339 - 345

Chapter 339 - Destroy!

Kiba lowered his hand as everything returned to normal; as normal as one could expect given what just trespassed a moment ago.

He sealed his aura and stepped forward. The path ahead of him was devoid of life.

There were no trees, grass, or even insects. If there was something, it was warm blood that dyed the ground into crimson.

The entire area was a scene from hell.

This was especially true when Kiba walked ahead, the blood parted to create a path for him. On either side of him, the blood curled up like waves, bowing down.

Only after he left did blood splashed back on the ground.

A few minutes later.

Kiba stepped on a forest road. He started walking on it without using any of his abilities.

Meanwhile, half a kilometer behind on the same road, a jeep was running at full speed. It has mutants who were interested in capturing Kiba for same reasons as the teams before.

Among the wild trees, a group of mutants was leaping forward to find Kiba. Pet beasts accompanied them for the task.

The necks of the beasts were wrapped in slave collars. These collars had an electronic mechanism that was linked with the nervous system. If a beast tries to have any intent that was against the commands of its master, the slave collar would offer punishment, in the worse case, even death. As such, these collars were a sure shot method to have a pet beast.

At the same time, high in sky, two helicopters were soaring. They were military helicopters inside which a team of mutants was sitting.

The sudden darkness and golden streak of light have stunned them temporarily but the greed was not something that could be suppressed. Not to mention, they were not aware of Kiba's role in what happened some time ago.

A few minutes later, the three teams discovered Kiba at the same time. They had a basic profile of him so they knew he was the target.

"Another group of termites," Kiba stopped in the middle of road. Raising his head towards the sky, he sighted the helicopters.

After his battle with Anamarie, his field of vision has completely changed. Now, he saw everything tainted with crimson. It was like the world was painted with blood as far as he was concerned.





These words enveloped his consciousness. Every cell in his body thirsted for blood. It was a demand made by his very instincts.

"Destroy," Kiba muttered with a devilish smile on his face.

The three teams were about to take action, but before they could, their pupils constricted in horror. The helicopters in the sky were suddenly pulled to the ground.

"What the hell?!" The pilots tried to get controls back without any success.

The sides of the two helicopters collided into each other, creating sparks. A heavy screeching sound reverberated as the helicopters continued to drop.

At the same time, the group in the jeep was terrified. The jeep was sent flying high in the air as if it was kicked by a giant, leaving scratch marks on the road.

The groups inside the helicopters cried tragically as they saw the jeep shooting towards them.

Two helicopters and a jeep smashed into each other in midair.

There was such a strong power wrapping them that people inside didn't even get an opportunity to jump out. Cockpit and windshield shattered into pieces while the people inside the vehicles slammed out of their seats. All they could do was release a tragic cry as a shocking explosion boomed out from collision.


Everyone was instantly engulfed in the explosion, dying in no time. Shockwaves swept out that destroyed vegetation nearby.

The remaining team, which was standing between trees, was shocked out of their wits. They were still trying to make any sense of things when the beasts accompanying them roared.


The slave collars on their necks instantly shattered, freeing them.

"What?!" The team was dumbfounded.

The eyes of the beasts were bloodshot as they eyed their former masters, as if eyeing food, they drooled with desire and pounced on their former masters.

"What happened to them?!"

"Calm down!" The humans tried to control their beasts but alas without any success. The beasts have a sudden craving for human flesh.

A fight broke between humans and mutated beasts. The humans were startled but they started pushing the beasts back. If these humans weren't powerful, they wouldn't have been able to make the beasts as their pets.

Sadly, their joy was rather short-lived. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a golden force enveloped the beasts like a coating.


The beasts showcased their canine teeth which grew at a rate visible to the naked eye. The same went for their claws. Even their bodies started buffing up.

Their strength amplified to limits!

The humans didn't even get a chance to fight back in this round. The more powerful and agile beasts tore through their bodies...

Some distance away, Kiba smiled in delight. The smell of blood satisfied his body's hunger to a small extent.

It was like his body was starved for far too long, and killing a hundred was nowhere near enough.

Kiba looked ahead.

His pupils flashed and his vision passed through trees and various obstacles before coming on a group of mutants.

"The sensors are detecting he is in that direction," One of the mutants pointed out. He has a digital tablet on his hand which was showing the map of the forest.

"That's the direction from where smoke is coming," Another mutant muttered. "Others must be trying to capture him."

"This is bad then," A dejected member said.

"Actually no," The group leader disagreed with his group's assessment. His eyes flashed with slyness as he looked towards the direction of smoke.

"Huh?" The others looked at the group leader.

"The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind," The group leader said, "Maybe we can be the oriole and profit greatly from the conflict."

"Great! We can win without doing much!" The team was excited.

They started running towards their target at full speed while ensuring their preparations were complete.

Far away, Kiba smiled in contempt

"Hehe, profit."

At the same time, the team of mutants suddenly jolted as if a current passed through them. They stopped in their path as a pain raged in their chest.


The team leader's face fell. His heart was beating violently and so loudly that he could hear the heartbeat.

The others in the team were feeling the same as well. They put a hand over their chests, trying to determine what was going on, but the next moment, their heart imploded.

Pieces of heart hurtled out of their chests and the team died instantly. The team didn't even know how they died as their corpses collapsed on the ground.

Kiba sensed more people nearby; people who desired to hunt him. There was just no end to them.

"So many ants."

Kiba raised a hand towards the side. A radiant glow enveloped his palm and the space started distorting.

"Space Extinguish... Urgh!"

Suddenly, a piercing pain jolted through his nervous system before impaling his mind. It was far worse than a severe headache, and the resulting pain affected his vision.

The crimson field disappeared from his eyes and he saw everything with normal colors.

"Damn! Claudia!"

Kiba bit his lips and brought his eyes on his right wrist. Covered by a white sleeve, it was hiding a silver bracelet. The bracelet was buzzing with bolts of current that sipped into his skin as vibrations.

This stopped him at the crucial moment just when he wanted to summon another powerful attack.

"The present bloodlust is different than before," Kiba tried to fight his craving for blood.

Kiba was indeed right. The previous two times, he lost control due to the gray particle (Genesis Matter) in his mind.

But now, Genesis Matter was sealed and as such, it couldn't affect him.

This time, his sudden desire for blood was rather natural and his own. It wasn't forced.

As a being powered by Cosmic Spark, he was different from humans. His aura was of an emperor, and naturally, from his body's perspective, the humanoid ants were polluting his dominion. They didn't deserve to live.

It was similar to how humans couldn't handle the presence of cockroaches or other insects in their houses.

There was complete indifference to life. Something perfectly natural as a higher form of life.

Normally, he could stop this bloodlust on his own by his determination and will. But not this time.

"It must be the side effects... I have been in the present form for far too long."

Kiba reasoned as every cell once again erupted with demand for blood.

It was the first time he was facing such an issue, but honestly speaking, he was not shocked. The city life shielded him from side effects but he knew they existed.

Kiba usually avoided his hunger for killing from reaching such a level by not being Kiba. Every time he turned Kiba, his thirst for blood would have to jump from zero. This was why such an incident never took place in the city.

There was also a minor factor which was amplifying his desire to destroy.

He has been holding back to not kill people he usually would have, without batting an eye. This naturally amplified his thirst as he was going against his very principle of not sparing an enemy.

"Damn, I'm not sparing anyone... I'm just letting them live for plan to work... for Felicity."

Kiba didn't get much time to think. His face turned red and veins bulged out of his neck as his lust for blood strengthened.

The bracelet and other mechanisms weren't made to stop his natural thirst.

This didn't mean neither Claudia nor Kiba didn't prepare for this. Claudia has rather made enough preparations. She showed him those preparations just before he arrived in the forest.

Kiba let out a heavy sigh.

Even he knew such a situation might arrive, but he didn't get time to take the precautions he has planned. After all, he was always in company, either with Ruby or Ashlyn or with others. He could not take the preventive measures during his rest time as it might put him into risk.

"There are people around..."

As Kiba tried to fight his bloodlust, he sensed more mutants catching up.

A few of them have rocket launchers and other modern weapons while the rest were mutants with power of elements. He sensed their greed and desire to hunt him, and this made his lips curl up in a mocking smile.

"There are so many people in this forest... killing a few shouldn't make a difference," Kiba made an excuse for himself.

The group jumped right in action without saying any words. They reasoned he has a spatial device so even if his body was destroyed, the spatial device would remain due to its high durability. They have seen the wreckages of vehicles and the corpses, so they didn't dare hold back.

Some of them leaped towards him like ferocious beasts with their weapons aimed at him. The rest launched elemental attacks.

"Oh well..."

As two rockets fired off and streams of elemental power surged at him, Kiba fickled a finger.

The attacks reversed direction and shot back. The group of mutants was terrified beyond words; caught completely off-guard.

The rockets blasted on the elemental mutants while the elemental attacks slammed into those holding weapons.


A terrifying explosion rippled out along with heart-wrenching screams. The other explosives the group carried also exploded in a chain reaction; increasing the might of explosion.

The area was engulfed in a chaotic explosion cloud.

The land violently rumbled while hundreds of trees were instantly burned to ashes. Beasts nearby frantically ran for their lives. Many mutants stopped in their tracks, not daring to step towards the direction of explosion.

"Phew~" Kiba felt a little better.

With another flick, the explosion cloud disappeared and the wildfire vanished.

Kiba retrieved a spatial ring from his storage dimension.

It was something he took from one of the unlucky peoples he encountered. The storage space in the ring was rather good, and he put half of the items Claudia prepared for him inside this ring.

Kiba gripped the ring before putting it on a finger of his right hand. He wore it on the same finger as the one where he has a white ring.

The white ring was given to him by Claudia. Its functions were somewhat similar to the bracelet though with varying effects.

Kiba didn't pay any attention to the white ring. He adjusted the spatial ring before lowering his hand.

"Hopefully I wouldn't have to rely on it."

Kiba closed his eyes and took a deep breath of air. Even though he hasn't gone berserk and kill without reasons, he hated his current state. He wanted to be the one in control and not his bloodlust.

His bloodlust was only turning stronger, and showing no sign of calming down. He knew this would only turn worse if he sensed more living beings.


Streams of golden light wrapped him from head to toe; enveloping him in a golden glow.

Cracking sounds came out of his body and his height decreased. From 6', he reached 5'8". The golden color from his hair rapidly faded and was replaced with black, his hair shortening as well.

His face morphed and twisted, and in a few seconds, his facial features completely changed just like the rest of his body.


The clothes were made from nanoparticles and they were internally filled with commands. As they sensed his changes, they transformed into a new design. He was now in a T-shirt and jeans; another casual look much to his disappointment.

He was no longer Kiba but rather Zed!

"Haah~" Zed breath out in relief.

He felt fresh and liberated as his body no longer thirsted for blood. This form was nowhere near strong as Kiba, nor extraordinary power coursed through his veins, but nevertheless, it felt just as good.

For him, Kiba was more about ideology and pursuit of particular dreams rather than power. This was why he could be the man he was.

He brought his right hand before his chest and looked at the bracelet. The engravings on it were faint short circuits that carried hundreds of complex formations. One of the formations helped him in waking from his bedeviled state.

"What would I do without you, Claudia?"

Zed thought about her with a smile. He would have loved to converse with her, but sadly, the forest restricted outside signals, and as such, he has no way to contact with her.

Zed cleared his thoughts and brought his attention to the matter at hand.

"A few hours should be enough."

Zed didn't want to be in this form for too long. After all, there was no reason to be Zed, unlike in the city.

He took a step ahead, but just then, he heard the sound of heavy breathing from behind.

Startled, he turned around. He was stunned after his eyes registered the scene.

Some hundred meters ahead, a familiar figure was standing, huffing for breath.


After defeating Mendel, she left The Fair.

She and Kiba have decided to either meet outside The Fair or in the village.

Naturally, Ashlyn first tried to find him outside. She just reached this place after chasing the fluctuations from earlier battles.

The moment she arrived, she sighted a black-haired man who seemed to be in the early twenties, just like her. He couldn't be any different from the man she was seeking.

Ashlyn was surprised to see this new person but she didn't care much. There were just far too many humans in the forest.

She moved her eyes from him when something caught her attention. Surprised, her cold eyes focused on his right wrist where she saw a silver bracelet.

Ashlyn wouldn't forget the engravings on the bracelet. She was far too familiar with it as Mirage Thief tried to steal the bracelet. It was due to this that Kiba and Ashylyn came in conflict with The Dark Stars.

Ashlyn didn't know the functions or the use of the bracelet. But she knew it was far too precious otherwise powerful figures would not have tried to steal it.

It only took her a short moment to confirm the engravings on the bracelet. This bracelet was the same as the one clad on Kiba's wrist!


Ashlyn took a short breath to calm herself.

She first looked at what remained of unidentifiable corpses, the wreckage of helicopters and then recalled how she felt Kiba's aura from this area.

Finally, she locked her eyes on Zed. The very fact that he has a bracelet owned by Kiba and that too in this place, this left no doubts on what it implied.


Ashlyn's aura exploded out like a fierce storm. Blue currents enveloped her suit, and the discs flew out of her wrists and came into her hands.


The discs started rotating and blue ripples surged out, flashing with murderous radiance.

Her poker face showed an expression she has rarely shown - anger. Even her cold eyes glinted with killing intent.

Chapter 340 - Murderous Intent!

Among the wreckages of helicopters and remnants of corpses, Zed and Ashlyn stood across each other.

Her emerald eyes flashed with murderous intent while anger engulfed her flawless face.

Blue current erupted on her suit and strands of black hair fluttered under the violent currents.


The ground below her feet began to crack and disintegrate.

"Murderous intent?!" Zed was startled.

As Kiba, he has been in her company for almost two weeks but he has never seen her like this. Much less anger, she wouldn't showcase any emotions at all. She has never paid any attention to the people she met unless they did something offensive.

Now, as Zed, he was meeting her for the first time. Instead of indifference, she was blazing with fury and targetting him with a sharp murderous intent.

"This can't be true, right?" Zed wondered in his heart.

He was already exhausted and he didn't want any more complications now.

Both Zed and Kiba shared a common body and source. The injuries of one form would automatically be transferred to the other form after transformation.

The same applied to stress and fatigue. When Kiba suppressed his bloodlust, it resulted in intense stress on his physical body.

Zed's body was now tolling the same. Naturally, he was in the worst state he could be.

"What have you done to him?" Ashlyn's cold voice ringed in his ears like a clap of thunder.

"Huh?" Zed was completely at a loss.

He was having a hard time understanding her, much less answer her strange question.

Getting no meaningful response, Ashlyn didn't waste any more time. She tossed the discs out and they spun at high speed.


The discs whistled through the air, creating a sharp sound, leaving behind two strips of blue light. Piercing ripples surged out as they flew towards Zed at sonic speed.

"What?!" Zed was shocked.

He needed no introduction to the power of discs. They were strong enough to slice through Spirit Manifestation of Mendel, much less a human.

There was no doubt on what would happen if the discs slammed onto him.

Without wasting any time, he conjured a large amount of flames around his body. The flames amplified his reflexes and propelled him sidewards.

The discs brushed passed his body, missing by a hairsbreadth.

The ripples from the discs were as sharp as a blade. They instantly impaled the trees behind, slicing them into two.


The sliced portions of the trees collapsed on the ground with a loud sound.

Zed felt a tingling sensation from the back of his head. He didn't need to think much about what this sensation implied.

Instantly, from his hands, he released streams of fire at the ground below. Using these streams of fire as a support, he catapulted himself high into the air.

Just as he did, from behind, the discs made a curve and shot at him. Thanks to his quick action, he once again survived and the discs cut through the fire streams, extinguishing them.

His connection with the ground was severed but by now, he was able to summersault and land on ground.

The discs returned in Ashlyn's hands but her cold eyes were still focused onto him. The anger on her beautiful face showed no sign of easing down.

Zed secretly complained of hardship. She has shared a silent but warm relationship with him as Kiba, and yet, now, she came close to killing him in cold blood.

"Miss, we have no enmity with each other, " Zed tried to reason politely. "There is no need for us to fight."

Ashlyn responded to his reasons by locking the discs on to him.

Ever since she saw the bracelet clad on his wrist, her mind has been in a mess. A fury she has never known raged in her heart, pumping her blood violently.

She recalled the original owner of the bracelet.

Their first meeting where they were complete strangers in Blue Cliff Group. How they then robbed Stardust Mushroom by tricking both Blue Cliff Group and the Blood Demon Flower.

A faint smile bloomed on her lips as she remembered the lessons of wisdom he taught her. Her eyes turned soft as she recalled the sadistic pleasure he took from all his fights.

Then she remembered the bittersweet memory of events inside Garrick Angel Inn. Finally, she recollected her conversation with Denisa.

Threads of blood swept in her eyes and her killing intent surged like never before. Even the air turned cold by her raging intent.

Some two hundred meters away, Zed felt a chill crawling up his spine despite large amount of fire around him.

His eyes turned wide as he saw a disc appearing before him, as quick as lightning. He crossed his arms and the flames around him amassed into a wall.

The disc cut right through the wall but by now, he has jumped away from its range. He aimed a hand at the disc as it made a curve, and shot out a column of fire.

The column of fire slammed on the disc and violent heatwaves swept out. Grass and trees in the vicinity burned to ashes while even the ground showed signs of melting. From the massive swirling heat, the air became distorted like water ripples.


The disc slashed forward, bisecting the column of fire. The severed portions of fire fell on either side; joining the wildfire.

Surrounded by flames, he backflipped and the disc moved right below him.

"I don't want to fight her but if this goes on..." Zed thought as he got back on his feet.

He body was already under too much stress due to his activities as Kiba and he was in no state to fight someone of her caliber.

"No choice but use domain..."

He has just decided to summon domain when he saw a blurred motion from the corner of his eyes.

Flames swiftly fluctuated and broke apart along with an ear-piercing sound.

He ducked backward and another disc swept past him. Alas, the ripples pierced his left shoulder and blood splattered out.

His face turned a little pale as an intense pain devoured his senses into a tormenting sensation. He didn't even get time to suppress pain as the same disc retraced its movement to attack him again.

Zed retaliated and avoided the disc, but by then, he heard a whizzing sound of rushing wind from behind.

He quickly turned around and noticed another spinning disc coming at him, cutting through everything in its path.

From another side, Ashlyn was rushing at him like a tornado. Her emerald eyes filled with madness.

"Miss, I don't even know your name, much less you!" Zed bitterly said while propelling himself high into the air.

Her movements were so quick that he wasn't even getting time to concentrate on launching powerful attacks. All he could do was try to defend himself in his exhausted state.

"....." Ashlyn obviously didn't reply; she seldom spoke.

If there was a respone then it was from her actions.

Two discs rotated in a rapid flash, like meteorites, hurtling towards him. The very air was distorted under the fluctuating ripples from the discs. Turbulent winds crashed out along with blue sparks.

"And I don't think you know me, Zed, as well," Zed completed his words.

His breathing was heavy as he noticed discs close to him; ripping through his defenses within a twinkling of an eye. They were even faster than he imagined and so far, he got no time to use basic attacks, much less summon a domain.

If he was shocked, then Ashlyn was shell-shocked, completely dumbfounded. It was like someone had exploded a bomb before her eyes, and her mind buzzed.

As soon as she heard his last statement, her pupils dilated to the size of a needle, and with urgency, she made a grasping motion towards the discs just as they were about to slice him.

A drop of blood drew out of his neck and a stream of blood splashed from his stomach, dyeing his clothes into crimson.

This was created by the murderous ripples from her discs, and if he hadn't concentrated great amounts of fire around his vitals, he would have suffered fatal injuries.


Zed was stunned as he witnessed the discs flowing back after coming this close to him. He felt a severe pain from his injuries, but he suppressed the pain, and looked in front.

Ashlyn was looking back at him with a scrutinizing vision.

"You are Zed?"


Chapter 341 - Accompany Me

The former lush greenery was now burning under wildfire. Small lifeforms in the vicinity ran for their lives.

Trees emitted sizzling sound as flames engulfed them, turning them into ashes. Smoke and heatwaves scorched out high in the sky.

On the ground, in the middle of wildfire, Ashlyn and Zed once again stood across each other. Even though she has retraced the discs, they continued to rotate, emitting blue radiance.

Ashlyn's gaze swept by his bleeding shoulder and stomach before moving on his face.

"You are Zed?" Ashlyn asked, her cold voice filled with doubts.

"Yes," Zed answered.

He was startled by her question which was anything but normal given the circumstances. But then again, by her reaction, he was sure she stopped her attack due to him mentioning his name. This puzzled him greatly.

Ashlyn observed him for a moment before asking another question.

"You are his brother?"

Zed was taken aback by this strange question.

' His brother? '

He has no brother, or at least none he was aware of. He was thinking of answering as such when he recalled something from a week or so ago.

The memory of that event resurfaced inside him like a bolt of lightning.

Back then, Kiba and Ashlyn have gone to the ice dominion of Iceblood Flower. Due to some reasons, in the middle of night, he has a nightmare.

A nightmare which was so realistic that he could the taste of blood in real life. This triggered his instincts and he unconsciously started using his powers while still sleeping.

The triggered use of his abilities destroyed the portable house he owned, and forced Ashlyn to intervene.

He didn't know the reason but while Ashlyn was trying to awaken him, he muttered Zed's name. He said things like:

' Zed...are you fine? '

' Zed...I'm so sorry...I will protect you till my final breath .'

Later on, after Kiba awoke from his nightmare, Ashlyn was a bit curious. She secretly wondered why a sadist like him care so much about this guy named Zed. As such, she enquired with Kiba.

Kiba answered by saying Zed was his younger brother. Back then, he was lying but now... the lie has brought him to some unexpected situation.

"Yes," Zed nodded his head in acknowledgment.

Ashlyn continued to lock her eyes on him, and said, "State your elder brother's name."

"Kiba," Zed replied.

Ashlyn brought her vision on his right wrist. In a chilling voice, she asked, "Why do you have his bracelet?"

Zed wanted to cry but he has no tears to shed.

After calming for a bit and thinking of her actions, it wasn't hard to realize why she attacked him. He was shocked by her murderous intent, and the injuries she implanted on him, but still, a part of him felt good. After all, she did what she did as she was worried his alter ego was harmed.

He raised his bracelet hand in front and answered, "It isn't his... We both have similar bracelets."

Ashlyn didn't reply in response but continued to stare at him.

Zed showcased a black ring he was wearing in the same finger as storage ring. This black ring would turn to white when he was Kiba but otherwise, its design would remain same.

"You would have seen a similar ring on his finger as well," Zed pointed out to her.

Ashlyn did recall a white ring with this design. Yet she didn't speak anything and waited for him to continue.

"I felt elder brother's aura so I came here, just minutes before you arrived," Zed explained since that was something she wanted. "But there were only corpses and wreckages, nothing else. Then you arrived..."

Lying and acting were main skills of Kiba, but even Zed has minor accomplishments. At least, enough skill to lie about such a matter.


"You know brother as well?" Zed asked with a straight face.

As was his character, he was polite from the time he met her, even during their short fight.

Ashlyn didn't answer. Instead, she asked, "State a few items he owns."

The corners of his mouth twitched. She was asking far too many questions to ascertain his identity.

"He should have a portable house," Zed described the features of the portable house.

He knew she knew about the house being destroyed so mentioning the house was the best way to prove his identity.

Ashlyn nodded in acknowledgment of his identity. The discs flew out and clad on her wrists.

Earlier, she wouldn't have attacked Zed if not for the bracelet and him possibly harming Kiba.

After fighting him, she concluded he was nowhere strong enough to fight someone of Kiba's caliber. She has witnessed Kiba facing strong enemies so she now realized he must be safe.

Ashlyn opened her left hand. A flash of radiance conjured to transform into a recovery pill. It was a Grade III pill with strong regenerative abilities.

She tossed this pill to him.

Zed has just caught the pill when she did something which left him astonished.

He looked in disbelief as she bowed down and said, "I apologize for my actions."

"Please don't," Zed quickly stopped her. "There is no need for you to do such a thing."

He has never seen her saying sorry to anyone much less bowing down with a sincere expression.

As far as he could recall, all he saw was a breath-taking, cold poker face. Only twice did he saw her smiling.

Even her tone never carried warmth, or at least none he noticed.

Now, due to a misunderstanding, not only was she apologizing sincerely but showing a new expression.


Zed didn't know how to react. A part of him felt bad for tricking her in such a manner.

"Your actions had no malice so please don't apologize," Zed said with a polite smile. "And thank you for the pill."

His smile and tone were as sincere as her apology.

Ashlyn could feel from his demeanor that he meant what he said. She nodded and her face turned to her usual self.

Zed stuffed the pill in his mouth and the pill melted into streams of healing energy that coursed throughout his body. The bleeding instantly stopped and even his wounds filled up in no time, leaving no trace.

The nanofibers in his clothing self-cleansed the bloodstains. His appearance was now same as before he fought her.

If not for the wildfire around them, it would have seemed they didn't even fight each other.

Zed focused on the fire and with a mental command, the wildfire extinguished.

"I shall be taking my leave," Zed waved her goodbye and turned around.

He decided to quickly transform back into Kiba and meet her again.

He took a step ahead and just then, the space in front of him flickered and Ashlyn arrived.

"?" Zed gave a questioning look.

"Kiba will be meeting me at Guardian Spirit Village," Ashlyn said, her voice as cold as ever.

The village was just a mile away from the entrance of the core region. It was a place visited by most people visiting core region.

"Oh! Brother would be at that village!" Zed pretended to be surprised. "Thanks! I know where to meet him."

Ashlyn continued to stand in front of him, not allowing him to leave.

"I'm leaving for the village and you can join me," Ashlyn stated her intentions.

The village would take a day or two to reach on foot. Normally, she wouldn't invite even her acquaintance to accompany her, much less a stranger she met minutes ago.

But Zed was different.

He was Kiba's brother!

The same brother whom Kiba swore to protect till his final breath.

The brother whom he cared so much that he even has a horrifying nightmare.

Ashlyn has fought Zed and found him rather weak. She didn't know why the brothers were separated, but she was sure Kiba wouldn't want Zed to be unprotected in this dangerous land.

If something happened to Zed, then would Kiba be able to cope up with the loss and guilt?

Given the circumstances, she felt she should accompany Zed and protect him till they reached the village. From then on, he would be Kiba's responsibility.

Zed smiled wryly as her words registered in his mind.

He didn't know the full reasons why she wanted him to accompany but he has a faint idea. It was either for Kiba, or out of guilt, or a combination of both.

Either way, her offer was not something he wanted to take. It would result in complications he didn't want, so he decided to politely refuse her.

With a smile, he said, "I don't want to trouble you."

Ashlyn didn't say anything, but just the fact she didn't speak stated her intentions.

"..." Zed realized she meant to say there was no trouble at all.

He wondered if he should make an excuse of being a member of a team but then thought not to take chances. He has a feeling she would stay just to confirm if his so-called team was any good given how he faced her alone without any help.

A minute later, Zed bitterly nodded.

Ashlyn responded with a barely noticeable smile. She began her mission of protecting Kiba's family...


Meanwhile, in the place where Kiba used Purgatory - Eclipse.

It was a pool of pure blood. The blood was still warm and fresh with no signs of clotting.

The smell and sight of pure blood were not something even killer mutants could handle without any discomfort. A few curious mutants checked the pool from distance but left just as quickly. They saw no reason to be in this desolate land where there were no lifeforms.

Others might have left from a distance, but there were two who stepped into the pool of blood. It was none other than Madison and Lillian!

"There is daddy's aura!"

Lillian twirled in the middle of pool like a ballerina. Her movements were fluid and the blood didn't prove any hindrance, not even touching her. If anything, the blood in background complimented her, adding charm to her movements.

"Yes! I can feel it as well!"

Madison jumped into the pool. She was a queen of blood and the pool treated her with the respect she commanded.

"This blood is truly pure!"

Madison raised a finger and the blood rose high up into waves. She curled her finger, and with a whooshing sound, the blood waves compressed into a small ring.

Lillian sat behind her twin. She wrapped her arms around Madison and rested her head on her back.

"I can no longer sense daddy's presence," Lillian said in a sad voice.

The corners of her mouth turned down.

"Don't' worry," Madison patted her twin's arms, and then continued, "Nothing would happen to our daddy!"


Chapter 342 - Meeting Again

Every blood drop in the pool rose high up in the air and fused with the blood ring.

On the ground, Lillian continued to hug her twin from behind.

"Daddy would be safe!" Madison assured her twin.

"Right! Nothing could happen to him!" Lillian giggled happily.

The blood ring floated in front of Madison before fading in a crimson glow.

"But when would we meet him?" Lillian asked.

She didn't want to be separated with her daddy for too long. This land was dangerous, so how can two fragile girls survive without the care of their daddy?

"Soon... I have a feeling very soon."


The dangers in the forest were not restricted to the greed of humans or hunger of ferocious beasts. Rather, these two dangers were something expected and everyone would be cautious about.

There were other dangers which most would be oblivious of.

The strange colorful flowers, stainless plants, enticing fruits, seemingly ordinary vines and so on.

These were the greatest dangers which no one could expect in advance. The era of evolution has blessed both flora and fauna, and to survive in a rapidly advancing world, the plant lifeforms were continuously adapting.

A mutant might try to pluck a flower, not knowing that the flower has the ability to suck him alive. Beautiful honeysuckle might be hiding rare toxic insects. The vines lying between trees might entangle a careless individual and devour the flesh and blood.

Biological diversity was such that it was impossible to be prepared. Even flora experts would have difficulty much less ordinary mutants.

There was just no telling when death might arrive in Desolate Blood Forest...

Among old trees, an enormous ox growled. It rushed at Zed with its sharp horns aimed at his torso, but before it could even come close, a blue disc cleaved through its head, instantly beheading it.

At the same time, hair-thin vines dripped down from a tree, moving towards Zed without making any sound.

The disc shot out of ox's head and whistled through the air, its sharp edges covered by a layer of blood. Even before vines could make contact, the disc tore through them.

The disc then flashed with blue glow and the layer of blood vanished. It flew back into Ashlyn's hand.


Zed expressed his gratitude but Ashlyn didn't reply. She continued to walk alongside him, completely silent.

Zed could only bitterly smile. She was overprotective but completely cold and distant.

To be honest, he didn't really need her protection to such an extent. His body has recovered and he could handle opponents of such a level. But Ashlyn would give him no opportunities.

The sky turned dimmer as evening approached. As night closed in, the visibility would be affected, and this, in turn, would make it harder to identify threats.

Ashlyn and Zed decided to find a nice place for rest. They followed a river stream, continuing their search.

Twenty minutes later, they stopped as some distance away from them, they saw a female tiger drinking water from the stream.

It was a humongous Red Tiger with black stripes and crystalline red fangs.

Red Tiger detected their presence and turned its head. Its lower jaw was open, exposing its sharp, huge canine teeth.

The tiger eyed them and their smell entered its nose. Its body jolted as if it was struck by lightning and the tiger focused its vision on Zed.

Then, without any warning, it leaped forward, piercing through the air. Its movements were so fast that only a red blurred shadow was visible.

Ashlyn was a bit taken aback by the speed. She quickly reacted, and discs shot out of her wrists but by then, the tiger has pounced on Zed, pinning his body to the ground.

Its mouth closed to his face and its eyes glittered.

Ashlyn was stunned by what she saw next.

The tiger pushed its tongue out and licked Zed's face. There was no killing intent, none at all. If anything, the tiger's actions were like that of a happy pet.

The two discs were moving forward to slice the tiger but they stopped in their path.

Zed was also surprised. He knew the tiger which was why her actions startled him greatly. The tiger was happily licking his face like a pet that hasn't met its master from ages.

"Could it be...?"

Zed has a guess on tiger's action but he found it rather hard to believe. After all, not only his aura, but even his smell was different from that of Kiba's.

Zed didn't think much. He ran a hand over the tiger's head as it continued licking.

"It's nice to meet you as well," Zed said with a genuine, sincere smile.

As soon as the tiger saw the familiar smile, its eyes turned misty.

Zed rubbed tiger's head as tears dripped on his face. They were rich with emotions and it took him a while to console her.

A minute later, the tiger has finally calmed enough to allow Zed to get back on his feet.

"You are acquainted?" Ashlyn asked as he brushed off the dust from his clothes.

"Well, not exactly. It is first time I'm meeting her," Zed answered.

It was Kiba who was acquainted with the tiger and not Zed.

Ashlyn's eyebrows raised up a little.


The tiger tucked Zed's t-shirt with its mouth while pointing a paw towards a particular direction.

"Sure," Zed nodded.

Ashlyn understood tiger's intent as well and she gave a slight nod for her agreement.

The tiger's eyes brightened and it started moving.

Zed and Ashlyn followed the tiger, and soon, they arrived at the entrance of a cave. The cave was rather hidden thanks to the boulders and foliage in the area; making it difficult to find.

Zed even noticed a few hidden traps during the journey. If not for tiger guiding them, it would be difficult to avoid those traps.

Both Zed and Ashlyn were impressed by the tiger's wisdom to have such preventive measures.

A minute later, they stepped inside.

The cave was rather spacious with moonstones embedded on the walls. The floor was smooth almost furnished with no rough edges.

As soon as the tiger entered, two cubs jumped on her, rolling over her back. The cubs tickled their paws on their mother's back and she responded with teasing of her own.

"I guess this is the reason I did what I did."

Zed thought as he observed the delightful bond shared by the tiger and her children. He recalled Fiona's remark when Kiba protected the tiger and her cubs:

You have a soft spot for mothers .

"Soft spot... Do I?"

Zed thought about the people who helped Kiba in creating his first Holy Technique - Happy Moments. He mused if they would agree with Fiona's remark or not. He has a feeling they would burst into curses at Fiona...

Some distance away from him, the cubs landed on the floor and noticed the human presence. Before they could be alarmed, their mother said something which calmed them instantly.

The eyes of the children sparkled, and the next moment, they leaped on Zed. He could only smile in response and leave his thoughts.

Chapter 343 - Treasury

The cubs leaped on Zed and began playing with him. Their eyes contained a combination of awe, respect, and happiness.

The Red Tiger growled in joy as she saw Zed obliging her children. He displayed no signs of being annoyed or frustrated by their behavior.

Rather, he seemed genuinely pleased.

This melted her heart with happiness.

His facial characteristics, aura, and even body smell might have changed from the man she remembered, but she was fully sure he was still that man.

The feeling she felt back then still existed.

The unique aroma of power was still the same, but just with a major difference. This aroma of power was suppressed within. It was like something inside him was sealing it, like a container.

He was truly the man who saved her family.

Their savior.

When he first protected them, she didn't dare express her gratitude. She was afraid that he saved them just to relieve his boredom.

After all, why else would a being of such power even care about their existence? Much less, go to the extent of killing members of own race for an animal species?

This fear made her hesitant in approaching him.

But then, the next time, she observed him from a distance.

He was with this woman but he turned around to wave her goodbye, with a smile. A smile that radiated kindness and sincerity. There were no traces of mocking she was so afraid of.

That smile made her realize that he didn't consider them ants. It gave her the confidence to treat him in the manner she did just an hour ago.

In a corner, Ashlyn patiently stood without making any comments. She noticed the activities between Zed and the cubs, and was lost in thoughts.

A few minutes later, the cubs were exhausted and Zed handed them to their mother. She made them asleep in a make-shift room and covered its entrance.

Then she asked the humans guests to further proceed in the cave.

The light from moonstones lit the cave and enhanced its visibility. It also provided a stable warm environment needed by the cubs.

Not only moonstones, but Zed even saw a few crystals that had camouflage properties. He wondered what used they served.

A minute later, they reached their destination.

Both Zed and Ashlyn were taken aback by what they saw. Zed now understood what purpose those camouflage crystals served.

Towards the end of the cave, there was a continuous release of twinkling lights. This wasn't from the moonstones but rather from countless items lying on the floor.

If one looked at those items, then one would wonder if the cave was some sort of treasury.

Gold, diamond, gem and other precious stones occupied only a portion of this treasury. The truly treasured items were hundreds of medicinal herbs and materials sealed in transparent wooden boxes.

The boxes were created from the fibers of a hundred year mutated glass tree that was capable of masking aura.

It was most likely the boxes were retrieved from humans in the forest.


Zed was astonished. Each herb and medicinal material was at least Grade II. Even Grade IV materials existed!

He checked further inside and found even more priceless items. There were invaluable jades and energized beads emitting a presence that didn't belong to Earth!

"They must be either from the core region... or from space debris that has fallen in a few places within the forest."

He most likely felt it was from the debris but he was not sure. The alien serpent Kiba and Ashlyn defeated some time ago was also from one of the debris.

Even Ashlyn was impressed. She found many high-grade items that even Beta-rank mutants would be interested in.

While surprised, she showed no interest in picking them. She knew the tiger was showcasing these items to Zed and not her. She was just a companion so she only checked them from a distance and did nothing else.

"You are offering them to me?" Zed asked while using sign language.

The tiger happily nodded. She knew she couldn't return the favor she owned, but she wanted to pay her respects.

Zed could understand her intentions. He was choosing his words when Ashlyn picked a box despite her initial reluctance to do so.

The box contained a Grade III - Seven-petal Golden Rose!

One of the items Kiba wanted!

In the auction, this flower was also auctioned, but due to Sophia's intervention, he could not purchase it.

Ashlyn handed the box to Zed and said, "Your brother is in need of it."

The corners of his mouth twitched at the mention of brother. He only has one sibling, and that was a sister despite them not sharing ties of blood.

"Yes, I know," Zed replied.

The tiger felt pleased that it could help her savior. It could not understand human language, but just the fact that Ashlyn handed the box to Zed spoke volumes.

Zed traced a finger on the transparent box and looked at the Seven-petal Golden Rose. A soft, vitalizing glow sparkled the flower. It was sealed but from close contact, he could feel his immune system revitalized.

Seven-petal Rose's essence was extremely beneficial in genetic engineering experiments.

Every major species have two subsystems of the immune system: Innate and Adaptive. During genetic experiments, the body is under continuous exposure to foreign particles, and it is during this that Adaptive immune system plays a major role.

The systemic cells would consider every foreign particle as pathogens and eliminate it. This would reduce the efficiency of the experiment, this, in turn, would create troubles for the subject.

The essence of Seven-petal Rose has the ability to temporarily manipulate immunological memory. It is immunological memory that recognizes an antigen that the body has previously encountered and initiate a corresponding immune response.

This makes it valuable in high-risk genetic experiments.


This rose was needed for the solution he has in mind for Felicity. Of course, it was only a side component but it was important.

Such a beneficial flower was extremely rare in nature. It would be closely guarded by ominous beasts who wanted to consume it for their own benefit.

Besides its ability to manage immunological memory, the essence has the power to boost both innate and adaptive immune system. For ominous beasts who lived under constant threat of both humans and dangerous plants, Seven-petal Golden Rose was a divine flower.

Zed could visualize the difficulties Red Tiger must have faced to acquire it.

Why would she get this flower unless she needed it?

Acquiring wealth was as important as maintaining wealth. The treasury of Red Tiger was both for her and her children's future.

Yet, she was offering everything to him.

"Haah~" Zed couldn't help but sigh.

He has lived for a little over twenty years, but he has witnessed pretty much everything.

Greed, envy, and selfishness.

When he lived in slums, he believed they were traits restricted to those at the bottom of society. After all, people there lacked means and so they have to do whatever it takes to survive.

But later on, he fused with Cosmic Spark and entered Delta City. It was there he realized these traits were universal.

Both in slums and city, he has eyewitnessed the scenes of people paying favors with enmity. Very few would actually repay the favors with good intent.

"Children's storybooks say kindness begets kindness... but that's just fiction," Zed shook his head.

Society pretty much has the inability to recognize goodness. It repays kindness with vice.

Zed has seen so much negativity in the world that this gesture of Red Tiger left him flabbergasted.

Sure, he might have protected her family but to him, it was nothing worth mentioning.

Back then, he did what he did because he desired to. Not because she would remember it for a lifetime and repay him.

Of course, he was well aware how his actions would be perceived by her. For her, his intervention was no different than that help from a god.

As such, he knew the status he held in her mind. He even knew the extent she felt gratitude for him, but it was very rare that someone pays gratitude with everything that one possesses.

It was what his experience taught him...

His alter ego could not be the serial seducer if he wasn't a master of psychology. But this time, he was caught off-guard by a beast...

Red Tiger has smashed his notions of selfishness to pieces.

"For the first time, it doesn't feel bad to be proven wrong," Zed mused with a smile.

He crouched down on the floor. He looked at the wooden box containing Seven-petal Golden Rose before placing it with other boxes.

Ashlyn and Red Tiger were dumbfounded by his actions. He then grabbed a sizable amount of gold and diamonds.

"I hope you don't mind me having them," Zed said as he transferred them to his storage ring.

For a moment, Red Tiger was at a loss for a reaction. She then quickly offered other items including the rose but he refused.

"No, they don't interest me."

Zed tried his best to cross the language barrier. He pointed to his silver bracelet and rings to make a point on how he treasured jewelry items.

If Claudia was here, she would be amused by his words. Back then, he has tried to resist wearing bracelet by saying how he hated such items.

The Red Tiger poked at him to take medicinal herbs or jade stones that contained alien aura. She even carried these items in her jaw and dropped it on his lap.

With a smile, he placed the items back in their former position. He ran a hand over the tiger's head and said, "I'm in real need of money... gold and diamonds would help me when I return back."

It took him a while to assure Red Tiger he truly was in need of gold and diamonds. The Red Tiger was still not sure, but she finally gave up trying to force him to accept items she found precious.

"I will be taking a few more," Zed said while practically grabbing every piece of jewelry.

Despite her nature, Ashlyn was astounded. Out of all the items in this treasury, gold and diamonds were the most useless.

In fact, they carried no value compared to other items. Even for Red Tiger, gold and diamond were no better than trash.

After all, they only had materialistic benefits which were of no use to a beast like her. It was just that she acquired them from the hunters who targetted her, and she stored them in this treasury.

Ashlyn was sure Zed was lying about money. She even understood he lied so that Red Tiger wouldn't feel he was taking useless items.

But that understanding further amazed her.

She recalled Kiba and what he did in the auction. He was interested in Body Molding Ore so not only he stole the ore, but he robbed the entire auction house. Basically, he indirectly robbed hundreds of people who have auctioned their possessions.

For one item... Kiba carried out a robbery in broad daylight. No one knew how many people were killed and harmed due to his one act.

Now, she compared his actions with Zed.

Zed was OFFERED an entire treasury of precious items! There were materials which definitely interested him, and yet, he was refusing them!

The Red Tiger was basically begging him to take everything, but he was only grabbing useless items so that she doesn't feel bad!

On the other hand, Dark Stars and auction house management did everything they could to stop Kiba from committing robbery, but he didn't stop. Not only did he steal, he even created a riot-like situation.

The actions of the two brothers could not have been any different.

"Are they really brothers?"

Ashlyn started having doubts.

Otherwise, how else can a borderline villain with heavy sadistic tendencies have such a kind-hearted brother?

Chapter 344 - A Gracious Host

In the makeshift treasury at the end of cave.

Zed placed every gold and diamond item in his storage ring. His face was filled with happiness as if what he has taken was truly precious.

And indeed, for him, it was precious, far more precious than any materialistic treasure he has ever owned.

Not because of its physical value, but rather, its emotional value.

Usually, he would not care about such a thing. This was rather evident from the way his alter ego acted in relationships.

But today was different.

He has met someone who was offering everything she has... with no return expectations. In this cynical world, such selflessness was far more precious than some powerful jade or medicinal herb.

Accepting the gold and diamond items was his way of respecting and honoring her kind intentions.

Red Tiger has given up trying to change his mind. She felt as long as he was satisfied, it was more than enough for her. And from the feeling she was sensing from him, she was sure that he was both satisfied and happy.

What more can she ask for?

Ashlyn didn't bring the matter of Seven-Petals Golden Rose either. He has already made a decision and she decided to respect it.

"I'm done," Zed jumped back on his feet.

He stood opposite Red Tiger who looked at him for a long moment before nodding.

She then guided him and Ashlyn to another part of the cave. It was some distance from the place where the cubs were sleeping.

After this, she signaled them to have rest while she stepped out of the cave.

"Take your time," Zed sat down on the floor alongside Ashlyn.

Neither of them muttered a single word to each other. They just waited for Red Tiger to return.

Twenty minutes later.

Red Tiger returned with a lot of materials. Wooden logs, wild chicken, fish, and so on.

"This..." Zed was a bit surprised.

Red Tiger was truly a gracious host to make such arrangements for dinner.

"Let me help."

Zed joined in preparing the food. He took out a set of spices and utensils from the storage ring.

Ashlyn continued to sit. She wasn't good at cooking so she allowed Zed to take over.

A few minutes later.

Both Ashlyn and Red Tiger observed as Zed used his Fire Element Control to roast chicken and grill fish. The heat emitted was just the right amount needed for cooking.

Soon, a tempting and wonderful fragrance greeted the senses of everyone.

"You have a nice ability," Ashlyn made a brief comment when Zed handed her a plate containing chicken legs and fish.


Zed certainly didn't like this praise. She was basically saying pyrokinesis was good for cooking!

Red Tiger would eat only raw meat. Both she and the cubs had food long before Zed and Ashlyn arrived.

As such, Red Tiger allowed her guests to enjoy their dinner in silence.

Thirty minutes later.

Red Tiger guided them to a spacious area that was empty and with enough space for 4-5 people.

Ashlyn has a portable crystal house, but she didn't take it out. She didn't want to disrespect Red Tiger who has been a gracious host.

Zed retrieved two mats from his storage space and place them on two distant corners of this area.

Soon, Red Tiger took her leave.

Ashlyn and Zed laid down on their respective mats. Ashlyn closed her eyes and began her sleep without any goodnight wish.

Zed looked at the moonstones on the ceiling.

"This is not bad."

Zed thought of how the day came to an end.

Auction, chase, battles, meeting Ashlyn as Zed, and finally Red Tiger.

He entered sleep while lost in thoughts...

The next morning.

Dazzling orange light broke through the night sky.

Zed and Ashlyn stood outside the cave. They woke up just as the sun rose and witnessed the beautiful sky.

The ground was hidden by the mist but they could feel the dewdrops as they stepped further. The fresh winds swept through the evergreen trees before brushing past Zed and Ashlyn.

Some distance ahead, Red Tiger was training her cubs. She taught them how to pounce and retaliate in mid-air while effectively using their claws.

The cubs tried to catch Red Tiger and strike her with their claws without any success.

Red Tiger stopped the training as she felt the presence of her guests. Even before she could, the cubs rushed at Zed and leaped on him.

"Good morning to you as well," Zed greeted the enthusiastic cubs.

The cubs played with him excitedly for they knew he would leave soon. Something they didn't want.

An hour later.

Zed and Ashlyn stood opposite Red Tiger and her children. He noticed their eyes turning misty and it brought a smile on his face.

As far as he could remember, whenever he (Kiba) visited someone' home, the owner would look forward to seeing him leave.

His teacher Ryan was a classic example when Kiba made a night visit. Even Olly would cry in joy when Kiba left before his father arrived from work.

Now, a family of three was on the verge of crying because he was leaving.

"Humans truly needs to learn from beasts," Zed mused.

He quickly cleared thoughts that belonged to Kiba and focused back on the present.

Zed crouched down in front of the cubs. He closed them in for a hug and said, "I know you can't understand my words, but still allow me to say... I'm truly happy to meet you three. Take care."

He kissed their heads and rubbed their backs.

Red Tiger sniffed and pressed her head against his shoulder. He smiled in response.

Rarely has he been at the receiving end of such warmth and pure emotions. He was not the type of person to desire such things, much less seek them, but nevertheless, when he received them, he truly felt happy.

He wrapped an arm around Red Tiger's head and said, "You are the second one to break through my prejudice... And I'm thankful for that."

A minute later, he got back on his feet. He thought for a moment before retrieving a bottle containing pills.

Red Tiger was startled as soon as she smelled the medicinal scent. The aroma was more powerful than the medicinal herbs and materials she owned. Just from sniffing, she felt her blood energy boosted.

But quickly, Red Tiger shook her head.

"Well, you wouldn't be rude enough to deny a request from your guest, right?"

Zed knew she wanted to refuse.

"Besides, I have plenty of them."

Claudia has given him various types of pills. Quantity of each variety was enough to last for a year even if he used them freely.

Claudia firmly believed in 'hope for the best but prepare for the worst.' Naturally, she prepared for the worst-case scenario.

Before he left Delta City, Claudia used the lab equipment to their full capacity. As for the raw materials needed for the pills, well, let's say, they were " borrowed " from some kind souls in Delta City.

Kind souls who were now on the brink of bankruptcy...

"The people who contributed for these pills wanted them to be used without any thought," Zed placed the bottle next to the cubs. "So feel free to use them."

Red Tiger ignored the pill bottle and instead, wrapped her front legs around him for a final hug.

As Ashlyn witnessed this, she once again compared him with Kiba.

A few minutes later, they left the habitant of Red Tiger and resumed their journey to the village.

Red Tiger looked on as Zed's silhouette started blurring among distant trees. As his silhouette faded, she saw him waving at her for the final time.


Contrary to their expectations, this was not the final meeting...

Chapter 345 - Criminal Mercenaries

An hour later.

The morning sun was basking the forest with a soft radiance. The leaves in the trees were whistling under the fluttering winds.

It was a very lovely environment, but currently, Zed sighed. Ashlyn stood beside him, her expression the same as ever.

Some fifty meters ahead, a group of ten mercenaries stood, making sure there were no spots for escape.

They were middle-aged men, sporting improper expressions, lust flashing in their eyes.

This group of mercenaries was in the vicinity when they noticed Ashlyn and Zed. Normally, they wouldn't care about two youths, but when they saw Ashlyn and her flawless figure, their hormones went out of control.

The forest made it close to impossible for them to satisfy their natural urges. Now, such a gorgeous woman was in the area, and they found her perfect to vent on.

It wasn't every day they get to meet a young woman, much less such a stunning woman! Naturally, their old bones ached for action!

What they had planned in mind was rather something very common in Desolate Blood Forest and even in the core region.

In civil society, the apprehension of law and fear of being outcast reduces such crimes. But in a desolate place like the forest, the criminal-minded people had no such fear. This was especially true when such people find a fragile woman.

"Sadly for them, she is not fragile."

Zed recalled how previously bad men have tried to capture her. The result was something that would scare the hell out of every man in existence.

Of course, for men like them, they wouldn't care if a woman was fierce. They believed the true fun was breaking a strong woman.

"Haah~ Men in The Fair were smarter," Zed thought as he saw the lewd looks on the group.

"We can do it the easy way or the hard way," A bulky man spoke first.

He was wielding a sharp knife which he pointed at Ashlyn.

"Result would be same, but if you cooperate, you can save yourself some pain, and even have fun," Another man said.

His arms were artificial enhancements in the form of metallic pincers. With just a snap, he could crush a tree into splinters.

The men laughed in delight at the scene that was about to unfold. They were ten and there was no way two youngsters would dare challenge them.

Even if they did, just how hard it would be to overpower them?!

Ten against two! Old vs young!

The result was very obvious and didn't even need much thought.

The group of mercenaries continued to smile, their eyes locked on Ashlyn, and they licked their lips greedily. They felt there couldn't be a better start to the day.

The morning sun has brought them a gift on plates, and it would be rude if they didn't accept the gift.

Ashlyn observed the expressions of the men and studied their tones. Based on this, she classified them into "Rock your world" category of men.

She was thinking of using the second lesson Kiba taught her (based on wedding dinner story), but then she remembered Zed was with her and not Kiba.

So far, it was evident to her that Zed hasn't learned anything from Kiba. This made her hesitant, but by now, the men made their moves.

They rushed at her with sinister smiles. A few of them even removed their shirts and unbuckled their pants as they proceeded forward.

They didn't want to wait anymore! Now was the time to enjoy the delicious feast!

"Bitch, get ready---!!"

"Language!" Zed raised a hand and a stream of fire shot out from his palm, blazing with blistering heat.

The man who has just spoken was caught off-guard. Even before he could blink or twist his body to avoid the attack, the stream of fire quickly crashed on his chest. Like a net, the fire wrapped his entire chest.

"AHHHH! Save me!"

The man's scream was heartwrenching, filled with agony. His skin was burning with a sharp pain that made his bones rattle.

He brought his hands to extinguish the fire, but alas, they too caught fire.

In just a few moments, he has turned into a human torch! He could no longer scream or do anything, except wait for death.


The other men were startled.

It wasn't like they had ignored Zed but the speed of his attack was far too swift, like lightning, giving them no time to react.

By the appearance of their comrade, they knew he couldn't be saved even if they acted now.

"Kid! We would have allowed you to live but you don't know what's good for you!"

The man with a knife stabbed out at Zed. He was some fifteen meters away, and as the knife approached Zed, it suddenly stretched out with a sharp edge that radiated pulses of red energy.

This hidden mechanism of sudden elongation would often catch enemies unprepared. They would get no time to dodge!


The knife stabbed in Zed's heart, and the man's lips curled up in happiness.

"So easy!"

But his happiness didn't even last for a second and his eyes turned wide in disbelief.

Even though the knife has pierced throughout Zed's heart, there was no splash of blood or scream as the man expected.

On the contrary, much to his horror, the next moment, 'Zed' faded in thin air like water ripples.

"Afterimage?! But how is that possible?!"

The man didn't get much time to think. He has an uneasy feeling, and he instinctively tried to defend himself.


A voice came from behind.

The man shuddered as Zed's word entered his ears. He leaped forward to create distance while thinking of his next course of action.

Just then, a fireball swept forward, leaving behind a trail of fire.

As the man was about to land, the fireball ruthlessly slammed on his back. He emitted a miserable scream and he was sent tumbling to the ground, stirring up dust.

His back was ripped, showcasing the scorched insides. The heat from the fireball continued to penetrate further into his tissues, igniting them.

The man rolled on the ground, trying to extinguish the fire without any success...

A few steps away, Zed lowered his hand.

While it was true that he didn't even have 1% the strength of Kiba, but that didn't mean he was weak.

Long before he became Kiba, he was only Zed.

It was Zed who survived dangers which not even mutants far more powerful than him could survive.

So how could he be killed by likes of these mercenaries?

With time and resources, he has mastered his ability to limits his young age would allow.

The true worth of an Elementalist was not mastery over his own element, but rather using own element to control the opposite element.

A minute ago, Zed used water vapors in the air to converge them into a specter of himself. This specter was what got stabbed by the knife.

Just as Zed lowered his hand, from high above a tree, the man with metallic pincers jumped in action. This man was stunned by the deaths of his two comrades and it angered him greatly.

"How dare he!" The man thought as he rapidly cleaved downwards, his pincers wide open.


Zed felt a strong gust of wind from above. As the pincers arrived to snap his head, he quickly crouched down.

All the pincers could snip was air and nothing else. The man with metallic enhancements was startled by such fast reflexes of his opponent.

He was still in mid-air when Zed reacted extremely fast.

Flames exploded under Zed's feet, and he borrowed momentum from this to propel himself into the air.

The man with pincers was coming down while Zed was moving up.

As their bodies arrived at the same level for a moment, Zed sent a palm crashing on the man's face.


The man's face turned pale and his pupils dilated. His face was shrouded by the palm, and for a second there was darkness, but then a cluster of fire broke out, like rays of sun in the night sky.

The heat was so intense that he unconsciously shut his eyes. Not like it did him any good, for the fire burned his eyelids as if they were made of paper!

Quickly, the fire engulfed his eyeballs before enveloping his entire face.


The screams were filled with unspeakable agony. The pain from eyes being melted under volcanic heat was not something that could be described by words.

Like wax, his blood and flesh fell off, exposing a white skull...