305 - 311

Chapter 305 - Sister Organzations

In a corner of the store, Kiba looked at the projection with a smile. He rubbed the bridge of his nose while remembering the woman who acted as the host.


He has met her on her eighteenth birthday two years ago in Delta City. He recalled the party she hosted and the conversation they had. She has known about his business interests so she wanted him to hire her. She has asked for rather a very high monetary package but Kiba entertained her wishes.

"That was a terrific business proposition," Kiba thought with a smile. "She has lived up to her hype in the city even if not here."

He cleared his thoughts and focused on the present scenario.

Ashlyn, in the meantime, looked at him and tried to read his face. She has a faint suspicion Kiba was responsible for everything that has happened so far.

She recalled his words on a fragile ego and the greatest form of psychological revenge. She wondered if this was a part of it.

What she didn't know was that the present scenario has gone past Kiba's expectations. He has only planned for the crystal card but not the Wish Gemstone and subsequent humiliation Shawn faced. Of course, he didn't mind the new developments. After all, they only helped his cause and reduced the efforts he needed to put.

At the same time, the holographic projection of Theresa has offered enough incentives to male viewers. It was a different matter that not everyone appreciated her nice incentives except for Forever Single Faction.

"If you are a female, then it is more important to pass the word and introduce more women to our noble organization," Theresa started addressing the female viewers. "Don't let people misunderstood this is about sex.

"No, it is about freedom and liberty. When women get the freedom to explore their body as they please, only then would we feel Maiden's Love Circle has succeeded.

"This is not about one organization or one individual. This is about an entire gender and a world that the oppressed gender deserves. The time has come for a new world to rise and replace the old.

"A world where women have rights to do as they please, to explore in ways they want... A world where their choice matters.

"Don't let the society of men divide you through unneeded conflicts. Unite and make your female friends join the Holy Cause."

The recording ended and the holographic projection disappeared. In its place, a virtual wall appeared, showcasing various options.

No one in the store muttered a single word for a long time. Everyone was just too overwhelmed by the developments for their rational mind to function.

The men who have enjoyed taking pleasure in Shawn's misfortune were now feeling even worse than before.

Shawn felt more terrible if that was even possible. He has stepped in front to destroy the card but instead activated a generic recording that was actually an advertisement. Now, another function activated and set of options were visible.

He furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance as he glanced at the menu in front of him. There were three options.

1. Contact Us - Expand your horizons and experience a royal lifestyle of pleasure. An image flashed alongside; showcasing multiple exotic locations.

2. Virtual Experience. An image of a mighty ocean and beach was visible alongside.

3. Sister Organizations. It has an image consisting of three parts. The first and second parts occupied one half of the image. The upper portion of this part depicted a bunny while the lower part showed a spa table. In the second half of the image, there was a seductive woman on display. The woman was dressed in a red plunge maxi dress, highlighting her left leg. She has raised her left hand proudly to showcase her wedding band. There was an extraordinary glint in the wedding band...

"Sister organizations?!" Shawn and others spoke aloud in disbelief.

Shawn unconsciously moved his finger to press on this option, but just then, Dixon stepped up and stopped him.

"Are you crazy?" Dixon berated him.

Every single male here was already terrified of Maiden's Love Circle. They didn't want to experience another logic-twisting episode from these sister organizations.

"God knows what type of organizations they might be," Dixon mumbled while looking at the third option and the image alongside.

He didn't know why, but the moment he saw the image of the woman showcasing her wedding band, he felt goosebumps all over his body. A chill passed down his spine and butterflies rampaged in his belly.

He started feeling sick and his eyes moved to his 42 years old wife - a fellow adventurist.

"Wedding band... Don't tell me?!" Dixon recalled how the logic-twisting so far was focused more on young females, especially maidens.

As he thought of a terrifying guess, he started sweating bullets. His wife was confused by his gaze and the sweat dripping from his body.

"Are you all right?" She asked with trace of worry evident in her voice.

Dixon nodded his head. He took a deep breath of air and then walked next to her.

"Dear," Dixon took her hands between his. "I love you."

She was startled by his words.

"I'm lucky to have you," Dixon further said from his heart.

His wife was truly stunned by his attitude. They have been married for two decades and he hasn't said showcased such love in almost the last decade.

She couldn't understand how he got so appreciative of her in the middle of the store. Nevertheless, she was happy. With a smile, she said, "I love you too."

Dixon leaned to kiss her on lips...

Kiba looked at the scene with amusement in his eyes.

"If only Claudia was here... she would have understood my role in strengthening marital bonds," Kiba mused.

Claudia has always made sarcastic remarks whenever he tried to defend his noble profession as a Wife Hunter. She never believed him when he mentioned the burden of responsibilities he carried on his young shoulders.

"Ashlyn," Kiba turned towards her. "Let's go."

Ashlyn nodded and walked alongside him to the exit.

Meanwhile, Shawn was at his wits end. He was on brink of insanity.

"Damn! Ever since I met that cursed bitch, my luck has turned worse," Shawn muttered while thinking of his earlier meeting with Ashlyn and Kiba. It has been only 4-5 hours but he has experienced a series of bad events.

"Shawn," Sheena stepped next to him and said. "Can you give me the card?"

"..." Shawn almost collapsed on the floor. He looked at her, crestfallen.

Don't tell me she has plans to contact this organization?!

Surely, that's impossible!

"Hey, share the contact details with me," A blonde chimed in from behind.

Shawn looked around and saw the eyes of many women focused on him.

Angered and frustrated, Shawn used his mutant abilities to shatter the crystal card. As his power attacked the card, a blinding radiance shot out.

Under the stunned expressions of everyone, the card started multiplying.

1,2,3 4, 5, 10, 30,..... In less than a minute, there were over 70 cards!!

"This...!" Shawn was horrified by the development. He wanted to destroy the card and yet, now it was replicated in dozens.

Like a deck of cards, the cards swept out in all directions, leaving behind a series of afterimages.

Every single individual in the store received a crystal card. Boyfriends in the store turned crazy and started plucking the cards from the hands of their curious girlfriends. They didn't dare take any chance for the seed of corruption to germinate.

But sadly, the moment they took the card from their partners, new card conjured in thin air and fell in the hands of their better halves.

Many young men turned crazy and plucked their own hair in anger. They felt the entire situation was unfair.

"Only Shawn is inept in bed, not me!" A young man from Shawn's group said aloud. Alas, the cards didn't listen and they continued to draw towards his love interest like a piece of magnet...

Dixon noticed his wife having a card in her hand. He bite his lower lip but said nothing. A stable relationship needed trust and he decided to trust his love.

"There is nothing wrong with curiosity and temptation," Dixon thought to himself. "As long as you don't give in."

His wife looked at him and smiled. She could feel his worry despite his efforts to hide them.

"Honey, I won't throw our twenty years of love for anything," She said while placing the crystal card down on the floor.

Dixon's lips curved up in a heartful smile and he let out tears. He brought his arms around her to give a tight hug.

His wife smile and patted him. At the same time, the crystal card on the floor rose up in the air and floated behind Dixon's back.

His wife was still in the hug so she noticed the card. She was stunned and with a wry smile, she took the card in her right hand.

"Let's leave," Dixon said as he broke the hug.

"Yes," She agreed and walked behind him. She glanced at the card and put it inside her purse while thinking, "That girl did say you only get to live once so explore while you still can."

Some distance away, the store manager looked at the card in his hand. He let out a bitter chuckle and said, "This is truly the magic of an advanced grade Wish Gemstone."

The sixty-year-old mercenary from before opened his mouth to speak but said nothing.

Outside the store.

Kiba let out a soft sigh. He has only played around and expected no significant returns from the event in the store.

"In my profession, an advertisement can only arouse interest and nothing more... so in the end, it doesn't make that much of a difference," Kiba mused with a smile while looking at the evening sky. "But it is fun and enjoyable."

Kiba and Ashlyn walked towards Garrick Angel Inn. The street was sparsely crowded with very few stalls and shops still active.

Kiba looked at the people on the street, inside shops and inns. His eyes moved on a restaurant nearby and he observed the people inside through the glass wall.

Most of them were couples and some were families. Many families lived their entire lives in the fair so it wasn't surprising.

Kiba observed every single table. He checked out the food served, the manners of the guests and staff, and the body language.

He listened to the cheers and also the heated words on different tables. There was joy, laughter, bitterness, and sorrow.

He looked at how cozy and romantic the couples were while also saw the happy smiles among the families.

"The world is an interesting place..."

Chapter 306 - To Do Or Not

Kiba looked at the scene in the restaurant for a minute. The happy families, the romantic couples and the listless singles.

He turned his head back towards the street and resumed the journey back to the inn.

Kiba and Ashlyn walked alongside and just like before, there was no conversation. He has already got used to her silent personality and didn't felt any strange. There was something alluring in her silence that made her more enticing.

The sun faded on the horizon and darkness shrouded the sky as the night arrived. The faint light from the glittering stars offered little visibility.

A few minutes later, Kiba and Ashlyn arrived in Garrick Angel Inn. They returned to their respective rooms to freshen up. He picked a towel and stepped into a shower.

"Tomorrow is the auction," Kiba thought under the warm shower. "My last day in the fair."

As per his schedule, after the fair, he would check the Guardian Spit Village he has heard about. By the time he was done, the core region would open up and he could complete his main mission.


Kiba raised his head and the water sprinkled over his face...

Half an hour later.

Kiba joined Ashlyn and they started walking to the dining hall. As he arrived in the corridor, his eyes brightened as he saw a familiar face.

It was the slender, blonde receptionist from before. He has invited her for dinner when she helped him with some details. 1

"Monica," Kiba stepped ahead to greet her. "I'm glad you are joining us."

"It would be rude if I miss such a chance," Monica smiled and acknowledged his greeting. She was well trained in etiquette and knew how to handle people.

Kiba opened the glass door like a perfect gentleman. Ashlyn and Monica stepped into the hall after which Kiba closed the door.

Kiba even pulled chairs for them much to Ashlyn's surprise. She hasn't seen him so well-mannered and cultured.

Ashlyn felt he was being deceptive again. She recalled the last time he did such a thing was when he volunteered to share body heat with Anya.

Kiba sat opposite Monica. At the same time, Isabelle arrived on their table. She handed them menus after which she took her leave.

Another waiter arrived and placed down glasses and filled them with mineral water.

"You are our guest so please choose the dishes," Kiba said with a smile. "To tell you the truth, that's just an excuse. We want to benefit from your experience in the inn and treat ourselves with the best food."

"Aha~ You are taking advantage of me?" Monica replied in a lighter tone. She opened the menu and said, "I will suggest my favorites but you should choose some dishes as well."

Kiba looked at her.

"It is often said you can say a lot about a man from the choice of his food so," Monica said with a curious expression. "So indulge me and let us know the type of man you are."

Kiba was amazed by her demeanor. He then thought of the courses taught in hotel management so he felt this was obvious.

It was her that was actually indulging him.

Kiba opened the menu to check out dishes to order. His eyes were on the menu but his mind was elsewhere.

The success of a dinner date depended on an individual's ability to arouse interest of the opposite party. The interest would usually result in another date or something even better.

To achieve this task, most times, men relied on the time tested method of flattery. They would pass subtle compliments on a woman's beauty, wisdom, achievements and so on.

There was nothing as arousing as a stroke of ego.

Of course, the application of a sound mind was equally necessary otherwise it would lead to disastrous consequences.

If a man was too bold, he might come as crass and lose all his chances. The opposite was equally true. Very few women appreciated timid or overly nervous men.

Most women would not give another chance to a man who could not maintain eye contact.

Men lose more conquests by their own awkwardness than by any virtue in the woman.

Being shy and nervous has its advantage but not on a date.

In the end, everything depended on the situation.

If it was a date with a good friend, he could have standard cheeky lines such as: "Now what's on the menu? Me-n-u"

"Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?

"You're so pretty I forgot what I was going say."

If it was a romantic date, he could even use lame lines such as: "You deserve the world, and I know I can't give that to you. So I'll give you the next best thing: my world."

"If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to say, I love you."

Obviously, such statements were out of the question unless he wanted her to pour the entire glass of water on him.

"Women say flattery will get you everywhere," Kiba thought while checking the menu. "But I can't rely on flattery now."

Officially, this was not a date. Monica has joined them for a dinner but she obviously knew there was more.

This in itself was a problem. With a gorgeous woman like Ashlyn as his companion, if he tried to flatter Monica, it would not serve the desired effect. Most importantly, he didn't know a thing about Monica so he didn't know her taste, likings, and boundaries. As such, cheeky flattery was out of the question.

"Why have you been looking at the menu for such a long time?" Monic asked.

"Well, it is a difficult task," Kiba replied while lowering the menu.


"Yeap," Kiba nodded his head and said. "The choice of my food would decide the type of man I am. So obviously I'm under pressure, and I'm doing my best to pick dishes that would make me a gentleman."

Monica was amused. With a faint smile, she said, "Why do you want to be a gentleman?"

"Well, I'm sure you know the reason," Kiba answered.

"Do I?" Monica said with a soft chuckle.

She lowered the menu and invited a waiter to list out her choices. Kiba did the same and the waiter quickly noted down the order.

While waiting for the dishes to arrive, Kiba checked her out.

His eyes admired her creamy skin, silky hair and the slender curves. She has donned a black cocktail dress that looked absolutely fabulous on her.

"Woman dress for women and undress for man," Kiba mused while resting his arms on the table.

He wanted to engage her into an interesting conversation and flattery was just one method. There were other topics and he just has to find her taste.

The first step was to be her friend instead of expecting her to be a boyfriend.

"Monica," Kiba raised his head and made eye contact with her.

"Hmm?" Monica brought her eyes on him.

A sly glint flashed in his eyes as he decided to do what he did best...


An hour later, the three completed a lavish dinner. Isabelle was all smiles as she received another big tip.

Kiba walked out of the hall along with two beautiful women. The onlookers were stunned and this was especially true for men.

"We should go to the club," Kiba made a suggestion as they stepped out. "Have a few rounds of dance."

Ashlyn looked at him for a moment. She shook her head and said, "You can go."

She then around and stepped into the staircase leading to her room.

Monica was surprised by her action.

"Your companion is always like this?" Monica asked as she saw the distant figure of Ashlyn.

"Yeap," Kiba nodded and said. "She doesn't engage much in social activities so don't assume she is cold."

Monica turned silent.

After a brief moment, he said, "So, are you interested in a dance?"

Monica smiled and nodded, "Yes."


Garrick Angel Inn was equivalent to a five-star hotel, and as such, it has every facility desired by its patrons.

Pools, spa, diner, bar, club, and so on.

The members-only club was grand and lavish. It was no inferior to Sweet Love Club that Zed owned in Delta City.

The disco floor was vast with multiple lights flashing above. There were around thirty people on the dance floor while dozens on stools around the bar while a few in corners.

Kiba and Monica stepped onto the dance floor. There was a fast music track playing on, and as such, Kiba and Monica danced accordingly.

As time passed on, Kiba moved his hands onto her waist. It was a standard dance move so there was nothing sleazy in it.

She didn't expect him to be much of a dancer but he proved her wrong. He didn't make a single wrong movement, not even stepping on her feet by mistake. It was like he has a plenty of experience by which he polished his skills.


Kiba pulled her close as she grinded her hips to the changing tempo. He kept in sync with her; his movements as fluid and natural as water.

The music changed and so did the tempo, but he remained consistent in performance. She expected him to make a seductive move but he didn't. Not for a single moment did he tried to feel her, caress her.

When a piece of slow music started, she noticed him looking at her. His eyes were glued on her face and even after noticing that she noticed, his eyes didn't move.

"What are you thinking? Why are you looking at me like that?" Monica blurted out questions in succession.

"To do or not do," Kiba answered.

Monica was confused. In a bewildered tone, she asked, "Do what?"

Kiba's hands went to the small of her back so that he could pull her tighter against him. He then pulled her lips to his and kissed her.

Her tight body was closed into his and her small, soft breasts pressed against his chest. His arms were wrapped around her as he kissed her.

He held the kiss and savored it like sweet honey. Her red lips were soft and tender, and he nipped her lower lip.

As soon as he nibbed, she went into a trance as if a bolt of lightning has struck her.

"Ah!" Monica broke free from the kiss and left his embrace.

"This is what I wanted to do," Kiba answered the last question she asked.

Monica was taken aback by his answer. For a long time, she didn't know how to react.

Earlier, she wondered why he didn't try to feel her or carry out other sleazy actions. Now, she realized, he was waiting for her to ask him.

"So can I do it?" Kiba asked her.

Chapter 297

Chapter 307 - The Best Remedy

Monica was overwhelmed by his question.

Wasn't he trying to imply that what he did so far was just answering her, and only now, he wanted to do it again, but this time, for himself?!


Monica almost forgot to breathe. She has met thick-skinned and cheesy guys but none like him. He was just far too natural with his actions. It made difficult for her to believe it was his first time doing such a thing.

He seems too nice to be a womanizer though!

The kiss was tantalizing and pleasant but this was not the issue. She has her rules of no kissing on first dates.

"I have an early shift in the morning," Monica blurted out. "So I have to leave... good night!"

She then quickly turned around and left the dance floor without giving him a chance to respond.

"Haah~" Kiba was disappointed. He realized that he took it too fast and spoiled his chances.

"This time limit is making me crazy," Kiba thought sadly. He has plans to leave the fair tomorrow so he didn't think much and bet everything.

Kiba looked around and noticed a few couples kissing and making out. He lowered his head and saw a noticeable bulge in his pants. It wasn't pleasant to be left alone in such a place.

"I hate this forest," Kiba bitterly remarked to himself.

For him, the greatest danger was not some powerful mutant, savage beast or fierce alien, but blue balls.

Kiba could not help but fondly remember Delta City. The city was heaven for him as he has a steady supply of willing female partners. There were no strings attached with most of his relationships as they were simple quid pro quo.

Desolate Blood Forest, on the other hand, was hell for a guy like him.

The presence of gorgeous women only made it worse for him. He has been in the forest for around two weeks, and so far, he has only engaged with three women.

Ruby, Anya, and Denisa.

He now regretted his decision of making his slave -Ruby- leave with her human trafficking group. If she was here, she could help him with his current problem.

"Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted," Kiba thought if only it was that easy.

As Kiba looked around, his eyes brightened while his breathing turned heavy. In a corner of the club, there was a big couch and a glass table.

On the table, there were bottles of whiskey, rum, and beer.

That was not what gained Kiba's attention. His eyes were on the couch where two women were sitting.

They were totally engrossed into each other with no care for the world. It was evident in the way they were kissing and fondling each other.

They both were in the mid-twenties, and if his eyes were not playing a trick, they were identical twins. Both of them were wearing similar yellow sundresses which did little to hide their incredible bodies.

Each one of them was blessed with slender legs, perky tits, and tight, little round ass. They were completely identical save for their hair.

One of them has her hairstyle in short punk style. She has silver blonde hair with beached strands offering both sexiness and a casual coolness.

Another twin has long punk hair. She has hot pink color hair with sky blue highlights. Her hairstyle was sleek and polished.

The twins felt his gaze and they turned their heads towards him. A mischievous smile bloomed on their lips.

Kiba was far too familiar with such smiles.

They both stretched a hand towards him and beckoned him with their index fingers.

As an honest and kind-hearted man, he could not refuse the request of the opposite gender. He walked straight towards them.

"I'm Lillian," The twin with silver-blonde hair introduced herself. She pointed to her sister and said, "She is Madison."

"Kiba," Kiba gave a single word introduction. Now that he was close, he could make out their measurements.

The height of the twins was about 5'7" and weight around 130 lb. He felt each twin has measurements of 34A-24-35.

"Have a seat," Lillian and Madison created space on the big couch. "And treat yourself."

Madison's hands moved on the glass table in front of them. She opened a bottle of whiskey and poured him a glass.

Kiba couldn't bring himself to decline their kind intention even though he didn't prefer alcohol after dinner.

He brought a hand above an ice bucket and with the help of a tong, he picked three ice cubes and added them to his glass.

Lillian and Madison smiled in unison and showed their perfect white teeth. After Kiba sipped a mouthful of whiskey, Lillian took the glass from him.

She brought the glass to her lips and emptied it half in a single moment. Madison took the glass from her and sipped the remaining half.

"Your treat is not for your mouth," Madison said while grinning at him. "But for your eyes."

She grabbed Lillian's hands and leaned into her. She plastered her lips on Lillian's soft, rosy lips for a sensuous kiss.

Lillian eagerly kissed her back and their lips melted in the taste of one another. Madison put a hand behind Lillian's to caress her neck as she shared her passion and warmth through the kiss.

Lillian felt a jolt of pleasure down her spine. She pulled her twin's hair back and started biting her upper lip.

Madison opened her mouth and pushed her tongue out to lick Lillian's lips. Her tongue rolled from the lower lip to the upper before applying pressure for Lillian to open up.

Lillian parted her lips and allowed her sister's tongue to slip In.

Madison devoured her in joy as she pushed her tongue as far as she could. She tasted the spicy, bitter taste of whiskey.

At the same time, Monica returned back to the club. She felt she has overreacted earlier. After thinking for some time, she judged her actions harshly as she left without giving him another chance. To correct her mistake, she arrived back in the club.

She checked the dance floor but didn't notice his presence. There were around ten couples dancing so it was rather easy to check.

She then looked at the bar stools but again no sign of him.

"Has he left?" She wondered when her eyes moved to a dimly lit corner. She saw him sitting on the end of a couch, dumbstruck.

"He must be regretting his actions."

Her lips curled into a smile and she took a step ahead to walk towards him.

Just then, a flash of light fell on the entire couch and her eyes registered the presence of two women making out.

Her smile turned stiff and her expression fell. She felt a complex of emotions among which anger was the weakest.

Mostly, she was frightened and scared as her brain identified the two women.

"Psycho sisters!"

Monica started shivering in horror. The fine hairs on her body stood up and she felt weak in her knees.

From what she knew, the twins grew up in a government-funded orphanage. At the age of fourteen, they awakened their mutant abilities. The first thing they did was wrecking the orphanage into ruins after which they killed the staff and fellow orphans.

Not even the pets were spared.

At that time, media reportage on this incident was explosive. Yet the government authorities failed to catch the twins.

What none expected at that time was that the identical twins have just started the killing spree. Over the years, they murdered more than a thousand all around the world.

The World Government was obviously not pleased and they showed it by putting a bounty of $500 millions on them. Not only that, but the government also offered special privileges such as access to advanced genetic resources, a resident permit in the State of Avalon, and so on. The government believed this would be enough to make sure that the sisters live in fear before meeting their end.

Alas, the government has underestimated the sisters.

No bounty hunter, mercenary or an officer of the law even came close to getting the bounty. The twins always ensured their hunter becomes the hunted.

Not only that, two years ago, they participated in the exploration of the core region. They had allied themselves with a group of mutants whom they ultimately murdered in cold blood.

Monica has been working at the fair for a long time so she knew some details. If she didn't remember it wrong, they have killed over a hundred people in the core region.

Monica brought a hand over her forehead and realized she was soaking with cold sweat. She glanced at the twins for a final time and remembered the words associated with them.

Unpredictable, insane and dangerous.

The Fair was a safe zone in the forest thanks to its iron-clad rules. But Monica didn't dare count on the rules. So she decided to act smart by not interfering with the twins.

As for Kiba, she felt bad for him but she reasoned it wasn't her fault. She did find him attractive and interesting, and she felt he has a nice and caring personality. Sure, he did try to take advantage but that was a weakness applicable to all men.

"If only men didn't think with their lower head..." Monica thought with a sigh. She didn't fault Kiba for not knowing about the insane sisters. After all, the world was vast, divided into states and cities. The population was all-time high and people didn't even know entirely about crimes in their own towns much less what was taking place thousands of miles away.

"Poor Kiba. A nice man like him is now under the mercy of sociopaths."

Monica was conflicted but she wasn't willing to risk her future for the sake of a man she has just met today, no matter how handsome he was. She quickly turned around and left the club...

Meanwhile, on the couch.

Lillian continued to kiss her twin. She tasted alcohol from her sister's soft tongue.

The pleasant sound of their intense kissing was music to Kiba's ears. He has always been attentive towards the opposite gender and he made sure to not miss out a single detail.

Madison wrapped her arms Lillian's neck as the kiss turned more passionate. Their tongues sparred in each other's mouth in delight while they pulled each other closer.

Their breasts pressed into each other as they lost into lust.

Madison gave a tight squeeze her twin's ass and broke the kiss. She moved her lips from her sister's and leaned further. She caught Lillian's left lobe with her teeth and gave it a gentle nipping.

Lillian shivered in excitement and she knotted her hands in her sister's pink hair. Madison's sweet lips kissed her ears before moving down on her smooth neck. She pecked her soft skin after which she nipped at her collarbone.

As she moved down, warm breaths trailed with warm lips over the glossy body of Lillian.

Madison's lips finally stopped after arriving on the swells of Lillian's breasts. The yellow sundress highlighted the swells perfectly and she started teasing her with a flicker of her tongue. Her hands arrived on the firm breasts to cup them as she played with her tongue.

Every flick and touch of her tongue sent an electrical pulse over Lillian's soft, vibrant skin.


Madison stopped her teasing and raised her head. She flicked her tongue out to lick her lips.

"My mouth is dry," Madison coyly complained.

As a perfect gentleman, Kiba was always read to help a woman in need. He quickly poured a glass of whiskey but when he tried to hand it over, Lillian slapped his hand away.

"Don't you know the basics of medication?" Lillian pulled off her dress and tossed it on the floor. She was not wearing anything else and as such, she was completely exposed.

Her nicely trimmed bush was visible and so was everything else. The lights in this part of the area were faint so not many could see the artwork of god.

Kiba was stunned into disbelief. He felt his own mouth turning dry as his eyes feasted on the spellbinding body in front of him.

Lillian has perfect nipples on her small, alluring breasts. Below her trimmed bush, he could take glimpses of bright pink flesh concealed behind her fleshy folds.

Every part of her body was a sight to behold and worship.

Kiba stared at her pussy with his eyes wide open. The hidden slash of crimson was slightly glistening and emitting an intoxicating scent that was impossible to resist.

In just a second, an undeniable thirst developed in Kiba.

Madison kneeled down on the floor. Lillian stretched her gorgeously proportioned legs apart and raised them in the air.

Lillian then brought her hands around her vaginal foldings. Her fingers opened the veil of her slippery lips and exposed the wet, pink flesh.

Both Madison and Kiba looked at the flawless art of god and gulped down. Madison leaned ahead and buried her face between the thighs of her sister.

"The best remedy for a dry mouth is a wet pussy."

Chapter 308 - Daddy!

Lillian sat on the couch with her legs stretched apart. Her enticing, pert breasts were fascinating and hard to resist. This was especially true given her pink nipples were hard and erect now.

But the truly spellbinding sight was far down. It was not her flat belly or her neatly trimmed bush but something delicious and remedying for a dry mouth.

Madison's eyes were savoring the same.

Lillian's fingers parted her delicate foldings below to allow Madison to feast on the wet, pink flesh. The heat from her warm flesh seared Madison's cheeks.

Madison brushed her lips on the vaginal foldings and breathe in the intoxicating, musky scent of her arousal. She shoved her tongue out and slithered on the vaginal foldings.

She then gave a long lick from up to down before arriving on the flesh between the pussy lips. Her slippery tongue slowly moved along the wet slit before tickling the clit.

Every movement of her tongue made Lillian writhe in ecstasy. She was slowly building to an orgasm.

"Only a woman knows what a woman truly wants!" Kiba thought, his eyes hypnotized.

At the same time, Madison raised her hands and brought them on Lillian's breasts. She started to maul the firm tits to the obvious delight of Lillian.

Madison cupped and kneaded them gently while continuing to lick.

Lillian wrapped her thighs around her twin's ears as desire devoured her senses.

Madison showed her proficiency to carry two tasks at one time. She pressed Lillian's nipples between her fingertips, making the latter groan in pleasure.

The wetness in her pussy became more vibrant and Madison licked with more intensity. She freed her hands from her breasts and brought them down.

She took the clit between her lips and gave it a gentle squeeze. After which, she pressed a finger into the wet entrance. Her finger slowly eased inside the slippery passage. She pressed deeper and deeper while twisting the fingertip.


Lillian moaned in delight and signaled to continue.

Madison slipped another finger inside and she started fingering her pussy with great intensity. She didn't stop with two fingers and added another finger into the slippery nest.

Lillian trembled and gasped as the flush of sexual excitement spread across her body like ripples.

Madison's mouth and fingers worked in unison. Fingering followed by licking and vice-versa, sometimes both together with no clear patterns.

Lillian's hands ran wildly in Madison's hair as the latter continued to lick her. Madison treated the wetness in her twin's slit as chocolate icing on a delicious cake. She licked slowly from top to bottom and then suddenly increased the pace as she moved upwards again.

Madison's tongue moved to the clit after which she flicked it. She then gave a deep lick onto the swollen foldings which were now glistening from the inner moisture.

Her movements were filled with eagerness and excitement as she tried to make her twin reach climax. She wanted to retrieve her sweet juices and extinguish the dryness of her own mouth.

Lillian lifted her hips up and pushed her pussy on her sister's tongue. Her staccato gasps and the violent spasms made Madison realize her sister was close to release.

Madison took her twin's clit between glossy lips and tugged on it. Lillian's breathing turned heavy and she lifted her hips further.

Her back arched and spasmed as blasts of orgasmic delight exploded all over her body. Her senses were engulfed by the intense sensation assaulting her body.

Her glistening flesh quivered and a gush of juice flood out in the waiting mouth of Madison.

"Clean me up!" Lillian requested while she still shuddered and squeaked.

Madison did as requested and continue to lick and suck. Her entire mouth was glistening in juices...

Kiba has left the couch and was standing some steps away from it. His eyes were staring at the two women.

The incredibly erotic scene playing before his eyes was too seductive and arousing. The heavy breathing, intense moaning and the sounds of licking made his boner hard to control.

He wanted to open his pants and shove his hardon down the wet entrance of Lillian but he didn't. He resisted the impulse and restricted his actions to only feasting on their bodies from a distance.

Madison and Lillian have not forgotten him. They rose up from their positions and looked at him.

"Daddy likes his little girls being naughty," Lillian said, grinning, as she noticed him adjusting his pants.

Daddy!? Little girls?!

Kiba gulped down. He realized they were more deviant than he gave them credit for.

He didn't mind though.

A dirty mind was a wonderful thing, especially in a woman. And there's nothing sexier than a woman who knows how to misbehave.

"Daddy, you are thirsty, right?" Madison asked with a wink. Glistening juices were dripping from her chin as she continued, "Want me to wet your dry mouth?"

Even before he could answer, Madison jumped on him and wrapped her legs around his hips. Her breasts squished against his chest through the thin fabric of her dress. She closed her arms around his neck and closed her mouth onto him.

Kiba felt her soft lips brushing on his for a wet kiss.

"Taste her, daddy!" Lillian stood behind his back. "Please!"

Kiba didn't have the time or opportunity to nod or reply.

Even without her encouragement, he was eagerly kissing Madison back with passion. He couldn't believe how deliciously sweet her lips felt as they kissed. parted my lips and brushed her lips with my tongue

Madison parted her lips and rolled her wet tongue out. As she brushed his lips with her tongue, she felt his throbbing boner twitching against her ass.

"Daddy is so excited!" Madison thought.

She closed her eyes and pushed her tongue into his lips with more force. His mouth opened for her tongue and allowed it to probe. Their tongues curled in the erotic dance of ecstasy and both felt shivers through their bodies.

Lillian's juices were coated on Madison's tongue and Kiba found them exotic and addicting.

The kissing turned frantic and ecstatic with every passing moment. Kiba greedily sucked her tongue in his mouth and enjoyed the succulent taste. She retraced her tongue and he pushed his tongue into her delicious mouth.

Their tongues continuously sparred in each other's mouths.

From behind, Lillian's hands wandered over his body and she let out a surprised gasp as she felt the bulge in the pants.

She slowly traced his raging hardon with each hand through the fibers of his pants. She smiled as she confirmed the length and hardness.

"Oh my! Daddy, a violent dragon is trying to break out of its confines! It is enormous and fat!" Lillian remarked aloud.

She rested her head on his right collarbone and muttered in his ear, "Does it wants to barge in our sweet, little caves?"

Her warm breath on his ear was soothing and intensifying like a bolt of current. A tremor ran through Kiba's body as her words registered in his mind.

It was the first time he was meeting such sleazy women. They were dirty-minded just like him and for him, that was a positive and admirable trait.

He continued to kiss Madison with more lust than ever before.

Lillian smiled by his response.

She flicked her tongue out and rolled it over his earlobe. She opened her lips a little bit and took the earlobe between her teeth.

Kiba was overwhelmed with sensuous kisses and touches.

He parted his mouth from Madison's and gasped for breath. Both their faces were flushed with warm blood.

"Answer her, daddy!" Madison requested with a seductive yet innocent smile. "Does this evil dragon want to violate our sweet holes?"

"Yes," Kiba answered honestly.

Madison jumped back on her feet and turned his head towards Lillian.

"Does it also want to tunnel between my soft melons?" Lillian cupped her breasts and brushed them against each other.

Kiba's mouth watered at this sight. He lowered his head and kissed the swells of her soft tits. Her skin was a pure delight from the post-orgasmic glow. She was sensitive and respondent to his tender butterfly kisses.

He then moved downwards and buried his face between her breasts. His fingers, in the meantime, traced the flatness of her belly. She has nice and smooth skin, and he made sure he showed enough appreciation.


Kiba kissed and licked her breasts. She placed her hands on the back of his head and shoved him further into her breasts.

His mouth moved from one breast to another while his hands moved up on her breasts. He kneaded them in his palms for a gentle squeeze. and slowly, he started fondling the soft flesh between his fingertips.

She gasped in delight and obvious excitement. His fingers made circular movements on the areola before pinching the nipples between his fingers. He continued to pinch and caress in a cyclic movement for almost a minute.

He then started giving her nipples the attention of his tongue. His tongue licked first one nipple then the other; giving equal love and caring to each breast.

Lillian's back arched as he started sucking her hard nipples between his lips. She felt the remaining hot pulses of earlier orgasm reviving in her most intimate places.

"Daddy is like a little baby!" Lillian remarked with her eyes closed. "A little baby sucks on tits for nourishment but daddy is definitely not little!"

From behind, Madison ran her hands up and down his back before moving towards his pants. Along with the enormous bulge, she felt an intense heat.

"Daddy! We are talking about the violent dragon in your pants and not your mouth!" Madison reminded sternly. "Stop acting like a spoiled child and answer her question!"

Lillian's eyes cleared and her hands left his head. Kiba forcefully parted his lips from the soft breasts and answered, "Yes."

Madison caressed his hardon from top to bottom through the soft fabric that was on verge of breaking. She opened the hook of his pants and lowered the zip a little.

"Does this sinister dragon wants to fire its seed in our fertile wombs?" Lillian asked another question. She joined her hands with her sister above his raging erection.

Kiba gave another affirmative.

"The dragon has such wicked intentions and yet, you are in its support!" Madison said in her cute voice.

"Daddy is really evil," Lillian zoomed her lips on his chin. "Just the way we like."

"But it is getting late though," Madison added with a smile. "And while my throat got the perfect remedy, my sister didn't. That's a bit unfair, right?"

"Yes, very unfair," Kiba agreed with her assessment.

Even his throat was getting dry by their actions and he knew the perfect remedy.

"Daddy can share my burden and help me in quenching my thirst," Lillian asked in a teenage voice. "You wouldn't refuse your little girl, right?"

Kiba was always ready to help the opposite gender so he eagerly nodded. Only a cruel, heartless man could refuse in sharing the burden of such innocent twins.

"We are afraid of the sinister dragon though," Madison chimed in. "What if it gets violent and harms your two girls?"

Lillian took the soft skin of his neck between her lips and sucked on it. A chill of pure ecstasy ran through his skin.

"We can allow you to help us as long as your dragon earns its right of passage," Madison completed.

Kiba was now ready to cross a sea of fire. The continuous teasing from them was making him so hard that it was painful.

"Goodnight, daddy," Lillian jumped back.

"What?!" Kiba was startled.

Surely they are not planning to leave now?!

Madison giggled merrily. She could feel the throbbing from his raging hardon and guess the difficulty he must be undergoing through.

"You can have both your girls after you earn the right of passage," Lillian explained with a wink. "But since it would take a while, we have to leave."

"Don't forget us!" Lillian covered her mouth to hide her smile. "Goodbye!"

Chapter 309 - Crazy Twins

"Goodbye, daddy!" Madison and Lillian said in unison. Madison placed an arm around Lillian's naked waist and rested her head on her shoulder.

Kiba was shell-shocked by their decision. Even before he could respond, a plethora of rings appeared above the two women.


The rings were made of bright red light. They moved down and enveloped the twins from head to toe.

Madison and Lillian waved their hands and gave Kiba air kisses.

"Love you, daddy!"

The rings of light flashed with blinding crimson radiance that completely wrapped the twins. The dazzling radiance broke into countless sparks that almost looked like cherry blossoms.

Kiba helplessly stared at the fading sparks. The twins have left the club, leaving a poor man behind.

The only proof of their activities was his erection and the sundress of Lillian which was still lying on the floor.

"Today is definitely not my lucky day!"

Kiba collapsed on the couch and let out a deep sigh. He could smell Lillian's scent of arousal from the couch but he ignored it.

There was no use in crying over spilled milk.

He grabbed a whiskey bottle from the nearby table and opened it.

"Life is always like this," Kiba mused while drinking directly from the bottle. "You can't always win."

Kiba was disappointed by today's events but he wasn't dejected.

Loosing and winning is a part of life and you can't always get what you want. Besides, it wasn't a total loss. He got to witness wonderful twins in action.

He thought of their deviant nature and he couldn't help but smile.

"They sure are interesting."

Kiba rose to his feet and walked out of the club...


Meanwhile, on the second floor of the inn.

Room 209.

Above a king-size bed, out of nowhere, rings of light appeared in the thin air. The rings blurred into two radiant cocoons of light which then transformed into Madison and Lillian.

The twins jumped on the bed.

Madison took a pillow and placed it against the headboard. She rested her back on it and looked at her twin.

Lillian's hands wandered inside her dress to trace her thighs.

"What do you think?" Madison asked while opening her dress.

Lillian feasted her eyes on Madison's exposed skin and said, "He is going to be a lot of fun."

"I can't wait!" Madison replied excitedly but then her eyes flickered. She turned around and looked at the balcony connecting to the bedroom.

Lillian did the same and said, "Seems like we have uninvited guests."

The sliding glass door opened.

A man and a woman stepped into the room with their hands wielding laser guns. Each gun was specially modified with reinforced energy particles that boosted its strength enough to instantly kill even a Level III mutant with an enhanced physique.

"Guns!" Madison screamed. "Are you here to take advantage of two helpless women?"

"Just take what you want," Lillian pulled a white blanket and wrapped it around her body. "You can even have me but please spare my innocent sister."

"Lillian!" Madison exclaimed before turning towards the intruders. She undid the straps of her dress and exposed her breasts.

"Please don't do anything to her," Madison begged. "Just vent your lust on me."

The newly arrived man and woman duo were left speechless. Their lips were quivering with every word uttered by the twins.

The woman who was named Liesel said, "Stop this nonsense, you evil bitches."

She aimed at her gun at Madison. Her companion named Rees stepped ahead, his gun pointed at Lillian.

"The night is so frightening," Lillian hugged her sister tightly. "We should have stayed in daddy's embrace."

"Right! He would have protected his little girls!" Madison readily agreed.

"Shut up!" Liesel was getting angry by twin's behavior. "If you make another move, I swear we will blast your heads!"

"How scary!" Madison wrapped her arms closer to her twin. "If our heads are blasted, then daddy would not be able to identify our corpses."

"True," Lillian said with a thoughtful expression. "Please don't fire at our heads, okay?"

Rees felt a severe headache.

He and Liesel were mercenaries from the famous Iron Blood Mercenary Corps.

Earlier in the day, they noticed the twins in the lounge of the inn. The two instantly identified the twins as the infamous psycho sisters.

Since they were a part of Iron Blood Mercenary Corps, they knew the sisters and their bounty. Their minds were filled with the $500 million monetary reward and the special privileges offered by World Government.

The couple instantly decided to hunt the twins and collect the rewards. They were tired of working for the corps and the continuous exploration in the forest.

The twins were a perfect retirement plan. They couldn't wait to live the rest of their days in the State of Avalon.

Currently, their targets were on the bed but they were not showing the reaction they expected.

"No wonder their profiles said they are insane," Rees muttered to himself. "No sane person would act like this."

"Who is this daddy of yours?" Liesel asked.

She was sure the profile said the twins were orphans with no relatives.

"You don't know daddy?" Lillian asked in a puzzled voice.

"No," Liesel answered. "And I'm the one asking the question here!"

At the same time, she looked at her partner and gave him a nod.

Rees' understood her intention. His muscles started expanding while his height increased and his skin color changing.


His clothes tore apart as he transformed further. His limbs turned as thick as water barrels with his skin changing to yellow upon which black fur.

In no time, he morphed into a seven feet monster with sharp claws and spikes protruding out of his wrists. The end of the laser gun opened up into fine wires that wrapped around his right wrist. The barrel of the gun was now above his claw.

Earlier, he couldn't transform outside as the sensors of the inn would have picked energy signals. Now, they were completely inside the room and the devices they planted outside would obstruct the sensors.

They didn't dare defy the rules of The Fair openly. Only after making certain arrangements, did they arrived here. So far, they were only bidding for time, and now they could carry out their plan fully.

Madison and Lillian looked at Rees' new form with amusement in their eyes. Their expression was of a curious child observing a new toy.

"Didn't you hear me!" Liesel brought her eyes back on them. "Who is this daddy you spoke about?!"

"Daddy is daddy," Lillian answered in an obvious tone. "His violent dragon would exploit our sweet, little holes."

"Yeap! Daddy's dragon is enormous," Madison added. "Would you like to join us with daddy?"

"I don't think daddy would like her though," Lillian interrupted her sister.

"Guess so," Madison nodded after pondering for a bit. "Daddy likes naughty women."

"What?!" Liesel was having a hard time making sense of things.

Are they really talking about what I'm thinking?! Damn! These twisted little bitches!!

Madison ignored her and she leaned her mouth into Lillian's for a kiss. Lillian eagerly responded and she trembled as Madison's hands arrived on her breasts.

"What the fuck?!" Rees was dumbstruck with his eyes wide open.

Here, he was standing in a transformed state which he considered scary, and yet, the twins were making out.

Don't they realize their life is at stake?!

"Bitch! I said no movement!" Liesel was tired of the psycho twins. She gripped the gun properly and aimed at Madison.

She pulled the trigger and the gun fired off. An intense flash appeared in the barrel which shot out in the form of a laser beam. Its speed was so fast that it could not be described as it was penetrating the very space.

The laser beam left a trail of heatwaves in its path as it hit Madison's right arm.

Her creamy skin tore apart while her bone cracked and the blood veins snapped. The recoil dislocated her arm by a few centimeters. Black smoke swept out from her injured portion.

Madison broke the kiss and retraced her arm from her twin's body.

She didn't show any discomfort from the injury. She looked at the wound and then at Liesel without making a single grunt.

Liesel and Rees were dumbfounded and shocked. At the very least, they expected her entire arm to implode into a rain of gore.

"Have you lowered the gun's power?" Rees asked.

"No," Liesel answered in disbelief. She was trying to think of a reason to explain this development when her eyes turned wide.

The wound on Madison's arm was filling up with new tissue and skin. Liesel could see the cells rapidly regrowing at a rate she has never known.

"High-speed regeneration?!" Rees muttered aloud.

"This was not in her profile!" Liesel was taken aback.

Madison stepped her feet on the floor and rose up from the bed.

Her lips curled up into a crazy smile while her eyes glinted with madness. There was a look of complete insanity of her face.

Rees felt a cold chill crawling up his spine.

Madison brought her eyes on Liesel and her smile bloomed further.

A surge of crimson energy swept out from the depths of her very existence and engulfed her entire body.

"You dare harm daddy's Lil girl?" Madison's pupils radiated a crimson glow.

A tremendous amount of energy coated her body. From this, streams of crimson energy swept out and transformed into five rings of light.

Each ring was four feet wide; emitting a smell that eerily resembled blood. The rings of light rotated behind her like the scythe of the grim reaper.

"You either have evolved or you hide your capabilities well, "Liesel's expression turned grim.

Her eyebrows creased as she saw dark red liquid creeping in between the rings of crimson light. The rings were now more like halos of blood.

Liesel gripped the laser gun tightly in her right hand. Around her left arm, a large amount of water appeared out of nowhere. The water droplets sizzled with blue current as they wrapped around her arm like a vortex.

Meanwhile, Rees charged at Lillian. His speed was very fast as if his new transformation has enhanced it further instead of reducing it.

His claws shot out of his arms like sharp nails. Two of them exploded into a blast of slime resembling a spider web.

At the same time, the laser gun fired a beam.

The simultaneous launch of multiple attacks happened in an instant. Rees didn't want any complications to arise so he went offensive from the start. Even if she was smashed into a million pieces, it was fine. The government has means to identify the genetic source and the rewards would still be theirs.

Lillian sported a perfect happy smile and closed her eyes. She brought her right hand over her lips and kissed the fingertips. She then pointed the fingertips towards Liesel and blew a kiss to him.

A formless wave of wild energy surged out. The slim webs and crystalline claws scattered apart as if they were leaves caught in a storm. The laser beam merged with the wild energy and swept back.

Rees' pupils dilated. His breathing stalled and he felt an ominous feeling building up in his heart.

Even before he could blink, a rampaging force struck him and he was sent flying to a wall behind. The wall instantly shattered into pieces and he slammed right into the bathroom.

His body smashed into the sink and mirror after which he sprawled on the floor with his limbs spread out. Large pieces of mirror, tiles, and sink collapsed on him.

"Energy manipulation... Ergokinesis! An Alpha-class ability!" Rees muttered after coughing up a mouthful of blood. "Nothing like this was mentioned in her profile... No wonder why!"

Lillian continued to smile with her eyes shut.

"Monster Uncle, please don't violate me!"

Chapter 310 - Auction

The next morning.

Room No. 121, Garrick Angel Inn.

As the first ray of sunlight crack through the night sky, Kiba was still sleeping. He was intoxicated and now sleeping without any care in the world.

A minute later, the chirping of the birds entered his ears. The brilliant beams of sunlight passed through the open windows and fell on his face. He unconsciously placed a hand over his eyes but more sunlight basked his face.

Having no choice, Kiba rose up. He stretched his hands while feeling the effects of a slight hangover. His powers wouldn't stop him from getting drunk if it was his own choice and will. This was why he felt such effects otherwise for someone of his strength, alcohol would be no better than water.

Kiba left the bed and walked towards the window. A gentle gust of cool breeze greeted his face as he looked out.

The chunk of lights in the sky expanded in size and sparkle. The beams were cool and rather soothing to the eyes.

He lowered his head to see the plants and trees outside the inn. The dew drops were glistening on the leaves and they sparkled under the sunlight.

He looked ahead and noticed many groups of people on the streets. Stalls were being set and shops opened for work. There were peace and tranquility in this land.

"Last day here," Kiba thought with a smile.

He brought his eyes on the emerald cover outside the boundary walls of the fair. He could feel the presence of the ominous beasts, ferocious birds, and the most dangerous of all - unrestrained, self-serving humans.

Kiba closed the windows and turned around. He took a step ahead and his body vanished in a puff of smoke.

His speed was second to none and he used his lightning-fast movements to freshen up.

If an outsider looks into the room, he would see Kiba at several places at once. Kiba in the bathroom taking out a toothbrush; on the bed picking a towel; Opening the tap above the sink; switching on the geyser; adjusting the shower, and more...

A few minutes later.

Kiba knocked on a room opposite to his. The door opened up and Ashlyn stepped out.

She was clad in her trademark black suit from neck to toe. On her shoulders and ankles, the suit has small nozzles.

The suit was made of special materials which even Kiba didn't know about. There were four crystalline blue liquid strips on the suit that ran horizontally from top to bottom. The strips were bright and glinting as if a radiant energy source was flowing through them.

Kiba has a few guesses which relied on her existence as a cursed one.

"Good morning," Kiba handed her a cup of hot coffee. He has brought coffee from downstairs after getting ready.

Ashlyn nodded while taking the cup. She entered back into the room without closing the door.

Kiba knew what it meant and he followed her into the living section. Her entire room was clean and almost untouched as if she didn't use any of the facilities available.

Kiba couldn't help but sigh. He sat down on a chair across her while thinking about how she didn't enjoy her life at all.

"Shawn and Amy hinted that her adopted parents are well-off," Kiba recalled the conversations he heard. "And they also said she came to the forest to prove her devotion to them... At the very least, the last statement shows she loves her adopted parents.

"But what about her adopted parents' love for her? Why didn't they taught her about enjoying the simple pleasures of life?"

Shawn has mentioned about her being discarded by her birth parents soon after her birth. She then grew up in an orphanage before adopted.

"Shawn said they gave her everything despite her being a cursed one... It doesn't really seem true."

Kiba might have grown up alone without the support of his family but that didn't mean he didn't know the responsibilities of parents.

He has seen the way Felicity was treated by her parents. They spoiled her with love and she grew up into a cheerful person.

Even parents from a poor background would do their best to ensure their children have a joyful life.

Sure, there were exceptions with some parents not deserving to be parents but Shawn's words implied Ashlyn's parents were not those exception types.

Kiba didn't want to judge them without having the entire details. But so far, his impression of them was even worse than his own parents.

Kiba drank his coffee while glancing at her from time to time. Her expression was the usual cold as she sipped coffee from her cup.

Kiba wished he could change her. When he first met her, he didn't have any feelings for her except for lust.

She was the most gorgeous woman he was ever attracted to. He was no different from almost every other male in the forest who desired her spellbinding body.

But now, after spending so many days with her, he has developed a bond with her that transcended his innate lust.

This was why he wanted her to live, not just exist .

As of now, it was just wishful thinking. He has tried to change her in his small ways but a large change in her personality and attitude was impossible.

There were a few changes in her which he wished hasn't taken place. They were mainly related to what he "taught" her.

When he thought of his teachings, a chill ran down his spine. His mind didn't forget to flash several images of men in unspeakable agony.

Every image has one common scene: The men were wriggling on the ground while holding their crotch. Every man would throw evil look at him as if he was the perpetrator of their sufferings.

Kiba's eyes turned moist when he recalled those scenes. He looked at Ashlyn while wondering if she would ever stop. He didn't want to be remembered as the traitor of mankind due to her.

At the same time, Ashlyn lowered the cup and raised her head. She caught him redhanded when he was taking another glance at her.

Kiba was startled. He quickly gulped down and said, "How is the coffee?"

Whenever she caught him in some uncomfortable situation, he would change the topic and divert her attention. She was inexperienced so it wasn't that hard for him.

"Good," Ashlyn answered. She felt something amiss from his expression but she didn't pursue it.

"Let's leave," Kiba rose to his feet.

Ashlyn closed the door and they then walked down the staircase.


Reception counter.

Monica stood behind the reception desk. She was checking the logs on a virtual screen when she heard her name being called out.

"Hey," Kiba greeted her. Ashlyn stood next to him.

Monica was stunned and looked at him in shock. She couldn't help but mutter, "You are fine?"

Kiba was puzzled by her look and question.

"Of course, I'm fine," Kiba answered.

Monica was having a hard time believing him.

She clearly remembered him sitting on the same couch as Madison and Lillian yesterday night.

At worst, she expected the insane sisters to murder him, and at best, she thought he would be heavily injured.

Yet, he was completely fine. There was not a scratch and from his expression, he didn't have any tragic experience.

"Are the rumors regarding the psycho twins exaggerated?" Monica wondered in her heart. She quickly cleared her thoughts and got her act together.

With a professional etiquette, she said, "What can I do for you?"

"We want to check out," Kiba answered.

He placed down the keycards on the desk.

"Give me a minute," Monica took the keycards and activated the check out process.


A few minutes later.

Kiba and Ashlyn stepped out of the inn and picked a street. The street was filled with streams of people; everyone having a same destination.

The auction house.

Kiba could hear frenzy discussion about the auction. He didn't show interest in the loud discussions and instead observed the passing stalls and shops...

The grand auction was the liveliest event of the fair. It was hosted in a large auditorium that has a capacity of sitting around two thousand people.

To avoid people who have no interest in purchasing items given the space constraints, the auction house charged a big fee for just entry. As such, not everyone could enter the auditorium.

Most people just stood outside the auditorium. Some were interested in exchanging items outside directly to avoid a retainer fee while others just wanted to expand their horizons.

Kiba paid a fee for two and entered through a metallic door. There were guards on each point of the entrance along with drones and droids for assistance. The entire auction house was under strict surveillance though it was not like anyone would dare cause trouble here.

The auditorium has two floors with the stage on the lower floor.

Privacy booths were available for VIP members on the second floor. Most of them were already booked by members of nine aristocratic families and other top factions. Besides the exclusive booths, there were premium seats in the auction house that offered a quality view to the auction stage. They were available for purchase for another 'small fee'. Additional services such as food were available so that the guests could have a quality time.

The auction house left no opportunity to milk its patrons...

Kiba stepped into an escalator leading to the inside of the auditorium. He was slowly walking up along with Ashlyn when he heard a loud exclamation from above.

"Shameless villain!"

The voice and choice of address were very familiar to Kiba. He raised his head and saw an eighteen-year-old girl.

"Pervert!" Kiba called out with a smile.

Chapter 311 - Never Apologise For The Truth!

"Shameless villain!" A sweet, feminine voice called out from the landing platform above the escalator.

"Young pervert!" Kiba placed a hand over the moving handrail while responding to the familiar greeting.

His voice was rather low but when he spoke, the entire area turned silent. Not a single person dared utter a single sound.

Everyone's eyes fell on him as if he was about to die. Normally, no one would assume such a thing for just saying 'young pervert,' but now it was a different matter.

The reason was on the landing platform.

Sophia Neville.

She was absolutely beautiful as one would expect from a young miss of House of Neville - the second strongest aristocrat family in the World Government. Now though, no one dare admire her striking petite figure, cute face, or her glowing pale skin tone.

The onlookers gulped down as they saw her innocent, misty-blue eyes flaring with anger.

"I'm not a pervert and you know it!" Sophia's figure blurred and turned illusory.

The same moment, her body charged through a stream of people on the escalator. Violent flows of energy surged out of her body and concentrated on her right hand which she gripped into a fist.

Her movements stirred up terrifying energy waves as she rushed forward.

The people nearby felt the impact as the energy waves slammed into them like a raging tide. They were thrown out of the escalator with their backs protruding out. Streaks of blood spurted out from their mouths as they crashed into walls and floor like dead pigs.

The metallic stairs and glass handrail completely shattered apart with strong crackling sounds. The motor-driven chain in the escalator exploded into splinters and black smoke.

Those who had barely escaped the energy waves now suffered from the collapse of the escalator.

They weren't a bit surprised by her actions.

How can a naive and pure miss handle such unfounded allegations?

While they understood her, they felt it was unfair for them to be a casualty of her anger. They were innocents who had come here to attend the grand auction.

The young men especially wanted to weep. Most of them would have volunteered to teach Kiba a lesson but now there would be no such opportunity. They felt they even lost the opportunity to impress her as they were slammed by energy currents.

No one had the time to make a sense of the situation or escape from the destruction. Everything so far happened in less than five seconds!

Ashlyn pressed a foot on the collapsing stair and leaped high into the air. Others similarly used their abilities to escape from the destruction.

Kiba was still standing on the shattering escalator as it collapsed down to the floor. His body remained straight despite the rampaging energy ripples flowing towards him.

"Apologise!" Sophia demanded as she threw a punch straight at his chest.

The energy concentrated on her fist erupted out like an avalanche.

"Nope!" Kiba casually raised an index finger. "I never apologize for speaking the truth!"

Amidst the violent destruction, the onlookers were dumbfounded by his attitude. They wondered if he has some mental issues. Otherwise, why else would he first offend the young miss and then bring a finger to face such a powerful punch?

The punch was strong enough to pulverize the entire floor!

Most of the people present in the could not even see what was happening due to the intense turbulence of energy.

Only a few could see the moment when Sophia's fist landed on his finger.


Intense rumbling sounds reverberated out along with cascading of an annihilative force. The guards and drones that were rushing into the conflict zone were blasted flying into the distance.

The drones shattered into metallic pieces while letting out a sound of short circuits. It was like they were ruthlessly smashed by a giant.

The walls and ceiling started showing cracks while the tiles on the floor split into a fine powder. Everywhere there was nothing but smoke and dust.

When the dust and smoke cloud parted from the center of the conflict zone, the spectators were taken aback. Many of them stumbled down as they saw the scene ahead.

Kiba has still his finger raised which was in contact with Sophia's fist. They both were standing into the ruins of the escalator but there was not a single scratch on either of them.

Even his finger didn't show any sign of recoil or buckling.

"Monster!" A thirty-five years old woman muttered. She has barely managed to stand up after colliding against a wall from the resulting shockwaves, and yet, the target of the attack was totally fine.

"They both are monsters," Her companion corrected her. "A young girl having such a strong power is not normal."

"This is the difference in the level of evolution," A middle-aged man said. "Age has no role in it."

Most of the people on the floor were either level I or level II mutants. They were strong in their own right but now, they felt useless.

"Bloodline and resources is the main reason," A young man complained. "If I had even half their resources..."

"Don't complain," The young man's guardian chided him. "Besides, we are in the forest for the same reason. You have to earn them or die in the process."

Resources for advancing into next level were hard to acquire unless one has a powerful background. For those who didn't, they have no choice but to test their lucks in forbidden regions. Opportunites were always accompanied by danger...

Meanwhile, Sophia lowered her fist.

She was a bit surprised but not shocked or anything. She has fought Kiba twice before so she knew his strength. This was why she threw such a powerful punch knowing he won't die. She only wanted an apology from him for his actions.

"That wasn't the truth and you know it," Sophia gritted her teeth.

"Really?" Kiba asked doubtfully. "I seem to remember differently."


Sophia recalled how they met when she was taking a bath in the lake over a week ago. 1

The memory of their first meeting made her desire to punish this villain stronger. The words he spoke and the logic he used made her very being frustrated.

She believed he was the real pervert, but by some twisted logic and god knows how, she became the pervert.

"Shameless scoundrel!"

Chapter 202-205