outer area of the forest.

Yet the reality was in front of them. Their roles have changed from predator to prey.

What they now were feeling was despair, fear, and regret.

"Don't get so cocky," Joel gritted his teeth and said. "The roles could still reverse."

"Is that so?" Kiba asked as he brought his eyes on Fiona whose expression was still the same as ever. She didn't appear to be the least bit worried about the losses.

"Yes!" Joel waved his hand and a stream of green energy shot out of his palm. At the same time, green waves engulfed his limbs and he leaped high in the air.

Kiba's body flickered and he evaded the energy shot. He could easily block it with just a flick of his finger but he preferred to dodge.

"Take this!" Joel said as he released multiple energy projectiles at Kiba from the air.

"Child's play," Kiba smiled and the golden vines once again sprung in action. Two vines whipped out to tackle the attack.


The vines recoiled back while the energy projectiles disintegrated into sparkles of light.

On the ground, the armed men prayed for Joel's safety as they looked at the battle.

"Just some more time!"

"Sir, don't stop now!"

Far away, the battle tank was getting charged up for a powerful attack.

The turret muzzle positioned itself. Red flash appeared on the mouth of the muzzle and slowly it expanded as it gathered energy.


Joel backed away as he saw another vine surging towards him with a tremendous force. He opened both his palms and energy beams shot out to neutralize the vine.

As the collision of two energies occurred, Joel landed on the ground. He has created a safe distance from both his subordinates and Kiba.

Joel's body twisted into dozens of green phantoms, and every single phantom punched on the ground.

The phantoms disintegrated into green particles as the punches landed and they submerged into the ground.


The land below Kiba cracked apart and green beams of light shot out.

"Well, there is some creativity but not really enough," Kiba said as he teleported away from the energy beams.

"Damn!" Joel cursed, but then his expression stiffened as he felt an ominous presence from behind. He hurriedly dashed ahead and then turned around to see Kiba standing, his arms crossed.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Kiba asked with a smile on his face.

Cold sweat has appeared on Joel's forehead as he thought of the close encounter. He was sure his death was certain if his reflex were even a second late.

"Motherfucker...his teleportation ability is a cheat weapon," Joel muttered as he calmed his breath. "It shouldn't even exist!"

What truly scared him was the possibility of Kiba using teleportation in a manner similar to what he did a few minutes ago.

Kiba has swapped places when the explosion was about to occur, and this resulted in the deaths of the subordinates who created the explosion in the first place.

After all, can anything be worse than a person dying by the very attack he launched? Such an outcome would be both tragic and comedic.

"I have to be careful," Joel thought as he prepared for another attack. "Otherwise I won't even get time to regret."

He didn't want to die, and if death was certain, he wanted to avoid a comic death. He didn't wish people to laugh on him after his death and remember him as someone who died by his own attack.

"Are you perhaps worried about me using teleportation domain?" Kiba asked in a curious tone. Without waiting for his answer, Kiba continued, "Rest assured I won't use teleportation from now on. You have my words, so fight me without any restraints."

Joel looked at Kiba, unsure whether he should take his words at the face value or not. But he knew there was no choice but to go all out, and that would mean using his powers without being afraid of self-harm.

If not, death was a certain outcome.


Suddenly, a beeping sound came from his watch.

Joel lowered his head and observed the readings on his watch. A smile formed upon his face and his eyes brightened up.

"Finally, it is ready" Joel leaped back at a very fast speed. As he moved back, he said in a high voice, "Kiba, don't you dare go back on your words now!"

"Hmm?" Kiba turned towards the right. Far away, the battle tank has completely charged up.

A dazzling light shone from the muzzle and the next moment, a red column of light blasted out. The light was blinding and everyone quickly closed their eyes. If not, their very eyes would have melted away.

The column of light was as thick as the trunk of a tree and it moved at an unbelievably fast speed.


The air in the land turned heavy and everyone feared that they might incinerate into ashes. The temperature was far too high for a mutant to handle.

Even Kiba didn't wish to take this attack head-on. While he wouldn't die or suffer fatal injuries, the attack would definitely create injuries. Of course, if he was using his full powers, then he can neutralize this attack with a snap of his fingers.

"Oh well, I can't block it in my current state...so let's evade," Kiba turned into a stream of golden light and shot towards the sky.

Just as the red column of light was about to strike the ground, it changed its direction and flew in the sky, chasing after Kiba.

The sky was reverberating with explosive sounds and terrifying ripples boomed out, destroying everything in the path.

On the ground, Joel opened his eyes and saw the scene in the sky. The golden light changed directions multiple times, but the red column of light continuously adapted.


The morning sky was marked with flares as one light chased after another. The air sliced apart and the birds in the sky incinerated to ashes.

"Serves that arrogant bastard right," Joel laughed in delight. "Now he will learn the price of underestimating me!"

The battle tank has launched the attack based on Kiba's energy signals, or in simple words, aura. The red column of light would not stop until it lands on the target.

"Good job, sir," One of the armed man heavily praised Joel. "You brought enough time for the tank to launch the most powerful strike!"

"He never thought we have a plan in mind!" Another man said in a complimenting tone.

He couldn't help but find Kiba as dumb for not using his godly ability of teleportation. But a part of him was worried that Kiba might go back on his words and teleport away.

After all, life was more important than words given to strangers. If such a thing happened then...? This gave him a chill down his spines as he thought of the monstrous vines.

"Don't worry," Joel continued. "Even if he uses teleportation, that light column would continue to chase after him."

In the sky, Kiba crossed miles in an instant while the red column of light continued to pursue him. The chase so far has resulted in the destruction of hundreds of trees and unlucky beasts.

"Hehe, let's end this," Kiba's lips curved up into a smirk. He once again changed his direction and flew back towards the battlefield.

Joel and others noticed the golden stream of light coming towards them and their eyes turned wide with horror. The red column of light was rapidly closing on to the ground, and every single of them gulped down a mouthful of saliva.


"Don't tell me he plans to take us with him!"

"He is like those suicide bombers!"

"Damn! Run!"

"God! Please save me!"

Joel sprinted away with full speed. He suddenly felt the air behind him heating up and his scalp turned numb with pain.

He gave a glance behind and saw Kiba's face in the golden stream of light.

Kiba was chasing after him while the red column of light pursued Kiba!

"This is really fun," Kiba's voice entered his mind. "You should have launched this attack before."

"Bastard!" Joel used every bit of his energy to increase his speed.

He couldn't believe how Kiba was actually enjoying this as if he was on a roller coaster ride instead of a trip to hell.

Joel was now regretting his decision of ordering this attack. He gritted his teeth and continued to scuttle through.

"Hey, why are you still running?" Kiba's voice was distant.

Startled, Joel turned around and noticed Kiba was once again soaring towards the sky. The red column of light was on Kiba's trail, the distance between them less than ten meters.

"Motherfucker! He was toying with me!" Joel's eyes were bloodshot.

"We are safe!"

"The gods have heard our request!"

The armed men rejoiced and thanked gods for protecting them from certain doom. Each of them sighed in relief and breath in a large amount of air.

Just then, Kiba once again changed his course and shot back towards them. From the ground, it was like two meteorites, engulfed in flames, were racing to the ground.

"He is back!"

"Son of a bitch!"

"Just what have I done to deserve this?!"

"God, please create another miracle and save me!"

"Stop praying and start running!"