333 - 338

Chapter 333 - Wrongly Blamed!

Pooja didn't even dare take a breath as his words registered in her mind.

Kiba saw the tears streaming down her face. He traced a thumb over her soft cheeks and wiped the tears.

"No need to cry," Kiba pacified her in a gentle tone.

His handsome face, kind smile, and soothing tone could have made any woman willing to discard clothes for him. But for her, it made the fine hairs on her body stood up with a tingling sensation.

"Wasn't it you who asked for this?" Kiba asked, puzzled by her reaction.

Her pupils dilated and she thought of the events that lead to her slamming on a wall.

She realised the first punch he pulled back was very weak. It was only after she said what she said, did he slammed her with a terrifying force. Even in her worst nightmare, she never expected a statement on chivalry would result in her present state.

The horrifying pain from every single organ inside her body couldn't have been any stronger. It was even worse than death.

She instantly hated the very idea of true feminism.

Kiba could easily guess her thoughts. He lifted her chin up and said, "From ages, women have been oppressed in name of culture, religion, and decency. It has become a tradition of sort.

"A tradition that has been broken in the last two centuries, but it still exists in our society.

"So feminism is necessary to give women their due, but true feminism was never about male-bashing or making women victims. Women never needed that nor they desired it. All they needed is equality and freedom to do as they please just like men."

Kiba gazed in her eyes, and said, "So don't insult your gender by having such negative views."

All she could do was give a slight nod.

How could she dare disagree after what he has done?

"Good," Kiba jumped back on his feet.

He observed her face and slender figure for a moment.

"If not for the circumstances, you are definitely a woman I would like to invite for dinner, and eat as a dessert."

Pooja was once again caught off guard by his words.

Eat as a dessert...

The last words stuck in her mind, like a bolt of lightning, making her pale face flushed. She was thinking of a response when he turned around and dashed off.

Pooja looked at his blurring figure and a frenzied mob that once again pursued him doggedly.

"Damn! What he said was good for ego boost but it still hurts like hell!"


Kiba smiled as he heard her shout. He gave a glance back and saw over a hundred men and women chasing after him.

"Delta City was so good," Kiba couldn't help but think of his hometown.

Even when he stole wives and girlfriends of others, the men wouldn't pursue him like the mob behind.

Kiba sighed before retrieving a digital remote from his storage dimension. He pressed a red switch before tossing it away.

At the same time.

All the streets, on which he has been ever since he left auction house, started emitting a buzzing sound.

The people on those streets were startled. Even outside the auction house, people were surprised as they heard same buzzing sound from above the auction auditorium.


"What's that?"

Quickly, orb-like mechanical devices came in sight. It was most likely they were hidden among ruins or places that no one cared during the chase.

These mechanical orbs floated in the air and opened up, revealing lenses. Through these lenses, streams of projection light shout out.

On one street, Anamarie has just handled law and order situation. The violence was over, and she was thinking of completing her original mission when she saw two orbs in the sky.

As soon as she saw them, her expression turned unsightly.

"That fucking bastard!" Anamarie's eyes flashed with anger.

A braid whipped up and destroyed the orbs before they could activate.

Alas, there were over ten orbs in different locations. They had activated and streamed out audio-sound projection.

Mutants from all over the streets raised their heads and looked at the projection with interest. The projection displayed the ending of conflict between "Mirage Theif" Hollie and Kiba 1 .

More specifically, it showed how electronic sensors in the entrances of The Fair were used by Dark Stars.

The streets instantly erupted into loud conversations.

People from all over the forest would enter The Fair.

Auction, cargo flights, and exchange of resources would seem to be the chief reasons , but in fact, only 40% of guests would participate in these activities.

Then what was the main factor for The Fair to be so popular?

The reason lied in its safe-haven status.

People could rest here without worrying about being killed or robbed by others. The laws ensured safety just like cities operated by the world government.

So it wouldn't be wrong to say The Fair was a safe area in the middle of a war zone. It was the best place for relaxation and recovery.

Now, the projection streamed by the mechanical orbs cast doubts on this very belief. Mutants who have gained rare items, especially those from the debris of outer space, were terrified.

The electronic sensors in the entrance gates were used for identifying rare treasures?!

The digital identification cards were used for tracking?!

People did have heard about some minor robberies in The Fair. But they were rather rare, and would have happened once or twice a year.

No one thought much since they were isolated incidents, only affecting one or two persons.

But now...

Everyone started wondering about the role of Dark Stars in these incidents.

"This is slander!" Anamarie shouted while her whips sliced through the mechanical orbs. She looked at people below and said, "Could you trust someone who robbed the auction house?!"

The crowd gaped in surprise.

Indeed, with technological advancement, it was rather easy to create fake videos. Besides, these projection orbs were sent by a thief.

Just how trustable his words were?!

Many in the crowd reminded how he was responsible for the present law crisis in The Fair. The doubtful thoughts about the conduct of Dark Stars started dying but not entirely.

The faint suspicion would forever remain.

Anamarie knew many would distrust Dark Stars. Those with rare treasures would be wary of entering The Fair.

The seeds of suspicion were implanted...

In the future, even an isolated incident of stealing would act as a fertilizer to the seeds of suspicion.

Annamarie's body quivered as she thought of this. Her anger was perhaps only matched by what other Dark Stars were feeling.

In a particularly isolated street.

Mendel was so angry that veins were popping his neck. He ripped apart the mechanical orb while thinking of the losses he and others would suffer.

He has just tossed the wreckage of the orb when he heard a strong whooshing sound from behind. It was as if the air was sliced apart.

Startled, he turned around.

Just as he did, a loud cracking sound ringed out along with a miserable shriek.

His chest instantly bent forward while his legs went limp. A sensation of spinning around and losing balance shrouded his senses.


Mendel collapsed on all fours. His face went through a combination of myriad colors before settling on deathly pale.

Cold sweat dripped through every pore in his body. An indescribable pain, that was no less than a raging volcano, erupted in every fiber of his body.

His heart tightened as if it was being squeezed and he found even breathing difficult. He opened his mouth to intake air, but instead, he vomited.

A few steps away, Ashlyn lowered her right leg. Her leg was covered with blue strands of energy that quickly faded away.

Some hundred meters away, the phantom of the red dragon shattered apart like an exploding glass.

The lightheadedness of Mendel has disrupted his concentration which resulted in phantom disappearing.

The blue discs, cascading streams of energy, made a curve in the air and returned to Ashlyn. She didn't have to do much work even though she has opened one of her seals.

The credit for the same went to her opponent.


Mendel was at a lost of words. He has been only distracted for around 30 seconds due to the mechanical orb, and yet, those seconds brought his destruction.

But then again, he felt the entire development unfair.

How was he supposed to know she would use his distraction as an opportunity to kick him in the crotch?!

It wasn't like the red dragon wasn't fighting her! The red dragon was smashing a claw on her while her two discs slashed at his tail, but she was slippery like a fish.

She ran through streams of attacks just so that she could land a violent kick.

The reason was simple.

"Work smart, not hard!"

The first lesson Kiba taught her.

Why should she waste both time and stamina when such a better alternative was available for overpowering the enemy?

Even the prismatic shield of light protecting Mendel didn't make a difference. She has always ensured that her Nutcracking Art is backed by a powerful momentum.

This was her way of showing respect to her opponent.

Sadly, Mendel wasn't aware of Nutcracking Demoness till now. He might not be aware, but there were two others who were fully aware.

They were none other than Pollard and Lambert! 1 A few hours ago, Lambert has wanted to make a conversation with Ashlyn in the auction house, but he was stopped by Pollard.

Presently, they both were some five hundred meters away from the battle zone. They were hiding inside a shop while looking at Ashlyn and Mendel.

"So horrifying!"

Lambert instinctively covered his crotch with his hands. His throat turned dry as he sighted a mighty Dark Star on knees.

The crunchy sound of nuts cracking was still ringing in his mind.

Even though he was wearing Treasured Jewels Guard, he has a feeling it would have served no role against that sinister kick.

"Just hours ago, I could have been feeling what Mendel is feeling!" Lambert shuddered with dread. He glanced at his "smart" friend who was lost in thoughts.

Lambert couldn't help but enquire on what he was thinking.

"I'm trying to make a sense of this situation," Pollard answered while still pondering. "We were here when the traitor left this place, allowing the demoness to handle that Dark Star."

"Yes?" Lambert obviously recalled the developments from some twenty minutes ago.

He didn't dare chase after the traitor as Pollard has helped him realize how malevolent Kiba was. Not like he wanted to steal anything from the demoness either. He was just here to witness the battle without any greed or lust.

"Don't you think this is too much of a coincidence?" Pollard once again went to his smart mode.

He reminded his friend about the projection of the orbs and the subsequent developments.

"You mean the traitor planned everything?!" Lambert froze in spot, his entire body paralyzed.

"Of course," Pollard's expression was serious as he gave a nod. "He planned everything so that the demoness could get a chance to crush nuts."

Pollard's words carried enlightenment that made his friend see reason.

"That traitor! As expected, he is truly sinister!!" Lambert was terrified of Kiba.

"You are stating the obvious," Pollard said in a nonchalant tone. "The traitor is the brains. He is always looking for opportunities to help demoness."

On some other street, Kiba was rushing forward when a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Why do I feel I'm being wrongly blamed?"

Chapter 276

Chapter 316

Chapter 334 - Audacious!

Kiba was a little over a mile from the wall that formed the boundary of The Fair. He was running straight, pursued by hundreds.

The chasing mob was worried that if he escaped then he could disappear in the vast forest. So they increased their speed to catch him.

Many with long-range offensive abilities launched attacks on him, which much to their annoyance, he avoided.

Drones also participated in the chase. They shot out laser beams and nets to catch him.

Kiba was rather at ease, much to the anger of his pursuers.

How can someone be so relaxed while being chased?!

"Has Ashlyn defeated Mendel?" Kiba wondered in his heart.

He wasn't worried about her safety as he knew a bit about her seals.

"The rest of the Dark Stars should notice the chaos by now. And then there are others..."

Kiba was running when suddenly his pupils dilated in shock. Much to his disbelief, two hands went behind his back while legs wrapped on his hips from the front.

Soft lips pressed on him for a tight kiss.

An electric current ran through his senses as he found himself responding to the kiss. The familiar sweet, rosy taste of lips was far too difficult for him to resist.

"That's unfair," A voice came from above. "I need to greet him as well."

The soft lips parted from him, and a smile appeared on the face in front of him.

"Of course, he would never be unfair," The face in front of Kiba said with a smile that made him gulp. "Right, daddy?"

Who could the new arrivals be, if not for the twins?

Madison was hugging from the front while above his head, the other twin was floating. His eyes moved up and saw Madison's twin.

Lillian's figure was inverse, almost similar to head over heels, but she was soaring.

Before Kiba could answer, Lillian's face appeared before him. Madison has created enough distance for Lillian.

Lillian's lips zoomed into his for a passionate kiss.

A few hundred meters away, the pursuing mob was shell-shocked and struck on the spot in disbelief.

Almost every single one of them has either been chased, participated in a chase, or witnessed a chase.

In every chase, the chased party is afraid and running for life. Exhaustion, despair, and anger should be the emotions displayed by the chase party.

Yet, they never realized they would be part of a completely unique chase.

Their eyes blazed with fury as they looked at Kiba.

They are chasing him, and yet he is relaxed enough to kiss?!

They could grudgingly accept if he was kissing only one, but he was kissing two!!

Damn it!

Doesn't he understand his behavior is completely against the norms of chase?!

They looked with wide eyes as Lillian floated in the air, her face closed with his. Madison continued to hug him, her legs wrapped on his hips.

The three couldn't have been more open with display of affection!

"Fucking bastard!"

"Stop making out in open!"

"Don't you have any shame?!"

"You are being chased!"

The loud curses from behind brought Kiba back to reality. He broke the kiss, but before he could get a chance to speak, Madison pushed his head from behind. His lips once again touched Lillian's.

"Daddy, don't give her a chance to complain," Madison brought her lips next to his right ear. "Shower her with love."

Kiba wanted to speak but the moment he opened his mouth, Lillian pushed her tongue into his mouth.

"That's good, daddy!" Madison was happy to see her sister receiving love. She curled her tongue out, and the tip of her tongue poked on his earlobe.

A tingling sensation ran through him.

While happy to be at the receiving end of such affection, he was stunned as well.

Just then, a sharp sound of air being sliced apart came from behind.

Kiba leaped high in the air but Lillian didn't stop kissing him. She just soared along with him, her hands on his face.

In his former place, a plasma beam exploded, sending stones and rocks all around.

"Hehe, daddy is really fair," Lillian broke the kiss and said.

"I said so!" Madison reminded her twin.

Kiba ignored their comments and landed on the ground. Neither of the twins showed any sign of leaving him, so all he could do was rush forward.

Madison hugged him tightly and looked at the pursuing crowd.

"Daddy! Bad guys are chasing us!" Madison said with a gasp.

Lillian, in the air, spun around. She observed the mob and their twisted expression. When she saw their bloodshot eyes, in a loud voice, she said, "Daddy won't allow you to take advantage of us!"

Madison also joined her sister and said, "So stop having nefarious thought about me and my sister!"

Kiba: "......."

Chasing mob: "......"

The crowd wanted to scream. They had no such intent, and yet they were wrongly accused.

Many of them even wanted to shout and say, "Don't give us ideas!"

Kiba, on the other hand, just remained silent.

Hearing no response from him, Madison arched her back and said, "Daddy, you would protect your little girls, right?"

Kiba's lips twitched. He was thick-skinned but even he felt embarrassed by their statements.

"Of course, he would!" Lillian defended her daddy's honor. "He is very kind to his girls!"

Just then, she lowered her body, and her left hand wandered over his pants. She rubbed slowly and felt him growing harder. In no time, she could feel the outline of his raging hardon.

He was running but it was impossible to be not excited. After all, two of the hottest women in existence were showering him with affection.

One was hugging him tightly, her breasts pressed on his chest. While another was rubbing his hardon.

"Daddy! The violent dragon is trying to break out!" Lillian said in her loving voice. His pant could barely contain his erection.

"I can feel it as well!" Madison chimed in. "Daddy! The evil dragon still wants to violate our sweet holes!!"

Their voices were loud enough for the chasing mob to hear. Shocked and angry gasps came from the pursuers.


"Did I heard it right?!"

"Dragon... violate...hole...damn!"

"Don't tell me....!!"

"Fuck! That bastard!"

The pursuers were left fuming in anger. Here, they were trying to catch him and launching attacks, and yet, he has enough energy to spare on lust?!

This was just too insulting for them.


Kiba made a soft coughing sound. Warm blood flushed his face into a deep crimson. He was truly embarrassed like never before.

Kiba couldn't help but recall his first meeting with the twins yesterday night. He remembered their conduct and final teasing before they vanished. He would be lying if he said he didn't want to meet them again, but it was definitely not in this manner!

The twins were far too audacious!

"Daddy! You are coughing but the dragon is growing more powerful!" Lillian said, her face radiating a sweet smile.

Many considered Kiba as brazen and bold but compared to the twins, he felt he was timid and shy.

"Daddy!" Madison brushed a finger on his lips to gain his attention.

"Yes?" Kiba tried to cover his embarrassment.

Madison closed her lips to his ear and said, "Our little caves have never been explored!"

At the same time, Lillian twirled through the air and brought her lips close to his other ear. Her cool breath fell on his skin, and made his senses buzz with a pleasing sensation.

"Does the sinister dragon want to unseal our caves?"

Chapter 335 - Protect Daddy!

Just half a mile from the boundary wall, on one particular street, the pursuing mob were completely aghast. The words spoken by the twins ringed in their minds like a clap of thunder, leaving them stunned.

The men in the mob looked at Madison and Lillian with eyes wide open.

Madison was wearing a black V-neck blouse shirt and black jeans. Lillian, on the other hand, was clad in a loose t-shirt blouse and high-waisted jean shorts. The clothes did little to conceal their drool-worthy sexy figures.

Just their silhouette was enough to even give life to a dead man. So it wasn't hard to imagine the effect on living.

After the statements spoken by the twins, the men on the street felt their blood pumping more vigorously.

They instantly realized what the statements of those two women denoted.

The twins were pure! They were untouched!!

They were virgins!!!

From centuries, it has been said that men always want to be a woman's first love. What no one openly mentioned is that this love was not romantic love, rather intimacy.

The knowledge of a woman's status as 'pure and untouched' or 'virgin' was no less than an intoxicant. It was more powerful than the strongest aphrodisiac.

So it was no wonder that almost every man in the mob was drooling, their eyes flashing with naked lust. They were like a pack of wolves sighting two helpless lambs.

One look at their expressions and it wouldn't be hard to tell what types of thoughts were running in their minds.

Some distance away, Madison and Lillian continued to ask questions to Kiba.

"Does the wicked dragon wants to pierce through the seals?" Madison asked while pressing her firm breasts on his chest.

"It wants to explore our sweet little caves, right?" Lillian spoke in his ear while she rubbed his hardon through pants.

Kiba was dumbstruck, more by their actions rather than questions. It was the first time he was meeting someone far more deviant than him.

As for virginity, it didn't really matter to him. He was not the type to equate virginity with personal purity, honor, and worth.

As for taking advantage of them... He has learned a bit from his last night experience.

Kiba tried his best to ignore their questions and continued to dash forward. Sadly this broke the heart of his lil' girls .


Hearing no response from her loving daddy, Madison's eyes turned misty.

"You love us, right?" Madison asked while wiping tears.

"Of course," Kiba nodded with a smile.

He really didn't know what to do with these twins.

Madison wiped her tears with the back of a hand and showed her appreciation with a kiss.

"Then what about the evil dragon? Does it want to ravage our sweet, little holes?" Lillian continued to soar alongside him.


Kiba didn't answer but continued to rush ahead. He internally wondered if the twins had some screws loose in their brains.

"Daddy! You need to answer!" Lillian demanded answers.

"Hehe," Kiba smiled.

Madison opened her lips to speak, but just then, her eyes turned icy. Not only her, but Kiba and Madison responded with same expressions.

Golden radiance erupted below his feet and he raised a hand towards left. Streams of golden light shot out of his palm and converged into a shield.

At the same time, a white pulse boomed through the air like a bolt of lightning before crashing on the shield.

In the end, whether it was the physical manifestation of energy or even formless form of energy, it consisted of particles, or to be more precise, molecules.


Rather than atoms, it wouldn't be wrong to say molecules were a foundation block of any substance, living or not.

As soon as the white pulse struck on the shield, the golden molecules forming the shield turned volatile.

The molecules accelerated to such an extent that kinetic energy inside them combusted.


From the golden shield, a shocking explosion erupted. It was like a golden tornado has erupted in the middle of a street.

Kiba, Madison, and Lillian somersaulted through air and landed in a distance.

Chaotic explosive waves swept out, wreaking havoc in all directions. The shops in the vicinity crumbled to tiniest specks of dust.

The chasing mob behind stopped their pursuit and leaped back. A few unlucky ones in the front were struck by the fires of explosion; instantly melting like a golden wax.

The guardsman and other survivors were appalled. Veins pulsed in their neck from absolute fear.

They had seen the white pulse crashing into the golden shield so they had some faint idea on what happened.

"If I was struck by that white pulse then..." A guardsman's body froze in horror at the thought.

The others were equally scared by similar thoughts.

At the same time, some hundred two hundred meters away.

A woman landed on the roof of a shop. She was clad in a white gown while her face was hidden by a veil.

"Dark Star Myiesha Noach!"

The onlookers instantly identified her.

Meanwhile, like a gust of wind, a middle-aged man landed at the end of street. He has white hair and a knife scar that stretched diagonally from his forehead to the face.

"Dark Star Konnor Gardner!"

The mob shouted in shock and alarm.

Two Dark Stars!

Everyone in the mob was dejected as the involvement of Dark Stars would give them no chance to steal from Kiba.

"You have no regard for the law," Konnor said while taking a step towards Kiba.

"Huh? Why would you feel such a thing?" Kiba asked, puzzled.

"Yes! Why are you accusing daddy?!" Lillian also asked. She leaned close to Kiba and rested her head on his shoulder.

"................" Kiba's lips twitched.

Konnor ignored her and said, "You stole from the auction, and yet dare ask why?"

"Oh!" Kiba nodded in understanding but asked, "But is it stealing if you steal from thieves?"

Konnor glared at him a deep scowl. He refused to give in to provocation about the conduct of Dark Stars.

The onlookers thought of the video projection they saw some time ago. They thought it was false and nothing more than slander, but by the reaction of Konnor, they started having doubts.

"Regardless," Myiesha's voice broke the silence. "You knew the rules but didn't honor them."

Kiba brought his eyes on her.

Before he could respond, Madison chimed in and said," You want to kill our daddy?"

"Kill?" Lillian's expression turned downcast. "Surely, you wouldn't, right?"

"Death would be an easy way out," Konnor said, his eyes filled with malice.

His body turned the same color as the street and in just blink of an eye, he assimilated with both street and buildings nearby.

Everyone looked with shocked expressions. It was like a giant made of street and buildings was rising on feet. He could fuse with the environment and use like it was his own body.

"I guess I can finally have some real fun in a fight," Kiba thought with a smile. He was taking a step ahead but before he could fully, the twins jumped in front of him.

"We wouldn't let our daddy be harmed!" Madison and Lillian declared loudly.

Their expressions and tones were like Konnor and Myiesha could only harm him over their dead bodies!

"........." Kiba was left speechless.

He didn't even know the twins and yet, they wanted to protect him!?

The mob, on the other hand, was stunned. They enviously looked at Kiba for having such loving women as partners.

After all, in today's cynical world, things like love don't matter in the face of life and death crisis. Even star-crossed lovers would betray each other when death comes.

Yet, not only his lovers were not running away, they wanted to protect him at their own cost!

That too, not one but two absolutely stunning beauties!

If looks could kill then Kiba would have died thousands of times by now. Everyone felt a lucky bastard like him didn't deserve to exist much less live!

"Daddy! Lave this place!" Madison woke Kiba from his thoughts.

"We will defend family honor!" Lillian further added.


The corners of his mouth twitched.

Some distance away, Myiesha felt a slight headache. Most people might not be aware of the identity of the twins but she knew.

She let out a soft sigh before stepping forward. She slowly walked past the crowd while Konnor rose high above the ground.

"How frightening!" Madison said with a hand over her lips.

Myiesha didn't respond. She continued to slowly step ahead.

At the same time, two men in the crowd quivered. In fractions of a second, their bodies swelled up, resembling a meatball.

Kiba turned around, his eyebrows knitted together.

Along with heart-wrenching screams, the internal organs of the two men shattered and they imploded. From the exploding gore, needles of blood shot out, aimed at Myisha.

The remnants of the corpses fell to the ground. Inside the gore, there was not a single trace of blood. The entire blood was sucked out during the implosion and used to fire the needles.

Myiesha stretched a hand towards the incoming needles. Ripples swept out and immobilized the molecules forming the needles.

Then the blood needles stretched out, like rubber, and disintegrated into infinite molecules.

The crowd, on the other hand, was left trembling. They didn't even realize how two among them suddenly imploded.

They froze in fear and despair.

"She is scary," Madison pushed her tongue out and licked her lips.

"That monster uncle as well," Lillian pointed towards Konnor. "We are meeting a lot of monsters lately."

"Thank god we have a daddy to protect us," Madison giggled.

"................" Kiba looked at the twins in amazement.

Only now he felt the fluctuations of their strength.

"They are...!" Kiba was surprised.

Meanwhile, the crowd started backing away. They didn't want to be casualties in the upcoming battle.

"Bad uncles, you wouldn't leave two girls on their own, right?" Madison's voice ringed in their ears.

The crowd felt their guts twirl by her words. They instantly regretted having nefarious intentions against the twins.

Without wasting time, they started running away.

"Bad things happen to those who leave poor girls alone," Madison said with a downcast expression. "If you don't believe me, you can ask those from my orphanage."

At the same time, everyone in the crowd trembled and swelled up like a balloon.

"Stop," Myiesha's body blurred and she appeared before Madison. She pushed a palm on Madison's chest, but the latter's lips curled up in a sweet smile.

"Don't be so hasty," Madison was suddenly enveloped by a crimson glow and she faded.

Behind, over a hundred mutants exploded in a rain of gore. Through the monstrous gore, crimson rings of light flew out.

Above one ring, Madison appeared, surrounded by blood mist.

"This is going to be troublesome," Myiesha let out a long sigh. "I should have asked brother to come in my stead."

Meanwhile, Lillian closed her eyes tight. As the enormous fist of Konnor punched down, she smiled.

Konnor's eyes knitted and wrinkles appeared over his head. The punch perfectly landed but there was no damage.

Neither Kiba nor others have formed a shield, and yet, no destruction. It was like his fist was made of paper, carrying no destructive force.

The next moment, Lillian blew out an air kiss to Konnor.

"No way!"

He sensed the force in his former punch repelled back at him like a cannonball. He became the target of his own strength!

"Daddy! Please leave!" Madison shouted while pointing at Myiehsa. "This sister is scary but I would be all right!"

"Me as well!" Lillian also added. "Leave everything to your lil' girls!"


Kiba wanted to cry. He has created chaos for his own enjoyment, but now, the twins were having fun.


Kiba turned around and transformed into a stream of light. He shot off in the distance.

A minute later.

The battles were going strong when Annamarie appeared. She was startled to see her fellow Dark Stars facing the crazy twins.

While startled, she wasn't worried about their safety especially when she saw Myiesha. She has confidence in the latter's ability.

"Where is he?" Anamarie asked. It has taken her a lot more time than she wanted to control the mess Kiba created.

"He has just left," Myiesha pointed a finger to the wall. "You can still catch him."

"Ok," Anamarie nodded. Her braids rotated in fast movements and she disappeared.

"Daddy is pursued by a witch!" Madison remarked aloud.

"Daddy! Be safe!" Lillian prayed with a smile.

Myeisha sighed once again. She has read a bit about twins, and as such, she was aware of their nature. Still, she was surprised by their actions.


Kiba speeded out through one of the metallic doors that served as the entrance of The Fair. He smiled as he saw emerald cover coming in sight.

Under rosy clouds, gentle winds rustled through leaves. The ground was filled with patches of grass along with faint marks of track that connected to the road leading to The Fair.

Autumn leaves floated in the air and brushed past him.

He stopped for a moment to admire the scenery. The Fair was more like a city despite it being in a forest but now, he was back in real wild.

Just then, a sharp whistling sound came from behind, and a braid of hair smashed down at him. His eyes flickered and he darted to a side.


The ground exploded into pieces as if it was pressed down by a mountain.

Kiba turned around and brought his eyes on the top of the wall. Anamarie was looking right at him, her hair fluttering upwards.

"You think you can leave after what you have done?" Anamarie asked before leaping from the wall.

Chapter 336 - Anamarie Vs Kiba

"You think you can leave after what you have done?"

Anamarie asked before leaping from the wall. Her hair twirled into circular motion and she floated down as if carried by a gust of wind.

"Yeap," Kiba confessed truthfully.

"You!" Anamarie's eyes flashed.

The anger she felt for him could not be measured. First, he created a mess with Mirage Thief. Then he fought Mendel before the start of auction and forced her to step back by blackmail materials.

They were things she could still handle, albeit barely.

But he didn't stop there.

In front of thousands, he stole Body Molding Ore, and then even indirectly created a riot in The Fair.

What's more, he didn't stand by his earlier words and broadcasted the records about the role of electronic sensors at the entrance.

He was the biggest criminal The Fair has ever seen, and yet he thinks he can leave?!

At the same time, hundreds of people rushed through the entrance of The Fair. They were comprised of both guards and guests.

Everyone present was stunned. Kiba has escaped multiple chases despite the intervention of Dark Stars.

Now, he was out.

The guards rejoiced knowing this time there was no one to help Kiba. Earlier, if not for twins and Ashlyn, they believed Kiba would have been killed in The Fair itself. Regardless, his fate was set.

No one could escape much less live after committing such crimes.

Without any further words, Anamarie stepped into action. Two whips swept forward; their ends parted to reveal rows upon rows of sharp teeth.

Kiba leaped high in the air and avoided the coming braids. Another braid whipped out at the same time, drawing a full moon in the process.

A sucking force swept out of the open end but it proved no effect on him. All it did was make his hair float in air.

Kiba's motions were fluid and he easily ducked the braid. It crashed into a tree and it exploded into splinters.

Anamarie wielded her braids as an extension of her body similar to a limb, but Kiba avoided them. She sent more whips, and they created a myriad of swings and waves, leaving no place alone.

Yet, Kiba remained safe. His body would appear in multiple places at once, and when a braid pierced through, only then it would be revealed it was a specter created by speed fluctuations.

Annoyed, two braids fused into one and curled up before shooting out like a meteor. The air sliced apart and sparks flew out.

"That's frightening!" Kiba said, his expression filled with fear, and he quickly made a run. The braid rushed after him like a vicious cobra, ready to kill him.

On the ground, the guards and others laughed.

"As expected of Dark Star!"

"No one can match her!"

"Previously he was just lucky!"

"I can't wait to see his corpse!"

The crowd looked happily at Kiba was pursued through the sky to the ground below.

As Kiba landed on the ground, the braid sliced horizontally like the scythe of a grim reaper.


Blood and gore splattered out along with a heart-wrenching scream. Surprised gasps emitted from mouths of onlookers as they saw a corpse collapsing on the ground with a thud sound.

The expression on the face of the corpse was that of shock and horror. It was like he couldn't believe death would come so instantly.

The death didn't bring a smile on Anamarie's face. In fact, her expression turned unsightly.

The one who was slashed into two halves was not Kiba but one of the guards. Kiba has made his landing near the guards, and when the braid was about to pierce him, he grabbed one of the guards and pushed him in front, almost like a human shield.

The guard was far too weak and slow to react at the development. All he saw was a braid slashing at him.

Before Anamarie could react, the sharp end of her braid cut through the guard and sliced him two. Since the braid carried terrifying momentum, it was impossible to stop it at the final moment.

The result was in front of everyone...

"You are rather cruel for a boss," Kiba sighed in pity as he noticed the look of horror on the guard who has just died.

The others nearby felt their fine hairs standing up in fright. Just a minute ago, they were looking forward to see Kiba's corpse, but instead, now they were seeing a corpse of one of them.

The thought of dying with no fault of their own frightened them. They knew just how narrowly they avoided deaths.

Every single one of them raised their guards up, no wanting to be another casualty in the battle.

Anamarie looked at Kiba with hatred. She gnashed her teeth and shouted, "Domain!"

Her hair grew further.

They turned sharp and fierce, piercing through an area of half a mile, imprisoning it from inside out. They branched out like roots within the area, at a rate that could be described only as impossible.

At the same time, her braids compressed to the limit. They were as thin as a needle, not visible to the eye.

The space in domain trembled with fluctuations that were like shimmering of lights. It was due to the sharpness of the braids!

The guards and others were brimming with excitement.


"We can learn a few things!"

"This is a great opportunity for us!"

They only have heard about domain in rumors but now they were getting a chance to witness its might.

"Hmm..." Kiba was surprised.

Even he found it a bit difficult to see her braids. He was in the middle of thinking when a needle-thin braid slashed down at him.

At last moment, he barely dodged it, and it swept past his shoulder. But even before he could react, the same braid moved upwards, ripping through his sleeve.

Kiba leaped back before the braid could pierce further. Just then from behind, hundreds of braids chopped forward, sealing his back exit.

The speed and sharpness her braids carried were far too difficult to avoid.

With equal speed, Kiba reacted. He stretched his hands out and energy waves swept out, transforming into shields.

Yet, much to his amazement, he witnessed the braids thrusting through the shields. Violent energy splintered off and the braids smashed forward.

"The sucking force!" Kiba thought why the shields were so easily ripped apart.

Earlier her braids would emit a sucking force from the mouth-like end, but now in the domain, every part of her hair was sweeping that force.

"She is different from Myiesha who could devour energy after breaking it into molecules."

Kiba transformed into a beam of light and shot downwards, barely avoiding streams of attack.

"So she must be sending energy somewhere, most likely outside the domain."

Kiba has just moved downward when braids erupted from the ground. Whether it was above or below, everywhere there were braids, swirling.

"Pay for your impudence with your life," Anamarie said from the center of the domain.

"You do deserve to be called a Dark Star," Kiba replied, ignoring her threat. "Unlike that companion of yours."

Anamarie snorted coldly and launched more attacks.

Her strands of hair were like a sharp sword, backed by piercing momentum. Howling winds swept as the braids swung forward.

Every single strike of her was not only imperceptible but it carried a power that was hard to imagine.

Kiba increased his speed and moved through the faint gaps like a bolt of lightning, leaving behind afterimages.

The braids slashed through afterimages, shedding them to fragments.

Anamarie gripped her hand and clutched it tightly. Braids converged together and swept horizontally, drawing a perfect arc, speed amplified.

Kiba pointed a finger and shot a beam of golden lightning. Like before, her braid cut through his attack and moved upward.

The attacks increased and so did the presence of braids that were now uncountable. From a bird's-eye view, it looked blinding-sharp strings moving throughout the domain. It was like a rainfall of blades that carried might to severe mountains.

Not only the braids were offensive but they also provided protection. They would transform into shields, barriers, and walls whenever Kiba sent energy beams or force punch towards Anamarie.

The onlookers were scared out of their wits. Their excitement at witnessing a domain was gone as they found themselves to be target of energy ripples from blade-sharp hair.

Despite being on guards and using their abilities, the remnant energy passed through their defensive barriers. Blood spilled out like a geyser and they were sent rolling through the air. All they could do was barely stay alive and use priceless defense items as a last resort.

They knew staying alive was more important than saving these items. The items broke, and prismatic shields of light enveloped them for further protection.

If not for the domain not targeting them, they would have been shredded to pieces.

The titanic trees were mashed into a fine powder and the ground was filled with hundreds of crevices.

In mid-air, Kiba has just avoided a net of braids when a braid swept past his head. He ducked to a side but the sharp end brushed on his cheek.


A small slash appeared on his cheek and blood splattered out.

Kiba brought a finger on the wound and cleaned the fresh blood dripping from his face. His eyebrows knitted and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Anamarie smiled as she saw the wound, but when she noticed him looking at her, a chill crawled up her senses.

His gaze was like that of an ancient predator.

Half of her body instantly paralyzed from an innate fear. Her face went pale and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

She forcefully bit her tongue to regain her senses.

"What was that?" Anamarie couldn't believe just a gaze could terrify to her such an extent.

She sent another set of braids for attack when she heard a loud beeping sound. The sound was coming from the scouting sensors embedded in her watch.

At the very same time, a violent aura exploded from Kiba's body.

It ripped the incoming braids like a cyclone. The ground trembled with strong vibrations while light inside the domain dimmed.

"How is this even possible?!"

Anamarie couldn't believe her eyes as she observed the reading on her watch. The scouting sensors were giving an unbelievable reading count of Kiba's energy, and with every passing second, the count was increased by hundreds.

"Impossible! How could he jump from the beginning of Level IV to the ends of Level V?! No! This can't be true! He is reaching Level VI!!"

Anamarie shuddered and dread swept through her guts.

The guards and others didn't even hear her gasps.

Ever since his aura erupted, a massive pressure enveloped them. Their hearts rapidly raced while sweat dripped crazily.

Anamarie was in no state to be concerned about them.

"He has already reached the limits of Beta!"

Under her anxious eyes, the watch started emitting popping sounds. The screen cracked apart and threads of smoke trailed out.

The sensors were short-circuiting on their own! It was as if Kiba's aura was beyond their handling capacity!

With cracking sounds, the watch exploded into splinters.

"How can it be... No! This would mean...!!"

Anamarie took a step back in alarm and shock.

She looked at Kiba in pure horror and muttered, "You are Alpha!"


Even in great states with a population of over a hundred million, it wasn't considered anything shocking to not find a single Alpha.

They were the rarest of the rare...

Earth has a population of over ten billion humans, and yet not even a thousand mutants who deserved the title of Alpha.

As far as Anamarie was concerned, Alpha was no different than an extinct species. Chances of meeting them were non-existent, much less engaging in a battle.

They were sacred and divine, no less than a god.

Beings of such terrifying power wouldn't involve themselves in conflicts. They were eccentric and would rarely take matter in their hands.

All top organizations, including World Government, would indulge them with everything they could ever desire. Their treatment was far better than a noble descendant.

Yet, a being who deserved this and far more was standing opposite her.

As she looked in front, Anamarie gulped down saliva. Her throat turned dry and hoarse, and no matter how she tried, no words would come out.

The ground around her was rupturing and even air was on verge of collapse. Leaves and twigs floated in air before ripping to pieces under the violent aura.

"Domain, huh?" Kiba said, his voice filled with disdain. "In a true domain, the Will of its caster is absolute. Let's see if it is true."

Kiba raised a hand towards the sky before abruptly bringing it down.

"Gravity Cage."

As soon as the two words were spoken, the very formless concept of gravity was twisted.


The space distorted and a horrifying force of gravity enveloped the hair domain from all sides, like a cage, with no escapes.

From outside, it was like an incorporeal barrier has surrounded the hair domain.

The ground served as a home to many species of insects. Mutated ants and termites, that were no smaller than an adult human, lived thousands of feet underground. A few of them were the human equivalent of Gamma and the chief amoing them was a Beta.

They peacefully lived in their colonies, separated from the activities on the surface. But this was about to change.

As soon as the gravity field superimposed through this piece of land, these insects felt their bodies tighten by a stifling force, and in less than a fraction of a second, they were smashed into pieces that were even smaller than dust.

At the same time, the entire domain ground caved by hundreds of feet, turning it into a crater.

The guards and others didn't even get time to be terrified. The prismatic shields of energy protecting them shattered in less than a millisecond.

Much less mobility, they couldn't even breathe. They were abruptly crashed into the caving ground.

It was if the weight of a mountain was placed on their backs. Veins popped throughout their bodies like worms were crawling, giving them unsightly appearance.

Skin splintered off, veins shattered, organs ripped apart, bones rammed into powder, and blood compressed into nothingness.

Meanwhile, the needle-thin hair braids, that were earlier free from gravity, were instantaneously pulled into the ground before crumbling and fading from existence.

Under such strong gravitation pull, there was neither sound of rumbling nor any dust cloud. There was absolutely nothing, not even the presence of energy particles.

So far, it has barely been one second since Gravity Cage was summoned, and yet, over a hundred humans died, leaving no trace of existence.

The domain instantly collapsed.

Anamarie's entire body froze and her heart palpitated like crazy. She has only blinked once and by the time she opened her eyes, her entire concept of reality was destroyed.

"This is the might of Alpha!?"

Her face lost color and turned as white as a paper.

The Gravity Cage didn't affect her intentionally and this was the only reason she was still living.

What truly needs to mentioned is that Gravity Cage didn't even display 1% of its potential. The mutants were far too weak for them to warrant its true might.

Had Gravity Cage showed its real power, the very concept of time and space would be affected.

"For a domain, that was pretty useless," Kiba waved a hand into the air, and Gravity Cage disappeared.

Anamarie was too lost in despair to reply. If she could respond, it would be about the unfairness of situation.

How can a Beta even face Alpha in the first place?

Much less her, even if a Level V or Level VI mutant has tried, they would have suffered instant defeat. There were some things set in stone that no one could defy.

Meanwhile, a team of twenty guards rushed out of the gate leading to The Fair. As soon as they came out, they sighted the crater and depressed Anamarie.

Their eyes instantly turned wide with disbelief.


That was the only word that ran through their minds. Their bodies were struck on one spot, not daring to move the slightest bit.

Kiba brought his eyes on Anamarie. Rays of white light enveloped his body and he vanished like a puff of smoke.

"Teleportation?!" Anamarie was greatly alarmed.

There were no speed fluctuations so teleportation was her obvious guess. But she refused to believe he possessed this power.

Otherwise, there was no reason for him to not use it before.

"Unless...!" She didn't get much time to think as a cold feeling spread through her body. Her pupils shrunk, as small as the tip of a needle.

Space before her eyes blurred and Kiba appeared like a ghost. Frightened and almost instinctively, she closed her eyes and surrounded her with a hair barrier.

At the same time, passing through hair barrier, he pressed a hand over her throat and clutched it tightly.

An intense pain swept through her neck, and her breathing turned heavy. She felt whistling of air as if she was flying through air and just as she opened her eyes, a sharp pain followed from her head and back.

The sound of bone cracking ringed out, while her throat was filled with a metallic taste of blood and vile. It was as if she has crashed into a hard mass that sent a chilling agony through the depths of her body.

On the ground, the guards were scared out of wits. They looked at an upper portion of the wall where Anamarie was slammed into, like a ragged doll.

Their eyes were filled with horror as they saw crack lines erupting in the wall.

They knew how durable the boundary wall was given it served to protect from beasts, and yet, it was now cracking.

Just the thought of how much force Anamarie must have faced from such collision made their knees quiver.

Anamarie suppressed the tormenting sensation inside her and then looked at the hand that was still clutching her throat. Her eyes turned misty and her face paled further but she was barely able to register Kiba's face.

"You are living because I want you to," Kiba's voice filled with heavy murderous intention entered her ears. "So appreciate the time you have."


Chapter 337 - Kill

"You are living because I want you to," Kiba's voice filled with heavy murderous intention entered her ears. "So appreciate the time you have left."


Anamarie's scalp prickled with danger. Her body lost all its remaining strength.

The terrifying gap in the strength was already too much and now his words horrified her further.

She realized he didn't even care about her existence. He was aloof like a dragon, not caring about existence of lowly mortals like her.

Kiba freed his hand from her throat, and she began falling down. With strong cracking sound, she sprawled on the ground.

Kiba floated in midair for a moment before shooting off, disappearing in an instant.

On the ground, the guards didn't even dare take a breath. They were at a lost for words and didn't know how to react at the chilling development.

A mighty Dark Star was defeated...

The guards touched their foreheads drenching with icy sweat. While frightened, they were secretly relieved it was not them who tried to stop Kiba.

They moved to help Anamarie.


A few minutes later.

Kiba flew among trees. The twigs parted on their own and made space for him as he dashed forward.

Suddenly, heavy rumbling sound ringed throughout the area. Kiba moved sidewards as a tree began falling down with a loud thud.

The grass and trees imploded as the ground parted to shoot a dozen of sharp spears. The spears were covered with an earthly glint that reinforced their might by countless folds.

High above, Kiba floated in mid-air. His expression remained nonchalant and his eyes moved towards a particular spot in the forest.

Behind a large tree, Maddox was standing.

Around an hour ago, he has escaped by using a green gemstone. The power of gemstone transferred him in this part of the forest. Later on, he met a few mutants from Iron Blood Mercenaries Corps.

A minute ago, he noticed Kiba passing by and the greed in his heart flared back. He also thirsted for payback for the humiliation he received from Kiba.

After all, how could he forget being 'bitch-slapped' by two walls as if he was some tennis ball?

The spears he launched carried almost all strength that he could summon in his injured stat. This time he was ready to kill.

The air exploded with a sonic boom as the spears penetrated through it. With an impossible speed, they proceeded to impale Kiba throughout his body.

Kiba didn't take any action but just looked at the incoming spears. As if from their own violation, the earth element inside the spears started trembling.


The spears imploded into fine particles. Particles so small that they didn't even create any dust. They quickly dispersed in thin air.

"No way!"

Maddox has a look of complete disbelief on his face.

"How could he overpower my attack without doing anything?!"

Maddox refused to believe this scene. He has used more power compared to The Fair, and yet, this time Kiba didn't even move a single body muscle.

The others beside him were wide-eyed. They have heard from Maddox that Kiba was telekinetic but this was different.

Meanwhile, high in the air, streams of golden current cascaded out of Kiba. The space in front of him blurred along with a heavy swoosh sound.

On the ground, Maddox's face instantly paled.


In the sky, out of nowhere, thousands of spears has appeared in thin air. The spears resembled the ones created by Maddox's ability but this itself shocked him out of wits.

He used potential energy stored inside the ground along with geological components to create and shoot those spears out.

Yet, Kiba has summoned similar spears without such a source of energy like him. What's more, the quantity was countless times greater than what Maddox was capable of.

"Run!" A mutant beside him shouted.

He instantly regretted accompanying Maddox and cursed his own luck. Neither he or others even participate but just virtue of company, they were now targetted.

The others didn't really need a reminder. They were mercenaries and fleeing after facing something out of their league came naturally to them.

They knew trying to explain to Kiba would be a futile effort since their former intentions could have been easily guessed.

Maddox gulped down and he too made a dash for his life.

"Imagine my surprise, these spears have appeared for you all," Kiba said with a faint smile. "What's more, they are begging to embrace you all."

With a whoosh sound, the spears fell towards the running group of mutants. It was like there was a rain of spears.

A mutant rolled his hand out and an air vortex shot out of his palms. He was hoping to destroy the three spears piercing towards him, but much to his horror and disappointment, the spears passed right through the vortex without any damage.

He didn't even get an opportunity to shriek as one spear penetrated through his throat while the other two at his heart and forehead.

"Such close love," Kiba remarked.

A female mutant turned into a liquid mass and sipped into the grassland. She has just entered the ground by a meter when the soil layers around her exploded. Her liquid body was blasted outward and she screamed as two spears impaled through her. She transformed back into her solid form before breathing for the final time.

A few mutants tried to protect themselves by combining their abilities to create a large elemental shield, but sadly, when the rain of spears crashed down, the shield cracked like a layer of frail glass. They let out heart-wrenching screams as the spears embraced them into a close bond...

A young mutant transformed into a bird and soared high to save his poor life. Fate has something else in mind as he soon realized. He sensed ten spears changing their direction in mid-air and rushing at him.


The transformed mutant wailed for the final time.

Maddox was regretting his decision of trying to hunt Kiba. He shuddered as he heard screams behind him. He couldn't believe how quickly and easily his companions died.

"They should not be this weak, right?" Maddox thought while running at full speed. He has ducked a lot of spears in the process, saving himself by a hairbreadth.

"They want to hug you, and yet you are acting like that," Kiba's voice entered his ears. "You don't have to be so stubborn, you know?"

Maddox's pupils dilated and his skin crawled with a terrible sensation.

He felt Kiba's voice was like a common friend trying to pacify a fighting couple. A friend who wanted the best for both parties...

"Damn! Like hell, he wants best for me!" Maddox accelerated his speed.

Either due to fate or by some twisted working of the fate, a small stone crashed onto his feet. He lost balance and collapsed on the ground. He raised his head towards the sky while trying to get back on his feet.

"No!" Maddox screamed as he saw hundreds of spears raining down. He gritted his teeth and sucked strength from soil. The strength flew through his bloodstream and enveloped his main vitals.


Maddox cried a terrifying scream. Spears pierced through his limbs and chest, planting him to the ground.

"Shit! No choice!"

Maddox was on verge of dying. He shattered one of his teeth, under which a green gemstone was visible.

Maddox didn't want to resort to this method. This was the last remnants of his life-escape treasure but he was forced to use it again.

The gemstone flashed with a green glow, and the next moment, he vanished, leaving behind blood-stained spears.


Kiba didn't really care much about Maddox's another escape.

Meanwhile, a kilometer or two away, there was faint rattling sound. An advanced attack helicopter - heavily armed with rockets - rapidly flew.

The helicopter offered a strong defense, heavy attack power, and even stealth. It could avoid detection thanks to camouflage technology.

Inside it, a team of five mutants was sitting. They were a part of a larger group that was staying in The Fair. When they heard about Kiba's actions, they decided to target him.

After knowing he has 'escaped' from two Dark Stars due to the intervention of others, they brought the helicopter to increase their chances of finding him.

They were not the only ones who were after Kiba. Even Beta-rank mutants have left The Fair to hunt him.

The group inside the helicopter was pleasantly surprised to see him floating in mid-air. They thought it would take them a long while to find him in the vast forest.

"We found him first," An agility-type mutant named Seema said.

"Luck is on our side," The pilot said with a smirk.

"Haha, let's overpower him," A mutant named Gilo said. He was blessed with enhanced physical strength.

"If others find him, we would lose our golden chance."


The others in the team readily agreed.

The pilot locked sensors on Kiba, and after receiving beeping sound, he pulled the trigger.

The mechanism activated and the rocket launcher created heavy sounds as the rockets got ready to fire off.

Suddenly, the eyes of the pilot constricted in alarm as he looked at the stats on the screen. Sweat started dripping from his brows and he frantically started pressing switches.

The person next to him noticed his reaction and was taken aback.

"What's wrong?" He asked, a bit worried.

"The rockets are not launching off!" The pilot answered, his voice hoarse. "But the rockets have already been activated!"


"I'm not able to deactivate them! There is some internal problem!" The pilot was getting hysterical by every passing moment.

"Damn! You should have checked before we came here!"

The group glanced at Kiba who was still in the same position. The group reasoned he hasn't noticed them due to the camouflage technology.

"We need to capture him! Do something before he escapes!" Seema shouted.

"I'm trying! FUCK!" Pilot swore loudly and his eyes bulged.

"Now what?!" Gilo was annoyed by the pilot's constant whining.

"The rocket motor has short-circuited!" The pilot muttered.

"What does it mean---?"

The pilot didn't even wait for the question to be completed. He discarded the controls and jumped out of the helicopter.


The others instantly understood what it implied.


At the same time, inside the launcher, the rockets exploded. The fire of explosion engulfed helicopter and it started falling down from a high altitude.

Smog and fire swept out from the burning helicopter. It was reinforced with protective materials, and this was the only reason it could barely maintain its feeble existence.

Out of the group of five, the pilot has already jumped. Two were unlucky enough to die the moment the explosion occurred while other two - Seema and Gilo leaped before the explosion could engulf them.

Seema rotated her arms rapidly to create air streams for support. She was rapidly falling down but she has enough confidence to survive.

She suddenly flinched as she sensed a huge danger approaching her.


Seema cried out in shock as she saw the fire-wrapped helicopter. The rotor-head has ripped from helicopter body, and now, rotary wings were swinging towards her, in blurred motion.

The rotary wings were sharp like a sword and fire of explosion has done no harm to them. They continued to twirl as before.

Their movement flashed with an extraordinary sharpness as they drew close to her. It was like the blow from explosion has propelled them with super speed that was enough to catch up with Seema.

"How could they be so fast?!"

Seema got no time to think. She was rapidly approaching ground and the rotor blades were closing to her.

Gritting her teeth, she activated a protective item that wrapped her body with a cocoon-like shield.


Much to her horror, one of the rotating blades ripped through her protective cocoon. The blades continued to rotate, and like a sharp knife, the edge of the same blade pierced her stomach, splashing blood in air.

A gut-wrenching pain swept in her senses and she let out a miserable scream.

Sadly, even her scream didn't last long. Another blade slashed through her neck, tossing her head away.

Blood gushed out from her sliced neck as her lifeless body crashed into the ground. The blades finally stopped rotating.


With strong rumbling sound, the helicopter crashed onto the ground. It was entirely destroyed, no better than scorched wreckage. It would be impossible for anyone to believe this helicopter was capable of surviving any offensive attack.

Some distance away, Gilo landed on the ground, on all his fours. Thanks to his high strength, he was able to safely land without a single injury.

"Those bastards didn't even carry out a safety check," Gilo cursed as he glanced at the wreckage of helicopter. "Two lives lost."

Smoke and sparks were continuously flying out of the wreckage, polluting the fresh air.

"Where are others?" Gilo wondered. The next moment, he saw the head of Seema.


He turned around and noticed her headless corpse, impaled by rotor blades.

"She couldn't escape from blades despite her agility?" Gilo was having a hard time comprehending the situation.

Things have escalated far too quickly for him to make sense. One moment, he and his team were laughing at their upcoming success, and the next moment, a tragedy struck them.

Gilo looked around and he was further shocked. He saw his pilot companion some hundred meters away.

He expected the pilot to be alright, at least not in the state he was seeing now.

The pilot was smashed into a bloody paste. It was like he directly crushed into the ground, without any preventive action on his part.

Gilo felt nauseated from seeing corpses of his former companions.


He heard a tapping sound from behind and just as he turned around, his vision was shrouded by an approaching hand.


The hand pressed on his face and lifted him into the air. Then without any warning, his entire body was struck into a tree behind.

Gilo was a strength-type mutant and such attack should be like a breeze, but now, he felt as if he was crushed between two mountains. Sound of cracking came from his face and entire body, and the next moment, he exploded into pieces.

As his shredded face fell down, his eyes were visible. They were filled with resentment and despair. Even till his final moment, he did not get a chance to fight back much less see the face of his attacker.

But he has a feeling he knew the attacker.

This was the last thought that ran in his mind as death embraced him...

Kiba stood among blood and gore but not a single stain on his body. His expression remained nonchalant as he saw the remnants of dead.

When a person kills someone, a whirlwind of emotions that take over heart and mind. Taking a life is something that can't be undone, and the experience of being responsible for the same can push a person to edge.

Guilt, depression, and nightmares corrode the very soul of a killer.

But this is only restricted for those born in normal, civil society.

A society which conditions the thought process of its citizens towards one set of morals.

On the other hand, for a hunter, there are no complex emotions involved. If there is something involved then it is the rush of adrenaline and the thrill from destruction of life.

Feelings which only a true hunter can appreciate.

Kiba raised his head and looked at the bright sun. As the vibrant sunlight basked his face, the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Why was I holding back for some plan? This is so much fun."

Chapter 338 - Purgatory - Eclipse

Kiba continued to bask in sunlight. The smell of blood and gore didn't affect him the slightest.

A few minutes later.

Ten blurry shadows appeared some hundred meters away from him. They were connected to Seema and others who died not so long ago.

Just like Seema and her group, they were also trying to find Kiba. When they saw the helicopter crashing down and the smoke sweeping from this area, they rushed here.

They were startled to see the headless corpse of Seema.

"She is dead?"

"And that too by action of rotor blade?!"

"How is that possible?!"

There were more bodies but they were in pieces so it was difficult to identify them. The newly arrived group knew one thing for sure - the corpses belonged to their former companions.

The group looked at Kiba whose attention was still on the sky. He found the bright, clear sky really attractive.

"You killed my companions?" The leader named Collier asked.

Collier has pale skin upon which bubbles constantly popped and reformed. When a bubble popped, a blackish fog would surge out and wrap around his body.

Collier was a poison-type mutant. The fog carried a lethal poison that could not only kill but also disrupts senses.

Kiba didn't answer; it was like he didn't hear the question or sensed the presence of newly arrived. He continued to enjoy the bright sunlight and the fresh winds.

"Answer him!" Another mutant demanded, his hands flaring with yellowish bolts.

As the team shouted at him for an answer, a loud bang sound came from behind. Surprised, they looked around and noticed another team.

"Blair!" Collier's face fell.

"Collier, he is ours," Blair, the leader of the newly arrived team declared while pointing at Kiba.

"Like hell!" Collier wasn't afraid of engaging in a battle. He was a Beta just like Collier and he has confidence in his own ability.

Crystalline energy particles appeared around Blair and transformed into crystalline spikes. Even the ground below him crystallized, ready to shoot a trail of crystalline needles.

The others in his team got ready to take action as well.

"We saw him first!" Collier reminded him while the black fog turned thicker.

He no longer cared about his lost companions. They were strong but not like him or his entire group. Now, the main problem was this new team rather than Kiba.

"So what?" Blair asked with a smirk.

He has heard about Kiba having Body Molding Ore so there was no way he could allow others to have him. That treasure was far too precious for him to let it go.

"Sorry to disappoint you boys, but we are having him," A voice came from the sky. The next moment, a woman named Silvya landed on the ground.

"I only want the ore, you both can have other treasures he owns," Silvya stated her intentions. She was accompanied by a team of her own which was armed to the teeth.

The newly arrived three teams were lead by Beta-rank mutants! In any city, just the mention of Beta-rank mutant could lead to a commotion. They were capable of wreaking havoc, killing countless.

Now, there was not one, but three Beta-rank mutants!

The chasing mob in The Fair was afraid of their intervention which was why they did their best to stop Kiba. After all, Betas were the strongest as far as the world was concerned.

The three of them didn't participate in the pre-core region auction as those items wouldn't have much use to them. They were resting in Garrick Angel Inn and passing time. But learning about Kiba successfully stealing and escaping from The Fair due to help from others, they couldn't help but get into action.

In The Fair, they wouldn't have participated as they have to respect the laws. They didn't fear Dark Stars but fighting them would only result in a disadvantage so they held back.

But now, in the forest, there were no laws except for the law of the jungle.

The three Betas stood some distance away from each other, forming a triangle with Kiba in the middle.

Their respective teams silently waited while ensuring Kiba doesn't flee. But much to their surprise, he showed no such intention. He was doing the same thing he has been doing from the start.

"So what do you think of my suggestion?" Silvya's hands were clad in black gauntlets. Her arms expanded like a giant and the gauntlets also grew in size.

"You think I would let you have the ore?" Collier scoffed in disdain. "You two can divide the garbage treasures."

The three Betas started chaotic bargaining. Not a single one of them wanted to give the ore to others. It was far too unique and precious to trade-off.


Suddenly, a burst of laughter ringed in the area. The Betas were startled and stopped their discussion. They brought their eyes on Kiba who was laughing as if he has heard the funniest joke.

"Why are you laughing?" Collier was pissed by his laughter.

He was only bargaining with other Betas about the ore but Kiba's fate was already set.

Kiba would be killed so that he couldn't disclose any information to Dark Stars. As such, Betas have pretty much decided on his execution.

In response to his question, Kiba placed a hand over his face and chuckled coldly.

"Has the fear of death turned him insane?" Blair wondered aloud.

"Seems so," Silvya nodded.

Just then, a gust of cold wind swept by.

The autumn leaves that floated along with the wind stopped in their path, ice crystals forming on their surface.

The ice crystals were red in color like blood!

At the same time, the land under Beta-rank mutants began to rupture. Dust and sand particles drew in air, instantly freezing in crimson ice cubes.

"What?!" Everyone was greatly alarmed and looked in front with shocked expressions.

A frightening power erupted from Kiba's body like a violent sun. His golden hair danced in the tempest of his raging aura while his eyes flashed with a sharp glint.

"Such powerful aura!" Silvya felt a chill crawl up her spine. It was like a sharp metal was piercing her heart, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Fierce winds swept out while cracks snaked out over the ground that targetted the trees nearby. The titanic trees instantly collapsed and crumbled to pieces.

Every part of Kiba radiated its dominance through his stifling aura.

Over thirty subordinates of the three Beta-rank mutants were swept by the fierce aura. They were sent tumbling backward, crashing far away.

Even Beta-rank mutants were pushed back by a few steps. None of them could believe this scene.

When have they ever met opponents who could push them back just by the virtue of aura? That was not something possible, at least not from Kiba.

They have heard about him running away with help from others. If he has such strong powers why would he be chased?

This didn't make a sense.

Alas, they were not aware of Anamarie's fight with Kiba. Otherwise, they would have thought twice before targetting him.

"He must be using some aura amplifier device!" Collier snapped his teeth and shouted. "He is using it as a means to avoid his fate!"

There were high-tech devices which could be used to give a false strong demeanor. Collier reasoned Kiba was using one such device so that they would be frightened and let him escape. It was a nice tactic but thankfully, he and the others were smart.

"Right!" Blair agreed.

There was no way Kiba could be as strong as them. Even in the worst case, he could not be as strong as three of them, much less the combined might of there entire teams.

"Let him learn the price of trying to deceive us!" Silvya's eyes flared.

She hated herself for being frightened by his false aura.

The three Betas nodded to each other. They would decide later on who would get the Body Molding Ore, but for now, they combinedly decided to kill this deceiver.

On a cue, every single mutant jumped in action. None of them wanted to take a risk in case he has other items. So they decided to go all out from the start.

Silva stretcher her arms and slammed her gauntlets towards him. The air sliced open as explosive force surged forward, creating visible sonic booms.

Blair shouted domain and the region transformed into a crystalline block. The entire crystalline mass was his ammunition! With a single command, crystalline shards and spikes shot out.

Every single bubble on Collier's body popped and poisonous fog surged out. The fog was like a vicious sprit as it pounced on Kiba.

The subordinates of the Betas weren't behind. They launched their abilities and weapons on Kiba.

All attacks were launched at a single moment. The entire area was engulfed in extraordinary radiance like fireworks.

It was beautiful and yet deadly.

In front of these deathly attacks, Kiba didn't show any emotions. Time seemed to be at a standstill as hundreds of strikes came at him, ready to kill him.

"Annoying ants."

Kiba stretched his right hand in the air. On the tip of his index finger, a golden glow flashed.

As soon as the glow appeared, the sky instantly dimmed, as if every source of light in this region had been blocked.

Blair's expression turned unsightly and his eyes nearly popped out. Silvya's face turned as white as a paper as her very idea of reality was snatched away.

Collier broke out in a cold sweat. The total lack of light and the golden glow left his heart pounding and his mind spinning. He instantly realized he and the others have made the greatest mistake they ever could!

At the same time, inside The Fair.

Thousands of people shuddered. Almost instinctively, they looked in the sky outside The Fair and noticed pitch-black darkness.

There were no clouds, sun, or anything.

Just a gigantic dark patch in the bright sky that shrouded everything else.

"What's that?" Myiesha noticed the dark sky outside.

Madison, Lillian, and others stopped their fights and looked in that direction. Every single eye was on the dark sky.

Just then, a streak of golden light flew across the darkness, bisecting it. A crack, as thick as a hair, appeared throughout the vibrant golden streak.

" Purgatory - Eclipse. "

Kiba said coldly. The moment he spoke, every sound disappeared.

The winds stopped flowing, air froze, and living beings stopped moving. Temporarily, people even lost the right to breathe.

Within the tiny crack, multicolored energy stripes were visible. It was like myriad patterns when seen through a kaleidoscope tube

Bottomless depth with countless colors flowing in a twisted manner.

Yet, they were no simple colors.

The colors fluctuated with chaotic and turbulent mass. Vague shadows floated in this chaotic mass like demons. Howling winds swept out as if they contained screaming ghosts, inviting the living.

Mutants and beasts from all around were looking at the crack. Thousands of them instantly lost their eyesight. The patterns in the crack imprinted on their eyes, and their eyeballs instantly imploded.

"What's going on?!" This was the only question running in their minds.

Everything took a long time to describe, but in fact, it has been only a second since the golden streak appeared.

Collier, Blair, Silvya, and others were frozen alongside their attacks. Their pupils dilated while their hearts thumped violently as they felt an intense sense of crisis.

Their scalps turned numb from fright, and every single part of their body pained as if they were sliced.

If they could go back in time and change things, they would leave the forest the moment they learned about Kiba. Alas, it was too late for regrets.

Neither they nor their deadly attacks have any might left. The flashy attacks were not even emitting colors, much less their former radiance.

The golden streak superimposed on their bodies, despite the fact that the streak was in sky while they were on ground.

It was like the very concept of space around them was twisted, and even before they could blink or scream, they vanished.

Their large bodies were sucked into the tiny crack alongside their vicious attacks. There was not a single trace of their existence left, not even their aura.

The next moment, through the tiny crack, a crimson liquid splashed down.

From a distance, it appeared as if a waterfall was flowing down in night sky. The only eerie difference was that it was not water but blood.

Fresh, hot crimson blood that has undergone purification. Blood that was free from sins that corroded their masters.

The souls and bodies of Collier and others, on the other hand, were erased; their impurities melted to oblivion.

In The Fair, everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. They were stupefied by the scene they were witnessing, unable to believe the crimson fall. Many of them collapsed while a few threw up.


Five seconds after its appearance, the golden streak disappeared and the sky instantly brightened like before.

There was no trace of the golden streak but everyone knew it was real and not their collective imagination. The blind mutants and their own sweating bodies were the best proofs they could ever get...