292 - 298

Chapter 292 - Secret of Legacy Orb (Part II)

The monster rolled like a spinning wheel as it ran after Zed.

"If Castor Damon was here then this monster would have been killed in a second," Zed thought with a bitter smile. His expression was heavy but he knew now was not the time to waste on self-pity.

Biting his lower lip, he decided to go all out. He enveloped his legs with streams of fire in order to propel his speed at a rate higher than his body was capable of.

He was now dashing through the corridor with everything he got. Yet, the rotating monster was catching up to him without any difficulty.

Zed gritted his teeth and didn't look back. Blood dripped down from his forehead and chin but he has no time or strength to wipe his injuries.


The tickling blood droplets fell into his eyes. He felt a burning pain bubbling up but he once again gritted his teeth and ignored the pain.

His vision focused on a closed sliding door ahead and the virtual command screen floating before the door.

Ever since he entered the meteorite, he has diligently observed Castor Damon's actions and as such, he knew a lot more than most people on Earth. And now was the time to test the knowledge he acquired.

Zed could feel the vibrations of momentum from behind. He didn't need to look back to know the monster was almost close to him.

Just as he reached the door, he twisted his feet and spun around. His eyes radiated an intense amount of heat as he raised his hands up.

Pillars of fire projected in front of him. Quickly, threads of fire shot out from each pillar to connect with each other.


A wall of fire came into existence. The heat waves emitted from the wall were violet and chaotic akin to a volcano.

The rolling monster was surprised but not worried. It jumped back on its feet and looked at the firewall with intense disdain.

Just what can a fire wall summoned by some weak teenager do?! The human kid was simply wasting his energy!

The monster slashed its claws on the firewall. Strong ripples swept out and the wall started shaking with visible holes in it.

Just as the monster expected, the fire wall was no match for its power. The monster was retracing its claw from the fire wall when its eye pupil dilated.

Every part of fire wall exploded out into threads of firey energy. The blast was weak by the monster's standards and far from capable of planting an injury. But it was enough to push the monster by a few meters.


The monster was furious at the cheap, underhanded tactic used by this human.

Are the beings of this planet so weak that they have to resort to cheap methods to survive?! Even a weak opponent should have the honor to fight gracefully and fairly.

Angered, the monster burst through the smoke to catch the teenager. It got back into its rotating ball as it has decided to crash directly on the human and turn it into a bloody paste.

In the meantime, Zed was standing opposite to the door. His fingers were rapidly moving on the virtual console while his eyes read the data. His brain was working at extraordinary speed now that he was in danger.

"Faster! Please open up!" His face was pale with exhaustion but he refused to give up after coming this close.

He hurriedly pressed on the last option and the door started opening up slowly. White gas streamed out through the opening, and this made it impossible to see ahead.

By now, the monster was just two meters away. Zed didn't wait for the door to fully slide open. He jumped through the faint gap.


The monster's ball form collided on the sliding door and it bounced back. The door was opening further and soon, open enough for the monster to enter.

Zed didn't waste any time. He ran through white gas like a mad man. He didn't care if the white gas might prove dangerous to him.

His first mission was to escape the living danger behind. His eyes were watery and his vision was blurring from the constant over exhaustion and fatigue.

He couldn't see anything through the fog of white gas so he decided to close his eyes and bring some relief. For the next five minutes, he continued to dash forward without looking back.


Zed crashed against a hard surface and fell down on his back. With great difficulty, he jumped back on his feet.

His throat was filled with the vile, metallic taste of blood. The sudden crash has worn his spent body further and he has no energy to move much less run.

Zed tried to calm himself. He looked in front to see what he has crashed into. There was no more hindrance from white gas...no, the white gas was still here, but the object in front of him was so bright that the fog didn't matter.

A seven feet black column protruded from the floor. On the top of the column, an ethereal sphere was floating.

The sphere was as bright as the sun and it was constantly rotating. Zed closed his eyes but even in the darkness, the bright outline of the sphere was visible.

"What is it?" Zed thought in his heart. Almost on his own, he stretched his hand out and touched the sphere.


Sparkling rays of orange light wrapped around his body from head to toe. His body flashed into blinding radiation and the next moment, he was sucked right into the sphere.

Just then, the monster from before appeared in front of the black column. Its vision wasn't affected by the intense radiance and the monster looked around to find the teenager.

The monster observed the sphere for a few moments before turning around and leaving the area.


When Zed opened regained consciousness, he found himself lying in a pool of crystalline liquid. The pool was rather shallow and as such, he wasn't in risk of drowning during his unconscious state.

Zed threw away some liquid he has unconsciously sipped in his mouth. The sound of liquid splashing ringed out as he rose to his feet. He was amazed when he checked his condition. There were no traces of flesh wounds and blood on his body. He was no longer pale and exhausted from pushing his body to its limit.

"This is too good to be true," Zed pinched his body to make sure he was not dreaming. He looked down and observed the crystalline liquid. Each droplet was glinting like a resplendent star. His attention was picked by the reflections on the surface.

There were countless dots of light reflected on the pool. The light dots were beautiful and pleasurable to the senses.

Zed raised his head above to check the source of these gorgeous and alluring reflections. He noticed thousands of dazzling orbs floating high in the air. Every orb was accompanied by glowing dust and bright dots of light that rotated around the respective orb.

The orbs made it seem as if the entire region above the pool was filled with a sea of myriad color.

"Where am I?" Zed wondered in his heart.

[[Hall of Legacies]]

A calm voice entered his ears...

Chapter 293 - Secret of Legacy Orb (Final Part)

The blazing orbs continued to float high above the crystalline pool.

[[Hall of Legacies]]

As soon as the voice entered his ears, Zed looked around but saw no sign of lifeform other than his own.

The pool spanned into an area far greater than his eyes could see. He didn't think the source of the voice was far away. The voice was far too clear to be from a distance.

As he tried to find the source, a blinding mass of light appeared high above. The flash of light converged into a large face. Half of it was white and another half black with tiny star-like points all over. The face was that of a female but not a human. From forehead, three crystalline horns protruded out that resembled antennas.

[[Welcome to Hall of Legacies]] The feminine face said.

"Who are you?" Zed was taken aback.

[[The matrix of this hall.]] The female face answered. Her voice was plain, without any emotions, neither warm nor cold.

"?" Zed looked at the face in confusion.

[[You humans usually refer those of my kind as Artifical Intelligence. You can call me as Enchantia.]]

Artificial Intelligence? AI?

Zed has heard rich people in cities having their own personal assistants in the form of AIs. They were advanced machines with their own intelligence and ability to learn from past experience. He assumed they didn't have a physical appearance but obviously, Enchantia was different. Perhaps she was advanced AI.

Zed raised his head up. He couldn't see any sky or ceiling. All he could see was an unending space that was filled with floating orbs.

"How could this even be called a hall?" Zed muttered to himself. He shook his head and brought his eyes back on Enchantia.

"You won't kill me for trespassing, right?" Zed cautiously asked. His experience with foreign lifeforms in the spaceship has not been good.

[[No. You are not a trespasser so there is no reason for me to kill you]] Enchantia answered. [[Or is that you want me to kill you?]]

"...." Zed's lips twitched. "Of course, not."

Zed glanced at the shining orbs.

"What are those orbs?" Zed enquired.


"And whose legacies are they?" Zed further asked.

[[Paragons of my homeworld who have long ceased to exist]] Enchantia informed him. [[The orbs contain their memories, experience, knowledge, and wisdom.]]

Zed was astonished by her words.

[[Every living being is destined to die. In a way, leaving behind a legacy is immortalizing oneself as long as a legacy is received by a worthy heir. The achievements of a lifetime would be forever remembered and passed from one generation to another...]]

"I see," Zed observed the orbs. The glow from the orbs and light particles around them was soft and spellbinding.

Zed felt a strong urge to touch the orbs. Just then, a crystal board appeared below his feet. Before he could react, the board rose up and left the pool.

The board soared towards the nearby orbs. It stopped after Zed was close to five orbs.

He stretched out a hand and placed it on one of the orbs. The orb flashed brightly and clusters of light swept out.

Zed automatically closed his eyes as he felt his consciousness sucked into the orb.

Zed found his mental projection in a bright, clear world. The sky was different from that of Earth with its clouds twisted in a chaotic whirpool and dark lightning.

As far as his eyes could see, there were myriad castles and palaces. He found himself above one castle where a humanoid creature clad in a dark robe was floating. He has long, messy yellow hair tied in a ponytail. He has three slanted green eyes and a large fin on the back of his neck.

"Rincewind Otiluke, surrender," A colossal ghost-like figure shouted. Its body was white, gaseous and incorporeal with black stripes all over in what resembled runes. At every intersection of stripes, there was a nozzle.

"You might be a Dark Mage but you can't win against us," The ghost-loke figure warned further.

This figure was accompanied by an army of titans.

"Surrender?! Never to likes of you!" Rincewind Otiluke raised a finger towards them. "Now, pay the price for your insolence, Violent Waythe!"

With a mere gesture of his finger, the entire space bent and gravity defied the natural order of the world. The titans felt chains of berserk gravity pulling them. And before they could even blink, they soared towards clouds before slamming down on the castles and palaces like bolts of thunder.

Violent Waythe was stunned by such a high difference in strength. The nozzles on his body expelled streams of turbulent gases that rushed towards his enemy. The gases turned into a blizzard of astral shards resembling broken stars.

Rincewind Otiluke waved a hand and the incoming astral shards were swept into twisted space and disappeared. At the same time, the army of titans who were flying towards him stopped in path. They jerked and their bodies bent as suddenly the astral shards teleported inside them. The same moment, the titans exploded into a mass of blood and flesh.

"Violent Waythe, you might be close to immortality," Rincewind Otiluke's eyes were filled with disdain as he continued. "But you have forgotten that immortality is the greatest curse."

He summoned a space-time barrier around Violent Waythe, and even before Violent Waythe could detect it, his body ripped into countless pieces. Each piece of body was locked in different space and no matter how he tried, he couldn't break the space and fuse them together.

"Space magic!" Violent Waythe was overwhelmed. His consciousness blurred and he realized his enemy was sealing every piece of his body in different dimensions.

"No!" Violent Waythe screamed before fading into various dimensions and sealed until the end of time...

Zed was taken aback by the one-sided battle. The opponents of Rincewind Otiluke couldn't even make a single move despite their leader being close to immortality.

Zed realized size and numbers didn't matter in front of overwhelming strength.

His eyes were filled with a strong yearning as he looked at Rincewind Otiluke.

How good it would be to have such space powers...

The next moment, his consciousness was back in the Hall of Legacies. The lust of power was visible in his eyes as he retraced his hand from the orb. He was almost drooling like a man at the sight of a gorgeous naked woman.

Enchantia observed his demeanor and her face showed a faint smile.

[[It is always so easy to trick humans.]] Enchantia remarked to herself. She brought his attention on her as she said, [[You can only take a glimpse to legacy until you accept it fully.]]

"Oh!" Zed nodded in understanding. "I guess I will take glimpses from other legacies before deciding."

He touched another glowing orb and his consciousness was sucked into it.

[[This will be much easier than I thought.]] Enchantia muttered.

Zed found his mental projection in a vast, high-tech genetic lab. Holographic projections of DNA strands were projected above a console.

Hundreds of species he has never seen before were sealed in large experiment rigs. Virtual screens were floating on the rigs; displaying biological records and experiment progress along with the body charts.

In the center of the lab, a radiating biological energy generator was placed. It was connected from the floor to the ceiling.

Zed has only lived in slums so his experience with technology was limited. But the recent five days in BSE79 has expanded his horizons so he was able to guess that the various equipment here were far too advanced. There were no wires or pipes visible. Everything in the lab was systematic and organized properly.

Zed focused his eyes on the end of the lab. A large virtual interface system was attached to the lab wall.

A humanoid purple reptile - resembling a male lizard - was moving his hands on the interface. The creature has rectangular pupils, horizontal eyelids and six arms. Purple wristband like outgrowths protruded from his ankles, and from the fingers, glinting claws stretched out.

{{Lord Xeced}}

A voice came from the virtual interface. The next moment, a holographic projection of a mechanical organism appeared.

Xeced raised his head and looked at the projection.

{{The High Table wishes to congratulate you on your progress on Genesis}}

Xeced didn't reply and focused on whatever task he was carrying out before.

{{His Highness will like to confer you royal honor for your contributions. We are sure your progress will help us in avoiding calamity.}}

"I'm busy and have no time to waste," Xeced said in an annoyed tone. "So stop annoying me."

{{As you wish, Lord Xeced. Please do remember the races of Celestial Elysian Plane are grateful to you.}}

"Knowledge of science," Zed was awe-struck by the lab and the conversation he just heard. "Great scientists are respected everywhere... their influence is no less than powerful mutants."

He now lusted after knowledge of science...

Once again, he was back in Hall of Legacies. The fascination he held for these legacies was growing stronger with every second. Without wasting any time, he grabbed another orb to take a glimpse.

[[Humans... enticing them is so easy and this is especially true for the weak ones like him. No, alluring powerful ones is even easier. They will do anything to advance further.]]

Enchantia thought to herself. She could sense Zed's emotions turning stronger with every orb he checked.

He saw glimpses of echelons doing what was deemed impossible. Magic, science, fantasy, reality wrapping... every scene left him hungry for knowledge and power.

The sad memories of his slum life further fueled his thirst for the legacies. He wondered just how great his life would turn after he accepted the legacies. He would no longer be hungry or controlled by anyone. He will not have to fear slum overlords nor Castor Damon. He will be able to escape spaceship and be as far as possible from Cosmic Spark...

Enchantia looked at the overwhelming thirst and longing in his eyes. He was wide-eyed as he looked at the sea of glowing orbs.

"I could definitely fulfill my dreams!" Zed wondered aloud.

As he muttered the word 'dream', a chill ran through his spine. Goosebumps exploded all over his body and his skin crawled with a thundering sensation.

"Damn! How could I become so muddlehead?!" Zed slapped himself on his cheeks. He tried to overpower the overwhelming thirst for knowledge and power his mind was exploding with.

"No! The legacies could help me in my dreams... I need to grab them..." Zed's mind was filled with opposite thoughts. "Food, vanity, women... the legacies could give it to me... I can rule everyone on the planet and punish those who offend me."

Zed gritted his teeth and jumped from the crystalline board.

Enchantia was stunned by his actions. She looked in disbelief as he jumped inside the pool. She realized he was trying to use the pain from the fall to overpower his lust.

[[How can a human teen overpower the greed enhanced by Legacy Orbs?]]

The pool was shallow so the shockwaves from fall gave him a concussion along with the cracking of few bones. Thankfully, the regenerative and healing property of the crystalline liquid made him recover in no time.

Zed threw out the liquid from his mouth before rising on his feet. He wiped the liquid from his face after which he brought his eyes on Enchantia.

"I'm grateful that you will see me worthy enough to allow me to check legacies," Zed said, his voice clear. "But I will politely refuse your kind intentions."

Enchantia remained silent.

"Could you tell me where the exit is?" Zed asked.

[[How did you overpower your innate lust for power and knowledge?]] Enchantia ignored his question and asked what she wanted to know.

It was normal for a living being to desire the life of those powerful than them. Those from poor and middle-class envy the life of the rich. They live the glamorous life of rich through movies, magazines and stories. In a way, most sources of entertainment were a chance to allow the masses to experience wish-fulfillment.

Similarly, the weak and servant class were fascinated with the lifestyle of the royal class. They too desired the power to rule over the masses and experience what it felt like to have control over countless lives.

The overwhelming reality of life often sends one in depression. To overcome this, the brain gives a dosage of pleasure through dreams and wish-fulfillment entertainments.

The orbs, on the other hand, were beyond the scope of the human mind. The scale of grandeur they offered was not something a human could resist.

World-shaking power, an ocean of knowledge, a chance for immortality, unending influence...

Everything offered by the orb suppressed the rationality of the brain. It made one spellbound to the opportunities the legacies carried.

What's need to be mentioned is the orbs only fuelled the innate greed and lust. They increased one's own fascination by showing the grandeur once could achieve...

[[Answer me, kid.]] Enchantia once again asked him on how he overpowered his own lust.

"Dreams," Zed answered with a sigh. "Eternal Wisdom of Dreams."


"Years ago, someone I met through a chance gave me the greatest gift in existence," Zed explained with a smile. "I still remember every single word she muttered to me before I received the gift:

*As long as you wish for materialistic benefits, regardless of whether it is food, money, clothes, or even strength; your life would only become worse. None of them are things you can afford to have in your current state.

The society out there would not spare you if you have a treasure you couldn't protect. Greed is not restricted to your slums* (Chapter 105)

Enchantia didn't really understand what he meant or the person he was referring to meant. She didn't know the context so it was hard for her to make sense.

[[Are you sure you wish to give up these great legacies?]] Enchantia asked.

Zed raised his head towards the countless glowing orbs. The soft, soothing glow reflected on his face... offering him an opportunity to escape his current predicament.




The Year of 2025.

The Fair, Desolate Blood Forest.

Inside the room, Kiba let out a heavy sigh as he recalled his first experience with Legacy Orbs. He grabbed the rose petals soaring above the table.

"Pythia, just think about it," Kiba looked at Pythia who was sitting across him. "Paragons of that world spent their entire lives in paths that were filled with blood and corpses. They did what we humans usually consider as immoral and sinful... slaughter, scheming, betrayal, and any heinous crime you can imagine. Yet, you actually believe, that in the final moments of their lives, they gave everything they achieved to the next generation through Legacy Orbs?"

Pythia contemplated his words for a minute before saying, "They didn't want to let their achievements to be wasted... passing their struggles and gains to next generation is a way for them to fulfill their dreams through others."

Kiba shook his head. She was right by her views, and it was also in line with what Enchantia said. He disagreed though.

"The Legacy Orb you have is about immortality," Kiba said while observing the petals in his hand. "It contains memories of time on the life of Asmodeus Freyr Burislav. From what you showed me, he came across as a cynical and sinister king who cared about no one but himself. Do you really think he wants some unknown person in future benefiting from his years of struggles? "

"I..." Pythia's eyes furrowed. She knew the answer but she wanted to believe people in the final moments would leave behind legacies. After all, no one wanted their progress and struggles be lost in the river of time.

"You know how subtle brainwashing works, right?" Kiba asked.

Pythia nodded her head.

"And can anything be a better medium than memories?" Kiba asked further.

"!!" Pythia's eyes turned wide and her breathing turned heavy. Her hands startled trembling as she realized the gravity of his words.

"Most effective way of planting a mental suggestion! Just plant a seed of thought and it will germinate on its own and become a tree..." Pythia was horrified as she contemplated. "And I wouldn't even notice it due to my subconscious bias and my own desires of immortality!"

"We shall take our leave," Kiba left the chair. "Thanks for everything."

Ashlyn also rose to her feet. Both of them stepped out of the room.

Pythia didn't say anything including goodbye. She grabbed the rotating time pendant tucked in her cleavage.

" Asmodeus Freyr Burislav!"


Kiba and Ashlyn walked out of the shop and came back on the streets of the bazaar. The voices of shopkeepers and hawkers were suppressed due to jostling and noisy crowd. The sun was glaring with intense heat but the crowd remained unaffected.

"Let's eat something," Kiba suggested to his companion. "We usually have our lunch now."

Ashlyn nodded in agreement and they changed their directions.

A few minutes later, they returned to Garrick Angel Inn. The price here was high given it was #1 inn in The Fair but the quality was superior. Both Kiba and Ashlyn wanted to enjoy a delicious lunch and they were not worried about cost.

Soon, they entered the dining hall. The hall was large with around twenty tables most of which were currently empty.

Kiba did saw two familiar faces. One was Isabelle - the fifteen years old waitress. The other was old man Waldo Woods - the unlucky servant of deceased Fitz Moran.

Waldo was sitting at the end of the hall. He was sulking but he tried to forget his sorrow by stuffing food dishes.

He glanced at Isabelle from time to time and wondered just how great it would have been if Fitz has not tried to make a pass on her. Had Fitz not done that then most likely "Dark Star" Myiesha Noach would not have turned him into damn molecules. Myiesha did say Fitz was alive but Waldo was not sure if it was any good with molecules dispersed in air.

"I think the first face I saw after my birth was my father...otherwise there is no way my luck would be so bad," Waldo mumbled while munching down on a chicken leg. "I need some stroke of luck."

Kiba and Ashlyn sat down across a table in a corner of the hall. Isabelle was happy to see the magnanimous patrons again. She cheerfully offered them a menu while secretly praying for a big, advanced tip like yesterday night. She was looking at them with adorable puppy eyes and both of them easily understood her intentions.

Kiba smiled at her pleasant attitude. He retrieved a money card worth $10000 from his storage space and handed it over to her. Ashlyn did the same but without any visible emotions on her face.

"You both are the best!" Isabelle thanked them from her heart. She wished more customers would follow their lead. As she thought this, she glanced at Waldo who was also looking towards her.

Waldo's cheeks twitched. He has observed everything that trespassed just now and knew what her adorable eyes wanted. While he has a good amount of funds left, he wasn't rich enough to waste it on tip!

"Don't be a miser," Kiba said from his chair. "Be generous and share your wealth with less fortunate. If you have, give; if you lack, seek."

"Easy for you to say!" Waldo cursed rather loudly. "Besides, I'm the unfortunate one here!"

Ashlyn returned the menu back to Isabelle before bringing her emerald eyes on Kiba.

"Shameless," Ashlyn thought while letting out a soft breath of air.

The money cards he used so far have been stolen from others. Just yesterday, he looted the entire profit from Byron's Charm Shop's owner by using Nutcracking Demoness' presence aka Ashlyn. The poor owner was shedding bitter tears when he was forced to hand a combined wealth worth $100000.

And yet now, Kiba - with a straight face- was asking others to be generous and share their wealth!

Chapter 294 - Ego

Inside the dining hall, Waldo was pissed by Kiba's and Ashlyn's large tips followed by words on generosity. He was old and thick-skinned but even he felt embarrassed by the puppy eyes of Isabelle.

How am I supposed to eat under the vision of such an adorable teenager?

Damn! Being so cute is criminal!

Waldo let out a bitter smile. He took out a money card from his back pocket. The card was worth $1000. Compared to the tips offered by Kiba and Ashlyn, his tip was too low and not worthy of mentioning. But this amount was the most he was ready to offer.

Hopefully, she would be happy.

Waldo prayed inside as he handed the card to Isabelle. She was smiling but he could see it seemed force. When she expressed her gratitude, he could feel it wasn't as sincere as when she thanked Kiba and Ashlyn.

Fuck! I'm low on funds and yet she doesn't appreciate my gesture! Did I waste my money for nothing?!

Waldo wanted to weep at his predicament. If there was no here and he was not afraid of the rules of The Fair, he would take the card back forcefully.

"You are not a miser," Kiba remarked in a voice filled with astonishment. Waldo was pleased by the obvious surprise in Kiba's voice. At least, someone was impressed even if it was the culprit of the current situation. Waldo gladly stuffed a meat piece in his mouth when Kiba completed his remark by saying, "But you are not generous either. Don't you feel any shame on disappointing a teenager?"

"%@#!" Waldo coughed up the meat piece. If not for the rules, he would have strangled the golden-haired man and teach him a thing or two about generosity.

Waldo placed a hand over his old heart. He wanted to calm down and overcome his obvious anger and embarrassment.

Ashlyn let out another sigh. She silently waited for Isabelle to serve them dishes they have ordered.

Five minutes later, Isabelle returned to their table with a large plate. As per the initial order, she placed down the entire lunch dishes on the table.

The first dish she placed was a mix of vegetables cooked with few spices and topped with a coconut sauce. Then there was salad, pasta, butter naan, rice, meat, stew, fish curry, yogurt, and so on. Even dessert dishes were placed alongside from the very start. Butterscotch pie, rasgulla, pudding, rajbhog, and biscuit tarts.

Waldo first looked at the dishes and then at Kiba and Ashlyn. His eyes were filled with disbelief at the amount of food. Their table was for six and yet now it was full with no space.

Just how much food two people could eat?! They eat that much and yet remain so lean!

Kiba and Ashlyn ignored his gaze and started savoring their lunch.

A few minutes later.

"Hmm?" Kiba's attention moved on the entrance as he heard the sound of the door opening. A man in mid-twenties, clad in casual clothes, stepped in. He has peach skin, a sharp jaw, thin eyebrows, and light red eyes. His slick red hair was combed to the right. All over, he was a fairly handsome man.

The good-looking man was named Shawn.

He was accompanied by a young petite woman who has just reached twenty. She was holding Shawn's hand as she walked inside the hall.

She has long chocolate brown hair and eyes, light skin tone and a small but tempting chest that was wrapped by light yellow sundress. She was about 5'7" and her dress reached past her ankles.

Kiba noticed a diamond ring on the fourth finger of her left hand.

"Engagement ring and not a wedding band...but there are many who only wear a single ring so hard to say if she is married or not," Kiba made an important observation. "The light ring mark on her finger indicates she has not been engaged/married for long. So romance should be most likely in honeymoon stage."

In the present era, very few would marry at such a young age. Kiba wasn't able to judge if she belonged to the very few. If she did, it would either mean she was truly romantic at heart or she was participating in a marriage of convenience set by her elders. There was also another rare scenario which has so do with conservative values and cultural impact but Kiba was sure she didn't belong to it.

The alluring girl was named Amy. She was all smiles as she walked alongside Shawn.

The couple was actually a group of ten. The others in the group were equally young. Most men were good-looking and the women were slender and gorgeous. Their demeanor and walking style factored along with their presence in the costliest inn indicated they were used to a rich lifestyle.

As Kiba observed the female incomers, he licked his lips unconsciously. He found a new appetite building up in his body that couldn't be satisfied with the delicious dishes on the table.

For the time being, Kiba decided to satisfy his stomach's craving. One task at a time...

Kiba was taking a spoon of yogurt when he noticed something amiss. He raised his head and looked at Ashlyn.

Her face was the usual poker and emotionless but he could see some emotions in her eyes. She was looking at the newly arrived group and the group was looking at her. To be exact, her vision was focused on Shawn.

"Ashlyn?" Shawn called out. He walked towards her alongside Amy.

"They know each other?" Kiba was surprised by the situation. It was the first time he was some real meeting acquaintances of Ashlyn.

When he first met her, she was a temporary member of Blue Cliff Group lead by Amir. That time, he was with Ruby and they joined the group so that he can get to know Ashlyn. Later on, Blue Cliff Group was exterminated by Kiba's scheme when the group tried to plot against him and Ashlyn.

"Shawn and Amy" Ashlyn greeted her acquaintances coldly.

"Nice to meet you as well, stuck up bitch," Shawn said with a smirk. "So rumors of you being here were true."

Without asking for permission, he sat on an empty chair next to her. Amy sat beside him.

Ashlyn didn't reply to his remark.

The couple was not surprised by her response. Shawn looked at Kiba and his eyes flashed with anger that he suppressed quickly.

Amy brought her eyes on Kiba as well. She was stunned by his handsome and refined facial features. A fit of pang jealousy and fury built in her heart.

Suppressing her emotions, she said, "You do know she is a Cursed One, right?"

Kiba didn't answer but he did sigh inwardly. He was disappointed that the plans he has just build regarding Amy would need to be changed.

As for what she said about Ashlyn, he wasn't surprised. Ashlyn has informed him about her existence as a Cursed One after the battle with Immortal Devouring Serpent. And even if she hasn't told him, it wouldn't have mattered. After all, everyone has their secrets and weakness they never wanted to share. She wasn't obliged to inform him and vice versa.

Shawn and Amy took his silence as a shocked reaction. They felt he most likely didn't know and was now overwhelmed with this knowledge.

"You are baiting a guy and didn't even let him know about you," Amy said to Ashlyn. Amy turned her towards Kiba and said, "Don't let her deceive you with her beauty. She is all just looks but the era of evolution didn't deem her worthy of blessing."

Ashlyn didn't react. She ignored Amy as if she didn't exist and focused on her lunch.

"Her birth parents discarded her," Shawn joined the conversation. "An orphanage for special children took pity on her but even there she showed why the era of evolution didn't deem her worthy."

Kiba was flabbergasted by the information. He didn't know about her being discarded after birth and her living in an orphanage.

But a few things didn't make sense to him. Ashlyn was powerful and that was especially true when she unsealed her seals. Yet, both Shawn and Amy were basically insulting her without any worry of consequences. Were they unaware of her power or was there another reason?

He also wondered why Shawn was being so negative about Ashlyn.

"Most likely she refused his advances," Kiba thought of the obvious reason.

Ashlyn's beauty was breathtaking and the first time he saw her, he has entered into a trance. So he wouldn't be surprised if Shawn tried to build a romance with her.

"And he now stupidly believe she and I have a romantic relationship or at least a potential romance... so he wants to stop it from happening," Kiba concluded in his heart.

"Ashlyn, you are a disappointment to your adopted parents," Shawn resumed the conversation. "They took you in their care and gave you everything..."

For the first time, a flare of anger became visible in Ashlyn's face and she flinched at the mention of parents.

"Yet you lie and deceive for a boyfriend when you actually came to prove your devotion to them," Shawn finished his remarks. "Shame on you."

Kiba's expression turned heavy. He could easily retort and make Shawn cry just from his words but he didn't. It was Ashlyn's matter and if he interfered without her consent, then he would be disrespecting her.

He was also curious about Ashlyn's background and especially these adopted parents of her. He knew Ashlyn has costly and rare treasures with her so he wondered if it was due to her adopted parents.

Ashlyn kept silent. Both Shawn and Amy were surprised by her cool despite everything. Even Kiba was surprised. He thought she would show her Nutcracking Demoness persona by now.

Shawn and Amy looked at each other. They then rose up from the chairs and left the table.

Shawn walked towards his group while remarking loud enough for Kiba and Ashlyn to hear.

"Poor guy has fallen for a useless cursed bitch," Shawn said to Amy. "She is someone who can never conceive and enjoy the joy of children. I feel worse for her adopted parents. A pity they would never experience the happiness of playing with grandchildren... they should have just left her in that orphanage."

"Don't say that," Amy felt he was now going overboard. Children was a very sensitive topic for any woman and that was especially true for cursed ones.

"I'm just stating a fact," Shawn said.

Kiba eyed him coldly. Some topics were taboo and better unsaid, and yet, this man was continuously trying to piss her. Even he was getting offended.

Ashlyn dropped the spoon in her hand. She rose to her feet and rage exploded in her eyes. The full-body black suit flashed with streams of blue currents. Seven bright seals appeared on her left palm as she clenched her fists.

She took a step ahead but just then, a hand gripped her left shoulder from behind.

"Don't," Kiba said as she turned her head towards him. "Neither of us would resort to violence."

Ashlyn was surprised by his words.

From the time she has known him, he has never been the forgiving type. He has ensured that anyone who offended him in any manner paid a price. She has also witnessed him taking sadistic pleasure while carrying out revenge.

And yet, he was now stopping her to kick someone who has offended her?

Kiba looked at her face. Even though her face was poker, he could see the anger in her emerald eyes. He obviously understood she felt he was being unreasonable given his own past records.

He didn't want them to resort to violence due to the rules of The Fair. The auction has yet to start so they couldn't afford to get kicked out.

He also wanted to keep killings to a minimum before the opening of the core section. This was mainly due to his plans with Fiona. So, for the time being, he didn't want either of them to use violence as a means.

"I just said we will not be violent," Kiba said with a mischievous smile. "Never said we won't have revenge."

"?" Ashlyn was bewildered by his words.

"Pain from death is momentary. Sure, the pain might be unimaginable but it only lasts for a few moments before the person is wiped out of existence," Kiba took a seat as he continued. "In a way, death is the worst form of revenge. As for beating the heck out of a person to vent your frustration... well, injuries could be healed and body could easily recover as long as one has enough resources. That Shawn guy is obviously rich enough so physical revenge won't give us much satisfaction. By now, I'm sure you know why using violent means is not really the right way to have revenge."

Ashlyn felt his words made sense but then she recalled how most of his revenge was through violent means. He has either killed or handicapped his enemies.

Even without looking at her, he could tell her thoughts. After all, his words and past deeds didn't really match.

Kiba signaled her to take a seat and he returned to his own chair. Ashlyn did what he wanted but she continued to look at him. She was sure he would have something in mind if he stopped her now.

"Do you know what is the greatest form of revenge?" Kiba asked.

"...." Ashlyn didn't answer.

"It is psychological," Kiba answered with a smile. "Unlike physical revenge, psychological revenge is forever engraved in mind and could not be forgotten. This type of revenge could last for an entire lifetime and the victim could do nothing but suffer."

Ashlyn was now intrigued.

"Remember the affair puzzle I gave you?" Kiba asked while resuming his lunch.

Ashlyn nodded her head. So far, she was not able to solve it.

"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting," Kiba repeated the hints he has provided her. "And lastly, the mind is a terrible thing."

Ashlyn took a spoon of pudding while waiting for him to continue.

"The victim in the puzzle was offended greatly," Kiba said while treating himself with dessert. "What was the main reason for him being offended to such an extent? Was it infidelity of his wife, betrayal by his best friend,or something else..."

Ashlyn contemplated for a minute before answering, "A combination of all perhaps?"

"Nope," Kiba said with a smile. "The reason is something no human wants to accept... it is the root cause."

"What is it?" Ashlyn asked.

"Ego!" Kiba answered with a smirk. "His ego was hurt in the worst possible way. And justly, by his reasoning, he felt shattered and offended by infidelity and betrayal."

"..." Ashlyn contemplated in her mind. She realized whatever Kiba has in mind for Shawn was related to ego.

"Let me tell you the most interesting part," Kiba wiped his hands with a tissue as he continued. "Ego is the very reason why most affairs occur in the first place."

Ashlyn listened without making an observation. She knew nothing of romance and relationships so she didn't comment.

"In the entire life of a healthy human, the total time engaged in sex would be six to eight months," Kiba said, his voice relaxed. " So it won't be wrong to say that sex is one of the shortest activities humans engage in, and yet, it leads to the biggest troubles in our world. Now, let me connect it with ego, the root cause.

" Most men engage in affairs for seeking a boost in ego. The boost usually comes during sex and afterward, never before. They seek gratification and ego stroke for their manhood... They want to declare they are alpha among men. A man might not want to admit it, but he wants to believe he is a stud in bed.

"Whether consciously or unconsciously, the things men worry about the most is their size and performance. They often worry if their women are satisfied or not, and that's the reason why most men want to hear they are good in bed. An affair, in a twisted way, is a method to prove manhood and stud status with another woman... Of course, there is pleasure and thrill but the main issue is ego.

"Now, let's talk about women who engage in affairs despite having a happy sex life. Like before, I'm talking about majority cases. Most women seek ego boost before they actually participate in sex... this is different from men. They want to be indulged, complimented and flattered on their beauty and wisdom. This is especially true for women who have aged and don't get enough flattery from their companions. Their ego asked it to be stroked and appreciated. They want to be desired and romanced...

"And that's what most men do when they seduce women. They flatter them, make them feel desired, and lastly, make them believe their companion is not appreciating them enough."

What Kiba didn't mention was that the ego factor was not restricted to affairs. In the case of young women seeking a potential boyfriend, most wanted to have a relationship with so-called studs and bad boys.



Their vanity was satisfied with being desired by the famous men. They unconsciously reasoned how others would be jealous of their beauty and their famous companion.

The same applied to most young males who wanted the hottest girl. After all, a man wants others of his gender to see him as a conqueror who has gained a woman desired by many.

Of course, this was more of lust and a stroke for ego, and not love. But these companionships usually happens through dating and romance.

"Now, let's arrive back on our main topic, punishing Shawn," Kiba's eyes flashed with a devilish glint.

"By the time our psychological revenge is finished, Shawn will feel so humiliated that he will doubt his very manhood."

Ashlyn wondered what he has planned...

Chapter 295 - Hard Task

Dining Hall, Garrick Angel Inn.

The newly arrived couple - Shawn and Amy - joined their group to sit across a long table. Isabelle handed around five menus to the group. She provided water bottles before leaving the table to allow them to think of their orders.

Shawn was still thinking about Ashlyn. He was shocked by how she remained cool despite all his insults on her being a cursed one and her inability to have children.

"That golden-haired boyfriend of hers didn't react at all," Shawn thought as he made himself comfortable on a chair. "He is not from our city so he is definitely someone she met in the forest... how could she accept a man she has never known before!?"

Shawn was bitter and angry. He has asked Ashlyn for dates many times but she always refused his advances. As far as he could recall, she didn't show any interest in the opposite sex.

Shawn glanced back to check his object of hatred. He saw Ashlyn engaged in a conversation with Kiba. Her face was poker but he noticed traces of warmth he has never seen before.

"Cursed bitch," Shawn gritted his teeth and muttered in a barely audible voice. "Just what does he has that I don't?"

Amy, who was sitting next to him, felt aggrieved by her partner's behavior.

A few tables behind, Kiba drank crystalline white wine from a glass goblet while Ashlyn munched on lunch dishes. Kiba's senses were actively observing everything that trespassed on Shawn's table as he savored the fruity, velvety taste of the wine. He placed down the goblet on the table and smiled.

"There is nothing worse than a woman scorned."

No woman would appreciate her man thinking about another woman in her presence. This was especially true if they were in a committed relationship. The engagement/wedding ring on Amy's left hand showed how committed they were.

And yet, ever since Shawn entered the dining hall, he was focused on Ashlyn. First, he insulted Ashlyn.

Amy was happy by the situation since she didn't like her. Even she has insulted Ashlyn along with Shawn. After all, it was humane to take pleasure in misfortunes of others. The pleasure was more intense in cases the misfortune fell on those powerful, stronger or beautiful.

The same applied to Amy. Sure, Ashlyn would never be able to conceive but she was gorgeous and alluring that no man could ever resist. Amy knew she was no match for her beauty and she felt jealous seeing Ashlyn with the charming golden-haired man. So she was happy to join her partner in insulting Ashlyn and making sure that Kiba breaks off with her.

But as time went past, Amy's happiness turned into sadness as she realized just why Shawn was so bitter and insulting.

Shawn wanted Ashlyn and the insults were mean to vent his frustration on not getting her.

Amy knew it was more of lust and desire instead of love but it didn't elevate her mood. If anything, it offended her.

Wasn't his desire for Ashlyn a sign that he found her more attractive than her?

And the behavior of her partner further confirmed it.

"There are four types of women," Kiba mused in his heart. "I wonder which type she is."

He brought his eyes from Amy to the tempting wine in the transparent goblet. It was light and easy and comfortable.

"The first type of women would feel inept and lacking. This type of women would aggrieve and do anything to gain their man back... even beg. They will forgive their man's flings by turning a blind eye as long as they can have him back," Kiba thought with a faint smile. "The second type of women might take their men back but they will have some sort of revenge on their own so that they could look at themselves in a mirror without feeling ashamed. The revenge might be secret or not; usually in the form of an affair. Or it could also be as some sort of trump card for future situations like a strict financial arrangement...

"The third type of women would be bitter and sad. They would feel flawed and inept like the first type but unlike them, they will move on even though the bitterness would last for a long time.

"Then there is the fourth type... my personal favorite. Their motto is simple: 'He is leaving me for that woman? Well, good riddance. She can have him. I can now find someone who loves me for what I am.' This type of women doesn't care much for they see it with positivity.

"Of course, like everything in this world, nothing is black and white. It is easy to judge the first type as weak but never understand the reasons and personal struggles..."

The above classification didn't apply to Amy, at least not yet. After all, Shawn hasn't crossed the limit. Not to mention, if desiring another woman was considered as crossing limit, then almost all men would be held guilty. Still, Shawn has belittled Amy...

Kiba looked at Amy and sighed. She was pretty with long chocolatey brown hair, small breasts and light fair skin. He found her attractive but he wanted to make sure he didn't cross his own boundaries.

She might have slighted Ashlyn a bit but she didn't go overboard so there was no reason for him to use methods considered as devilish by others. As such, he wouldn't use any methods similar to the ones he used against Sarah and Ruby. He would use temptation which was basics of seduction but the choice would be hers, and hers alone.

Kiba gripped the goblet handle and brought it to his lips. He took a sip and placed the goblet back. He raised his head and looked at Ashlyn. It was obvious she was acquainted with Amy and Shawn so he has to get important information from them before he decides on a plan.

"Are your two acquaintances just engaged or married?" Kiba asked.

"Engaged four months ago," Ashlyn answered with details she knew.

"Hmm," Kiba thought for a minute before saying, "Did they fell in love or was it a relationship of convenience set by their relatives?"

"I'm not aware," Ashlyn replied. She wondered why he was asking such questions.

Was it related to the psychological revenge he earlier mentioned?

"I see," Kiba nodded in understanding.

He has forgotten she was not a female who was interested in gossips or relationships. Most likely, she only knew about engagement due to them leaving in the same city. She was not in their friend circle from what he has seen so far so her knowledge would be further limited.

"A few more questions but no one to answer," Kiba thought with a sigh. "Whether their relationship is consummated? Pre-marital sex is very common but there is still a sizable population of those who save it for marriage... Well, many of them do make out with lots of kissing and groping but no real action.

"So far, the two have been close but it isn't an indication of bedroom activity. The same goes for the style of clothing.

"Amy should be barely twenty and Shawn is about twenty-five... At the very least, the hormones in Shawn must be raging."

Kiba raised his arms above his head and stretched them.

"Another question is whether Amy is a virgin or not... to me, it doesn't matter, never has. But most people still hold orthodox views on virginity," Kiba contemplated with his eyes closed. "Funny thing is that most of these people have misconceptions about virginity, hymen, and blood..."

Kiba shook his head and cleared his extra thoughts.

The reason he thought about virginity was rather simple: Men always want to be a woman's first love, at least in bed. Many men consider taking the virginity of a female as a batch of honor. This was especially true for men who considered themselves as studs and hunks. In a way, it was related to their ego just like Kiba explained to Ashlyn.

Kiba could easily tell that Shawn considered himself as a stud. It was rather obvious from body language and the way he conducted himself.

And Kiba needed as much information as possible for him to devise a method before he took action. It was a simple principle even the great Sun Tzu acknowledged.

The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.

"I also have to think of the possible use of Law of Four and Magic of Six," Kiba thought while letting out a heavy sigh. "Hopefully, those two I won't have to use but I can't say for sure... So much to think and do.

"And people think my job is just all fun."

He felt pity for his poor self. No one could understand the hard work his profession required.

"Let's go," Ashlyn's sweet but cold voice woke him from his thoughts of self-pity.

"Ah...yes," Kiba got on his feet and left the table. They had an open tab in the inn so they didn't have to pay now. A such, they could directly leave after completing their food. Ashlyn stepped in front of him and walked towards the glass door that served as an exit.

As Kiba followed her from behind, he noticed old man Waldo was still sulking. Kiba, being a kind-hearted man, decided to stop him from being sad so he said, "Goodbye, not-so-miser old man."

"Huh?" Waldo raised his head at the familiar voice. He looked ahead and noticed Kiba waving his hand and saying, "Don't forget to be generous."

Waldo's eyes turned red while steam came from his ears. Before he could say anything, Kiba left the hall.


Waldo started cursing out loudly. Everyone in the hall looked at him as if he was crazy but Waldo continued cursing...


Kiba was pleased to help a man get out of depression. The poor old man was earlier silent and in a bad mood but Kiba's words now helped him open up and speak. It was a different matter that others have to suffer as Waldo vented his frustration in the dining hall.

Ashlyn walked alongside him. She shook her head and let out a breath of air.

For the time being, Kiba brought his mind to think of other tasks that required his attention. Mainly the auction which has been postponed by a day. That was the reason they arrived at The Fair.

"Oh well, there are many shops still waiting to be explored," Kiba thought while humming a small tune. "If I'm lucky enough, I might find what I need."

Kiba was lost in thoughts as he stepped ahead. When he made a turn in the corridor, he bumped into a figure in white.

"Sorry..." Kiba's words stopped as his eyes registered the hourglass figure. It was a young woman donning a silky, white gown. Her face was covered by a thin veil.

"Dark Star" Myiesha! The woman who turned Waldo's young master into molecules...

Chapter 296 - Myiesha

Garrick Angel Inn.

In the corridor leading to the dining hall, many mutants were shocked by the development. They looked at Kiba and Ashlyn with pure horror on their face. Ashlyn was behind Kiba with no emotions on her face.

Kiba, on the other hand, was struck on the spot as he saw the figure he has just collided with.

Her face was covered with a veil while the rest of her body was donned in a white gown. It was hard to see her stunning, gorgeous facial features without using enhanced vision.

Kiba didn't need to see her face for her dressing pretty much confirmed her identity as the woman he saw killing the young master of old man Waldo.

Myiesha Notch.

He certainly wasn't expecting to meet her for the first time like this.

"Apologies," Kiba apologized for bumping into her. It was his mistake since he was lost in thoughts and as such, he didn't mind saying sorry to a young woman with such enchanting, hour-glass figure.

"He is dead!" A spectator female mutant muttered to herself some distance away.

How could just saying a single word of apology earns forgiveness from bumping to a Dark Star?!

One of the Five Dark Stars!

The rulers of The Fair! Every single one of them was overwhelmingly powerful, not only in The Fair, but in the entire Desolate Blood Forest.

Every individual or organization aiming for the core region of the forest believed Dark Stars were the most troublesome group. They were such a terrifying group that their sole power allowed them to do as they please in the forest.

And obviously, such a group was made of powerful eccentrics.

Yet, he dared to bump into the most alluring woman in the forest! A woman whose appearance no one has fully seen!

Hang on!

That woman clad in a full-body black suit! Absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking! She is a fairy reincarnated on Earth!

I have never seen a woman so beautiful in my entire life! She is definitely as striking as Myiesha, if not more!!


Is she with that golden-haired man as well?!


Don't you have any shame?! You have such a beauty with you and yet, you dare take advantage of Myiesha?!

A woman whose name terrifies so much that they don't dare to step in her path! And yet, this golden-haired man not only did the unforgivable but he has nerves to stand as if he hasn't done anything big at all?! This was not some mistake that could be forgiven by simple words!

A noble lady like Myiesha would definitely punish him in the most terrible way. The onlookers were sure of it.

Females felt it was a pity for a stunningly handsome man to die so young. Male onlookers, on the other hand, rejoiced with obvious glee in their eyes.

No man deserves to be so striking and lucky with women!

Myiesha's amber eyes looked at Kiba for a brief moment. Her eyes were pure, crystal-clear, and serene. Her prepossessing face showed no malice or anger at Kiba's actions. She felt no ill intent or predetermined action from him and as such, she didn't deem it worthy to take any offense.

She did disintegrate Fitz Moran but it was due to his abusive tone. Myeisha retraced her vision from Kiba and moved it on the path ahead.

Kiba's gaze was focused on her so he didn't notice an 8 feet man stepping ahead. The man was bald with a head full of nerves protruding out.

Harith Notch! The most powerful of the Dark Stars!

He was clad in a black vest and pants which highlighted his overly muscular biceps and chest muscles. The tattoos over his arms and the chains wrapped on his hands further amplified his terrifying and imposing appearance.

Harith stepped forward without looking at Kiba. It was as if he nothing here was worth his attention.

"That golden-haired man is gone for good!" Many spectators behind muttered.

"How dare his body crash into the holy body of young lady?!"

"Serves him right!"

"Master Harith should gorge his eyes out first before crashing his skull into pieces!"

The male onlookers' eyes were filled with craziness. They were rich and strong in their own right and yet they never dared eye Myeisha. Yet a man did what they could not even dare imagine in their dreams. Their hearts were obviously filled with unjustifiable thirst for punishment.

Harith walked ahead and the side of his right arm crashed into the standing Kiba. This action was unintentional and done without using any power, and yet, it carried enough strength to dismantle a steel-reinforced concrete wall.

Harith finally noticed Kiba after his arm collided against him. He looked down to check the minced human pieces of his unintentional victim.

Some distance away, on either side of the corridor, the spectators were stunned beyond belief. Their eyes left the sockets in shock as they recorded the scene in front of them.

The golden-haired man was not lying on the floor in meat pieces as they imagined! He was standing in the same place as before without any sign of injury or discomfort! What's more, his body didn't even shake in the slightest!


Just a few days ago, Dark Star Harith's hand rested on a shop wall and it was broken into pieces! So how can this man be safe?!

Did great Harit intentionally controlled his strength!? Yes, that must be! Just why such mercy?!

Harith was also surprised at Kiba's state. He knew how much force his unintentional bump carried.

"A man of your stature needs not only to look in front but also below," Kiba said in a calm, matter-of-factly tone.

Harith was dumbfounded. No one has dared speak to him like this ever before. Even when he killed someone, their families would apologize to him. Now though... the opposite party was teaching him basic manners!

"This is basic but oh well, be careful in the future. I won't hold a grudge for an unintentional mistake but others won't be as accommodating as me, " Kiba pointed towards the male onlookers when he said 'others'. In the same calm tone, he continued, "They would have thrashed you after calling you insolent."

The male bystanders staggered a few steps. Their breathing turned heavy and their faces started sweating coldly. None of them dared utter a sound but in their hearts, they cursed as if someone has murdered their entire families.


Fucking son of a bitch! How dare you implicate us in this matter?! We wouldn't dare call great Harith any name, much less thrash him!

If you want to die, then die! But why the heck are you involving us?! Don't court death on behalf of us! Live and let live! Just spare us, please!!

Harith turned his head towards the onlookers. Most of the mutants in The Fair were at Level II and a very few at Level III but when they sensed his gaze, they felt their bowels turning loose.

Their breathing stopped and the innate fear of Harith's reputation made him look more terrifying than he was.

They were on the verge of passing out when a pleasant voice broke the silence and brought them back to reality.

"You must be the one who caused trouble yesterday in the market," Myeisha said without any emotions.

Molecules of light particles covered her pupils as she looked at Kiba. She noticed a thin, invisible, golden luminous radiation wrapped on his body like a protective layer. This was a simple manifestation of fuel that powers a body - life force. In simple words, it was a materialization of aura.

Theoretically, every living being has a layer of aura on their bodies but for most, the presence of this layer serves no purpose due to their weak innate strength.

The protective strength depends on the fuel that runs the body. The stronger an organism, the stronger their vitality and in turn, a strong protective layer.

After looking at the invisible and yet luminous layer, she understood why he wasn't harmed the slightest bit from Harith's collision. She then recalled the details she has heard from subordinates about a clash that took place yesterday. From what she knew, the offender was enveloped in a golden stream of light as he dashed through streets and battled with drones.

Kiba brought his eyes back on Myiesha.

"Trouble? You are having a misunderstanding, miss," Kiba said with a smile. "Your fellow Dark Stars, especially that ugly duck with prehensile hair, were the ones who caused trouble after I and my companion entered the fair."

Many onlookers simply passed out after Kiba completed his sentence. Was this golden-haired man insane?! He is being so rude while talking about Dark Stars!

Myiesha's eyebrows raised up at the mention of ugly duckling. The prehensile hair left her no doubt that he was referring to Anamarie.

Sure, Anamarie was not beautiful given her age and her sickly pale skin with brown spots, but still, to call her ugly duckling was rude.

Even without looking at her face, he knew she would feel his choice of words would sound rude to her. So he added, "You can't expect me to be polite while referring to a woman who first tried to rob me through a proxy and then tries to kill me."

"Oh!" Myiesha's eyes flashed with understanding. As a Dark Star, she knew the true power play at The Fair.

While any form of conflicts, stealing, and murders was not allowed in The Fair thanks to the iron-clad rules, but for the Dark Stars, it was a different matter. To gain unique, rare resources that the mutant visitors in The Fair would obviously not share, the Dark Stars would use underhanded means to steal.

She understood most likely Mirage Thief - Hollie- stole something precious from him but failed in the end. And that's when Annamarie and others intervened.

"You are an interesting guest," Myiesha took a step ahead and passed by him. "Enjoy your stay."

She then placed a hand on Harith's shoulder and said, "Let's go, brother. I'm starving."

Harith was startled but he nodded and simply followed her to the dining hall.

Kiba was surprised by Myiesha's behavior. He expected a confrontation or at least, a refusal to his remarks. Yet, she just left along with her giant companion.

"Brother?" Kiba thought while looking at the distant figures of Myiesha and Harith. They couldn't be any different and yet they were siblings.

"Was her father cuckold by someone?" Kiba wondered in his heart. "If not, they must have a different half parent."

At least, there was a thing for him to be happy about. She was not in a relationship, at least not with this Harith guy as he initially assumed.

Chapter 297 - You Always Want What You Can't Have

Myiesha and Harith entered the dining hall. The onlookers behind sighed in relief at the close call they had. Most of them turned their heads and looked at Kiba. They couldn't understand how he could get scot-free after what he said about Dark Stars.

Kiba ignored their gazes and left the corridor along with Ashlyn. A few minutes later, they arrived in front of the reception of the inn.

The reception was handled by a tall, slender female receptionist who was in her mid-twenties. She was a blonde with silky hair, red lips, and creamy skin. All over, she was really attractive like a model out of a top fashion show.

That was something to be expected given Garrick Angel Inn was the most costly inn in the fair.

For a middle-class family living in cities, the price of one day stay at the inn would be equal to their yearly expenditure. The inn not only spent resources in a lavish design and ambient environment but also on the staff. And a pretty female staff was rather a must in the hotel industry. The same principle was even used in the inn even though it was located in The Fair at the Desolate Blood Forest.

The receptionist rose to her feet and greeted Kiba and Ashlyn with a warm smile. The desk in between was made of vibrant glass on which virtual screens floated. She swept them out and gave her full attention to the patrons.

Kiba placed his hands over the desk and rested his head on them.

"What can I do for you?" The receptionist asked. She has checked the logs a few moments ago so she knew a few things about them.

She was aware they already have two costly rooms booked in the inn along with an advance. She wondered if they were checking out and leaving the fair to explore the forest. Most of the patrons in the inn only visited the fair for temporary peace and safety to relax before resuming the perilous journey.

"You can do a lot of things," Kiba answered with a faint smile. "But whether you will do them or not is the question. So tell me, what can you do for me?"

His tone and demeanor left no doubt his words were flirty.

The receptionist was caught off-guard by his remarks. She asked a standard question and expected a straight answer in return. Not such a cheeky response that left her speechless.

She was indeed taught how to tackle flirty customers but none like Kiba.

Kiba's eyes moved from her face to her chest where her name tag was attached.

"Monica, please relax," Kiba brought his gaze back on her face. "I was just trying to make a conversation. I'm not here to make you uncomfortable, and if I did, I apologize."

Monica smiled in relief. She was glad a rich patron like him was not making things difficult for her.

Her training kicked in, and she said, "No, you didn't make me uncomfortable. But I will accept your apology in case you do something in the future."

"Something I do..." Kiba thought with a smile. He obviously understood she was responding to his flirtation from earlier with a similar response. He was impressed by her reply and the way she handled his remarks.

"So what do you want me to do?" Monica inquired.

She was now at ease with him.

Unknown to her, both his flirty statement and the apology that followed was a way of warming her up so that she wouldn't feel uncomfortable with him. This was one of the simple techniques used in the seduction process during a first meeting.

It left the target aware that the opposite party was interested in her but also play it cool enough so that she doesn't feel creepy by sudden advances. The tension between the two states worked as a psychological nutrient for further steps.

"Well, for now, I want to know something," Kiba answered. His hypnotizing eyes bore into hers. "I and my companion met some acquaintances of our in the dining hall and they asked us to meet them in their room later on. But I forgot their room number and it would be embarrassing to ask them."

"Ah... just tell me the name and I will search," Monica replied.

Most hotels and inns didn't allow the sharing of such information. After all, there was a risk of potential conflict if the patrons were engaging in an illicit affair and their relatives confirm it after getting information from the staff.

Garrick Angel Inn was the same but Monica didn't feel she was violating some privacy rule. The Fair was an absolutely safe place where no one would dare break the laws. Even still, in other times, she wouldn't share such information but now, she didn't mind.

"You are truly a lifesaver," Kiba said with an exaggerated sigh of relief. "I'm looking for Shawn and Amy. They are engaged and are here with their group."

Monica tapped a finger on the glass desk and a virtual screen popped up. She entered a few instructions and a minute later, she said, "Shawn is in room A-105 and Amy is room A-106."

"Oh!" Kiba was surprised. He was expecting them to share a room but then he thought, maybe, the rooms were interconnected. He couldn't ask Monica to confirm for the obvious reasons.

"I want to thank you for saving us from embarrassment but words won't be enough," Kiba said as he retraced his hands from the desk. "How about we thank you over dinner if your shift is finished by then?"

"Well..." Monica thought for a moment before nodding. "I would like that."


Ten minutes later.

Kiba and Ashlyn stepped on the staircase. Ashlyn looked at him as they walked ahead while wondering why he did what he did just now. She was also curious why he was so eager to thank the receptionist and offered her dinner with both of them. Why not just alone?

What she didn't know was that he was using the lamb and lion principle of seduction...

"What do you plan to do?"Ashlyn asked as they arrived in front of their rooms.

"Rest," Kiba answered as he opened his room. "And collect some information based on what we know of your acquaintances."

Ashlyn didn't ask further. She stepped into her place and he entered his.

Kiba passed through the drawing-room and stepped into the bedroom. He jumped on the king-size bed and rested for some twenty minutes.

"Time to do the boring work now."

With his back to the headboard, he retrieved a few items from his storage dimension. A digital tablet, laptop, and eight crystal business cards.

The cards belonged to his various non-profit organizations such as Wife Pleasuring Service Ltd, Mistress' Massage Center, Naughty Bunny Corporation, and a few more.

Kiba shuffled the crystal cards and placed them on the bed. He then activated his laptop and tablet.

"Sighs~ No network," Kiba was annoyed. Ever since he entered the forest, he was virtually cut off with the world. There was something in the forest which acted as EMP waves and nullified electronic signals to the outside world.

"I can't always rely on Claudia," Kiba thought. "But without her, it is almost impossible to use Law of Four and Magic of Six..."

If he was a devotee of god, then he would be surely praying to avoid a situation where he would need to use the above methods.

"My luck won't be that bad, right?" Kiba wondered aloud.

He closed his eyes and his senses moved through the inn.

At a time like this, he was grateful to have his powers even though they were a double-edged sword. His senses rushed towards the rooms Monica informed him about.

He noticed both Shawn and Amy were outside their room, standing in the corridor. The other members of their group were absent. Most likely, they had stepped into their rooms for some rest after lunch. The engaged couple planned to do the same, at least one of them do.

Amy swiped the key card and the door to her place opened up. She stepped inside and walked ahead but stopped when she noticed Shawn entering.

"What are you doing?" Amy asked a question she knew the answer of. Her mood was not good and so she hoped his answer would be different from what she expected.

"Love, I thought I could massage you," Shawn answered. His voice was filled with smugness that was hidden by his face.

"No need," Amy replied, annoyed. "Last time you said you will massage me, you tried to do something you shouldn't have."

"We are engaged for god's sake!" Shawn was frustrated. "Couples do more than what I wanted."

"We are yet to be married," Amy shut the door on his face. "And stop thinking from your dick all the time."

Shawn couldn't believe her fiancee just did what she did. She was always sweet to him even when she refused his advances. Yet now, she slammed the door in anger and said types of words she never had.

Just what was going on? Has he done something wrong?!

"Maybe she is on periods," Shawn thought of reasons he has heard about woman's mood swings. He refused to believe the girl who has fancied him would say such things otherwise.

Inside her room, Amy sumped down on the floor.

"How could I have liked him when he doesn't care about me at all..." Amy felt tears building up in her eyes. "I wanted to do everything with him and yet, despite our engagement, he wanted to get in the pants of that cursed woman."

Amy thought of the scene that trespassed in the dining hall. She was angered by Shawn's conduct. She felt bitter, frustrated and also lacking as a woman. After all, her fiance was desiring another woman in front of her. Sure, he didn't say it openly but his intention was clear to her.

As of now, she questioned her self worth. She sadly wondered if he engaged with her to have her... Was her crush for him unfounded? Would he break up after getting what he wanted?

Back in his own place, Kiba opened his eyes and thought about Shawn and Amy. The latter clearly liked him, perhaps even loved. It was unknown how the relationship was established but it was clear Shawn was not in love, at least not in the way Amy wanted. Shawn desired Ashlyn far more than he liked Amy.

"Humans often desire and pursue what they cannot have due to an intense desire to feel validated."

Kiba couldn't help but recall the words Elissa spoke to Zed a decade ago. She has told him about living beings attraction to the impossible.

The thing you want the most is the thing you can't have...

Kiba shook his head and cleared his thoughts. He brought his eyes on the business cards and picked the one he wanted.

Maiden's Love Circle.

Chapter 298 - Leela

An hour later, Kiba left the inn without Ashlyn. He just wanted to go for a walk and to look around so he didn't ask for her company.

In the market.

The sky was filled with warmth and serenity. The sun was no longer scorching the ground with its terrible heat.

Kiba walked through a street full of crowd. The sides were filled with stalls and shops selling various precious herbs, treasured fruits, rare minerals, and unique gems. The owners were exaggerating their worth and background with many even claiming their origin from the alien world.

Kiba checked the items and found none to his liking or necessity. He arrived on another street and a shop picked his attention.

The shop was focused on dart and knife throwing with gifts depending on the throw. Unlike normal shops, the difficulty was high given the abilities of the mutants.

Kiba was not interested in the gifts or the games. His focus was rather on a young woman standing across a dartboard.

She was don in a white dress marked with floral patterns. She was fairly gorgeous and stunning with glowing brown skin tone, cyan hair, and eyes.

Kiba was not interested in her beauty. His intrigue in her was more due to a tattoo she had on the back of her right hand.

A bright golden wheel with eight spooks.

Dharma Chakra.

Kiba recalled he has seen this woman before entering the fair. 1 At that time, she was flying through the air along with her group. He wanted to meet her but the situation didn't allow him to.

Kiba stepped towards the shop. The shop was rather enormous with dozens of dartboards focused on knife and darts along with various obstacles.

The boards would continuously spin from one place to another. Randomly, spears and vines would slash out from the floor to stop incoming darts and knives. Then there were layers of fire and water obstacles created arbitrarily in between.

The rewards depended on the landing of the dart or knife. In dart case, the maximum reward was on the bullseye. While on balloon board, the reward was placed inside the colorful balloons. What one gained was up to fate.

Kiba paid a fee to the shop supervisor and then walked next to the woman. In front of her, there was a short table upon which knives and darts were placed.

Streams of blue telekinetic energy swept out from her forehead and wrapped around 5 darts. The darts rose up high in the air in the aiming position.

Some ten meters ahead, a ballon board was rotating in high speed from one place to another. Her eyes flickered and the darts rushed through the air, leaving behind trails of telekinetic ripples.

In between, a curtain of water appeared followed by vines that swept towards the flying darts. The woman raised a hand and the vines were engulfed by a high attraction force. The same moment, the vines crashed on the floor and broke into pieces. Telekinetic force ripped the water curtain into fragments and allowed the darts to rush ahead.

Everything happened in less than ten seconds and the darts landed on five balloons that were oddly disturbed on the board.

The balloons exploded to reveal the gifts which were low-level beast bones and some herbs. Blue telekinetic energy wrapped the gifts in the form of bubbles and they flew towards her.

She made a sweeping motion and the bubbles left the shop. They soared above a crowded street after which the telekinetic energy disappeared. The gifts fell on the excited crowd below...

"The gifts are precious for those outsides but not for someone like you," Kiba said after he arrived next to her.

The woman turned her head towards him and said, "Someone like me?"

"I mean someone from Dharma Chakra," Kiba replied with a courteous smile.

Her eyebrows raised up at the mention of Dharma Chakra. Very few people knew about Dharma Chakra.

"I am Kiba and I really didn't mean to disturb you," Kiba scratched the back of his head. "But it has been a while since I saw my friend from Dharma Chakra. So I couldn't control myself from meeting his fellow members."

Technically, he was lying. He has never physically met anyone from Dharma Chakra. Nor did he knew anything about Dharma Chakra but he was pretending to knowledgable by being vague.

Also, the person he referred to as friend... well, if that person was not currently in a state worse than death and come to know what Kiba said, he would die from coughing up blood.

"It is fine," She stretched a hand for shaking his hand. "My name is Leela."

"An interesting name," Kiba shook hand with her. "It means divine play, right?"

"Yes, among other things," Leela answered with a smile.

A staff member in the meantime placed darts and knives in a table in front of him.

Kiba raised a finger. The darts and knives rose up in the air, and the next moment, they glide ahead. Obstacles in the form of fire curtain and spears appeared but the knives and darts showed no sign of stopping.

Streams of golden current reinforced them. The knives and darts swept through metallic spears which then disintegrated into dust. The fire curtain created no difficulty as the knives and darts passed through them without any difficulty.

Ten balloons burst apart to reveal his rewards.

"You are good," Leela remarked.

"Not better than you," Kiba replied. "The shop is mostly for Level I mutants so the obstacles are not worth mentioning. If you wanted, you could win every reward with just a flick of a hand."

Leela let out a soft chuckle in response.

"Then I guess we both are taking advantage of the shop owner," Leela said with a sweet smile.

"Yeap," Kiba agreed and they left the shop.

"You earlier mentioned a friend from Dharma Chakra," Leela brought the subject just like he expected her to.

"Ah... yes. He is a monk, well, technically a Psychic Hunter," Kiba raised his head towards the sky. His eyes were filled with sadness as he continued, "Sadly, he was gravely harmed around two months ago."

Leela was stunned in disbelief. Earlier, she wasn't sure of his claims of him being acquainted with someone from Dharma Chakra but the information he muttered was far too precise. In fact, she knew it was something that was hidden from the rest of the world.

She instantly remembered details she has learned some time ago. She couldn't help but mutter, "You are acquainted with Reverend Akshobhya from Mahayana Dhayana Monastery?!"

"Yes," Kiba's eyes flashed with surprise but he nodded his head. He suppressed a smile and remembered the details she just muttered now.

Before meeting her, he neither knew the name of the monk nor of the monastery. All he knew was that the Psychic Hunter who tried to put his brain into a vegetative state was a monk affiliated to a mystic organization known as Dharma Chakra. Even the latter part was more of a guess but Leela's words confirmed he was correct.

Leela looked at him in amazement. She never thought he was friends with Akshobhya.

Poor Akshobhya would beg to disagree. He was sure that a 'friend' of his would not call him a pedophile nor put his body into a decaying state.

"So do you live in the State of Avalon?" Leela asked further. Mahayana Dhayana Monastery was located in the power center of humanity - State of Avalon. Even the capital of the world government - Holy City- was situated in the State of Avalon.

"No," Kiba replied. He didn't dare lie on this part. After all, what he knew about the State of Avalon was limited to what he learned in passing. If he pretended to be a native then his ruse might fall if she started discussing things only the locals might be aware of.

"Oh!" Leela was surprised. Visits in the State of Avalon were restricted and only those with special permits could step in.

She wasn't sure if he was truly friends with Akshobhya. After all, trusting his words blindly wouldn't be a smart thing to do. But she believed he was either acquainted with Askhobhya or learned details about him from someone. In either case, it showed he was strong or someone with a powerful background.

"So that old monk lives in the State of Avalon," Kiba's eyes flashed with malice. "Someday I need to pay a visit to Mahayana Dhayana Monastery."

Chapter 268