200 - 207

Chapter 200 - Soft Spot?

The surviving subordinates of Joel cried out as the golden stream of light swept past them. Before they could even curse, frightening waves from the chasing red column of light incinerated them to ashes.

Joel felt the deaths of his subordinates but he didn't stop. He knew now was no time to mourn his subordinates.

The only thing that mattered now was to survive no matter the cost.

Green energy surrounded his legs as he ran at a fast speed, trying best to create a safe distance.

"Hey," Kiba's voice came from behind, "Time out."

Joel clenched his teeth and green radiance radiated out of his body, transforming into a rectangular barrier.

He stopped in the path and concentrated all his energy on powering the barrier.

Kiba made a grasping motion towards Joel as he shot forward.

"Ah!" Joel was alarmed. He felt his body going out of control as he flew towards the incoming red column of light.

"Shit!" Joel's body sweated out profusely. The sweat vaporized in no time under the assault of the waves from the red column of light.


The green barrier around him shattered into pieces as the column of light ruthlessly collided with it.

"No!" Joel cried out for the last time as his body came under the assault of frightening energy mass.

The red column of light didn't stop, though it turned weaker than before as it continued to chase Kiba.

"Well," Kiba flew faster and brought his eyes on the tank. "Time has come for you to say goodbye."

The two men driving the tank felt their scalps turning numb as they saw the golden stream of light dashing towards them.

"Fuck! The attack can't be stopped now!"

"We are going to die by the very attack we launched!"

"You don't have to miss your friends," Kiba quickly grabbed the turret of the tank. "You are going to join them."

The tank's weight was in tons and even strong physical-enhancement mutants would find it almost impossible to lift.

Kiba's hands were engulfed with golden radiance as he lifted the tank like it was nothing, much to the horror of the men inside.

The red column of light was about to catch up, and Kiba didn't wait for another second as he threw the tank at the column of light.

The two men inside the tank rolled but even before they could regain the balance, the tank struck the red column of light. While it was true that the tank has a strong defense in the form of metal shelling, it proved futile against the heat it was now facing.


The tank exploded into flames with a loud sound. The tank was engulfed by dazzling radiance before it forever disappeared from the existence.


The thickness of the red column of light further reduced. It was now as thick as a light beam after spending most of its energy on the tank.

"Almost done," Kiba waved his hand and a golden force field surrounded him.


The red light fiercely collided against the force field. Terrifying shockwaves rippled out, destroying the surrounding vegetation.

In a few seconds, the red light disappeared without landing any damage on its real target...

Far away, Fiona witnessed everything and shook her head in disappointment.

Kiba's body flickered and he appeared right in front of her.

"You are truly cold," Kiba said with a faint smile.

"Am I?" Fiona asked without any signs of worry on her face.

"You didn't help them," Kiba reminded her of her attitude throughout the battle.

"They were here to help me and not the other way around," Fiona explained in a cold voice. "So why would I help them if they are going to prove useless?"

Kiba was startled by her words but then he started laughing. He liked her reasoning no matter how cold it sounded.

"Shall we start?" Fiona asked.

"Sure," Kiba nodded his head.

Fiona raised her right leg in the air before striking it towards Kiba's face at supersonic speed. Her foot was engulfed in a blinding orange radiance as it struck down.

The air sliced apart with a screeching sound while a suffocating pressure lowered on Kiba. The air particles charged up under the orange radiance and they exploded out.

Kiba slightly leaned back to evade the attack.


The air current landed on the ground and cracked it apart.

As Fiona retraced her leg, Kiba clenched his fist tightly and punched out.

Fiona's expression didn't change in the slightest and the punch passed right through her.


Behind, a tree exploded into fragments as the energy from Kiba's punch landed on it.

"The dual nature of light," Kiba thought.

The next moment, both of them transformed into streams of light as they began the fight in the earnest.

Their speed was far too fast for the eyes in the forest to comprehend. The only thing that the beasts and the birds in the vicinity saw was a collision of two light beams.

In the air, Fiona opened her palm and then clutched it.


The morning sky turned dark while the sunlight in the region concentrated above her hand. The temperature in the area lowered while small icicles formed up in the air.

An orb resembling a sun hovered over her hand.

She took the orb in her hand and shot towards Kiba.

"Fiona, right?" Kiba asked as he waved his hand and a powerful golden streak of light blasted out. The streak of light transformed into a giant screen.

"Yes," Fiona confirmed and threw the orb on the screen.

In the dark sky, a terrifying explosion that was enough to make one completely blind and deaf spanned for a mile.

Extremely frightening energy waves swept out, severing the darkness with flames.

From miles away, it was like the sun has suddenly appeared in the middle of the night.

As the explosion subsidized, both Fiona and Kiba shot back.

"Not bad," Kiba extinguished a fire which has fallen on his shirt.

"I'm not sure if I like that compliment," Fiona wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. "After all, you are not really fighting in earnest."

"Well, you are..." Kiba was about to continue when he suddenly turned his head towards the north. His vision zoomed in to see the red tiger and her cubs surrounded by a team of ten humans.

"You noticed?" Fiona asked.

"Yeah," Kiba sighed before turning towards her. "You don't know when to stop."

"Stop? Why though? Didn't you say that you arrived here to hunt me and my team instead of saving the tiger?" Fiona asked in a curious tone.

She was sure he didn't believe her actions were evil since she was only following the law of the jungle. Everything was just a part of the food cycle. The strong prey on the weak.

"Honestly, I feel offended," Kiba said as golden current surged out of his body. "Since you dare divert your manpower when you are facing me."

Fiona was startled as she saw the golden current fusing with the air and making it chaotic. The air turned turbulent and slowly, it transformed into a hundred feet black vortex.

As the vortex spun, a shocking gravitational force emanated out from it. The vortex sucked everything in its path, while it moved towards the tiger and her new enemies.

The tiger was terrified and she placed her cubs under her before clutching the ground with her crystalline claws.

"Just what is going on here?!"

Fiona's other team was shocked out of wits. They felt the vortex was the mouth of a giant beast that has appeared to devour them.

One of them fired a rocket towards the vortex, but much to their horror, the rocket was devoured as if it was nothing.

"Ahh!" The one who launched the rocket was swallowed by the vortex.

The other members dashed away, but soon their pupils dilated in disbelief. Their blood flow turned chaotic while their skin tore apart.

The devouring force from the vortex engulfed them and strings of blood flew out of their bodies.

The black vortex soon had a hue of crimson as it sucked blood.

"Save me!"

Wrinkles appeared on the bodies of the survivors as they continued to lose their vitality.

In no time, their bodies were as dry as an old corpse and they fell on the ground.


Every single body was sucked in the vortex.

The tiger looked in disbelief as bodies inside vortex disintegrated into flesh and bones before turning into powder.


The vortex slowly stopped spinning and disappeared into thin air.

The tiger stood up and looked at her surrounding. She has a good guess on why the vortex appeared.

Far away, in the sky, Fiona's heart thumped loudly. She knew he was strong but not to such an extent that he could kill her entire team like it was nothing.

"Calm down," Fiona placed a hand on her heart. "The world is large and filled with strong people. There is nothing for me to be shocked about."

Fiona brought her eyes on Kiba and said, "You were hiding more powers than I thought."

Kiba didn't reply for a minute or so, "Well, I only hide my powers from strangers unlike you."

"...you know?!" Fiona asked, startled.

"I noticed after we started our fight," Kiba said with a soft sigh. "You are just a phantom of your real self."

"I prefer to call it Light Projection," Fiona's voice was no longer cold. "Anyways, can I ask you a question if you don't mind."

"Sure, go ahead," Kiba said as he flew towards the ground.

He was no longer in the mood to fight since it would lead to nowhere given the nature of his opponent. Even if he destroys the projection, she would remain alive. Not to mention, she could leave this place as long as she wills it since she was just a projection of light.

"You have a soft spot for mothers, right?" Fiona asked before landing on the ground.

Kiba was startled by her question but after a moment or so of thinking, he nodded his head.

"I guess this explains why you continued to protect the tiger," Fiona said with a bitter smile on her face.

While she didn't care much for her teams, she still felt pain at the deaths of 26 subordinates.

Kiba didn't reply in return. He might not wish to admit it due to his ego, but this was indeed the reason why he helped the tiger, despite him believing in the law of the jungle.

Months ago, he has carried out a bloody carnage in the slums of Delta City. He has killed every single of the overlords and their subordinates. The deaths he caused were in thousands.

The police and slum dwellers hypothesized the slaughter was carried out to free the slum from oppression.

While it was indeed true, the real reason he did everything was to help a certain woman and her two children. (Chapter 33).

He was touched by the woman's actions when she gave her food to her children while she slept starved. This was why he gave her monetary support without wanting anything in return, something truly strange for a man like him.

Of course, he helped the woman and now the tiger because he has the powers to do. There was no danger for him so he didn't mind doing what he wanted.

In the end, what is the use of having so much power and money if one can't do as one pleases?

For him, no rules or beliefs mattered as long as he could satisfy his whims. Perhaps this was the only philosophy he truly believed in.

"The strong get the right to impose his whims on others," Fiona thought with a stiff smile. "I can only blame myself for being weak."

"Goodbye," Kiba said as he walked towards the direction of his temporary camp.

"Wait," Fiona called out.

"Hmm?" Kiba glanced back at her.

"You have come for the core region, right?" Fiona asked.

"Yes," Kiba nodded his head.

"Then would you like to collaborate with me to explore the core region?" Fiona further enquired.

"Not really," Kiba shook his head. There were weeks before the core region opens up, and he has his own plans when he entered that area.

"..." Fiona lowered her head in disappointment.

She didn't try to entice him with resources because she was sure it won't work. After all, she has witnessed Kiba giving a Level V recovery pill to the tiger.

"We can't collaborate but..." Kiba trailed off in between.

"But?" Fiona's eyes brightened with expectations.

While she was excited, she has her own bottom line which she wouldn't allow the opposite party to cross no matter what. The aristocrat blood inside her wouldn't allow her to demean herself.

"I have a proposal in mind," Kiba said as he thought of his experience as Zed in the meteorite in Delta City. "If you agree, I will help you once in the core region."

"What is it you want?" Fiona asked.

"Just your influence," Kiba answered with a smirk on his face. "Use it in such a manner that everyone in the forest desires to enter the core region."

Chapter 201 - Branding

(A/N: Extra long chapter to make up for the break!)

The shockwaves from the earlier battle had incinerated a part of the forest, leaving behind a charred ground.

Kiba stood opposite to Fiona. The ashes and dust in this stretch of land didn't touch them as they conversed.

"Use my influence to make sure everyone here desires to visit the core region?" Fiona was startled by Kiba's proposal.

The core region was the most dangerous area in the forest. While it has the best resources from the foreign world, only the strongest of the strongest would dare enter it.

No matter how wonderful an opportunity was waiting in the core region, everyone knew the chances of getting the opportunity were very low.

So most people would seek what resources they can in the other parts forest and leave the core region for others. This was not something people liked to do, but they did in order to survive.

"Yeap," Kiba nodded his head. "I obviously understand not everyone would go there, but at least try your best to entice the greed. The more people enter the region, the better it would be."

"Can I ask why?" Fiona tried her best to read his expressions in order to comprehend what he has in mind.

Any sane person would desire as less competition as possible in the core region. After all, the greatest threat inside the meteorite was not the traps and dangers, but rather the living beings.

The humans and beasts alike would scheme against each other and do everything within their powers to loot more resources.

But now Kiba wished to increase the competition and make the trip more dangerous. Fiona felt something was fishy but she couldn't pinpoint exactly what.

"Nope," Kiba shook his head. "I have no obligations to explain my reasons."

Fiona wasn't surprised by his refusal to answer. They have been only acquainted for less than an hour so she expected him to decline.

"I accept the proposal," Fiona said after a few minutes of deep thinking. "But promise me that you won't target me in whatever you have planned."

"Deal," Kiba nodded before transforming into a streak of golden light and shooting towards the sky. "See you later."

On the ground, Fiona released a low sigh.

"At least, I got a very favorable outcome from this," Fiona thought. She no longer cared about the death of her subordinates and the escape of the tiger.

After all, they were incomparable to the help Kiba offered in the core region.

"Time to start the preparations," Fiona mused as her body turned illusory and disintegrated into orbs of light...


Outside the advanced camp house, Ruby was sitting on the grass. She looked at the trails of smoke and dust in the sky far away, while thinking of the multiple explosions she witnessed minutes ago.

When she felt the first explosion, Kiba has left her. Before leaving, he told her that he has something he must do.

"Just what is going on there?" Ruby thought. "Why would he go?"

She suddenly noticed a streak of light rushing towards her.

Before she could even blink an eye, Kiba was standing right in front of her.

"Master," Ruby said in a sweet tone. "What happened there?"

A smile formed on Kiba's face and the next moment, he crushed her against the grassland.

Ruby was shocked by his actions out of blue. She wanted to struggle to get free, but after remembering the events from last night, she didn't dare make any move.

She knew she was as helpless against someone like him so she didn't offer the least bit resistance.

"Stop with this master bullshit when you don't mean it," Kiba sat down on top of her. "If you want to ask something, just ask, but stop faking respect and sweetness. "

"I...was not faking.." Ruby trailed off as she observed the look in his eyes.

There was just coldness like her life didn't matter at all. There was a total disregard for her existence.

In all her life, she has never seen such apathy in anyone's eyes as she saw in Kiba's.

She felt her behavior and cruel attitude towards her victims of human trafficking was nothing compared to the indifference he felt for her.

"Are you still thinking I'm like one of your naive victims who fell for your false sweetness and cute personality?" Kiba asked as he leaned down on hers.

"No...I didn't mean to offend you, master," Ruby has tears streaming down her eyes.

"You are not capable of offending me," Kiba ignored her tears and gripped his hand on her neck. "And like I said, stop calling me master when you don't mean it. This just annoys me."

"I mean it," Ruby almost choked up with the pressure on her windpipe but she continued. "After all, I have accepted my role as slave."

"Really?" Kiba closed his face to hers. "You mean to say you are my slave in both body and soul?"

"Y-yes," Ruby tried her best to nod, but couldn't due to his grip. "I'm your loyal slave."

"This pleases me so much," Kiba freed her neck. "Here I thought you forfeited your rights and willingly became my slave in order to save your pathetic life. I never realized I was so wrong regarding you."

Ruby greedily sucked for air while trying not to think about his words. His words hurt her for they were true.

She wanted to live after her mission to capture him failed and he killed her other accomplices.

"Let's get inside." Kiba snapped his fingers and they teleported inside the bedroom of the camp.

Ruby was startled as she found herself lying in bed with Kiba above her. Her breasts were touching his chest while his lips were above her neck.

"Since you so desperately want me to believe I'm your master, let's make it official," Kiba traced a finger over her cheeks, wiping her tears off.

Ruby was surprised by his sudden loving attitude. He slowly kissed on her neck while his finger wandered over her ears.

She felt a chill of excitement as his gentle kisses caressed her neck. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the process as he slowly sucked on her neck skin.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes and they turned wide. His teeth were sunk into her neck, branding her as his own.


She felt pain as he marked her in a way no one could ever. Her skin was a dark shade of crimson after he completed.

Before she could sigh in relief, he moved downward and ripped apart her clothes. She wasn't terrified of being exposed as they have made love multiple times before, but now, she felt something strange.

He wasn't making love but rather branding her!

His eyes were feasting on the swells of her breasts, and just like before, his teeth scraped against her breasts.

"It is now official, slave," Kiba rolled over to the other side of the bed and removed his clothes. "I'm your master."

Ruby traced a hand over her neck and her breasts in order to feel his imprint. She felt pain and humiliation, but there was another feeling she didn't dare believe...elation!

The imprint might not forever remain on her body, but they were definitely carved for eternity in her memories!

"Now show me you are worthy of the branding I bestowed on you," Kiba looked over her exposed breasts before bringing his eyes on the face.

Ruby felt butterflies in her stomach, unsure whether they were caused by despair or excitement.

Without any words, she sat down on his chest and leaned her face towards his. She pressed her lips to his and they both kissed.

Kiba closed his hands around her hips while their tongues sparred in each other's mouth. He slid his hands down to squeeze her tight ass, pulling her tightly on him.

Their lips parted as they broke from the kiss. Kiba pushed her hips forward so that her breasts were over his face.

Her breasts were ample with shiny pink nipples. Maybe out of humiliation or excitement or a bit of both, her nipples were hard.

He sucked her left nipple between his lips, sending a wave of current throughout her body. Her hands buried themselves in his hair as he teased her nipple with his teeth.

She moaned in pleasure as one of his hand moved between her thighs. His fingers slowly rubbed between her clits while glistening wetness formed over her vaginal foldings.

She arched her head back and let out a short cry as a finger suddenly plunged deep inside her without any warning.

Ruby shivered and bucked as another finger entered her. Her pink foldings were swollen and filled with wetness like dew drops.

Ruby didn't know if she was this sensitive because she was new to the world of sexual pleasures, but she was sure she wanted him inside instead of his fingers.

Kiba removed his fingers and brought them to Ruby's lips. She opened her mouth and sucked her juices before kissing him again.

She slid down his body and lowered herself towards his cock. She brought her hand down to open her pussy lips as she slowly sank down on his cock.

Ruby shut her eyes tight, fighting the pain. She placed her hands on his abs as she slowly accustomed to him.

She moved up and down, her breasts moving in a rhythmic movement. He moved his hands on her breasts to fondle them.

"Ooo..." She groaned slowly, knowing well she was the one getting pleasure. She was here to serve him but she was the one getting served.

Her wet and warm pussy gripped on his cock as she moved up and down. Her juices flooding like a waterfall as they continued.

He arched his body forward, his hands on her hips. He quickly rolled over, bringing her down on the bed.


She wrapped her arms around his neck as he took control. He rubbed his cock at her clit before slowly entering inside her, inch by inch, making her moan louder than before.

She wrapped her legs against his waist as he stroked inside her. His cock slide fully inside with every thrust, making her groan.

"Ohh yes..."

She panted and moaned beneath him as he penetrated with more force. The tightness of her pussy closed on his cock, bringing him close.

He began to pound faster into her while her breasts bounced back and forth in the same rhythm. He closed his mouth with hers, their tongue wrapped against each other.

Ruby shut her eyes tight as she felt the ecstasy of intense pleasure. The sensation of orgasm channeled throughout her body, making her shudder in ebullition.

Her pussy clamped down on his cock as she savored the orgasm, and he, in turn, blasted a shower of hot cum inside her.

A few minutes later, the two lay on the bed, exhausted and panting for breath. As the sensation of orgasm dwindled, Ruby felt worried by her actions.

She thought back and realized she acted like a lover when she was supposed to be a slave.

She wished she could quickly adapt to her role, but she was young and have enjoyed freedom until yesterday. It was difficult, not to mention her experience in lovemaking was only restricted to a day.

She couldn't control her actions during the lovemaking so she just went with the flow.

Ruby glanced at him, praying he would forgive her.


Much to her relief, Kiba didn't say anything but just rested his back against the headboard.

"Have some rest," Kiba wrapped a towel around him and walked out of the room.

"Thank god," Ruby breathed in relief. She no longer fought against the drowsiness and exhaustion she was feeling, and in just moments, she fell asleep.

What Ruby didn't know was that Kiba was following the carrot and stick approach. He wanted her to have both fear and pleasure.

He was never interested in making her a devoted slave in the span of a day. This was why he let her enjoy the lovemaking, without reminding of her role.

After all, he has weeks to waste and he wanted to mold her slowly. She was just a toy to relieve him of his boredom.


Kiba walked to the bathroom and opened the tap on the bathtub.

While the water filled, he prepared himself a glass of wine before relaxing in the tub.

Now that he has satisfied his sexual urges, for the time being, he wanted to think about something important.

"Phew...I didn't lose control this time," Kiba closed his eyes as he slowly transformed into Zed.

After his mental confrontation with Akshobhya months ago, he has lost control of his actions twice.

The first time was after he killed Athol. He has murdered innocent people in the neighborhood thanks to the hidden role of the gray particle struck inside his mind.

The second time was in City Heart Hospital when he almost murdered everyone. Thankfully, the precautions taken by Claudia helped him control his bloodlust.

Even the gray particle was sealed by a bolt of golden lightning when he realized the difference between his desires and those of his powers.

Of course, he was not aware of the gray particle's existence or how it broke free from Cosmic Spark when he was busy fighting the psychic invasion. Nor he was aware that his willpower helped him seal the gray particle.

The only thing he knew for sure was that he started going berserk after his battle with Akshobhya.

"That three-eyed bald monk," Zed took a sip from the wine glass. "I should have given him far worse punishment."

Akshobhya and his colleagues in the monastery would definitely beg to disagree. They were sure nothing could be worse than what Akshobhya was facing now.

He was in a vegetative state with his body rotting like a corpse.

Zed shook his head and placed the glass on the floor. He recalled his battle with Fiona and her group, and the outcome satisfied him.

The outcome was not the safety of the tiger or the deal with Fiona. Rather the fact that his powers didn't try the least bit to influence him in order to carry out a massacre.

"The only issue now is to find time and place to transform into Zed and think with a clear mind..."

As Zed, his powers couldn't influence him the least bit, or at least that's what his research so far concluded.

He could think over his actions in Kiba form and decide whether they were what he truly wanted or not. Based on this, he could use the measures he and Claudia have prepared before he came here.

Zed slowly raised his right hand and glanced at the white ring. The earlier ring was shattered when he lost control last time, but Claudia has prepared another one for him along with the bracelet.

"Claudia must have planned more but she didn't tell me," Zed mused with a smile.

If he knew everything she has planned, then those methods might not work when the time comes. It was the surprise factor which helped him last time.

Zed closed his eyes and enjoyed the bath.


A few hours later.


Kiba and Ruby had their lunch inside the camp. The dishes were made from the food items he has brought when he arrived here.

After lunch, Kiba pushed a finger on the outer door of the camp.

"Let's leave this place."

The walls and the ceiling of the camp house flickered while the floor concentrated into metallic shells.


Soon, in place of the camp, there was a metallic cube floating in the air. The cube was wrapped by rays of white light and the next moment, it disappeared.

Kiba and Ruby walked along a man-made track. They crossed a mile without meeting a human or a beast.

"This area is rather unpopulated," Ruby said as they stepped forward. From time to time, she did notice broken trees and shattered ground.

"Well, that was thanks to my fight with Fiona," Kiba explained. "She was strong for her age."

Many unlucky spectators died due to the energy ripples from their clash.

"Oh," Ruby was happy to listen to his explanation.

"Besides, if I have to guess, the surviving humans in this region are trying to find what caused the explosions," Kiba said as he jumped across the branch of a tree.

"Makes sense," Ruby nodded.

She believed others will most likely think two teams were fighting against each other for some precious herb or treasure. Otherwise, how else can one justify the scale of damage in the outskirts?

Everyone would want to seek the precious item which resulted in such a battle.

"Those searching for the cause of the explosions are truly unlucky," Ruby thought with a bitter smile.

She was more than sure what would happen if some poor soul decided to confront Kiba for 'treasure'.

The two walked for a few more miles before stopping down as they noticed some strange activity.

They hid behind a large tree and watched around twenty men in black. Some of them were carrying guns while others were bare handed.

"They are guarding something important!" Ruby concluded based on the distance between each man and the way they were conducting themselves.

"Seems so," Kiba agreed on her guess.

"Are you going to check?" Rub enquired politely.

"I have nothing better to do so why not?" Kiba's lips curved up into a smile. He conjured an earpiece out of thin air and gave it to her.


"It should work within a radius of five miles," Kiba answered before he teleported away.

Ruby put the earpiece in her right ear and hide among the trees.


Kiba appeared on the crown of a tree. He swept his gaze forward to know what was truly happening in the area.

He noticed more men in black far away, and after checking all around, he concluded they were forming a circular barricade.

Kiba then brought his eyes to the center and noticed a small crystalline lake.


As Kiba saw the scene in the lake, his jaw dropped...

Chapter 202 - Flattery

The lake was alluring, from its mesmerizing ripples to the crystalline clarity. It wouldn't be wrong to say the lake was a beautiful wonder of nature.

At the shore, a petite girl was standing, her eyes on the lake. She was about eighteen years old, with pale skin and long black hair falling like a waterfall.

Her facial features were striking, especially her misty blue eyes which gleamed of her young innocence.

"Lady Sophia," A woman in mid-thirties called from behind. "The guards have barricaded the surrounding. There is no one but only us here without any surveillance."

"You can leave then," Sophia said, her voice sweet like a nightingale.

"Yes, my lady," The woman placed a towel and a robe on a carpet. She then gave a deep bow and left the shore.

Sophia slowly took off her dress, exposing her perky breasts down to her tight and little ass. There was not an ounce of extra fat on her body.

Everything in her was perfect, whether it was her gorgeous face or her slender neck or her alluring curves. She was truly a sight to behold.

If a man looks at her even once, he could never forget her no matter what. She would be forever encrypted in the memories.

Sophia slowly submerged one foot in the water. Extreme cold sensation enveloped her skin but without any hesitation, she submerged her other foot.

The water at the shore was rather shallow so she walked forward at a natural pace. When the water reached her shoulders, she dived inside.

Meanwhile, on a tree next to the shore, Kiba sat down on a branch. His eyes were glued to the scene in the lake.

"Master," Ruby's voice came from his watch. "Have you discovered the reason why the men in black are guarding the area?"

Kiba has given her an earpiece to contact him while he went for scouting. She was hiding outside the barricade and was absolutely curious about the reason for such high security in this part of the forest.

She knew he gave her earpiece to communicate for emergencies but she was not able to control her curiosity. So she decided to ask while ensuring she didn't go overboard.

"I think so," Kiba muttered before taking a deep breath to calm himself. It has been a long while since his eyes feasted on such a beauty.

"Is it some rare treasure?" Ruby enquired in a very polite tone.

She felt his voice was strange, and this, in turn, made her believe he has found something precious.

After all, only this could explain why so many people were patrolling the area. It was to ensure no one barges in while the leader collects the treasure.

"Yes...absolutely dazzling," Kiba answered, his eyes following every movement in the lake.

"Oh! So the security is justified?" Ruby further enquired.

"Definitely," Kiba was sure every man in existence would gladly risk their lives to witness the scene in the lake.

The wind has brought many flower petals on the surface of the lake, adding to its beauty.

Sophia swam through the lake in freestyle before stopping in the center. Ripples surrounded her as she raised her head to breath for air.

Her face fully flushed red with the coldness in the lake. Below her chin, she was submerged in the water.

She slowly raised her arms and brought her hands to adjust her wet hair. She then took some petals in her soft hands before gently rubbing them on her face.

Her movements were filled with elegance and charm as she washed with the crystalline water. Beads of water streamed down her face as she savored the bath in the lake.

After some time, Sophia arched her back to backstroke. As she swam forward, the transparent water revealed her beautiful breasts and pink nipples.

The sunlight fell on her, making her body glisten.

She swam across the lake, unfettered from the privy eyes of the society. For her, every second in the lake was filled with freedom.

Suddenly, her eyes flickered and she turned around. Some thousand feet away from her, the lake water was filled with heavy ripples.

"There is another person here?!" Sophia was stunned. She submerged her body inside and silently looked on.

After a minute or so, the water rolled up and a man with golden hair became visible. Slowly, the man raised his chiseled and well-built body further, and the back of his powerful shoulders came out of the water surface.

Obviously, this man was none other than Kiba!

He raised his hands to settle his long hair while he took a quick breath before diving back in. All this time he showed no sign of him being aware of the only other human in the lake!

"A male?!" Sophia gawked at the scene in disbelief. "Was he here from the beginning? Or did the guards failed to notice him?!"

Kiba once again came out to the surface to take a breath.

"Hmm?" Kiba turned around as he felt someone staring at him.

Sophia was shocked.

"Ah! A company?" Kiba called out in surprise. But without waiting for her response, he once again started swimming forward.

Sophia was startled by his behavior.

He just called out and then turned away?!

"Hey!" Sophia loudly shouted. "What are you doing here?"

She believed she was the only person inside the lake so she swam without any worry. Now though, there was another person and that too a male!

Kiba turned around and said, "Why are you asking the obvious? I'm here to swim."

Sophia has lived a life in which no one has ever dared talk back. Everyone has served her, and when she shouted on someone, that person would bow down in apology.

But now, much less apology, the man was talking as if she was a retard for not knowing something so obvious.

"The lake is reserved for me," Sophia retorted back.

She made a mental note to punish her guards for not checking the lake properly and thus bringing her in her current dilemma.

"Really?" Kiba asked, his voice containing ridicule. "I didn't know the areas in the forest were available for purchasing."

Sophia wanted to counter, but then she thought his words weren't false. The forest didn't belong to anyone so there was no question of reserving any part of it.

She was contemplating on how to respond when she realized she has exposed her breasts during the conversation. Her body further tensed as she thought how the man in her front was still facing towards her.

"What are you looking at?!" Sophia asked in anger, as she once again submerged in the water, with her arms crossed and thighs closed tightly.

Her face was flushed deep red and she couldn't believe how she did such a mistake due to her initial shock.

"The wonders of nature," Kiba answered in an obvious manner. His eyes were still in her direction, unsure if they were on her or the water.

Wonders of nature?!

Sophia felt her body trembling by the tone of the answer. Was he referring to her breasts or the lake?!

Sophia was thinking when her vision unknowingly passed on his pants. He was shirtless but he was still wearing his pants.

The transparent water showed the scene clearly.

There was a giant bulge, and when she noticed it, she recalled her biology lessons. She was now more than sure about what his words were referring to.

"What's that?!" Sophia pointed a hand towards his pant while ensuring she wasn't exposed.

"A compliment," Kiba answered once again in an obvious manner.

"What?!" Sophia was stupefied by his response.

She lacked experience due to her royal upbringing but she was more than confident on what the bulge implied.

It was definitely an erection!

So how can it be a compliment then?!

"A person can praise someone as beautiful or gorgeous without actually meaning it," Kiba patiently explained. "In simple words, the words used for flattery and compliments could be flat lies."

"?!" Sophia felt a severe headache. She obviously understood what he meant, but how was this connected to his erection as a compliment?!

"Erection is the sincerest form of flattery," Kiba concluded in simple words for her to comprehend. "One can never fake this mode of compliment, since it is an honest and natural response."

Sophia felt the world spinning around.

Sincerest form of flattery?!

Chapter 203 - Pervert!

The crystalline lake glittered under the sunlight, its surface sparsely covered with petals of roses and lotus.

In the center, Sophia was submerged in the water till her chin. Her seductive curves were covered by her soft hands, while her exquisite thighs were tightly closed.

The beauty of the lake, enhanced by petals and sunlight, paled in front of Sophia. She was a work of gods, resplendent like a blooming flower.

Beads of water ran down her face like pearls while she stared at the shirtless Kiba some distance away from her.

He was similarly submerged in water till his chin. The transparent water revealed his muscular chest, abs and a giant bulge resting in the pants.

"This is the sincerest form of flattery."

Sophia repeated the words, unable to believe she has heard it right. She has only turned eighteen a few months ago, and she lacked any experience with the opposite sex.

While many youngsters have tried to court her in her family estate, none of them have ever used foul language or implied any innuendo. They always praised her beauty with flowery words, comparing her to the splendid moon.

Today though, she got a compliment in a way she never thought was possible.

Her young age, along with the rich and royal lifestyle she has lived so far, made her enter a trance after she received this compliment. She didn't know how to respond to this type of 'honest and natural flattery.'

"Mom said the only man who can ever see me without any clothes is my husband!"

It took Sophia a long while to clear her mind, but when she did, she was fuming with anger as she recalled her mother's teachings.

She believed she was being taken advantage of by the scoundrel in front of her!

Kiba noticed the changes in her facial expression and he inwardly complained of hardship.

"She is Level VI or higher," Kiba thought in disappointment.

The level was referring to the difficulty of seducing a maiden. The difficulty depended on the upbringing, moral views, religious sentiments, background and so on.

It was only an initial assessment which he made it based on what he has observed so far.

"Even in the best case scenario, I would need at least 4-5 months," Kiba shook his head.

He felt the gods were intentionally making his life difficult.

At most, he will be spending two months in the forest. In the two months, he also has to complete his original mission of finding a way to neutralize the damage done by nanites, so the real time he has to fool around was far too low.

Of course, there were methods by which he can greatly reduce the time required for seduction. But he wouldn't use them for Sophia.

Those methods were only reserved for females who have offended him.

Like in the case of Sarah when he used underhanded tricks to get her in bed so that he could punish her and her husband. Or in Ruby's case when he turned the situation around by using the sedatives in the milk in order to make love with her. The same also applied to Lisa Rey when she tried to hypnotize him.

Except for such rare cases, he would never cross the boundary he has set for himself. This was the limitation he has established when he began his journey as Kiba years ago.

And he strictly enforced this limitation in his life, especially in the present times when there was a chance of him going berserk to fulfill his primal desires of blood and lust.

After all, if he didn't adhere to the limitations he has set for himself, he believed he would be no longer the man he was. He would become someone he never wanted to be...

"You are a pervert!" Sophia shouted, awakening Kiba from his thoughts.

After deep contemplation, she was sure he was a debauchee. The type of man her mother has frequently warned her about.

"I'm the pervert?" Kiba said with a teasing smile. "You are the one who is fully naked and not me."

Sophia's face instantly turned red.

"I...I thought I was the only one here so..." Sophia stammered as she tried to explain.

She wanted to take a long and relaxing bath while she swam, just like she used to have in her family estate. She felt her loyal servants would ensure no one barges in while she relaxed in the lake.

The thoughts of meeting someone in the lake, and that too a male, never crossed her mind. This was why she took off her clothes entirely and swam without any worries.

Kiba wanted to laugh after seeing her reactions. Her face was flushed while her sweet voice was filled with nervousness.

He controlled himself and didn't laugh. He believed she deserved some teasing before he left for being such a difficult woman.

"I also have similar reasoning but I didn't enter fully naked since it is basic human decency," Kiba said in a serious tone. "Not to mention, I didn't call you a pervert despite your lack of clothes. Yet, you called me one just for being honest with you."

"..." Sophia was left speechless, her mouth wide open.

No matter how she thought, she felt she was in the wrong and not the man in front of her.

"No! Mom said a debauchee is like a wolf in sheep's clothing!" Sophia once again remembered her mother's teaching. "They are good in fooling others with their false demeanor!"

In her life, she rarely followed other's advice, but if she did follow, then that advice was always from her mother.

"You are trying to trick me but I know for sure you are a pervert!" Sophia retorted back. She has already made a decision to punish him for playing with her.

"Really? Why would you think so?" Kiba was hurt by her response.

"My mom taught me!" Sophia proudly said.

"Your mom? I see," Kiba nodded in understanding while he made a mental note about her mother...

Chapter 204 - Life & Death Gate

"Your mom? I see," Kiba nodded in understanding.

Sophia felt something amiss by his understanding look. But no matter how she thought, she didn't find anything wrong.

Her mother was in the family estate so there was nothing to worry about. Not to mention, her mother and her family were very powerful so she was sure he could do nothing.

"Maybe he is just impressed by mom's teachings?" Sophia thought in her young innocence.

"Excuse me," Kiba covered his eyes with a hand. "Can you please stop being a pervert and wear something?"

Sophia flinched while her face turned as red as a beetroot. She didn't retort and submerged completely in the water. She then dived at a very quick speed while praying that Kiba wasn't looking at her.

She has loved the crystalline transparency of the lake but now she hated it. The transparent water has completely exposed her no matter how deep she dived in.

Behind, Kiba shook his head with a smile. It has been a long while since he met someone so naive and pure.

Her innocence flared his desire to tease her further but he controlled himself for the time being.

Meanwhile, in less than a minute, Sophia reached the shore. She turned around to see if Kiba was observing her, and after ensuring he wasn't, she jumped up.

With awkwardness, she ran towards the carpet where a towel, white rob, and her clothes were placed. All the while, she was covering her intimate regions with her hands.

She quickly grasped the robe and clad it. She felt there was no time to dry herself with the towel, but this in turn, actually resulted in more harm.

The robe was almost a see-through thanks to her wet body and the silk fiber. Her mesmerizing curves were clearly highlighted in the robe, making her resemble a young goddess of seduction.

"He tricked me again!" Sophia thought as she looked at herself, and this incensed her further.

No matter what type of background she has lived in, she was still a young girl who has shown her naked body to the opposite sex. This made her both incredibly embarrassed and angry at the same time.

After all, the era has changed and modern society no longer supported orthodox views like marrying the man who has seen your private parts.

Her eyes were fuming with blood lust and she wanted to punish the scoundrel who was responsible for everything.

Sophia looked on as the scoundrel got out of the water some distance away from her. He ran a hand over his hair to remove the water and then turned towards her.

"You are still a pervert," Kiba said while giving glances to her curves which were highlighted by her wet robe. "I'm sure even your mom would agree on that."

"This is all your fault!" Sophia shouted as her body flickered and turned into an illusory phantom. She appeared right in front of Kiba, wielding a fist aimed at his chest.

"It is morally wrong to blame others," Kiba raised a finger to take on the attack.


Powerful ripples radiated out as the fist landed on his finger. The pebbles and rock instantly turned into a fine powder while smoke and dust flew in the air.

Sophia's eyes turned wide in disbelief after seeing the ease with he has blocked the attack.

"You are strong for a debauchee," Sophia said in a slow voice.

The air around her fist glimmered with light rain. The rain converged into two fish, black and white. As soon as they appeared, the entire surrounding was filled with an icy and chilling aura.

"You also are fierce for a pervert," Kiba said, his voice containing some surprise.

He felt a familiar presence from the two fish but he couldn't point out what was the familiarity. It was far too faint for him to judge just based on the aura.

The fishes danced in a joyous manner. Sometimes their motions were as delicate as air while other times they were hard as iron.

The black fished opened its mouth, blowing out a black beam of light.

"Hmm?" Kiba leaped high in the air to dodge the beam of light.


The beam fell on a rock some distance away. The beam disintegrated into black particles and merged with the air and soil.

"That's..." Kiba gave a glance behind.

The entire region suddenly turned deathly silent. The grass and trees rapidly aged while the small beasts fell on the ground, decomposing.


The white fish opened its mouth, releasing a powerful devouring force. The vitality from the deceased flora and fauna entered in its mouth.


The two fish closed in, like they were one, to begin with, just like life and death. They danced and morphed into a whirlpool.


The whirlpool ripped apart to reveal a gigantic gate, one part white while the other part black. The white part was inscribed with a black fish while the black part was inscribed with a white fish.

"Life and Death Gate from that supreme world," Kiba said in shock. "No, this is just a copy. There is no way a human could summon the true gate."

Sophia was stunned by his words.

"You know about the gate?" Sophia asked as she waved her hand to open the black part of the door.

"I know a few things," Kiba looked at her. "And that's why let me advise you to not do what you plan to do."

"You are afraid?" Sophia didn't care about his advise. She believed he was simply saying it to save himself from punishment.


One half of the door opened up, emitting energy waves filled with death.

The waves fused together to transform into hundreds of archaic beasts.


The beasts let out terrifying roars. The land shook while the lake water rolled up like a tsunami.

"If you were using the true gate, and utilizing one of its two abilities to mobilize the true dead from that world, then I would definitely be afraid," Kiba raised a hand towards the sky. "But you are only using a false gate to bring out the mere ghost-like presence of those who have died in this piece of land."

Chapter 205 - Scoundrel

The energy waves from the open portion of Life and Death Gate flooded out and transformed into beasts of distant past. The lake water rolled up on the shore while cracks appeared on the ground.

Sophia was clad in a white robe, her curves highlighted as beads of water ran down her face, neck, and shoulders.

She has a smile on her face, but deep inside, she was nervous. It was her second time using this ability, and she was having a hard time to power the gate.

She has used the vitality from the flora and fauna in the region to summon the gate and mobilize the beasts who have died here long ago, but just the process was taking a heavy toll on her body.

In normal times, she would not even use this ability, but Kiba has infuriated her beyond the limit. She could not let him go unpunished after he saw her naked along with the teasing he has done.

She was young and noble blood coursed through her veins. Her sense of pride and honor would not allow her to go easy on Kiba.

"Is he also from an aristocrat family?" Sophia wondered as she contemplated the words he has just spoken about the gate's existence.


A dinosaur-like creature roared loudly. Its body was illusory like a phantom, but the power radiating out of it was menacing.

A significant portion of its flesh was missing from its front, as if it was chomped away by a giant beast, giving it a terrifying appearance.

The dinosaur leaped forward with one of its hind leg aimed at Kiba.

"Archaic existences sure were loud," Kiba mused as he waved his hand and formed a golden barrier around him.


The feet covered with large talons struck down. The momentum of the force carried by the dinosaur was so powerful that craters, in the form of footprints, appeared even before the legs actually touched the ground.

Three legs landed on the ground, but the fourth leg was half-way in the air. The dinosaur roared again as it saw its leg struck on the top of a barrier.

"Can you please be silent?" Kiba raised his left hand, but then he stopped. He looked with slight amazement as the talons from the dinosaur's leg pierced through the top of the barrier, drawing out strings of golden sparks.

"I guess I did underestimate you," Kiba said with praise. "But hey, don't blame me. No one told me you would be this strong for a mere ghost-like existence."


The dinosaur swept its tail at the barrier while it opened its mouth to spew out a column of blue flame.


The barrier ruptured into pieces like a layer of frail glass, sending golden fragments in the air.

Kiba jumped high to dodge the assault of the flame, when a bird made of nothing but a skeleton appeared behind him.

The bone beak of the bird struck towards his back with a surging force. The sound of the air being sliced apart entered his ears just as the beak collided against his back.


Much to the disbelief of Sophia and the bird, the beak cracked apart with a loud crunch sound. It was like his back was made of the strongest metal in existence.

"It is not right to attack from the back," Kiba turned towards the bird in the air. He aimed a hand at the bird and a stream of golden light boomed out of his palm.

The bird rapidly flew away to dodge at a speed not visible to the naked eye. Alas, it was fast but not as fast as the golden stream of light.

One half of its body shattered into oblivion under the assault, and the bird crashed on the ground with a loud thud. But the bird was not done as new pieces of bone regenerated to make it recover.

"Ah! I have forgotten you are dead so you can't really die."

After saying this, Kiba's body flickered and he teleported away as a column of blue flame passed through his former position.

The flame landed on the center of the crystalline lake. In just the blink of an eye, the entire lake was seething with blue fire.

The lake was dancing with fire, marking its beauty with a sinister imprint as the water boiled up. The entire lake evaporated away in no time, and in place of the lake, now there was just a black landmass.

"Pervert, why would you destroy the lake?" Kiba asked with a faint smile.

Sophia was in no state to answer. Her body was sweating profusely as she channeled out more power than she could handle to support the Life and Death gate.

Some distance away from her, the dinosaur roared in fury at its another failure. It once again charged at its target.

Kiba ignored the dinosaur and looked at Sophia. Her face was pale and blood was streaming down from her lips.

"I warned you before to not use this gate," Kiba said with a sigh. "It might be just a poor imitation of the real gate but is not something that a human should ever summon."

Sophia's legs trembled and she fell down.

The dinosaur opened its mouth to crunch down Kiba, but just then, its body blurred like a fading image.

The same happened to the bone bird and other beasts who haven't attacked yet.

Sophia was only eighteen years old and she could no longer power the gate. Her exhaustion resulted in the disappearance of the gate.

Sophia brought the back of her hand to wipe the blood from her mouth. She initially believed she would win in no time so she went all out.

It never occurred to her she would lose due to her stamina running out.

"Haah, the fault is not yours," Kiba said as he appeared right in front of her. "The true Life and Death Gate existed for another purpose in that world."

"Another purpose?" Sophia was stunned.

She obviously knew the world he was referring to was the world from which the meteorites originated. What confused her was what this purpose he was referring to.

Her relatives in the family have always said the use of the gate was to mobilize the dead and use them for battle. She has also heard that there was another ability which was associated with the 'Life' part of the gate. But she was far too young so she wasn't told about the other ability.

She didn't believe he knew of another purpose when even she wasn't aware.

Kiba didn't want to explain or share details since it would mean remembering the events in BSE79 meteoroid. Something he didn't wish to recall if it was possible.

So he instead simply said, "You should never use the gate if you wish to live a long and healthy life."

"What are you talking about?" Sophia was startled by his words. "My ancestor said this ability carries the path for long life."

Kiba looked at her and then sighed. He didn't bother explaining for he knew she would not believe him over her family.

After all, why would she give his words more weight when he was nothing but a stranger? It was not possible for him to overstep the role her family has in her thought process.

"Ah well, we can't agree on this," Kiba said before bringing his eyes on her exposed thighs. "But we can definitely agree on one thing though."

"What do you mean?" Sophia asked, startled by the change in his tone. Her face was down so she didn't notice the movement of his eyes.

"Obviously that you are still being a pervert," Kiba answered with a teasing smile.

Sophia's pale face instantly turned red again. She covered her thighs and raised her head to look at him with anger in her eyes.

If looks could kill, Kiba would have died god knows how many times by now.

"You are the one who is the pervert!" Sophia said as she jumped towards him. Her anger powered her weak body to catch the scoundrel who has infuriated her from the last twenty minutes.

Kiba stepped sidewards to evade her.

"I'm pretty sure your mom would definitely agree with me and not you," Kiba said with a laugh.

"She would not!" Sophia was incensed further as she tried to catch him. "She knows me very well."

"Does she?" Kiba leaped high in the air to avoid a punch. "I'm sure she is not aware of the pervy side you showed me."

Sophia was about to rebuke when she heard loud footsteps.

"Your servants are here," Kiba said as rays of white light enveloped him. "Don't let them see you like this, unless you wish for your mom to learn about your pervert behavior."

"Scoundrel!" Sophia's chest moved up and down violently as she tried to catch up for breath. Before she could retort further, there were no more traces of Kiba.

He has teleported away from this place, leaving her behind as her servants rushed here.

The sound of footsteps turned louder and she quickly dashed towards the carpet where a towel was placed. She covered it around her robe to ensure her servants would not notice any abnormalities.

Just then, around twenty men in black and a woman appeared in sight. Their eyes were filled with disbelief as they observed the craters on the ground and the scorched landmass in place of the lake.

"What happened?" One of the men in black asked.

They were guarding the area from far away and it took them two minutes to come here after they felt the shockwaves from the battle.

But now as they looked on, there was no one but only their mistress.

Who was she fighting for such damage to take place?

The men in black tensed up with dread since the occurrence of the battle meant they have failed in their duty!

"My lady, are you well?" The woman asked in a polite tone.

She was sure the battle was really intense judging from the scale of damage. She felt extremely worried to see such battle take place under her watch without her knowing.

"I'm fine," Sophia brought her eyes on the woman and the guards. "But you all are sure incompetent to fail in one duty I assigned."

Sophia might have failed to punish Kiba for the time being, but her noble nature didn't allow her to accept it as a defeat. She promised to discipline the debauchee sooner or later no matter what.

For now, she wanted to punish her servants for their failure in carrying out their duty. If they guarded the area well then she would not have met Kiba in the lake nor he would have seen her naked.

"We will take responsibility for our failure," The woman said with a deep bow. "Please punish as you deem fit."

Inwardly, she sighed in relief knowing her mistress was safe. If anything has happened to her, she knew death would be an easy outcome.

"Well, your punishment is---" Sophia trailed off as she noticed something suddenly gleaming in the sand beside her.

She was sure she didn't notice this glittering object before and she theorized it has appeared just now.

She wondered if it has appeared due to the earlier battle or for any other reason. Surprised and filled with curiosity, she leaned down to check. She shoved the sand away and picked out a green crystalline bead.

The bead was the size of a human eye and its interior was enveloped with white mist. From time to time, the mist would morph into indistinct images.

"Scene inscription," Sophia thought. Such types of bead were similar to camera devices but with high quality. One just has to send their Will to the bead and then experience the scene as if they were present there.

The bead was warm to touch and this made her believe the inscription was done just now. She has good reasons to believe how the bead came here.

Sophia pressed the bead between her fingers and closed her eyes. Her mental Will entered the bead.

Inside, there was a world of green marked with white. The white mist mutated and transformed into two colorful figures: Kiba and Sophia.

The scene from the last part of the battle appeared. Sophia sitting on the ground, her thighs exposed while her curves were clearly highlighted due to wetness from water and sweat.

As one looks at her, one couldn't help but take her into an embrace to caress her tenderly.

The scene from before then replayed with Kiba calling her a pervert and saying her mother would definitely agree with him.

The mist then disintegrated and once again morphed. This time there was no one but only a projection of Kiba.

"Hey, pervert," Kiba said with a sincere smile. "I recorded your pervert side in this bead. Keep this bead safe, and after you leave the forest, give the bead to your mom and ask if she agrees with me or not. Let your mom be the judge."

Sophia's heart thumped with fury and she retraced her Will from the bead. She then clenched the bead in her soft hand and shattered it into pieces.

"Shameless villain! Don't let me catch you!"

Chapter 206 - Ashlyn Garcia

"Shameless villain! You better hope I don't catch you!" Sophia's eyes were burning with rage.

She already disliked him when he called her pervert, but now he went overboard by asking her to show the recording to her mother.

She knew she was innocent for she was anything but a pervert. But the recording caught her in embarrassing moments which would show her in a bad light.

She was worried her mom would misunderstand so she destroyed the bead. The frail pieces of the shattered bead floated in the air before turning into powder.

Sophia's sudden outburst surprised the female servant and men in black. They wondered just what was recorded in the bead for her to get so angry.

While they were curious, they didn't dare enquire. They have failed their earlier duty so they were in no state to ask.

The only reassuring point for them was that they wouldn't be killed by her. They were sure she knew they have tried their best but failed due to extraordinary circumstances.

"Haah," Sophia took a long breath and let out a long sigh. She looked at her servants and understood their worry.

She obviously knew they weren't laidback in their duty of guarding the area for they were oath-bound. The oath was not mere words, but rather a contract enforced by a nanochip.

The chips were implanted in their heads. If a servant goes against the order then the chip would explode, thereby killing the individual.

Such types of nanochip implants were very costly. Not to mention, they were not allowed in the civil society due to the government regulations, but the nine aristocrat families were an exception since they pretty much ran the government from the shadows.

As a member of the Neville family, Sophia enjoyed the perks of having such loyal followers.


A mile away, Ruby was sitting on the ground behind a thick tree.

The space beside her twisted and Kiba appeared.

"Have you taken the treasure?" Ruby jumped on her feet and asked.

She didn't try to fake sweetness or respect since she has already learned her lesson. Her breasts and neck were still swollen from the branding. It has been hours but the pain was still raw and fresh.

"Nope," Kiba shook his head.

"What?!" Ruby was startled.

She has felt the shockwaves from the battle and when she saw the men in black rushing away, she believed he must have grasped the precious treasure he mentioned.

"Life doesn't always give us what we want," Kiba said as they left the area. "We can only move on if we don't get what our heart desire."

Ruby felt bitterness and sadness from his voice. The grief in his tone was no less than that of a starved man who couldn't take the food right in front of him.

"That treasure must be amazing for him to be so melancholic," Ruby contemplated as they continued their journey.

Twenty minutes later.

The long trees shrouded the sun, making the ground covered with darkness.


Ruby waved her hand and sharp nails flew out from her pocket. They shot down on a low-level black panther, killing it.

"So far so good," Ruby thought as tore some wild vines in her path and stepped forward. She took another step when she felt Kiba placing a hand on her shoulder, stopping her from moving forward.

"What's wrong?" Ruby turned around and asked.

"Nothing much. Just some uninvited guests waiting to welcome us in a trap," Kiba answered in a low voice, his eyes on thick foilage some hundred meters away. "If you continue straight, there are strong chances that you will be going directly to the underworld."

"!" Ruby was alarmed.

She quickly calmed herself, before following his line of sight. She didn't see or feel anything but she fully trusted him.

"Shouldn't we express our gratitude for making them wait for so long?" Kiba said as he rested his head on her left shoulder.

"We should," Ruby's lips curved up into a cruel smile.

She raised her right hand and the thorns from nearby flora hovered in the air. Kiba's eyes focused on the thorns and soon they flashed with a golden current.

Ruby lowered her hand in a striking motion and the thorns, covered with golden current, hit the foliage from all around.


"They know about us!"



Four panicked male voices came from the foliage, but in just seconds, there was only the sound of screams. The green leaves were dyed with blood as thorns pierced the bodies of four men.

Every part of their bodies, including eyes, was struck with thorn, piercing right through the body armor. Their deaths were quick but painful.

They felt something amiss earlier when they noticed Kiba and Ruby stopping in the path, but they remained in their position since they didn't wish to alert them.

When they saw the thorns hovering in the air, they didn't panic and waited, for the thorns were not powerful enough to harm them. But they never thought that the next moment they would die after the thorns were reinforced with a foreign power.

Kiba and Ruby arrived in front of the dead bodies. She noticed a thin wire stretching out from the hand of the four bodies to the path she was earlier above to take. She observed the path properly and noticed minute differences in the soil layer which she theorized were done by the four men.

"Ground filled with explosives," Ruby felt a chill down her spines at the close encounter with death if not for Kiba's warning.

She checked the dead bodies to see if they were carrying any resources. She found some low-level fruits and herbs along with guns and explosives, but nothing truly precious.

"They were broke," Ruby sighed in disappointment.

"Obviously," Kiba turned his head towards far north. "They were mere scouts to welcome us in the first trap."

"You mean there are more?!" Ruby looked in surprise.

She then thought about how people were investigating the explosions created from the battle between Fiona and Kiba. She wondered if the main party was one of those search teams.

"Yeap," Kiba nodded his head. "Let's see if the main party is good enough to entertain us."

Without saying anything, Ruby leaned up to kiss his lips, much to his amazement.

"I would entertain you even if they don't," Ruby said as her lips parted with his.

"That was bold and smart," Kiba said in an appreciative tone. "Guess my morning efforts were not wasted."

Ruby's cheeks flushed and her heart thumped loudly as she recalled the 'efforts'.

"We should continue," Ruby said as she walked forward.

She wanted to impress him, but she was not in a state to handle his 'efforts'. Even now she was having a hard time walking straight.

"Sure," Kiba followed from behind with his eyes feasting on her firm ass. "The forest is definitely filled with delicious sweets."

He hoped the main party would relieve him of his boredom before he fully feasts on Ruby.


Meanwhile, some ten miles away. An event unrelated to Kiba and Ruby was taking place.


A female in early thirties collided against a tree, her head dripping with blood. Some distance away from her, five hyenas were moving towards her.

"Mina!" A male in mid-thirties called out. His arms stretched out like rubber and he brought his fist down on two hyenas.

Mina aimed a hand towards one of the remaining two hyenas and a column of sandy liquid flew out. The liquid was like concrete and as soon as it struck on the hyena, it solidified.

"Amir, watch out!" Mina shouted as she saw an elephant waving its trunk.

Amir's body turned as thick as a layer of glass and he evaded the attack of the elephant. His body then flew above in the air like a balloon and he stretched his limbs to envelope the elephant into a net.

Just then the remaining hyena pouched on Amir. Mina leaped up and her palms spew out more sandy liquid to overpower the hyena.

"Damn," Amir broke free after defeating the elephant. "This is the 17th beast I have fought today. They might be low level but I'm exhausted."

"More are coming," Mina looked in the distance to observe a herd of wild beasts.

In ordinary times, they could easily handle a group of such weak beasts but horde was an entirely different story. The chances of being cornered from all around were high and a single strike might prove fatal. So if possible, they wanted to avoid the fight and save their energy for future battles.

"Which bastard incited this beast riot?" Amir mumbled as he gasped for air.

A few hours ago, the low-level beasts ran away from the outskirts to the inner areas. They did so to protect themselves from the energy explosion created by the battle between Kiba and Fiona.

Alas, this resulted in a beast tide as the territories were fixed. Lower level beasts could not freely barge in an area marked by a higher-level beast.

This, in turn, resulted in the current situation where many hunters and adventurists found themselves to be the unlucky victims of the beast horde.

"Let's get out of here," Mina said as she dashed towards another direction. Amir followed alongside her, and in the same direction, four more team members were speeding through.

Much to their horror, more beasts scuttled out from the trees and sprinted towards their direction.

"Shit!" Mina cursed as she evaded the claws of a wolf and counter-attacked with her ability. "We will die out of exhaustion if this continues."

"We have to open a path if have to escape with our lives," A male colleague said as he spat out black mist from his mouth.

The mist enveloped a Level I cheetah and its body corroded at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Amir looked around and his eyes brightened up as he saw a feminine figure some two hundred meters away, surrounded by beasts from all sides.

The girl was about twenty-one years old, clad in a black suit, marking a striking difference with her creamy-white skin. Blessed with a fit little frame, long legs, and gorgeous face; her body was as perfect as a human could ever get.

Her eyes were entrancing emerald-green while her hairs were crystalline dark. Her beauty was truly breathtaking.

Any man who sees her face even once would want to keep her for himself. But if they see her mesmerizing eyes, they would feel as if they were stuck in an ice cave. Her eyes were devoid of any warmth, all they had was incomparable coldness.

"Ashlyn!" Amir loudly shouted to bring her attention. "Please cut a path for us!"

Ashlyn brought her vision on him and then nodded. She was surrounded by elephants, wolves, and panthers, but there was no trace of worry on her face.

On both her wrists, blue discs were floating. The discs resembled chakram with their sharpened outer edge.

The discs moved above her hand as she opened her palm. She gripped them tightly and closed her eyes.

The beasts pounced towards her, their claws and jaws moving ahead to rip her to shreds.

The discs started spinning in a chopping manner, their sharp edges gleaming like a blade.

Ashlyn opened her eyes and leaped high in the air before throwing the discs with powerful force.


The discs penetrated the air and transformed into blurry streams of light as they shot explosively towards the beasts.

As the discs moved forward, they created an ear-piercing sound, making the eardrums of everyone in the vicinity to tremble.


A giant elephant, whose trunk was twisting towards Ashlyn's leg, fell on the ground. Its neck was pierced through by a disc, tearing its body into two.

The discs continued to rush ahead, cutting through every beast in its path. The beasts resentfully growled as their bodies ripped apart by the discs.


Just as Ashlyn landed back on the ground, there was not a single sign of any living beast near her.

The discs moved back in her hands as she turned towards Amir and others who were surrounded by beasts. She speeded towards them and the sharp edges on the discs rotated.

The discs shot out from her hands. Terrifying blue ripples emanated out of the discs and struck at the beasts. Blood and gore spurted out of the beasts as the ripples and discs swept right through them.

"Yes! Finally!" Amir and others were pleasantly surprised as more beasts died and the path opened up.

They couldn't help but marvel at her might. The males gave her quick glances as they dashed ahead, despite it being a battlefield.

Her expression was cold, just like her eyes and the way she killed the beasts. But this didn't stop the male members from desiring her, even though the desire was suppressed after witnessing the battle.

A few minutes later, the seven members escaped the assault of the beasts.

"Ashlyn, thanks," Amir said as her discs killed a final group of beasts. "We will add your help as contribution points."

Kiba and Ruby walked for a mile before they came across a steep slope. The slope was covered with withered grass and yellow shrubs along with a small but thick tree in the center.

The branches of the tree had small fruits red fruits growing up, while on its trunk, there were small holes.

Mutated squirrels were running around, and when they noticed the two human figures, they ran to the holes in the tree.

Ruby followed Kiba from behind as he took the first step on the slope. Her demeanor was calm, but deep inside, she was somewhat nervous but also excited.

After killing the four scouts half an hour ago, she knew a party was waiting for them to walk in a trap. Her excitement was not for the party, but the way Kiba knew about them.

She was sure his senses were enhanced by which he could use clairvoyance to look out for any sign of trouble. This made her nervous since it reminded her why she failed, but in turn, this also made her excited knowing she will not be entrapped as long as she is with him.

After knowing what she knew about him so far, she was no longer relying on her plans to bide for the time in order to join her other comrades. She felt it would be suicidal if she tried to betray him, so she pretty much decided to follow him blindly.

Ruby was walking forward absentmindedly when her body crashed against Kiba. Startled, she saw Kiba has reduced his pace which resulted in the crash. He was stepping slowly, admiring the tree which was not even a meter away from him.

The squirrels were peeking out of the hole while the red fruits on the branches swayed with the wind.

"A pity," Kiba said with a sigh.

"?" Ruby looked at him in confusion.

Before she could inquire, the fruits flashed with blinding red light. They expanded like a balloon before erupting into red orbs of light.

The orbs exploded into a terrifying surge of energy. The squirrels cried out as they blew apart in pieces along with the tree.

Ruby was stunned into a trance at the sudden turn of events. Her eyes could not even fully register the red energy blast as it moved towards her and Kiba.

"How merciless to use these poor beasts for trap," Kiba's expression remained the same. He slowly raised a hand towards the coming energy explosion.

The powerful waves from the explosion enveloped on his palm like a moth to the flame, forming a large orb of energy.


"So easily?!"


Shocked voices came from the top of the slope.

Ruby turned around and saw a team of five in green clothes. Before she could react further, the ground below her cracked apart and two black whips shot out.

In the same time, a powerful beam of light blasted from the sky towards Kiba and Ruby.

The energy orb floated in Kiba's palm as the two whips lunged towards his torso.

"My second day in the forest, yet so many weaklings are ganging up against me," Kiba flicked the orb towards the incoming beam of light while he stomped his right foot lightly. "Does my shirt have 'Please bully me' tag or something?"


The ground below further shattered as powerful energy waves rippled out from his foot. The two whips sliced apart in fragments just as they were about to shot inside Kiba's torso.

"Cough!" Some hundred feet away, a middle-aged man appeared on the grass slope, coughing up a mouthful of blood.

His arms were severed and blood was dripping out of them. Near his feet, the severed hands were lying, carrying black whips. His entire body was ripping apart as the energy waves coursed through him.

Meanwhile, in the air, the energy orb sliced through the beam of light and rushed towards its source. Among the clouds, a human figure was visible, his eyes wide open in horror as the red orb flew towards him.


A powerful energy explosion reverberated in the sky. The next moment, charred pieces of flesh rained down on the ground.

"Seriously why does everyone here have a death wish?" Kiba asked the five men on the top of the slope.

The five men were shocked out of their wits. They were shaking and sweating, unable to believe the events which took place in the last minute.

They have planned everything with precision, waiting to overpower the man who was has fought against Fiona.

To make sure the plan didn't fail, they used aura suppressing devices to hide their energy signals so that they could catch their opponent without arousing any suspicion.

They also planted explosives in all possible paths on the slope, hoping to capture the opponent and find information on the 'treasure' for which he battled Fiona.

"Hey, I don't have the entire day to waste on you guys," Kiba called out. "Just answer my two questions and depending on how you answer, you might get a chance to live."

Ruby was surprised. He was giving them a chance to survive?!

Just why?!

He didn't give a chance to her comrades at all!

So why make an exception now?!

She felt he was being unfair, but didn't say anything.

"What is it you wish to know?" One of the five asked.

He wanted to buy time to contemplate the next course of action and wait for more team members to join, so he decided to ask and stretch the conversation as long as possible.

He felt Kiba would most likely wish to know about how they got information regarding him or whether they were connected to the four scouts who died earlier.

"Do you guys plan to visit the core region?" Kiba asked the first question.

He didn't care the least bit on how they acquired information to target him. After all, unlike Fiona or Sophia, they were far too weak for him to pose even a risk. If anything, they could give him a chance to satisfy his blood craving.

"The meteorite? No," Another man of the five answered.

He couldn't grasp why would Kiba ask about the core region, but he then thought, perhaps, he didn't wish others to participate and increase the competition. The five of them have no plans to enter the most dangerous region, so they answered truthfully. They were confident the answer would satisfy their opponent and it ignited the hope inside them.

Ruby, on the other hand, felt he was practically sparing their lives by asking such a question. She wished he has asked the same to her comrades, and they would have definitely answered in the same fashion, and thus could have lived.

"How disappointing," Kiba shook his head in frustration.

He wanted to have willing guinea pigs to scout the core region. This was why he made the deal with Fiona to make sure more people visit the core section.

His plans were somewhat similar to what Castor Damon had in mind when he used Zed and other slum dwellers for exploring BSE79 meteoroid.

But he didn't wish to openly force others to join him. He wanted others to participate on their own, this would increase the chances of his success in finding the cure of nanites.

While he was confident in his own powers, he knew the meteorite couldn't be underestimated. After all, the meteorites originated from the same world as his own power source, Cosmic Spark.

No one knew better than him on the threat the meteorites posed for this world.

So he needed others to reduce the risk. In the worst case scenario, he would just go all out and summon his full powers... something he truly wished to avoid after the recent loss of self-control on his own powers.

He might be playing around since there was time before the core region opened up, but he hasn't forgotten his true mission.

"Disappointing?!" Ruby and the five men were shocked.

This was definitely not the response they were expecting. They believed the answer would satisfy him, but now they realized they couldn't be more wrong.

"The last question is our true hope!" The five men thought. They prayed the question would be easy and their answers would please the death god.

"The final question," Kiba swept his eyes over the five men. "Your life depends on it so answer honestly."

The five men felt every passing second turning the area into cold hell. Their bodies were drenched in cold sweat as they waited for Kiba to open his lips and ask.

Never in their lives, they thought it was possible for their lives to depend on a question.

Ruby looked at Kiba and waited for him to ask the question. She was really curious after how the answer to the first question resulted in opposite to what she has expected.

"Just what could be the life-saving question? Is it about some treasure? But those five are just low-level explorers so the chances are low," Ruby placed a hand on her chin as she thought.

"Now, the time for the final question has arrived," Kiba slowly said, building suspense like a game host on the final quest.

"Yes, sir?" The five men folded their hands, ready to beg if the question was too difficult or complex.

"Are there any beautiful women in your team?" Kiba asked with a serious expression.

As soon as the question was asked, the entire area turned deathly silent.

"What?!" Ruby rubbed her ears to check if they were working fine. She felt her ears were working properly, so she observed the five men.

The five were struck on the spot, their jaw dropped to the ground. One by one, they fell on the ground, unable to believe the question which would determine their fate.

What truly terrified them was the seriousness in the voice of the death god. He was not joking! This question would truly decide whether they would live or not!

"No, we are all men team," One of the five men answered.

They have more team members working in other parts of the forest, but all of them were males. This was mainly done to ensure there was no bad blood among team members since a female member would become a focal point. Everyone would try to earn the favor of women, and thus reducing the effective teamwork.

Kiba's brows creased up in anger.

Ruby and others didn't need Kiba to speak to know he was disappointed with the answer. The five men felt their hearts thumping loudly and their blood pressure increasing.

They didn't have the least bit of confidence in escaping alive. Nor did they have any expectation of Kiba forgiving them.

"I could forgive you for your first answer but not this," Kiba said as his powerful aura whirled out like a vortex. "I have a strong dislike for misogynists like you."

The stones and debris floated in the air before turning into dust.

"Misogynist?!" The five men felt their heads spinning. "We are not!"

How were they misogynist?!

Just because they didn't have any female team members?!

Ruby's eyes lit up in understanding. She was now more confident about her theory on why she was spared.

"The only reason I even bothered to not decimate you all from the start was in the hope of finding a new companion for tonight," Kiba gritted his teeth as his aura surged forward.

"New companion?" Ruby enquired in a polite tone.

"Yes," Kiba nodded his head. "So that we can have a threesome."

After meeting Fiona and Sophia, he was feeling horny especially since he has seen the latter naked in the bath.

"....." Ruby was speechless by the response, even though she was somewhat expecting the answer. She couldn't help but feel sorry for the men in front of her.

Kiba waved his hand and the air around the five men suppressed up. Their breathing turned heavy while their faces turned pale as the aura intensified.

"You ruined my plans for a threesome," Kiba clenched his fist tightly. "Even death couldn't forgive you for this."

The five men wanted to cry, but they have no tears to shed. They cursed their team founders for establishing the rule of no woman in the team.

But then again, just how were they supposed to know a woman was necessary to save their lives?!

"This is not fair!"

Ashlyn ignored him and made a grasping motion in the air.

The discs made a curve in the air and flew back towards her. She clenched her fists and the discs moved through them, without harming her the least bit, and cladding themselves on her wrists.

Chapter 207 - Life-saving Question