285 - 291

Chapter 285 - Events of Future Past (Part III)

The room was vast with wide space available between examination chair, desk, and so on. The inbuilt air conditioner system emitted rosy air that was calming to a woman's mind.

Annie was lying on the examination table with her legs resting on the stirrups. The end of her green gown was lifted till her stomach in order to allow easy access for the pelvic examination. This showcased her flat stomach with an elongated navel and the white panty covering the short, neatly trimmed bush.

Annie's muscles were tensed with nervousness as she saw Dr. Kiba sitting down on a chair; right between her open thighs.

He opened a drawer nearby and Annie noticed the frequent tools as a speculum, mirror, and so on.

"Annie, take a deep breath," Dr. Kiba said in a soothing voice. "As I said, everything that happens here is confidential and protected by the doctor-patient privilege. So there is no reason for you to be worried."

"I understand, Dr," Annie calmed a bit and took a long breath to relieve some of the stress.

"Before I start the examination and subsequent treatment, there are a few questions I need to know," Dr. Kiba stretched the latex gloves on his hands to ensure they were tight.

"Please ask, Dr," Annie said. She felt questions were obvious since she and her husband were facing troubles in conceiving a child.

"How frequently do you and your husband engage in sexual activities?" Dr. Kiba asked the first important question. He took a digital tablet in his hands and tabbed on a note to enter the details.

Incorporeal Kiba and Pythia: "...."

This question was rather commonly asked by gynecologists and fertility experts but Pythia's alarms bells were ringing when Dr. Kiba asked it. She looked at Kiba and thought what type of thoughts were playing in his mind at the sight of his future-self.

"We have not engaged in sex from last week due to our appointment," Annie answered with her face a deep shade of red. She felt embarrassed discussing her sex life in front of a male doctor, especially a deviously handsome doctor like Dr. Kiba.

"Before the last week, we use to make love 3-4 times per week," Annie completed her answer.

"Why? You both are in just mid-thirties and rather young so you should have a more active sex life," Dr. Kiba remarked.

"Um...My husband does not have a big libido," Anne replied in a low voice. "And I don't feel comfortable in engaging sex with him on my own... I don't want my husband to see me as a wanton slut."

"There is nothing wrong with seeking pleasure just because you are not a man," Dr. Kiba said in the same expert tone from before. "Our bodies are made to enjoy the climax from sex and it applies to women as well. Sadly, our society doesn't look kindly at women who enjoy sex as much as men."

"...yes," Anne agreed. She was surprised by such an open conversation and especially his liberal views on sex.

"Anyways, we know about your sex life with your husband," Dr. Kiba recorded her answers on his tablet. "Do you have any male lovers? If yes, how active is your sex life with them?"

"Dr! How dare you to ask me this!" Annie was incensed. "I love my husband! I would never cheat on him!"

"My apologies but please understand I was not doubting your character," Dr. Kiba apologized, "I only asked to get as much information as I could."

"I understand, Dr," Annie lowered her voice. "I'm sorry for getting upset when you are just doing your job."

"No worries," Dr. Kiba didn't take any offense. "So I know about your sex life with men but not with women."

"..." Annie's jaw dropped. It took her a long while to gain some composure and reply, "I'm not a lesbian or bisexual!"

"I never said that," Dr. Kiba adjusted his glasses before continuing. "I said that to break the ice but I guess I failed again."

Annie didn't know how to reply. She felt bad for behaving so insolently when all Dr. Kiba wanted was relax her. She understood he was doing it so that she doesn't feel any discomfort in the presence of a male doctor.

"I shall start the examination," Dr. Kiba brought his eyes on her panties. "Do you want me to remove them or you will do it?"

"You can, Dr," Anne said. She said since her feet were on stirrups so it would be uncomfortable to get rid of her panties by own.

Dr. Kiba agreed to her proposal; his expression the same as ever. He brought his hands on either side of her hips to tug her panties. His hands made contact with her smooth skin and she felt a current pass through her spine.

A man who was not her husband was going to see her love spot. She didn't know why but she strangely felt both frightened and excited at the situation.

He gently tucked down her panty past her hip bones. His fingertips made faint touches with her skin as he moved further down.

He could feel goosebumps but he pretended to be ignorant and removed her panties after freeing her legs from stirrups. He placed her feet on stirrups after which he folded down her panties and placed it on a nearby table.

Anne was thankful at Dr. Kiba's thoughtful actions. She was further amazed at his strict expression. There was no lust or rush of blood on his face.

"Am I not beautiful enough?" Annie wondered in her heart. She has always seen men making passes on her to get in her pants. Yet, here her most sacred body part was exposed but Dr. Kiba showed zero interest.

She was happy that her doctor was so strictly professional and yet, a part of her felt she was undesirable. This hurt her pride and vanity as a woman, and this feeling was enhanced further since the doctor was the most handsome man she has ever seen in her life.

"We are starting with a sensitivity test," Dr. Kiba's fingers slowly moved from the inner of her thighs to the border of her pussy. His fingers then swept through her neat bush before sliding back on the vaginal lips.

"Y-yes, Dr," Annie answered as his fingers traced the outline of her pussy. His movements were gentle and faint like a breeze.

"Are you able to feel the movement of my fingers?" Dr. Kiba asked as his fingers rolled right between her pussy lips before sliding on her clit. He stroked her soft bud and the action did magic in her mind.

"Yes!" Annie answered, rather too excitedly.

"That's good," Dr. Kiba nodded in a professional matter. "Let's examine more carefully."

His fingers prodded all around her pussy before ending up at her clit. She could feel the excitement building as his fingers caressed her vaginal foldings in a circular manner.

Kiba took his other hand to part her foldings while sending a finger inside. Annie's body shuddered and she felt a tingling sensation numbing her nerves.

He rolled his finger up before pulling it out. On his glove-covered finger, he could feel damp of wetness.

"Hmm," Dr. Kiba repeated his motions by sending his finger quickly back and forth through her foldings. "The sensitivity is high but that's to be expected due to the one week gap. We need to check with more precision to know if it is good enough."

Dr. Kiba rubbed the damp skin covering her entrance with one hand while his finger continued with the probe with more intensity. The wetness intensified and she clawed her nails right into the examination table.

Her breath turned frantic as another fingertip dipped in her wetness. Her breasts moved up and down as both fingertips slide further inside.

Annie closed her eyes. She wanted to control the excitement building inside her and not come as a slut for enjoying a medical procedure.

"Annie, it is perfectly natural response so please relax," Dr. Kiba said as if he was able to read her thoughts. "It is similar to how a man would react if he sees a naked woman."

The musky scent of her arousal greeted his nostrils. His tongue darted across his lips but he quickly pulled it back.

"I understand, Dr," Annie opened her lips and relaxed again. She observed his face and saw just serious, professional concentration with no lust.

"How can a man have so much self-control?" Annie tried to divert her attention from her lower part of her body so she thought of this. "But if he didn't have such control then he wouldn't be running this reputed clinic."

Annie was thinking when one of his fingers rubbed tightly against her clit. She wanted to moan but she closed her lips tightly.

She couldn't control for much longer as his fingers continue with the probe. The depth they covered was greater with more wetness.

Just as she was about to scream, he retraced his fingers. He took back the digital tablet from a table nearby and started entering details.

Annie didn't know if she should be grateful or frustrated. Her crimson insides were throbbing and she knew it was a result of the teasing.

"Annie, let me ask another question if you are comfortable," Dr. Kiba looked at her for her answer.

"Sure," Annie replied.

"Does your husband perform oral sex on your vagina?" Dr. Kiba asked in an emotionless voice.

Annie gulped down at the question. She thought for a bit before saying, "No, doctor. Gomez never does... I have never experienced oral sex, to be honest. My husband or my boyfriends in college never showed interest in such activity..."

"I see," Dr. Kiba entered the details on his tablet while mumbling. "A pity."

Incorporeal Kiba: "What a bunch of idiots! A nice, hygiene pussy deserves to be enjoyed in more than one ways!"

Dr. Kiba placed the tablet down after which he clapped his hands. A curtain appeared above the examination table; separating the table from her navel. The curtain divided the room into two and it was long enough to cover his head from her.

Annie was startled. Before she could ask, Dr. Kiba said, "I have realized you feel uncomfortable at my sight. So I'm covering your eyesight and as such, your nerves can calm a bit."

"Thanks, Dr," Annie couldn't believe just how understanding the doctor was. Every action of his was for her benefit.

"No wonder he is so popular and well-liked," Annie thought of the accolades he has received. "He got an award from Female Patients Association for his contribution to women health."

She brought her eyes on a glass shelf some distance away. Inside the shelf, there were many awards received by this clinic. There were certificates of appreciation and special mentions in medical journals among others.

"Rumors say he used to live in that destroyed city," Annie's thoughts were disturbed as she felt another finger probing her crimson slit.

"Annie, I would be using other tools for the examination," Dr. Kiba's voice entered her ears.

"Ok, Dr," Annie was comfortably lying on the table.

Dr. Kiba removed the gloves from his hands. He shoved an index finger in her womanhood and the wetness from before damped his finger.

He brought the finger close to his mouth and smelled. His eyes were filled with delight at the scent of arousal and he tasted it to confirm its taste.

"Sweet, just to my liking," Dr. Kiba mumbled. He sat down on the chair between her stretched legs and brought his mouth close to her pussy.

He swept his tongue out and gently flickered on the slit. He took a slow, long lick from below the clit to the end of her pussy. He then licked her on the other side while rolling the tip of his tongue in between to give an extra-strong lick. As his tongue started round two, he tucked the foldings between his lips and sucked on them.

He continued this for a few minutes before parting her vaginal lips and licking the wet crimson. His actions were a mix of licking, sucking and finger probing.

Allie felt her breathing turn heavy. The goosebumps on the back of her neck were standing in delight and an ecstatic current passed through her spine.

"Just what tool he is using?!" Annie has experienced various tools in her pelvic examination with other doctors but none of them felt like this.

Her body was turning wild as she experienced a sensation she has never experienced before. She wanted to jump and scream but she stopped herself. In her entire life, she has never been so turned on, and this made her entire face flushed with warm blood.

A few minutes later, Dr. Kiba rose to his feet.

"Annie, your vagina is really tight as per bimanual exam and other tests," Dr. Kiba informed her. "As per my data, the sperms could not fuse with your eggs since most of your vagina is unexplored. So we need to loosen your tight vagina a bit."

Incorporeal Kiba: ".........."

Pythia: "What type of medical science is this?!"

"Loosen? How, Dr?" Annie recalled the gossips among her friends. They would often discuss the size of their husbands and as such, she knew her husband was about average with 6 inches. So she knew she was tight but never thought so tight that it would interfere with conceiving.

"Please relax, it is not necessary and it was just a suggestion," Dr. Kiba said in a soothing voice. "Even if you don't loosen, it would be fine."

"No, Dr!" Annie was sure it was necessary otherwise Dr. Kiba would not have mentioned it. After all, his record for success was known to all. How can a great doctor like suggest something if it is not important?!

"If you say so," Dr. Kiba said after a few seconds. "We have two methods: Natural and Artifical."

Annie thought for a minute. She didn't want to have any unexpected complications so she believed natural was the right way but she wanted to have more information before deciding.

"Dr, what methods did others use?" Annie enquired while thinking about her friends who have used the service of this reputed clinic to treat their infertility issues.

"Natural method," Dr. Kiba informed her. "After all, that method in sync with nature cycle and perfectly healthy with no side effects."

"Dr, then I want you to use the natural method," Annie said, unsure of what type of method would be employed.

"Understood," Dr. Kiba unhooked his pants and pulled down the zipper. "Please see if you have are fine with the tool."

"Ok," Annie pushed the curtain up to check out the instrument. Her eyes turned wide in disbelief at the sight of the largest, thickest cock she has ever seen in life.

"He is at least twice large as Gomez!" Annie was spellbound by the gorgeous sight in front of her. It took her a while before she gained control and said, "Dr, what is the meaning of this?!"

"The natural instrument for the natural method," Dr. Kiba answered as a matter of factly.

Annie was stunned. She didn't know how to reply.

"It is the most trusted and reliable method I have. At least, that's what your friends believed so I employ it often," Dr. Kiba further explained. "Personally, I would recommend it. Your husband said you should follow my suggestions but it is up to you."

Pythia and Incorpeal Kiba: "....."

Annie was silent, her eyes glued on his cock. Her juices of arousal were leaking like never before and she knew why.

"Gomez did say I'm naive and that I should follow your guidance," Annie said in a low voice. "And I trust my husband's wisdom."

Pythia: "Your husband definitely didn't mean this!"

Pythia looked at Incorporeal Kiba and the latter gave a bitter laugh in response. Why is she looking at him with a furious expression for the actions of his future-self?!

Besides, his future-self is only trying to help!

"Why did you brought us to see this scene anyway?" Incorporeal Kiba asked. "It is not like I paid you with 5 jars of Spatial Golden Sand for seeing this part of the future!"

Pythia was truly embarrassed by his words. She wanted to hide in some cave but she knew she was stuck here for the time being.

"Besides, unlike you, I don't get high on witnessing action between consenting adults!" Incorepal Kiba added angrily. He has no interest in seeing the adventures of his future-self.

"I'm not a pervert!" Pythia replied instantly. She felt his words were making her into some sort of sick pervert with voyeuristic tendencies.

"Really? Then why are we here?" Incorporeal Kiba asked.

"...The first two events of future past were filled with either seriousness or sadness so I brought you to a future where you are happy," Pythia answered with slight embarrassment.

She didn't think it would backfire on her in such a way. She only felt this instant in time was filled with happiness for him but she had no idea the happiness was of this nature.

"....." Incorporeal Kiba remained silent. Pythia brought her eyes back on Annie and Dr. Kiba who were sacrificing so much in the name of science.

"Your husband is indeed wise," Dr. Kiba nodded in understanding.

"Yes, Dr," Annie agreed with him. "I'm ready for you."

Dr. Kiba rubbed the tip of his cock on her clit before positioning it on her wet entrance.

"Ohhhh!" Annie almost climaxed as the thick head of his cock pressed into her lubricated pussy. The pulsating and throbbing sensation from the cock of handsome Dr. Kiba was too much for her.

Her sloppy pussy tightened on the head of his cock. As he pushed further inside, she felt bolts of current and her eyes closed almost as a reflex.

Dr. Kiba was delighted as her vaginal muscles squeezed around his barging cock. He inwardly made a note to thank Gomez for having such a wife.

Annie's forehead dripped with sweat and she clenched her teeth as her pussy devoured more of him. She was on the verge of passing out from the combination of pain and ecstasy her body was enjoying.


Just then, the door opened.

"Sweetie, is the examination over?" Gomez's voice came as the glass door fully opened.

Annie's expression was like that of a deer caught in the headlights...

Chapter 286 - Events of Future Past (Part IV)

(A/N: Three chapters into one!)

For the last thirty minutes, Gomez was sitting in the waiting lounge. He knew the need for privacy so he readily agreed to wait outside while the genius Dr. Kiba performed tests on his wife. Now, it was half an hour and he thought of checking out on his wife.

Gomez opened the opaque glass door connecting to the medical room and said, "Sweetie, is the examination over?"

Anne was lying on the examination table with her legs in the stirrups. Dr. Kiba has just pushed half his cock into her eager pussy which gave her a short orgasm. As she enjoyed the heavenly sensation, the door opened up.

She wanted to scream and wail with the thick cock stuffed into her pussy but now, her expression turned into that of horror. What terrified her further was that Dr. Kiba continued to penetrate with his shaft further in, and her body responded with joy.

Sweat oozed out of her body and she chewed on her lips to not moan.

"Sweetie! What's going on?!" Gomez's voice was filled with panic as he ran to the table

"Oh no! My life is over!" Anne's eyes were filled with tears. "First time I did this and I got caught!"

She was having a hard time thinking with the fat cock barging inside her and stretching her tight little pussy. She was sure her husband would not understand what she was doing was strictly a part of her treatment.

"Ahh...Honey! I'm sorry!" Annie barely muttered an apology.

"Why are you apologizing?" Gomez asked with worry. Much to her surprise, he put a hand over her shoulder as Dr. Kiba's cock entered inside her inch by inch.

Annie was stunned. She barely opened her eyes while fighting the urge to scream in pleasure. She saw the curtain above her chest; dividing the room into two. She could barely see Dr. Kiba's golden hair due to the height of curtain and she breathed out in relief knowing her husband was not able to see the procedure conducted by Dr. Kiba to help her in easy conceiving.

"Right! Dr. Kiba has brought the curtain before! And my robe is still there!" Annie's tears were of joy as she enjoyed the euphoric sensation of the first thrust of a giant cock.

"Sweetie, what's wrong with you?" Gomez asked again. He took her wife's left hand into both his hands and felt her goosebumps. He was worried by the expression his wife was showing; it was an expression he has never seen before. She was chewing her lips and was on the verge of screaming.

"Ohh...nothing, honey," Annie answered under her breath. "Dr. Kiba is using his instrument."

"I see," Gomez thought of speculums and other tools used in such procedures. "It must be truly painful."

"It is," Annie replied, her chest moving up and down. "I have never experienced anything like this before. It is far too hard and long..."

"Sweetie," Gomez pressed his wife's hand tightly in support. "I'm proud of how bravely you are taking this instrument."

Dr. Kiba didn't intervene in the conversation and focused on his task with full concentration. He grabbed her hips tightly and began pumping into her with nice long slow thrusts. She couldn't believe he touched her cervix from the get-go without any difficulty.

"Thank...Ah...thank you, honey" Annie shuddered and closed her eyes. "I never thought I was capable but your words from before gave me the motivation to take this instrument head-on."

Annie was also proud of herself. She thought it was damn impressive of her to take Dr. Kiba's giant cock without passing out.

Gomez smiled in response. He was glad his woman was so devoted and faithful to follow his words as a devoted wife. She was suffering so much pain and yet she didn't complain because of his words.

"You are the best wife," Gomez bent his head down to kiss on her forehead. He felt her sweat and trembling but he didn't mind it the least bit.

She was facing so much pressure and pain so how could he not support her?!

Annie was stunned by her husband's actions and words. The thrill of having illicit sex in front of her clueless husband made her pussy gripped Dr. Kiba's cock with great intensity. Dr. Kiba could feel her vaginal muscles rippling over his shaft as he pumped into her.

"Oooo honey! This is too much! Ahhhh!" Annie arched her body as she reached climax. "Hold me!"

"I will be here to support you," Gomez declared his intentions. He gripped her hand tightly and didn't show pain when she clawed her nails into his flesh.

"Sweetie! Just hang on! I'm sure Dr. Kiba would be done soon!" Gomez said to his loving wife.

Unknown to him, her wife was getting more thrills by his behavior. She felt firecrackers exploding inside her mind and her vision turned blurred. Her breathing turned more frantic and the afterglow of orgasm sparkled on her face.

"Gomez, as per the situation, I will need around an hour," Dr. Kiba informed him from behind the curtain while he thrust inside his wife. "There are more procedures waiting to be carried out."

Even Dr. Kiba was getting more turned on by the situation. His cock turned harder by the presence of his patient's husband and as a result, he pumped with more vigor in Annie. She responded with more juices that lubricated her sloppy tunnel.

Annie was worried. She could barely control her moans to an acceptable degree and she was not sure she could prevent her from screaming. It was her first experience with a cock that was twice thick and long than her husband and she knew she was not capable of suppressing her moans any longer. She was not a screamer in the bed but the reputed Dr. Kiba was just too much.

And the illicit nature of getting fucked by the handsome doctor in the first appointment was even more exciting.

Dr. Kiba freed her legs from the stirrups. She wrapped them around his torso and gave him more easy access for deep penetration.

"Honey, you can go wait and relax outside," Annie barely muttered.

"No dear, how can I relax when you are sweating and suffering so much pain?!" Gomez continued to hold her hands.

"Gomez," Dr. Kiba called out from behind the curtain. "I'm afraid your presence here is disturbing my concentration in this sensitive task. So please leave."

Gomez was startled. In his worry for his wife, he has forgotten how sensitive the work carried out by Dr. Kiba was.

If he got distracted by his presence then wouldn't it result in unexpected results?!

Pythia wanted to scream at Gomez and say,"Yeah. Your wife's doctor might slip and enter into her ass if he gets distracted!"

"Ok, I will leave," Gomez understood the importance of concentration so he decided to leave. "Sweetie, just hang on."

"I will!" Annie said before letting out a loud scream of pleasure as the door closed. She ripped the curtain away and looked into Dr. Kiba's eyes as he pumped into her with a passion she has never known.

"That was close!" Annie said as her pussy tightened onto him. "But it was the best part of my life."

"We are just getting started with the procedure," Dr. Kiba replied while pushing her robe from her stomach. She raised her hands above and discarded the robe away from her body.

Dr. Kiba pushed the straps of her bra away and unhooked from behind. her firm, tight breasts with rosy nipples came in sight.

He pulled her into him and her tempting breasts rubbed against his chest.

"We need to check your breasts," Dr. Kiba said as he continued to stroke into her, slowly, with his eyes focused on her breasts.

"Please do, Dr!" Annie replied while huffing.

He cupped them in his hands before giving them a tight squeeze. His fingers were soft and warm to touch as they caressed her firm breasts. She felt a chill down her spine as his fingertips dug right into her areolae. His hands moved in rapid movements around her breasts; caressing the soft flesh before kneading on the areolae.

Dr. Kiba slammed his cock in a long thrust with his fingers finally arriving on her hard nipples. He pinched them tightly between his fingers. His actions were a mixture of pinching her nipples to simply holding them between his fingers and squeezing them.

"Dr! It hurts but it also feels good!" Annie informed him of the result of his tests.

"I need to examine more closely for further research," Dr. Kiba grabbed her hips for support as his lips zoomed into her left breast. He took her nipple between his lips and sucked on it like a kid.

"This feels great!" Annie moaned with her hands roaming on his back. "Dr! This is the best examination I have taken! I was truly naive to not make an appointment before!"

"No worries," Dr. Kiba replied as his mouth moved on her other breast. "We will make sure we do every necessary test you have missed."

He licked the soft flesh of her breasts before sucking on her right nipple. His teeth gently gripped her nipple and sending another wave of current in her

Incorporeal Kiba: "My future-self is doing the examination on such a deep level...no wonder his clinic is so successful."

Incorporeal Pythia: ".............."

Annie's tongue flicked out to lick her lips and she closed it with Dr. Kiba as he raised his head. Their lips were locked into a deep passionate kiss.

They continued to make out in this position for the next five minutes. Kissing, caressing her breasts and fucking like there was no tomorrow.

Dr. Kiba pulled out his throbbing cock from her wet pussy and pushed her back on the table. His shaft was covered with her juices and traces of precum.

"Doctor?!" Annie was on verge of another climax and the sudden stop startled her. She couldn't understand why he made her lie on the table again.

Dr. Kiba stroked his shaft while moving around the examination desk and arriving next to her head. His cock was above her face and her eyes turned wide at the sight. She could see the bright veins popping on his thick cock.

"Suck it," Dr. Kiba commanded.

"I...Dr, I have never done it even with my husband," Annie said, her voice filled with hesitation. She has considered oral sex repulsive and never allowed her husband to even bring his penis next to her lips, much less suck.

"I'm not your husband and we are not making love. I'm your doctor; everything is strictly for your benefit," Dr. Kiba brushed his pulsing cock against her soft lips. "You might consider it oral sex but in truth, it is nothing more than getting my instrument greased for next round. Every patient of mine has done it for their health."

Annie opened her lips to reply but she couldn't utter a word as he stuffed his cock right into her mouth.

Incorporeal Kiba: "............"

Pythia: "Damn! Does his shamelessness have no limit?! Just how long can he pretend everything is for medical purposes!?!?"

"Mmm...." Annie closed her eyes as the head of his cock throbbed against her cheek. She tasted her own sweet, musky juice and his taste.

It was the first time she gave blowjob and she was nervous. She didn't want to disappoint Dr.Kiba and make him feel she was not cooperating.

Earlier, she felt oral sex would be repulsive but as he pushed his cock in her mouth, she felt how wrong she was. His cock was warm, pulsating, and tasted great in her wet mouth.

His cock went right through her lips and she leaned her face up to allow his cock more easy access. Her teeth lightly struck on his shaft and her tongue struck against the crown of his cock but it only increased the sensation of hot ecstasy.

Annie didn't know if she was doing it right. She was only doing what she heard from her female friends in girls night outs and she hoped her first time would not disappoint Dr. Kiba.

Slowly, Annie showed a natural talent for worshipping his cock. She sucked and licked him before giving the head of his cock a long, wet sloppy kiss.

As she bobbed up and down on his cock, she felt a tingling sensation between her legs. Her juices leaked further and her entire body flushed with the rapidly building excitement.

"I'm proud of you," Dr. Kiba wasn't stingy with his praises.

To be honest, her skills were lame and techniques nonexistent but he believed in building the confidence of his patients. He was too much of a great human to find fault with a beautiful woman who was giving him something she has never given to her husband.

Annie felt thrilled at the illicit enjoyment she was having. She thought of her husband who was outside the room, and she was sure he would not agree with her eagerness to "grease Dr. Kiba's instrument."

She pumped her head up and down his long, thick cock. Her face showed the ebullition she was getting from following doctor's command.

She let his cock go for a moment to breathe and relax her aching jaw muscles, but she got no rest as Dr. Kiba made his move. He grabbed her head and stroked his cock in and out of her mouth. His thrusts were slow but long, making her feel as if he considered her mouth as pussy.

There was no gentleness or love she has always experienced in sex with her husband. Dr. Kiba was rough and using her mouth for his pleasure, and yet, it made her wet with ecstasy.

Her hands arrived between her thighs and she rubbed her pussy lips and clit as she continued to suck him.

This continued for ten minutes and by now, his cock was crowned with her saliva; fully wet and sloppy. As his cock left her mouth, a trail of saliva stretched from the base of his shaft to her lips.

She cleaned the trail with her tongue, surprising herself by her wanton behavior.


"Get on your feet," Dr. Kiba passed a command. "We need to continue with stretching your muscles down."

She obeyed and left the examination table. Dr. Kiba spun her around with her back against him. He made her stretch her right leg on the table with her left feet on the floor. As such, she was resting her right leg and arms on the table.

He kissed on her smooth back while tracing his hand down her spine. She felt a shudder and she moaned loudly as his cock rubbed against her wet slit.

He grind his cock deep into her after which he began thrusting. He kissed on the back of her neck as he pounded from behind.

His balls slammed on her with each thrust. The sound of flesh against flesh ringed out along with the strong smell of sex.

Annie leaned her head behind while begging him to penetrate deeper. She felt her tight, wet insides clasping his hard cock as he rammed with powerful thrusts.

He was stretching her out in ways she never thought was possible. She realized it was not just a simple matter of size but also experience, skills, and stamina. No matter how she compared it with her husband, he was 100 times better. He knew what to do and how in order for the patient to benefit the most.

Dr. Kiba grabbed her firm butt cheeks while pounding her.

"Ahhh!" Annie cried as he slapped on her ass followed by a powerful thrust. There was a pain but there was also pleasure, and it mingled with the building ecstasy inside her.

Her soft breasts rubbed on the examination table with every thrust. He could see the sides of her breasts protruding and this increased his craving for her.

He slapped her ass, kissed on her neck and back, and even grabbed her breasts; all the while ramming his cock deep inside her to enjoy ethereal pleasure.

Annie has no idea how long he stretched her pussy in this position. Her breath was already heavy and she was dripping with sweat.

Dr. Kiba grabbed her by hips and spun around before nuzzling on her neck. He sucked her soft flesh between his lips after which he gave her skin a soft bite.

Annie leaned her back and trembled with currents of pleasure. She has never thought foreplay between sex could be so amazing.

He lied down on the table and made her ride his cock. She sat on him and guided his cock into her after which she started working down on him.

Her breasts moved up and down in a soothing rhythm as her wet insides clashed against his throbbing cock.

Kiba cupped her breasts and nipped down on her nipples. His senses were in incomparable delight with his mouth munching on her heavenly breasts while his cock enjoyed her wet, sloppy hole.

He pushed her on her back and entered into her with slow thrust. She moaned in pleasure and rubbed her clit as he rammed deep.

Dr. Kiba and Anne fucked like rabbits with no signs of tomorrow.

Annie straddled on him while facing his feet in a kneeling position. She kept her torso upright as he slid his large cock fully inside her on every thrust. She wriggled in pleasure as her pussy devoured his fat cock.

"Ooooo!" She drove his cock deep over and over until she was screaming loudly.

Dr. Kiba made her experiment with various positions so his penetrations could be deeper. Doggy, reverse cowgirl, missionary, and so on.

He took control and also offered her control on the pacing and thrust depending on the positions. For him, sex was a mutually beneficial relationship and he wanted his partner to have equal say, at least in the enjoyment.

As Anne reached close to her release, she was pinned against a wall with him thrusting from the front.

Dr. Kiba was pounding the hell out of her with every thrust and her yelps of pleasure were more like screams of begging to slam faster and harder into her.

Each stroke into her was ripping her into two and bringing her close to climax. She felt it was not orgasm but an eruption of ecstasy so strong that it coursed through every vein of her body. Her body jerked with convulsions and she saw stars flashing in front of her.

Kiba felt her pussy muscles convulsing strongly against his cock as she enjoyed the burst of orgasm. He continued to hammer in her sensitive, wet pussy with his hard cock.

"Ooo god yes!" Annie shuddered again with pleasure.

Dr. Kiba knew he was close and he quickly pulled out while pushing her down on her knees.

"Open your mouth," Dr. Kiba gripped her head and shoved his cock right between her lips. "Here is my protein shake for you."

Anne was still lost in her pleasure, and the taste of her strong juices along with the violent pulses of his cock made her shudder.

Dr. Kiba pressed her face tightly against his crotch as his cock exploded out waves of cums deep into her mouth. She was stunned by the amount of semen he released. She was having a hard time containing all his cum in her mouth.

Her soft lips were covered with sticky drips of cum as he withdrew his empty cock from her.

"Swallow it," Dr. Kiba instructed. "Don't waste a single drop."

Annie didn't know why but she accepted his order without any hesitation. It might be the aftereffects of her volcanic climax or her newfound joy for sex but she accepted his load like the tastiest dish on the planet. Her throat muscles flexed as she started devouring his cum.

Exhausted, Dr. Kiba sat down on a rolling chair. He took a glass of water and emptied it one go.

"Get dressed," He said to naked Annie. The air filters in the room cleared the smell of sex and replaced it with a rosy scent.

"Yes, Dr," Annie rose to her feet.

She took her panties from a table nearby and walked towards the changing room. While stepping into the room, she thought she has finally comprehended why the clinic was preferred even by women who have no difficulty in conceiving.

"This was not cheating," Annie said to herself as the guilt finally showed up. "I was only doing what my husband wanted! He wanted me to follow Dr. Kiba's instructions!"

Fifteen minutes later.


Gomez opened the opaque glass door and once again entered the room. He saw Dr. Kiba and his wife sitting across each other with a desk in between.

Dr. Kiba was studying a file on a digital tablet while his wife was smiling. Gomez was surprised by the extraordinary glow on her face. She has never looked so happy and content ever before.

"Honey! The treatment was a success!" Annie jumped from her chair and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"That's really good!" Gomez couldn't help but close his lips with hers. Annie was surprised but she eagerly responded to his kiss.

She pushed her tongue out and barged into his mouth. Gomez felt a salty but sweet taste as she gave him the best kiss of his life.

"Sweety, have you taken some pills?" Gomez asked as their lips parted.

"Ah...yes!" Annie was caught off guard but quickly nodded. As she looked at her husband, she noticed a thin rope of sticky white liquid on his lip.

"I must swallow every drop!" Annie recalled her doctor's prescription. "I am not allowed to waste a single drop!"

Gomez was still contemplating when his wife once again kissed him. He was surprised by her wild side but thought it was a result of her treatment. She licked the thin rope of Dr. Kiba's cum from her husband's lips during the kiss.


Annie made a slurping sound after their kiss broke. She hasn't wasted a single drop!

"Well done, Annie." Dr. Kiba placed down the tablet on the desk.

Most doctors often complained about their patients not following their instructions properly, but Dr. Kiba never experienced such difficulty.

If anything, his patients were always eager to follow his instructions. This made him happy as a doctor.

"The effects of treatment are showing and I'm sure you will benefit from them, Gomez," Dr. Kiba said.

"I'm already benefiting!" Gomez answered in joy. "Thank you so much for helping us out!"

Pythia: ".............."

She wanted to weep at Gomez's attitude. What type of man thank another man for fucking his wife?!

"As I said before, I consider it my honor to help others," Dr. Kiba said like it was no big deal. "This has always been my dream and nothing can be more prideful for me than knowing I'm a reason for other's happiness."

He took out two bottles of yellow and orange capsules. He gave the orange capsules to Anne and the yellow ones to Gomez.

"You both should take the capsules after dinner," Dr. Kiba informed them. "I'm sure you will be able to conceive in a month at most."

Gomez's eyes turned moist and he took the bottles with trembling hands. The response of his wife was the same and she too cried.

"Once again, thank you," The couple expressed their gratitude before rising on their feet. Annie was taking each step with difficulty and her husband offered her support. He wondered just how much pain his wife took for her to have difficulty in even moving.

"I will always treasure her!" Gomez declared in his heart as they left the room.

"Such a nice couple," Dr. Kiba said with admiration. He took out his glasses and placed them on the table.

[[Indeed, a nice couple]] Claudia's voice came from the speakers embedded in the walls. [[You have ensured they have turned into a Good Couple.]]

"......" Dr. Kiba flinched as he remembered Claudia knew everything that took place in the room.

"Well, I was helping them," Dr. Kiba said in a serious tone. "I gave them rank V capsules at no cost."

The reason his clinic was a sure shot destination for the unhappy couples was due to his vast knowledge of genetics and medical science. He could create high-rank pills capable of dealing with natural deficiencies and offer them to couples at a very low cost. Obviously, such pills were difficult to make even for top organizations, not to mention the precious herbs required. So he was not lying when he said he was giving it at no cost.

"I'm basically doing charity," Dr. Kiba added further in order to defend his honor as a kind doctor.

[[It is some charity indeed.]] Claudia responded. [[Offering your cum to a wife when the husband is next door. What would the world do if a great person like you didn't exist?]]

Incorporeal Kiba and Dr. Kiba: "........."

[[You take what a wife has only promised to her husband and in return, you give her the best orgasm... What a charitable way of doing things. All those who call themselves as philanthropists should be ashamed and learn about the largeness of heart from you.]]

Dr. Kiba: "..........."

Pythia laughed at the speechless expression of Dr. Kiba. She felt there was still some justice in the world.

Incorporeal Kiba wanted Pythia to take him away from this scene in the future. From the last two weeks, he has been away from Delta City and due to lack of signals in the forest, he was not in touch with Claudia. He has forgotten just how sarcastic she was in her replies.

Now, it seems Claudia has not changed much in the future. She was still the same witty artificial intelligence who didn't miss a chance to retort with witty statements.

"We should leave," Incorporeal Kiba said to Pythia. The latter nodded her head and streams of temporal currents engulfed them...

Chapter 287 - Events of Future Past (Part V)

Earlier, Pythia has regretted visiting Dr. Kiba part of the timeline. She thought the earlier two scenes she showed to Kiba were far too grim so she should show him happy times. After all, she has basically robbed him by taking 5 jars of Spatial Golden Sand - a rare and mystic commodity that was almost priceless on Earth.

As such, she believed he does deserve to know his future past was not limited to serious events. So with great efforts, she used her precognition ability to sense one of the times where he was truly happy and carefree.

Alas, it was far too late when she realized his meaning of happiness was different from the worlds. What's more, Dr. Kiba's way of treating his patients was something she has never seen or heard before. She was shellshocked by the examination procedure and stunned beyond words when Dr. Kiba used his instrument for treatment.

For Pythia, Dr. Kiba's medical science was an eye-opener and it was definitely in not good ways. She was 100% sure Dr. Kiba conned some university to get a doctorate degree.

Otherwise, just how was it possible for a pervert and shameless man like him to become a doctor?! That too a gynecologist and fertility specialist!

She wondered if in the future there was some virus which turned men into idiots. After all, they were willingly taking their wives/girlfriends to Dr. Kiba for supposed treatment.

Sure he gets the job done but the method he employs is absolutely immoral and illegal!

The only bright side she realized was that he wasn't impregnating his patients and thus cuckolding husbands in the literal sense.

She prayed he was only limited to the profession of a doctor because she didn't want other professions to be corrupted by him.

Now, she once again engulfed Kiba and herself into time waves...

When Kiba opened his eyes, he discovered the temporal currents have taken him into another event. He was still incorporeal and invisible just like Pythia who was next to him. They both could see and feel each other but otherwise, they had no materialistic presence.

As Kiba looked around, his eyes turned wide with shock and disbelief. Debris, rocks, ruined vehicles, destroyed armored tanks, and dust particles were levitating in the air. Even blood droplets and charred flesh were floating above the ground without any presence of energy.

While surprising, it was not enough to shock him. The reason he was stunned was the color, or to be precise, the lack of colors in this world. Everything was monochromic...no to be exact, everything was gray.

Kiba rubbed his eyes but he still couldn't see any color other than the gray which carried a scent of death and sinisterness.

"What is this grayness?!" Pythia felt a chill down her spine. She has sensed this part of the time was important for Kiba so she brought him here but now she felt she was instantly regretting her decision.

"What's going on?!" Pythia looked at her temporal form in the formless River of Time.

Just like how paper burns and corrodes under a flame, the same happened to her and Kiba's body. But instead of ashes and smoke, they were emitting colors that disappeared in the thin air.

Their bodies first turned monochromic after which they instantly turned gray just like their surrounding.

With absolute horror, Pythia discovered her temporal powers weakened with every passing millisecond. It was like the grayness in the world was degrading her power and making her abilities lose their charm.

Kiba was in no better condition than her. His real body was back in The Fair in Desolate Blood Forest; a different space and time. Only his consciousness was here in the form of his body surrounded by temporal currents. Now, he was losing his psychic stability and felt weak like never before. It was like was intoxicated and poisoned with him turning nauseous by every passing second.

"Where the hell have you brought us?!" Kiba was having a hard time standing.

"I have no idea," Pythia answered weakly. "But I know I have to take us back."

Kiba was thinking of a reply when he detected a violent outburst of energy some thousand meters away. He raised his head and looked far away on a broken road.

Vehicles, glass fragments, water droplets, and blood were hovering above the road. There was absolute silence despite the chaotic situation.

Slowly, the figure of a man came into sight. The man was almost naked except for some fibers of ruined clothing oddly distributed over his washboard abs and bulging biceps. His eyes were shut tight and his lips were curved up into a smile.

He swept a hand through his middle-length gray hair and they turned into spikey hair. He took a step ahead while discarding the fragments of clothes from his body. He was stark naked but he displayed no emotions.


The grayness in the air crystallized into sparkling particles and stuck on his body from toe to neck. In no time, the sparkling particles joined together like fibers and transformed into a new set of clothes.

The man took another step after which he opened his eyes, revealing gray pupils. On all accounts, the man was extremely handsome with a tall and lean frame, and yet he looked menacing.

"Who the heck is he?!" Pythia wondered aloud. Kiba didn't reply for he has no idea on the identity of the man.

"I'm not aware but if we don't leave now then our consciousness would be corroded," Kiba said with great difficulty.

"I am aware," Pythia knew it better than him. "But this event would lead to a long-lasting impact on Earth."

She once again looked at the enigmatic man and was sure he was somehow responsible for the grayness in the world.

The enigmatic man raised his head towards the sky. A few miles away, a gigantic being - spanning for more than a thousand feet - was rapidly flying away.

He lowered his head and looked far into habitats that were still intact. Thousands and thousands of mutants were fleeing in fear; resulting in stampedes. Even mutated animals and alien organisms were quickly trying to get far away.

The smile on the enigmatic man's face turned into a sinister smirk...

Chapter 288 - Time - Poison & Nectar

Due to the distance and their weakened state, neither Pythia or Kiba could see the gigantic figure rapidly fleeing in the sky. Their attention was focused solely on the enigmatic gray man.

"Damn! If only I can see what is going to happen further," Pythia greeted her teeth and surrounded them both with temporal currents. She didn't want to take a risk and face unwanted consequences.

Soon, both Kiba and Pythia were engulfed in the River of Time. Earlier, she has a few more events she wanted to see. They were connected to Kiba but now she was in no state to visit them after the corrosion by the grayness.


The Fair, Desolate Blood Forest.

The bazaar was active with a sea of people rushing from one shop to another. The Fair offered the visitors a safe haven to rest and enjoy despite the dangers lurking outside the boundaries.

The streets were full of people chattering and discussing everything and nothing. Many people stopped in their path after seeing a large shop where there were no customers. The shop was vast and covered with big curtains upon which a fortune ball was inscribed.

"Why is no one visiting this shop?" A woman asked a middle-aged man.

She was aware that opening even a small shop in the bazaar was not something many could afford. Yet. such a large shop was built in an open area with no customers. There were no advertisements, no loudspeakers to promote the specialties of the shop...there was absolutely nothing done by the shopkeeper to run the shop in profit.

Wouldn't the shopkeeper turn bankrupt by such conditions?!

"Actually, everyone wants to visit the shop but sadly they lack the required status and wealth," The middle-aged man who seemed to be an expert answered. "Only those chosen by the shopkeeper can enter."

"Oh!" The woman was intrigued by the description.

"And the shopkeeper doesn't have to worry about money," The middle-aged expert continued. "From what I have heard, the area was given to the shopkeeper for free by The Five Dark Stars."

"Are you kidding?!" Others in the group asked in disbelief.

"Why would they give such a large area for free?!" A young man who wanted to open a weapon shop but lacked funds was angered. "Isn't this a sign of being unfair and partial?!"

"The powerful have the strength to do as they please," The middle-aged expert said with a heavy sigh. "Rules don't mean a thing for the echelons of society no matter where you go."


"There are no buts in life," The middle-aged man cut in between. "The Fair might have laws which govern it but in the end, the Five Dark Stars have the authority to change or revoke any rule. And if they are giving this shop for free, that would mean the shopkeeper is someone they either respect as a friend or fear as an opponent."

The young man with the aspirations of running a shop was dejected. He looked at the large shop with envy and wondered what was taking place inside the shop.

In a luxurious room, Ashlyn continued to sit in a chair next to Kiba. There was a round table in front of them. On the table, there was a vase holding a bouquet of roses.

Pythia was sitting on a chair opposite to Kiba. Her hands were holding his and their eyes were shut tight. Both their bodies were covered with red currents of temporal power.

Suddenly, they both jerked and opened their eyes. Kiba retraced his hands and placed them on either side of his head. He was having a terrible headache as if he awakened from a bad hangover.

"Are you fine?" Ashlyn placed a hand over his arm and asked. Her cold voice was filled with traces of warmth.

"I'm good," Kiba answered. The headache quickly subsidized thanks to his strength.

He looked in front and observed the very youthful woman. With a tissue, Pythia wiped sweat from her olive skin and adjusted the rotating hourglass pendant tucked in her cleavage.

"I'm fine as well, thanks for asking," Pythia said to Ashlyn with a smile. The latter didn't reply and Pythia thought her words were wasted. She recalled Ashlyn was not the right woman to comprehend a joke no matter how deadpan the humor was.

"I'm afraid my offer to read your fortune would have to be postponed," Pythia said with a light cough. She was embarrassed for going back on her words despite her reputation and status as an oracle.

Ashlyn just nodded her head in understanding. She turned towards Kiba and said, "Did you learned anything important?"

Ashlyn remembered Pythia telling Kiba that there were things he must know.

"Actually, I did," Kiba nodded and said. "A very important matter to be honest."

Pythia's lips curled up into a smile. She was glad her efforts weren't wasted even though her plans were ruined by the grayness. She was smiling from her heart but then her smile turned stiff when she heard Kiba's next words.

"I'm going to be a reputed doctor," Kiba said in a heavy tone. "I guess I know what I must do after I return back to the city."

Pythia's cheeks twitched and her jaw dropped on the floor.

You saw four events of future past and yet you only consider the least useful event as the most important?!

Have you forgotten the mystic man whose figure we could not even see?! Don't you remember his conversation with the young girl whom he saved from those ominous skeletons?!

Then there is that Red Fox guy who was fighting two powerful mutants to save a newborn! Doesn't the happenings in that snowy forest matter at all?!

And then the scariest event where everything is haunted by grayness.

Yet, despite such important events, all you think about is your career as a doctor?! You must get your priorities straight! And remember you were definitely not a reputed doctor! A reputed doctor doesn't conduct himself in the ways you did with Anne behind her husband's back! Her poor husband even kissed her after you unloaded in her mouth!!

"I will have to select a university and apply for medical course," Kiba continued with a thoughtful expression. "Being a doctor is my calling in life and I have decided to dedicate my life to help patients from every race and ethnicity."

Pythia: ".........."


Calling in life?! Dedicating life to help others?!


Can you be any more shameless than this?! Why can't you be honest for once and actually say that you want your patients from every race and ethnicity to help you!

What you did as a doctor in the future was not something taught in universities! You broke every rule and ethical guidelines as a doctor! If any of those damn patients have any consciene, they will report you to the medical council!

Pythia was in the middle of cursing him inside when she noticed Ashlyn nodding her head at Kiba's words.

Don't tell me that girl believed in his words?! Shit! Surely that girl can't be this naive and actually belive his bold lies! Well, technically he didn't lie but his intentions are anything but good!

What Pythia didn't know was that Ashlyn only nodded at him for being a doctor and not at the other parts. Not even for a second Ashlyn thought he was a good guy who wanted to help the world.

As far as she was concerned, good guy and Kiba were on opposite extremities. She fully believed he was a sadist so there were no chances he can be a true doctor. After all, how can a villain like him follow the Hippocratic Oath?!

If Kiba knew Ashlyn's views on him, he would definitely weep and shed bitter tears. He has gone to a great extent to deceive her.

"Kiba, I will like to believe you learned more than just your future profession," Pythia said while sweeping the curls of her dirty blonde hair from her ears. "Maybe not now but in the future, the knowledge you gained today would definitely come in handy."

Kiba silently listened to her remarks. He wasn't really sure of her claims of the events he saw proving any usefulness. Except for Red Fox part, he wasn't able to make even the faintest connection to other events and comprehend them in the slightest.

Kiba didn't reply negatively though. He felt the resources he spent were useful thanks to what he learned about Red Fox. Now he knew his caretaker wasn't lying about saving his life. He also knew the names and faces of two people who wanted to kill him after he was born. Someday, he would definitely return the favors.

Just then, the young boy from before entered the room with three glasses of yellow juices. The drinks were created from Level V mutated fruits and their health benefits were exceptional. Most people in their lives could not even see a Level II fruit, much less taste the juices of Level V fruits.

If the treasure hunters and scientists came to know about this, then they would definitely shout and complain about the wasting of heavenly treasures. These fruits could be used to treat ailments, extend vitality, cure illness and so on. Yet they were used as complimentary drinks in a shop.

The boy handed the drinks to his mistress and two guests. He then made a bowing gesture and left the room.

"You are not a miser like I originally thought," Kiba said as he seeped juice from his glass.

"But you are more shameless than I originally thought," Pythia retorted. "I only charge enough to bring food on my table."

"Tell it to someone who believes your white lie," Kiba replied after placing the empty glass on the table. "You basically carry out daylight robbery."

Kiba did say this but he felt the cost was justified. She most likely ran the shop to relieve boredom but even then she couldn't charge less. As an Alpha, she has a reputation so she has to charge her services suiting her status.

Ashlyn silently enjoyed her drink and ignored the retorts between the two. She placed down the glass after emptying the drink.

The young boy once again entered the room and took the empty glasses away. Kiba looked at the kid and then at Pythia. He admired her for employing a kid and taking care of him.

The boy would die without her support in this forest. Kiba shook his head and cleared his thoughts. His mind wandered over other important stuff.

His first thought was about the divine assets Pythia was hiding behind her robe. He was really curious and he wished there were ways by which he could find for himself.

"Chances are slim though," Kiba smiled when she recalled her earlier reactions.


A few minutes later.

Pythia's demeanor turned serious. She stretched the index finger of her right hand and tapped it on the bouquet of roses. From her fingertip, ripples of temporal energy swept out and wrapped the roses in the vase.

"Time is the most powerful poison," Pythia stated in a matter of factly tone.

The fresh, young rose petals were filled with vitality and life. Suddenly, they started losing their charm and youthfulness.

Kiba silently observed as the red petals dried, crunched, and aged. In just seconds, the petals and stems turned black and listless before disintegrating into fine particles. The particles floated in the air after which they too disappeared from existence.

"Time is the true nectar of life and immortality," Pythia rotated her hand into anti-clockwise movement.

In the air above the table, fine particles conjured out of nowhere. They swept into the empty vase and concentrated together in the shape of stems and petals. Like water freezing under the naked eye, the particles solidified into a listless bouquet of roses. The dried stems and petals were enveloped with a glistening layer and in just a second, they were filled with vitality and charm.

Once again, the fresh, sweet smell of roses greeted the senses of everyone in the room.

"Kiba," Pythia looked at him and said. "Rich or poor, strong or weak, ant or human, everyone in this universe shares one common fate - Death. It is the most powerful enemy of us living beings. No matter what you accomplish despite countless struggles and sufferings, they are worth nothing when the darkness of death engulfs you."

Kiba silently listened to her words without any emotions.

"We are not even worth dust after our deaths. Every accomplishment is laughable in the face of death," Pythia continued with a bitter smile. "So it is nothing surprising that we humans have been searching for ways of immortality and everlasting youth from ages unknown. We obviously have failed despite our technological advancement and evolution."


"Not only us humans but even the supreme beings from the destroyed Celestial Elysium Plane also failed to achieve immortality," Pythia gripped the hourglass pendant before resuming her words. "They might have failed but they came close to immortality. Those powerful beings have left behind legacies so that their successors can achieve what they failed to accomplish."

Chapter 289 - Illusion of Immortality

Kiba and Ashlyn listened to Pythia's statements about humanity's fascination with immortality and everlasting youth.

"Immortality would mean eternal life, being exempt from death, and unending existence," Kiba said with a sigh. "As such, Immortality is against the natural order of the universe and thus impossible."

Pythia was obviously right about the lust the humans held for a long lifespan. After all, from ages unknown, humans have deep-seated fears and comprehension of their own mortality.

The era of evolution began in 1900, but even before that, the humans in the ancient kingdoms and empires invested heavily to discover ways to extend lifespan.

Not only the political and science class but even religions greatly focused on immortality. Epic books and sacred texts of almost all religion promised immortality and salvation to those who show goodness and follow the teachings of the god.

The fright of propagandized hell in the folklore and the fear of the unknown after death made even the bravest man tremble in the final moments of life.

It was due to this fear that the alchemy was created.

Alchemists of the past dedicated their life to create the elixir of life and the philosopher's stone in order to achieve immortality. They believed that through the application of alchemical processes, the physical body can be maintained through Infinity, not dying by any natural diseases, only finding an end through physical destruction of the body. It sounded good in theory but there were no actual means to achieve the desired effect.

In the current era where the technology had advanced beyond belief, the focus is more on biological immortality.

In simple words, biological immortality was the absence of aging. By using genetical engineering, scientists tried to create the absence of a sustained increase in the rate of mortality. The cells in the body would not experience aging, and this, in turn, would ensure they would not be bound by factors that restrict cell growth and division. This ensured that an individual could live as long as lifeforce doesn't run out or killed. Additionally, progress was made on creating symbiotes that could increase the life force. As such, this was not true immortality but a good method for life extension.

Regenerative medicines and cloning technology was another method. Defective organs could be either healed through medicines, or replaced with new ones by cloning them. Modified stem cells and growth factors associated with vitality were often used for organ regeneration. The use of bioreactors further increased the viability of this method.

Then there were extreme methods to achieve humanity's eternal dream. This included cybernetics and digital immortality.

The first meant transforming a human into a cyborg. It can include brain implants or extracting a human processing unit and placing it in a robotic life-support system. The knowledge from the alien world has resulted in significant progress in cybernetics. There are more than ten thousand cyborgs around the globe who were actually humans living past their natural lifespan.

Digital immortality was storing the personality of an individual in a digital medium such as a memory chip or a supercomputer. Even if the body and mind die, the personality would remain forever as long as the memory storage isn't destroyed.

Then there was suspended animation through cryogenic chambers but it was just a method of delaying the inevitable. Years ago, the foreign lifeforms he freed in BSE79 belonged to this category.

As of now, the humans have discovered more than a hundred means which they believe can help them achieve immortality. Of course, the progress in the individual methods was far from the ideal stage. Though the heavy investment by the World Government, Revolutionaries, and other organizations would definitely result in more progress in the coming years.

"Immortality through those means is no true immortality," Kiba said aloud. "But then again, for those who are truly desperate, it is a far better alternative than death."

"You are right about that," Pythia agreed with him. "That's why the legacies from Celestial Elysium Plane matters. As you already know, that world was far advanced and powerful than ours. The difference is so vast that our evolved world doesn't deserve a comparison..."

"Yet Celestial Elysium Plane was destroyed," Kiba interjected in between and cut through her sweet illusions. "The only traces of that world is the meteorites. Yes, many lifeforms have survived and still live on, but they are nowhere near being true immortal. So, you are only fooling yourself if you think those supreme lifeforms have left behind legacies related to immortality."

Ashlyn looked at Kiba. She was aware he knew about meteorites than most mutants in the forest. She recalled his conversation with the serpent who called itself as Immortal Devouring Serpent and yet died under his hands.

"No, you are wrong," Pythia disagreed with Kiba by shaking her head. "The lifeforms you speak of might be nowhere near immortality but I'm talking about the true echelons of that world. They did come across misfortune before they could achieve immortality but they were definitely close to gaining eternal life."

Kiba contemplated her words in silence. He believed there were great chances she could be right.

After all, what he said was based on his limited experience in BSE79 expedition. There were more than a thousand meteorites on Earth itself so there was no way for him to know the true limits of Celestial Elysium Plane.

"I'm glad you are not claiming to know everything, "Pythia said with a smile. "Having an open mind and agreeing to learn new things is the sign of a smart man."

Kiba: "..."

Pythia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The swells of her breasts pumped out as her chest rose with the breathing.

Kiba silently observed the soft landing of her cleavage. Her olive skin was shining with temptation that was spellbinding.

Her curves were hidden but just the outside was a sight to behold and he just wanted to wrap his face between them.

He felt a truly smart man would never let an opportunity for checking out a gorgeous woman slide.

She hinted he was smart so he brought his vision back on her face the moment her eyes opened. His serious, pondering expression didn't leave behind a single clue on what his eyes were feasting a moment before.

Pythia opened her mouth and let out a misty breath. The breath turned into a rosy fog, and soon, enveloped the entire room.

"Let me show you the types of immortalities they discovered."

Chapter 290 - Types of Immortality

(A/N: For visualizing the world mentioned in the novel, please check #gallery on discord. https://discord.gg/TGmqHw3 )

Kiba looked on as the misty, rosy fog enveloped the entire room. Soon, the fog started twisting and churning with temporal waves.

In the center of the room, while sitting across a table, Pythia opened her eyes. She snapped fingers and an ethereal orb popped out of the fog. The orb was radiating orange glow that was soothing to the eyes. Rings of glittering light and dots of light spun around the orb, creating a hypnotic sight.

The orb flew away from the stop and stopped after arriving above the table. It floated alongside the vase of roses.

"Legacy Orb," Kiba muttered as he sensed the strong time fluctuations from the orb. "It must contain memories of time."

"As expected, you are acquainted with the mechanism of Celestial Elysium Plane," Pythia glanced at him and said. "Then again, this is the least I could expect from an Alpha."

She has her own reasons for showing Legacy Orb to him. She waved her hand and the orb stopped in mid-air.

Ashlyn also focused on the orb. As she focused, her eyes entered inside the orb, and observed a scene from a different time and space.

She saw castles spanning for thousands of miles with their peaks resting in clouds. Alongside the castles, there were skyscrapers above which hyperjump planes were hovering. The sky was crystal clear with no hints of pollution and the rivers glittered under the sunlight.

The scene changed and a royal palace appeared in the middle of an ocean full of hot lava. The palace was in the shape of the mouth of a sinister dire wolf.

Gigantic beasts leaped out of lava and fought against each other. Ripples of the encounter created terrifying waves capable of eradicating continents and yet the castle remained safe.

"Celestial Elysium Plane," Kiba thought as he looked at the scene. "It was endless and limitless. As such, it held everything. Magic, fantasy, technology...everything that is possible existed in the plane. In a way, the present Earth is trying to copy the mechanism of that plane."

The organisms from the lava fought each other for supremacy.

Inside the palace.

In the throne room, a humanoid male in a royal attire was sitting on the throne. He has six eyes with canine teeth and red glittering skin. His red hair reached his shoulders and his beard stopped at his belly.

"My respects, your majesty, Asmodeus Freyr Burislav," A three-headed male with dark skin materialized in the throne room. He kneeled down and greeted the king before continuing, "All preparations are done."

"Good, Neytterson," Asmodeus Freyr Burislav rose to his feet. He disappeared from the room and appeared above the palace. His mere presence made the fighting beasts stop their battle and flee.

Asmodeus Freyr Burislav didn't look at them. He raised his hands towards the sky and streams of dark energy boomed out.

The energy streams concentrated before converging into an enormous gate that shrouded the entire earth and sky. The surface of the black gate was embedded with carvings of unknown text and inscriptions of extinct lifeforms.

At the same time, thousands of sea beasts and other living beings in the region started aging rapidly. Their bodies turned listless and in no time, they disintegrated into dust. The dust carried the lifeforce of the deceased and it floated towards the black gate.

"Gate of Death," Kiba was stunned.

Some ten days ago, Kiba has met Sophia when she was taking a bath in a crystalline lake. The barely eighteen-year-old girl was shocked by Kiba's presence in the lake and her jaws dropped when Kiba called her a pervert. Angered, she decided to teach the shameless villain a lesson by summoning Life & Death Gate. As she was a human and very young, she wasn't able to summon the true gate, rather she materialized an imitation.

Sophia summoned a false gate but the one he saw in the Legacy Orb was a true gate.

Inside the orb, the scene continued to play. The gigantic gate opened up slowly, and as it did, blinding radiance shot out. Every form of light was suppressed and hollowing sound ringed along with terrifying roars.

From the opened gate, countless vicious and horrifying lifeforms that have long ceased to exist stepped out. A Magma Hippocampus flapped its wings so fast that the lava below rose up like a vortex.


A two thousand miles long Basilisk flipped its tongue. Poison shot of its mouth and enveloped the sky into a vicious mist.

"Undead. In theory, it was one of the easiest ways of achieving immortality. After all, Undead cannot die due to technically being already dead. "Pythia explained the scene playing in the orb. "Normally, a corpse is reanimated by supernatural forces, by the application of either the deceased's own life force or that of another being. This paragon of Celestial Elysium Plane didn't even need a corpse. He could bring back any lifeform that has died no matter how long ago."

The universe followed the concept of equal exchange and balance. The affects of reanimating from death made it impossible for Undeads to experience the simple pleasures of life. It is a cost they must pay for being undead. It was not like there were no benefits. They were extremely resilient to a number of effects and substances that were extremely harmful to living. Undeads were immune to all mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and so on.

"I shall make the entire plane as my dominion," Asmodeus Freyr Burislav declared.

His aspirations for grandeur and world conquest made him summon the legendary Death Gate. He was not granting immortality to supreme living beings who have died long ago. Instead, he was employing them as his servants into his personal army known as Death Knights.

"This event took place some million years before the destruction of Celestial Elysium Plane, "Pythia tapped a finger on the Legacy Orb and the scene fast-forwarded to a few years.

Now, the scene in the orb was of gloom and destruction. The sky was darkened and the land was wrapped with blood.

Among countless corpses, Asmodeus Freyr Burislav stood. His body was broken with his hands cleaved and his eyes ruined.

In front of him, the other paragons of the plane were standing, their weapons pointed at him.

"My conquest failed," Asmodeus Freyr Burislav said, his voice filled with happiness rather than anger or sadness. "I shall be called as a sinner and you will be called as heroes for defeating the master of evil."

Asmodeus Freyr Burislav knew the outcome of win and loss.

After the completion of any war, the winner becomes the king while the loser becomes a villain. No matter how many atrocious acts the winner commits, they are forgotten or glorified by the masses. While the actions of the loser are forever remembered as evil.

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently," Asmodeus Freyr Burislav said with a burst of laughter. "There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. And I shall succeed!"

"You will get no chance!" A six-armed humanoid paragon said. He has a holo of cosmic behind his head and a heavenly phenomenon manifested around him.

Cosmic energy enveloped his body as he dashed at the sinner of the plane.

Asmodeus Freyr Burislav's listless eyes glinted with slyness. Just as the paragon attacked him, he exploded into blood and gore. The paragon was startled for the explosion carried no energy blast, and but this didn't give him any joy. If anything, it terrified him for he didn't understand why his enemy would simply kill himself.

"Maybe he didn't want to die by the hands of others... but then why he said what he said?"

Just then, from a piece of gore, an ethereal smoke-like insect ripped out. Before the paragon could even sense it, the smoke-like insect entered his ear. His consciousness turned muddy and he slumped down. It took him a minute to rise again.

"Are you all right, Wattsabba Skyadams?" A female paragon asked from behind.

"Yes, just exhausted," Wattsabba Skyadams answered, his eyes flashing the same viciousness as Asmodeus Freyr Burislav.

"Parasitic Immortality," Pythia paused the scene and said. "Another easy way to attaining immortality by abandoning the body. You just need to transfer consciousness to another body. Like this king, you can possess someone else or switch to a backup body if you have time and resources."

Kiba didn't comment. He knew people have long used magic and science to look for a way to live forever.

"From what I have researched, this immortality is actually based on immortality via reincarnation or resurrection," Pythia shared details.

She wouldn't show everything within the Legacy Orb for obvious reasons but she didn't mind sharing theoretical details.

"As you know, we humans have long believed the soul as immortal part of our existence," Pythia continued. "Scientists consider the soul as simple fragments of data while others consider it a vital life essence that lives on even after our death. In either way, this type of immortality allows you to reincarnate within another body or resurrect yourself at a later point in time."

Pythia tapped the Legacy Ball and it disappeared into clusters of light.

" His Highness Asmodeus Freyr Burislav also discovered another variant of immortality," Pythia said as the clusters of light entered the rosy fog. "I can't show it to you, but it is known as Reliant Immortality. You won't die as long as a certain being, item, or even a worldly concept exists."

The fog converged into misty droplets which then wrapped on the petals of the roses in the vase.

"Asmodeus Freyr Burislav also believed there were at least two wore ways to immortality," Pythia continued, her voice filled with fascination. "Meta-Immortality... Beings with this immortality are neither alive or dead, at least not by our definition. They stand outside the laws of reality, fate, temporality, and dimensionality. Supposedly, Lords of Time were a half-step into Meta-Immortality."


"Then there is true immortality. In the folklore of that world, it was called Transcendental Immortality," Pythia said in a concluding tone. "The entity with such immortality is free from all rules of universe... Only such entity is entitled to eternal life, being exempt from death, and unending existence."

A single destination might have various paths leading to it. The same applied for immortality. There were hundreds of ways to achieve it, at least theoretically. It was a different matter that no one has gained complete immortality or even come close to having eternal life.

"Thanks for expanding my horizons," Kiba said with a smile. "I guess you were right. Maybe the supreme beings from that world really came close to immortality."

"I'm glad you agree. And I'm sure you know why I shared my knowledge with you," Pythia said, her eyes concentrated on his. "Are you interested?"

Pythia observed him closely. She has shared her knowledge because she needed him for collaborating. Otherwise, there was no reason for her to spend her time on showing him glimpses of future or explaining about immortality.

Of course, what she shared was just the tip of an iceberg but she would share further knowledge after he joins her.

"I'm not interested," Kiba answered with a sigh. "Immortality is just not for me."

"What?!" Pythia was stunned by his words.

How can a living being not be interested in immortality?!

Is he one of those who feel that death is what defines all living things, and as a natural part of life, should not be taken away?! Such thoughts are only shared by those who knew they have no chance of gaining immortality so they pretend to be philosophical and romanticize death! It is like a fox saying grapes are sour!

"I have my reasons," Kiba added after he saw her shocked look.

Kiba didn't believe in seeking immortality but that didn't mean he wanted to criticize those who pursued immortality. His beliefs were based on cynicism and practicality of very slim chances of achieving immortality and thus wasting entire life on pursuing pipe dreams.

Then again, from others perspective, his dreams of lust and vanity were an actual wastage of life.

"To each his own... you like what you like."

Ever since he accepted the Eternal Wisdom of Dreams from Veronica, he has firmly believed no one has the right to look down on the opinions and dreams of others.

For him, life was far too short to waste on illusory concepts, no matter how alluring they were to others.

Besides, what was the use of life if it was not enjoyed?! Countless humans waste their entire lives in seeking power or eternal life, but on their deathbed, they realize the futility of their actions. They die with regrets...

Kiba didn't want to die with regrets. He might not be able to fulfill his dreams but at least, he won't have the regret of not giving it his full.

Ever since he gained the strength to be the master of his own fate, he has spent almost every opportunity to seek happiness. Even in times of despair, he continued his pursuit of happiness.

It was the same after Felicity was injured in Delta City. Despite the gloom and despair, he found time to seduce Suzane in a hospital while her husband and son were outside.

And even now, in the forest, he was doing the same. His mission was to find a cure for Felicity but he didn't forget to enjoy himself.

The purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live! And Kiba wanted to live his life to the fullest!

If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun...

Chapter 291 - Secret of Legacy Orb (Part I)

The purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live. As for the rules one must follow in life... well, If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun!

Both Pythia and Ashlyn were astonished by Kiba's views. His attitude towards life was far too different from what was accepted in society.

"The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters," Kiba glanced at the glistening petals of the roses in the vase. "While I have lived only for a short time, I know where my happiness lies and where it doesn't."

He plucked a petal and placed it between his fingertips. The soft, wet petal was soothing to touch and its aroma was deliciously delightful.

"I don't want to simply exist forever, no, I want to live," Kiba's eyes were still on the roses.

Without any physical contact, the roses shook and their petals split out. A whirlwind swept through the hundreds of crimson petals and they started dancing in midair. The scene was mesmerizing but Pythia and Ashlyn's focus was glued on Kiba.

"So trust me, I'm not some fox who is claiming grapes are sour just because I can't get them," Kiba raised his head and looked at Pythia.

"You truly have no interest in seeking immortality despite the opportunity I'm offering?" Pythia asked to confirm his intentions for once and all.

She could understand him refusing if the probability of success was zero but not after she showed him Legacy Orb. She was sure by now he knew they had a good chance of at least finding a way to extend their lifespan even if immortality was a foregone conclusion.

"Yes, immortality doesn't interest me... at least, it hasn't till now," Kiba answered.

"In the end, we only regret chances we didn't take," Pythia said with a faint smile. "I hope you don't regret giving up the chance I offered you."

Kiba didn't speak but just smiled in response.

Pythia let out a heavy sigh. She was disappointed by his refusal but she knew it was now a foregone conclusion. After all, she couldn't force him to join her in the pursuit of immortality.

"You are not going to steal Legacy Orb?" Pythia asked in jest.

She knew he wouldn't. Her precognition ability already confirmed it for her, but she asked regardless in order to break the awkward silence. Of course, she was also aware her precognition ability has limitations otherwise she will know everything in advance and she would not have been startled by his response.

"Well, I won't say I'm not curious about the information inside Legacy Orb," Kiba answered in a lazy tone. "But it is not advisable to steal from a mutant with temporal powers."

Pythia was amused by his answer. She was smiling when she saw his lazy expression suddenly turning serious.

"Be wary though," Kiba warned her.

"Wary? Why?" Pythia was bewildered.

Could he be talking about others who might be interested in Legacy Orb?

"The danger is not always from the greed of others," Kiba's voice was heavy. "Sometimes, the greatest danger is from own greed."

Pythia looked at him angrily.

Why is he acting like those damn monks who preach about greed?

Is he now going to claim greed is permanent slavery?! Or something along the lines of saying greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction?!

How dare he preach despite his unsatisfiable greed for women?! Bloody hypocrite!

Kiba observed her expression and realized she misunderstood him. With a soft sigh, he said, "Trust me, I'm not preaching you, but rather warning you. And normally I wouldn't but since you helped me, I feel obliged to do so."

He didn't feel anything wrong with having greed. It was normal to desire and lust after something whether it was women, riches, power or immortality.

"What do you mean?" Pythia was bewildered by his words.

"Legacy Orbs," Kiba replied, his eyes filled with the remembrance of past. "Let's say, they contain more than just legacies."


Around 4.5 years ago.

The nucleus of BSE79, Delta City.

The vital regions of the ancient spaceship were filled with chaos. Alarms were ringing loudly while red lights flashed violently.

Inside a gigantic hall, Castor Damon cursed loudly as he fought the alien organisms. The shells of around five hypersleep chambers were broken and the beings inside them awoke from their long slumber.

A crystalline octopus-like being whipped its tentacles on Castor Damon but the latter retaliated with a palm. The attack looked simple but it was backed by tremendous berserk force, and as a result, the octopus exploded into pieces of liquid substance.

Castor Damon's eyes were filled with gloom. He looked with annoyance as the pieces of liquid substance converged back together and fused into the alien lifeform. It was the third time that this alien has resurrected back as if it was nothing. The other aliens were still fighting the after-effects of their long sleep but Castor Damon knew there was not much time before they targetted him.

"Everything is that bastard's fault," Castor Damon muttered.

The veins on his forehead and neck were on the verge of snapping. In his entire life, he has never been so humiliated. What pained him the most was that he was tricked into this mess by some barely eighteen years old teen who was no stronger than an ant.

An insect from slum plotted against him and spoiled his carefully laid out plans to seek the greatest power source in the entire universe. He could accept this result if it was due to some top expert or an old fool.

Castor Damon calmed down a bit and focused on the crystalline octopus.

"Kid, just you wait."

At the same time, some hundred feet below the hall.

Zed ran through a white, metallic corridor. He stopped briefly to catch a breath and placed a hand on the metallic wall. His chest was bare and it was stained with flesh wounds and blood.

"That was close."

Zed brought the back of his hand on his forehead to wipe sweat.

"I need to create as far distance as possible from both Castor Damon and that Cosmic Spark."

Zed was in the middle of thinking his future plans but suddenly his pupils dilated. The fine hairs on the back of his neck stood up and a chill ran through his spine.

He quickly snapped his head back. Some two hundred meters away from his position, a five feet wide ball was rolling towards him. The ball was spinning so fast that it was hard to judge its identity.

As if detecting his vision, the ball opened up and jumped on its feet.

"Monster!" Zed could now fully see its body features. The monster was round and yellow with only a single vertical eye that radiated viciousness. From both its paws and hands, glinting claws protruded out. A horizontal slit in the middle of the body exposed sharp, long teeth.

The monster smiled cruelly as it observed Zed.

"Doesn't seem like a being with friendly intention," Zed bitterly thought.

He quickly stretched a hand towards the coming monster. From his fingertips, streams of fire swept out and converged into a fireball on the hollow of his palm. He rapidly threw the fireball towards the enemy with powerful momentum.

The fireball left behind a trail of fire and smoke as it slammed right into the monster. The fireball exploded into a mass of fire and wrapped the monster from all around.


The rampaging heat was no more harmful than a cool breeze. The monster came unscathed from the fiery attack.

Its hook-like teeth shined brightly as it opened its mouth and projected out a beam of yellow energy.

"Damn!" Zed gritted his teeth in frustration. He knew he was barely a level I mutant and as such, he was the weakest lifeform inside the meteorite.

He barely ducked the beam by jumping towards his right but he couldn't avoid the energy ripples around the beam. The ripples struck him like a hammer and he was sent him flying through the air. He crashed on the hard floor and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Suppressing the raging pain inside him, he rose to his feet. The monster once again curled up into ball form and ran towards him...