299 - 304

Chapter 299 - Antique Stone Garden

Somewhere in The State of Avalon.

The green, lavish hills around the once might and erect buildings of Mahayana Dhayana Monastery were the only signs that the monastery was established here.

Now, there were no more tall infrastructures nor architectural wonders in the 150 sq. miles. Everywhere there was just debris of past remains of the mighty structure that once existed here.

A passerby might be forgiven for mistaking the site as remains of some ancient civilization. Sadly, what no one believes would be that just two months ago, everything was different.

There used to be courtyards with children praying around. Separate rooms for prayers and residence. Then there was the dorm formed from a technology of a foreign world.

Two months ago, when Akshobhya invaded Zed's consciousness, he never expected his involvement would result in the ruins of the monastery. At the end of their battle, Kiba transferred his powers through a satellite that was linked to Akshobhya. The powers were corrosive and radioactive in nature. They not only affected Akshobhya but devoured the entire monastery. Only after a few days, the decaying force died on its own, but by that time, everything has suffered a vicissitude of time.

Presently, hundreds of people - mutants and normal humans- unaffiliated with the monastery were studying the ruins. Every single one of them was clad in a hazmat suit that could handle any radioactive force.

These people have divided themselves into nine excavation teams to check each area of the ruins. They were continuously working to find any valuable item that has survived the onslaught of decaying force.

Hundreds of balloon lights were lighting the area while helicopters hovered above the area. Mutants with abilities related to earth element worked around the clock along with geological experts. Omnius beasts were further helping in the cause.

In the middle of the ruins, there were many camp-like structures. Some of them were for the rest of the excavation teams while a few were for the monks of the monastery. After the disaster, most of the monks were transferred to another location. A few have died after they were infected with the corrosive force but most were not infected and lived.

In one such camp, the monk named Asahi sat upon a chair.

He was once the second-in-command but now that Akshobhya was in a state between living and death, Ashai was forced to take command of the declining monastery.

Akshobhya was now being treated by the best doctors in the State of Avalon but he showed no sign of recovery. His entire body was a home of innumerable diseases and he could barely open his eyes. Every hour or so, he would have a panic attack that would make his bowels lose and he would shake like a dying fish.

Asahi felt pity for Akshobhya but he could do nothing to help. He knew his friend would find death as a relief but the higher-ups from Dharma Chakra wouldn't allow enthusia.

Asahi sighed and looked in front of him where other monks from the monastery were sitting.

"Do we have any good news?" Asahi asked.

"There are no traces of the spare crystal cubes and platform nor any records of the designs of the space satellite," An elderly monk informed Asahi. "We assume their fate was the same as the Source Seeking crystal platform and the cubes linked to Reverend Akshobhya."

Ashai grimly nodded his head. The source seeking and destruction technology used by Akshobya was retrieved from the meteorites.

As per the records of the world government, this technology was used by the royalty of the Celestial Elysian Plane to ensure absolute control and prevent any rebellions. The royalty would have drops of blood from every concubine, prince, subject vassals, and noble families.

The blood contained the source of essence which can even be used to find a descendant through telepathic means and destroy. This gave iron-clad dominance to the royalty of the now destroyed supreme world.

"We even have lost the fifty children who were personal disciples of Reverend Akshobhya," The elderly monk continued. "As you know, their psyches were merged with great Akshobhya during that day..."

"No need to speak any further," Ashai stopped him from continuing.

A psychic hunter could fuse with the psyches of others to temporarily boost his own psychic powers. But the aftereffects would be dangerous for those who fused with the Psychic Hunter. The brain of others would not be able to handle the burden from fusing with a powerful psychic. As a result, those people would become mentally retarded.

The monastery used the young monks for this purpose. It was something of a dirty secret that monastery never wanted anyone to know. This was the reason why Kiba called Akshobhya a pedophile during their battle. 1

Kiba was shameless without any morals but even he had his own bottom lines. There were things which he would not do. Akshobhya has tried to come as sagely and kind being when Kiba mentioned the children whose lives he was ruining to boost bis own powers.

Even before launching his finishing strike, Kiba knew the lives of the young monks were already ruined. Death would be a relief so he used his psychic link with Akshobhya to numb their consciousness. Now, after two months, they died with as low pain as humanly possible.

"Recruit more students," Asahi instructed the elderly monk. "We will need more workforce to get the monastery to its former glory."

"It shall be done," The elderly monk replied.

Just then, the cloth door of the camp opened and a middle-aged man entered followed by two men in white suits.

The middle-aged man was donned in a white holy robe that radiated an aura of divinity and pureness. He has long dark hair falling on his shoulder in the form of braids. On his forehead, there was a mark created by a mixture of vermillion clay and sandalwood paste.

The mark was actually, two vertical lines which were connected at the bottom, forming a simple U shape, with an additional crimson vertical inside the U shape.

On his bare arms, there were marks made of golden sandalwood in the shape of dharma chakra.

As soon as he entered, everyone in the camp rose to their feet and bowed.

"Swami Santana," Asahi's voice was filled with respect and awe. "Long live the Dharma."

Santana gave a slight nod and everyone in the camp relaxed.

"Please forgive us but so far we were unable to discover the culprit responsible for Akshobhya's present state," Asahi informed in a polite tone. "As I informed you before, I entered his consciousness but it was corroded and decayed just like his body. There was only one memory left intact in his consciousness and nothing else."

The memory showed a part of the conversation between Akshobhya and Kurtis 1 . The memory was short, abrupt and rather felt useless. But Asahi has a gut feeling it carried a secret to Akshobhya's present state.

"And Kurtis from House of Hestia is still refusing to disclose details on what task he wanted Akshobhya wanted to carry out," Asahi stopped. He was hoping the reverend figure would apply pressure on Kurtis to share information.

Sure, House of Hestia was the strongest faction in the World Government but asking for some information was no arm twisting. House of Hestia should have no problem if echelons of Dharma Chakra requested and gave some benefit in return.

"Kurtis has paid a Dharma Chakra coin and as such, he is protected by the sacred laws of Dharma," Swami Santana replied without emotions. "The laws won't change for our convenience."

"I understand," Asahi bitterly nodded.

"Akshobhya was a treasured soldier of Cause of Dharma," Swami Santana's eyes flashed with holy light. "He might be at fault with his greedy nature but those responsible for his condition won't be spared, no matter what."


The Fair, Desolate Blood Forest.

The one responsible for Akshobhya's state was having a good time in the market while chatting with Leela. From a candy stall nearby, he purchased a hawthorn candy stick. He offered her one but she refused so he only took one.

"What does Dharma means?" Kiba asked while eating candy ball.

"It is difficult to explain," Leela answered. "Its meaning varies from person to person. For me, Dharma is far too rich, complex, and refined to explain using words of humans."

"Oh," Kiba thought for a moment.

Claudia has informed him that Dharma was not restricted to just religion. Even before the era of evolution, Dharma was a common occurrence in many religions, not just to one religion or one society. It even was mentioned in archaic texts retrieved from meteorites that were remains of Celestial Elysium Plane.

The simple meaning was cosmic law - the rules that created the universe from chaos. But obviously, it meant more than that depending on the person, society, and world.

"What does it mean for Dharma Chakra?" Kiba asked.

Leela didn't answer and looked at him.

"I'm sorry," Kiba scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "I became too curious and asked what I'm not entitled to."

He inwardly sighed and thought he was pushing his luck too much. There was no way she would fully trust him or believe everything he has said.

If looked logically, so far she didn't reveal any secret. Sure she told him the name of the Psychic Hunter and his monastery but that wasn't much. She wouldn't find those details any worthy of mentioning.

Leela looked at her wristwatch and checked the time. It was a little over 4 pm.

"It was nice meeting you," Leela lowered her hand and said. "Now, I have to take my leave and join my friends. I hope we will meet again."

"I'm sure we will," Kiba replied with a smile. "Goodbye."

He looked on as she turned around and left the street. She soon became a distant figure in the midst of the crowd.

The candy stick was almost full but now it served no use. He was not in candies and he only purchased it to create an image which was no longer important.

He threw the candy stick in a garbage box and left the street.


Half an hour later.

Kiba met Ashlyn outside Garrick Angel Inn.

"Your acquaintances are exploring the market and we are going to join them," Kiba informed her. "Presently they are in Antique Stone Garden. "

Ashlyn looked at him for a moment and then nodded her head. They both walked to their destination.

Antique Stone Garden was not really a garden but actually a shop of grand proportions. It was even vast than the shop owned by Pythia.

The price of every inch of land in the fair was worth in gold. But this shop didn't have to pay to rent. The reason? The shop was sponsored by Dark Stars...

Antique Stone Garden was more like an art gallery with hundreds of stones, molten crust, and dust crunches lying around in unbreakable glass boxes.

If the stories sold by the shop owners are to be believed, every material in the shop was acquired from the meteorites and debris that crashed on Earth in the year 1900.

When stones and crusts were retireved from geological excavation, many of them contained special objects. Even in a small stone, it is possible to acquire a castle. Scientists believed the soil of the alien world has unique spatial properties by which they would suck big items inside. Only by breaking the stone can one find if a particular stone has some special item inside or not. It was a pure gamble.

Antique Stone Garden hosted such foreign stones from around the globe. While people believed most stones were from the foreign world, the truth was that at least half were fake and forged to such a degree that no one could find any difference with the original.

The patrons here have to test their luck. They could select any stone of their liking and after paying the required price, they could acquire it. The shop offered the facility to break the stone and retrieve the stored item (if any).

Many times, people would leave empty-handed. And yet, the number of people visiting the shop never reduced. If one has plenty of luck then becoming rich or powerful was not a problem.

The price was high for every piece of stone but for them, as long as they could get lucky even once, then it would be more than worth it.

Everything was a matter of luck...

The boxes containing stones and crusts were perfectly transparent and placed on metallic columns so guests could check them without any difficulty. The sensors in the store advanced enough to warn in case any mutant tried to use his/her special abilities to steal.

Shawn, Amy, and their companions were checking the stones. Even though luck was required, there have been studies conducted to know what types of stones and crusts had more chance of having spatial powers. Texture, dimension, color, and shapes were only the fundamentals of such studies.

"Shawn," A guy named Rickie called out. "Your family have done detailed research on these mutated stones from the foreign world. You have studied with your family in details so we are relying on you."

"Don't worry," Shawn assured him with a smirk. "It would be a piece of cake to choose the best stones."

Amy and others trusted him. They believed he has enough talent to back his claims.

Almost 90% of those in The Fair won't enter the core region. The Fair was a safe zone in the forest so youngsters from powerful backgrounds would visit it after their families/organizations took enough security purpose. Amy and her group had plans and they were not restricted to The Fair or the guardian spirit village. They wanted to make it big in the core region even though it was dangerous where life could be lost in a single moment of carelessness.

If they retrieved anything useful from this shop then it would further help them when the core region opened.

At the same time, Kiba and Ashlyn entered the store.

He looked around and noticed around a hundred mutants of both genders. There was a good number of handsome guys and gorgeous women. There were many of them who have just reached adulthood.

"Perfect place," Kiba licked his lips like a predator at the sight of countless preys.

Chapter 109

Chapter 112.

Chapter 300 - Maiden's Love Circle (Part I)

(A/N: 4K+ words long chapter! Two chapters combined into one!)

Antique Stone Garden.

Kiba along with Ashlyn looked around the store and checked out the stones. Kiba has no experience with such types of stones. In fact, it was his first time learning about them despite his past in BSE79.

"So lively," Kiba mused while seeing the sea of crowd inside.

Most of them were here just to look around with no actual intentions of buying. Some of them wanted to expand their horizons while a few just wanted to waste time.

Even though there were over a hundred people the shop didn't feel crowded thanks to its size and distribution.

The number of stones was innumerable with dozens of staff members helping customers. Security staff was in both official and civil dresses to handle any mischief.

The entire ceiling was lit with soft light so that no one has any difficulty while observing the stones and crusts.

Kiba stepped in front of a metallic column above which a dark stone was placed. An impenetrable glass box around the stone prevented it from people with malicious intentions.

He noticed hidden sensors in the glass box that would activate an alarm if they detect usage of mutant abilities.

"Mutants are powered by Divine Particles genetic material in their source," Kiba thought with a smile. "And the sensors would be only sensitive to such energy fluctuations."

Kiba was obviously an exception with his power being cosmic in nature thanks to Cosmic Spark.

"Let's see what we have here."

His pupils started rotating and a layer of golden radiance enveloped them. The dark stone inside the glass box glinted with extraordinary splendor that was invisible to the world.

Kiba's vision moved through the protective energy field and entered inside the spatial space. The entire space was dark like the stone itself; dark as the night sky and empty. But in the center of the space, there was something.

Kiba was startled bur rather pleasantly. He retraced his vision from the interior of the stone. He looked around and noticed a staff member some distance away. The staff member was supervising this part of the area and responsible for purchases.

"Excuse me," Kiba called out the staff. "I would like to have this stone."

Dozens of people nearby him were stunned. Most of them have noticed him just entering the store and yet, he was already choosing a stone after cursory glance?!

"Is he out of his mind?!" A man in young thirties wondered aloud. "He is taking the first stone he saw?! Does he think it is some food stall?! Heck, people pay more attention while purchasing vegetables!!"

"I have been here for four hours and didn't dare select a stone," A female companion of the man said. "Does he think this is some child's play?"

"Youngsters are always in a hurry," A middle-aged man muttered. "And they make themselves into fools."

"Are you sure, sir?" The staff member enquired. Most of the time, patrons chose a stone proudly but at the final moment, they back out. After all, it was a very big gamble. If luck was bad then one would get nothing and loose own wealth in the process.

"Yeap," Kiba nodded. He retrieved a Wind Flame Fruit and Vermillion Ginseng from his storage dimension. The store didn't accept cash or money cards as payment. They only accepted special items such as fruits, herbs or magic gems. Kiba handed the items to the staff member.

"OMG! Did you see that?!" A woman called out.

"Those items materialized on his hands out of nowhere!" Another woman muttered in surprise.

"He has a spatial storage item! Is he from an aristocrat family?!"

"Fuck! And he is paying two Rank I fruits just like that?!"

"What a waste!"

"He is definitely a black sheep of his family!"

Shawn and Amy were some fifty meters away. They heard the commotion and were amazed to see everyone's focus on Kiba.

"He is also here?" Shawn thought Ashlyn should also be present and the next moment, he noticed her.

She was aloof and silent like always. Shawn hated the warmth he saw in her eyes as she looked at Kiba. He has only seen this gentleness from her for Kiba and no one else.

"Cursed bitch!" Shawn suppressed his anger.

He took a deep breath to calm himself and asked the nearby people for details. When he learned the facts, he couldn't help but smirk.

"What a dumb idiot," Shawn said rather loud enough. "He is trying to show off to Ashlyn."

He has done a lot of research on these stones and even then, it would take him a lot of time to choose one. Yet, Kiba dare select a stone in just a minute after entering the store?!

He decided to teach a thing or two to this idiot and help him learn how vast the world is.

"Kiba, think again before you chose," Shawn walked towards Kiba and Ashlyn. "Otherwise you would definitely regret. I can help you with a short commission."

Kiba listened to his words but didn't reply to him. The staff member has started opening the glass box to take out the stone. Kiba only focused on that.

Shawn frowned at Kiba's attitude. How dare he not respond to him?!

"Ashlyn," Shawn called out to her. "Come with me and I will help you in selecting the best stones."

He prayed she wasn't stupid enough to believe Kiba.

Amy - who was behind Shawn - gritted her teeth. She was now having doubts about her engagement.

Ashlyn looked at Shawn and shook her head. She spoke no words but her head signal was enough for him to know she was refusing him; again.

The onlookers nearby didn't focus on what trespassed between Shawn, Ashlyn, and Amy. Their eyes were glued on the stone the staff member has taken out.

The staff member flicked his hand and rays of light seeped out from a console on his wrist. The next moment, a stage popped in the air above the metallic column. The stage seemed short at 5 sq. meters but it was surrounded by a spatial screen. Its visible dimensions and actual dimensions were different. This stage was created through the use of space gems and its actual area was 500 sq.meters.

The staff member threw the stone chosen by Kiba inside the stage. As soon as it entered, modified spatial beams boomed out of the stage floor. They landed on the stone and it started cracking into a blinding flash.

"Do you think he would get lucky?" A middle-aged man asked his wife.

"Who knows," The wife answered. "Some people do have blind luck."

"Or shitty luck," A young man interjected. "And such people only learn their worth when reality teach them a lesson."

"Hey," the female companion of the man said. "You don't have to say such a thing."

The store was filled with intense discussion and the staff members secretly fueled the debate. The store also ran a betting pool so a hot discussion was actually beneficial for them.

"I'm betting a rank I - Crimson Thorn Fruit," The youth from before said. "That golden-haired man is going to get nothing."

"I'm betting Blue Flame Lotus," Another youngster made a bet.

Almost everyone was placing a bet on whether Kiba would come empty hand or not. Some were using money cards while others were betting through rare fruits and herbs.

95% bets were against Kiba. Very few people actually felt Kiba might beat the odds. And some of them believed he might acquire some useless item that has been corroded. Such cases were nothing new or surprising.

Ashlyn was not interested in increasing her fortunes so she didn't care about the betting. But she felt obliged to participate given almost everyone was against Kiba.

She opened her left hand. Blue streams of current flashed on her suit and a flash of light conjured above her palm. The flash concentrated into a fruit radiating out strong water fluctuations.

"A rank II Elemental Water Spirit Fruit!" Amy muttered in disbelief.

Under the shocked vision of everyone in the store, Ashlyn handed the fruit to the staff member responsible for betting.

"Ma'am... who are you placing bets on?" The staff member asked while trying to suppress his shock. It was the first time he has seen someone betting a rank II fruit.

"Kiba," Ashlyn answered in an emotionless voice. "He would win."

walked next to Kiba.

"She got to be kidding!" A dumbfounded woman shouted. "Does she feel it is some ordinary fruit she can waste like this?!"

"Damn! The shop is making a killing!"

"The Dark Stars would never get poor as long as such customers visit the store!"


Amy was taken aback by Ashlyn's actions. She was further stunned by how calm Ashlyn was.

"Does she trust Kiba that much?" Amy wondered in her heart. "Or is it love? A love so great that she would support him no matter the circumstances even if he is wrong."

Shawn was thinking the same. The thoughts of love soured his mood.

He took out a rank I Deformation Fruit. He wanted to bet it against Kiba.

"Shawn!" Amy placed a hand over his shoulder. "Don't bet blindly."

Amy felt it was premature for everyone to be so against Kiba. She refused to believe someone who could come this far in the forest on his own would be dumb enough to waste his wealth unless he has some confidence.

Shawn didn't listen to her warning. He has seen countless stupid people and was sure Kiba was one of them.

Amy could only curse in her heart. Why was he so hellbent going against Kiba?!

"Men and their ego!" Amy recalled words her mother has spoken to about nature of men. She has never believed them but now she felt there was some truth when her mother said, "Men don't think with their minds but..."

Amy gritted her teeth and retrieved a seed of Ice Crystal Herb. This seed's worth was almost as high as a rank II fruit.

She handed it to the betting staff and said in a low voice, "I'm betting Kiba would win."

The staff member nodded and recorded the bet.

Amy was defying her fiance by her actions but she trusted her instinct as a woman.

At the same time, the stone floating above the stage shattered fully. The next moment, an alluring radiance bloomed out.

"No way!"


"This has to be an illusion!"

The eyes of the spectators turned wide in amazement. The expressions of those who bet against Kiba turned downcast.

They looked at the item that has materialized on the stage.

A futuristic hovercraft.

It spanned for ten meters with yellow texture and white stripes in between. It has no wings but two turbo boost behind.

The outside design of hovercraft was entirely different from the ones on Earth. It was more like a spacecraft with advanced tech system.

"A hovercraft from Celestial Elysian Plane!" The staff member next to the stage felt his jaw-dropping on the floor. His heart thumped violently at the sight in front of him.

"Even if you spend the entire profit of The Fair... you can't purchase such a hovercraft!" The staff member thought further.

He was sure how stunning the developments were. The Dark Stars would definitely not be pleased after learning they had such a treasure and it was taken by some customer through dumb luck.

The staff member glanced at Kiba who was standing with a relaxed expression on his face. There was no shock on his face despite the fortune he has just earned. If anything, it was like there was nothing to be amazed about.

Did he knew what he would get?!

No! That's impossible!

The staff member refused to believe such a possibility. He then thought about people blessed with heaven-defying luck.

"Just what type of luck he has?!"

That was the question running in everyone's mind.

Kiba was happy at his choice. He was in no need of a hovercraft or any vehicle, and yet, he was content by this discovery.

For any man, there were only three things that aroused their attention the most.




Kiba was a deviant and different from most men. He was interested in vehicles for no reason other than to satisfy his vanity.

That's the sole reason he chose the stone. If others learned of his reason, they would die from vomiting blood.

Kiba felt the eyes of everyone focused on him. He felt he should say something and break the awkward silence. So with a warm smile, he said, "I guess my luck is not that bad."

Not bad?!

Those who lost their bets were incensed. Their veins popped out while their blood pressure exploded like never before.

Motherfucking bastard! Do you call such godly luck as not bad?!

"I'm thankful for your bets as well," Kiba further said with the same warm smile. "My companion has made a good amount thanks to your kindness."

Son of a bitch!

A few of the onlookers coughed up blood in anger. The betting pool was against Kiba so those who voted in his favor were truly blessed. And for the others, it was a big loss that made their hearts bleed.

Ashlyn didn't care about the increase in her fortune. She only placed a bet to support her companion.

Shawn was trembling from anger and humiliation. Just ten minutes ago, he has chided Kiba for being dumb and choosing a stone randomly.

To teach Kiba a lesson, he has even made a bet with Deformation Fruit. Many from his group followed his lead and parted with their rare herbs and fruits. They believed his conjecture and made bets.

Now... The group members were looking at him like he was responsible for some plague. Earlier, they were relying on him thanks to the research he has done on such stones. Currently, there was no sign of reliance.

Out of his group, only one member didn't lose. If anything, she was one of the few who doubled her fortune.


She let out a bitter smile. She has won but her group has lost. Everything could have been avoided if not for Shawn thinking from his lower...

Kiba ignored the gazes of everyone and stepped in front of the stage.

The hovercraft was floating above the stage. He didn't know how to function it or even open it but he didn't care.

He has plenty of experience with things from the alien world and was confident in his ability to handle such minor kinds of stuff. At worse, the hovercraft would never be activated but even then, it could act as wonderful showpiece when he returns back home.

"Please open the stage," Kiba said to the staff member. "I have already paid."

"Ah!" The staff member broke from his trance. He nodded and moved to open the stage. He stopped and thought of something. With a professional smile, he said, "Sir, you can exchange the hovercraft with treasured herbs and gems that are of rank III and above. We can even give you exclusive privileges in the upcoming auction."

Rank III herbs! Exclusive privileges in the auction!

Mutants nearby sucked cold air in disbelief. But then they thought, it was natural. The hovercraft was from a foreign world. It was intact with not even a sing of any scratch. It was priceless especially for those who were researching the technology of that world.

"Not interested," Kiba responded with a smile. He didn't need privileges in the auction.

"Is there anything else you want?" The staff member further asked. "The Dark Stars would even accept your request for this hovercraft."

"There is indeed something I want," Kiba said while thinking of Myiesha. "But I'm pretty sure the Dark Stars wouldn't agree."

"Ok, sir," The staff member was dejected. He entered commands in the console and the energy barrier around the stage opened up.

"Should I transfer the hovercraft outside?" The staff member enquired.

"No need," Kiba replied. He jumped on the stage and placed a hand over the hovercraft. Rays of white light boomed out of his palm and enveloped the hovercraft. The next moment, the hovercraft disappeared in clusters of light and transferred to his storage dimension.

"Just how much space is available in his spatial device?" The staff member wondered aloud. Most storage items offered low space and even then, they were very costly.

Kiba no longer cared if people assumed he has an advanced storage device.

He leaped from the stage and landed on the floor. He walked next to Ashlyn.

"Let's see if we can find something for you," Kiba said.

She looked at him for a moment and then said, "No. You already know what I want is not here."

"As you wish," Kiba smiled and started checking other stones. He already knew she entered The Fair so that he can find the items he needed.

What she truly wanted could be only sought in the core region. In this regard, she was like him.

The Fair was just a temporary stop for miscellaneous items. The onlookers were still focused on Kiba.

Most of them wondered if what he achieved now was blind luck or real talent. In any case, they observed every action of his.

Some distance away, Shawn has finally calmed down.

"I let my feelings take the best of me," Shawn grimly thought. "I have to show my group it was just a one time mistake and nothing else."

He raised his head and looked at Amy and other members.

"We shall find what we need," Shawn said with great determination.

The group could only nod. They have to rely on Shawn as far the store was concerned.

Amy walked alongside Shawn as he checked the stones. An hour later, he found a stone to his liking.

"It definitely has something precious inside it," Shawn declared loud enough. His expression was filled with excitement as he observed the brownstone in front of him.

"Are you sure, Shawn," A female named Sheena asked.

"Yes," Shawn assured her. "Trust me on this."

He called out a staff member and paid a herb. The staff member opened the glass box and started the procedure to take out the item.

Around fifty mutants arrived to witness the reveal. Young and old were expectantly looking forward to seeing what was inside.

Shawn was rubbing his hands nervously as the spatial beams crashed on the stone.

Some hundred steps away, Kiba was sitting on a chair alongside Ashlyn.

"You indeed found something precious," Kiba mused to himself. "But you deserve something far more precious."

Kiba retrieved a crystal card from his storage dimension and placed it in his right hand. No one detected his movement despite him doing it in open. He gripped the card between his right thumb and index finger.

The crystal card turned transparent before fading altogether.

Just then, the stone opened up into blinding radiance. When everyone opened their eyes, they saw a seven centimeters long crystal card.

"What is that?!"

"A crystal card..."

"Doesn't it look similar to those high-tech business cards?"

Everyone was taken aback when these words were spoken. These types of business cards were different from conventional contact cards. They contained digital information that could be explored virtually and also be used to establish direct contact.

Shawn was stupified. He was expecting a treasure and not some crystal card. Even he thought it looked like an advanced business card.

"There is no way it is a business card," Shawn said loudly to stop the discussion. "Celestial Elsyain Plane wouldn't be using such type of methods."

"That makes sense," A middle-aged man agreed. "Besides, I like to believe this card is our Earth's original invention."

"Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth," A woman agreed and said. "Eyes only show us what our subconscious mind wants to see."

"I agree," Sheena also nodded. "Shawn, check the card to see what it is."

"Maybe it some magical card?" Shawn prayed inside his heart. "How great it would be if it has some godly ability."

Shawn took the card in his hand. The crystalline card was blank and its surface glinted with bright light under his eyes.

He tapped a finger on the middle of the card. The moment he did this, threads of energy swept out from the crystal.

Shawn reflexively backed away. Others did the same and the crystal card fell on the floor. Streams of energy continued to sweep out and even before everyone could blink an eye, the energy threads wrapped the entire interior of the store.

At the same time, invisible ripples of psychic energy flew out from Kiba and merged with the energy threads from the crystal card. The energies of different nature fused and let out a burst of radiance.

"What's going on?!" Amy was overwhelmed by the development.

The interior of the shop was fading. The stones, ceiling, floor, every object disappeared from her sight. She slightly relaxed to see people from the store were still here.

A new surrounding was created in an instant.

Amy took a step ahead. She felt loose particles touching her feet and she looked down.

The ground was filled with sand, gravel, shingle, and pebbles. The sand carried a gentle hue of gold that let out a soothing radiance.

"Beach?" Amy thought when she heard the sound of a wave crashing. She looked ahead to witness the beautiful scenery she was in.

A majestic deep blue ocean spanned as far as her eyes could see. Seagulls screeched softy on the surface while wind blew lightly.

At the end of her vision, the bright ocean was embracing the sunset.

She was standing at the shoreline and foamy mist of the water sprayed on her as waves crashed.

Shimmering sunlight made the sand sparkle like a thousand tiny jewels while the fresh air tantalized her senses. She greedily sucked the sweet air as the cold water squished through her toes.

The entire environment was gentle and peaceful.

"Where are we?" Sheena arrived next to Amy and asked.

"No idea," Amy replied. The others, including Kiba and Ashlyn, concentrated on the shoreline. Everyone started discussing the strange place they found themselves.

Just then, a soft melody sound greeted their ears. Everyone turned around and noticed a woman far away. They instantly realized she was not one of them.

The woman was young, very young. Just twenty years old with beauty so alluring and tempting that every man's jaw slacked.

She has brown hair with blond highlights that were wrapped in a high ponytail. She has silver big hoops on her earlobes that contrasted with the setting sun.


The woman was playing violin as she looked at the setting sun. Her figure was tall and slender with olive skin that almost sparkled.

Her curves were enticing and it was hard to not stare. After all, she was in a red bikini that exposed her skin.

She placed down the violin on a lounge chair beside her. She then turned around and brought her eyes to the people from the store.

"Hello, ladies," Her voice was soft and sweet like an angel. She started walking towards them with slow steps.

"Ladies?!" The men in the crowd were surprised.

"No hello to us?" A twenty-five years old handsome man named Riolo spoke aloud. His expression was filled with lust as he feasted his eyes on her tempting body.

The charismatic woman looked at him and said, "It is my choice but yes, no hello to you."

"What?" Riolo was taken aback by her response.

Before he could say anything further, she continued,"Judging from your face, you are faster than a bullet in bed. Go somewhere and relieve your tiny penis, you worthless man."


Who is she and why the hell she is speaking about men in such a degrading manner?!

Chapter 301 - Maiden's Love Circle (Part II)

hile the sweet but salty breeze swept past. The seagulls rapidly beat their wings against the ambush of the wind as the sunset shrouded the sky with a mesmerizing orange sky.

But the hundred-plus mutants were in no state to care about the beauty of the ocean or the beach. Instead of jumped into the water and playing, their attention was on an entirely different matter.

The gorgeous woman in red bikini stood just some twenty steps away from them.

She was young, captivating and blessed with an irresistible body that no man could refuse. Her body scent was delightful to the senses; far more than the fresh air of the ocean. Her voice was soft and sweet like a piece of peaceful music.

This was the reason why everyone was so astonished by the words of this twenty years old.

Faster than a bullet... relieve your tiny penis somewhere.

Riolo was petrified as her words ringed in his brain. What she said was an absolute nightmare for any man with even a bit of self-respect.

And Riolo was the receiver of these painful words in front of a large crowd.

He wished the land would split apart and devour him. He was left in no condition to show his face to anyone.

Shawn and other males in the crowd secretly sighed in relief. They were happy they didn't dare start a conversation with her. No matter how much their hearts lusted after her, they don't want to become a target of her sharp tongue.

The pretty woman ignored Riolo and other men. She brought her attention on the young females among the crowd. Her focus was on women below twenty-five years old who were still learning the way of the world.

"My name is Theresa Summers," The lovely woman introduced herself, "And I'm your host in this world."

"Host?" Sheena, Amy, and other young females muttered aloud.

Ashlyn was the only one who showed no interest. She was silent and stood next to Kiba. The latter suppressed a faint smile and acted as if he was as startled as everyone else.

"Yes," Theresa nodded and said. "Your host to the path of true womanhood."

Both young and old women were dumbfounded. Wasn't womanhood just referring to women who have reached the legal age? Or the qualities considered to be natural to or characteristic of a woman.

The men were similarly startled. Just what was true womanhood?!

No! What's important is why were they transferred here?! Yet, this woman was starting a conversation that was completely unrelated.

"What I'm about to say and show you might make you feel uncomfortable and uneasy," Theresa continued. "But remember, the reason is not me but rather the mental conditioning you have undergone in the male-dominated society.

"As time will pass, I'm sure many of you would disagree and feel I'm saying what no woman should say, but I can't remain silent and stop from carrying out my duty. The world has changed and we women are no longer living in the 19th or 20th century where our opinions and interests didn't matter. We are living in a modern world where we deserve the rights the men have enjoyed from time immemorial."

Men and women alike were stupified.

"Umm... what rights?" Sheena asked.

"Joy," Theresa answered while looking at her. "Climax, orgasm... You can refer it to many names but in simple words, I'm talking about women's right to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh."

Sheena, Amy, and other women were taken aback. Many of them even visibly blushed.

The men, on the other hand, were shocked. They looked at Theresa as if she was crazy.

"What nonsense are you speaking?!" A middle-aged man named Dixon asked angrily.

"Nonsense?" Theresa looked at him. "Men like you are the actual nonsense. All you care about is your own orgasm without caring if your partner has climaxed as well. Thanks to men as you, most women never experience the ultimate pleasure in their entire lifetime."

Many of the mature women lowered their heads. They had experienced sexual frustrations in their lives but they just accepted it as destiny.

"What a bunch of crap!" A twenty-one-year-old youngster named Andrews interjected. "If women didn't climax, then we won't have such a high population!"

Some 10-15 men agreed and cheered for him. Most men and women remained silent for they knew better.

Theresa, on the other hand, looked at him as if he was an idiot.

"You don't even know biology and yet you are spouting crap," Theresa said with a sigh. "For reproduction, only men need to climax and ejaculate their sperms. If women needed to have an orgasm for reproduction, Earth won't even have half the population."

Theresa brought her vision back on the women.

"More than 60% of women never experience a single orgasm in their entire lifetime," Theresa waved a hand and a virtual chart appeared behind her. The chart showcased the stats of research on women climax and the survey details. "This is the discrimination women have to face."

A middle-aged man's body turned still as he thought, "Is this survey even real?! This woman must be one of those crazy feminists who look down on men!"

"Why are you showing this to us?" A girl who has just reached eighteen asked. Not a single person was able to understand her intentions.

What was this place?! Why was she talking about a taboo topic like women orgasms?!

"Because I care about my gender," Theresa raised her head towards the orange sky. "I want to see a world where women are free to seek their pleasure without any hesitation. A world where women can embrace their sexuality without any guilt."

She crouched down and placed a hand over the sand. The sand particles glimmered and she took a handful of them in her palm. The sand felt gritty against her bare skin as she closed her hand.

"Two years ago, when I turned eighteen, I was excited," Theresa said with a smile. "I thought now I can drink, stay out and even give in to my boyfriend's request for sex and experience the joy of becoming a woman. I was looking forward to my first time...

"But then I had a conversation with a much older woman who told me about her first time. She mentioned how lackluster it was for her even though her partner has enjoyed himself."

Theresa opened her hand and let the sand fall. The sand particles flew along with the blowing wind and moved towards the majestic ocean.

"You see, most boyfriends never care about the pleasures of their women," She said with a sigh. "They are like wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am. For them, taking your virginity is a matter of pride. You are just a piece of flesh for them to enjoy. They would sleep from tiredness after having fun while leaving you half hanging...

"Don't misunderstand though. They would pretend to care about you so that they can continue to enjoy. They would have dates with you, say lovely things, and even ask about your pleasure... but would they care? No. Every action of theirs is to have you for their sexual gratification. All they want is to get in your pants no matter how. Heck, they would even proclaim love to you for having your first time. "

Many of older women in the crowd unknowingly nodded as they recalled their first time. You can never forget the first time; it forever stays alive in your mind.

Even a few young women who had sex felt her words were true. Very few actually had experienced orgasm in their first time. The few young females who were inexperienced were surprised by the expressions on other's faces.

A female named Paige thought, "My boyfriend is always pushing me for sex and saying it would be a declaration of love... Damn, he must be one of these selfish bastards she spoke about!"

"My stupid boyfriend even warned me with a breakup if I didn't have sex with him," Another young female thought. "To think I was in love with someone like him."

After listening to Theresa, many of them felt she wasn't wrong when she said most men were selfish. They now dreaded about their first time, or to be precise, their first time being a disaster

"So I made a decision," Theresa continued with a smile. "I won't have a bad first time. I didn't want to have a faster than bullet man penetrating me and having his pleasure.

"No, I wanted my first experience to be magical. I want to experience what very few in this world experience... a true orgasm. From the start. I know what a few of you are thinking...I'm a slut. But hey, this is my body. If the pleasure of man matters so does mine.

"And I'm proud to say my first experience was a blast," Theresa raised a hand towards the sky. "I experienced the true joys of being a woman and I still am."

The orange sky parted with currents of lightning flashing brightly. Soon, there was a clear sky. The clouds twisted while the ocean waves churned high in the air.

"I could experience the pleasures of womanhood from the start only for one reason."

A dazzling mark appeared in the sky.

It was a circle in the form of a heart with a cupid arrow in between.

Maiden's Love Circle.

"Transforming from a maiden to a woman is not only about losing your maidenhood," Theresa has gained the attention of everyone. "It is about freeing yourself from the chains of thoughts that restrict you from pursuing your self-interest. It is about the freedom to believe you are allowed to experience joys nature wanted you to.

"To help young women in this pursuit, Maiden's Love Circle was established. They would help you have a true man for your first experience.

"A true man is someone who would worship every part of our body as if you are a goddess. Someone who would hold his orgasm to ensure you have multiple climaxes and experience the joy of transforming from a girl into a woman."

Every woman - except Ashlyn - felt a current passing through their spines. An extremely erotic scene swept through their senses and goosebumps bloomed over their bodies.

They witnessed themselves experiencing a volcanic orgasm that left their toes curling as they screamed in passion. Their eyes turned unfocused, glazed over from bliss, mouth slack open while the fine hairs on the back of their neck stood up in ebullition.

They saw themselves in this scene and experienced the ultimate pleasure for a moment that was less than a second.

Soon, they regained clarity but the scene was like a drug; it left them wanting.

"Is that what an orgasm feels like?!" Wife of Dixon thought. "I have never experienced something like that with my husband."

Dixon was horrified by the expression of his wife. Just what has she experienced for her face to have such an extraordinary glow?!

The young females who have never engaged in sex were overwhelmed by the sensation. The mental stimuli were far better than they ever expected. They felt it was far too different from what their mature friends have said.

"Could it be that my friend didn't have an orgasm? Maybe she was left in between?" Sheena thought of her poor friend in the city.

"Ladies," Theresa brought their attention back on her. "You never forget your first time. Do you want it to be some 30 seconds of wham bam thank you ma'am? Or true fucking that you deserve and experience pleasure of proportions you have never experienced in your life so far?"

Women, regardless of virgin or not, were conflicted. Many of them had boyfriends or lovers so they felt a mental obstacle.

"Why risk your first experience with a guy who can't love you the way you deserve? You are a princess and you deserve happiness of a princess. The first experience is eternal in our memories. Do you want to remember it as having a man bursting in you in just seconds? While natural, a woman too deserve happiness," Theresa tried to slowly ease their consciousness.

"Are you sure your boyfriend is not a quick ejaculator? You must be having doubts that thinking about your pleasure from another man is cheating, but let me reassure you, it is not. Why should the men get all the fun? Your boyfriend would sleep after having fun while leaving you half hanging?! Isn't this unfair and unforgivable?!? Think for yourself! You are young!

"If you won't explore now then when would you? When you are old and sitting on a bed, you will look at the setting sun with regret: Damn, I had a chance but I threw it away due to my so-called ideals of love.

"Remember, you can always find love but not your youth and first experience. So explore! Live a life with no regrets! Have fun while you can! It would only make you better and help you find better lovers in the future!"

The eyes of the females lit up. Indeed, it is men who face troubles in finding lovers and not women! It is almost always men who have to spend efforts in courting!

The men in the crowd, on the other hand, were horrified. The more they listened to Theresa, the more terrified they became of her.

"Fuck! She is a demoness corrupting pure, innocent minds!" Dixon was trembling.

The girl he has a crush on was with him and she was unconsciously nodding while listening to Theresa. He felt butterflies wreaking havoc in his belly and he started feeling sick.

While almost every woman felt Theresa's words made sense, there was many among them who were in a committed relationship. A few of them were not consummated but they didn't agree on throwing away for sex.

"Still, if you love your present boyfriend but even then there is nothing wrong in taking help from Maiden's Love Circle," Theresa said with an understanding expression.

"If your man truly loves you and not just your body... well, then why does virginity matters to him so much? Isn't he just a useless man with a fragile ego who wants to take your maidenhood as a sign of conquest?

"We carry child, we nourish them, we experience unimaginable pain... still, we do this, we do that for others.

"And yet, no ones care about us. Don't we women deserve a few hours of happiness?!"

Everyone turned silent. The young females truly felt Theresa was once again right.

"Why should women give all the sacrifices?" Theresa turned towards the men and asked.

The men were panic-stricken. They wanted to shout she was spouting nonsense but they knew, if they do it, then they would prove her right. They have to retort her with logic but it was easier said than done.

She has started her teaching with facts, or at least claims they have no proof against. And then she proceeded with righteous intent that was hard to go against.

She has easily passed through every question a woman has. Whether it was guilt, love, or the ease of moving on!

Then there were her questions. Every single one of them was loaded with intent.

No matter how men answered, it would only make her win and ruin their reputation among women.

The men also knew their silence was also benefitting her. Many of them looked at their women companions and were scared of their discovery.

Now, even the uncorrupted minds were showing signs of being perverted!

"If your man is offended by the idea of your pleasure then that means, for him, you are just a piece of warm flesh! Does such man deserve you?!"

For women, Theresa's voice was like a voice of reason and revolution that made them stand up.

But for men, her voice was like bolt of thunder that agitated them further. If they were not afraid of the change in the environment and lack of details, they would have strangled Theresa without any hesitation.

"Fucking hell!" Dixon gritted his teeth so roughly that they were on brink of shattering. Shawn was the same as he saw a look of contemplation on his fiancée's face.

Every man's eyes were filled with hatred as they looked at Theresa.

Just who the hell is she?! And what in god's name is this Maiden's Love Circle?!

No, the important question is which motherfucking bastard established it?!

There is no way it was established to help women!

Kiba stood behind the crowd with a relaxed expression. The cold wind from the ocean swirled around him and made his long hair flutter. He enjoyed the beauty of the beach even though he was fully aware it was not real.

"That founder must be some cult leader!" The men on the beach reasoned in unison. "An expert in brainwashing innocent minds!"

Chapter 302 - Maiden's Love Circle (Part III)

Was Kiba actually expecting every woman to be brainwashed by Theresa? The answer was plain no. He was not even expecting a single woman to actually fall for what others considered here as corrupting the innocent minds.

Sure, everyone now was overwhelmed by Theresa's twisted logic, the change in the environment, and the mental experience of an intense climax. But that was nowhere enough for seduction, much less seduction on such a massive scale.

Then what was Kiba expecting from it? Why did he transfer the business card of Maiden's Love Circle in Shawn's chosen stone earlier?

The reason was rather simple.

In psychology terms, it was stretching the mind to new dimensions. Or in simple words: putting a spark so that later it can be turned into a flame when conditions are right. In more simple words, it was foundation building to new thoughts.

From time unknown, this simple method has been used by politicians, religions, cults, and godmen.

What this method did was rather very simple. It expanded the horizons of the target and made them more open-minded for a particular topic.

But open-mind to be seduced easily? Nope. Presently, everyone was psychologically overwhelmed but soon, their rationale mind would activate and find loopholes in the logic. Multiple logics would fight each other for supremacy

Furthermore, it was impossible to actually overpower the conditioning one has undergone from birth in a matter of minutes...

As for how everyone was on the beach instead of Antique Stone Garden. Well, they were still in the store.

The current environment was an illusion cast by Kiba.

To be precise, it was Mindscape Materialisation.

Kiba could overwhelm the six senses of others with his psyche and make them experience what he wanted.

Presently, he used Mindscape Materialisation to enhance the holographic recordings in the crystal card in order to bring out an absolute illusion. He gave life to Theresa's character based on what he knew about her.

Alongside, he used mental inducement. It could bring innate desires to the flesh just like an illusion to the reality. This was why every woman beside Ashlyn experienced a mind-numbing climax for a moment.

They wanted to experience, or at least know the orgasm Theresa spoke about and the Mindscape Materialisation gave it to them.

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions...


On the beach, everyone looked at Theresa. They were spellbound to her bizarre words no matter how outlandish they were. They have to give her credit of being creative while discussing a taboo topic.

"The men who proclaim to love us considerer as us nothing more than a hot ass. But are we not living beings? Don't we deserve equal pleasure? Or are we dolls created to serve the needs of man?"

Her eyes were on the females. With a kind smile, she decided to use the soft approach and said, "A woman on the true path to womanhood is no different from other women. If there is a difference, it is only that they are more demanding about their happiness. Surely, caring about your own happiness is no sin."

She then turned towards the men.

"Love without jealousy and you will know true happiness," Theresa said to them. "A strong relationship based on true love would allow your partner to experience all her fantasies and joys. Support her and allow her to experience the ultimate pleasure.

"Don't forget what we know about love... Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."

Men: "....................."

You bitch!

What type of nonsense you are saying now?! You actually want us to encourage our women and tell them it is fine if they seek happiness elsewhere?!

Dixon was fuming. Earlier, he thought she was just targetting maidens and young women but now her words were targetted to every woman.

He saw his wife contemplating Theresa's words with a thoughtful expression.

Damn! Please focus only on young women! Don't corrupt my wife!

Dixon has never thought himself to be that bad in bed. He believed he was an attentive husband and a good lover who always took care of his wife's needs. He refused to believe his wife was in the 60% of women who have never enjoyed the true pleasures of the flesh.

Most men in a serious committed relationship thought the same. While they knew many women faked orgasms so that her companion's male ego was not hurt, they refused to believe their woman was one of them.

"I'm overthinking this!" A middle-aged man who has arrived in the forest with his wife thought. "This woman is messing with my mind! I'm good in bed!!"

Most men had confidence in their stable relationships where they trusted each other. After all, if there was no absolute trust, they wouldn't rely on each other in a dangerous land known as Desolate Blood Forest.

But Theresa's words were like seeds. This was why many of them were afraid the seeds of corruption would germinate in the future.

"Everyone knows that a male body is made to climax in the shortest time. Men with good stamina and lasting power are rare. Do you want to take chances in the probability that your boyfriend is one of those rare ones and experience a disaster first time? Is this what you want? A bad memory to last forever...

"Or perhaps, you want to evolve and be a woman you were born to be. A woman who is tired of living a life others want her to be and now live in her own ways.

"Remember, the older you get, the more you realize it is okay to live a life others don't understand."

The single women and even those who were in not committed relationships looked at Theresa with respect and awe.

Living life like there was no tomorrow. Defy the patriarchal society and live for your own happiness...

This resonated with every woman. In their lives, at one time or another, they have faced discrimination. It could be either from their own family or society which considered them as inferior to men. They were subtly made to believe their happiness didn't deserve equal considerations.

"From centuries, society has tried to divide us women through conflicts that never mattered," Theresa explained. "But the era has changed. It is time we women unite and seek what we want. We have to awaken our female companions from the conditioning."

Theresa's eyes momentarily arrived on Amy as she continued, "And how can you help? By having an open discussion and being open-minded. Start with yourself... discuss with your own soul: Are you happy and content with things as they are?"

Amy was stunned and taken aback.

She wondered why Theresa looked at her and then thought of her fiance. She glanced at Shawn and recalled his behavior from the time they met Kiba and Ashlyn.

"Am I happy?" Amy was lost in thoughts.

The men were dumbfounded. They could neither understand Theresa's twisted mind nor catch the strange flow of conversation. At one moment, she was aggressive while another moment soft.

"So rise and become the woman you were destined to be," Theresa once again started speaking. "Rest assured, you are not alone. Maiden's Love Circle is there to help you."

"Help?" Sheena looked at her.

"Yes, to make your first and subsequent experiences so magical that you will remember them fondly," Theresa said with a smile.

The moment she said this, waves of psychic energy swept out. Except for Ashlyn, the waves of psychic energy invaded every female's consciousness and gave them a glance to what Maiden's Love Circle has to offer.

They saw themselves in the adventures of a lifetime based on their own secret dreams...

Retreats at luxury hotels while enjoying the lush of nature. Dancing and drinking in clubs like there was no tomorrow. Swimming in large, crystal-clear pools. Having the best cuisine the money could buy.

Then there were misty peaks, gorgeous sunsets, and exotic forests. Beach hut, feasting on exotic fruits and exploring impossibly beautiful lagoons.

But that was not it.

Every scene was accompanied by a man. His face was not visible but the rest of his body was. He was tall, lean and shirtless.

He was blessed with an awe-inspiring body that has six pack abs, powerful shoulders, sculpted arms, and a healthy glow.

In every scene, he would share adventures with the woman. They would dance, drink, dine, explore and enjoy without any worry. Every action of his was for the happiness of her. He was devoted to her needs and cared for her like she was his goddess. Between each activity, they would kiss and caress each other before stopping and giggling.

He would desire her, lust after her and worship her. A treatment every gorgeous woman deserved.

And finally, when they were alone, they would engage in an activity that made her smile in joy and scream in pleasure...

He would explore every corner of her body in the way she craved with intent, intensity, ingenuity, and indecency.

Amy saw herself in the middle of a lush, emerald vegetation. She was under a large tree and breath in the exotic scents of vanilla, coconuts, herbs, and flowers. In this lovely environment, he would take her in the way she has wanted her first time to be.

Water droplets fell from the leaves and landed on her bare skin as they embraced each other...

"Ah!" Amy awoke with a start.

The actual act was not carried out in the dreamy scene but she felt hot blood flushing her face and turning her cheeks into a deep shape of crimson.

"Maiden's Love Circle," Theresa said with a warm smile. "We make you feel alive and grateful for the miracle of life."

Chapter 303 - Wish Gemstone

In the sky, the logo of Maiden's Love Circle flashed among the clouds. The serene heart mark along with the arrow in between gleamed brightly in the evening sky.

On the beautiful beach below, the crowd was shell shocked by everything that has taken place so far. The ocean waves continued to sweep under their feet but they were far too engrossed in their thoughts to feel the cold water.

"God, that was mind-blowing," Sheena muttered to herself as she woke from the explosive erotic scene. "I have never experienced anything like that."

The women nearby regardless of age unconsciously agreed. The young ones could reason for their short life but for the older women, it was hard to do so. They thought of their better halves and sighed in disappointment.

Dixon's wife glanced at him.

"If only he was like that man," She thought with a strong desire. "Even if he could not get better in bed, at least, he could try to be more romantic and take me on dates to exotic locations."

She felt her life was getting far too predictable and boring. Sure, she was now involved in an adventure in the forest, but that has become a routine every two years.

She thought of the man she saw in the erotic scene just now. He was so different and unique just like Theresa promised.

Every woman except for Ashlyn was thinking about the scenes they experienced.

The two mentally induced erotic experience was like drugs; it took them to a new height and made them wanting more.

With time, they would gain rationality and overpower this desire, but as of now, they were addicted to that scene and wanted more.

Everyone looked at Theresa in disbelief and wonder. Her charm was no longer restricted to her gorgeous body that was highly seductive in the red bikini. She was a master of words and an adept manipulator who could awaken people to desires they have never known.

Even though she was twisting and stretching logic to her binding, every woman agreed there was at least half truth in what she said. If someone tried, they might be able to counter her one logic or two or even three, but it was impossible to counter her every logic.

The most dangerous part was how she handled the conversation. She used a both hard and soft approach to invoke sentiments she wanted in her listeners.

Till when can we be satisfied by living under the shadows of men?

Is it justifiable that men experience sexual gratification at the cost of our pleasure?

Are our roles restricted to only acting as a piece of hot ass for man to relieve?!

Women thought in their hearts. Many of the young and independent females refused to live like their past generations. They desired what Theresa felt every woman should have the natural right to,

The men, on the other hand, hated her. Understandably, they believed she was a bad influence who wanted to break the status quo. They especially loathed her for undermining their natural supremacy in the bed by bringing out so-called survey and research details.

Theresa once again started speaking to the attentive crowd.

"Maiden's Love Circle is not just some organization," Theresa said with a warm smile. "It is a chance; an opportunity for you to live a life few people could brag of.

"If this prospect excites you and scares you at the same time, then it might be a good thing to try and enjoy life very few people get the chance to experience.

"Everyone agrees fantasies are great in dreams but only a few lucky ones know that living them is even better. Explore what you are and what you really like. You are young and now is the chance. Don't settle down for something low when you have the beauty, intelligence, and potential for better."

Theresa stopped for a few moments to allow the words to sink in. She was aware of the possible hesitation going in their minds.

"There would be many who would judge you in the name of morals, culture, religion, and identity," Theresa stepped in front of Sheena, Amy, and other young females.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and continued.

"But this is how society always reacts to new thinking. Open the history books and you will realize every individual who brought change to the world has suffered shaming by society. They were called renegades, deviants, evildoer among countless terrible names. They were insulted and even oppressed but if not for them, we would not be living in the world we are. Society always tries to resist change so that the comfortable status-quo could maintain and the echelons could continue to enjoy their royal advantages."

Men and women alike were stunned by history reference. Indeed, she was right about how society always resisted change and the price paid by those who tried to go against the norms.

"So my lovely ladies, remember," Theresa placed a hand over Sheena's chin, "Those who judge you are slaves to the norms of society. They never truly know what it feels to explore unadulterated freedom... the pleasure of exploring yourself. Stop being noble and start being selfish for once."

Theresa turned around and walked towards the mighty ocean. Her steps were slow and gentle as her bare feet stepped on the wet sand.

She stretched her arms to either side and smiled as waves swept towards her. The first thing that hit her was the salty air followed by a gentle gust of wind.

"You only live once so live on your own terms."

The misty foam sprinkled on her body and the cold water pushed her feet. Her footmarks on the soft sand disappeared under the waves.

Theresa looked absolutely dazzling under the orange sky. Her demeanor let everyone feel just how relaxed and comfortable she was in her skin.

She walked further in the water; moving towards the setting sun. The seagulls noticed her and made melodic noises in response.

"There are three solutions to most of life's challenges," Theresa's soft, peaceful voice entered the crowd's ears as she continued to move under the water. "A good laugh, a long sleep, and an exhilarating orgasm. Maiden's Love Circle can provide you all three."

She jumped in the water with her arms in front. Her wet body was like a work of God that was irresistible.

"If you want the solution or not... the choice is yours, and yours only," Theresa swept a hand over her wet hair.


At the same time, her body started becoming blurry.

Everyone was startled.

They looked around and noticed everything fading from their sight. The sand started dissipating and so did the beautiful sky and the raging ocean.

"What's going on?" Paige wondered aloud.

"We are returning back to the store!" Dixon replied excitedly.

He saw glass boxes and stones coming in sight and he was truly happy like never before.

"Finally! Free from that evil demoness!" Riolo was so happy that he was crying. He never thought getting away from a gorgeous babe would make him this glad.

She has an enticingly dangerous figure but her tongue was equally dangerous. The way she humiliated him by calling him faster than a bullet along with other insults made him feel less than a man.

The women were disappointed. They expected to hear more words from her and learn more about her life philosophy...

Antique Stone Garden.

Everyone looked around and realized they truly returned back. Some of them had theories that what they saw was an illusion or a virtual reality experience.

Shawn looked at the crystal card lying on the floor. His mood could not be any sourer after seeing the card again.

When he chose a stone earlier, he was expecting a treasure, and not a business card about some cult focused on women orgasm.

"I have terrible luck," Shawn gritted his teeth in annoyance. "I was so sure the stone would have something precious..."

He glanced at Kiba and his blood boiled in anger. He felt he was humiliated when Kiba got a hovercraft while all he got was a useless card.

"Why the hell would a stone from a foreign world have a business card made on Earth?" Shawn wanted to vent his frustration so he barked at the manager.

The store was popular for its stones and crusts from an alien world. Evey item retrieved from such stones would be from outer space and definitely not from Earth.

The store manager was caught off-guard by the question. He knew a few stones here were forged but he was not aware of them containing a business card.

Of course, he could not admit the forgery and expose the dirty secrets of the store, and in turn, spoil the reputation of Dark Stars.

"Well..." The manager didn't know how to respond but he quickly got his wits together. With a professional expression, he said, "A few stones contain legendary Wish Gemstones. The wish gemstones would transform themselves into objects their owners might desire or need."

"What?!" Shawn and everyone else looked at the manager in shock.

There are such magical gems?!

Many were doubtful but then they thought of Celestial Empyrean Plane. It was a superior world which couldn't be compared to Earth and as such, the logic of Earth could not be applied to that high plane.

"Yes, it makes sense," A sixty-year-old mercenary agreed with the store manager. "My superiors also mentioned about Wish Gemstone when they returned from the Reincarnation Sea."

"Really?" Many were awestruck by this information.

"Truly, the world is full of wonders," A woman sighed in admiration. "We don't know the limits of what is possible."

"Agree," Everyone agreed with her.

"Shawn's luck is godly," A young female said in an envious tone. "He got a Wish Gemstone!"

"Yeah! The stones I chose were always empty!"

"Damn! I would select more stones! I'm sure I can also definitely found a Wish Gemstone!"

"Me as well!"

The store manager was dumbfounded by the discussion.

Earlier, to prevent the store's dirty secrets from being exposed, he lied through his teeth and sprouted the first nonsense that came in his mind. Since the civilization of the alien world was still a mystery at large, he believed no one could actually catch him in his lie. After all, what proof anyone has to prove he was deceiving?

He was not expecting everyone to buy his lie but he was sure it would at least prevent mass-scale doubts on the integrity of the shop.

Obviously, he thought Wish Gemstones were the invention of his mind but now he was no longer sure.

Do Wish Gemstones truly exist?! Or that old mercenary just bullshited to sound smart in front of a crowd?!

"Regardless, I should be glad," The store manager made a faint coughing sound and got his act together. "This should bring me more business."

At a corner, Kiba and Ashlyn were standing against a wall. Kiba was astonished by the scene in front of him.

Are they all crazy?!

He obviously knew the truth about store manager lying so he was stunned to see such excited discussion among the crowd.

"Three men make a tiger," Kiba thought of an ancient proverb that could explain the situation.

This proverb referred to an individual's tendency to accept absurd information as long as it was repeated by enough people.

Before the era of evolution, the royalty used this principle to make the masses feel as if they were chosen by the gods. The royalty spread legends of kings performing miracles or surviving the impossible by using this principle. It was done to curtail possible rebellions and also ensure total subordination.

In the present case, it didn't even need three people to deceive the crowd.

Kiba smiled at the gullibility of masses as long as the information was passed through a person of status or high authority.

"Shawn," Sheena - who was a part of his group- called out to him. "Why would you desire that card?"

Her voice was not loud but when she completed her question, the store turned pin-drop silent. Everyone's focus was on him.


A Wish Gemstone would transform into an object that was either needed or desired by its master!


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~True Seeker

Chapter 304 - Technical Difficulties

"Why would you desire for the Wish Gemstone to transform into that card?"

Shawn was shocked by Sheena's question.

It was a logical question but for him, it was humiliation. His eyes moved on the crystal card and he thought of everything that he and others experienced.

The other members of his team looked at him for an answer. And so did everyone else in the store. Their full attention was on him, studying him.

Shawn was rather fairly handsome. Whether it was his slick red hair or sharp jawline, he was attractive on all counts.

This was why everyone really wanted to know why such a precious gemstone would transform into a business card that offered a truly special service. A service that enticed women and made men feel incensed.

When people got no response from him for almost a minute, a discussion started on its own. Everyone tried to guess the reasons and started sharing their own guesses.

"Maybe he didn't desire it but he needed it," A young companion of Shawn said while glancing at Amy. "Wish Gemstone fulfill not only desire but also needs."

Amy was startled by the glance and the double meaning in the tone. Even before she could react and chide him, more people started looking at her.

"She is his fiancée," Another man unrelated to their group chimed in. He has met the group before arriving at the fair and they didn't share a good rapport. "Perhaps, he knew his own capabilities so he desired something special for his future wife."

"You mean he is a wham bam thank you ma'am type?" Riolo wondered aloud. "A one-minute-wonder?"

Theresa has earlier insulted Riolo by calling him faster than a bullet so he knew how hurtful his words were. But now that he got an opportunity to insult someone else on the same lines, he didn't miss the chance.

Misery loves company.

Riolo was more than happy to have a handsome man join him. He didn't want to be the only guy women think was bad in bed!

He was more than happy to share the tag with another man and allow him to experience the honor.

"Poor girl," A middle-aged woman commented while looking at Amy. "A lifetime of bad sex."

"His tool might be short," Another rumor-friendly woman made an assumption. "I wonder just how short."

"Or maybe the tool doesn't work," A man in early forties commented with a smirk.

"Haha, that might be not wrong," Another man agreed. He was a patron at Garrick Angel Inn. "I saw him in the sauna bath and well, let's say, he is not gifted down there."

For a man, there was nothing more gratifying than making another man feel down sexually. This was a matter of ego.

Most men were now using Shawn for venting the annoyance they felt thanks to the beach episode. Insulting Shawn was a way of telling themselves that they were at least better than one person sexually.

Shawn's face turned red as a tomato while smoke shot out of his ears. Veins protruded out from his neck and forehead as he heard the discussion.

Not a single individual was trying to be secretive. They were all busy making up wild theories and guesses.

Even many members from his own group were doing the same. They were not at all subtle in their guesses.

Shawn obviously knew it was due to jealousy and inner competition. But knowing the reason didn't make the insulting remarks any less hurtful. No one could understand the hurt the sexual insults felt unless they were at the receiving end.

Shawn knew there was a type of men who got their rocks off from humiliation but he was sure, he didn't belong to that type. He hated the insults and wished there was a way for him to return the favor.

"Fuck! Bitches, I'm good in bed!" Shawn wanted to scream loudly and shut them up but he could not.

He was helpless as he could not prove the allegations were baseless. After all, the only way of proving them wrong was by having sex with a willing woman.

So far, Amy has refused his sexual advances. There was no way she would now have sex with him just to prove others wrong.

As for having another woman as a partner, would she agree to let their activity be recorded for the voyeuristic pleasure of the world?

And even if he could get a woman to agree to such a bold request, that was not a guaranteed method to refute the allegations. After all, spreading rumors regarding his bad performance in bed was easier compared to proving them wrong.

Just how many people would be interested in seeing a poorly made porno?

Shawn knew the answer, and so he was fully aware of how badly his reputation was screwed by one question. He hated Sheena for asking the question even though he knew she has no bad intentions when she asked.

"Hey, why are you not thinking of his good qualities?" Dixon interjected in the heated discussion. His voice and expression were solemn and everyone turned silent.

Shawn's eyes brightened. He was happy to see someone taking his side.

"There is still good in this world!" Shawn thought in his heart. He was not acquainted with Dixon but he decided to give him a treat.

Shawn took a step ahead and walked towards Dixon to thank him with a smile. But just then, Dixon said something that made his smile stiff.

"That woman in bikini spoke about true love," Dixon's voice was serious but there was obvious fun in his eyes as he repeated Theresa's words.

Love without jealousy and you will know true happiness... A strong relationship based on true love would allow your partner to experience all her fantasies and joys. Support her and allow her to experience the ultimate pleasure.

"He is a guy in true love and the crystal card is his proof," Dixon completed his remarks.

Shawn's eyes turned bloodshot. How could he not realize he was insulting him by associating the bead with true love. Everyone knew in what context Theresa spoke those words.

Shawn wanted to bring his eyes on Dixon's neck and snap it, but he didn't dare. The last bit of rationality reminded him of the laws of the fair so he tried to calm himself.

Corners of Dixon's mouth raised up in a smile. He was feeling angry by Theresa's words so he was more than happy to vent his frustration on Shawn.

Dixon didn't care if Shawn felt bitter and abused. If anything, it gave him more pleasure.

People loved to kick others when they are down. Schadenfreude was a very complex emotion and the joy it gave was sweet like a toxicant.

There were many in the store who were doubtful of the Wish Gemstone theory. But they didn't air their doubts and allow things to proceed.

They were getting a free dose of entertainment thanks to Shawn's plight so why ruin the fun?

Shawn clenched his fists tightly. He did everything he could to not snap out and do something that he would regret.

Shawn brought his eyes back on the crystal card lying on the floor.

He walked ahead and picked the card from the ground. He placed the card between his thumb and index finger of both hands and applied pressure to destroy it.

The men were happy by his actions while the women were dejected. After all, they didn't get contact details of Maiden's Love Circle.

Shawn didn't care about the thoughts of the women. Streams of energy swept out from his fingers and passed through the card.

Sadly, today was not his lucky day. No matter how much pressure he applied, the card didn't break. He was hoping for the sound of a crack but he got something else.

There was sound but not the type of sound he wanted.


Rays of light swept out from the surface and turned into a holographic projection of the woman he hated the most.

"Thank you for showing interest in our noble service," Theresa said with a loving smile. "Sadly, we are having connectivity issue so please contact in the future."

Everyone knew the forest restricted outside communication. So they guessed the message was just a generic recording that activated when Shawn selected 'Contact Us' option by mistake.

"While you wait for an opportunity to establish contact and book our service," Theresa continued with professional etiquette. "Why don't you spread the vision of our organization to others?"

Everyone was shell-shocked and struck on their spot.

Motherfucker! Even generic notification of this business has advertisements?!

Just what type of bastard founded this Maiden Love Circle?!

Everyone was shell-shocked and struck on their spot.

"If you are a man, you will get monetary rewards and genetic resources," Theresa offered incentives. "So please let your sister or your friend's girlfriend know about Maiden's Love Circle. Spread happiness around the globe and make it a better place."


Bitch! What the fuck are you saying?!

Just what do you think we are?! Are you thinking us to be some assholes?!

Do you think we would sell out our sisters to your cult for some rewards?!

Almost every male in the store cursed loudly. A few moments ago, they were taking pleasure in Shawn's predicament, but Theresa has an ability to provoke them. Their blood was boiling with her every sentence.

"My best friend's girlfriend..." Riolo secretly contemplated in his heart. "Just how much reward would I get?"

Riolo didn't have a girlfriend so he wanted his best friend to lose his girlfriend. He believed when his best friend got a girlfriend, he betrayed their friendship.

His friend was now giving more time to his girlfriend and was always busy. This was driving a wedge between their friendship.

His friend would think of excuses to stay with her so that he could make out with her. What's more, his friend didn't even join him for the expedition in the forest after giving non-plausible excuses.

Riolo didn't like this.

Here, he has to rely on five sisters for relief while his friend has an actual girl. This was just completely unfair.

He even recalled how his friend would get offensive and rude at him. He remembered the instances properly.

Riolo would often admire the assets of his friend's girlfriend when she was in shorts or sports bra. He seldom missed the opportunities when they presented during jogging in parks or night-outs in camps.

When his friend noticed, he would lose all his cool. His best friend would act as if he has killed his father in cold blood. It wasn't like he was making out with his girlfriend; he was just observing the cute, tight ass and those heavy breasts! That's it!

Besides, shouldn't friends share everything?!

Yet, his friend didn't. His friend only turned more distant, greedy, and selfish.

"If I don't have a girlfriend, the same should apply to my best friend! This is only fair and just! Everything is for turning my friendship stronger!!"

Riolo felt now was the time to make the world a better place. He was ready to do it for free without any need for monetary support. Of course, he wouldn't refuse the reward.

As he looked at Theresa's virtual projection, he now felt she was pleasing to both eyes and ears. He started thinking of a method to gain contact details of Maiden's Love Circle.

Riolo was not alone in such kind thoughts. Many single fellows were thinking along Riolo's lines.

A twenty-three-years old youth named Quain thought, "That bastard Robert got the girl I like... He never misses a chance to show-off with her. As a well-wisher of her, I should introduce her to Maiden's Love Circle."

Quain felt he was really a good guy with honest intentions. There were many from Forever Single Faction who shared his honest intentions.

They were looking forward to seeing more recruits in their faction...