412 - 417

Chapter 412 - Traces of Reality-Warping (Part II)

The next day.

It was late in morning when Alistair woke up. He felt a headache as he remembered his first wedding night.

"It couldn't be real, right?" Alistair looked around and realized he was sleeping on a sofa.

He fully recalled what happened after his loving wife prepared the wedding pie, and just the thought of it made his legs quiver. He has just stood up but the scenes of previous night made him instantly collapse.

"This couldn't be happening to me!"

Every scene was like a knife stabbing through his body and soul. It made his blood boil in rage.

Alistair gritted his teeth and jumped up. He left the room as he saw no signs of his wife.

A minute later, he walked into the living hall where he heard the sound of soft laughter. He glanced into the hall and noticed his parents having a chat with Meryl.

The servants were placing lavish dishes on the table...

When the parents detected his presence, they turned around.

"Son!" His father called out. "Your wife said you loved her pie so much that you didn't even pay her any attention! It must have been terrific for you to ignore your wife!"

"I think so!" Alistair's mom agreed. "I will ask her for the recipe and prepare it for you as well, dear."

Her husband laughed joyfully.

The laughter made Alistair's face turn green.

He refused to believe his ears were hearing things he just heard. That was not possible!

His body began sweating as he further heard the discussion.

He wanted to lash out on Meryl but he didn't dare do it now.

If his parents and servants learned what has happened, then what would happen to his reputation?!

What would they think of him?!

No matter what happens, he never wanted others to learn about the shameful episode. He might have lost his status, but he was still a Chosen in body and soul!

A few minutes later, as his parents began leaving, his wife requested, "Dad & Mom, I have thought of a nick for my husband... I hope all of us can use it."

"Oh?" Alistair's parents urged her to continue.

"Cucky!" Meryl stated the new nick with a loving smile.

"Cucky?" Alistair's parents were confused but they nodded. "We can agree on that."

They didn't want to refuse a polite request by their new daughter-in-law.


Alistair felt claws of despair closing into him. His parents might be clueless about its meaning but he wasn't.

"No, I don't want it!" Alistair shouted.

"Son, I have already made a decision and you have to follow it like a proud son!" His father said sternly. "Besides, success to a happy life is a happy wife! So, accept the nick she chose with love and care!"

Alistair's mom, at the same time, ordered her servants.

"From today onwards, you should address my son as Young Master Cucky!"

The servants bowed down and accepted her command.

"Young Master Cucky, what would you like to have in breakfast?" A middle-aged servant politely enquired.

Alistair was in no condition to speak. He felt his head spinning and fell down on the floor.

"Honey! You must be lacking energy!" Meryl quickly rushed to him and checked his condition. "Don't worry! I will prepare your favorite creamy pie!"

Alistair felt nauseated and began losing consciousness. The final words he heard before turning unconsciousness were of his mother: "You are such a devoted wife!"


When Alistair regained consciousness, he was on a hospital bed. The desks around him were filled flowers and get-well cards.

Meryl was sitting on a chair, looking at him.

Alistair noticed her. He was thinking of venting his frustration when he felt something on his crotch. When he realized what it was, a chill passed through his body.

A chastity belt!

"Honey! The doctor said you mustn't lose any energy!" His wife's words entered his ears. "And you know how man loses a great lot of energy from perverted activities..."

She trailed off in between as if the rest of it was obvious.

"Also, you don't have to worry about pies! I have decided to hire Kiba's service!"

"Slut! How dare you!" Alistair's eyes were filled with murderous intent and he leaned up to strangle her.

But then he felt he was absolutely weak; even weaker than an ordinary human. He fell back on the bed with a loud thud.

"See? I told you, the doctor said you were weak," Meryl sighed and said.

Alistair opened his mouth to speak but just then his parents entered the room.

"Son! You don't have to worry!" His father said with a smile. "Some internal injury from long ago resurfaced... this is nothing rare."

"Yes, it might take a while to recover but there is nothing to be afraid of," Alistair's mother added further.

She rubbed a hand over his head before continuing, "Thankfully, you are blessed with a great wife. She has promised to nurse you to health!"

Alistair's father turned towards Meryl and said, "Have you brought the pie my son loves so much?"

"Yes," Meryl nodded.

"Then serve him!" Alistair's father said with a smile.

He recalled how his wife used to nurse him with love and care. Having favorite food and a blissful company was the sure-shot method to recover fully!

And his son was blessed with both in the form of his gorgeous wife!

"I will serve him now!" Meryl's cheeks flushed as she continued. "But could I request some privacy?"

"Ah!" Alistair's parents looked at each other with faint smiles.

They obviously realized the new wife wanted to spend some time with her husband. Even if it was a hospital, she wanted to have some private time.

Treating her husband with favorite pie alone in a hospital room! She was trying to make the best out of every moment!

How romantic!

"Son! You are truly blessed!" Alistair's father said as he began stepping out of the room. "Don't forget that."

"Couldn't agree more," Alistair's mother also left after saying, "Meryl, treat him with his favorite pie!"


Alistair was horrified by his parents' behavior.


Over the next few years, similar events played out. Every time he thought of confronting his wife or try to kill her, some unexpected developments would happen.

It was like God was toying with him while writing his destiny.

Every development would help her wife in a way or another. She would be considered romantic and devoted despite the fact that he never consummated the relationship. The chastity belt never left him so there was not even chance of venting his lust elsewhere!

Furthermore, his name as Cucky has spread throughout the family and friend circles. Many of them were well-learned with modern slangs and found his nick funny.

Both males and females would giggle while addressing him. Youngsters especially would grin while calling him 'Uncle Cucky'.

Every social event he was forced to attend, he and Meryl would be introduced as 'Mr. Cucky & his loving wife.'

The despair and hurt he felt was not something that could be described with words. Every single moment of his life was filled with torture... it was far worse than death.

His pride, confidence, ego, and everything that could matter to a man was brutally smashed...

He could handle physical pain, and even death, but not this!

Pain was just to body! But this was hurting his very soul!

As time passed on, he was ready to swallow his pride and face humiliation as long as he could get rid of his wife and her creamy pies. Sadly, coincidence or not, nothing happened as per his wishes. Much less divorce, he didn't even found chances of leaving her for a day!

Every single day she would come up with those pies! Even on days where her body was on a different cycle...in such days, she would serve him the creamy pies by either her mouth or her other treasured hole.

Every fucking day!

"Even hell wouldn't be this bad!"

Alistair was broken in both body and soul...


Central Zone, Core Region, Desolate Blood Forest.

Inside the vast corridor, Alistair let out a heart-wrenching scream. Leonardo and other surviving geniuses were terrified by his screams and appearance.

What has happened to him?!

Why is he wailing like that from the last ten seconds?!

Leonardo and others couldn't realize what has happened for a Chosen to fall to such a pitful extent.

Some distance away, Red Tiger stared at Alistair with same confusion. Why is that human screaming like that when he is completely all right?!

She brought her eyes on her savior who just stood there, without any expression on his face. If there was anything, it was in his eyes, filled with chilling coldness.

Kiba retraced his finger and lowered his hand.

The only other entity who knew what he has done was Enchantia!

[[Using the worst fears of men... you haven't changed!]] Enchantia's voice rang through the corridor.

"...." Kiba remained silent.

Enchantia knew what Alistair just experienced was not some simple illusion, nightmare or psychic inducement. It was something that was on the borderline of fantasy and reality.

[[He used a trace of reality-warping so...!]]

Universe has infinite forms of energies among which Cosmic was at the top. Cosmic energy was omnipresent - it existed throughout the universe, between the galaxies, and in the space. Every celestial body ultimately derived its existence from this cosmic energy. In a way, it was something that maintained the balance of cosmos from the beginning of time.

This was why any lifeform with power Cosmic was considered as god. The same applied to Celestial Elysian Plane where only the selected few had this power. Even among those few, they had only traces of power Cosmic.

Enchantia observed Kiba and compared him.

Unlike top lifeforms in the universe, he has no lack of power Cosmic. In fact, he has access to infinite cosmic energy thanks to Cosmic Spark!

She also knew the nature of his powers - Cosmic Manipulation. Theoretically, he could use his powers to produce nearly any effect he desires.

Of course, he was not even 0.01% strong enough to exploit this omnipotent power. This was mainly due to his physical limitations, his young age, the laws of the universe, and lastly, not having any opportunity to train such power.

As Enchantia thought of everything so far and the way he exploited his power to bend reality by an inch, her incorporeal face shuddered.

[[So far, what he did to that youngster could be limited to psychic nightmare... but someday, when he masters his power, the entire reality would twist on its own. This psychic nightmare would become a part of reality!]]

That's how horrifying reality-warping was. Nothing was fictitious or imaginary!

As long as its wielder wished, the thoughts would be accepted by the very space and time!

Enchantia studied Alistair as he continued to scream and wail.

"No! I'm not Cucky!" Alistair grabbed his skull tightly and shouted. "No...! I don't want to taste another pie!"

[[Humans are so much fun.]]

Kiba ignored Alistair and brought his attention to fatty Leonardo.

"Don't...don't come near me!" Leonardo begged.

Chapter 413 - Extremely Evil! (Part I of II)

Leonardo was terrified like never before. He dragged his injured body away to create as much as distance he possibly could.

Alas, no matter how much he tried, he was confined in a certain space. It was like the laws of the space has changed by which no matter how far he ran, he would still be next to Kiba.

"Please... I didn't do anything!" Leonardo cried as he continued. "We have no animosity for you to target me!"

"No animosity?" Kiba's expression turned cold. "You tried to murder me and almost killed her... and you still dare say you haven't done anything?"

Murder him!?

Almost kill her?!

Leonardo's eyes unconsciously moved on Red Tiger. He thought of the powerful laser beam he launched on Zed; something that was blocked by the tiger...

"This can't be!"

Leonardo's heart pounded madly and he forgot to breathe. His bowels turned loose in fear.

"Meryl! I don't want any more pies!" Alistair once again screamed, his face sick.

Leonardo could hear the scream and feel the despair in those words. He was sure whatever ability Kiba used on Alistair was something he never wanted to experience.

As if sensing Leonardo's fears, Kiba clarified, "Don't fret. What he experienced was something special as I have no plan to kill him."

Leonardo's pupils dilated.

Surely he couldn't mean...?!

No! I don't want to die!

"You obviously would die here," Kiba said as if it was obvious.

There was no way he would let Leonardo live after what happened to Red Tiger...

He hated the very thought of her dying and the resulting conversation he would be forced to have with her orphan cubs.

This fate was avoided by his timely transformation, but the thought of what could have happened filled his body with murderous intent.

Feeling the rich murderous intent, Leonardo wet his pants.

"I have a family!" Leonardo said, his face petrified. "My mom and dad are waiting for me!"

He was young and didn't want to die. So he begged and used the emotional card in the faintest hopes of survival.

Kiba has aimed a hand at Leonardo but when he heard Leonardo's words, the destructive waves of energy on his palm died.

"Haah~ I can show you some mercy."

A smile that radiated trust and warmth appeared on his face.

Leonardo's eyes lit up in happiness.

"It worked?!"

Leonardo thanked his brain for thinking of mom and dad. He was bathing in ebullition when Kiba continued.

"You are going to die though," Kiba clarified after a long pause. He didn't want Leonardo to misunderstand.

"....." Leonardo's heart sank. It was like he was flying thousands of meters above the sky and then brutally smashed down.

"But since you love your mom and dad so much," Kiba continued with a smile. "You deserve to know about their future."

Leonardo stared blankly at Kiba.

How could he know about the future of his parents if he was going to die?!

And most importantly, he didn't want to die! He loved his parents and he wanted to spend his days with them! Not in the afterlife!

As he was trying to handle the fear and shock, suddenly, the space around Kiba flickered.

"I have never done anything like this," Kiba said with a sigh. "But for your sake, I'm risking severe side effects."

A terrifying aura erupted out like a volcano, making the corridor tremble. The aura concentrated and transformed into a spectral hourglass that floated behind Kiba.


Enchantia was startled as she felt the nature of his aura.

[[Temporal currents!]]

With every passing second, Kiba's face turned pale and blood streamed down from his orifices.

"I'm offering you Pythia's service for free!"

Kiba said as he put a hand on Leonardo's head. The hourglass behind him began rotating at a lightning speed, releasing terrifying temporal currents.

An incorporeal vortex made of time energy surged out of his palm and enveloped Leonardo.


Leonardo felt his very consciousness sucked by the vortex. The process didn't even last for a flicker of second and his consciousness passed through the fabric of space and time.


Leonardo didn't even know how long it lasted before he gained senses. When he looked around, he found himself in his modern house.

"What happened?!"

Leonardo was shocked out of his wits. He recalled he was in the core region so how could he suddenly appear here?

He was thinking when he tried to take a step. This was when he realized something peculiar.

He didn't have a physical body! He neither had eyes, ears, or any organ but he could see and hear everything.

Leonardo checked his house and was dumbfounded when he checked the year on a virtual interface.


"How could this be?! I'm sure this should be 2025!"

Leonardo then thought of Kiba's words.

"I'm in the future!"

He would have been extremely happy if not for the strange circumstances. He tried to suppress his shock and confusion while moving further.

"Mom and dad!"

Leonardo was pleasantly surprised to see his parents in the kitchen.

His father was fat and plain-looking just like him with a large belly, while his mother was slender and beautiful. Leonardo always wished he has inherited genes from his mom instead of his father. Still, that was something beyond his ability so he could only accept it.

Presently, his parents were in the middle of a conversation.

"Sheila, we have to move on with our lives," Leonardo's father - Pratt - rubbed the back of his wife's hand and continued. "We can no longer live in pain."

"How can you say that?!" Sheila pushed his hands away and slammed her fists on a table. "Our son has died and you want us to move on?"

Tears dripped down her eyes as she expressed her grief.

"I didn't mean that," Pratt hugged her and said. "I just can't stand seeing you drowning in sorrow."

"Easy for you to say!"

Shiela's beautiful face looked extremely pitiful and as Leonardo saw this, he shivered.

The news of his death made him astonished and afraid, but what pained him was the grief of his mother.

He finally understood the importance she held in his life. He regretted the times he has argued with her.

Leonardo finally realized what people meant when they say a mother's love endures through all.

"Mom! I'm sorry... your son has caused you so much pain!"

Leonardo wanted to jump into her arms and pacify her, but he couldn't. He was just a temporal projection of his consciousness...

In the meantime, Shiela freed herself from her husband's hug and ran out of the kitchen.

Pratt sat down on a chair with his hands grabbing his forehead.

"Son... why do you have to die?" Pratt felt a man should never express his emotions but he was having a hard time controlling himself.


A beeping sound rang in the kitchen and simultaneously, a virtual screen popped in front of Pratt.

"Pratt, you don't seem good," A voice came from the screen. "You guys haven't moved on, have you?"

Pratt looked at the image on the screen. It was a man - a father, just like him. Someone who lost his child in that core region.

"It is difficult," Pratt answered.

"I know," The man replied with a bitter smile. "But we can't forever live in the pain."

"I'm happy that you guys have moved on," Pratt said with a forced smile. "Sometimes I envy you."

"There is nothing to envy me about," The man sighed and said. "You guys should visit grief center... that would really help."


Leonardo was silently listening to the discussion. He prayed for his parents to grow strong and live happily.

Just as he waited for the conversation to move forward, the space cracked and he was sucked into a vortex of space and time.


Leonardo found himself standing outside a two-storied building.

"Where am I now?" Leonardo wondered.

The building in front of him was made of glasses.

When the sunlight fell on slumped glass panes, beautiful spiraling light reflected out and crashed on the surrounding garden, fountains, and waterfalls. All over, it was an architectural wonder, making one feel peace and serenity.

"This is so mesmerizing!"

Leonardo was only in the form of his consciousness but even he could appreciate the beauty of this environment.

It was relaxing for both body and soul.

Leonardo gazed in the distance and noticed many tall buildings.

The fact that such an architectural structure stood alone, in so much open space, while surrounded by vast towers and skyscrapers, it only stated how much money was spent here.

"Must be some office," Leonardo thought when he saw his parents.

Surprised, he automatically followed them into the building. The insides of the building were even more stunning with virtual holograms floating all around.

Leonardo checked the screens upon which images of families were displayed. In some pictures, the families were crying but in the following pictures, the same families were cheerful and smiling.

"Grief center!"

Leonardo concluded as he read the texts on those images. He further observed more screens upon which images of international awards and fame received by this grief center were projected.

Leonardo's parents stepped in front of a crystalline screen on which a mass of text was engraved. It stated the history, aim, and mission of the grief center.

Leonardo also joined his parents to read the tests.

[As centuries passed, we humans advanced and achieved what was once deemed impossible. Sadly, in the process, we lost track of qualities that made us humans. Our race became greedy, selfish, and someone who only cares about themselves. This resulted in an unfair world where people did anything to achieve success. In turn, our society saw the rise of wars, killing of innocents, the untimely deaths of kids and children, and bitter tragedies.]

[This grief center is founded to heal the victims of such crimes. It is built to help you to return to your roots, to become one with nature and find the happiness that you rightfully deserve.]

Leonardo was stunned by what he read so far. He has rarely seen a grief center founded with such principles.

He read further and arrived on a paragraph which stated the services in the grief center were free, for everyone, regardless of their background.

[To exploit tragedies of others for money is an unforgivable sin. If you wish to give us anything, give us a smile, a happy note.]

"This must be run by some philanthropist!" Leonardo thought with awe.

His parents were from upper-middle-class and were in no lack of funds, but not everyone was lucky like them.

Leonardo was admiring the grief center, forgetting for a moment of his fate. He turned towards his parents and noticed them having a chat with some people.

Leonardo identified many of them. They were parents of youngsters who have joined him in the core region.

"It has been years since my son didn't return from that adventure," A woman said to Shiela. "I knew the risks but I wanted him to evolve...and when he didn't return, I thought I would never recover."

The woman took Shiela's hands between hers as she continued, "Nor did I think I could be happy again... But this grief center has helped me recover. I pray it does the same for you."

Shiela nodded, her face filled with sadness.

More parents also agreed. Some of them had children who died or suffered grave injuries in other adventures, not related to Desolate Blood Forest.

The grief council offered help to everyone, with no discrimination.

A few minutes later, Leonardo followed his parents to the outside of a room.

The door was locked and outside, a man was sitting.

"My wife is inside," The man was an acquaintance of Leonardo's parents. "She should be out at any minute."

Pratt nodded in understanding. Healing was not something that could be done in a group. It required counseling, both solo and with others.

Furthermore, healing was a process that lasted for months, sometimes even years. After all, it was a matter of emotions and not some physical injury.

Ten minutes later, a woman stepped out of the room and closed the door. Her face was glowing with an ecstasy, radiating happiness from the very depths of her existence.

"Dear, how are you feeling?" The woman's husband asked.

"Never felt better!" The woman answered before kissing him.

Leonardo knew this couple. They were the parents of Onur.

"They have healed!" Leonardo felt hopeful.

He feared death but this was something he was able to still accept. But not the grief of his parents. ...

People fear death not only because of their love for life, but also due to concern for their family. They didn't want their loved ones to suffer after they have gone.

Leonardo was the same regardless of his status as a genius...

He smiled happily as his father opened the door and stepped in. His mother moved behind him and Leonardo was the last.

"Please have a seat."

Leonardo was moving forward when he heard a voice that was strangely familiar. Astonished, he looked ahead and saw a golden-haired man in a doctor's rob.

If Leonardo has a physical body now, his eyes would have popped out and he would have gotten a heart attack.

"Dr. Kiba," Pratt shook hands with him. "Thank you for giving us your valuable time."

"Please, don't embarrass me," Dr. Kiba was extremely polite. "I'm only doing what every doctor is obliged to do."

He shook hands with Shiela and requested her to sit down.

"No, Dr," Pratt said while sitting beside his wife. "As the head doctor, and most importantly, the founder of this center, you must be extremely busy... Yet, you find time to heal everyone who has suffered a tragedy."

"This is the least I could do," Dr. Kiba added with a humble smile.

"Dr," Shiela called out. "You have been to Desolate Blood Forest, right?"

Shiela has collected a lot of information about the death of her son. From what she knew, more than 90% of visitors of the core region died. Such a mass-scale tragedy has never taken place in the core region.

Experts believed some unnatural events took place which resulted in mass extinction...

"Yes, miss," Dr. Kiba nodded bitterly, "I was a selfish man back then but when I saw how humans, especially youngsters killed, my heart changed."

Shiela and Pratt nodded. They have heard many rumors about Dr. Kiba so they weren't surprised by his confession.

"Dr, my son also died there," Shiela said, her eyes filled with tears.

"Son?!" Dr. Kiba was visibly shocked.

"Yes," Shiela answered, confused by his shocked reaction.

"I'm sorry," Dr. Kiba apologized sincerely, "I was informed that the victim was in the early twenties...so I thought you were victim's sister."

Shiela was surprised.

She felt she appeared to be in her late thirties, and yet, Dr. Kiba's words implied how he thought of her as a young woman in her twenties!

She then remembered how he addressed her as a miss some time ago!

Despite her grief, a part of her felt validated and happy. It was only in times of extreme sadness that one could appreciate a genuine compliment...

"We are husband-wife," Pratt explained as he realized Dr. Kiba misunderstood their relationship as father-daughter.

"I'm really sorry for my mistake," Dr. Kiba apologized again before asking, "What was your son's name?"

"Leonardo," Pratt answered on his wife's behalf.

Dr. Kiba's eyes momentarily flashed with shock. He quickly masked it and nodded, "I'm really sorry for your loss."

Like hell, you are sorry!

Leonardo shouted and screamed. He arrived behind Kiba and tried to strangle him, but he then remembered he was just a phantom of the past. He has no materialistic presence!

"Fucking bastard! You killed so many of us both as Zed and Kiba! And yet you are giving grief counseling to our parents?!"

Leonardo's consciousness was on the brink of exploding. He wished he has his physical body back so that he could expose this doctor.

Just what type of man first orchestrate a tragedy and then heal its victims?!

He was cursing when he noticed his father leaving the room.

"Shiela, as I just said, your first counseling session would be solo," Dr. Kiba explained, his voice professional.

"I understand," Shiela barely nodded.

"Before I start, I wish to request something," Dr. Kiba politely said.

"Request?" Shiela looked at him.

"Yes," Dr. Kiba nodded and said, "Stop blaming yourself... you aren't responsible for what happened to your son, so don't let guilt devour you."

Shiela was astonished. For years, she has been secretly blaming both herself and her husband for her son's death. No one understood her deepest fears, and yet, he understood it from the very start.

"Society conditions our thought process, especially when it comes to women who are mothers," Dr. Kiba explained with a barely audible sigh. "We are unconsciously trained how we are supposed to feel, behave, and react in certain patterns... This is the main reason why you can't move on."

"Doctor..." Shiela was startled.

"Like in cases of mothers, they are supposed to be selfless figures," Dr. Kiba left his chair and sat in a chair beside Shiela. "This is something that's unnatural... and we have to change that."

"Change?!" Shiela asked in confusion.

Leonardo was shell-shocked by the conversation that followed. In his entire life, he has never witnessed anything like this.

Kiba explained psychological principles in simple words, as if to let her know what she was feeling was not what nature wanted. He used jokes and dry humor as he continued the counseling.

In some thirty minutes, Leonardo saw how his mother was both weeping and smiling.

"He is really a doctor?!"

Kiba used charming words, subtly, and as she cried, he wiped her tears.

"What's going on?!" Leonardo didn't know why but he was having a very bad feeling. Since he was a spectator, he could comprehend things that his mom couldn't.

Leonardo was trying to make a sense of the bad premonition when he noticed something in a dustbin under the doctor's desk.

A condom!

There was no smell of sex in the room thanks to air purifiers, but Leonardo was sure that the condom was used recently... over an hour or so ago.

He then recalled the previous patient was Onur's mother. She was glowing wonderfully, and this made him feel despair.

"No! I'm misunderstanding!"

Leonardo was sure he was overthinking due to his intense hatred. He reasoned his mind was trying to cook up theories...

Still, the bad feeling continued to swell into his consciousness. He looked around in the room even as his mother received counseling.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Leonardo was crestfallen as he read a list of recognition and awards Dr. Kiba received.

In those recognitions, there was a letter, almost like a fan-letter, addressed to a certain Doctor. He knew it was addressed to Kiba given it was in his room, but the letter didn't mention his name.

It only stated a title.

Dr. NTR!

"No! I must be imagining things!" Leonardo chided himself for overthinking. Still, his attention wouldn't move on from those two words.

Dr. NTR...

Chapter 414 - Extremely Evil! (Part II)

In the future, the year 2027, Leonardo has already died. But his phantom of past lingered, more restless than a ghost.

"Dr. NTR."

Leonardo brought his focus on the letter where he read this strange title attributed to Dr. Kiba. The letter was embedded in a golden frame.

Leonardo read text following the title.

[Dr. NTR - Thank you for contributing to the medicinal field with your specialization in NTR.]

"Specialization in NTR?"

Leonardo was bewildered. He has never heard of a specialization known as NTR in the medical field.

"Unless it means what I'm thinking..."

Leonardo refused to believe that and he focused back on his mother.

"For you to forget your pain, you have to accept your son is no more," Dr. Kiba said, his voice filled with pain. "I know it is going to be difficult, even impossible, and I wish there was something I could do..."

Dr. Kiba then lowered his head and closed his eyes.

Sheila was startled; not due to his words but because of what she saw and felt. She could his closed eyes turning watery. He was trying his best to stop tears.

Sheila recalled how she shared her entire life story with Dr. Kiba just a few minutes ago. He was extremely patient and whenever she stopped in between, he would urge her to continue. She has seen traces of pain back then, but now, he was almost crying.

"He is far more empathic than my husband!"

Dr. Kiba hasn't asked her to forget the tragedy or stop thinking about her son. Instead, he only asked her to accept her son's fate and forever remember him.

"You have to honor your son," Dr. Kiba quickly wiped his tears and pretended as if nothing has occurred. "And you can only do that by remembering the sweet times you shared with him."

Sheila nodded her head in understanding.

"You have to remember that your son would only wish happiness for you, no matter where he is now," Dr. Kiba added.

Son of a bitch!

I'm here now!

And what I want is you to fuck off! Don't be near her!

Leonardo cursed loudly, but sadly, since he has no presence, no one could see, feel, or hear him.


The scene changed again and Leonardo passed through space and time vortex...

When he regained senses, he found himself back in the counseling room. His mother was in a new dress which signified it was a new session.

"This would be our fourth session," Dr. Kiba sat opposite her. "And I'm happy to note you are making progress."

"Thank you, Dr," Sheila thanked him from her heart. "This wouldn't have been possible without you."

When Leonardo heard this, he almost wept.

Mom! You have no idea how right you are! None of this would have been possible without him! He is the one who killed me! And yet, he is pretending to be grieving for me!!

Leonardo felt extremely depressed. He has never seen a more shameless criminal than Dr. Kiba.

First, kill someone in cold blood then console the family in counseling. Had he not known better, he would have thought this was some business model!

"You give me too much credit," Dr. Kiba was truly humble.

"Dr, why exactly did you established this grief center?" Sheila enquired.

She has read the history and aim of the center on the ground floor, but that was rather vague. Furthermore, he was spending money from his own pocket. This made here curious.

"Well, given young mutants desire to advance further, and their possible deaths while adventuring in areas not governed by government," Dr. Kiba answered, his eyes filled with remembrance of his past.

"I felt many mothers would be in need of warmth---- I mean, poor mothers and sisters who are prone to depression, would be in need of emotional assistance. They would be lonely and hurt, and if I can help them in any way, then I wouldn't have wasted my life."

"Oh!" Sheila nodded.

She recalled some vague rumors which said he used to be arrogant and selfish, but clearly he has changed. Life has brought a wonderful transformation in him.

Dr. Kiba then started counseling. He made her realize how society was subconsciously training her to behave and feel in certain ways. Slowly, but surely, she was no longer affected by social pressure and conditioning...

As Leonardo witnessed the counseling, he was astonished by the progress his mom made.

"Her condition is really improving!"

Leonardo was relieved for a moment.

"Wait! What is he doing?!"

Leonardo was terrified by what he noticed.

During the counseling session, Dr. Kiba would subtly flatter his mom.

Sheila has fully opened up with him, and she would accept the subtle compliments as something natural, instead of considering it as flirty.

He helped her gain confidence she has lost in the last few years; helped her in replacing the guilt with honor for her son.

He did things that no man has ever been able to do.

"Fucking villain! He is seducing her!"

Leonardo screamed as he realized the strange nature of counseling. Since he was on an onlooker, he could comprehend far more than the participants of a scene.

Of course, even for him, this would not have been possible had he not discovered other strange things.

He knew a person was most vulnerable during their grief, but the way he saw his mother seduced, he was stupefied.

Dr. Kiba never passed any hints of innuendo, nor he touched her inappropriately. In fact, except for the rare flattery in between, he did nothing but as his job as a top counselor.

What's more, even those subtle flattery was something natural. It was more about her qualities of being a good mother at such a young age!

Leonardo was terrified like never before.

"Does he has a Ph.D. in psychology?!" Leonardo wondered in horror.

A few minutes later, Sheila stood up from her chair and leaned further to grab a glass of water. Suddenly, the glass slipped from her hand, and water fell on Dr. Kiba.

"I'm sorry!" Sheila hurriedly apologized.

"It is fine," Dr. Kiba reassured her. He took a tissue to wipe the water.

"Let me help," Sheila grabbed the tissue from his hand and moved her hand towards him.

She suddenly stopped as she saw the water has actually fallen below his belt.

"I..." Sheila was momentarily struck but then she leaned her hand down. She couldn't believe she would overthink for such a simple task.

As the tissue sucked the water, her fingers felt the outline of his cock. It was flaccid, not aroused, and yet, it was bigger than her husband's erection.

Sheila gulped down and quickly completed her task without saying anything. She retraced her hand and threw the tissue in a dustbin.

She didn't know what to say as she felt he might have noticed her feeling him. She was worried this might lead to awkwardness.

Just then, Dr. Kiba said, "The session is over. See you tomorrow."

Sheila was relieved and she left the room. She took a glance back and noticed him scribbling something on a pad.

"I was really overthinking!" Sheila was a bit disappointed as she left the room and joined her waiting husband.


Leonardo cursed Dr. Kiba as he studied his mother's glance. He refused to believe the glass slipping off her hand was a coincidence.

"It must be his doing to seduce her!"


Seduction was a process that relied on the foundation of relationships between people. As long as the foundation was good, the rest of the process was simple. In fact, the true display of a rake's skill was seducing the target without using the obvious seduction process!

This was how most targets lost themselves in sudden moments of heat and passion. One moment there would be no hints of lust, and the very next moment, they would start making out.

That was true seduction.

Of course, it required lots of base works. But this was necessary if the seducer wanted to have benefits for a long time.

As for a short time affair?

For a true rake, that was something he could achieve in a day, without much hard work.

Like in the case of Sheila, if Dr. Kiba truly wanted, he could have bedded Sheila on the first day.


By relying on his own charm, her vulnerabilities and playing with her mind. He would just need to use the basics of psychology and seduce her.

As an obvious example, he could have planted ideas of hatred against her husband by making her husband indirectly responsible for her loss. Or, subconsciously make her believe her son didn't deserve her affections.

Of course, Dr. Kiba didn't do such a thing. He was a doctor and he wanted the best for his patient...

He would never take advantage of his patients! That would be unethical!

"Please let this be just my imagination!" Leonardo prayed just as the scene changed. "Don't let my fears become true!"

The moment he appeared in the new scene, his heart sank.

Sheila was leaning her face on Dr. Kiba's, their lips joining. Her hand rubbed on his pants, stroking the outline of his cock while his hand wandered between her skirt.

"No! This couldn't be happening!"

Leonardo felt as if a bolt of lightning has slammed on to him.

"Mom! You can't make out with him! He is my killer! No! Even if not for that, you can't cheat on dad!"

Leonardo has never felt this bad before. Every fiber of his consciousness felt chilling cold, making his very existence shiver.

"She would never have done such thing had I not died... my loss has made her vulnerable!"

Leonardo felt miserable.

At the same time, Dr. Kiba pulled out her panties and unhooked her bra.

As the bra fell on her lap, he shook her large breasts between his hands. They were a handful, fitting between his strong hands.

"Dr...!" Sheila moaned as he caressed and licked her breasts, like a hungry child.

Her tits were fully round, and under his caressing, they began to swell. Her nipples hardened as he pinched them between his teeth.

A few minutes later, he pushed her on the doctor's desk. Her knees and hands rested on the desk, with her ass at the end of desk.

Dr. Kiba licked his lips as he eyed her pussy. He kissed and fondled her ass cheeks before concentrating on her moist slit. He swept his tongue between her pussy lips, and as he began eating her, she writhed in pleasure.

Leonardo wished he could leave this room or shut his eyes. But sadly, he couldn't due to the nature of his temporal existence. He was confined to this room without any eyes to close.

He listened to his mom's moans as she was pleased by a man who wasn't her husband.

Leonardo's consciousness almost burst when he saw Dr. Kiba stepping in front of the desk and shoving his cock between Sheila's lips.

Much to Leonardo's anger, she parted her lips and took Dr. Kiba's fat cock into her mouth. She bobbed up and down on his shaft, emitting wet and slick noises in the process. She sucked him hard and covered his throbbing cock in her wet saliva.

It was an erotic sight but not the one Leonardo could appreciate.

This was especially true when he saw her wrapping fingers at the base of Dr. Kiba's cock, stroking up and down, while licking his balls It was because her wedding band glinted brightly on his cock!

"Mom and dad! I'm sorry! This is my fault!" Leonardo lost himself in a heart-wrenching feeling.

His mother continued to pump Dr. Kiba's thick cock with her hand, and paid attention to his balls with her delicious lips.

All her sadness and grief disappeared, replaced with sexual delight. Dr. Kiba's counseling tool was truly effective.

Sheila rolled up on the desk as Dr. Kiba arrived between her thighs. She raised her legs and rested them on his shoulders as he further moisturized his cock with her juices.

"Dr, please be gentle," Sheila requested while guiding him into her wet entrance. "I have never taken anything so big."

Leonardo soon realized that Dr. Kiba could never refuse a lady's words. Dr. Kiba slowly shoved his cock into her tight pussy, giving her ample time to relax and appreciate his size.

A few minutes later, his strokes became long and fast. Her pussy responded eagerly by squeezing around his cock. The room was filled with sounds of pleasures...

Leonardo witnessed everything with horror. He saw how the illicit pair changed positions and enjoyed themselves without thinking about his poor father who was waiting outside.

Missionary, doggy style, cowgirl, and finally standing.

They fucked like animals in heat.

And as Leonardo saw Dr. Kiba frantically thrusting into her in the standing position, her legs wrapped around his torso, she climaxed. Her pussy rippled with the intense orgasm, and she clung to him tightly.

Her moan of euphoria was so loud that Leonardo was worried her poor husband would notice...

Thankfully, it seemed Dr. Kiba has spent a lot of resources to built sound-proof walls for counseling.

"I can't believe I thought this grief center was built by a philanthropist!"

Leonardo was boiling with anger by the time he saw his gorgeous mother on her knees. Bathing in the afterglow of her delightful climax, she stroked Dr. Kiba's thick cock with both her hands.

Dr. Kiba grunted as he reached the epitome of his climax. His enormous cock released loads after loads of cum onto her face and breasts.

"So much!" Sheila shuddered with ecstasy after being showered with cum. She lowered her head and cupped her breasts upwards to clean the cum.

"Mom!" Leonardo felt like dying when he saw his mother licking the cum off her tits.

The nipples which have nurtured him were now stained with thick ropes of cum... The scene put his consciousness to the edge.

"Mom! Stop licking!"

Sadly for him, Dr. Kiba's cum not only smelled good, but it also tasted good as Leonardo soon concluded from his mother's action.

"It is delicious!"

Sheila muttered while admiring his godly physique and big cock which was still erect despite cumming.

She felt she has been missing far too many happiness until now.

"Fucking bastard! How could he make my innocent mother fall to this extent?!" Leonardo couldn't believe this.

The next moment, Leonardo noticed everything turning to fast motion, almost like how a movie was fast-forwarded.

He saw countless scenes of his mother and Dr. Kiba fucking like rabbits. Every time her husband would be waiting outside happily. As she would leave the room, she would be glowing with ecstasy, and the glow would make her husband pleased.

"She is healing!" Pratt was thankful to the gods.

For years, he has been trying to make her happy without any success. Now, this legendary grief center has made her recover considerably in just a week! He knew it would take a few more months for complete healing, but he was genuinely impressed by the results so far!

"Thank you so much, Dr. Kiba!" Pratt bowed down gratefully.

"Please, there is no need," Dr. Kiba said with a smile. "I'm only doing what I should be doing."

As Leonardo heard this, he cursed Dr. Kiba with every bad word he knew.

Bastard! This is something you shouldn't be doing! You are running a grief center! Not some pleasure house!!

Leonardo was swearing with intense hatred when he heard his father's next words.

"I'm sure that wherever my son is... he would be extremely grateful for everything you have done for our family," Pratt said confidently.

"I hope so," Dr. Kiba replied with a warm smile.


I could never be grateful!

I never wanted this! Never!!

Leonardo screamed like crazy even as the time vortex devoured him...


In the vast corridor, Leonardo's body shook as his consciousness returned back from the future. The moment his consciousness returned, his expression turned unsightly.

Without saying anything, he jumped up, his eyes bloodshot.

"I will kill you!" Leonardo let out a heart-wrenching shout as he lashed at Kiba.

Sadly, he was heavily wounded from Kiba's earlier use of power, and as such, he has just pounced forward when he crashed down on his own.

Keiron, the only healthy contestant, was shocked by the despair he felt from Leonardo.

"What happened?" Keiron was having a very bad feeling.

First, it was Alistair. He was still screaming something about not wanting to have pies. And now, Leonardo.

Just what have they experienced for them to behave like this?!

Keiron began trembling as he wondered if he would experience something similar.

Meanwhile, Kiba was also taken aback by Leonardo's conduct.

"What's wrong with you?"

He felt Leonardo should be happy with the opportunity of witnessing the future related to his parents.

To ensure this, Kiba has almost exhausted his entire strength to use an ability related to time. He even faced serious side effects since he has copied Pythia's ability, and yet, Leonardo wasn't grateful at all!

"What's wrong?! MOTHERFUCKER! How could you even ask me that?!"

Leonardo's entire face was drenched with tears. The bleak future has broken his body and spirit.

"You are evil!" Leonardo lifted his head and looked at Kiba with intense hatred. "No! You are extremely evil!"

He thought of how Dr. Kiba has exploited the tragedy of the core region and other meteorites to sleep with women.

That too by giving it a noble touch!

The world even stupidly believed he was contributing to the greater good.

If not, how could so many poor fathers and husbands bring their daughters and wives to Dr. Kiba?! They would even eagerly wait outside while Dr. Kiba healed them his cock!

"No, even calling you extremely evil is an understatement!"

Leonardo gritted his teeth as he continued.

"You are Satan!"

Chapter 415 - Make Your Ancestors Proud

(A/N: If you are on app, there is a chance you might see ads due to Farming. You can choose to turn it off by going to settings. Farming is not compulsory and only a way to gain points for stones.)

Leonardo has witnessed his to-be-killer seducing his grief-sick mother by using his death as a catalyst. Then knowing how grateful his parents were to his killer further made his guts twist in horror.

"You are Satan!" Leonardo shouted, his voice filled with both anger and anguish.

Death was terrifying enough but the future of his parents left him in despair that could be understood by no one.

Enchantia was surprised by the emotions she sensed from him. He was completely broken just like Alistair.

Enchantia then observed Kiba and thought, [[He promised to make them experience hell on Earth. And he did that without using violence!]]

Kiba brought the back of a hand to wipe the blood from his lips.

The ability he used on Leonardo was similar to precognition but since he has tried to copy without knowing its mechanism, his body suffered serious side effects.

Kiba wasn't worried though. He just needed some time to recover.

[[You haven't properly copied this ability. So, don't ever use it on Earth.]] Enchantia's voice ringed in his mind. [[This World Fragment is special so you didn't cause any harm, but if you use that ability on weaker space in Earth, you will destroy everything.]]

Abilities related to time were rare and dangerous. A slight mistake could lead to catastrophe involving time fluctuations.

"Yeah, I don't plan to," Kiba replied with a sigh.

Copying an ability perfectly was something that he could do in his full-powered form. Just like how he copied Akshobhya's psychic abilities months ago.

As for this time ability, he has witnessed Pythia using it in his present form.

So, he knew what he learned wouldn't be perfect. Which was why he only sent Leonardo in the future instead of accompanying him as there was a chance his consciousness might be stuck in space and time vortex.

This was also the reason why he didn't know what Leonardo witnessed in the future...

"Besides, there must be some serious limitations and fatal side effects, otherwise, no mutant with time abilities would die from unnatural factors," Kiba thought.

If not, a time mutant would know future threats and could prepare accordingly.

But the future was something that could not be changed. At least, he didn't think it was possible given the paradoxical nature of time.

[[You can learn far more powerful time abilities and even use them on Earth without any backlash.]]

Enchantia continued her earlier statement after a long pause.

[[All you have to do is choose a suitable Time Legacy.]]

The black band, which was on the floor, jerked and flew in front of him. The blue jewel on its surface flashed brightly, emitting rays of light that converged together to transform into a portal.

"...For a moment, I actually thought you were warning out of genuine concern," Kiba brushed a hand in the air and the portal disappeared.

[[.....]] Enchantia turned silent.

Kiba then brought his eyes on Leonardo.

"Well, I believe you are ready for afterlife," Kiba waved him goodbye. "Have fun."

Leonardo's pupils constricted and his face turned ashen. He knew he was going to die, but that didn't mean he was ready.

Death was something that no one could ever be ready for...not even those who have lived for centuries, much less a youngster.

Just then, his body began expanding, turning into an enormous sphere. Leonardo opened his mouth to beg, but the only sound came was that of a wretched scream.

No! I don't want to die! Mom and dad! Help me!!


Leonardo exploded violently into a rain of blood and gore.

As the darkness known as death devoured him, all he could think was of future... His grieving mother "consoled" by Dr. Kiba.

If spirits existed, there was little doubt about the future of this area. It would be forever haunted by a restless spirit.

"How brutal!"

Kieron muttered as blood and flesh splashed on him.

He was on verge of throwing from the awful smell, but he forcefully suppressed the urge. He didn't dare do anything that could irk the death god in front.

"What should I do?" Kieron thought as he realized something.

Assassins have ways to commit suicide on the spot but Kieron found they were unusable now. A strange force in his body was stopping him. Not like he wanted to commit suicide now, but he felt if Kiba tried to torture him, he could take an easy way out.

"Now, what shall we do with you?" Kiba asked.

Kieron didn't have guts to utter a single word in response. The memory of Leonardo begging for mercy, and the resulting fate left him scared out of wits.

"No reply?" Kiba put a hand over his chin.

Kieron's heart thumped violently with every passing moment. He continued to kneel, not daring to look at the death god.

"Come on," Kiba was annoyed. "You can ask for anything... even how you want to die."

Kieron's face looked uglier than crying. His entire face has turned white by now, and the annoyed tone left him suffocated.

He was a young assassin, trained for years to not fear death. But now, that his time came, his stomach wrenched.

Survival was a body instinct that could never overcome the fear of death. No amount of training could prepare him for accepting death.

"Why was I so stupid?!" Kieron's very soul trembled by the things he has done.

He has called Zed a cheater after treading the bridge, provoked him in the first trial, and the final action... trying to kill Zed when he was on verge of collapse.

No matter how much Kieron thirsted to live, he knew death was now inevitable. This realization of certain fate made him break down. Tears dripped from his eyes and fell on the floor.

"Haah~ You are sullying the image of assassins."

Kiba was disappointed by the poor display. He placed a finger on Kieron's forehead and asked, "Correct me if I'm wrong. During ancient times, the assassins were given violent deaths, right?"

As the question entered into his ears, Kieron choked up in tears and snort.

He knew the methods employed by ancient royalty and temples while killing assassins in public display. Those methods were used to employ fear in both political enemies and masses... their success could be seen by the lack of rebellions against the crown.

"I'm sure you would appreciate such a death," Kiba's lips curved up into his unique devilish smile. "It would make your ancestors proud and contemporaries jealous."

Kieron finally opened his mouth and muttered, "No...please, no! I don't want that! Anything but that!"

Kiba looked at him warmly and nodded.

"I'm so happy that you have decided to follow the steps of your ancestors," Kiba was proud of his choice.

"No! I didn't mean that!" Kieron quickly clarified.

At this moment, his pupils dilated and his heart sank.

The blood flow inside his body turned chaotic, and in just a blink of an eye, his veins began bursting apart.


The blood drops fused together to turn into hundreds of sharp crosses. With sharp sounds, they stabbed out of his body.

"I didn't have nails or crosses with me," Kiba said with a note of apology in his voice. "But I'm happy to see your blood volunteering."

Kieron could neither hear his voice nor even scream any longer.

Every part of his body was stabbed with blood crosses. It didn't matter if it was eyes, mouth, throat, brain, or any other region.

He felt raging pain and agony that was far worse than death, and yet, death didn't envelop him into her embrace...

Chapter 416 - We Will Meet Again

In the Hall of Legacies.

Enchantia observed the activities taking place in the corridor.

As hundreds of blood cross pierced out of Kieron's body, the crystalline pool surged with excitement.

Waves rolled forward and the glowing orbs radiated with blinding light.

[[There is never a single dull moment as long as humans exist.]]

Enchantia loved humanity for its attachment to cardinal sins.

Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth.

She loved humanity for its hypocrisy and false sense of superiority.

"You seem really excited."

Kiba could feel her elation through the telepathic link between them.

"Don't tell me you are getting wet from this."


Enchantia was surprised by the innuendo implying sexual arousal.

"As I said before, I'm not going to judge you," Kiba said while lifting a finger in the air.

The items he has previously lost as Zed, when he exploded his arms to destroy Sealstone, glinted brightly and flew towards him.

He clad back the bracelet and ring Claudia gave him. Furthermore, his storage ring rushed out of Alistair's body and floated in front of him.

With rustling sound, rays of white light conjured around the storage ring, wrapped it, and then disappeared in thin air.

Now that he was back as Kiba, there was no need of relying on storage ring. So, he transferred it to his storage dimension.

Kiba gave a swift glance to Alistair. He snapped his fingers and Alistair lost consciousness.

"Let's hope this little experiment works," Kiba thought with a smile.

For him, Alistair was just another guinea pig to test out the first technique he ever created: Happy Moments.

When Alistair regains consciousness, he would have a short gap in memories. As for what happens next, it should be similar to what he experienced during Happy Moments.

Or at least, that's what Kiba wanted...

Kiba's body blurred and he appeared in front of Red Tiger. The latter joyfully pounced on him, pinning him to the floor.


Kiba was helpless as she once again licked his face. He could only smile and place his hands on either side of her face.

"I'm glad we met again."

He never expected fate would bring them together with roles reversed.

Red Tiger nodded to agree with him.

"Would you do me a favor?" Kiba asked.

Red Tiger eagerly nodded in answer. She was ready to do anything for her savior.

"Leave the core region now," Kiba said, his eyes locked into hers.

She was bewildered by his request.

She was here to acquire resources and chances to evolve further. It wasn't only for her but for the future of her children as well.

In the trials so far, with lots of hard work, she has acquired around fifty beads. Leaving now would make all her efforts go to waste and make her lose all the opportunities.

Still, since it was his request, she could never refuse. She nodded her head without any hints of complain.

"Thank you," Kiba rubbed her head. "You didn't ask why though, even though you have all the right to ask."

Red Tiger shook her head. Her eyes stated the trust she had in him.

She was sure if he was asking her such a thing, there must be a good reason. So, there was no reason to ask why.

"Humans need to learn from her!"

Kiba recalled how suspicious husbands used to be in Delta City whenever he asked for a dance with their wives. They would stare daggers at him, not trusting him at all.

That was only for a brief dance with their loving wives!

And here, Red Tiger was giving up her chances of a better future just due to his brief request! No questions asked!

So how could he be not disappointed in humanity?! Humans were just too suspicious in everything! Not trusting an honest man like him at all!

Red Tiger stared in confusion at him; bewildered by his statement.

"It is nothing," Kiba said with a straight face.

He then paused for a moment before continuing, "You don't have concern yourself with lack of resources. Later on, we will simply borrow whatever you need."


Red Tiger was puzzled.

The resources she wanted were rare and precious, something that could be only found in meteorites. They were not the types one would simply lend to her.

Besides, from her experience, she found humans in general cruel and vicious.

Could such people even part with their resources?

She wondered if he used a wrong word by mistake, but seeing his smiling face 😊, she was sure he meant what he said.

Red Tiger felt maybe good, selfless humans existed who would simply lend resources to the needy.

"Savior must know a lot of good people!"

She thought with sparkling eyes.

Kiba waved a hand and his storage ring appeared. He stuffed it with energy and its size changed.

Then, he put it on one of her claws. He further wrapped it with more energy streams in order to camouflage its presence.

"In case, you meet some difficulties, use the medicines in the ring," Kiba has transferred most of his healing and recovery pills in it.

Storage items could be used by any living being with proper consciousness. So he didn't need to explain its mechanism in detail.

Red Tiger didn't refuse his kind intentions. She would have been hesitant earlier, but now knowing kind people who would simply give resources to needy existed, she wasn't concerned.

Her savior could just borrow whatever he needs!

"We will meet in a week or so," Kiba said while looking at one of her forelegs.

It was there she has a crystalline thread tied, filled with small beads.

Red Tiger once again nodded. She understood what he wanted her to do, so, with a claw from another leg, she slashed the thread.

Sparks flew out with a screeching sound as her claw ripped through the thread. The beads crashed on the floor and exploded into a colorful mist.

The mist enveloped her and she disappeared without any traces. The repelling force from the central zone has teleported her out.

Kiba then grabbed the black band and clad it on his wrist. He rubbed the blue jewel on it and said, "Enchantia, now it is time for you to repay your debt."

Chapter 417 - Small Debt

"Enchantia, now it is time for you to repay your debt," Kiba said.

Enchantia observed him silently. It has been hardly half an hour since her initial conversation with Kiba after he transformed, so, she obviously knew what debt he was talking about.

[[What is it you want?]] Enchantia asked.

"Many things," Kiba answered with his eyes closed. "But for now, just ensure I'm not restricted in the core region."

[[You mean in your present form?]]

Enchantia clearly knew what Royal Will of the World has done in the core region. Wielders of power Cosmic were restricted from stepping in.

While Zed was able to transform by destroying Sealstone in this corridor, there were many more Sealstones throughout the core region.

In fact, even in this vast palace where most contestants were present, there were a total of two Sealstones. So, if he stepped into another area where a Sealstone was intact, his powers would be suppressed. That would mean he would revert back to Zed.

Kiba didn't reply. Her question was more of rhetoric which didn't warrant a response.

[[There are laws that I have to follow and respect.]] Enchantia reminded him of her obligations.

"Stop making excuses."

Kiba knew her well. She has no respect for laws otherwise none of this would have happened.


Enchantia thought for a few moments before deciding to give in to his demands.

She was doing it out of his earlier warning and not due to personal fear. She didn't fear him, in fact, she didn't fear anyone.

Fear was something restricted to only living and mortal.

Not to someone like her who has never been born and as such, could never be killed.

Nor she was worried about any powerful entity.

In the Hall of Legacies, she was omnipotent. Much less Kiba, even powerful entities sealed in Paradox Dimension would be hard-pressed to create any trouble for her.

This was one of the reasons why the echelons of the World Government didn't dare be disrespectful in front of her.

[[You better be thankful.]]

Enchantia said as strands of energy erupted from the band clad on his wrist. The strands wrapped his body into an invisible, ethereal coating.

A smile appeared on Kiba's face as he studied the coating. It was masking the power Cosmic coursing through his veins.

This power was normally hidden. Even when he used his strength, the nature of his powers wouldn't show up as it would generally transform into other forms of energies.

But this couldn't deceive Royal Will of the World or ancient powerful entities like Guardian Spirit who were far too familiar with power Cosmic.

Now though, Enchantia was able to do the impossible without any efforts.

"By the way, help me a little more."

Kiba said as space before him blurred. Two bright flashes of lights appeared and turned into two items.

One was a glass container filled with a blue liquid. The glass walls rippled with vibrations as the liquid crashed on it, as if trying to break out.

The other item was also a container, storing a dark rock. Unlike the blue liquid, the rock was serene, completely calm.

[[This must be the reason why you are here.]]

Enchantia didn't need to study the blue liquid or rock to identify their properties. As the matrix of Hall of Legacies, there was hardly anything she didn't know.

With just a glance, she could visualize the metallic cone structure inside the rock and the hexagonal prismatic cells within, similar to a honeycomb, radiating an ominous glow.

"Yeah," Kiba replied with a sigh. "Just tell me where can I find their source."

He has a map he stole from Count Viper and the details he acquired in Delta City. So he could find it on his own, but it would take him days if not weeks.

Now that Enchantia was here, he didn't see any need to waste so much time.

[[You humans refer to that blue liquid and the prismatic cells as explosive nanites. In my former homeworld, they were called Evesium.]]

Kiba thought for a second and nodded.

Since he understood many languages from Celestial Elysian Plane, he could break the alien words into suffix and prefix, and guess their meaning.

"Evesium... exploiting genes."

[[The place you want to find would need your full strength. I believe just that very fact would destroy all your chances of saving that girl.]] Enchantia warned.

She secretly hoped this would make him choose a Legacy Orb in order to heal that girl.

"No need to be concerned about that," Kiba transferred the containers back to his storage dimension. "I have already made preparations."

[[Preparations? There is nothing you can do to face their strength in your present form... Wait. You want to use the humans and other lifeforms in this World Fragment for that?!]]

The crystalline pool surged with wild waves as Enchantia realized what he wanted to do.

[[No wonder you asked that tiger to leave. You couldn't bring yourself to let her die.]]


[[Sacrificing so many for one person... you are as cruel and decisive as I remembered.]] Enchantia remarked with obvious excitement in her voice. [[In a way, you have changed but also remained the same.]]

"No one asked for your personal opinion," Kiba was getting annoyed by her off-topic remarks.

[[You are so impatient.]] Enchantia laughed at his response.

At the same time, a set of coordinates entered his mind. It was like a map was implanted in his mind.

[[My debt is canceled.]] Enchantia reasoned.

"Nope," Kiba shook his head. "You made me experience pain, and now you think some petty help would cut it?"

[[... I never wanted you to suffer. All I wanted was to witnes some bloodbath under your hands and nothing else... I'm sure you know my intentions.]]

"It doesn't matter," Kiba turned around and started walking out of the corridor.

[[There is something that could clear the slate and make us even.]]

"And what's that?" Kiba was curious.

[[Information on your mother.]]

"!" Kiba stopped.

Chapter 418 - No Longer Matters

In the corridor, Kiba was taking a step forward when Enchantia spoke.

[[Information on your mother.]]

Kiba visibly flinched. The step he was in the middle of taking never happened as he was stuck in a place.


It took him a while to break out of the shocked state.

[[Yes. It goes without saying I'm referring to Zed's biological mother and not your present form which is just a creation of your powers.]]


[[Your mother has been to two World Fragments since we first met, including this one. And since I know your original aura, source, bloodline, and genetical heritage, I identified her the moment she stepped into World Fragments.]]


[[I must say, you inherit a part of your character from her, especially coldness.]]

"Really? My caretaker said the same when I killed him."

Kiba knew his caretaker was only known by his title - Red Fox. Something he learned thanks to Pythia when she took his consciousness to days of future past.

Red Fox has really protected him from powerful mutants. Sadly, in the process, he gained heavy injuries which turned him as weak as a mortal.

Thinking back, Kiba wasn't surprised by Red Fox turning so bitter and negative. He could even empathise with Red Fox, but not for a moment, did he regret his decision of murdering him.

[[Don't you wish to know about your mother?]] Enchantia asked.

She knew his answer would be yes.

The first time she met him, he hated his parents and Red Fox. Something she felt natural given the life he led in slums and the way he was forced to explore BSE79.

"...." Kiba closed his eyes.

It has been years so he could only somewhat remember what pangs of hunger felt like. An empty stomach and strong contractions of pain.

He could barely remember what bone-numbing chill felt like. The loss of warmth in blood and sensation of ice washing over skin.

He could more or less remember what it felt like to beg on a street and the reactions of passerby... the pitful stares, the unpleasant remarks, and schadenfreude.

He could remember the total sense of lose when all his hard work and efforts were rewarded with punches and kicks.

There were many emotions and sensations he could recall vaguely.

Agony, despair, fear...

He could faintly recall what he felt in certain days when reality overburdened him.

Days where he was on verge of giving up his life... times when he just wanted to throw himself to certain death.

There were so many things he could remember albeit barely.

But there were certain moments which were crystal-clear in his memories.

The nights where he prayed to gods for help. The times where he begged for his parents to return... hope they would forgive him for whatever sin he has committed and save him.

And then finally, the days those prayers and begging turned into curses and rage. The moment where he wished everyone responsible for his state to die and rot in hell.

"Know about my mother?"

Kiba opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face.

"No, not interested."


Enchantia was astonished.

In the Hall of Legacies, the glowing orbs flickered in surprise.

Enchantia's incorporeal face was in an obvious state of disbelief. She was seldom surprised, much less shocked...

[[You mean to say you don't want to know about her?]]

"Obviously," Kiba replied.

[[Are you sure? I have all the details you need. Her name, appearance, background, powers---]]

"I already said no," Kiba cut her in between. "So thanks, but no thanks."

[[Didn't you want to find her and your father?!]]

"Nope," Kiba answered with a barely audible sigh.

"Maybe if you have asked me three months ago, I would have accepted your offer, but not now and never in the future."

[[What are you saying? Is it because of the debt I owe you?]]

Enchantia refused to take a no for an answer.

[[You can have the information for free.]]

"Wow~ You are far more eager than me," Kiba was surprised by her attitude. "But as I said, I'm not interested."


Enchantia asked. She disliked her assessment was wrong.

"Why? Well, no reason," Kiba answered with a faint smile.

"But if you want a reason, well, it is just that I have no reason to find her or my father."

[[You hated them!]] Enchantia reminded him.

"Yeah, for reasons I now consider stupid."

Kiba let out a breath of air before continuing.

"In the end, my parents owed me nothing, so, why should I hate them for not giving me a life I wanted?"


"Maybe I still hate them. No, truthfully speaking, I don't know what I feel about them."

Kiba looked in the distance.

He could visualize his Dream Rise House, the underground sections, the lavish meals he would have, the luxury cars he drove in, the properties he owned... He has everything that a person could ever desire or want.

There was nothing out of his approach. Neither pleasure nor comfort.

"I guess what I want to say is my parents are just a part of my past. If my previous setbacks don't make a difference to the present me so why should my parents? They no longer matter... as far as I'm concerned, they are as good as dead."

Kiba's body flickered with speed fluctuations and he shot into a distance, leaving behind a trail of afterimages.

He knew thoughts and stands of individual changes with time. What might one consider as a permanent opinion could easily change with changes in the environment.

Nothing was permanent, not even his present thoughts.

"The only thing I know for sure is that I no longer want to live in past."

Kiba disappeared from the corridor.

In the Hall of Legacies, Enchantia's spectral figure started dispersing.

[[He has changed far more than I gave him credit for.]]

As the dimension began reverting to its original state, she chuckled.

[[But past is something that no one could ever escape from.]]