419 - 425

Chapter 419 - The Strange Case of Items Dissapearing

In the grand palace, while waiting for the trial to start, the contestants explored various parts of the palace. Beasts, birds, and humans alike tried to find any valuable opportunity that could help them in their journey.

The rule of protection ensured members from same species didn't face off each other. But since it didn't restrict battles with other species, fights broke out between beasts and humans whenever they found a treasured item.

Presently, a three-headed lion and a human stood hundreds of meters apart. In between, there was a circular slab upon which a pen-like item was placed.

It was Tractor Beam - a device with the ability to attract one object to another from a distance.

The lion pounced forward and the human similarly charged straight to take the device. They both were equally fast as they closed into the slab.

A human and a beast, just two meters from the high-tech device. Both of them were internally confident of becoming the winner.

The lion swept a paw down to grab Tractor Beam while the human threw a wire to tuck away the device. The paw and the wire have reached above Tractor Beam when the beast and human heard a sharp screeching sound.

Even before their minds fully registered the sound, a streak of golden light flew through the slight gap between them; at such an incredible and indescribable speed that made the golden light invisible.

Just then, the paw and the wire crashed down to grab Tractor Beam. But much to the shock of two excited competitors, the paw and the wire landed on a hard surface.

"Where did Tractor Beam went?!" The human contestant was shell-shocked.

The lion turned furious and growled in rage. It was sure the human stole the item that was rightfully its. Not wasting another moment, it slashed its claws on the human to take back Tractor Beam.

"Wait! You are misunderstanding!" The human tried to explain, but the only response he got was angry attacks.

At the same time, two miles away.

Kiba sped above a stairway that has no end. In his hand, there was Tractor Beam which he examined.

"The cubs could use it as a toy."

Kiba thought while transferring Tractor Beam to his storage dimension.

Since Red Tiger left the core region on his request, he felt it as a natural obligation to compensate her. He also knew, based on her character, she wouldn't want anything from him.

"It would take her at least two days to get out of the meteorite... And, I would need slightly more time to reach that place. So this should work for me."

As of now, Red Tiger has only left the central zone. After that, she has to tread multiple areas to fully leave the meteorite. Something that was important for Kiba.

"As for Sophia, unless I have overestimated her protective pendant's might, she should be able to face that for two seconds."

According to his estimates, it would be enough if even 90% of people in the meteorite were targetted.

"I don't know about Ashlyn though."

Kiba let out a soft sigh while rushing forward. He knew there were multiple developments waiting before he actually carried out the task he wanted.

Just reaching that place would take him three to four days at his full speed... Who was to say what would happen in between?

Kiba cleared his thoughts and continued ahead.


In a large hall.

Over thirty human contestants joyfully stepped into the hall. The humans were from both genders, of various age groups.

The powerful adults were offended by the presence of youngsters in this treasure-rich hall but they were helpless by the rule. What hurt them the most was that they removed all the traps and dangers with great efforts, and now, the youngsters would also enjoy their fruits of labor.

The youngsters were happy for the same reason! They were going to get rich without doing anything!

Could anything make a human more happy than free wealth!?

That too, a windfall served by annoying adults while gritting their old teeth!

"Kids, first let us adults choose!" A bulky middle-aged mutant said. He has multiple scars over his face that gave him an ominous look.

"Dream on, old man!" A youngster said arrogantly.

"Damn kid!" The bulky man was offended and wanted to smash this mannerless youngster into pieces, but he didn't dare.

"Fucking rules! They are frustrating enough in society and now even here!"

The adults could only swallow their anger. They tried to consider the brazen youngsters as a classic example of ' new-born calves not afraid of tigers !'

A minute later, as everyone stepped into the insides of the hall, they saw multiple items placed in transparent glass boxes.

Phased Plasma Cannon, Plasma Pods, Energy Shields, Modulator Node Array, Anodized Lifter Bucket, Advanced Healing Nanobots, and hundred more items.

Each item was more precious than the other...

Both young and adults looked at the items with starry eyes. They were almost drooling from the preciousness of the items.

"As expected of a palace inside a trial zone!"

"This must be elementary rewards for all of us!"

"I just can't imagine what we could find in the treasure vault!"

The adults heard the discussion among the youths and their expressions turned downcast.

What rewards?! They are something we gained! There is no way we are going to share!

Everyone tried to find ways to open the glass boxes. After some time, an old-man discovered a secret switch. He pressed on it and clattering sound ringed through the hall.

"The boxes are opening up!" A young woman exclaimed as she saw the boxes moving up.

Soon, they could get the items!

While waiting for the boxes to open up, everyone stood before a box, ready to grab the item inside. Some items had multiple people waiting while some had none.

They knew the first to pick the item would be considered as the winner! So they wanted to get the most valuable item!

Adults refused to let the annoying younger generation take advantage. It was just a matter of seconds before they taught them a lesson they would never forget.

The youths were thinking the same. It was time for adults to learn it was the age of new generation!


The glass boxes disappeared and the items finally came out in open. Everyone let out gasps and they jumped on the items.

Just then, soft winds caressed their faces and a bright flash of golden light greeted their eyes. Just like how lightning appears and disappears in an instant, the same happened with the winds and flash.

And just like lightning, the winds and flash gave them a shock... but of terrifying intensity.

Because, by the time people thought they picked something, they realized it was either empty air or the hands of other people. Just a moment ago, they were so close to the best of best treasures, but now...

"Give my plasma cannon!"

"That energy shield was mine!"

"You took it!"

"Damn you! You took it and now blaming me?!"

"Don't lie, bastard!"

"Son of a bitch! I'm warning you!"

"Warn your mother!"


"Did you guys also saw a flash?"

"Yeah...and felt soft, sweet winds."

"What happened?"

"We were fucked! That's what happened!"


"What should we do?!"

"What COULD we do?"


The youngsters and adults who were hating each other till a few moments ago now started feeling empathic towards each other.

"Don't feel bad," A young woman consoled a middle-aged man.

"You too," The middle-aged man replied with tears in his eyes.

Everyone in the hall were sufferers of a common tragedy. Old or young, male or female, they were victims of bad luck.

Having no other choice, they began consoling each other. The arrogant youngster and the bulky man from before even hugged each other!

Like a great person once said, disasters bring people together...

And the strange case of valuable items disappearing throughout the palace brought many people close...

For the time being, they forgot hatred, greed, and other negative emotions. They were united by a common emotion!

"It feels so good to help humanity."

Kiba was glad by the task he was carrying out for the greater good. He has helped build comradery between people who hated each other's guts!

In Delta City, those who knew him best considered him bias towards women. They would say he would only treat women well, serve them special, and give them full attention.

But Kiba was sure those people would have a change of opinion if they saw him now.

He was helping everyone without any discrimination based on age, gender, and race! He was robbing... err, making items disappear without a hint of insincerity in his actions!

Chapter 420 - Mirage Thief (II)

The entire palace was haunted by the strange case of items disappearing. Beasts, birds, and humans alike found themselves to be victims of this strange case.

Perhaps, in recent times, it was the only incident that affected all races without any discrimination. There were no partiality or bias towards anyone.

The culprit of these actions expected praise and gratitude, but sadly, the world once again disappointed him.

The entire palace was filled with gasps, curses, words of grief, and consolation. There was not an iota of praise or gratitude!

"My Dark Matter Armor disappeared! Just a moment ago, it was in my hands!"

"Where did Tritanium Shard go?!"

"Morticulator Ray also disappeared in thin air!"

"What the hell is going on here?!"

"All I saw was a golden flash and nothing else!"

"I didn't even noticed that!"

"We are being robbed!"


"Most likely by a speedster!"

"Right! He/she literally left us in the dust!"

"We need to capture that thief!"

"But we don't even know who it is!"


Everyone was red in anger. They had spent a lot of efforts and hard work to reach this stage. Now, even after coming this close to treasures, they were left empty-handed.

The feeling was as bad as blue balls. They wanted to vent the anger and rage building, but sadly for them, they neither had a chance nor opportunity.

"Just who could this speedster be?!" A middle-aged mercenary asked while gritting his teeth.

"No idea," His companion answered. "But this style of robbing is almost similar to her!"

"Her?! Don't tell me you mean...?!"

"Mirage Thief!" 1

The middle-aged mercenary was both terrified and awestruck.

Mirage Thief!

She was a legend among thieves!

The only thief to successfully steal from World Heritage Museum, right under the government's eyes!

"Damn! She shouldn't target lowly people like us!"

"Right! She should have high standards!"

"She is a thief so you are asking for too much..."


In some nameless town on Earth.

A stunning woman - dressed in a black minidress - was sitting in a bar. She has dirty blonde hair, ivory skin tone, and yellow eyes.

The men in the bar drooled with desire as they checked her out. Their minds flashed with not-so-pleasant thoughts as they examined her figure.

She was alluring, radiating sexiness. Her entire body was incredible, but if men have to pick one particular feature, it would definitely be her perfectly sculpted breasts.

Even though she was dressed, people could still see the soft swells of breasts. They could only leave the rest of breasts onto their imagination.

"Can I have a drink?" She called out the bartender.

The moment she spoke, a gang of muscular men quickly rushed towards her and offered to buy her drinks. They showed obvious interest in her and used flirty words while buying drinks.

The woman was both amused and flattered by the attention she was getting. The men encouraged her multiple drinks and she didn't decline their kind intentions.

Almost every man had a suppressed grin when they saw her emptying one drink after another. She was getting tipsy but they requested her to drink more.

And she obliged!

Her face flushed and she start turning dizzy.

"We are going to get lucky!" The men thought as she fell on the table.

A hulky man came behind her and stretched his hands to grab her tight ass. The other men were just as eager as they rushed to take advantage.


The gang felt rustling of winds, and the next moment, they felt nothing, nothing at all. Because in less than a second, a shocking event happened.

No one knew what actually happened or how, but the gang members were lying in different corners of the bar. Some had teeth missing while a few had arms dislocated. A few unlucky ones even had their crotch smashed.

Not only that, but the entire gang was naked, without a single piece of clothing.

The bartender's jaw dropped and he looked at the scene with wide eyes. He hasn't even blinked his eyes, and yet, by that time the powerful group of men was ruthlessly beaten.

What happened?!

The bartender was sure he saw nothing. One moment the gang was about to get lucky and the next moment they were...

As the bartender thought this, he turned around while gulping a mouthful of saliva.

"I love free drinks but that doesn't mean you are getting lucky," The woman was still on the table as she spoke while yawning. "Only I decide who gets to review my soft pillows!"

As she said soft pillows, she pressed the side of her breasts. Her dress might be confining her gorgeous breasts but just her action was beyond tempting.

Not even a naked woman could create such effect.

Sadly, there was no one in the bar to appreciate this spellbinding scene.

Suddenly, the woman hiccuped.

"Now who is remembering me?"

She thought with a frown.

"I haven't robbed in weeks!"

She was obviously none other than Hollie! The Mirage Thief!

"Oh well, thinking of my last robbery, how is that shameless Kiba guy?"

Hollie recalled how she asked Kiba to give her a review of her soft breasts.

It gave her thrill when she remembered how she robbed him while his face was smashed between her breasts.

But the thrills disappeared when she recalled how ultimately, the robbery failed and that too, in an embarrassing way.

"Unlike others, I even gave him a chance to feel my pillows. It was only for a moment but he should have been content! Instead, he was like it wasn't enough for him! How shameless!"

He had demanded her to make him experience her tits fully so that he could give a detailed review! And he did it with a straight face!

Like he was a true Tits Specialist!

"He must be in the core region now," Hollie thought aloud. "I should have gone there and made him realize that last time I allowed myself to be caught!"

She let out a barely audible sigh and took out a scroll. This scroll was the reason why she carried out a robbery in World Heritage Museum and irked the World Government.

If Zed was to see the contents of the scroll, he would be shocked. A part of its content was the same as he read from an incomplete, ancient tablet owned by Carmen.

"In the midst of great disaster, you shall find what you have sought from ages past.

"In the middle of death, you shall discover what binds the living to...

"Life begins from death...

"Flames of nirvana shall mold what has long ceased to exist, to bring the era of..."

Hollie read the part of text exclusive to the tablet.

"If I'm not wrong, I need to find a strange tablet that could be fused with this scroll... that tablet should have this text."

Hollie sighed and got up again.

"And then I would have the chance to retrieve the greatest treasure on this planet!"

Hollie hoped for Lady Luck to shine on her and help her find the tablet. And if it was found by someone else, she prayed to get an opportunity to meet its owner. She promised to be nice!


At the same time.

Central Zone, Core Region, Desolate Blood Forest.

Carmen was exploring a room in the vast palace. He was alone and he was happy about that.

Ever since he met disaster named Zed, his luck has turned from average to bad to worse.

The worse part was when everyone began accepting his 'strange' sexual orientation. He liked women, and yet, now everyone believed he was a gay and in love with Launcelot.

Everything because an overly kind and sincere guy requested everyone to accept him for what he was!

"I'm not a faggot!" Carmen swore in anger.

He hated others' presence because they would show him special attention so that he doesn't feel left out.

But he wanted to be left out! He didn't want any special attention or acceptance for something he wasn't!

Sadly, no matter how he tried to explain to others, no one believed it. While they say they understood, what they understood was that he was trying to go back to closet!

"Everything is his fault!" Carmen cursed loudly while grabbing a lantern.

Just then, a hand landed on his shoulder.

"Nice meeting you here, my queer friend," A voice ringed in his ears like a clap of thunder.

Carmen was dumbstruck... Mirage Thief aka Hollie. First appearance in Chapter 273-274 where she robs Kiba in a unique manner

Chapter 421 - Could You Feel It?!

"Nice meeting you here, my queer friend."

The words were like an avalanche as they entered the ears of dumbstruck Carmen. His palms sweated and moistened the lantern in his hands.


Carmen asked as the hand of the owner of the voice continued to rest on his shoulder.

He wanted to turn around and check the person behind him, but he has a strange feeling that it wouldn't be the smart thing to do. The feeling was a mixture of dread and warning from the very depths of his existence.

"You can't even identify your friend?" Kiba asked in return.

"I..." Carmen was sure it was the first time he was hearing this voice.

That was to be expected as he has met only Zed and not Kiba. He didn't know it though so he once again started thinking whom the voice belonged to.

A few minutes passed but Carmen made no progress, much to the disappointment of Kiba.

"Haah~ You can't even identify a friend," Kiba let out a soft sigh before continuing, "Poets and singers were right.

"A man in love forgets about everyone except for his lover. If in my place, it was Launcelot, you would have known even before he arrived behind you... just from his breathe!"

The mention of love and Launcelot was no less than an earthquake. Carmen flinched and the lantern fell out of his hands.

Ever since that fateful night, his life has never been the same. Till now, he didn't even know how he and Launcelot engaged in that puke-worthy activity.

The reasons for that activity might be beyond his scope of understanding, but he relived the memories of that activity every day.

No, not only every day, but every minute of his life.

If by chance he didn't, others would make him relieve by their behavior. They would be so understanding, compassionate and accepting that his very soul would quiver.

This was why he didn't join anyone for exploring this palace. He wanted to live a few moments in peace...

Now, not only was he reminded of that unforgettable night, it was done with a touch of romance that made his skin crawl.

It reminded him of how Sophia reacted after that night. She has said he was her best friend... the only man with whom she could share everything!

Back then, he was very happy, but when she told him the reason for her newfound trust, despair devoured him.

She found him BFF material because romantic movies always showed gays in such light! Gays were trustworthy for they could have no nefarious intents towards women! They were safe! At least, that's what those stupid romance movies suggested!

And a similar scene was happening now!

'Those fucking poets and singers have made even breathing romantic! Like hell, can a man in love identify his love just by way of breathing! Or feel a lover's existence by the resonance of hearts!'

Nowadays he was even afraid of gazing the moon or appreciating any spellbinding nature scene. There was a risk of it being considered as something romantic like thinking about love, or comparing their beauty with Launcelot!

'I hate poets, singers, directors... Every one of them should just die!'

Carmen wished he could strangle every creative artist in this world. Why do they have to romanticize every single damn thing?! Couldn't they leave breathing, natural scenery and a few other things alone?!

"Why are you so silent and dazed?"

Kiba's question brought Carmen back to reality. He was so lost in anger that he has forgotten the situation he was in.

"Ah! You must be thinking about Launcelot!" Kiba exclaimed in understanding. "A man in love often enters a state of trance... I thought that only happened in movies, but I guess I was wrong!"

Kiba was all praises for the love between Carmen and Launcelot.

"Someday when I find the woman of my dream, I really want my love to be as pure as yours and Launcelot's," Kiba said with a bit of envy in his voice. "You both are an example of true love."

"No! I'm not in love with him!" Carmen began crying. "There is no love, much less true love! In fact, I hate him!"

"There is no need to be so shy and pretend otherwise," Kiba said, his voice filled with kindness. "I might be envious of pure love, but I would never wish malice."

"You are misunderstanding!"

Carmen realized that he was once again misunderstood. His refusal of any love was understood as an excuse to avoid any envy and malice directed towards him and Launcelot due to their 'true love'.

After all, in today's era, there was no selfless or true love. Yet, here he and Launcelot was a classic example of something that doesn't exist. So naturally, it brought envy and ill intent of others. especially straight couples.

As Carmen thought of this, he collapsed on his knees and wept in despair.

"Just what do I have to do to clear this misunderstanding?!"

Carmen was broken mentally.

"Why can't someone understand that I'm not a faggot?! Why?!"

He dreaded the day he would leave the core region and return back to his family and friends in civil society. Just the thought of how everyone would react made him breathless. He has a feeling that the recent days would seem very happy compared to what the future held for him...

"You know, you gifted Launcelot your body and soul," Kiba said with a sigh.

"Gift?" Carmen was already broken and shedding tears. Now hearing what he gifted made his intensities twist. He just wanted to dig a hole and hide forever.

"You should gift your friends some materialistic things, anything, to ensure they understand you haven't forgotten them just because you are in love!" Kiba said while lifting a finger.

At the same time, Carmen's jaw dropped as his storage bracelet flashed with bright light. A beam of light surged out and flew up, turning into an ancient tablet.

The tablet seemed to be made of stone, but not stone. It seemed to be made of metal, but not metal.

"Even a broken tablet would do!" Kiba finished his statement.

"What?! No!"

Carmen was shocked out of his wits.

This tablet was something he considered to be his most precious possession. Based on his assessment, he was sure even the great aristocrat families would find it truly valuable!

That's how precious it was!

And now it was taken away!

"Give my regards to Launcelot!"

Kiba said after which he turned into a stream of light and shot away.


By the time, Carmen jumped on his feet and turned around, he saw nothing but air.

"What sin have I done for God to punish me in such a way?!"

Carmen once again fell on the floor with a loud thud. No one could understand the depths of his sorrow.

He was broken both mentally and financially.

A mile away.

Kiba examined the tablet with his powers as he flew through the palace. He has observed it as Zed, but Zed lacked the means to carry out a detailed examination. All Zed was able to do was read the alien text engraved on it and nothing else.

"As expected... it is related to that artifact."

Kiba thought with a heavy expression. He gripped the tablet tightly and then transferred it to his storage dimension.

Kiba let out a breath of air before increasing his speed. The time has come for him to leave this palace.


Outside the palace, there was a fantasy land. The palace was as vast as a town while the land was as vast as a city.

It was filled with ancient relics, broken statues, gardens, pools, labyrinths, towers, space capsules, aircrafts, fragments of spaceships, etc.

The palace had over five thousand living beings from Earth. The fantasy land, on the other hand, didn't even have fifty people belonging to Earth!

The reason for such a high difference was simple: the land was not a part of the trial zone.

Back when Zed first arrived in the central zone, he was surprised by the absence of Ashlyn and a few others whose age was lower than twenty-five. He then believed they must not have participated in the trial zone but rather explored the other regions in the central zone.

Unlike the trial zone, these other regions had no rules or supervision, though they were comparatively far more dangerous. Finding treasures and resources was difficult.

This was the reason why everyone preferred to participate in the trial zone. It offered guaranteed opportunities and treasures as long as one could successfully pass all trials. Even the experience of trial was a treasure in itself.

Despite this, there were people who explored these other regions. They were the people who wanted something specific and have some clues on how to obtain it.

And Kiba's very reason to enter the core region was somewhere in this land! He knew it would be within his range even if he was participating in the trial zones as the final trial would bring him near his source of desire.

Of course, now that he has transformed into Kiba sooner, the plans changed...

Presently, under an enormous statue of a knight.

An identical pair of female twins, in mid-twenties, was facing a group of eight. The twins looked completely bewitching, ravishing, and sexy even in the middle of a battle.

A middle-aged man who was a Level IV mutant, couldn't help but observe the figure of one of the twins.

Long slender legs, perky tits, and tight, little round ass.

Even her hot pink color with sky blue highlights was charming and enticing.

"You are a creepy old man!"

The middle-aged man has just taken a glance at her figure when her voice entered his ears. Alongside, a large crimson ring of light appeared in front of him.

"If daddy was here, he would have protected his little girl from you!"

The woman said cutely just as the crimson ring emitted a strong devouring force. The middle-aged man's heart sank and he let out a tragic scream.

Every droplet of blood inside his body was ripping apart the vessels and rushing out. Holes appeared throughout his body, even in his eyes, and blood shot out.


The man let out a final scream as his entire blood mass left his body and surged into the crimson ring. Like a hungry beast, the ring absorbed the blood mass and turned brighter.

The dry and broken corpse of the middle-aged man slumped down.

"So scary!"

The woman said with fear in her voice as she checked the unsightly corpse.

At the same time, two men slammed down powerful attacks on her but she continued to look horrified by the sight of corpse.

Their attacks were dazzling and radiating streams of destructive energy, but just as they were about to crash into her, the two men howled in terror.

The blood inside their bodies clotted, almost solidified, and stopped flowing. Just a droplet of blood clotting could be fatal, but in their case, entire blood has clotted.

They died on the spot, their attacks never landing...

"A girl couldn't even step outside with such terrifying man out there!" She exclaimed with a downcast expression on her face. "That's why I need my daddy!"

The bodies of two dead men erupted with crimson beams of light and flew in her hands. They converged into a small ring of blood which she twisted.

"Madison! Do you feel it?"

Just then, the other twin called out.

She was exactly a copy of her sister except for her hair which was silver blonde. Her hair was also comparatively short, though similarly punk-styled.

Currently, she was facing the other five mutants who were all Level IV! Beta-rank!

"Lillian, feel what?" Madison asked in confusion.

"The tension!" Lillian answered with a vibrant glow on her face. "The sexual tension! Our daddy is near!!"

Madison's face instantly brightened.

Yes! She could feel it!

Her daddy was near!

"He will protect us!" Lillian brushed away a trail of silver hair from her face. "Protect his lil' girls."

The five Beta-rank mutants were dumbstruck.

Protect whom?!

We are the ones who need protection!

Not you!

"They are insane!"

Chapter 422 - Would Daddy Try To...?!

Madison was very happy with the sensation she was feeling. Her sweet daddy was near.

Lillian was equally pleased. She would no longer have to be worried about the men with nefarious intent as long as she was under his protective embrace.

The Beta-rank opponents didn't know how to react. The twins were literally shedding tears of happiness! They even had a s.e.xy glow on their faces!


They were really crazy!

"Creepy uncles, daddy should be here in an hour or so," Lillian's eyes twinkled as she continued. "Could you wait for daddy to arrive and save us?"

In response, the Beta-rank opponents fired beams, blasts, and bolts on her.

"We are not creepy uncles!" A man shouted as he projected out a plasma force along with the other attacks.

Lillian pouted sweetly and tapped a hand in the air. A transparent, ethereal barrier appeared around her.


The attacks slammed on the barrier, creating shocking ripples. Dust and energy particles boomed out in the air and the land shook.

Lillian shut her eyes and waved her other hand.

The eyes of her opponents shrunk rapidly and their faces lost color. The attacks they have just launched were coming back on them.

And even though the attacks should have lost power by the collision with the barrier, their strength was actually far greater!

It was like the attacks were absorbing free energy in the environment to turn stronger, and rapidly bounce back on their original creators.

A raging blast exploded out, sending the five mutants flying as blood splashed out of their bodies.

Lillian smiled and pointed two fingers at them.


The free energy in the air concentrated around them, turning into a force field. They were struck in the materialization of energy, confined in the air, almost caged.


The men cried as the force field shrunk in size. It was like they were hammered from all sides, crushing their bodies.

The men were Beta-rank and they refused to let a woman get the best out of them. They retaliated out with attacks, but much to their horror, the energy particles in the attacks turned volatile... exploding right inside the force field!

Miserable cries ringed out along with showers of blood and gore.

"Creepy uncles, are you fine?" Lillian asked out of concern.

"Not uncles, but only uncle," Madison corrected her innocent sister as she appeared in front of the broken force field.

Only one man in the early thirties, named Ridd.i.c.k, has survived. Even though half his body was ruined and broken, he wouldn't die.

Madison crouched in front of the injured man. She poked a finger at an injury and asked, "Uncle, does it hurt?"

Ridd.i.c.k screamed because the moment her finger touched, the blood inside his body raged. It was like it was burnt, making his wounds hurt far more than before.

"I guess it does!" Lillian guessed, her eyes shut.

"Seems so!" Madison poked at multiple injuries and asked the same question. Ridd.i.c.k responded with the same answers - miserable cries.

"Uncle! I have a healing pill!" Lillian took out a regeneration pill. "We can give it to you!"

"We can?" Madison asked.

"Yes!" Lillian ignored her sister and continued, "Of course, since you are evil, we can't give it for free. Help us and take the pill!"

Ridd.i.c.k nodded. He would do anything to live and escape from the pain he was feeling thanks to the other twin.

"Answer a question rightly and the pill is yours!" Lillian jumped on her sister's lap before continuing. "Deal?"

"Y-yes," Ridd.i.c.k replied, blood dripping from his mouth.

"Would daddy try to defile our sweet, little holes?" Lillian enquired, her expression serious.

"What?!" Ridd.i.c.k was shocked out of his wits. He couldn't believe the question he has heard.


'Surely my ears must be ringing from the explosion!'

Ridd.i.c.k remained silent and didn't dare say anything. He was sure he has misheard and asking for the question to be repeated might offend the twins.

"You don't know little holes? Let me explain!"

Madison brought a hand on the black shorts her sister was wearing. She slowly rubbed Lillian's crotch through the fabric, making her gasp.

Madison then asked the question in simple words.

"Would our daddy make an attempt to send his enormous dragon here to break the seal, and explore the unexplored?"

Ridd.i.c.k gulped down, swallowing blood.

What type of question was this?!

Ridd.i.c.k couldn't believe his fate hanged on this question. He was already feeling dazed and the question further stupified him.

How should he answer?! Should he say yes... but didn't the sisters say the daddy was there to protect them?!

But then daddy wasn't really daddy...

Ridd.i.c.k racked his brains at full speed. He gritted his teeth and answered, "Yes!"

"Oh!" Madison and Lillian looked at each other and then broke out in sweet laughter.

"Let daddy appear and we will know if you are right or wrong!" Lillian said, her voice solemn. "But if you are wrong, no pill!"

Ridd.i.c.k clapped his hands and prayed to every god he knew.

"Whoever their daddy is... please make him ravish them!"

Minutes passed and the dread Ridd.i.c.k was feeling turned stronger. His fate hanged on this daddy and he truly wished for this daddy to be a p.u.s.s.y hound.

A few miles away.

Kiba was flying through the sky. Winds broke out and air currents brushed against his face as he flew further at supersonic speed.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed with surprise.

At the very same moment, a familiar scene occurred.

Madison hugged him from the front while Lillian floated behind him, her head resting on his back.


Kiba was left speechless. He didn't even notice how they appeared again in such a manner. The nature of their powers left him stunned but their actions made him astonished.

"Daddy! We missed you!" Madison said with tears in her eyes.

"Don't ever leave us again!" Lillian added in the same emotional tone. "The cruel world is filled with pervert men trying to take advantage of your lil' girls!"

"...." Kiba could only smile.

Then, he placed his hands on either side of Madison's face, and kissed her on lips. The kiss was as passionate as it could get, and she responded by kissing back, sharing her warmth.

He licked her lips and sucked her tongue...

By the time the tip of his tongue entered her sweet mouth, she tingled from head to toe.

"I missed you as well!" Kiba said as the kiss broke.

He then quickly turned around in the sky, and wrapped his arms around Lillian, pulling her close to him.

"And I would never leave my lil' girls behind!"

Kiba didn't want to be seen as partial and biased. So, he leaned his face close to hers, and kissed her rosy lips.

Soon, their tongues danced in each other's mouth, sharing saliva and warmth.

He savored her lips, mouth, and tongue like there was no tomorrow.

Alongside, his hands moved downwards, exploring her stunning back, before grabbing her tight ass.

"Daddy's dragon is trying to break out!"

Lillian remarked as their kiss finally ended, leaving her breathless.

"Is it?" Kiba asked as he lowered his face and kissed on the outline of her b.r.e.a.s.ts.

"Daddy! We shouldn't be doing this!"

Madison floated on a crimson ring and pushed her sister away from Kiba.

"People would misunderstand!" Madison explained.

"Really?" Kiba asked while placing a hand on the small of her back, pulling her close.

"Daddy!" Lillian interjected while pointing a finger on the land below. "There is a guy spying on us!"

Kiba looked below and noticed Ridd.i.c.k confined in an energy cave. He swept his senses in the area and noticed dry corpses.

"You have been busy," Kiba observed.


Lillian and Madison nodded with sweet smiles before disappearing in thin air.

"Teleportation? No!"

Kiba was once again surprised as he saw the twins next to Ridd.i.c.k. He cleared his thoughts and flew down.

Kiba wondered what Ridd.i.c.k has done for him to be given such special treatment. He was still living while others were sent to the underworld.

"Daddy! Meet Ridd.i.c.k!" Lillian introduced the prisoner. "We made a bet and he won!"

"?" Kiba looked at her curiously.

Lillian didn't explain and snapped her fingers. The energy cage faded and Ridd.i.c.k crashed down on the ground.

"As promised, here is the pill!" Madison gave him the pill.

"Thank you!" Ridd.i.c.k cried in happiness.

"You are welcome, creepy uncle!" Lillian replied before turning towards Kiba. "Let's go, daddy!"

"...Yes," Kiba nodded and followed her alongside Madison.

Behind, Ridd.i.c.k was relieved that not only the crazy twins were leaving him alive, but they have also carried their part of the deal.

"Thank god their daddy is as crazy as them!" Ridd.i.c.k muttered as he stuffed the pill in his mouth.

The next moment, his eyes bulged out. He felt suffocated, and almost as a reflex, he grabbed his neck tightly...


Some distance away, Lillian and others turned around as they heard a scream. Both Lillian and Madison looked at Ridd.i.c.k with shocked expressions.

"Madison, you gave him the pill I handed you, right?"

Lillian asked as Ridd.i.c.k collapsed.

His face was losing color by every moment and his eyes were turning bloodshot. He looked really pitiful as his body paled.

"Yes," Madison answered while retrieving pills from her storage item. Her mouth turned wide as she checked the pills.

"I think I misplaced the pill with Strangulation Pill we took from the asylum!"

"Ah! The pills do have similar appearances!" Lillian nodded in understanding. "Well, it was a mistake so nothing to worry about."

"Right!" Madison sighed in relief. "It isn't like we broke our promise."

Kiba: "..."

Chapter 423 - Pond of L.u.s.t

Ridd.i.c.k continued to wriggle on the ground, clenching his neck tightly. The arteries and windpipe in his neck shattered, by his own hands, but he was helpless.

He could do nothing as the flow of blood in the neck stopped, bringing him close to death. Just as death was about to consume him, he heard the short discussion between the twins.

"It was a mistake so nothing to worry about," Lillian assured her sister.

"Right! It isn't like we broke our promise," Madison was happy. "We did our best to help him, but his luck was poor."

Their words made Ridd.i.c.k tremble in rage.

How could they be at so ease and not accept any responsibility for their actions?! They promised a Regeneration Pill but gave him Strangulation Pill!

Shouldn't they be ashamed?!

Yet, instead of being ashamed, they were acting as if they did nothing wrong. They even passed the blame on him for having bad luck!

Ridd.i.c.k angrily pointed a finger at the twins while breathing his last.

"Why does he look so angry?" Madison was confused by the hateful look on Ridd.i.c.k's corpse.

"No idea," Lillian was equally bewildered.

"....." Kiba didn't know whether to be amused or shocked by their behavior.

Ever since he first saw them in Garrick Angel Inn, he was only astonished by their actions.

In their first short meeting, out of blue, they declared him as their daddy. After teasing him a bit, they had disappeared, and only met him after he robbed the auction house.

Even that meeting was short-lived as Dark Stars has interfered. The twins then announced they would protect their daddy from the evil Dark Stars, and requested him to leave!

Now, it was their third meeting...

Till now, he couldn't make a sense of anything about them, not even their personalities. They were unpredictable, wild, sadistic, and yet there was an innocence in them.

"Hmm?" Kiba swiftly turned around.

Madison and Lillian did the same, and looked at the broken statue of a knight. The insides of the statue were ripping apart from which hundreds of worms were sweeping out.

The worms were the size of a fingernail, their mouths embedded with ferocious teeth.


The worms let out sounds resembling beastly roars and jumped on Ridd.i.c.k's corpse. In just a flick of second, the entire corpse was swallowed by the worms, not leaving behind a single trace.

"How scary!" Madison clapped her hands on her cheeks in surprise.

"They should be death-eating worms but there is something wrong with them," Kiba thought, his eyebrows knitting.

The worms growled and lifted the front of their bodies up. Their needle-thin eyes stared at Kiba and others with obvious hunger.

And just then, the worms dispersed in thin air.

"Oh?" Kiba's body flickered with a layer of golden light just as twenty to thirty worms appeared above him. The sharp teeth of the worms chewed down on the golden light, breaking it, and sucking it as if it was food.

"I'm not dead and I have no interest in becoming your food either," Kiba said as golden energy burst out of his body, sending the worms spinning through the air.

By the time the worms crashed on the ground, they had exploded into ghastly pieces and droplets of black blood, emitting a foul smell.

Kiba backed away, finding the smell not only unpleasant but also poisonous.

"Daddy! We shouldn't kill them!" Lillian's words entered his ears.

He looked at her just as she waved a hand towards the worms pouncing on her. With whistling sound, a force field enveloped the worms from all sides.

"Yes! We should use them as pets!" Madison added with a cute smile.

The remaining worms were dumbstruck as they felt the flow of black blood inside them turning slow. Their eyes shut closed as the physical and chemical activities slowed down as a result of the change in blood flow, making them lose consciousness and enter a state of hibernation.

"We could keep them, right?" Madison and Lillian asked for permission in unison.

"...." Kiba wryly smiled and nodded.

He could only sigh at the fate of those who would offend the twins.

Kiba swept a glance at the broken statue and observed it with his senses. Inside, there was pitch black darkness upon which eggs were planted.

Between them, there was a pool of filthy black blood that rooted into the layers of eggs.

"Transmutation," Kiba thought with a serious expression. "Everything here is changing."

"Daddy!" Madison jumped on his back and wrapped her legs around his torso. "Let's leave this place! There are just too many scary things here!"


"Do you have a destination?" Lillian asked while hugging him from a side.

"Well, yes," Kiba replied.

Then, like a bolt of lightning, he shot into the sky with Lillian and Madison. They transformed into a streak of golden light and flew away.

Some fifty miles away.

There was a large pond.

By Earth's standard, its dimensions were enough to be considered as a lake, but here, it was just a pond.

The pond was filled with a transparent and ethereal liquid that resembled water. Every droplet sparkled like a dewdrop, glistening, radiating serenity.

In truth, the liquid offered anything but serenity.

If one observes the pond for a long time, one would find a spellbinding force that would invoke the primordial desires of reproduction.

A drop of water was far more powerful than any aphrodisiac on Earth. It was something that no human could handle, much less consume.

This was why this pond was known as Pond of L.u.s.t!

Presently, the first person to be bestowed the title of a slave by Kiba was standing some hundred meters away from the pool.


She was accompanied by the human trafficking and organ harvesting team members - Byron, Cindy, and others. 1

"We just have to find that Kiba guy and bring him here," Byron said, his eyes flashing with greed. "And then we could exploit the treasure mine known as Alpha!"

"We will be rich!" Cindy added with a smirk.

Ruby: "....." Chapter 222-223

Chapter 424 - Master & Slave

As the era progressed, the thirst for knowledge and research increased. Scientists and researchers were in constant need of human specimens for research and experiment purposes...

One of the many wonders of science made it possible to delay death. This usually involved replacing defective organs of an individual; either through cloning or with compatible organs of another person. The former has minor side effects while the latter almost none.

This meant a heavy demand for organs...

If history has thought something, it was that whenever there has been even a slightest need or demand for something, shrewd minds would turn it into a successful business model.

Prostitution, health, education, food, water...

The same applied to demand and need for organs and specimens. Human trafficking and organ harvesting have bloomed into an illegal but wonderful business.

Ruby worked for a firm involved in such business. With help from her companions - Xander and Kyron - she would execute 'knight-in-shining-armor' scheme to capture mutants.

In the time she has been in the business, she has trapped over twenty mutants. No target ever escaped this simple but effective scheme thanks to its focus on the basic principles of psychology.

After all, which man didn't secretly desire of rescuing a beauty and earning her favor?

Sadly, this perfect record was broken when they targetted the master of psychology - Kiba! For an expert seducer like him, their trick didn't fool him even for a bit despite the hard work they put to make a realistic scenario.

They didn't realize this though...not until it was too late! This resulted in the deaths of Xander and Kyron, and Ruby having no choice but to become his slave...

In the present.

Ruby silently listened to her 'boss' Byron and his trusted-aide Cindy discussing Kiba. She could feel their greed, desire, and even confidence in capturing Kiba.

"Haah~ I was just like them," Ruby thought with a faint smile.

From the upcoming mission, her 'companions' wanted to gain wealth and resources, but unlike them, she only wanted to gain one thing, and that too, at their expense - a feeling of schadenfreude.

Humans often want others to experience the misfortune they have suffered from. In most cases, even if one hasn't suffered anything, it wouldn't stop him/her from wishing others ill. There was happiness that could be only experienced by seeing others in plight.

Ruby was the same. She wanted her surviving companions to experience the dread and despair she has experienced at Kiba's hands.

And knowing his character, she was confident that their fate was anything but good.

"Ruby," Byron broke her out of trance. "It has been such a long time but we haven't heard from Xander and Kyron."

"..." Ruby looked at him. "And what can I do about it?"

"Nothing," Byron sighed before continuing. "But since they left your company so that you can trap that Kiab guy, I reasoned we would have met them by now."

Byron recalled his first meeting with Kiba.

Back then, Kiba has 'misidentified' him as the father of Ruby. Byron instantly realized that Ruby has changed schemes to trick Kiba. She was pretending to be his girlfriend and explore the forest so that she could overpower him at the right time.

But when Byron came to know about Kiba's strength as an Alpha, Byron and Cindy decided to change the scheme. They would divide Kiba and Ruby for the time being, and then, later on, would bring him to Pond of L.u.s.t.

This was bound to be effective.

After all, Kiba has truly fallen for Ruby! He was looking at her with loving eyes, and even calling Byron as future father-in-law!

He even promised Byron a trip to wonderland just like the one he sent to Ruby's 'brothers.'

"Either they are nearby or..." Ruby trailed off in between.

Byron's expression turned downcast. He was also thinking on the same lines. There was a strong possibility that Xander and Kyron might have died while exploring the forest or core region.

"No time to think about them," Cindy stepped towards the pond with a few crystal coins in her hands. "We have to focus on our present task."

"Yeah," Byron agreed.

He turned towards a woman in the late twenties, named Katrina, and said, "Help Cindy while we continue as per the original plan."

"Sure," Katrina tucked a strand of her dark hair behind an ear and joined Cindy.

"I will look over from there," Ruby pointed to a broken relic around a mile away. "And signal you if I notice our companions."

Byron nodded and told her to proceed. He commanded three other members to move to their respective positions in other directions.

Weeks ago, he has sent a few members acquainted with Kiba to participate in the trial zones so that if Kiba has gone there, they could bring him here by using Ruby. While leaving the trial zone was next to impossible, it was still possible.

Ruby made a hand gesture, and from her pockets, steel nails swept out. They joined together to turn into a makeshift board upon which Ruby jumped.

She transferred some energy into the nails, and the board flew up into a distance.

Ten minutes later.

Ruby sat on a boulder with her face resting on her hands. She was bored and had nothing better to do than look in front.

There was nothing but desolate land as far as her eyes could see. She blinked and when her eyes opened in just an instant, a familiar figure overshadowed everything in her field of vision.


Ruby was dazed. She rubbed her eyes and looked again.

Golden hair, half-blue & half-golden pupils, a godly physique that clothes could do little to mask, and a depthless sense of dominance radiating from every fiber of body!

"M...Master Kiba!" Ruby was shocked.

"Slave," Kiba curved a finger up, and an attractive force enveloped Ruby. By the time she felt it, she was standing in front of him.

Kiba's eyes moved from her head to toe, observing the body he owned.

Her dark brown hair, her glasses, her B-cup b.r.e.a.s.ts, her slender but firm waist, and a perfectly rounded ass supported by stunning legs.

Even though Ruby was fully dressed, she felt completely n.a.k.e.d under his examination.

"You seem to be taking good care of my property, slave."

Kiba moved a hand on the back of her neck and pulled her face closer to his. As her lips became dangerously close to his, her heart began to race.

She closed her eyes and waited to savor the kiss to come. But much to her surprise, his lips didn't lock into hers.

Disappointed, she opened her eyes and saw him gazing into her eyes... their eyes just a few inches away from each other, divided by her glasses.

"You look disappointed," Kiba observed with a smile. "Why is it so?"

As he spoke, a misty, refreshing breath came out of his mouth, and brushed on her lips. Her cheeks flushed and her breathing turned ragged.

She lowered her head, no longer able to maintain eye contact with him.

"You are being so unresponsive," Kiba lifted her chin and stared into her eyes.

She gulped down and began opening her lips to respond, but just then, he planted his lips on hers.

All words died in her throat, and goosebumps sprang on her back...

Chapter 425 - Sacrificing For Greater Good!

As soon as Kiba sealed her mouth with his lips, Ruby was dumbstruck with countless emotions flooding her body and soul.

The man who has changed her life, for better or worse, was here again.

And much to her surprise, she has waited for him to do what he has done now. To claim her body as his...

She couldn't think for long because he has started ravishing her lips.

He took her lower lip between his lips, and nibbled down on it, making her shiver in excitement.


His hand moved from her chin to the side of her neck, and slowly, his fingertips gently traced over her soft skin.

Ruby closed her eyes and savored the feeling bubbling inside her.

He freed her lower lip and swept his tongue out, licking her upper lip. Her moistened lip melted and her cheeks flushed.


Ruby let out a soft m.o.a.n as she felt his hand arriving below her blouse. He slided into the blouse and held her right b.r.e.a.s.t.

The tight blouse gave no space for him to knead her delicate flesh, but his fingers could appreciate the soft firmness of her b.r.e.a.s.t.

Ruby lost herself by the continuous assault on her mouth and b.r.e.a.s.ts...

He pushed his probing tongue into her mouth. As his tongue began exploring her delicate mouth, her tongue twirled and closed with his, exchanging ropes of saliva.

Their tongue twisted with each other, in a dance of passion, and as it continued, he moved his other hand from the back of her neck to her ass.

He grabbed an ass cheek and fondled it tightly, making her squeak even as their tongues dueled with each other.

One hand on her b.r.e.a.s.ts, another on her ass, and their mouths planted into each other... the master and slave were joint together.

"Is she our mommy?"

A soft, sweet voice brought the slave to reality.

She opened her eyes, and from the corners of her eyes, noticed Lillian floating beside her. But she couldn't think much as Kiba continued to kiss and fondle her.

"Daddy!" Madison appeared from the other side, sitting on a floating crimson ring. She sat with her legs closed, and her head resting on her hands as she observed Ruby.

Kiba broke the kiss, leaving Ruby into a state of ragged breathing.

"This is Ruby," Kiba made a brief introduction under the scrutinizing looks of the twins.

"And?" Lillian probed again, her eyes sparkling, "Is she our mommy, daddy?"


Kiba smiled ruefully.

Lillian had such an innocent expression on her face that for a moment, even he felt he was her true daddy. He obviously knew the meaning she had used, but he misunderstood it by the innocence in her tone.

Ruby was astonished by the appearance of twins and their usage of 'daddy and mommy'.


Just then, a beeping sound came from her watch.

Her watch had a function similar to a walkie talkie, and could be used to establish contact with her team members in a radius of five miles.

{{Ruby, have you seen that Kiba guy yet?}}

Byron's voice came from the watch.

Ruby felt Kiba's eyes locked on her. She swallowed down forcefully, and answered, "No."

{{Ok. Others haven't noticed him as well.}} Byron shared information. {{Cindy, Katrina, and others have completed the preparations to trap him. We just need to bring him close to the pond, and everything would be over.}}

"Got it," Ruby ended the communication, her forehead drenched in cold sweat.

"Well, this is surprising," Kiba rubbed a thumb over her red lips. "I thought my slave was loyal, and yet, she is planning to harm her master."

Ruby felt a chill down her spine. She hurriedly said, "I would never do that!"

Ruby had no intention of betraying him. When she became his slave, she wanted to betray him and harm him, but after witnessing his capabilities, all those thoughts died.

Now, she has long accepted her status as his slave.

Kiba observed her for a moment before nodding, "I know."

Ruby sighed in relief. She didn't want him to misunderstand her intentions.

"She is a slave?" Madison jumped next to Ruby. "And not mommy?"

"...Yes," Kiba answered with a forced smile.

"That means she is our slave!"

Both Lillian and Madison giggled happily.

Madison then leaned on Ruby and brought her hands behind her back.


Ruby was left dumbfounded as she felt Madison grabbing her blouse and pulling it over her head.

"No!" Ruby jumped back in shock. She quickly put the blouse back, her face flushed with warm blood.

"She is rather uncooperative for a slave!" Lillian noted with a smile.

"Whatever daddy owns," Madison appeared behind Ruby and said, "We also own it!"

Ruby visibly flinched as she felt Madison's lips on her left ear, taking her earlobe between the lips.

"Stop it," Kiba said with a barely audible sigh.

"Daddy!" Madison stomped her feet in anger, but nevertheless, she followed his words.

Kiba turned around and swept his senses into a distance. He noticed Byron and seven people around him.

Kiba further expanded the range of his senses, but was left surprised. He could feel the outline of a pond and few people but nothing else.

A strange mist has hindered his senses.

"What's there?" Kiba asked.

"Pond of L.u.s.t!" Ruby answered, her expression serious.

Kiba looked at her to explain further. But before she could, Lillian and Madison appeared before him, their eyes flashing with slyness.

"Daddy! No need for any details!" Lillian said, her voice innocent.

"And don't concern yourself with minor stuff," Madison added, her chest raised, "Your lil' girls will take care of everything!"


An hour later.

A few miles away, Byron noticed Ruby rushing towards him at full speed.

A few minutes ago, he has got a message from her that she has noticed Kiba speeding in this direction, alone.

Byron reasoned that either Kiba was messaged by the guys he sent, or he was coming in this direction coincidentally. Either way, the plan would work.

"He should be here in 15-20 minutes," Ruby said as she arrived in front of him, her breathing heavy.

"Don't worry," Byron assured her. "We are ready for him."

He then signaled her to move towards the pond.

"Go there now," Byron commanded her.

"Yes," Ruby brought a few crystal coins in her hands and dashed forward.

The pond was just a mile away from this point. But the path ahead was completely shrouded in a mist, making it impossible to see ahead.

Ruby knew the path so she wasn't worried. She gripped the coins in her hands and moved ahead.

"The presence of the mist would mean Cindy and others are ready," Ruby thought with a smile.

She has moved by a hundred meters when two silhouettes appeared in front of her.

Lillian and Madison.

"You aren't going to join those four ahead," Madison said.

"Actually three," Lillian corrected with a wink before turning towards Ruby. "Just stay here while we take care of the rest."

Ruby's heart skipped a beat. She was completely left dumbfounded by the appearance of the twins here.

"Just how can they resist this mist?!"

Ruby wondered, her body shivering in horror.

"Should we also join?" Madison asked as she rushed towards the pond.

"I haven't decided," Lillian replied, her cute face filled with doubts. "But everything depends on Daddy!"

"Yes! Everything depends on how daddy reacts!" Madison agreed.

She suddenly turned around and made a gasping motion. Ruby felt a strange pull from the blood inside her body.

"Hemokinesis!" Ruby muttered as her body flew towards Madison.

"Thinking further, maybe you should accompany us," Madison said, her voice sincere. "Now, dear slave, should we join those three?"

"?!?" Ruby was bewildered. The twins were not making any sense to her.


Meanwhile, Byron called out Kiba as he saw the latter speeding some distance away.

"Byron?" Kiba's expression flickered with astonishment. "I mean Father-in-law!"

"He must have come here by coincidence!" Byron thought while rushing towards Kiba.

The seven members also rushed alongside him, their faces pale and covered with blood.

"Son, you have to help my daughter!" Byron shouted, his voice heavy with emotions. His body emitted a sense of weakness and injuries.

"Daughter?! You mean my Ruby?!?" Kiba looked crestfallen by his statement.

"Yes! There is a pond in distance!" Byron knew the only way to fool Kiba was to use the element of surprise and urgency. "A monster has caught her... We tried to help---"

Kiba didn't wait for his words to complete. He charged in the direction of the pond, leaving behind a series of afterimages.

A smile appeared on Byron's face and he rubbed his hands in excitement.

"Fufu, an Alpha would fall because of his confidence in strength!" Byron smirked. He then ordered his team to get ready with cage and other items.

"We are going to be rich!"

Byron laughed coldly. He has complete faith in his team members, especially Cindy with whom he has a personal bond.

"Cindy, after this, we can finally settle down!"


At the same time, near the pond.

The bank of the pond was soft, firm, and smooth. It offered comfort far better than any bed could, suiting the atmosphere offered by the pond.

Cindy, who was in her early thirties, rubbed her bracelet into which she has stuffed three crystal coins. The coins were something that could help one resist the effects of the pond.

Near her, Katrina and Ria stood, both in the late twenties. They too had crystal coins, protecting them from the pond and the mist.

"Huh?" Katrina was a bit surprised as she looked nearby. "Where did Towle went?"

"No idea," Cindy replied. "Let's not think about him, and instead focus on the task in hand."

"Yeah," Katrina agreed.

She has a stunning figure with massive b.r.e.a.s.ts - something that was a point of envy among her contemporaries.

Ria spun the coins in her hands and said, "The communication here is severely restricted, but from the flare signal we saw earlier, that Kiba guy should be nearby."

Ria has joined the trafficking group around a year ago. Since she was gorgeous, the group used her to orchestrate most of their schemes just like Ruby and others.

"He is handsome so it is going to be a pity," Ria said with a sigh.

She has met Kiba alongside Byron and Cindy, but had no conversation. While she felt pity, she didn't have any hesitation.

Body trafficking and organ harvesting was not a business anyone could handle. It required a firm heart and strong determination.

Some hundred meters from her position, Pond of L.u.s.t stood in all its glory. The ethereal liquid continued to offer serenity, but in between, there was a silhouette of Ruby drowning.

This was something Cindy created through a holographic projection.

"The moment Kiba steps into the pond liquid, he is done for," Cindy rubbed her fingers in nervousness. "The liquid is filled with such strong aphrodisiac that even an Alpha wouldn't be able to handle it! He would lose consciousness in just a moment!"

"That's to be expected! That pond and the nearby bank was used for the pleasure of the supreme royalty of that world!" Ria added with a smile.


Cindy has confidence in her plan.

The mist around the pond has abilities similar to the pond itself. It stimulates innate l.u.s.t and made one lose in desires.

The presence of this mist itself would make Kiba lose his guards due to its subtle properties, and leave him with no option but to submerge in the lake to 'save' Ruby - an object of his desire.

Even if he didn't love Ruby or realize she wasn't real, the effects would be the same. The Pond of L.u.s.t would grip him with its serenity, and tempt with the l.u.s.t of what he could have.

Such strong effects were impossible to resist for any mutant, unless he has strong psychic powers.

But Cindy knew Kiba's abilities. It was a high physical strength and agility. So, there was no way for him to resist even though he was an Alpha.

"He could still resist if he had these coins," Cindy smiled as she observed the crystal coins. These coins were very few in nature, and even her group had only fifteen.

Nine were used by the three of them. Three were with a guy named Towele and the remaining three were with Ruby.

"Poor Kiba," Cindy laughed and lifted her hand to highlight the bracelet. "He would be wishing for these coins."


Cindy's eyes turned wide and her heart sank. The crystal coins in her bracelet started ripping to pieces.

"What's going on?!"

Cindy was terrified. She knew how bad things would turn if she lost the protection of the crystal coins.


Ria and Katrina were similarly horrified. They noticed a crimson glow enveloping the crystal coins, and the next moment, the coins crumbled to tiniest specks of dust.


The three women cried.

As soon as the crystal stones shattered, Katrina, Cindy, and Ria turned into berserk animals.

The primal instincts took over them, and they lost all signs of modesty that society has conditioned into them. All they wanted was to live the fantasies they had suppressed until now due to fears of world...

They wanted to be free and unfettered, and the mist gave them the chance!


They ripped each other's clothes, tossed shredded pieces of innerwear into the air, and jumped on each other.

Three pairs of b.r.e.a.s.ts smashed and squeezed against each other, making the three women shudder as if a current was passing through them. They entered into a passionate embrace and soon, began kissing and licking each other...

A few minutes later, Kiba walked into the bank of the pond. The mist has hindered his vision so far, but now that he approached the pond, his vision became clear.

He was shocked by what he saw.

On the smooth bank surface that was no less than a bed, the three women were making out.

Katrina was lying on her back with Ria above her. Ria has cupped Katrina's massive tits, and was now sucking on her n.i.p.p.l.es.

Cindy was behind the two ladies, rubbing the wet slit of Ria and kissing on her back.

Ria's soft lips giving a wet, puckered kiss to Katrina's n.i.p.p.l.es one after another, and in middle, licked her cleavage.

Katrina arched her back and m.o.a.ned, while Ria similarly cried just as Cindy shoved three fingers into her.

Slick juices dribbled down from Ria's p.u.s.s.y and streamed to her tight asshole. Cindy swept her tongue out, and wiped the glistening juices of Ria's wet hole, sucking them dry. Her fingers rubbed the puckered hole, glistening it with wetness.

"Poor women," Kiba muttered as the three women continued to make out with each other in a frenzy.

Fingering wet pussies, flicking rosy clits, sucking delicious n.i.p.p.l.es, kissing soft flesh.

The scene promised sensual pleasure, but sadly none of this was truly helping the women participants.

They needed something that no woman could provide. This was rather clear from their eyes which were filled with desire and l.u.s.t for a true man.

And since they were not getting what they truly wanted, their bodies were in pain. They were begging for release.

Kiba gripped his fists tightly. It pained his heart to see gorgeous women in such pain and agony.

"They might have been scheming against me, but I can't just stand here and do nothing while they are suffering!"

In this world, when an accident happens, humans would prefer to act as spectators instead of helping the accident victims. Maybe it was due to cynicism, or for other reasons, but no one wanted to spend efforts for the sake of others.

This has resulted in the human race being labeled as selfish. A race that only thought about itself and no one else...

Thankfully, Kiba was an exception to this generalization. Unlike others, he couldn't stand the sight of helpless victims begging for help.

Every gasp, m.o.a.n, groan, and cry from the mouths of the three women made his blood flow faster. A strong urge to help the three women gripped his heart.

"I have to help them!"

Kiba snapped his teeth in determination. He knew how dangerous it was to help not one woman, but three!

The path ahead of him was filled with difficulties, and he knew the risks involved, but he just couldn't back away!

There were times a man has to do what he has to do, no matter the personal cost, and one of the times was now.

He was ready to sweat, spent all his strength, and suffer terrifying body exhaustion. Maybe he would lose consciousness while helping those three n.a.k.e.d women, but he didn't care a bit about his own fate.

Without wasting any more valuable time, he stepped ahead to sacrifice himself for the greater good...