405 - 411

Chapter 405 - Use Those Pills, Please!

Gazet's body turned scorching red as streams of fire coursed through his body, burning away his insides. His vocal cords melted into oblivion, making him incapable of even screaming. As for seeing, well, his eye sockets were empty, filled with bright flames.


Gazet collapsed on the floor and began rolling in a bid to fight the internal pain. He prayed for Onur to help him quickly!

At the same time, Onur ducked the column of fire and whipped out the energy chain. He hated Zed to the core and this hatred only intensified by the methods Zed employed one after another.

He has promised Gazet to rescue and heal him, but this was getting more difficult with every passing second.

"Stop interfering, bastard!" Onur shouted, his eyes filled with viciousness as he eyed Zed.

As the energy chain rushed at him, Zed threw himself to right. Just as quickly, the chain curled towards right just and thurst at his waist like a drill.

Zed stretched a hand quickly and flames exploded out of his palm, slamming against the chain.

Clattering sounds ring out and the chain bounced backward.

Meanwhile, Onur has sped forward and arrived in front of collapsed Gazet. He took out a green medicine pill from his pocket and tossed in Gazet's mouth.

Onur's eyes brightened as the pill spun forward, moving towards his companion's mouth. Just as it was about to enter into the mouth, a concentrated beam of fire struck on the pill.


The pill exploded and evaporated into green vapors.

"Son of a bitch!"

Onur was cursing when another beam of fire slammed on Gazet's mouth. In just a flicker of a second, Gazet's tongue and entire mouth burned to ashes. There was no chance of giving him any medical pill now...


Onur has taken his eyes from Zed for only a few seconds to help Gazet, and the result was in front of him.

Snapping his teeth, he yanked the chain and rotated it at high speed before swinging it at Zed. Alongside, he summoned another energy chain in his freed hand and sent it forward.

The air whistled and air currents streamed out in all directions.

Zed was surrounded by both sides and there was no place to retreat as there was a wall behind. Even though the corridor was enormous with its width more than two hundred meters, there was not much free space now.

Enveloping his legs with rings of fire, he took a step forward and leaped towards the ceiling which was over three hundred meters away.

The air buzzed and the chains rustled towards him.

Just as he covered a distance of hundred meters away, one of the chains slammed against his leg. The rings of fire faded and blood splashed out, exposing a sharp cut. The chain then fell down as it lost its energy from clashing with the rings of fire.

Onur didn't care as his second chain would finish the task.

Zed let out a grunt and lowered his hand as another chain began crashed towards his torso.

The only reason he leaped was due to the initial might of the chains. When they were first launched straight at him, they were charged with great force but when they moved upwards after him, the intensity of the force reduced.

It resulted in some serious pain and an injury but it was still fine. He has handled far worse and while that might be a long ago, his body hasn't forgotten the experience.

Now, as he began falling down towards the floor and another chain rushed towards his torso to slice him open, he enveloped his hand with a gauntlet of concentrated fire.

He grabbed the end of chain tightly and stuffed it with blistering heat.

The chain links might be made of energy and not real metal, but they were not insulated. In just a second, Zed transferred such an intense amount of heat that the entire energy chain flashed with fire energy.

At the other end of the chain, Onur's face fell. In the time that it takes to blink, hundreds of burn blisters appeared on his hand.


He felt as if his hand was being grilled.

Having no choice, he quickly tossed the chain away. The moment the chain left his hand, it dispersed into thin air, disappearing.


Zed's voice came from the front.

Onur raised his head to look ahead and his pupils shrunk. Zed was shooting at him like a rocket, propelled by a sea of fire.

Onur shivered and quickly, he raised the remaining chain and lashed it at Zed. Sadly, he acted far too late, as by the time the chain swept to attack Zed, the latter was in front of him.

All the chain did was sliced through the sea of fire behind Zed, slashing it into two.

The chain was mostly a weapon for long-range attacks and while it could be used in close quarters, now there was just no time.

"Are you really a Level III mutant?" Zed asked.

Before Onur could even react to his sudden appearance, Zed thrust a hand wrapped with swirling flames on Onur's face.

"I ask because even a Level I mutants fight better than you," Zed added.

Onur replied with screams.

His face was grabbed by a hand of flames that surged deep into his skin. An unpleasant smell of flesh burned swept out as his face - literally - began falling down, just like melting wax.

"Oh well, you don't seem to be in the mood for answering," Zed guessed aloud and kicked him away.

At this moment, Zed felt his scalp turning numb.

"So they are finally showing up!" Zed thought with a smile and leaped sidewards by thrusting the flames around him.

Just then, without making any sound, a red laser beam flashed through the corridor and exploded in the place that Zed was earlier standing.

If he was even a moment late, the beam would have easily exploded someone of his strength.

"Your perception is strong!"

A cold and arrogant voice came from a distance of almost a mile.

Zed turned towards the speaker. He was hardly surprised to see it was fatty named Leonardo - one of the top contestants.

"You aren't too bad for a dimwit," Zed replied.

His voice echoed in the silent corridor and entered Leonardo's ears.

"What did you say?" Leonardo was startled.

After the second trial, he has encountered Zed when he was trying to open the ancient door. Back then, Zed was extremely polite and respectful even when Leonardo mocked him.

This was why this reply startled him.

"I said you aren't too bad for a dimwit and a coward," Zed said.

A scowl appeared on Leonardo's forehead and his eyes flared with murderous intent. He knew very well coward was an additional insult that didn't exist in the first reply.

Zed ignored him and looked towards the end of corridor. There was no one standing there but he asked, "Are you guys going to wait till the end?"

There was no response so he raised his right wrist and pointed at the black band. The two jewels gleamed brightly, like stars in the night.

"Surely, you guys know that if this dimwit manages to kill me, the band would fall in his hands...and you guys would be able to do nothing but curse your stupid parents for giving you such terrible luck... Then again, you might have already done that when you were born with shitty looks."

"How dare you!"

Multiple curses followed at the same time from the end of corridor. In total, fifteen people stepped into the corridor.

The one in the front was the sole Chosen - Alistair. He silently walked in front without speaking anything.

A few steps away, top geniuses Aishah and Nur followed, just as silent.

Behind them, other cursed Zed with varying adjectives and local slurs.

Alistair swept a glance at Zed and then at Leonardo. He didn't want to appear now but he had no choice.

Just as Zed said, if someone managed to get the band, then it would be impossible to take it from that person. After all, others were still protected by the rule of protection. That meant using force, no matter how small, was useless.

If there was no usage of force, how could one get the band?

In normal situations, no one would dare go against someone like Alistair, Leonardo, and other top geniuses if they target something.

But now it was different.

The allure of the band was strong.

It offered two unique opportunities: a top treasure from the legendary treasure vault and a priceless Legacy Orb!

And since the rule of protection existed, even pigs wouldn't give any thoughts to the threat of lion!

Till now, none of them intervened as they didn't want others to take advantage of their efforts. So they looked from sidelines as Zed faced Onur and others.

But after Leonardo jumped into action, they knew they have to step in.

Leonardo was a top genius! It was almost guaranteed that he would kill Zed and take the bracelet.

So, the reason they appeared was more due to Leonardo and not due to Zed's words.

"Wow~ So top dickheads have finally shown themselves!" Zed said with a smile.

He obviously expected such a situation when Enchantia gave him this band. Which was why he rushed here at top speed, leaving everyone behind.

He knew they would eventually find him here given varying abilities and gadgets people possessed. This was why he tried his best to destroy Sealstone, but sadly, it was still intact, albeit with many cracks.

So, using Cosmic Spark was not an option unless he was ready to face disastrous consequences.

Consequences which might wipe out his chance of finding what he needed the most... something he would never want.

"Haah~ This is going to be very difficult for sure."

Zed thought while checking his opponents.

"I'm not even sure if I could win."

Everyone was here either at Level II or Level III. Many of them had actual battle experience, not like Onur and others who only advanced thanks to their influential background.

And the top geniuses were as strong as him, if not stronger.

"But this would make it so much fun!" Zed's lips curved up into an excited smile.

Meanwhile, Leonardo didn't attack despite his anger and thirst for blood.

If he attacked first then others might use it as an opportunity to steal the band. After all, for others, there would be enough time to make the best out of situation when Zed is facing an opponent.

Leonardo brought his vision on three contestants. They were his followers, almost lackeys, and till now, they were cheering him.

"I can't trust them!" Leonardo knew no one was reliable in such a matter.

The band offered the chance of turning a slave into a king! And his followers were not even his slaves!

So there was no chance of trusting them!

Just like Leonardo, no one attacked first for the same reasons. Seconds turned into minutes but no one rushed forward.

Seeing a state of stalemate, Zed sighed and retrieved a plastic bottle from his storage ring. It was labeled with warning symbols exclusive to medicines.

"If you guys don't mind..." Zed trailed off while opening the cover lid.

Everyone looked at him with full attention. They might be not jumping in action, but their eyes were locked on him.

If he tried to flee, they would catch him in a matter of seconds!

Of course, since he was only opening a pill bottle, no one did anything.

"What type of pill is he using?" Leonardo wondered aloud.

"Most likely something similar to Overdraining Pill!" A contestant named Tashan guessed. "Only those types of pills have such exaggerated warning signs!"

"Overdraining Pill!" Another contestant named Allu gasped.

Such pills could draw out the latent potential in genes!

This would result in an explosive increase in strength. In almost all cases, a mutant would have at least a 100% rise in strength!

Such terrifying pills were obviously rare and costly.

That might be, but they were the types of pills no one really purchased. In fact, they were never in demand.

Because while they gave terrifying strength, they also resulted in serious side effects!

After all, how could there be no consequences from forcefully exploiting genetical potential!?

The side effects were such that it would physically age the body and reduce the life force. If a youth in twenty takes such pill, then his body would be similar to seventy years old.

Both the strength gain and resulting side effects depended on latent potential and age!

Now, seeing that Zed was most likely taking out such pills from the bottle, the contestants felt both schadenfreude and pity.

Mostly, they were happy.

"At most, his overpowered state would last for a minute!" Leonardo thought to himself. "I just have to drag for a minute and then I can grab that band!"

Not only him, but others also thought the same. They eagerly waited for him to consume pills.

"Sighs~ This is not something I want to use," Zed muttered, his expression filled with hesitation.

His voice was low but most mutants here had enhanced hearing. After listening to his words, their eyes sparkled.

"Such hesitation!"

"There is no doubt!"

Everyone looked at him with bright eyes as he emptied the box in his other hand. In total, he has taken out six pills.

"Are they Overdraining Pills?"

The pills didn't look anything special with their cyan surface and skull engraving.

"He is going to use six pills?!"

"He must be insane!"

"Obviously! No matter how great strength he gains, he would die just from the side effects!"

"What an idiot!"

The top geniuses looked at Zed with ridicule.

"I don't even know why that mighty figure praised an idiot like him!" Leonardo internally mocked him.

Without thinking further, he prepared himself. His mechanical arm transformed and opened up with various gadgets he might need.

He was ready to charge straight at full speed and grab the band.

At the same time, Zed brought his hand near his chest. He observed the pills for a moment and then a look of determination appeared on his face.

"I have no choice but to use them!"

Zed clenched his hand tightly and gritted his teeth.

"Yes! Use them!" Tashan, Allu, and others screamed.

Don't delay any further! Man up and don't hesitate!!

Almost all contestants prayed.

Zed raised his hand towards the ceiling and then curled his hand further towards his back.

"Huh? What the fuck he is doing?!" A contestant was angered.

"Maybe it is some practice one must follow before using those pills?" Another contestant replied.

They were trying to make a sense of his actions when they saw Zed rapidly raising his hand back and bringing it in front, almost like how one throws a ball in game of cricket!


Every contestant thought at the same time.

Simultaneous to their thoughts, six beams of fire surged out from his hand. The beams of fires rushed towards the contestants like asteroids, bringing with them the cyan pills.

Just as the eyes of contestants detected the pills, the fire beams were already in front of them. Alistair was the quickest and he leaped up to avoid. A few top geniuses did the same and before others could do the same, the pills dispersed into the air along with fire beams.


"What happened?"

Leonardo's eyes turned bloodshot.

"Could that punk be playing with us?!"

He was thinking when he heard loud sounds from behind. If the situation changed and he was in privacy, he would find those sounds refreshing and pleasing to the mind.

But given the location and the fact that those sounds didn't belong to him, his skin turned ice cold.

Leonardo turned around and his eyes popped out. He almost stumbled down in shock.

Alistair also looked towards the source of sounds, and the moment he did, his body turned stiff.

There was so much he wanted to say, but when his eyes registered the scene in its full glory, all those words died right in his throat.

Just some thirty meters in front of him, the most unpleasant thing a male could ever witness was taking place.

No, the most repulsive thing a straight man could ever witness!

Aishah and Nur were similarly dumbstruck. They wanted to smash their eyes and erase their memories.

Tashan, Allu, and three other contestants were behaving like animals in heat. They were groaning, moaning, and doing things which one shouldn't even think about!

Yet, those indescribable and vulgar things were taking place so openly. That too in a place like this!

How shameful!

In total, ten contestants felt repressed to such an extent that they felt suffocating.

They closed their eyes and shut their ears, but from time to time, certain terms were uttered so loudly that they would enter their ears.

Oh, baby!

Take me!

Do you like it?

I'm all yours!

You are so...

When such words entered their ears, their skins crawled and goosebumps appeared all over their bodies. Their expressions were even worse than crying.

If not for their fear of the trial zone's rule, they would have killed the source of these sounds.

The situation was truly horrifying!

Some five hundred meters away, Zed stood with a wireless headphone planted over his ears. The headphone has a lightweight and comfortable ear tips with perfect noise cancellation function.


Zed has his eyes closed as the headphone played his favorite music song.

"I really didn't want to use those pills," Zed said the words he has said before. "But at least, it should have got six contestants out of the picture."


As the song changed, Zed couldn't help but feel sorry for not preparing enough pills. He and Claudia have only created a total of eight.

Never expecting they could come in so handy.

Now, all eight pills were used...

"Oh well, now is the time to start for real!"

The air around him began to surge with wild flames...

Chapter 406 - Not Easy!

Leonardo felt sick, his expression 🤢 showed just how badly. Till a minute ago, he was praying for Zed to use those pills but now that the pills were used, Leonardo was on brink of throwing up. Just the thought of what would have happened had one of those pills vaporized in front of him, made his internals twist.

"Fucking bastard!"

Leonardo snapped his teeth in anger.

"Using such a despicable method!"

The fat on his body trembled as he cursed Zed. Sadly his curses were suppressed by vulgar sounds from behind.

"If he wanted to use those pills, he should have used on women! Not men!"

Leonardo tried to overpower repulsive images in his mind with 'mesmerizing scenes'. Sadly those sounds made it difficult.

The funny thing about psychology was that the more you don't want to think about something, the more you actually think about it.

His mind was filled with thoughts of his fate had he not avoided those pills...

He was not the only one. The other nine contestants, including Chosen Alistair, were the same in this regard.

They were thinking of what to do when they sensed fierce heatwaves galloping towards them.


Aishah's body morphed with his limbs and fingers turning as sharp as blades. He was practically a man full of blades!

As he felt surging heatwaves rushing at him, he slashed his hands down.


The heatwaves in front of him tore apart as if they were cleaved by a giant.

Nur opened his mouth and shot out orange ripples from his mouth. The ripples turned bigger as they left his mouth and slammed against the incoming heatwaves in his direction.


The ripples were highly compressed and amplified soundwaves. As they crashed into the heatwaves, the heatwaves exploded and disappeared.

Alistair turned the front end of his hand into a swamp. He stretched his hand out and the heatwaves struck on it.

Since his hand was intangible and basically a depthless swamp, the heatwaves were absorbed without creating any harm.

Leonardo and many fellow contestants similarly protected themselves from the heatwaves churning towards them.

At the same time, the six contestants involved in indescribable activities felt a huge danger approaching them.


Voice came from their depths of soul but sadly, their bodies refused to listen. They continued to do what they were doing even as the heatwaves crashed on them.

Leonardo shivered in horror as he heard the resulting screams. They were like moans of a masochist taking pleasure in scorching pain!

"Just what sort of pills he used?!"

The surviving contestants were terrified. They have never heard of pills that could amplify lust to such that an extent that even survival didn't matter.

A contestant named Xino turned around as he felt something amiss. He noticed Zed rushing towards him like a ghost, wrapped with ethereal fire.

Xinu was startled but not afraid.

He has earlier transformed into a hideous-looking gorilla and as Zed charged at him, he swept his hand out.

A gust of wind appeared as his gorilla hand moved forward to smash Zed's head. Alongside, Xinu raised a leg to kick Zed in his torso.

His body carried tremendous physical strength and just one attack would be enough to break an opponent to pieces.

As the hand and kick were about to land on Zed, circles of fire appeared in front of him. They joined together to form a circular wall of fire upon which the kick and punch crashed into.

With a whistling sound, in just two seconds, the wall of fire split apart and the earlier attacks moved forward.

But Zed has already jumped up by a few meters. He lowered a hand and aimed at Xinu's head.

"You!" Xinu rapidly retraced his hand and leg but by now, the ethereal fire on Zed's palm concentrated to burst out.

Just then, Zed's pupils flickered as the air behind him emitted a sound of slicing.

In mid-air, Zed twisted his body and turned the direction of his palm.

Fire burst out and brutally smashed into a hand that was glinting brightly like a blade!

A figure came in sight that was pushed by the resulting explosion of fire.

"Aishah!" Xinu was pleasantly surprised by unexpected help, but then his eyebrows knitted.

He quickly realized Aishah's intentions.

Aishah wanted to kill Zed by a sneak attack while the latter was launching a deathly attack on Xinu!

Had Zed not sensed the sneak attack, Xinu knew both Zed and him would have died. And Aishah would be the winner.

Xinu's thoughts took a long while to describe but he thought everything in just a second.

In the meantime, with a thud sound, Zed crashed on the floor.

Twisting his body in mid-air and changing the direction of attack so suddenly resulted in a recoil that made him crash down violently.


Zed tasted the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. But he has no time to care about the minor injury he gained.

Because just as he crashed on the floor, a monstrous foot ruthlessly slammed downward on his head.

Zed rolled his body to a side and avoided the foot by an inch!

At the same time, Aishah pounced on Zed, his hands slicing downwards, emitting bright light.

Zed rapidly stretched a hand towards Aishah and threw out a fireball. Alongside, with his other free hand, he pressed on the floor and used it as a support to jump on feet.

Aishah has already cleaved the fireball into pieces and charged at Zed just as he rose up. The latter amassed a vast amount of fire on his body and used it to amplify his reflexes.

With a sharp sound, Aishah's blade-hand moved past Zed by a hairbreadth. As Aishah's hand moved ahead by a few centimeters, Zed aimed at Aishah's head.

Aishah quickly reacted by kicking sidewards. Sensing the incoming blade-leg, Zed jumped backward and avoided it.

"This is definitely not easy!" Zed muttered with a wry smile.

He was so used to facing multiple opponents as Kiba that he has forgotten how difficult it was for others.

Chapter 407 - Going All Out!

For the first time in a long while, Zed acknowledged the hardships and struggles faced by normal mutants. Facing multiple opponents was easier said than done especially when they had the same level of strength. This turned more difficult if the opponents were older even if the age gap wasn't that big.

From the last four years, he has faced none of these hardships and struggles.

Kiba would simply take care of powerful opponents and there was no need to rely on Zed. He was now paying the price for that...

Zed discarded these unnecessary thoughts as the gorilla - Xinu- jumped on him. Xinu's gorilla fists ruthlessly slammed downwards, his eyes filled with naked greed.

Zed sidestepped and attacked with a stream of fire.

Just as the stream of fire left his hand, he leaped backward and narrowly avoided a blade-hand trying to slice his neck.

Aishah snorted coldly and ran after him.

At the same time, a sticky mass of white fluid shot at Zed from behind. Zed's premonition ability warned him of an incoming attack even though he didn't know what was coming.

The sticky fluid didn't make any noise as it flew forward.

In front, Aishah and Xinu chased after him without noticing the sticky fluid.

Zed coiled rings of fire around his feet and using them in a manner similar to a turbot, he jumped upwards.

Just then, the sticky fluid arrived in his earlier position. Missing the target, the fluid fell on the floor and spread like a net, sticking on the surface like a high-grade adhesive.

In the air, Zed turned around and brought his eyes on a mutant named Desmond. His body dripped with white glue.

Desmond noticed his gaze and smiled ferociously.

Now that a battle has broken out, everyone was jumping in action to accordingly make the best out of situation.

Zed quickly brought his attention to Aishah who was pouncing on him straight in the air as he moved further up.

Aishah's limbs gleamed brightly as if they were concentrated blade lights.

"Fuck off."

A fireball left out of Zed's hand and shot at Aishah, leaving behind a trail of blaze.

After that, quickly, he stretched both his hands to either side and formed a protective ball of fire around him, almost like a cocoon.


From another direction, without any warning, two light beams slammed on the ball of fire. Ripples of heat hurtled out in all directions, carrying raging heat, and the ball of fire shook violently.

"Just how strong his sixth sense is?" Leonardo was pissed as he lowered his mechanical hand from which he has shot out laser beams.


The ball of fire landed on the floor and disappeared. Zed came in sight with traces of blood on his lips.

"There is just no end to them," Zed thought as an enormous hand made of blue liquid came from his right.

He was getting no time to rest as there was a total of ten geniuses in the corridor spanning for almost two miles.

The geniuses would attack him when he was most susceptible.

"Haah~" Zed took a deep breath of air and concentrated on the enormous hand made of liquid. The flames around his body sizzled brightly and he did nothing as the hand crashed on him. The hand slammed onto him, extinguishing out the flames.

Zed collapsed on the ground, his entire face soaked with sweat. He tried to raise an arm but failed and instead, he coughed up a mouthful of blood.


His body trembled and he writhed on the floor while trying to create fire without any success.


Some distance away, a contestant named Gai was pleasantly surprised. He was made of blue liquid and it was him that stretched out his arm to launch the earlier attack.

Quickly, Gai rushed towards Zed to grab the band.

Meanwhile, the other geniuses noticed Zed's defeated state and they charged at him. They knew the first to approach him would win and so every one of them did their best.

"Damit! It was me who defeated him!" Gai moved ahead like a wave of an ocean. He stretched his liquid hands out to grab Zed's body but other mutants came in between.

He didn't dare touch them as there was a risk of it being considered as a violation of the rule of protection.

This was the main reason why mutants with long-range abilities have to physically rush.

At the same time, a mutant with enhanced speed arrived in front of Zed. He was named Eijiro and he has left behind hundreds of afterimages as he dashed here.

Eijiro's lips were curling from ear to ear as he quickly lowered his hands to take out the black band. His eyes sparkled with obvious excitement of being the winner without doing anything.

Eijiro put his hand on Zed's right wrist and started removing the band.

"Please... don't," Zed muttered. "I really need it."

Eijiro smirked in disdain and pushed the band further above Zed's hand. It has reached his palm when others arrived and threw themselves to grab the band.

Eijiro wasn't worried. His body vibrated with speed fluctuations and he quickly pushed the band further.

But just then, a fireball smashed right into his chest.

Eijiro was dumbstruck as the fireball exploded into streams of raging fire, sending him flying. At the same time, the sole female mutant named Rivya has shoved a hand to grab the band but she suddenly felt a hand on the back of her neck.

She has the ability to transform into birds. This was why she was the second mutant to appear here.

She was shocked and even afraid by the hand grabbing her neck, but she quickly began transforming into a butterfly.

But before she could completely transform, the hand surged out boundless flames that enveloped the half-transformed butterfly.


Rivya screamed as the flames burned her body.

Meanwhile, the other mutants who have arrived were startled. Their eyes widened as they saw the 'sweat' on his face evaporated as if it was water!

Water?! Where did it come from?!

Wasn't his ability related to fire?!

Then, just as quickly, fire burst all over his body and he jumped on his feet.

From the time Eijiro was attacked with a fireball to the moment Zed stood up on his feet, it took less than tens seconds.

Zed wiped the blood from his mouth, and in the process, exposed the insides of his lips which were bitten as if to draw out blood.

"He was pretending to be hurt?!" Xinu was astonished.

But then, the feeling of astonishment changed to mocking!

So what if he was able to kill Eijiro and Rivya with underhanded methods?

The rest of us are on guards!

Doesn't he realize just how much danger he is in with everyone surrounding him?! Unlike before, he now has no route to escape!

"What an idiot! He could have lived for a few more moments!"

Aishah chuckled loudly.

The eight contestants looked at each other and then at Zed. They were ready to kill him at any moment but no one wanted to make the first move.

Alistair swept a glance at everyone coldly. He decided to expand his swamp-like body to absorb Zed entirely.

As a Chosen, he has confidence in his ability to become the winner!


Suddenly, the air around Zed seethed. The fire wrapping his body opened up just like how an enormous bird flaps its wings open before flying.

In just a flicker of a second, the surroundings began to surge with swirling flames. It was like a turbulent sea of flames has appeared; threatening to incinerate the entire world.

The flames radiated heat of catastrophic proportions, and yet, they did no harm. Instead of attacking, they began to envelop the floor, the walls, and the ceiling in an area of four hundred meters.

"What?!" Gai's mouth turned agape.

He felt an indescribable feeling surging in his heart. It was like he was transported into a land where a foreign Will has superimposed everything...almost like a god!

As he thought of this, a word flashed in his mind.


Alistair thought of the same and his face froze in horror. He was someone who would not be shocked even if he saw a mountain collapsing, but when he saw the swirling flames in the surroundings, his eyes nearly popped out.

Chapter 408 - Zed's Might


An area in which its castor has absolute power, where his Will suppresses others.

Domain was more than a complex manifestation of ability to govern an element. It was not a sign of simple strength.

In fact, no matter how powerful you were, that alone couldn't give you the right to summon domain.

To bring domain into existence, one needed enlightenment! A deep understanding of the natural laws that govern the world!

Only such a person could create a domain where he has absolute authority.

But this was easier said than done.

Understanding of natural laws related to domain was not something that even top geniuses could achieve. It required not only talent but years of efforts to link with nature and grasp its laws.

This was why it was practically impossible to find a Gamma-rank mutant with the ability to summon domain!

Let's forget Gamm-rank mutants.

Even among Betas, only a handful have gained the right to manifest domain into reality!

That's how difficult and impossible it was to create a domain.


The young contestants looked in pure terror as they found themselves in a domain!

Domain summoned by a youngster just like them! Someone who was not even twenty-five years old!

"How is this possible?" Alistair muttered as he observed the violent flames that made the domain.

The others were similarly shell-shocked, not able to believe the reality in front of them.

Zed didn't say anything. He simply pointed a finger towards the ceiling enveloped by the swirling flames and passed a command.

The flames in the center of the domain churned and rotated at high speed. Under the horrified eyes of everyone, spinning flames surged out of the ceiling.

In just a blink of an eye, the spinning flames started swirling crazily and shot down at the floor.


A terrifying vortex made of raging flames appeared!

The sight of the vortex shook every genius to the core. They felt dehydrated and nauseated.

And even before they could fully comprehend the new development, the vortex spun towards them.

Xinu's heart pounded madly as the vortex appeared in front of him. His powerful gorilla body and his tremendous weight proved useless as strands of fire energy sucked him into the vortex.

The moment he was devoured by the vortex, all that was visible was the outline of his horrified face.

Xinu's body rumbled fiercely as fire currents smashed him from all sides. No word or scream ever came out of his mouth, as by the time he gained some sense, his organs were burned to ashes.

Gai streamed out waves of blue liquid to protect himself, but much to his horror, the liquid evaporated even before the vortex reached him.

His physical body was also in the form of liquid and the moment he was sucked into the vortex, he simply vaporized.

Desmond desperately shot out columns of glues to create a wall around himself. He knew he has no chance in outrunning the vortex so he did what he could.

Sadly, the adhesive glue proved completely useless as it melted into oblivion, and he was devoured by the vortex.

At the same time, as the vortex swirled towards Alistair, the latter didn't quiver. He stuck to the floor even as the vortex spun into him.

Violent flames, akin to lava, brutally smashed into his body. Parts of his body would fall off but the same moment, he would regenerate those missing portions.

As the flames surged more fiercely, his swamp-like body would absorb the flames and nullify them.

Aishah himself began spinning to best use his blade-like limbs. Sharp blade light swept out from his spinning body as the vortex attacked him.

Leonardo clenched his jaws tightly while firing laser beams on the flames that formed the border of the domain.

Heat ripples swept out which Leonardo dodged and continued to fire more beams from his mechanical hand.

"Damn! That vortex is coming!"

Leonardo was terrified as he sensed the swirling vortex approaching him. Just as he thought death was about to devour him, he felt the domain trembling.

Intense rumbling sounds shook the domain as if it was on brink of collapsing. Even the speed of vortex significantly reduced as if it wasn't getting enough power.

As the domain suddenly entered into a state of instability, Zed coughed out a mouthful of fresh blood. His face turned pale as exhaustion took him.


At the same time, with a bang sound, the domain faded. The spinning vortex broke into heatwaves and disappeared.

Quickly, Zed stuffed a handful of energy pills into his mouth. A healthy glow returned to his face and his exhaustion disappeared.

Still, the stress of summoning a domain tolled on both his mind and body. Domain not only required intense concentration, but it also sucked every bit of his energy.

While the energy pills revitalized him, there was no way they could simply erase the side effects and the strain on body cells.

He knew he wouldn't be able to materialize the domain again without having proper rest. But rest was a luxury he couldn't afford to have.

"No time to waste," Zed let out a sigh before standing straight.

Meanwhile, Leonardo was extremely happy as he saw the flames extinguishing. He turned around to shout at that slum punk, but just as he turned around, his pupils shrunk.

A column of fire was galloping at him.

Leonardo placed the mechanical arm in front and projected out a prismatic shield.


As the column of fire smashed on the shield, multi-colored sparks flew out and crack appeared on the shield's surface.

At this moment, Leonardo felt his internals twisting as he sensed another attack coming. He saw a fireball crashing from above.


Leonardo jumped sidewards. He was fast despite his status as a fatty and as he jumped, the fireball swept past his head.


Even though the fireball streaked past him, the trailing blaze brushed against his ear. His ear instantly caught fire and by the time he extinguished it, his ear was turned to ashes. Even a portion of his hair was burned.

"I will kill you!" Leonardo barked viciously.

But Zed has no time to care about threats. Now, he was facing Nur who was emitting sonic ripples.

Zed dodged to a side as a stream of fire smashed into sonic ripples. Explosive shockwaves spread in all directions and Zed quickly wrapped himself with flames as he avoided the shockwaves.

"You deserve hell!" Aishah's voice came from a distance.

The sides of his face were burned, exposing the insides of his mouth. This made his voice seemed strange.

Surviving the flame vortex was a miracle for him. Had the domain not unstabilized at the right time, he would have been incinerated.

Aishah looked at Zed with hatred while consuming a few healing pills. He wanted to be in top form when he killed that slum dweller.

"I'm going to kill you," Alistair appeared from another side in his swamp form. "But you do deserve my respect."

Since Alistair was practically a swamp and intangible, he survived the onslaught of the flame vortex easily.

And after seeing Zed using the domain, he felt he knew why Enchantia acknowledged Zed. Sure, it might have collapsed soon, but just materializing it was impossible to begin with!

Not to mention, Zed killed four powerful geniuses in just a minute! They were contestants with a similar level of strength and age! Yet, he killed them simultaneously!

Such a person definitely deserved respect.

Alistair was sure that of the remaining four survivors, a few more might have died had the domain not disappeared on its own.

As for earlier killings, Alistair believed they were achieved through underhanded tactics like using drugs and pretending to be worn out. Those deaths didn't deserve praise, but still, a part of him accepted that using sly methods was also a skill!

"Respect?" Zed laughed loudly.

Alistair ignored the brazen laughter, and in turn, spread out his swamp-like body. In just a moment, a hammer made of swamp bombarded on Zed.


Zed was quick to react by forming a fire barrier but even then, he was pushed by a dozen steps. The swamp hammer not only smashed on the barrier, but it also absorbed the heat, and thereby reducing its might and pushing Zed back.

As Zed stabilized himself, he found the floor covered with a swamp..

Chapter 409 - You Had No Right!

Some time ago, the contestants of various ages and species entered into the palace. There were old-aged mutants, ferocious beasts, sly men, and so on.

Everyone realized they would no longer be divided based on their age and race. Those from the older generation were pleased while the younger generation felt gloomy.

The gloominess only increased when a short clarification rang through the palace.

{{The rule of protection only applies to members of the same species.}}

Everyone understood what it implied. Beasts, birds, and humans can attack anyone but members of their own species. So far, everyone was divided based on species so no one needed to know this.

Still, despite the announcement, no one attacked. They didn't want to waste their energy in any unnecessary conflict.

Humans and beasts might have frequent racial wars but this was not the time to think about that!

And seeing there was no announcement on the next trial, the contestants began exploring the palace.

Presently, one of the figures rushed through the palace at high speed.

It was an enormous female tiger.

If Ashlyn was here, she would have identified her as Red Tiger! The gracious host who has treated her and Zed well!

Red Tiger sniffed through the palace to find any valuable treasure for herself and her children.

Desolate Blood Forest was an ominous land where death could come at any time, in any form. Sometimes it was in the form of beasts while other times it was human hunters.

The only way to increase the chance of survival and have a safe life was by evolving further. This was why Red Tiger entered the core region.

Not only that, but the core region also had treasure items that could be used by not only by humans but also other races.

As Red Tiger tried to discover any clues, suddenly, she found a special aroma. It was not a simple body smell, but an aroma... a scent of unique aura.

Red Tiger's eyes brightened and she galloped towards the source of aroma.


Meanwhile, inside the corridor.

Zed stood on a swamp. Sticky paste glued on his feet and a tugging force came from the depthless swamp. It was just like quicksand, the more he tried to struggle, the faster pulling turned.

The flames on his body rippled downward and slammed on the swamp.


The bottomless swamp emitted a devouring force and began sucking the flames, but the quantity of heat was too much.


The swamp below his feet exploded like a shattered mirror and threads of sticky swamp liquid rose up.

Just as the swap exploded, Zed surged upward, wrapped with streams of fire. He landed a few meters away and looked at Alistair.

At the same time, in a distance, Nur rushed forward.

Nur didn't want Alistair to be the winner and since the rule of protection still applied, he wanted to be close so that Alistair would be forced to back away, or risk breaking the rule thanks to his swamp-like body.

Nur was only some thirty meters away from Zed when he opened his mouth.

"Get ready to die!" Nur thought with a hideous smirk.

He knew even if Zed noticed him, it would be too late to dodge or retaliate against his sonic attack given the nature of his ability at such distance!

Orange sonic ripples began emitting from the depths of his body and coursed through his neck before arriving in his mouth.

Just as they were about to lash out, he felt Zed locking his eyes on him.

Zed stood there without raising his hand or streaming out flames. He only eyed Nur without any expression on his face.

Nur didn't know why but he felt horrified. His heart pounded loudly and he even forgot to breathe...

It has been only a second since Zed locked his eyes on him and Nur felt nauseated like never before.

He gulped down and closed his mouth.

Once again he began echoing sonic ripples from the depth of his body. As he did, he wasn't sure if he was seeing it right, but he noticed a dazzling glow erupting in Zed's eyes.

At the very same moment, Nur felt dazed and a cold sensation swept through his face. His lips have parted slightly to open his mouth fully when they were covered with frost. Alongside, sparkling ice fragments appeared on every portion of his face.

In just a blink of an eye, his face has turned into a statute of ice!

The internals of his face turned numb from the freezing temperature and the sonic ripples died.

Some distance away, Leonardo and others were stunned.


How was this even possible?!

Zed is fire Elementalist!

"Elemental balance!" Alistair muttered in surprise. "Using the contrasting nature of element to control the opposite element!"

Aishah was dashing ahead with his blade-like hands stretched outward to slash Zed when he saw the scene.

He was dumbstruck as he thought, "He could govern fire to such an extent!?"

He was sure Zed has absorbed the free heat around Nur. The air was filled with heat, or what people considered a part of normal temperature.

What does the absence of heat mean?

A quick drop in temperature!

And when the temperature falls to a large extent, it results in freezing! This was something he obviously knew.

As people thought about what Zed did, Zed was suffering from sharp pain.

His body was already under great stress, and now using his ability to freeze Nur's face increased the physical toll.

Using his ability to freeze was something he didn't prefer to use. It not only stressed the body but also used a great amount of energy.

Sadly, he had no choice. Nur was about to shoot out sonic ripples and if he countered with fire to block the attack in such a short time, he would be the one to face defeat.

After all, sonic ripples have great speed and they could result in an explosion next to him by the time he countered.

So his only option was to stop Nur before he could even ripple out his sonic attack. This meant absorbing heat from such a distance in the shortest possible time.

At the same time, suppressing the pain from his stressed body, he hurtled out a fireball which slammed against Nur's face.

Brittle sound of ice cracking reverberated through the silent corridor as Nur's face exploded in chunks of ice fragments.

"The surprise factor helped me yet again," Zed bitterly thought.

Suddenly, he heard a sharp slicing sound from behind. It was as if the air was slashed apart and Zed knew what it implied.

He quickly turned around and raised a hand to counter-attack. Fire boomed out of his palm but it faded, and Zed coughed out a mouthful of blood.

"Side effects from those capsules!"

Ever since he entered into the central zone, he has been regularly consuming the most precious pills he owned. They were the orange, hard-shelled capsules containing jelly-like pellets.

In the first trial, Sophia was startled when he stuffed that capsule since it didn't result in anything. 1

What she didn't know was that Zed was preparing for the future by trying to make his body ready.

He wanted to fool the Royal Will of the World in due time, but sadly, his plans changed when Enchantia interfered...

Zed could only blame his poor luck and he jumped backward.

Even though he retreated, the sharp end of Aishah's blade sliced through the front of Zed's chest.

Blood splashed out and dyed his clothes into crimson.

Hurriedly, Zed consumed a healing pill and the wound filled up. He opened his hand and fire once again burst in his palm.

"Phew~ I can still summon power," Zed was a bit relieved.

He could only hope the side-effects wouldn't show up again, at least not now.

Just as he sighed in relief, he detected another blade light whistling forward. Annoyed, he crouched on the floor; and the blade light flew above his head. Just as quick, he emitted a powerful heat blast from both his hands.

Aishah was astonished and he quickly crossed his blade-like hands.

A loud explosion rumbled as the heat blast crashed on Aishah. Violent heatwaves swept outward along with fire and smoke.

Aishah howled in pain as the raging heatwaves melted his blade-like hands and scorched the inner flesh.

He fell back, his body charred black.

"Cough!" Zed coughed up another mouthful of blood.

Every cell of his body was filled with agony and no matter how many pills he consumed, he couldn't forever suppress the body strain.

He has been fighting for too long, killing over ten mutants of similar strength. He was drained...

"I can't fall now," Zed retreated as he saw Alistair once again making a move. His swamp-like body stretched out further to capture Zed.

"I guess no choice," Zed decided to use more energy pills without thinking of strain.

He raised his right hand and stretched out the index finger on which he was wearing the storage ring. The surface of the ring flashed as he passed a mental note to retrieve energy pills.

Just then, Zed felt a numbing sensation throughout the body. He jumped backward and even as he was jumping, a sharp, almost invisible, thread swiped down.

The thread pierced through his stretched index finger, severing it into two. Crimson blood streamed out and the sliced portion of the finger was sent flying.

The storage ring crashed on the floor...

Zed felt a tormenting sensation overpowering his senses.

"I missed?" A new voice appeared in the corridor, startling everyone, including Alistair.

They turned around and noticed a youth in a black robe just some hundred meters away. It was Kieron Doston!

"He appeared so near us and yet I missed his presence?" Alistair was amazed. "Wait, based on the memories from the first trial, he is an assassin from Mystic Dark Hands! No wonder!"

Kieron licked his lips while bringing his vision on Zed.

"I thought I would sever your wrist and free the band, but it looks like I truly missed," Kieron playfully smiled.

Kieron has been waiting for the right time to grab the black band. He masked his presence till now and when he saw Zed was on verge of defeat, he made his move. After all, he couldn't delay any longer and let someone else take the band.

As Kieron appeared, Aishah charged at Zed. He knew this was his last opportunity.

Not only him, but even Leonardo who has been inactive for some time, jumped in action. He has been secretly preparing for his most powerful attack.


He aimed his mechanical hand at Zed. The center of his palm opened up into a muzzle-like shape.


The energy protons inside his hand compressed and boomed out through the palm. Bright glow splashed out and a twenty-centimeters thick laser beam shot out.

The laser beam was dazzling, almost blinding, as it swept forward. Billowing energy ripples coursed in all directions, a testimony to its destructive might.

"This is so fucked up that it's not even funny anymore," Zed muttered.

By now, Aishah has closed the distance with Zed. His scorched blade-hand sliced downward.

Just then, a roaring sound came from the distance. An enormous silhouette rapidly beelined forward and in just a blink of an eye, it arrived next to Zed.

Crystalline claws thrust into Aishah's body, ripping him to pieces...

At the same time, as the terrifying laser beam rushed forward, Zed was taken aback to see a familiar figure covering his body, almost like a shield.

"No!" Zed shouted.


The laser pierced through Red Tiger's abdomen and she collapsed in front of him. A large hole ripped open, from which blood dripped down like a waterfall.

Stains of her blood splashed on Zed's crestfallen face. It took him a few seconds to realize what has happened.

Shielding me with your life?!

He wanted to laugh and scorn at her... but he couldn't...

As far as he could remember, no one has ever done such a thing for him.

But instead of happiness, his heart was filled with shock, anger, and unspeakable agony.

"How dare you do this to me!?" Zed asked angrily, his voice hoarse as he checked her wound. "You had no right! No right!"

In response, Red Tiger opened her mouth and rolled her tongue outwards to lick his face. She was trembling by the time her tongue licked him.

"You shouldn't have come here!" Zed gritted his teeth in frustration.

He knew the seriousness of her injury and has no doubt she would die if she was left untreated. The laser particles were corroding her internals with every passing second.

Controlling his anger, he looked into a distance where his storage ring was lying. He suppressed his own pain and tried to stand up with his exhausted body.

The ring contained medicines that could at least stop her injuries from getting worse... It could buy her some time.

"You were saved?"

Leonardo was shocked. He has bet everything on this attack and yet, it failed.

At the same time, as Zed took a step towards his storage ring, Alistair elongated his swamp hand and absorbed the ring.

"I can't just let you revitalize yourself again and again," Alistair said, his voice cold. "Time has come to end this, and for me to get what I desire.'

Ever since Alistair saw Legacy Orbs, all he wanted was a chance to acquire them. Perhaps it was his own desire, or perhaps his original desire was amplified countless times by the special properties of orbs which makes one drool after them, but whatever the reason, he wanted to own an orb. He wanted to experience the serenity that comes from possessing a Legacy Orb! He wanted to acquire the infinite possibilities that Legacy Orbs offered!

Zed stopped in his place as the ring disappeared. He lowered his head and examined his worn-out body, and then glanced at Red Tiger. She was helplessly lying on the floor, in a pool of her own blood.

All his chances of helping Red Tiger were gone with the ring.

He then looked in front and saw the greedy eyes of Alistair, Leonardo, and Kieron. They were fixated on his black band and the alluring possibilities it held.

Zed then lifted his head and started laughing madly.

"Hahahaha! This is crazy!"

His eyes flashed with insanity.

"If I don't make you all experience hell on Earth, then I'm not worthy of my dreams!" Chapter 390

Chapter 410 - He Is Back!

"If I don't make you experience hell on Earth, then I'm not worthy of my dreams!" Zed said as flames violently erupted on his body.

"What did you say?" Leonardo chuckled coldly at his brazen comment.

What could he do in his present state? He was barely standing on his feet!

Kieron snorted in disdain and waved the black thread in his hand.


The flames on Zed's body danced wildly. The blood inside his body turned hot, almost as if melting like molten lava.


Veins bulged out on his forehead and neck, and his skin turned pale. Alongside, the flames turned from orange to crimson, as if dyed with blood.

"What? Crimson flames?" Alistair was startled. He has never seen crimson flames.

Red Tiger was similarly shocked but for a different reason. Since she was near him, she could feel the deteriorating effect the new flames were having on his body. She wished she could stop him but darkness known as death was slowly engulfing her.

Zed stood there with his body bathing in crimson flames. Crimson beams of heat splashed out of his orifices as the intensity of flames turned stronger.

One after another, veins in his body snapped and wounds appeared throughout his body. Droplets of blood streamed downwards which caught fire and joined the seething flames.

He clenched his jaws tightly as the flames rapidly consumed his blood and vitality.

In his entire life, there was only one other time when he experienced such tormenting pain. That was in BSE-79 and now was the second time. The pain was such that even death seemed a far better option, but he gritted his teeth, and persisted in summoning more power.


Streams akin to solar flare wrapped on his arms and space flickered as if it was on verge of melting. The temperature was almost equal to a highly compressed supernova!

This was a strength he summoned by melting his genetical potential and burning away his entire lifeforce.

"Everything or nothing!" Zed stomped on the floor and shot into a distance.

From a distance, he appeared to be a crimson sun as he galloped forward, leaving behind a shining streak of crimson flame.

The heat fluctuations were such that everyone was forced to shield themselves. There was no chance of chasing after him.

"He is escaping?" Alistair turned anxious.

Just then, as he looked ahead, he felt he was worried unnecessarily. In a blink of an eye, Zed has appeared a mile ahead, in front of a wall.

Without saying anything, Zed punched his fists on the Sealstone.

Over an hour ago, he has used almost 95% of all explosives he carried, something which can kill many Beta-rank mutants, and even blasted the high-tech hovercraft in a bid to destroy the Sealstone.

But despite all his efforts, the Sealstone wasn't completely destroyed. Hundreds of cracks have appeared on its surface, and yet, it was joined together, continuing its duty from time unknown.

Later, he got no further opportunity to destroy the Sealstone as other contestants attacked him.

It wasn't like he could simply hand over the band and everything would be over. If he did such a thing, he would be repelled out of the central zone.

The band was his authorization to stay in the central zone. Before it was the crystalline thread but it was replaced with the band. Giving it to someone or losing it would result in the loss of authorization.

So, all he could do was try to overpower his opponents. The result of which brought him to the present. He was employing a skill he has never used...


As his fists crashed on the Sealstone, a tiny crack line appeared on his supernova-temperature arms, exposing flesh that looked like molten lava.

"What is he doing?" Kieron was dumbfounded. No matter how he thought, his actions didn't make sense.

Why would anyone combust entire lifeforce and use it as a fuel to attack a wall!?

"Nothing! He has just turned crazy!" Aishah replied.

What else could explain this insane behavior of punching a wall?!

"Fear and despair have made him fall badly... He no longer deserves my respect," Alistair added with a sigh.

"Right! He has completely lost it!" Kieron smirked. "Can't believe I lost to someone like him in the first trial."

Meanwhile, Zed let out a scream as more crack lines branched throughout his arms from which heat beams radiated out. His arms crumbled into volcanic pieces that crashed into the Seastone, resulting in a thunderous crimson blast.


An explosion that rattled everyone's ears took place.

Crimson ripples surged outward, carrying frightening destructive force.

Leonardo and others backed away, covering their vitals from massive shockwaves. The distance of over a mile protected them from any bodily harm but this itself stunned them.

"Even I would have suffered serious injuries!" Alistair thought with shock.

The explosion was like a crimson star detonating into a destructive, crimson cloud. It disappeared just as quickly it appeared.

As the crimson explosion faded, Zed was blasted away.

The contestants were startled as they saw his body.

He has lost all his limbs! What's more, there were hundreds of major injuries all over his body! He was completely listless!

"He is dead!"

Alistair said while rushing forward. He noticed the black band spinning through the air and landing on the floor.

It was without any owner!

Leonardo and Kieron also charged forward. They didn't even bother to see where Zed fell as they dashed ahead to capture the treasure band.

Alistair stretched out his swamp hand to capture the band. His eyes glittered brightly as his hand approached the band.

Kieron whipped his band outward to grab the band while Leonardo emitted an attractive force from his mechanical hand.

Now was the time to get what they have wanted for so long! The answer to all their prayers was waiting in that band!

So how could they let others take this priceless treasure?!

"Dream on!"

Alistair snorted coldly as his fingers closed to the band.

"It is mine!"

Alistair laughed heartily.

Just then, time seems to stand still and a deathly silence filled the corridor. The lights dimmed and the space flickered.

Everything was just like the calm before the storm...

The very next moment, a terrifying aura exploded out. Shockwaves, visible to the naked eye, spread out in all directions.


The shockwaves were so strong that the entire corridor trembled violently.

"What's going on?!"

Everyone felt a chill running down their spines.

Alistair was just about to grab the band when a shockwave ruthlessly slammed on his back.

Much to his horror, his intangible swamp body didn't offer the least bit of resistance or protection against the shockwave.

His body solidified into his human form and the blood in his body roiled.


He cried miserably, and alongside, Leonardo and Kieron followed with blood-wrenching screams.

Like a kite with its string cut, they flopped forward and crashed on the nearby walls.

"What was that?!" Alistair felt suffocated as he collapsed down on the floor.

He unconsciously turned back to discover the source of alarming aura.

All he saw was a golden-haired man, shrouded in a dazzling mass of chaotic energy!

"Who is he!?"

Alistair was dumbstruck by the raging power.

And how could just a burst of aura alone pass through all defenses of body and injure me?!

Alistair's mind shook with fear.

He suppressed the sense of dread and started standing up. But much to his shock, his knees refused to listen up. He couldn't even buckle a bit.

It was like the cells inside his body didn't dare make any unnecessary movements!

How could this be possible?! That man isn't even using any power and yet my body refuses to listen!

Alistair's face turned pale from trepidation. He couldn't imagine what sort of power one must possess to invoke such fear in the very cells.

"Just who on Earth is he?!" Alistair was frightened out of his wits as he glanced at the golden-haired man.

Who could it be if not for Kiba!?

He was back!

Kiba raised a foot forward and lowered it on the floor.

The moment he took his first step, Alistair felt his heart palpitate and blood sprayed out of his mouth. Not only him, but other contestants were in a similar situation.


Every step Kiba took seemed to be stepping on their hearts. They could do nothing but suffer chilling agony that wracked their bodies.

Even the entire corridor felt a stifling pressure.

The walls - which have not shown the faintest sign of crack from the battles so far - began cracking apart. Crevices snaked out over the floor and fissures sprang out on the wall.

Dust particles and metallic fragments drifted out of the fissures, and just as they left the cracks, they froze in mid-air.

It was like even the non-living didn't dare make any further movement.

By the time Kiba took fifth step, the ceiling has completely crumbled to pieces and the walls toppled.

Kieron's internals twist in despair.

"How could this even be possible?!"

Droplets of sweat dripped from his forehead and fell into his eyes. This resulted in a tingling sensation in his eyes, but it was nothing compared to what the rest of his body was feeling.

It was like with every step, hundreds of needles were stabbing into his heart, making him cough up blood.


His pupils constricted to the size of a needle as he heard shattering sound from his protective amulet. It was a life-saving treasure given to him by the elders of Mystic Dark Hands, and yet, just from the pressure of steps alone, it disintegrated into pieces, without helping him at all!


Leonardo's complexion paled and his hairs stood on end.

His mechanical arm short-circuited as unbearable pressure rattled through it. The advanced gadgets inside it imploded, completely disintegrating.

"How can such a powerful person even exists?!"

Leonardo wet his pants. He has never thought an aura alone could be so terrifying...

Meanwhile, Red Tiger's vision blurred from heavy blood loss. As her eyelids began shutting down, she noticed a familiar silhouette, in the form she met first.

Her savior.

The protector of her family.

She was dying but she knew she has done the right thing. She was sure her children would support her decision...

A smile appeared on her face.

Just as she began losing the last trace of life, a voice entered her mind.

"You think you have the right to die after the stunt you pulled? And leave behind your children orphans!?"

Alongside the voice, a stream of energy coursed through her body, revitalizing her. She was jolted awake and all signs of laser particles disappeared.

Her corroded internal organs recovered in just an instant, almost as if she hasn't suffered any harm, to begin with!

The large hole in her abdomen rapidly filled up with new flesh and skin.

Red Tiger let out a roar as she gained her strength back. She opened her eyes and found her savior crouching in front of her.

"I hate sacrifices... just the thought of sacrificing for someone makes me vomit."

Kiba communicated to her telepathically.

"Your life is your own. Don't ever waste it on anyone."

Red Tiger responded by hugging him. She wrapped her legs around him and then licked his face.

"Don't think acting cute would work!"

Kiba snapped his teeth but he was helpless as she licked him further. The corners of his lips curved up into a sincere smile and he put his hands on the back of her head.

He might be cynical and devilish but his heart completely melted under her embrace.

"Please... don't ever do such a crazy thing again," Kiba requested.

Red Tiger gazed into his eyes and nodded.

"Don't lie!"

Kiba could feel she didn't really mean it. So, all he could do was bitterly accept that she was beyond reasoning.

"Sighs~ Even if she hasn't interfered, I would have survived," Kiba thought ruefully. "My survival instincts would have taken over and summoned my entire strength for transformation... leading to consequences I was trying to avoid so far."

Kiba was obviously thankful to her for helping him avoid that. But most importantly, he was happy!

He couldn't describe just how good it felt for someone doing so much for him!

"We would continue our discussion later," Kiba said before rising up. "Have some rest."

Red Tiger nodded and stepped behind him.

Kiba swept a glance at the so-called geniuses before fixing his eyes on the black band.

The central zone has tried to repel him after he lost the band and started transforming into Kiba, but given his power Cosmic, it didn't try again.

His pupils flashed brightly as he eyed the blue jewel.

The jewel quivered as his vision bored right through the fabric of space and entered into a dimension known as Hall of Legacies.

"Enchantia, you must have enjoyed the brazen display of greed," Kiba said, his voice calm.

After transforming into Kiba, he felt powerful senses locked into the corridor. Based on the aura and nature of energy he sensed, he knew whom it belonged to. So, all he has to do was to connect with the blue jewel embedded in the band she gave.

The crystalline pool trembled with ripples and the orbs glowed brightly. Enchantia's face appeared in the dimension.

[[You misunderstood me again.]] Enchantia replied. [[I was indeed observing you but not for the purpose you are implying.]]

"I owed you gratitude for what you did years ago," Kiba said, his voice icy cold. "But I repaid back then... Or have you forgotten?"

[[Of course not.]] Enchantia didn't want to think about the matters he spoke.

"Then you owe him for the mess you created," Kiba said with a sinister smile. "And if you don't want to acknowledge this as a debt... well, I recall she is still with me, using a part of my home as her eternal shrine..."

Kiba trailed off in between.

Enchantia's incorporeal face shook and large waves surged out of the crystalline pool, almost as if the entire dimension was exploding with anger.

[[Don't bring Her Highness into this!]] Enchantia warned.

"A.. you are misunderstanding me," Kiba said, his lips curved up into a mocking smile. "Seems like both of us are prone to misunderstanding."


"Tell me something though," Kiba said while taking a step forward. "Don't you ever get tired of seeing human conflicts?"


"Were you a sexual being, I would have believed you get your rocks off from human conflicts," Kiba remarked as he walked towards Alistair and others.


Enchantia was left speechless.

"Trust me, I'm not judging you," Kiba assured her. "You like what you like... we all get off on something."


Kiba brought his attention to Leonardo, Alistair, and others.

"I promised something to you guys," Kiba pointed a finger towards them. "So please cooperate."

The moment he said this, on the tip of his finger, streams of energy concentrated.

Enchantia was surprised when she studied the nature of energy streams. 99.99% of it wasn't any special by her standards, but the remaining portion contained a power that was rarest of rare.

[[Reality warping!]]

The ability to manipulate reality!

[[What is he doing?!]]

Chapter 411 - Traces of Reality-Warping (Part I)

In the corridor, Alistair and others were dumbfounded and at a loss. Their bodies were completely drenched in cold sweat by the time Kiba arrived in front of them.

His words on promise shocked them. They have never ever met before. So a mention of promise didn't even make sense.

"W-what do you mean?" Alistair asked, his body shaking as he saw a finger pointed at him, glowing with energy streams.

"You forgot a promise made by someone you respect?" Kiba asked while placing the finger on Alistair's forehead.

As these words entered Alistair's ears, his pupils shrunk rapidly. He has told Zed that he has respect for him!

This realisation was like a clap of thunder.

"Rest assured, I also respect you," Kiba added with a smile. "Let me prove it to you."

The streams of energy on his fingertip surged outward and enveloped Alistair completely. The streams were so bright and dazzling that Alistair was forced to shut his eyes.

" Happy Moments ."


The Eleanor Family has established an entire city for its descendants. The members of main family line lived in the core of the city, enjoying a lavish lifestyle, suiting their status...

Presently, Alistair was standing outside his house, gazing at the sky.

It has been years since his trip to Desolate Blood Forest and the core region.

There were gaps in his memories but allover, he knew he has done well. He has gained ample resources though gradually, his standing in the family reduced. He lost his status as a Chosen and was shunted out by higher-ups of the family.

It was then that he faced mocking gazes, unpleasant remarks, and insulting behavior. The people who respected him for his title forgot how they used to suck up onto him for favors...

To overcome this, he underwent torturous training, experienced life & death battles, but still, he wasn't able to regain back his title. The loss of earlier reputation and standing made him bitter...

"Finally lady luck is shining back on me," Alistair thought while admiring the sky. "I'm going to be the luckiest man on Earth!"

He shook his head and walked further.

Just some distance away, there was an aisle on which a gorgeous woman was standing. She has raven hair, ample breasts, and a stunning figure. Her name was Meryl.

"Love!" Meryl called out, her cheeks flushing red.

"Dear!" Alistair rushed at her.

He no longer bitter or sad. He was the happiest he has ever been in his life. Not even his Chosen days came close to the ecstasy he was experiencing in her presence.

He was in love...

As Alistair arrived in front of her to hug, a hand stopped them.

"Patience, gentleman," The voice belonged to a priest. "We are at a wedding ceremony!"

Alistair cheekily smiled while Meryl giggled softly.

In front of them were a group of people, their friends, and relatives. They laughed as they witnessed the affection between the new couple.

Everything was pleasant and this feeling only strengthened when the ceremony finished, and the priest announced them, husband and wife.

Alistair's smiled heartily as claps resounded at the proclamation.


An hour later, Alistair entered his honeymoon suite.

He was a bit nervous as he stepped further in.


Meryl looked at him with a loving expression. While greeting him, she slowly began undressing.

Alistair's heart palpitated with excitement as she unzipped her wedding gown and pulled it down, exposing her creamy skin. She was in nothing more than white bra and panties; her very figure radiating arousal. She tossed the gown in a distance and turned around, her back to him.

Meryl stuck her ass out and wriggled her hips as she bent down to open her sandals.

"Let me help!"

Alistair couldn't help her striptease even for a minute. He quickly arrived in front of her but she stretched a hand out to stop him.

"Not now, my love," Meryl pushed him on a nearby chair. "I have a gift for you."

Alistair was close to her and he could perfectly see the swells of her breasts. He wanted to jump and ravish her, consummate their relationship.

But he didn't. He respected her wish and knew his patience would be rewarded.

Meryl, in the meantime, pulled down the bra straps down her shoulders, without unhooking it. As Alistair excitedly looked at her, she moved her hands from her bra and stepped towards the bed.

Alistair noticed she was pulling out something from a drawer. He didn't care what as his eyes were fixed on her butt cheeks. They were a work of gods, perfect and flawless.

Meryl reversed stepped while shaking her hips for his eyes. The moment her ass closed to his face, he raised his hand to grab her hips, but just then, she took a step ahead.

"Now! Patience!" Meryl spun around and pushed his hands on the armrest. She stared into his eyes, and asked, "Do you want the gift I have in my mind?"

Alistair eagerly nodded to give his consent. He wanted everything!

"Good," Meryl said with a seductive smile. "Get ready, love of my life."

Alistair visibly flinched as he detected cuffs on his hands, pinning him to the chair. He didn't even notice them when she was speaking with him.

"This is necessary," Meryl winked at him.

Alistair agreed as he thought of the games played during sex. He never knew she has a wild side like this. During their courtship, they have only kissed and that on cheeks.

Alistair checked the cuffs and felt they were enhanced & high-tech. They were the types used to constraint mutants and restrict their special abilities. This was also why they were in special demand among couples engaging in bondage fantasy.

He was still thinking when Meryl moved towards another chair.

Alistair was dumbfounded as he saw a golden-haired man sitting on it!

What the hell?!

Alistair shouted to voice his shock. He tried moving up, but the cuffs stopped him.

"Relax, my love," Meryl turned her head towards him as she sat arrived in front of the golden-haired man. "He is here to help me."


Has he brought the gift?

Alistair understood but still, that man shouldn't be here!

She was almost naked! No one should see the love of my life like this!

Alistair was voicing his displeasure when his breathing turned rugged. The veins on his face trembled and his eyes turned bloodshot from anger.

Meryl was lowering herself on the lap of that man! She brought her arms around his neck and spread her legs apart as she sat down.

She leaned her face closer to his, and pressed her rosy lips against his. Alongside, he brought his hands down to cup her ass cheeks as she kissed him passionately.

Alistair was crestfallen. From the angle of his position, everything did by those two was completely visible.

He looked in disbelief as that man stuck rolled his tongue out and licked Meryl's lips like they were made of honey. She even gladly parted her lips as he pushed his tongue into her mouth.

What was going on?!

Alistair's insides were twisting and howling in indescribable misery. He felt burning pain, raging anger, and a lifetime of shock.

This was something that could be only felt by witnessing the betrayal of true love, and that too, on the first day of wedding!

Love for whom he could readily give his life... Love for whom he could do anything.

Anything but this.

No proud man could accept this, much less a proud scion of an aristocrat family!

He screamed curses at her when the kiss finally broke as she said, "My love! You are misunderstanding!"


You are making out with him!

You are sitting on his lap and pressing your breasts against his chest!!

And that man is fondling your butt cheeks as if it something natural!!

What's there to misunderstand?!

"I need to introduce him properly," Meryl understood she forgot basic courtsey. "Then I'm sure you will understand!"

She was saying this when the golden-haired man leaned on her neck and began kissing her soft skin. He moved his hands from her ass to her back, exploring it slowly.

Meryl let out a soft moan before saying, "He is Kiba."

Alistair was bewildered.

"Kiba always contributes to weddings," Meryl continued even as he unhooked her bra. "By helping wives make the best wedding pie for their lovely husbands!"

Alistair shouted at her for not making any sense. He didn't care about her explanation, and loudly demanded her to stop!

Sadly, his new wife was busy. As her bra dropped off her breasts, she moved up a little and pressed the sides of her breasts together.

Her tits were a sight to behold even from a distance.

Alistair's heart skipped a beat when he saw her rubbing her tempting breasts on Kiba's face. She squeezed the front of her breasts on his lips and cheeks; smothering him with a pleasant sensation.

Kiba enjoyed the feel before grabbing her tits in his hands.

Her breasts were a handful and his fingertips explored every inch. He kneaded on her nipples for some time before taking one of them in his mouth.

Her fingers were entwined in his hair as she felt him biting her nipple. A current of pleasure passed through her flesh, and goosebumps erupted all over her body.

She arched her back as he began sucking and licking her nipples in earnest...

A minute later, as his mouth continued to feast on her nipples, he brought his hands on her panties. He hooked his thumbs on each side of her panties to slowly drag it down her thighs.

Meryl trembled as the next moment she felt his fingertips on her pussy lips. He could feel the warmth and wetness of her arousal as he slid two fingers in.

As his fingers sank deeper into her, she wrapped her arms around him tightly, barely controlling a moan.

Alistair sat in the chair, shell-shocked, too late to react. He could only stare at her as she continued to behave in a manner no wife should ever...

Meryl was thrilled from her husband's stare and slowly, she left out of Kiba's embrace. She kneeled down in front of Kiba and brought her hands on his thighs. She slowly traced them before moving further above, feeling the outline and pulsing heat of a hardon.

She quickly unbuttoned his pants and his enormous cock sprang out.

Meryl admired it for a few moments before taking the mushroom head into her mouth, tasting it. She pumped the lowe base of shaft with her hands while stroking the upper portion with her sweet lips.

At the same time, Alistair was gobsmacked.

The lips which should belong to him were now... And the size of the vast member made his body surge with despair, reminding him of his inferiority.

Meryl was too busy to care about her husband.

She lowered her head into his lap fully as she worked on Kiba's cock with her warm mouth. Her tongue twirled down the shaft before taking him further into her mouth.

As she moved up and down the enormous shaft, Alistair could see how it was covered in her saliva.

Kiba moved his hips up and down, fucking her mouth. In response, she opened her mouth fully, letting his cock reach the back of her throat.

Her fingers massaged his balls while her mouth worshipped his cock...

Ten minutes later, her mouth let go of his cock and she rose up. Her fingers parted her pussy lips and she began lowering herself on his throbbing hardon.

"Don't! Anything but that!" Alistair begged.

They had never consummated their love, and yet, she was opening herself for another man!

"Love! Please! I beg you! Don't do it! I can still forgive you!" Alistair screamed with tears streaming down his face.

"Honey! I'm doing it for you!" Meryl explained as the tip of Kiba's cock rubbed against her moist slit.

As his mushroom head finally slid into her wet entrance, she shuddered and closed her eyes, while continuing to lower herself and feeling his vast cock.

"Oh yes!"

She moaned without any worry. Slowly, as she got used to him, she moved back and forth on his cock.

Kiba squeezed her breasts and kissed on her earlobes as she continued to ride his cock...

Minutes passed as they mated on the chair while the husband looked at the erotic sight.

Kiba cupped her ass cheeks and left the chair, their bodies connected. Her breasts smashed against his chest as he moved towards the bed.

He threw her on the bed and she got on her all fours. He arrived behind her and slapped her butt.

Then, he rubbed his cock on her wet slit and penetrated her.


As his cock moved further in, her pussy muscles responded with more juices, turning the passage slippery. He easily slid into the deepest corner and began another round.

Kiba grabbed her hips and thrust in and out. The room was filled with sounds of moans and groans, and the smell of sex filled it.

Alistair blankly stared as his wife's breasts shook with every hard thrust. They were moving in rhythm with Kiba's hips.

Kiba's strokes were sometimes slow and sometimes fast, allowing her to experience the unexpected. When he would barge in, he would slide upwards into her deepest depths, making her experience euphoria.

Alistair felt like this continued like for hours when he saw his wife trembling crazily. She clawed the bedsheet tightly and her pussy rippled tightly around his cock.

She was experiencing an intense orgasm that shook every fiber of her existence. As she felt waves of pleasure, Kiba continued to slam his cock into her.

A minute later, Kiba groaned as he began melting into her, pumping thick ropes of cum...

"This nightmare is finally over!" Alistair snapped his teeth. He was tired of trying to break the shackles and beg her to stop.

As he saw the illicit pair sleeping together, unspeakable emotions filled his soul. He has felt this was the happiest day of his life and yet, it proved to be the most tragic. Not even the loss of his status made him feel this bad.

Just then, Meryl left the bed and walked to her husband. Her hips wriggled with every step and sweat dripped down like dewdrop, making her body glisten.

There was an erotic and ecstatic glow on her face as she arrived in front of Alistair. She brought a hand on her pussy lips and parted them to expose the throbbing, crimson slit, filled with sticks threads of cum. The insides of her pussy were pulsating, covered with cum, a proof of the intense climax.

"Honey!" Meryl said happily. "Here is the gift I promised, the best wedding pie!"

Alistair froze in horror as he realized what she meant.

"I have sweated a lot to make it!" Meryl announced as she showed him the vast quantity of cum between her pussy lips.

She was sure no wife has done so much hard work for her husband on the very first day!

"So please eat the pie to your heart's content!"

Alistair's face turned deathly pale as she leaned her hips forward.