326 - 332

Chapter 326 - Chaos!

Many mutants left the seating zone and followed the rushing guards, mercenaries and other powerful figures. They didn't have confidence in taking the treasure from Kiba, but they reasoned given the mayhem, there would be opportunities to benefit in other ways.

Chaos always brings chances...

Back in the seating zone, there were only a few hundred people left. Among them, Madison and Lillian sat in premium seats.

"Oh my! Daddy is so brazen and bold even outside bed!" Madison exclaimed with her hands on either side of her face.

"As expected of our handsome daddy!" Lillian jumped from her seat. "He is really fierce!"

The twins covered their lips and giggled like happy teenagers.

"Let's join daddy!" Lillian suggested and her twin nodded. They both rushed out...

The people nearby were dumbfounded by their actions. They couldn't believe the words they have heard from the twins.


"Brazen and bold EVEN outside bed?! Does that mean?!"

"Fuck! He is damn lucky!!"

"Why does a guy like him get everything?!"

"He came here with stunning beauty, had a short fight with another cute girl, showed-off wealth in the auction..."

"Then, in front of experts, openly robbed the most precious item! And now, you are telling me, he is even fucking the sexiest twins out there?!"

"Does this world have no concept of equality and justice!? We are dying single here!"

"God, open your eyes and see the injustice committed under your nose!"

"Do your job and struck him with lightning!"

"Yes! Such a man does not deserve to live!"

"Agree! I have always liked the twins, but that guy took their innocence!"

"What type of daddy does that?!" An old man commented and stopped the demand for justice from the heavens.

"Don't take it literally, old fool! The daddy they spoke about is different from biological fathers!! The world is changing, and you haven't adapted to new terminologies!" A forty-something man berated him loudly.

"Then that's good! It means I can also become their daddy!!" A young man chimed in. His eyes were sparkling as drool came out from the corners of his mouth.

The seated people looked at him as if he was an idiot. They obviously knew the reason why he wanted to be daddy but even then, it was asking for impossible!

"Do you truly want to be the daddy of the crazy twins?! Have you not heard the stories about them?!"

"Besides, have you seen your face! Even a dog won't call you daddy!"

"Just how dumb are you for you to think you have the ability to become twins' daddy?!"


Ten minutes ago.

Outside auditorium.

The auditorium could only host around two thousand people at a time. Then there was a sizeable entrance fee. These two factors made it impossible for thousands of peoples to experience the auction.

So most people could only stand outside the auditorium. They would try to use the outside premises as a venue for informal exchange of resources.

Presently, around a thousand mutants were standing outside the enormous metallic door that served as the main exit of seating zones.

An elderly man was standing with his back some thirty meters away from the door. He was addressing the people in front of him; trying to sell an emerald green Cherryrose.

"Cherryrose is good for nourishing blood and reinforcing tendons," The elderly-man informed in a matter-of-factly voice. "It would enhance your chances to face the savage beasts and acquire quality resources. You can have it for only $1000!"

The people in front of him didn't seemed to be interested. They continued to chatter with each other or being aloof.

The elderly-man was dejected. He was in urgent need of funds to visit a famous brothel and yet, no one was showing any interest in helping a poor man.

Just as he lowered his head, suddenly, he sensed thousands of eyes on him. He was startled but also presently surprised as he saw everyone looking at him.

' God has heard my prayer! '

His eyes brightened and he made a slight coughing sound before saying, "Trust me, you wouldn't get a better deal. Buying Cherryrose for $1000 is the best stroke of luck you can ever get!"

The elderly-man was giving a passionate speech when he felt something amiss. He noticed the onlookers weren't exactly looking at him.

He turned around to see what exactly they were seeing. Just as he turned, he heard loud cracking sounds coming from inside the auditorium.

He was startled and tried to make sense of things, but then his eyes bulged.

The reinforced metallic door - which was fifty centimeters thick - was shaking.

What the hell?!

Fissures sprang out of the middle and under everyone's anxious eyes, began to rapidly spread throughout the door.

With a loud bang sound, the door crumbled into countless pieces that exploded out like a hailstorm.

Even before eyes could register this scene, a beam of golden light shot out. This golden beam charged forward, moving faster and faster.

A few mutants with strong perception abilities noticed a figure in the beam, but his face was blurry due to intense speed.

The elderly-man was trying to make a sense of this beam when he heard an intense trembling sound from behind.

As he once again turned around, his eyes widened and his mouth gaped open. Over five hundred people rushed out of the auditorium. Every single one of them was running after the golden beam.

A frenzied mob was chasing an individual!

"What the fuck is going on?!"

The scene was both stunning and imposing...

Anamarie and Mendel were the leading figures in the chasing crowd. Three braids twirled behind Anamarie like a motor fan and she twirled through the air.

"Kiba! Stop!" Mendel gnashed his teeth and used his greatest speed to pursue. Even in his wildest thoughts, he never imagined the present scenario.

Being defeated by Kiba in 'an unfair environment' was something he could barely accept. But then, right under his and Anamarie's eyes, Body Molding Ore was openly robbed.

Nothing like this has ever occurred in The Fair as far as Mendel could remember. Just this thought made his blood boil in anger.

He knew unless Kiba was punished in the severest way, there would be no scope for The Fair to get back its former glory and reputation.

The honor and fame of Dark Stars were at stake...

Kiba continued to dash forward, and as he did, cracks appeared on the street surface below his feet. It was like an earthquake was charging through the ground, destroying the street.

Kiba lifted his hand towards the sky. A white glow shot out of his palm and rushed into the sky.

The white glow soon transformed into an enormous misty cloud that shrouded an area of almost a mile.

"What is he doing?" Anamarie knitted her eyes. She suddenly has a bad feeling swelling up in her heart.

Under countless astonished eyes, the misty cloud exploded like a magnificent firework.

"Is this some sort of attack?" A fierce hunter wondered aloud.

"I don't know but if it is an attack, why is its range surrounding such a long distance? Wouldn't this reduce its might?" A middle-aged guardsman said.

Iron Blood Mercenary Corps' Maddox wondered the same as he continued the hot pursuit.

He wanted to hunt Kiba and steal his treasures. While he understood that the crystalline ore was out of the question, he reasoned Kiba must have more treasures.

Otherwise, how else could Kiba bid precious vitality-boosting fruits without any discomfort?

He was in the middle of contemplation when his left pupil dilated. He raised his head and looked at the firework.

Dazzlingly bright lights started pouring down.

Maddox' red pupil glinted like a star as his sight concentrated on one of the bright lights pouring down.

The light was shooting down like a falling star but it contained a Grade-I Echinacea.

Maddox was dumbfounded. His pupil zoomed into another falling light and he noticed Energy Gemstones. He still refused to believe what he saw so he focused on another beam and saw a money card worth $50000.

"Resources are pouring like rain?!" Maddox's expression was one of astonishment and disbelief.

It wasn't only him who was shocked. Practically everyone was shocked out of wits by the scene in the sky.

While a few hundred still chased after Kiba, the others made a sudden turn and rushed towards the falling lights. Their eyes blazed with naked greed as they leaped to grasp the falling treasures.

Even the bystanders on streets and those outside auction house charged at the falling lights.

There was only one reason why everyone was in Desolate Blood Forest.


Some wanted to get rich while others wanted to evolve their strength to the next level. The Fair might be a safe zone free from bloodshed, but the rest of the forest was a warzone.

Many of them have lost comrades, friends and loved ones in this warzone. Everything so that they could get some resources. They have faced ferocious beasts, savage birds, bizarre flora, and evil men. Every single conflict was laced with a danger that they barely survived.

Now, the very reason they came to the forest was pouring from the sky. Unlike the warzone in the forest, there were no dangers here.

It was literally blessing pouring down from the heavens!

"Crimson Mist Mushroom! I have been trying to find it for ages!" A woman excitedly grabbed the mushroom in her hands. As she turned around, she found hundreds of mutants looking at her, like predators.

"Dustless Yarrow!" A young mutant caught the plant. He was grinning but then his grin turned stiff. He noticed dozens of eyes on him.

Outside the auditorium, the elderly-man from before stood with a downcast expression. He looked on as battles erupted out of nowhere. He sighed and put back Cherryrose into a wooden box when a light from above fell on him.

He was stunned as the light parted to reveal a money card worth $1000.

"My prayer has been heeded! There is a god in this world!"

The elderly-man quickly hide the money card.

"The god is truly generous!"

The elderly-man thought as he ran into the direction of his favorite brothel.


Meanwhile, Anamarie has a bad premonition as she saw resources crashing down. She could feel spatial currents from the falling lights, and as such, she reasoned they were arriving from some storage device.

But how can he have so many resources? Money cards, herbs, fruits, gemstones, and countless other rare items.

Anamarie was thinking this when her eyes caught sight of fruit falling down.

It was Life Boost Fruit! The same fruit Ashlyn gave to Kiba during the auction so that he could purchase an item!

Anamarie's heart skipped a beat. She instantly realized what it implied.

"You!" Anamarie's eyes were filled with threads of blood as she chased after Kiba. "You even stole auction house' treasury?!"

"Stealing is such a heavy word," Kiba disagreed with her assessment. "I'm not a thief."

"Like hell you are not!"

Anamarie's braids danced in the wind and they grew at a rate visible to the naked eye. The fierce energy enveloped around the braids made air emit an ear-piercing sound.

One of the braids whipped through the air like a crescent moon and it slammed down on Kiba.

Just as it was about to crush him with thunderous might, he leaned back and avoided it by a hairbreadth.

The braid smashed into the concrete pavement. With a bang sound, stones and rocks exploded out and a shock wave swept throughout the street. Many of the pursuers and bystanders collapsed down. The remnants of shock wave crashed into their bodies and their blood flow turned turbulent.

"So scary!" Kiba said with a smile. His speed amplified and he rushed ahead.

"Just you wait!" Anamarie gritted her teeth and increased her speed.

"Only a selected million from billions get to enjoy resources. You can say the world is infected with inequality," Kiba said in a grim tone. "The gap between rich and poor needs to decrease... and this is why I firmly believe in sharing my wealth."

Kiba's eyes and voice were filled with melancholy as he looked at the falling light from the firework above.

For a moment, Anamarie was startled. She could not believe how he said what he said in such a convincing tone. But it was just a moment as fury replaced shock.

"Bastard! This is not your wealth!" Anamarie could hardly control the anger exploding inside her. "And you had no right to share it!"

"I guess so," Kiba nodded while running ahead. "By the way, your guards seem to be having fun."

"What?" Anamarie looked in the distance.

The streets were filled with miserable shrieks and stench of blood. Everywhere there was plain chaos as if a riot has broken out.

The greed which was barely restrained by the laws of The Fair was now out in full glory. Mutants were killing each other for resources.

Intense rumbling sounds, a shocking display of supernatural abilities and an unrestrained mob.

The ugly side of humanity was on full display.

Anamarie clenched her hands into tight fists. Her eyebrows creased as she saw the guardsmen openly participating in spreading the chaos.

They were using their specialized weapons and shield to carry out stealing.

"Damn!" Anamarie now fully realized what exactly Kiba has done.

"How could this be?!" Mendel's pupils dilated in disbelief at the scene. Even though he knew about mob mentality and greedy nature, he still found the open display shocking.

"Mendel! I will clear the mess here!" Anamarie informed him as she turned around and dashed towards the crowd. "I will catch up with you in a few minutes!"

She wasn't worried about Kiba escaping. Earlier, when she attacked him, her braid emitted her unique odorless scent that has seeped into Kiba. Besides that, she had other means to find him.

Most importantly, she knew that dozens of powerful mutants - who didn't participate in the auction - would learn of him. It was just a matter of minutes before they will spring to action. So even if she was delayed, it was impossible for Kiba to escape.

For now, she wanted to bring back the discipline on the streets. She knew if she didn't, then even if they got the treasure back from Kiba, The Fair would lose all its charm.

It was the strict implementation of laws that made The Fair a haven desired by masses...

"Don't worry," Mendel nodded his head. He pressed a finger on the tattoo on his left cheek.

A flash of red current swept out and soared into the sky.

The air blurred with intense energy fluctuations and a dragon appeared. Unlike the auditorium, the entire red dragon was life-like. Whether it was its four legs or its enormous tail, everything was corporeal.

The red dragon roared loudly before smashing one of its claws down at Kiba.

"Well, let's have... Hmm?" Kiba stopped as he sensed something.

As the claw was about to smash him, two blue streams of light whirled through the air. Chaotic winds surged outward as the streams of light shot towards the gigantic claw.

If one looked closely, they would see the streams were actually discs!

The edges of the discs were razor-sharp and they were rotating as they swept forward, leaving behind a trail of blue ripples.

Strands of blue current surged out of the edges, carrying blistering radiation.

The discs pierced through the claw. Tiny crack lines appeared, which less than a second, exploded into deep holes as the discs penetrated through them.

The claw was cleaved!

The discs made a curve in the air and shot back like bolts of lightning.

Mendel turned around and saw Ashlyn catching the discs. Her eyes were cold as she looked at him...

At the same time, some two hundred meters away.

A water-element mutant has just won Life Boost Fruit. He has defeated many people to get this precious fruit. Naturally, he was in a very joyous mood.

He took a step ahead but just then, the ground below him parted, and a stone dart flew out. Even before he could blink his eyes, the stone dart pierced through his neck. He collapsed on the ground...lifeless.

A few meters away, Maddox laughed merrily. He has secretly killed another contender in this area before he made an appearance.

"Nothing like the sweet taste of wealth!"

He crouched down and grabbed the fruit.

He retrieved a box from his storage ring and opened it. Inside, Vitality Enhancing Fruit was placed. Now, Maddox put Life Boost Fruit beside Vitality Enhancing Fruit.

"I have already taken both fruits!" Maddox was grinning from ear to ear. "The auction house wouldn't know, and as such, they would have no choice but to compensate me. Hahaha!"

Maddox was in the middle of laughter when suddenly, out of nowhere, thin strands of golden current wrapped around the box.

He sensed an overbearing attractive force pulling the box. He gripped it more tightly and pressed it on the ground, but the force turned stronger.


Just as he shouted, the box escaped from his grip and flew away…

Chapter 327 - Change Opinion!

Five minutes ago.

Kiba and Mendel looked at Ashlyn as her discs cut through a claw of the red dragon.

Ashlyn ignored Mendel and brought her eyes on Kiba.

In her usual cold tone, she said, "Let me handle this."

Kiba was surprised but he nodded.

"We will meet outside tonight. If not, at that village," Kiba said.

Ashlyn nodded in acknowledgment. Kiba's figure blurred and he shot off in the distance.

Mendel charged after him but just then, Ashlyn jumped in front of him.

"He is living his life," Ashlyn wielded the two discs in her hands as she said coldly. "So don't interfere."

Mendel was dumbfounded.

Living his life?!

You call robbing and creating chaos as living life?!?

Don't interfere?!

Are you fucking kidding with me!?

Mendel started at her but all he got was a poker expression. It was like even she didn't know the meaning of what she said.

There was more truth in Mendel's guess than he expected…

"You are that bastard's lover, right?" Mendel's eyes blazed with hatred.

The life-like phantom of the red dragon behind Mendel roared. He was already annoyed by Kiba but now even her.

Ashlyn didn't reply.

"I would love to see that bastard's reaction when I show him your severed corpse," Mendel commanded his summoned manifestation to kill her.

Ashlyn opened her left palm and seven seals flashed above them. The circular blue seal cracked apart, and streams of blue energy swept out. Like threads of dazzling current waves, they wrapped on her suit.

The battle began...


The streets were filled with intense chaos as people fought each other. There were no more treasures falling from the sky, so those in possession of those treasures became the target.

Different abilities flashed out like fireworks along with the modern weapons. Screams and wails ringed throughout while blood sprinkled.

Human greed was on full display.

In one such area of open display of greed, there were only corpses except for the winner. The winner who earned the most precious resources from the treasure fall.

Presently, the winner wasn't exactly feeling like a winner...

Maddox was startled as the wooden box escaped from his grip and lifted high in air. He leaped up to catch, and just as his hands were about to grasp it, the box flew away.

"Who dares steal from me?!" Maddox was incensed.

It has taken him great efforts to acquire those two treasured fruits, and now, they were flying away.

Maddox's eyes knitted as he saw the box landing down some two hundred meters away. It fell into waiting hands of Kiba.

Maddox couldn't make a sense of the situation. Earlier, it was Kiba who created the treasure fall in the sky, and yet, he was taking back two fruits.

If he didn't want to give these fruits to others, why not just hide them? What was the intention behind making them fall from the sky and creating a riot in the process?!

Maddox has many questions, but he didn't care for the answer. All he cared was taking the two fruits and then stealing the crystalline ore from Kiba.

"Thanks for finding both fruits and storing them together," Kiba said as he transferred the box into his storage dimension. "You have my thanks for reducing my work."

"YOU!" Maddox charged straight at him.

His left eye pupil glinted brightly, and a starry light flashed out.

The concrete surface around Kiba crumbled into pieces. Through the crumbling pieces, rocks shot out from the ground below.

The front portion of the rocks was sharp like a pointed metal and they glinted with a twinkling light.

There were more than a dozen rocks, and every single one of them rushed at Kiba, ready to smash him into pieces.

"A divergent of earth element?" Kiba's lips curved up into a grin.

He tapped a finger in air, and ripples of telekinetic energy surged out. The ripples enveloped the hail of rocks and they stopped in midair.

He then swung his finger in an outward direction.


The rocks violently flung into Maddox.


Maddox snorted in disdain and the rocks shattered into dust particles. He looked at Kiba and said, "You think some pathetic display of telekinesis can stop me?"

"Pathetic display?" Kiba put a hand over his chin and then nodded in agreement. "Apologies. Please give me a chance to change your opinion."

The moment these words entered into Maddox's ears; an overwhelming telekinetic force enveloped him.

Even before Maddox could blink, he was pulled high into air and then swung downward. He violently smashed right into the hard-concrete block.

Pain greeted every corner of his body and the hidden armor showed signs of faint cracks.

A growl came from his throat and he opened his mouth to speak, but just then, he flew high into air. He didn't even get a moment to rest or think as he flew up.

All he could do was internally curse. As his body shot down again, he was ready, and he crossed his arms in front to save his face.

His eyes were closed to prevent dust and stone particles, and he silently waited for his hands and other parts of his body to brush against the rough surface of concrete.

Yet nothing like this happened.

Startled and even somewhat happy, he opened his eyes and parted his hands to see. The crude surface of concrete was just some five centimeters from his body.

He was still enveloped by telekinetic force and floating, but just negligible distance away from the ground.

This situation bewildered him.

Why would I stop this close to the ground?!

As if to answer his question, his body was slammed down. The pressure this time was greater than before, and he has opened his face slightly; the combined factors sent his blood rolling. The ground underneath him cracked apart like a growing spider web.


Maddox sent his energy into the ground to summon attack. Underground, stone particles fused together to converge into sharp spears, but before enough energy can cascade into them to shoot out, Maddox was sent flying in air.

This time, he was a tad bit faster, and he pressed a switch on his internal armor to create an energy shield that enveloped the front part of his body.

"If only I was in my best form!"

He has reached Level IV strength, but due to some injuries he gained in a battle with Level V Three-headed Cobra, his strength has drastically fallen. One of those hidden injuries made it impossible for him to utilize his abilities unless he was in direct contact with earth.


Maddox was once again swung down and he snorted inside. He was ready to summon his attack just as he crashed into the ground.

Unfortunately, fate has something else in mind.

Just as he was about to slam on ground, his body swept sidewards as if he was slapped by a giant. He slammed into the wall of a shop some two hundred meters away.

The energy shield shattered into pieces like an egg...

"Son of a bitch!" Maddox has barely muttered a curse when a strong telekinetic force pulled him again. Like a meteor, he swept out of the broken wall and violently smashed into the wall of another shop three hundred meters away.

On the streets, the fight for resources has almost ended. Many have died but still, thousands remained in this part of the region.

The surviving mutants were guarding their treasures against others when they heard strong whistling sound. They turned around and noticed a man swinging from one wall to another. It was like the motion of a pendulum.

The spectators tried to check this man out. His features were a mess with blood, saliva, and dirt giving him an unrecognizable look.

"Iron Blood Mercenary Corps' Maddox!"

Many onlookers muttered in shock. If not for half-mask on the left part of face, they would not be able to identify him.

"Am I seeing it correct?!"

"I guess your eyes are as defective as mine if you are seeing Maddox propelling from one wall to another!"

"What is going on?"

They look in utter shock and alarm as he was thrown from one shop to another, without a single second for rest.

It was like the walls of the shops were tennis racket and Maddox was the ball. One wall was striking him and sending him to another.

In just a minute, they saw the process repeated for over twenty times.

"It is almost like Maddox is bitch-slapped!"

Chapter 328 - Familarity?!

On one particular street, there was a crowd of over a hundred. They all belonged to different ethnicity, caste, and religion but presently, every single one of them was carrying out a same activity in complete sync.

Their heads would move towards the extreme left and then extreme right. The cycle has repeated over a hundred times.

The credit for uniting so many people in a common activity belonged to only one person.


The telekinetic force gripping his body flung him from one wall to another. He would ruthlessly slam into a wall, and even before he could scream to release his internal pain, the telekinetic force would pull him and smash him into another wall.

Maddox's expression was extremely unsightly. He cursed Kiba but he cursed himself far more. He regretted telling Kiba that he was being pathetic with his use of telekinesis.

But then again, how was he supposed to know Kiba would try to change his opinion by using him as a rugged doll?

He has never known a telekinetic mutant using ability in such a way. Alas, he would now forever know about such use, and even others would remember him for this.


Maddox crashed hard onto a wall in the shape of 'X'. His cheeks hollowed and blood sprayed from his mouth like a geyser.

The onlookers felt pity for him. Just the sound of him slamming into walls made them realise the pain he must be feeling.

"Poor Maddox."

"Never thought I would see someone like him slapped by two walls."


Many in the crowd were secretly happy as well. It wasn't every day that they got to see a mercenary from Iron Blood Mercenary Corps treated in such a way.

Some hundred meters away, Kiba has an index finger raised in air. He was curving it from one side to another.

He has just moved his finger a slight bit and Maddox similarly moved through air, but just then, the sound of wind rustling came behind Kiba.

A violent force billowed out, slamming the air itself.

"Hmm?" Kiba quickly turned around and his eyes greeted a fist punching towards him. The fist was like that of a monster with claws and spikes protruding out.

Kiba raised his eyes a bit and saw a seven feet monster. He didn't identify him but many in the crowd did.

Rees 1 .

A mercenary from Iron Blood Mercenary Corps.

Rees' fist busted forth as it approached Kiba's head. Turbulent winds surged outward and Kiba's hair floated in air.

Rees' pupils dilated as his fist suddenly stopped just a centimeter from his enemy's skin. He felt as if an invisible wall has come in between.

"I take it you are his friend," Kiba said.

Rees didn't speak but he grinned. He knew Kiba was a telekinetic mutant so he was expecting to be stopped.

"For you to act as a diversion, you must be really confident in that lady friend of yours," Kiba remarked in a nonchalant tone.

"You know?!" Rees was startled.

At the same time, in sky, Liesel appeared. On her back, winds of water flapped. She joined her hands together and aimed them at Kiba.

A spinning water column shot out of her palms. The column was thick as a pillar and blue currents sizzled in water droplets. As the water column spun downwards, a terrifying pressure roiled out.

Kiba's expression didn't change the slightest bit. He raised a hand into the sky and made a grasping motion.

Liesel's face turned pale from shock and alarm.

She found herself rapidly sucked into the water column that was about to crash into Kiba.

The pressure in the water column pushed from all sides like a hammer and her body shuddered. The blue currents sliced through her skin like scorching heatwaves and her organs scorched.

"No!" Liesel let out a miserable scream.

Liesel snapped her teeth and the water column disappeared. She collapsed on the ground with a thud sound.

She quickly threw up the water she has sucked before raising her head. She looked at Kiba with pure horror.

It has been just twenty seconds before she made an appearance and used her ability. Never in her wildest dream, she expected herself to be the target of her own attack. Much less forced to nullify her own attack just as it was about to crash into the enemy.

She was both terrified and in awe as she observed Kiba. He has defeated her by using her strength against her and so quickly that she didn't even got time to think.

"No way!" Rees gripped his fists tightly and the sharp claws shot out like bullets.

Telekinetic ripples swept out to intervene but much to Kiba's surprise, the claws imploded into a blast of corrosive slime.

The slime was black and spread in air like a web, passing through telekinetic ripples.

"Even for a monster, your stench is too much," Kiba waved a hand and a gust of wind rolled out, carrying away the slime.

Rees was taken aback and just as he thought of a retort, he was hoisted into air.

Kiba opened a hand and then closed it into a fist.

Simultaneously, Rees found himself under the onslaught of crushing pressure. His face contorted while the claws and spikes on his body shattered like pieces of frail glass.

The sound of bone cracking ringed out along with heart-wrenching screams.

People nearby felt a chill crawling down their spines. Just witnessing Rees' state made them tremble in fright.

They felt the real monster was Kiba and not Rees. Otherwise, how else could the present developments be justified?


Suddenly, a loud shout came from a distance. Coinciding with the shout, the concrete pavement all around Kiba imploded with a loud bang sound.

The ground parted to shoot sharp spears. Each spear was made of rock and stone, its pointed edge incredibly sharp and reinforced with an earthy glint.

Every single one of them flew at Kiba. It was like dozens of missiles were rushing at one particular target

In a distance, Maddox was huffing but there was a smile on his face. He doubted Kiba has much stamina left after facing three of them. That was humanly impossible.

Rees and Liesel sighed in relief as they saw Maddox. Everything they did so far was to save him and buy him enough time to recover.

In the meantime, Kiba waved a hand and streams of energy surged out in the form of a golden arc. Like a sea wave, the golden arc swept forward in air.

It ferociously smashed with the incoming spears.

Maddox looked in utter shock as the spears crumbled into fine dust. The golden arc didn't stop, and it continued to rush forward. In no time, it was coming towards him.

Maddox leaned down and pressed a hand on ground.


Earth walls protruded out and clashed with the golden arc. Cracks boomed out and along with a loud bang sound, the wall shattered.

"If only I wasn't injured," Maddox felt the situation was unfair. Gritting his teeth, he thought, "No choice but to use..."

He took out a green gemstone from his storage ring and shattered it.

As the golden arc swept at him like a sharp sword, green mist engulfed him. Just as the arc was about to crush on him, the green mist vanished into thin air.

"That's surprising," Kiba was a bit startled.

He didn't feel any fluctuations of teleportation or space energy and yet, Maddox has completely vanished.

"Not like it matters."

Kiba looked at Rees and Liesel for a moment before turning around. He ran off under the eyes of the dumbfounded crowd.

"He is fleeing even without killing those two?!"


"Isn't it obvious?! He must have spent a lot of power!"

"He is exhausted!!"


"And it was him that created the treasure fall in the sky... Then wouldn't this mean he must have a lot of treasures?"

"Indeed! Only then could he afford to divert attention with those treasure!"

"If he needed such a diversion then doesn't this explain about the limits of his strength?!"

"Let's chase after him!"

"All of us could get rich!"

They dashed after Kiba with greed evident in their eyes.

Rees and Liesel continued to lie down on a ruined street. They were exhausted and helpless with no strength left in their bodies.

"My my, fancy meeting you here."

A sweet, joyous feminine voice entered their ears. The tone was soft and soothing to ears but as soon as they heard the voice, they started cowering. Their fine hairs stood up in fright and a chill ran through every fiber of their body.

Rees prayed the voice wasn't familiar but all his hopes were destroyed as he raised his head. Just a few steps away, two females were standing.

Madison and Lillian.

"Monster Uncle, you remember us, right?" Lillian leaned down and sat with her legs crossed.

"We were so frightened when you two took advantage of us at gunpoint," Madison said in a frightened tone. "Two helpless, naked women under attack of a mature couple."

Rees' scalp turned numb. When he remembered what trespassed yesterday night, he felt his bowels turning loose.

Rees has instantly regretted his greedy actions. He felt $500 million bounty and the special privileges offered by World Government didn't matter the slightest bit.

Thankfully, back then, he and Liesel had gemstones similar to the one used by Maddox. This was why they were barely able to survive.

Liesel was same and her face instantly paled when Madison sat on her belly.

"You even tried to harm daddy now," Madison said with a downcast expression. "Why are you so against our family?"

Liesel's eyes dramatically bulged out.

"H-he is your daddy?" Liesel clearly recalled just how excited the twins sounded when they spoke about daddy.

"Of course! He is our sweet daddy!" Lillian chimed in. She closed her face with her twin sister, and said, "But isn't this rather obvious?"

Liesel felt her throat turning dry. The words of the twins implied they shared features with their 'daddy', and yet, Liesel could find no familiarity at all.

Lillian has silver blonde hair with beached strands. Madison has long hot pink color hair with sky blue highlights. They both had punk hairstyles and except for the difference in hair, their bodies were completely identical.

Same slender frame, flawless rosy-pink skin, vibrant eyes, and a figure worth dying for. They were absolutely gorgeous.

"And crazy," Liesel reminded herself as she tried to find any familiarity with Kiba.

"Aunty is muddleheaded," Madison said with a charming smile.

"Seems so," Lillian agreed with her assessment.

"But why didn't daddy kill them?" Madison asked her twin with a thoughtful expression.

"I don't know," Lillian answered, her expression filled with curiosity. "Daddy is just like us with an insatiable appetite for blood and lust, and yet..."

She trailed off and gave a wink to her twin. Madison happily smiled in response.

Vast quantities of crimson-colored energy strands surged out of her. They shot upwards and hurtled into the sky.

Quickly, they fused together to transform into five rotating rings of light. The rings enveloped an area of hundred meters, separating it from the world.

Liesel shuddered in despair.

The ground, in the meantime, trembled with intense vibrations. Out of nowhere, blood droplets started appearing on the ground; turning it into a land of blood.


Like a sticky liquid mass, threads of blood crept up between the rings of light.

The entire area turned into a crimson prison.

"Oh well, we will do the job in his stead!"

Introduced in Chapter 309

Chapter 329 - Mountain-head Wong

On the roof of a two-storied building, Denisa watched over the region that formed The Fair. Birds flew in the sky while fresh winds swept through the emerald evergreen outside.

There was beauty and serenity in The Fair but now it was being disturbed with smoke and screams coming from one part.

In one street connected to that disturbing part, Kiba was rushing ahead like a stream of golden light followed by a hysterical mob.

There were shouts and demands for him to stop but Kiba just smiled and didn't slow down.

"He is really something."

Denisa chuckled as she looked at the distant figure of Kiba.

"I think this is the first time I'm seeing someone so happy after being chased."

She then brought her eyes on Ashlyn who was fighting Mendel. Their fighting was turning intense by every moment and it was difficult to say who would win.

"Live for yourself, Ashlyn."

A smile bloomed on her face. Then, a field of glinting light points resembling stars appeared around her. It enveloped her like a cocoon and she disappeared in the twinkling of stars.


Kiba was dashing ahead when he felt something. His eyes flickered and his eyes zoomed a kilometer ahead. A rather obese and enormous figure suddenly burst out of a street.

His entire body was overly muscular, but it was his head that picked attention. It was like a mountain was implanted on the body of a human.

"Mountain-head Wong!" Many in the chasing mob were startled. "

He was one of the strongest mutants among Gamma. His extraordinary superhuman strength knew no introduction and neither did his resistance to physical injuries. Whether it was gunfire or missiles, he was immune to thanks to his indestructible body.

As per rumours, he worked in a military facility but due to some reasons, he went berserk and crushed the entire facility. Ever since then he has been living the life of a criminal. He would only be seen in forbidden regions where the government influence was at a minimum.

Those who tried to hunt him were turned into a bloody paste by his infamous head-slam.

Currently, the infamous Mountain-head Wong was looking at Kiba like a predator eyeing its prey.

Some minutes ago, he was informed about the robbery and the resulting commotion. At that time, he was resting in Garrick Angel Inn just like many strong mutants.

Most of the powerful mutants were not interested in pre-core region auction. They just wanted to spend their time so the fair and the village served as relaxation spots.

When Mountain-head Wong learned of Kiba having Body Molding Ore, his interest was aroused.

He wanted to have a new body; a body that was different than his present form. He wanted to create a perfect body with perfect attributes.

And Kiba carried ticket to that body.

His figure blurred, enveloped by a surging force, and he ran in Kiba's direction.

His momentum was like a rocket, backed by a terrifying power, as he charged straight. The concrete pavement disintegrated into tiniest specks of dust while buildings shook with every step he took.

The mob stopped in their track and held their breath. They desired Kiba's treasures, but they were not even the slightest bit interested in becoming casualties of Mountain-head Wong's rampage.

Kiba didn't stop and he continued to dash forward. Mountain-head Wong's lips curved up in a mocking smile as he rushed ahead, with his head aimed at Kiba.

Even before the actual collision, explosive shock wave boomed out. Building faraway started showing cracks like growing spider webs.

Like a meteor, Mountain-head Wong slammed his head on Kiba. A head that carried staggering strength of over a thousand ton.

Just as his head was about to contact Kiba's chest, Kiba lifted a hand and pushed it down onto Mountain-head Wong's forehead.


Violent waves erupted along with an explosive sound as Mountain-head Wong's head made a contact with Kiba. The ground shattered like frail glass while more than half the mob tumbled backward like a kite with its string cut.

Dust and bits of stone drew into the air, creating a thick dust cloud.

Much less Gama-rank mutants, not even Beta-rank mutants would be confident of escaping unscathed.

Out of nowhere, a gust of cold wind swept through the dust cloud, ripping it apart. As the scene inside the dust cloud became visible, everyone's face turned pale from shock and alarm.

"Impossible! This was impossible!"

Mountain-head Wong's eyes bulged out in disbelief. He gnashed his teeth and transferred more strength into his indestructible head, and yet, the condition remained the same.

He was struck on a crater and no matter how he tried; he couldn't move.

Everything just because of a hand!

A hand that was on his forehead.

The destruction all around was frightening but if one looked at Kiba and Mountain0head Wong, it would seem different.

It was like Kiba was a beast tamer patting the head of a bull.

"How is this even possible?! Mountain-head Wong is known for his unstoppable momentum!" No one was able to trust the scene playing in front of their eyes.

"Not even battle tanks can survive his head assault!"

"I have seen it with my own eyes when he wrecked a military establishment!"

"Just how powerful that Kiba guy is?!"

"No wonder he didn't stop after seeing Mountain-head Wong!"

"This is just like how Kiba fought with that young miss!" A few people from the mob remembered his short conflict with Sophia.

Mountain-head Wong was doing everything he could to overpower the hand on him but found no success.

Just as despair was about to take over him, he felt the hand freeing his forehead. His eyes brightened and he was ready to launch another attack.

As his mood lit up, he noticed something amiss. The hand has freed his head, but it was just 5-6 centimetres away.

Kiba pulled his middle finger back and tapped it on the thumb. A dazzling current mass formed between his fingertips, and it struck on the tip of his middle finger.

He then snapped the middle finger towards the indestructible head.

Mountain-head Wang felt an intense sense of crisis. He wanted to move but everything happened so quickly that he didn't even get time to react.

Kiba's finger flicked on Mountain-head Wong's head. A tiny crack line appeared, exposing crimson flesh. The moment flesh was exposed, the current mass blew open like a cobweb. Hundreds of bright current strands drew out, and they seeped into the tiny crack.

Like a rampaging beast, the current strands began creating utmost chaos throughout his body. His veins shattered, bones cracked and organs split.

Mountain-head Wong felt like he was slammed by a torrential sea wave. He was sent flying hundreds of meters away, vomiting an arrow of dark blood.

He slammed hard into a large wall which instantly collapsed. Ripples surged fiercely out of him and crashed into buildings nearby.

With a loud bang sound, the shops and stalls in the vicinity completely toppled.

The famous Mountain-head Wong lay among the ruins. His once indestructible body couldn't be any more mortal as blood seeped through heavy wounds.

Far away, the crowd was shocked out of their wits.

Their faces were as white as a sheet and their pupils dilated. Every single one of them was cowering in fear, their eyes unable to believe the impossible scene.

Stopping a strong attack without being pushed a single step was impossible enough, but retaliating in such a way was beyond their scope of understanding.

Mountain-head Wong was famous even among Beta-rank mutants due to his supernatural strength and extremely durable body. Very few would dare face him head-on, much less have confidence to turn his body into a complete mess.

The mob wanted to shout and scream at this unbelievable scene, but every sound died right in their throats.

Kiba lowered his hand and looked at Mountain-head Wong who was barely alive.

"Apologies but people behind said you were practically indestructible," Kiba said while pointing to the shell-shocked crowd. "So I used a little strength."

Mountain-head Wong was on verge of passing out but when he heard Kiba's words, his anger inflated. He roared loudly and started at the mob with plain hatred.

The crowd was taken aback. Many of them wanted to shout it was unfair. They were just being honest and praising him.

How were they supposed to know his reputed body would be as weak as tofu?

When they heard Kiba saying 'a little strength,' they firmly believed Mountain-head Wong didn't deserve his reputation at all.

Yet, he was angry at us? He didn't have the right to. Not after being defeated into such a sorry state!

Of course, none in the crowd dare say it aloud. None of them wanted to be smashed into a bloody pulp.

Mountain-head Wong could feel onlookers emotion but he was in no state to speak. He looked at Kiba, afraid of his fate.

"I'm glad you are alive," Kiba waved a hand towards him. "Goodbye."

He turned into a stream of golden light and shot off in the distance. He has no qualms in killing, but his plan for the core region depended on people like Mountain-head Wong so he held back.

History is the best teacher, and Kiba has learned a lot from his experience as Zed. The exploration of BSE79 made him appreciate the value of guinea pigs.

For Castor Damon, Zed and slum dwellers were the sacrificial pawns. For Kiba, it was mutants who would enter the core region...

Chapter 330 - Creating A New Technique!

Mountain-head Wong was defeated and Kiba speeded off. The earlier mob didn't dare chase him.

How would they? After all, they reasoned, if he could defeat Mountain-head Wong with such ease, then what would happen to them?

They didn't dare find out and lost all intentions of getting rich.

They might have no intention to pursue him but hundreds of more people started following him. They were people who didn't witness his earlier fighting as they were in other locations. It was only now they caught up with him.

When they looked at him fleeing and then remembering the items he has supposedly stolen, greed flared in their eyes.

"Catch him!"

"Don't let him escape!"

"Seal all his chances of escape!"

"He would die and give us his wealth!"

The herd mentality and the chances of acquiring uncountable treasures from Kiba made them determined to chase him.

Bullets, laser beams, magical lights, shard shots, and energy blasts were used by the new crowd to make Kiba stop but he dodged them all. Mutants with flight based and fast movements abilities tried to catch up but just when they thought he was under their grasp, he would accelerate his speed by a little.

Whether it was superhuman stamina, extraordinary agility, or enhanced reflexes, no one was able to match up with Kiba.

They have been chasing him for the last ten minutes and he remained as elusive as before. They were worried strong mutants would intervene and take treasures from him; effectively wasting their efforts.

Everyone was getting frustrated.

A female mutant named Gwen opened her mouth and shot out a plasma blast. Kiba's body blurred and he lunged forward, missing the blast by a hairbreadth.

"If you have got guts, stop!" A mutant named Kala shouted.

He was a Level III mutant and from Iron Blood Mercenary Corps. He was not there in the auction and the staring chase but he got to know about robbery later on so he participated.

Kala gripped his hand and punched in the air. A concussive force blasted outward, shredding the path ahead to debris, but just like before, Kiba avoided the attack by conveniently leaping high in air, and then landing back when the force faded.

"Didn't you hear us motherfucker!?" A mutant named Banjo asked. He projected consecutive bolts of air and in response, Kiba either darted to left or right.

Kiba jumped high in air and landed on a two-storied building. He traversed through walls and the mob continued to follow.


"Son of a bitch!"


"Motherfucker! Just stop!!"

The crowd was in the middle of cursing, when much to their amazement, he turned around. He looked at them with a perplexed expression.

"In the last fifteen minutes, at least half of you have called me motherfucker. But I don't remember meeting your moms, much less fucking them."

The pursuing mob was thrown off balance by his words. For a moment, they were at a loss, not knowing how to respond.

But it was only a moment, and quickly, they erupted into curses and attacks.

"How dare you say that?!"


"You insolent bastard!"

None of them could believe that while being chased by hundreds, he was at enough ease to make such a scandalous remark about their moms.

Kiba looked at them with more confusion.

"Shouldn't you respond with an apology or at least, a promise that you would introduce your moms to me?" Kiba asked while dodging a wind blade and an element blast.

His expression and tone were like he was saying something obvious and natural.

After all, they had called him a motherfucker without the actual deed happening. So it only made sense for them to make sure they bring their mothers to him. He could perform the deed and earn the title of motherfucker. Naturally, after this, they would deserve the right to call him by the title of motherfucker.

Sadly, the mob neither appreciated his frank and honest intention, nor understood them.

Looks of venom filled their eyes and they attacked him with more deadly abilities.

For every child, the mother was synonymous with holiness. Mother was the epitome of virtue and kindness. A child wouldn't think of his mother as a woman of desire. Not even with own father.

This concept hasn't changed in the era of evolution and technology.

With almost twice increase in lifespan and new genetic treatment, physical aging has considerably slowed down. It would be hard to distinguish between a mature child and mother.

But even then, the perspective with which a child looked at mother has remained same.

Now, listening to corrupt and sordid words filled with sleaze, they were obviously agitated.

"Haah~ You all are bad sons and daughters," Kiba said with a soft sigh.

In response, a stream of endless waves of bullets, energy blast, and plasma beams greeted him.


Violent fluctuations surged out from the combined attacks, and the buildings in the vicinity exploded like a shattered mirror.

When the smoke cleared, Kiba was already some distance away.

Kala leaped twenty meters high in air and launched multiple punches powered by concussive force.

"You should learn from Olly on how to be a Good Son," Kiba advised him while dodging the punches.

"Damn you!" Kala pounced on him like a ferocious tiger. From other side, Gwen opened her mouth and boomed out a stream of plasma energy.

Kiba, in the meantime, didn't care much about attacks. He waved a hand and a golden force field erupted. It slammed into the incoming attacks and nullified them.

Kala was pushed back by a few steps and he angrily looked ahead.

Kiba thought of something and his eyes instantly brightened. He observed the demented crowd and smiled.

"You guys gave me a really good idea," Kiba slightly bowed down to express his gratitude. "Now it is time for me to create my first original technique!"

Psychic energy rippled from his body and surged towards the mob.

Psionic mutants were startled as they felt the intensity of psychic force.

"This is not just plain psychic energy! It even contains faint elements of reality-warp---!!"

"How is this even possible?!"

"Just what is he doing?!"

They quickly formed psionic shields within their minds to guard their consciousness from telepathic assault.

Alas, as psychic energy barged in their minds, the shields cracked apart. Mental bolts penetrated their consciousness...


When Kala opened his eyes, he found himself outside his family farmhouse. He felt a slight headache as if he was suddenly awakened from a long sleep. He shook his head and looked at the sky.

The morning sunlight glittered through the sky while birds chirped in sweet notes. The familiar fragrance of air and soil greeted his senses.

"I was dreaming about some forest?" Kala wondered as he walked among fields.

"Presently I'm on vacation, free from duties of a mercenary."

He enjoyed the scenery and the fragrant air. The farm his family owned was vast but they didn't have servants. It was pretty isolated and far away from the chaos of cities.

"Son, you are early," A voice came from a distance. "Had a good sleep?"

Kala turned around and noticed his father operating a Combine Harvester. Kala recalled this was wheat harvesting time, and his family has continued the glorious tradition of family farming.

"Yeah," Kala replied to his father. He remembered his father as a loving but very strict man.

"Good," His father laughed while continuing harvesting. "Do your old man a favor and bring him breakfast here."

"Sure, pops," Kala nodded and then walked towards the one-storied house.

He opened a music app on his phone and played one of his favorite songs.

Kala sang the song while stepping into the hall. He was shaking his hands and turning his head as per the music tempo when he heard a scream.

Startled, his body tensed up and he held his breath. He was familiar with the owner of the scream and continuous screams shocked him.


Kala tossed the phone away and dashed ahead to save his mother. He wrapped his hands with concussive force; ready to attack at a moment's notice.

Just as he entered into the kitchen, the force on his hands disappeared and he clenched them into fists. He instantly broke into a cold sweat while his face turned as white as a sheet.

He stared ahead without blinking.

Some thirty steps away, he saw his mother on a table, droplets of sweat running down her face.

Her apron was tossed on the floor and her legs were spread wide. She was constantly screaming but by her facial reactions, it was evident the screams were of ecstatic happiness.

Happiness she never knew was possible.


Kala looked at her source of happiness.

A golden-haired man, standing between her open legs, his hands gripping her waist. He pressed into her with long strokes and Kala noticed her muscles contracting in spasms.

Her head snapped back and she squealed like there was no tomorrow. A few minutes later, the golden-haired man freed her and she instantly kneeled down.

Like a slave kneeling in front of her king, she opened her lips and took the royal scepter in her mouth. White, sticky juices exploded through the corners of her mouth but she continued to accept her reward, happily.

Her actions, for Kala, were like cold winds from an abyss of hell. He felt goosebumps rising on his back.

A moment later, as the royal scepter left her mouth, she noticed her son standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

"Ah! Son!" She was stunned but with a smile, she said. "I was having my protein shake!"

After which, she licked her lips and chin to make sure she didn't waste a single drop of her nutritious breakfast.

Kala's heart bumped like a violent drum. It was like his heart was being sliced by a sharp knife.

"Kala," A voice came from outside the kitchen. "Just what's taking you so long for getting breakfast?"

Kala was terrified. He remembered his father asking him for breakfast, but from the last twenty minutes, he was busy staring at his mother as she received ultimate happiness.

"Love, wait a minute," Kala's mother shouted to her husband. "Your breakfast is coming."

"It better be," Her husband replied in a grumpy tone.

Kala's mother smiled and turned towards her son.

"Honey, why don't you have a chat with your father outside?" She suggested in a sweet voice reserved for her loving son.

He might be a powerful mercenary outside, but for her, he was always her sweet child.

"But...I..." Kala was tongue-tied, not knowing how to react.

He wanted to be angry and shout at her, call her names. He wanted to vent the tempest of rage that was rampaging inside him. A part of him even wanted to strangle her as a punishment.

But just then, his mind buzzed with memories of her.

How she nourished him, taken care of him when he was sick, saved him whenever his father was angry, and made him the man he was.

If he got angry now and his father listened then...

Such thoughts instinctively occupied his mind as if they were innate concerns of a son about his mother.

He was horrified at how he could even think of hurting his mother. The thoughts of punishment instantly died but his mind was still in a mess.

"Honey, you want your mom to be happy, right?" She asked him.

"O-of course," Kala answered.

"Then trust me, I'm very happy to have a son like you," She said with a motherly smile. "A son who would protect me from the negativity, including his own father's. A son who would allow me to have the best happiness."

Kala slapped his ears as if to ensure he was hearing right. He was completely dazzled.

"Now go."

Kala barely nodded.

With his trembling body, he left the kitchen and entered into the hall. His father said a few things but Kala didn't hear them at all, it was as if he has turned deaf.

Despair and a wrenching feeling were twisting his guts from inside out. He looked at his father and thought of all the happy times they had spend together.

"I can't betray him... He has been good to me even though he was strict."

He gritted his teeth and decided to tell his father.

He didn't want to hide such a terrible secret. He was a mercenary and trust was utmost to him, no matter how much he loved his mother.

But just as he thought of revealing about his mother's infidelity to his father, a spark of rationality flashed in his brain.

"If the secret is disclosed then many would learn about mom. Not only will they call mom names, but they would also mock dad and me... How would my mercenary brothers talk about behind my back? Could anyone still treat me with genuine respect?!"

The scenes of the family's destruction and shame ran before his eyes.

"Sometimes ignorance is bliss."

Kala shuddered and he lost his resolve.

He was still lost in thoughts when he heard the stepping sounds of his mother entering the hall.

"Woman, you are finally here?" Kala's father asked.

She nodded and then placed down a tray of breakfast on a table.

"Love, breakfast is ready," She said before kissing her husband on his lips.

Kala's face turned from healthy brown to a stark white as he saw them kissing. When he saw his mother pushing her tongue into her husband's... Kala's entire body lost his strength and he almost collapsed.

It was like every droplet of blood was sucked out of his body.

"Woman, you taste really good these days," Kala's eccentric father said after their kiss broke.

"It is the result of new protein shake," She was humble enough to not take the entire credit.

Her husband nodded and started his breakfast. A few moments later, while munching on a dish, he said, "I have got the best wife and a really good son."

"Agree, my love," Kala's mother looked at her son with a loving expression. "We are blessed to have a Good Son."

"No! I'm not a Good Son!" Kala fell down, sobbing.

"But you are," His mother disagreed.

In a motherly tone, she further said, "I pray you get a Good Son as well."

As soon as these words left her lips, the entire world started shaking. Cracks appeared on it like a mirror and rays of light swept out that sent Kala tumbling out.


In the real world.

Kala opened his eyes.

The moment he did, the last conversation between his mother and father flashed in his mind along with everything else.

He howled in agony as despair surged in depths of him. Tears streamed down his cheeks and he let out one tragic cry after another.

His body turned numb from the indescribable despair and he collapsed on his knees. There was truly no strength in him.

He shuddered as he watched the time on his watch. He made a guess and realised it has been ten seconds!

"Only 10 second?!" Kala's pupils dilated from shock. He felt it has been hours!

"Welcome back to reality," Kiba's voice entered his ears.

Kala raised his head and looked at Kiba.

"What was that?!" Kala didn't dare believe it was just a nightmare induced by some psychic attack.

Nightmares have limitations and so does psychic torment. He has never known a psychic who could create such effects on the physical body.

"My first Holy Technique," Kiba answered with a smile. "I call it Happy Moments."

He was satisfied as he noticed the effects of technique on Kala.

"It is in the elementary stage so it is still greatly lacking," Kiba mused with a thoughtful expression.

"For it to show its full potential and reach the advanced stage, I need to learn Reality-warping."

Kiba couldn't help but laugh. So far, he has always followed ancient practices of seduction to get women in bed. This naturally has its limitations.

But he reasoned, it was time for him to evolve his practices.

"Oh well, it would take a while."

Kiba looked at others in the crowd and he smiled kindly.

"True happiness is in contributing to Happy Moments of others."

Chapter 331 - I Hate Happy Moments!

On the street, Kiba looked at the delirious crowd. They were letting out miserable shrieks filled with indescribable despair and agony.

Kiba was certainly impressed by results.

He hasn't used Happy Moments on them for a full ten seconds and yet, they looked like they have suffered a crushing defeat. They had no pride left.

The humiliation they suffered in those ten seconds was not something that could be easily forgotten. It was no less than depression that corroded their very souls.

Then again, it wasn't surprising. After all, Happy Moments focused on the greatest weakness of a human being.


In the present case, it dealt with perhaps the most sacred and holiest relationship.


A mother is someone who can take place of all others but no one else can take her place. She holds the hands of her child only for a while, but the heart forever.

Mother is the root, the foundation... the very essence of a child. The provider of the purest love her child can ever find.

Now, this same love was twisted and corrupted in the evilest way possible.

Perhaps, one can deal with infidelity of parents and subsequent developments without freaking out. But Happy Moments forced the child to become a willing participant in hiding the infidelity.

In Kala's case, when he wanted to get angry at his mom, he recalled the greatest moments of his life with her:

Giving him life, nurturing him, teaching him, fighting for him, shielding him, and finally, loving him unconditionally.

This forced him to hold his anger back, preventing him from venting frustration. When later on, he decided to disclose to his father, Happy Moments reminded him of the repercussions.

Consequences which even a grown man like him didn't want to face.

This made despair surge in the very depths of him, hollowing him from inside.

In the end, all he could do was helplessly stare, and unwittingly help his mom as she put a green hat on his dad...

"How could you do such a thing?" Kala looked at Kiba with intense hatred.

"Do what exactly?" Kiba asked.

He was puzzled by the looks of hatred on Kala and hundreds of others.

"Insulting the purest bond!" Gwen shouted.

"All I did was showing how happy your mothers were. There was nothing insulting in it," Kiba was surprised by their accusations so he inquired, "Are you perhaps trying to say - you don't want your moms to be happy?

"Why? Because it goes beyond the scope of cultural conditioning you have undergone from your very inception? Or maybe, you believe that you and your father own your mother as a slave?

"Do you want her life to restricted to serving you, your father and family? " Kiba asked many thought-provoking questions.

"Answer me - Does being a wife and mother takes away her right to be a woman? Did she lost the right do experience the joys of being a woman just because she gave birth to ungrateful children like you?"

Kiba's voice contained righteous indignation. Both his tone and facial expression denoted just how close happiness of mothers was to his heart.

Moms all around the world were tied by responsibilities. They were so busy and burdened that they didn't get any time for relaxation.

Neither society nor the children cared about their happiness. It was as if a mother was created just for her children and her husband; with no right of her own.

World equated her responsibilities to her happiness... never thinking if she wanted more.

Kiba, a strict advocate for women's happiness, wanted to change this mentality.

The crowd, on the other hand, was shell-shocked by his questions. They were silent only for a moment before erupting into curses filled with venom.


"What bullshit questions!"

"We are not ungrateful!"

"My mom is not a wanton slut!"

"She would never do such a thing!"

A few of them, who had barely regained some strength, jumped on their feet. They started attacking in order to crush him.


Kiba ducked streams of attack.

"Let me answer why you are angry," Kiba answered while dodging a plasma beam. "You found the very thought of your mom having pleasure insulting. Secretly, you want her to be chained by the rules laid by society. Reason? Because every single one of you, including females, is misogynist and patriarchal. "

Kiba was really disappointed with the culture and norms of this world. As he saw such unfilial children in front of him, he felt he should establish a non-profit organization for the well-being of mothers.

It wouldn't be easy but then again change is always difficult to bring. He was fully prepared to sweat for (beautiful) mothers around the globe.

"Son of a bitch!" Banjo launched one air bolt after another. "What you did was evil!"

"Evil? I seem to recall doing no such thing," Kiba answered while retaliating with a golden arc. "But if helping a woman find happiness, and turning her bad son into a Good Son is evil, then I don't mind being evil."

The golden arc swept forward, ripping through air bolts and turning them into misty air. It then moved forward to a dozen or so mutants who were pouncing on him.


The air trembled and released a sharp sound of screeching.

Banjo crossed his arms and released a defensive shield from a protective device. The golden arc slammed into the shield and it cracked apart like a wall of clay.

Banjo and others were whacked by the golden arc and they were sent rolling through air. They crashed into a broken wall.

The others looked at Kiba with hatred, shock, and alarm.

"Sadly, I could only help your moms only in your brain and not in real life," Kiba said with a heavy sigh. "But you don't have to feel sad or worried."

Kiba did his best to ease their concerns.

With a smile, he said, "Sooner or later, Happy Moments would show its true potential. Till then, goodbye."

After bidding them farewell, he turned into a stream of golden light and shot off.

Behind, hundreds of mutants have unsightly expressions. Their eyes were completely dazzled as their brains continued to repeat his final words.

'Happy Moments would show its true potential.'

The very thought of what this sentence implied made their bodies quiver. Goosebumps raised on their back, and their legs went limp.

"He surely couldn't have meant that!" Gwen felt as if her heart was being ripped to pieces.

"Earlier, when he used psychic energy, I felt faint traces of reality-warping," A psionic mutant said absentmindedly.

He was from a metropolis where, from a distance, he has seen a mutant with abilities related to reality-warping. This was why he was able to identify the fluctuations.

"Thankfully, they were negligible and almost non-existent, but if he has reality-warping powers then..."

Everyone saw a tragic reflection of their nightmare playing out in real life.

"There is no way that's possible!"

"Reality-warping defies science and logic," The psionic mutant said. "I only know one mutant with this ability... who is now in the State of Avalon."

The others trembled.

They were at either level I or II with only a few of them at level III. Such ability was beyond their understanding.

Everyone turned silent and their faces were filled with despair. They wouldn't mind the existence of godly abilities, but they truly don't want it to be possessed by someone like Kiba.

He was everything that was the definition of evil - profoundly immoral, wicked and corrupt.

What truly terrified them more than his powers was determination.

The determination his words carried when he said he wanted to make their moms happy; very happy.

It was like he was a man on a mission. His convictions for greater good were so strong that he would go to any extent.

It was a different matter that none of them believed in this greater good of their mothers.

"There is no way he has good intentions... he is pure evil!"

"How can a guy with such sinful thoughts even exist in this world?"

"He is a devil and Earth is no place for him!"

Many secretly agreed though they knew it would do them no good.

Just thinking about him and his promise made their skin crawl and bones numb. Every single one of them regretted participating in a chase after such a guy.

"Happy Moments," Kala muttered, his face deathly pale. "I hate them."

The others ruefully nodded.

They prayed for others to experience Happy Moments but not themselves...

Chapter 332 - And They Say Chivalry Is Dead!

Whether Kala and others' prayers would be heed or not, that was a story for another day. For now, all they could do was sulk in regret for their actions and look on as Kiba's figure turned distant. None of them wanted to be even close to him, much less try to capture him.

As Kiba expected, the chase didn't end as a new set of crowd started following him. There were just too many people in The Fair. After all, it was almost like a city, a totally safe haven in the forest. The treasures he supposedly owned was a great enticement.

Kiba was unfazed and continued to rush through streets. He increased his speed a bit and left the crowd in a dust storm.


"He is a treasure mine!"

"Don't let him escape!"

The crowd increased their speeds but they were greatly lacking.

Kiba took a turn on a street ahead, and he has just taken a step, when thunderous roars filled the air.


Kiba found streams of light beams coming at him. As they approached closely, it was clear the beams were actually knives, wrapped by lightning vipers.

Even if a Level III mutant was struck by this lightning vipers, their body would be instantly paralyzed and their hearts pierced by the knives. The speed and power left no chances for avoiding multiple strikes.

"You are attacking the wrong guy with lightning," Kiba couldn't help but smile.

He lifted a hand and waved it in a circular motion.

With a sharp screeching sound, the knives fell down, but the lightning vipers leaped in air. They were excited, their bodies no longer containing killing power.

They released enormous energy of lightning and wrapped around his hand. There was no destruction or scorched body as the attacker expected. On the contrary, the snakes seemed to be happy as they licked his hands like a pet. There was a pure, unadulterated joy.

"What?!" A shocked gasp came from some distance ahead.

It was a woman named Pooja. She has middle-length hair, brown skin tone, and a slender frame.

She looked with wide eyes as the lightning vipers disintegrated into lightning particles and glued on his hand.

"How is this possible?! Is he also a lightning-attribute mutant?! But they said he was telekinetic!!"

Pooja has got information from one of the people in the mob. She was thinking when her pupils dilated. She looked with mouth agape at the scene in front of her.

Like a sponge absorbing water, Kiba's hand devoured the lightning particles. There was no resistance as if his body was made of lightning.

Pooja gulped down a mouthful of saliva in shock. She hasn't even comprehended this development when she saw a fist closing into her.

Frightened but she quickly said, "A handsome man like you must be chivalrous, right?"

Kiba stopped his fist after coming close to her stomach. He was a taken aback by her words and retraced his fist back.

One of the most popular codes of chivalry stated - A real man doesn't hit a woman or children.

Pooja was a fast thinker and she knew when to take advantage of her gender.

She smiled as she saw him lowering his fist. She knew many mutants who had their own codes, especially among males.

They considered women as a frail species and someone to protect. Such men wouldn't attack women even if the latter tries to kill them.

They were a firm believer of code and nothing would change that.

Pooja couldn't have been happier to meet a man of such code as an opponent.

' And they say chivalry is dead. "

She was smiling when her smile suddenly turned stiff as Kiba said, "I'm not chivalrous."

Pooja tensed up and her body was instantly drenched in cold sweat. She didn't want to die, and she was thinking of what to do when his next words stunned her.

"But I'm a feminist."

Pooja's eyes instantly brightened up. She sighed in relief and happily wiped sweat from face. She felt she couldn't have asked for a better opponent.

Feminists saw every woman as a victim!

It was even better than having a chivalrous man!

"I'm so happy to meet a feminist in this dangerous land," Pooja said with a sweet smile.

Kiba responded with a smile as well, and said, "I hope you don't misunderstand but please know something."

"Know what?" Pooja asked, puzzled.

"I'm a true feminist," Kiba answered with the same smile as before. "Not some pseudo-feminist you might know."

"Huh?" Pooja was bewildered.

Kiba observed her for a moment before explaining, "That means I'm a believer in equality ."

Pooja didn't understand his words but his next action cleared all her doubts.

A fist rammed into her stomach like a truck. Her secret armor shattered into pieces and her body instantly turned pale.

"It means I shouldn't discriminate just because you are a woman," Kiba said as he lowered his fist.

Pooja was in no state to reply. As soon as the punch made a contact, she was sent flying through air, coughing up an arrow of blood.

After flying for two hundred meters, she crashed into a wall. The rampaging force in her belly surged into the wall behind, and the wall cracked into fragments.


Pooja let out a heart-wrenching scream. She found her internal organs shattered, on brink of collapse.

Her eyes erupted with tears and her face turned sickly yellow.

Kiba slowly stepped forward and arrived before her. The dust on the ground swept away as he crouched down.

"It makes me happy to know you are happy to meet a feminist in this dangerous land," Kiba said with a sincere smile.

His smile was filled with kindness but for her, it was like a smile of the devil. She found it hard to believe he would attack her so violently, without a hint of mercy, after acting the way he did previously.

Kiba took her chin in his hand and said, "A gentleman is someone who does not what he wants to do, but what he should do. I have forgotten something so obvious but thankfully you reminded me."