21 - 30

Chapter 21: Faintly discernable fragrant trace

When Long Yi made a surprise attack on her sensitive earlobe, Si Bi felt a wave of strong electric current flowed inside her body, and whole body became limp and numb as if floating. After that once more hearing several words filled with affection from Long Yi, Si Bi even more couldn't stand steadily. And due to embarrassment, her jade like neck and ears became rosy red. She wanted to struggle free, but Long Yi embraced her even firmly.

"Then you can only hold me, and you mustn't grope me." Si Bi said in an extremely small mosquito like voice, even she herself couldn't hear her own voice properly.

"Of course, I assure you not to grope. Gentleman like me would never do that sort of things." Seeing that Si Bi had agreed, Long Yi hastily lifted both hands and pledged.

Si Bi looked at Long Yi, if he was a gentleman, then there wouldn't be any perverts in this world, these two days was enough for her to know the character of Long Yi.

Looking at the place to stay, suddenly Long Yi said mysteriously, "Darling Si Bi, close your eyes first."

"What are you doing so mysteriously?" Si Bi muttered and closed her eyes. She looked very beautiful under the starlight.

Long Yi stared dumbstruck at the beautiful face of Si Bi, his attention directly ignored that red-colored frightening birthmark on the left side of her face, and maybe this was just his sub-consciousness action. And if his attention was always on that birthmark of Si Bi's face, then there was no guarantee that a somewhat different emotion may appear in his eyes, then without doubt Si Bi with sensitive perception would perceive it.

"Hello, hello, are you done?" Sensing that Long Yi didn't responded for a long period of time, Si Bi asked.

"Wait a minute, it's almost done." Long Yi quickly replied back, then he smiled proudly. After that he took out extremely luxurious big bed from his space ring.

After some time, when she got the permission from Long Yi, Si Bi opened her eyes, and she saw an extremely luxurious big bed in front of her. This bed was completely made with expensive rosewood, and numerous decorative pattern was craved on this bed, and now the curtain of this bed was swaying freely, and that exposed pillows inside it. This bed created a somewhat enchanting atmosphere.

Si Bi was dumbfounded, she stared at Long Yi for a while, then looking at the space ring on the ring finger of his left hand, and her expression became somewhat strange.

"Let's sleep." Long Yi pulled the little hand of Si Bi, and discovered that her palm was moist.

"M-hm, you promised not to grope me." Si Bi was somewhat flurried, now she was in extreme conflict inside her heart, because if Long Yi really insisted on wanting her body, she would be unable to refuse.

Long Yi hugged Si Bi and slowly lie down, his one hand became the pillow for Si Bi and other was resting on her slender waist. Feeling her tender body was somewhat stiff, the big hand of Long Yi lightly patted on her back, to alleviate her tense nerve.

Si Bi lightly heave a sigh of relief, and her body slowly relaxed. After that smelling Long Yi's good smell of man, she felt at ease inside her heart. Then she adjusted her posture, and made herself sleep more comfortably.

"Sleeping in his arms feels really good." Hearing the steady heartbeats of Long Yi, Si Bi thought inside her heart.

Inside her heart, Si Bi had always believed that, Long Yi would absolutely make a move and take unfair advantage of her. But even after a long time, as before the hands of Long Yi peacefully rest at her waist, without any further action. She didn't know why but inside her heart, Si Bi felt faint disappointment.

Actually it's not like Long Yi didn't want to make a move, only right now Si Bi was lying in his arms, and it was somewhat difficult to hold himself back. And if he further made a move secretly to take the advantage of this situation, then he himself couldn't guarantee that whether or not he would turn into a beast and do something bad to Si Bi. Although Si Bi would probably not refuse him, but Long Yi had noticed the expression of Si Bi which she would reveal once in a while, and from this he knew that Si Bi was not ready, and currently she was quite unstable inside her heart.

Didn't know how long, but Long Yi heard the breath of Si Bi had become long and continuous. It seems she had already entered dream world.

"Ai, can see but can't touch, such torture ah." Long Yi mumbled, and couldn't help but had his lower private member get stiff, and almost burst out from his pants, this the head of his stiff member slowly rubbed the lower abdomen of his partner. Exactly at that time when the head of his lower private member was at the soft part between her legs, the pleasant sensation of ** made Long Yi extremely excited.

Even though he was touching above the clothes, Long Yi twitched twice, then he noticed that the breathing of Si Bi who was in his bosom was becoming somewhat rapid, and body was also becoming burning hot. Long Yi knew that she was already awoke, then he secretly sighed, and held back the fire of lust, and he no longer move his burning hot lower private member at that soft place.

In a daze, Long Yi fell asleep, then he had a dream. In the dream, he saw sudden rainfall, wet raindrop fell on his face, and pour into his mouth. Then he discovered that it had a salty taste, and after that Long Yi felt a kind of suffocating heartache.

Because of suffocating heartache, Long Yi woke up dumbfounded, and he exposed an anguished smile, in the end she still left him. Long Yi felt that his face and chest were wet, then he used his finger to touch wet location, and placed that finger in his mouth. It was salty, it was tears.

"If you are this heart-broken, then why leave me?" Long Yi lightly sighed, in the air, there was still the light delicate fragrance of jasmine.

Right now the sky was still not that bright, but Long Yi was not in the mood to sleep again, he threw the quilt and got out from the bed. Then he suddenly discovered a magic letter at his bed side. Naturally this was written in a special magic paper, this was the paper mostly used by magicians, and was a bit expensive.

He unfold the letter, and the light green colored magic characters arranged in a row appeared in front of his eyes. There were not many words, only very few lines of words. It contained, "Long Yi, when you wake up, I will already be gone. I feared that you would suddenly woke up, so I cast a soothing spell on you, forgive me. Did you know? I'm afraid, I already started to like you. If you were just an ordinary person, then I would have safely stayed by your side, but you are not, so I must leave."

After reading this much, Long Yi couldn't help but became somewhat puzzled. Why could she only stay by the side of ordinary person? Which young girl didn't want her husband be powerful and outstanding? Contrary to expectation why was Si Bi opposite? After that Long Yi continued to read.

"You know Moxi clan, then you ought to know that Moxi clan has yet another custom. That is once you marry a female member of Moxi clan, you cannot marry another female for all your life. If you were ordinary person, then I could confidently marry you, and also firmly manage you. But I know you are not ordinary person, I can predict that someday you will stand on the top of the world, and how can someone as very ugly as me stand next to you? I don't want other people to laugh at you, and also don't want other peoples to look down upon you. You should have even more outstanding woman or group of women companions by your side. I'm leaving, please take care of yourself properly. Si Bi"

Finished reading the letter of Si Bi, Long Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't expect that this was actually the case on the heart of Si Bi, one husband and one wife was perhaps a little difficult for him. As for that birthmark on the face of Si Bi,

Long Yi didn't care about it, but from the tone of Si Bi, it seems like she actually had a very low self-esteem towards this.

"Silly girl, I absolutely will find you, and whatever happens I will also find a way to remove the birthmark on your face. And let's see where you will run to at that time?" Long Yi had never expected that the things that was weighing on the mind of Si Bi was something like this.

Chapter 22: Gale magic spell

Long Yi carefully put away the magic letter of Si Bi, then sitting on the bed, he started to meditate. He had arrived in this world only few days ago, but had gone through many things. So currently he was in urgent need to sort out everything, and determine his direction.

The eastern sky started to become bright, and when the first rays of sunlight shined upon the body of Long Yi, he lightly breathe out, stood up, and straighten his back. Right now his eyes were filled with determination. He had already experienced the law of the jungle of the world in his previous incarnation, since this was the natural law, then he would have to become strongest, and stand on the top of the pyramid of this world, and look down upon all living creatures. At that time, he would have a final say in all the rules of the world.

Long Yi faced towards the sun, then his eyes were dazzled by the rays of lights, then he laughed heartily with lofty sentiments inside his heart. After that he pack up his big bed, then he started to advance towards the direction of Light city, perhaps he could see Si Bi there once again.

He used great cosmos shift for two or three hours, and then Long Yi was unable to go on, after all his internal energy was too weak. Suddenly, like a flash of light, he remembered the speech of Si Bi in which she had said that, if there really was any kind of real flying magic spell, then that magic spell would definitely fall under the category of wind element magic.

Remembering that cyan colored wind attributed magic elements inside his sea of consciousness, Long Yi got agitated. Wind is king of speed, so if one had learnt the wind element magic, and encountered the dangerous situation, then one could have at least very high chance to save one's life.

After that, thinking of flying skill in his mind, Long Yi released spiritual power and called out wind attributed magic elements, then prepared himself for a flying magic spell. Cyan colored magic elements widely poured out from his body, then Long Yi abruptly flew straight towards the sky in a high speed.

And before he could get excited, his body started to slow down and fall towards the ground. Fortunately Long Yi had already prepared himself for the failure, so somersaulting few times in the air, he lightly landed on the ground.

"Fuck, again insufficient mana, it seems hereafter I must painstakingly cultivate mana. It's truly is too depressing." Long Yi kicked a big tree to vent off the discontent inside his heart. {**Note: from now on I will be using mana in place of magical power}

But cultivating mana for a short time is not enough, and this flying magic spell consumes huge amount of mana, what's to be done? Long Yi walked while thinking, after considering for a long time, he suddenly pat his thigh. Since flying was not possible, why not think about the ways to make his own body more agile? That Earth bear could use gravity spell which was special nature of earth element, then why can't he use wind element's agile and elegant special nature, and create a gale magic spell.

After completing his thoughts, thinking that magic spell in his mind, Long Yi again summoned the wind attributed magic element, then his body flashed with cyan colored light, and he suddenly felt as light as a feather, unexpectedly he had succeeded. {**Note: its already mentioned that our MC can use any magic spell as long as he pictures the magic spell inside his mind unlike others.}

After that he use little bit of his internal energy and operate great cosmos shift, the speed was twice as fast compared to before, and the consumption of internal force was also only half of before. Long Yi take-off and landed several times, and just like ghost, his figure jumped forward, and very quickly this figure disappeared from that place.

After about 20 minutes, the effect of gale magic spell wore off from the body of Long Yi, then his speed slowed down. But luckily this gale magic spell didn't consume large amount of mana, therefore after the effect had vanished, he could cast it again.

In just this fashion, he moved for a day and finally discovered a small town before dark. Long Yi had heard that Light city was only 3 days walking distance from this place. But for current Long Yi, if he use gale magic spell and also great cosmos shift, then Long Yi only needs about half a day to reach Light city.

Long Yi looked for an inn to stay, after that he ate and drank, then cooped up inside his room. Then under the soft light of illumination magic, Long Yi started to browse through the book shelves inside his space ring. His main target was naturally those magic books. Long Yi searched out various elements' elementary and intermediate magic books. He even discovered dark element magic book which was at one corner of book shelves. And that book unexpectedly turned out to have all elementary, and intermediate magic spells.

A dozen or so thick magic book was place in front of him, then Long Yi eagerly started to flip through these books. Till now all his magic knowledge source was still those elementary magic books he had read at the beginning, so his magic knowledge and principle could be described as extremely poor. But he had learned gale magic spell without anyone's guidance, from this it couldn't help but describe that his luck as well as magic comprehension were ultra-high level.

Little by little, the time elapsed. Long Yi was completely immersed in these books the whole time, his reading speed was getting faster and faster, and his eyeball was moving top to bottom so frequently that, it was enough to dazzle peoples.

"Ah, I'm all worn out." Long Yi finally finished reading intermediate magic of dark element, then he stretched his back bones. After that he pushed opened the windows, but it was still pitch-dark outside, and there was not a single sound from the street of this small town.

Long Yi was dumbfounded, he turned his head and looked at the pile of books which he had already completely read on the table for a while, then thought, "Did I finish reading all those books in less than a single night time?" Long Yi rather didn't dared to believe, although his memory had received a specialized training in previous incarnation, nevertheless it was also absolutely not possible for him to finish reading this much books in such a short period of time, and it seems he could completely remember all the things which he had read. "Could it be I really am a genius?" Long Yi proudly thought.

Long Yi quickly rushed to the pile of books, then pick up an intermediate magic book of fire element, and flipped it, then he discovered that the whole content of this book was already in his mind, without a single error.

"Could it be that it's already been several days, but I was so immersed in reading book that before I notice, several days had already passed away?" Long Yi thought inside his heart.

Very quickly, Long Yi no longer thought about these useless things. Although he remembered all the content of these books, but he only remember it, he had yet to digest it all.

Now Long Yi knows that the magic are not simply divided into elementary, intermediate and advance, these three categories. Rather it had a fine division, every kind of magic are divided into 11 ranks based on its power and mana consumption. Among them, up to rank 3 belong to elementary magic, rank 4 to 6 belongs to intermediate magic, rank 7 to 9 belongs to advance magic, rank 10 belongs to saint level magic, and rank 11 generally belongs to forbidden magic spells, this forbidden ranked magic was extremely powerful that it could topple the mountains and overturns the seas, and also had the might to destroy the heaven and exterminate the earth.

These fire ball magic spell of fire element, water ball magic spell of water element, and so on all belongs to rank 1 magic spell. Usually Apprentice Magician can only use these rank 1 magic spells, Beginner Magician had the ability to grasp at least rank 2 magic spells, and with great difficulty could also use rank 3 magic spells. Intermediate Magician had the ability to grasp at least rank 3 magic spells, and with great difficulty can use rank 4 magic spells. Advance Magician had the ability to grasp at least rank 6 magic spells, and with great difficulty can use rank 7 magic spells.

And from rank 7 magic spells, it's a beginning of dividing line, to be able to cast rank 8 magic spells, one needs to be at least Master Magician. To be able to cast rank 9 magic spells, one needs to be at least Mage. To be able to cast rank 10 Saint level magic spells, one needs to be at least Archmage. And finally to cast rank 11 forbidden magic spells, one needs to be at least Master Archmage. The last two represents the pinnacle of magic domain.

Chapter 23: Molestation without rhyme or reason

Rank 11 forbidden magic spell, Long Yi imagined a magician holding a godly magic wand while floating in the air, and leisurely chanted the incantation for forbidden magic, then suddenly mountains started to collapse and the earth started to crack up, heaven and earth changed color, and all around was razed to the ground. Just imagining these things, Long Yi felt extremely excited.

Long Yi made a decision, from now on, becoming Master Archmage, no, Magic God would be his aim. After that helplessly looking at the black colored sky, Long Yi sat crossed-legged and started to meditate. Then he started to insanely absorb various attributed magic elements from the air. Long Yi discovered, among these various attributed magic elements, he was absorbing lightning element the fastest, the absorption speed of lightning elements were several times faster than other magic elements.

He didn't know how long he was mediating, but when he woke up from the meditation, it was already completely bright outside, sun was already up in the sky and whole town was bustling. Long Yi look out from the window and discovered that it was already noon.

When Long Yi came down to the dining hall of the inn, it was almost full. Long Yi found an empty seat and sat down, and casually ordered the dishes. Of course, without extra effort he also asked whether he had just stayed in this inn for one night or more to waiter, for this reason that water looked at him as if he was mentally disorder person.

Long Yi all along didn't cared about the look on the face of the savant, knowing the answer he was quite delightful inside his heart. "Come to think about it, God was also not ungenerous, on my deathbed a lightning strike me and bring me in this different world. Although I had to shoulder many blames, nevertheless I'm at least still alive. This is important more than anything else. Also currently I also have a photographic memory, I am so happy." Long Yi happily thought this inside his heart.

Casually sipping sweet tasting fruit wine which had delicate fragrance, he ate the dishes he had ordered. These dishes were far tastier than anything he had ever eaten in his previous incarnation. Long Yi felt happy with this kind of livelihood, but of course, if Si Bi was here, it would be even more perfect. In previous incarnation, Long Yi was the leader of Dragon team, nearly all around the year, from morning till night he was extremely busy. And this kind of leisurely and carefree livelihood was the dream of

Long Yi all along in his previous incarnation.

Long Yi curiously looked all around the dining hall, since he had arrived in this world, he still hadn't got any time to clearly look the surroundings. As first thing he knew he was already in the prison, then afterwards just like flower viewing from horseback, he looked at the bustling Longcheng town streets. Then he was forced to live on the wilderness for several days, until now he didn't have any free time to carefully look, in the end what was different between this world and his previous world.

Most of the people dining here were the guests staying in this inn. Majority of them were merchant and like, also there were people wearing various attributed magic robe and warriors wearing a suit of armors. As for beast people, elves and so on race, were not seen. But this was not a surprising matter, elve's natural nature was gentle, and extremely loves the nature, so majority of elves were all hidden inside the elven forest. But small number of them come to human society for experience and training adventure. Comparatively one could only see them in big cities, and it was naturally very hard to see them in such a small town. As for beast people, this race is ostracized by human society, and there was also a long-standing friction between them and humankinds. Formerly the peoples of beast clan could be found everywhere in this entire Canglan continent, but after they had a friction with humans, they hurriedly withdrew to Hengduan mountain range.

Using amethyst card to settle his bills, Long Yi left the inn. Suddenly, the eyes of Long Yi lit up, and exclaimed inside his heart, "What a beautiful horse!" Just at the small restaurant just at the opposite side to the inn he had just left, Long Yi saw a fiery red colored extremely fine horse with a single horn. The whole body of this horse was blood red in color, and also had a shining brilliance fur, without any trace of miscellaneous colors. Its 4 limbs were sturdy, and was filled with a sense of beauty. And especially that single horn on its forehead which dazzling with silver light, made it looked even more godly fine rare horse.

This horse with a single horn was not tied up, rather it had threw back its head and standing there proudly. Its eyes were filled with unruliness, and was often snorting to threaten those peoples who wanted to approach it.

From the memories, Long Yi knew that this single horned horse was a kind of wind element magical beast, which could run as if riding the clouds and mount the mist. It was the means of transport for the master of noble or rich peoples. However generally majority of them were of black or white in color, and he had never heard a one horned horse which was red in color.

Only with a single glace, anyone could know that this was not a common horse, so Long Yi was quite curious to know about who was the owner of this fiery red colored one horned horse.

Just then, the crowd of onlookers started to became restless, and Long Yi fixed his eyes upon the direction of the entrance of that small restaurant, and suddenly became daze. A young girl wearing a fiery red colored skintight armor, who was also carrying a fiery red huge sword on her shoulder, stride proudly towards that fine horse. She had golden colored hair, and her looks was very beautiful and voluptuous. Although she was not comparable to Long Ling'er and Ximen Wuhen who were lovely enough to cause the fall of a city, nevertheless that heroic spirit mixed together with her beauty formed a unique charm of her own. Just like a sun, wherever she go, she would always be the center of attention.

Long Yi rapidly measured this young girl high and low with his eyes, and his gaze finally rested at her firm jade peak which was perfectly outlined by her skintight armor. Then he suddenly sensed a strong fluctuation of fire element magic. Long Yi knew that many swordsman and magician all had a number of precious stones and so on like things which could amplify douqi or magic. Some of these are in the form of jewelry, and some of these are imbedded on weapons and clothes. But the issue here was, this young girl was obviously a person with warrior profession, and also not a low-ranked warrior, but why was she carrying so many magic amplification items?

The expression of this young girl and her horse were downright arrogant, as expected, like master like horse. This young girl was obviously already accustomed to the stare of other peoples, she didn't even had an embarrassed or angry expression under the stare of these crowd. Just when this young girl wanted to quickly mount her horse, she suddenly felt a peculiar feeling on her chest, as if someone was fondling her chest.

This young girl immediately quivered all over, and her sharp gaze swept around the crowds of onlookers, and her gaze stopped at Long Yi who was firmly staring at her towering jade peak in daze. Her intuition told her that, this peculiar feeling she was feeling was caused by this vulgar man. Pitiful Long Yi who was in daze, actually turned a vulgar person in the eyes of this young girl. After that she snorted, a light blue colored light flashed, and firmly started at Long Yi with her beautiful eyes which was completely filled with murderous look. Looking at the color of her douqi, she had actually already reached Swords Master level.

Long Yi woke from his daze, and seeing her eyes were filled with anger staring at him, he didn't know when he had committed a crime against her, so he just smiled with good intention. But unknowingly in the eyes of that young girl, his good intention smile had turned into a lewd smile, and that young girl thought to quickly teach a lesson to Long Yi, but that peculiar feeling on her firm peak couldn't be used as a proof, so she just used her murderous gaze to stare at Long Yi. After that she mounted her horse turned around, changed into a fiery red cloud and disappeared from the vision of onlookers.

Long Yi touched his nose, and he was still unable to make head and tail of what had happened just a moment ago. He was not able to understand when everything was all right, why did it suddenly became like that. He had nevertheless forgotten that his sprit had different function in previous incarnation, he could use the essence of spirit energy to carry on an attack. And currently his spirit power was far more powerful compared to previous incarnation, so only his concentrated attention on the magic fluctuation on the chest of this young girl, cause him to subconsciously use spirit power to examine it. So that young girl felt as if her breast was being fondling by a person.

Chapter 24: Phoenix clan

After exiting the town, Long Yi casted gale magic spell on himself and used great cosmos shift to start his remaining journey to Light city. And was simultaneously digesting all the magic books of various attribute which he had read yesterday.

After about two hours, a forest appeared in front of him. If he directly go across this forest, then after about an hour he would reach Light city, and if he took a detour, then it would take about three hours. Although directly going across this forest was faster, nevertheless majority of peoples chooses to take a detour, because there were numerous magical beasts inside this forest, so directly going across this forest was too dangerous.

Long Yi hesitated for a second, then decided to directly go straight through this forest. He assumed that, relaying on his speed he could easily escape from magical beasts. He ran wildly inside the forest, he didn't meet any high ranking magical beasts, but encountered several F-ranked and E-ranked magical beasts. And without any difficulty, Long Yi used them as a practice target.

First he encountered E-ranked earth element wild boar, the defense of this magical beasts was very powerful, and its attack mainly depend on a pair of its sharp tusk. The all-out assault of this magical beast could easily break the trees, and rank 1 or 2 magic spells would not even scratch its hide.

Without delay before anything else, Long Yi used dark element's rank 3 magic 'corroding magic spell' which corroded the extremely thick hide of this wild boar. And after that he used Rank 4 fire element magic raging flame arrow' which pierce through the heart of this wild boar. After that with some difficulty he used rank 5 freezing spell which successfully froze the wild boar.

Continuing onwards, he encountered several F-ranked flame rabbit. As Long Yi already had the experience with these flame rabbits, he quickly used water ball magic spell and easily deal with them.

"Magic is really a good thing, it is so easy to catch the game." Long Yi lightly chuckled.

After that he roasted the flame rabbit and filled up his stomach, and as he was about resume his journey, Long Yi suddenly smelled a faint smell of blood which floated towards him with the wind. Smelling this, he frowned, then he rushed towards the direction from where the smell of blood was coming.

Before long, Long Yi discovered more than 10 cut open corpses of dire wolves scattered around, and furthermore there was a trace of fire burning. Dire wolf was also a kind of wind element magical beast, not only was its speed very fast, but also could cast wind blade magic spell. Dire wolf was a type of 'living in group' magical beast, in smallest there would be at least ten in the group, and at maximum there could be thousands of dire wolves in a single group. So although a single dire wolf was only an D-ranked magical beast, but because they are numerous and also good at coordinating attack and defense, so majority of average person would escape far away if they saw these dire wolves. Once the group of these dire wolves attack, one must have good luck to keep his life and escape from them.

At this time, long Yi heard the fighting and wolves howling sound not too far away from his current location, so he immediately rushed towards that location. Along the way he discovered the several corpses of dire wolves, it seems this was a big group of dire wolves. It was most likely the group containing several hundreds or even thousands dire wolves.

Long Yi was extremely careful, he withdrew his aura, and from behind a small stone he slowly rise his head to see what was going on.

"My god, is today a big party of dire wolves?" Seeing those a large amount of dire wolves, he couldn't help but become breathless. Roughly estimating, there were at least 2,000 dire wolves.

After that Long Yi saw a person in the middle of this crowd of dire wolves, and was immediately dumbfounded. Because that person was the beautiful girl who had stared at him with hostility in that small town. Right now she was in an extremely sorry plight, her fiery red skin-tight armor were already damaged all over, and her body was covered with dark red blood stains, didn't know whether that was her own blood or the blood of the dire wolves. And around her there were many corpses of dire wolves. Her red colored single horned horse was also loyally standing beside her, and its whole body was also covered with cuts.

At the time when Long Yi was looking, the dire wolves had paused the attack, and these wolves were staring at this single girl and horse as if tiger was eyeing its prey. This young girl was gasping her breathe while holding her huge sword, and her sword was flashing with light blue colored douqi, and the appearance of light blue colored douqi, looked as if it was burning flame.

After that Long Yi quickly looked at the group of wolves, and noticed a powerful dire wolf with silvery white fur in the middle of the crowd of dire wolves. It was very tall and big compared to other dire wolves, it may be assumed that this was a wolf king. In addition, Long Yi also noticed 4 little silver furred small dire wolves at the side of this wolf king, presumably its children.

"Aouuuu." Dire wolf king raised its head and uttered a long and loud cry, which cause numerous leaves of tree to fall. Hearing the howl of the wolf king, other dire wolves again started to attack. Numerous wind blade flew towards that Sword Master young girl. And after casting these wind blade, several dire wolves simultaneously rushed towards the young girl behind these wind blades.

"Damn truly smart, actually using physical attack after magic attack, this little girl is in big trouble." Long Yi thought inside his heart. In fact, he was extremely surprise to see that this girl was able to brace herself for this long period of time even after she was attacked by more than 2,000 dire wolves, as even Great Swords Master would land himself in serious trouble if he was in this situation.

Long Yi also wanted to rescue other peoples from trouble whom he could rescue with his ability. But current Long Yi didn't have much ability to rescue her, if he had even the half of the strength of his previous incarnation, then he would dared to take a risk to try and rescue her, but with current strength if he try to save her, he would just be courting death. The sense of justice of Long Yi had still not reached to the point where he would try to rescue the stranger by placing himself in mortal danger, he was not this great.

When Long Yi believed that this Sword Master girl is doomed, suddenly a red light burst out form her body, then this red colored light took the shape of shield protecting both her and her one horned horse. Numerous wind blade collided with this red light shield, and the shield was getting weaker and weaker and it seems it would disappear after a while.

Yu Feng was half-squinting her beautiful eyes, her body was already soaked in sweat long time ago, it was not her first time passing through this forest, and had also bumped into the dire wolves crowd before. However she had never encountered the dire wolves crowd of this scale. Currently her douqi was already exhausted, and now she could sense that even the phoenix barrier of her family treasure phoenix jade seal wouldn't be able to sustain much longer.

Looking at the ferocious assault of the dire wolves crowd, Yu Feng had already given up all her hope. She knew that she would not last much longer, and very quickly she and her one horned horse would be torn into shreds by these dire wolves crowd, even the bones will not remain.

Yu Feng forcedly rose her spiritual power with a lovely yell, and then poured huge amount of light blue colored douqi to her huge sword. Her douqi which had the external appearance of raging flame stirred, and suddenly blazed, and took the form of Phoenix shaped red flame instantly burning dozens of dire wolves. But those dire wolves behind became even more amok and pounce on her.

In this way Yu Feng who had many injuries on her body again slayed dozens of dire wolves.

"Phoenix douqi? Phoenix clan's member of Light city!" Long Yi was surprised inside his heart. This phoenix clan was independent from the Royal clan of Kuanglong Empire, all along they gave first priority to business, but always remained low-key. Their Phoenix douqi and mad dragon douqi were equally famous. Mad dragon douqi was suitable for men, but on the contrary Phoenix douqi was suitable for female to practice and bring out the maximum power.

Chapter 25: Resolving the crisis

Long Yi frowned, then look at that girl whose douqi was getting weaker and weaker, he was somewhat unable to bear leaving this girl in this situation, but if he also entered the fray against this many dire wolves, then he would not be able to do a single thing, except throwing away his life in a vain. So Long Yi lightly sighed and turned away, because he didn't want to see the death of such a beautiful girl.

Just at this time, the two of the four little sliver dire wolves that was at the side of Silver wolf king, who were playing with each other by imitating the attacking posture of dire wolf king, unintentionally ran towards the direction where Long Yi was hiding. Seeing that these two silver little wolves were getting further away from itself, the silver wolf king roared twice, probably calling them back, but these two mischievous child looked back for a moment, and then continue to carry on playing.

Long Yi who was already about to leave this place, saw these two little wolves were coming nearer and nearer towards himself, so he stopped his movement. And suddenly a bold idea appeared inside his head. He thought, "If I catch these two little wolves and threaten silver wolf king, can I save this little beauty of Phoenix clan?"

Long Yi calculated the distance, and he was 70% sure that he would be able catch these two little dire wolves. Then seeing that the young girl was about to completely unable to resist anymore, Long Yi no longer hesitated, quickly used two gale magic spell on himself in succession, and used great cosmos shift at full power. Then leaving the after images, Long Yi dashed towards those two little dire wolves.

At this time, the silver wolf king also became aware of the danger, then furiously roared and send out several silver colored wind blade towards Long Yi who had some ideas towards its children. But Long Yi was also already prepared for this, he instantly casted rank 5 earth element defense magic spell named earthen wall magic. Then thick walls of earth rapidly rose from the ground and blocked the wind blade attack of wolf king. But Long Yi had clearly underestimate the power of wind blade fired by silver wolf king. This wind bade easily break through the rank 5 magic earthen wall magic quite easily, and without even reducing its speed, this wind blade advanced towards Long Yi.

In a moment of desperation, Long Yi had no other choice but to give up these two little wolves for the time being, and got himself outside of this dangerous situation. But in this moment, those two little dire wolves quickly dashed towards their mother Silver wolf king. And the silver wolf king again send out even more powerful wind blades in an attempt to stop Long Yi for some time.

Seeing that those two little dire wolves were about to successfully escape from his reach, Long Yi was extremely anxious that he used the spiritual attack which he was extremely good in previous incarnation. Instantly the spiritual power chased those little dire wolves and successfully bind them, causing them unable to move even a single step. After that sensing that the wind blade was flying towards him, Long Yi did not delay any longer, so gritting his teeth, he jumped towards those two little dire wolves and successfully caught them. And simultaneously dodging this powerful wind blades, but one of the wind blade still hit his back.

The sound of wind blade cutting the muscle was heard, and the blood flowed out from the back of Long Yi. Long Yi just snorted lightly, and clutched the neck of little wolf by his right hand, then he just faced towards this huge crowds of dire wolves. And then he actually revealed an excited evil grin on his face.

He felt very comfortable after he had gone all out regardless of danger to his life. Long Yi just dangled those two little wolves in the air, the leg of this pitiful little thing was kicking in the air, and its throat was making purring sound.

After this unforeseen event, the crowds of wolves stopped the attack on the young girl. And ominous glint was flashing in their eyes. The young girl was already at her edge, so she fainted after the wolves scattered, but before she lost her consciousness, she faintly saw a tall and straight figure.

Seeing that the dire wolves were slowly surrounding him, Long Yi slowly squeezed the throat of that little wolf harder and harder. Then that little dire wolf struggled harder and whined because of pain.

"Aowuuuu!" The silver wolf king howled, then those more than 2000 dire wolves immediately backed away and dispersed. Then the silver wolf king came forward, its anxious eyes were filled with love and was staring at those two little silver dire wolves.

Wu wuwu, this silver wolf king waved its tail and begged Long Yi.

"You want me to free them?" Long Yi laughed carrying these two little silver wolves, his smile looked somewhat evil. The blood was still dripping from the wound on his back which was given to him by this silver wolf king.

Silver wolf king seemed to understand Long Yi, so it nodded its head. Then turned back its head and howled twice. After that two dire wolves immediately turned around and entered the thick forest.

Long Yi was stunned, and thought whether this Silver king wolf was calling for reinforcement or not.

"You move a bit father, and I will naturally let them free." Long Yi cried out loudly to the silver wolf king. But this time silver king wolf just confusedly look at him, not understanding what he was saying.

Long Yi just laughed at himself, he had mistakenly believed that this silver wolf king was really able to understand him. Long Yi just carried the two little dire wolves and walked towards that young girl who was fainted.

The complexion of this young girl was rather pale, and she was breathing agitatedly. It may be assumed that, she had overdraft her physical power and in addition lost excessive amount of blood. Her skin-tight armor were also tattered all over, exposing her pure snow white skin, and especially from the torn skin tight armor of her chest location, he could see most part of her perfectly round soft and delicate **, which was completely exposed before his eyes. Among them, her left round breast had a long wound, from where blood was flowing. Long Yi was endlessly distressed after seeing this, and cursed these dire wolves inside his heart for not understanding to show pity and tenderness to women.

The one horned horse with its body riddled with scares was using its head to push the waist of that young girl, it might be assumed that it calling its master to wake up. When Long Yi was sizing up this young girl, the two dire wolves who had entered inside the forest on the command of silver wolf king came back, with something holding in their mouth. Then under the order of Silver wolf king, they placed the thing not too far away from Long Yi.

Long Yi was stunned, this silver wolf king had possibly regarded him as a kidnapper, and actually knew it had to use ransom to exchange. Long Yi looked at ransom which was placed on the ground, and was even more greatly surprised. The ransom was a pitch-black magic wand and a bundle of wrapped in cloth. He didn't know from whose dead body it had got these items. Long Yi was greatly surprised because that pitch-black magic wand was emitting dark element magic aura, and the dark element magic was the representative of evil and was absolutely forbidden in this Canglan continent. And if someone was discovered cultivating this, they would be chased to kill by all the powers, so even if someone cultivate dark element magic, they would just cultivate stealthily. Long Yi was extremely clear about the consequence of cultivating dark element magic, so he also only dared to test his dark magic spells in the middle of dark and uninhabited forest.

Many thoughts flashed in the mind of Long Yi, but the most urgent thing was to take this girl out of this forest. So he immediately placed the magic wand and a bundle of wrapped in cloth inside his magic ring. Then looked at the condition of this one horned horse and determined that this horse was not in that bad condition. After that he tossed that young girl on its back, and he also quickly rode this horse.

This one horned horse seemed to have a bit of intelligence. Usually it was very proud and wouldn't let anyone beside this young girl to ride its back, but right now it seems to know the current situation, so it was extremely obedient, and listened to the command of Long Yi.

Silver wolf king was standing alone at some distance away from Long Yi, it didn't dared to come close to Long Yi, because it feared that Long Yi might kill the hostage.

Carrying two peoples, the one horned horse ran wildly for more than an hour, and finally leave this forest. Silver wolf king was nervously looking at Long Yi from the edge of the forest, it hoped that Long Yi would let its child go.

Long Yi was rather moved, poor parental heart, so even magical beast is like this, let alone humans. Long Yi suddenly remembered the face of the parents of this body just before the parting, there was so much loving care for him. He was rather jealous of the original owner of this body, but this kid really did not appreciated the happy life he enjoyed, and created difficulties everywhere.

Long Yi patted the head of these two little dire wolves, then let them go.

Chapter 26: Erotic treatment

Silver Wolf king deeply looked at the departing back of Long Yi, after that turned around and ran towards the depth of the forest along with its children.

The sun was already setting in the west, and only its afterglow was warming this world. Along with the wind, the leaves were rustling, and the long shadow of one human and one horse could be seen.

Before anything else Long Yi had used light heal magic spell on the wound of his back to stop bleeding, and without any extra effort, he also casted this healing spell to the unconscious young girl and that one horned horse. But the effect of this elementary heal magic of light system was really not that effective. Long Yi took the horse towards the nearby brook which he had discovered, then he immediately haul down that unconscious young girl and lied her down on the meadow. Looking at that unconscious young girl who was still knitting her beautiful brows and her gorgeous cheeks were somewhat stiff cold, Long Yi smiled and patted her cheek, then talked to himself, "Even while unconsciousness, she still have the air of arrogance like this. It's a little bit better for girl to be gentle and soft."

Long Yi saw that bloods were still oozing from several wounds on her body, and her face was becoming redder and redder by the moment. It seems she was having a high fever, and if left alone, she might successfully burn herself into an idiot. Long Yi stood up, a sharp pain came through the wound on his back, but he just gritted his teeth and endured it. After that he looked around for a while, suddenly his eyes shined, then he took a big strides and arrived at the bank of this brook, then pull out a purple colored small grass grown there, and put it in his mouth and started to chew. After a while he happily smiled, he was not too big or not too small herbal medicine expert, but he boldly determined that this purple small grass had a hemostatic effect.

After he chewed a large amount of purple small grass into a paste, before anything else Long Yi casually applied it on the wound of his back to stop bleeding. But when it was time for applying this medicine on the wound of this young girl, Long Yi however felt awkward. This young girl had 2 deep wounds on her body compared to other wound on her body, and these deep wounds were on, one was on her left breast and other was on her inner thigh. These 2 wounds were at the most sensitive location of the girl. And while he was applying the medicine, if by any chance, this girl woke up then what would happen to him?

Long Yi hesitated for a moment, then he extended his hands and started to remove her skintight armor. "Saving life is more important, so for the time being I am a substitute for a doctor, yes doctor who only cares about their patients." Long Yi was continuously muttering this inside his heart.

But very quickly Long Yi discovered that a doctor who only cares about their patients was utterly a bullshit. He would never believe that there were doctors that would not have any dirty thoughts when they were physically examining beautiful young girls or young married women, at the very least they would have....... When Long Yi saw that tightly bounded firm and upright ** collapse, he was completely dazed, and unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva many times. It is likely due to cultivating douqi, this young girl's soft breast was especially tall and straight and well-knit, and even without touching, he knew that the elasticity of these breast were absolutely the best. Pink pearl on the top of her breast which were standing proudly, slightly quiver when the wind blew. Even if the saint sees this, they would immediately become perverted beast.

Long Yi was not a saint, in addition to breathing agitatedly, the small Long Yi was already hard, but even so he was still able to keep clear-headed. It's not like he had transcended worldliness and attain holiness, rather the wound on her left breast constantly took his attention. Long Yi took a deep breathe, then stabilized his swaying state of mind, after that grabbed the herbal medicine which was pounded to pieces, and applied it on the wound of her left breast. His big hand finally came into contact with the soft and white creamy breast of this young girl, and his hand was filled with elasticity. Then Long Yi hand quivered, and inside his heart, Long Yi yelled very loudly.

The hand of Long Yi was pressed down on the left breast of this young girl, he slowly evenly spread the medical herb. It looked as if Long Yi was addicted to that soft and pleasurable feeling, and the light neigh of the one horned horse suddenly startled woke him up. Long Yi straightly stared at her **, he kept on staring at her slightly quivering pink pearl of breast, and he curiously flickered it with his two fingers. After that seeing that rapidly standing upright cherry due to simulation, Long Yi lightly smiled, "Truly a lovable little thing."

After smiling at his lecherous act, Long Yi used both of his hands to tear the clothes around the thigh area of that young girl, and along with a tearing sound, a big hole appeared, which exposed her wound and also a large area of her fine and smooth skin. After that a unique aroma which was mixed with the smell of blood entered inside his nose.

"As they says, stinking man, aromatic woman. These words are really not wrong. Even the smell of blood was still unable to cover the fragrance of this girl." Long Yi muttered to himself.

He parted the legs of this young girl so that he could apply the medicine easily, but Long Yi suddenly became slow-witted. As it turned out that he had possibly used a little bit more strength while tearing her pants, the hole had even reached her extremely private parts, and he could see several dark shiny curled naughty hairs drilled out from the edge. Seeing this erotic beautiful scenery, Long Yi almost had a nosebleed.

"See no evil, see no evil." Long Yi squinted his eyes, and muttered continuously while applying herbal medicine on her wound. Long Yi himself didn't know that, whether this was deliberate or not, but his hand actually was rather inclined to one side. The greater part of his palm was pressing at center of her soft mystical thigh. A trace of warmth was transferred to his heart from his palm, then Long Yi lightly quivered. After that the middle finger of Long Yi instinctively pressed forwards, but his finger unexpectedly sunk inside, as it turned out, his finger had slightly entered the mysterious crack of this young girl.

Refreshing, so comfortable, Long Yi moaned inside his heart, and he was somewhat reluctant to take it out. Then using the power to fight against tigers and lions, Long Yi finally spit out a mouthful of impure air, and stabilized his state of mind.

"The firepower of this little girl is too big, still I need to get it done quickly." Long Yi quickly applied herbal medicine at the wound of her thigh, then ripped a number of cloth and warped up her wound. After everything was complete, Long Yi heave a long sigh of relief, and hastily took out a piece of long gown from his space ring and covered the lovely body of that young girl which was revealing a spring scenery.

As for the high fever, Long Yi didn't have any good method, he could only use his internal force to protect the vitality of this girl, then use a cold ice magic spell to create some ice cubes, and then he warped it on a cloth and place it on her forehead.

The Sun had completely sunk into the horizon, and night wind was lightly moving as if the hand of loving mother was softly caressing. At this time, the eye lash of Yu Feng lightly moved, then she slowly opened her eyes, and saw brilliantly shining starry sky.

"Am I not dead?" Yu Feng felt pain form her body, and immediately remembered the tall and straight figure in the middle of dire wolves crowds which she had seen before she had lost her consciousness. And thought, "Was I rescued by him?"

With some effort, Yu Feng looked up, and saw a figure of a person who was lazily lying on the huge stone which was at the side of brook. He had place one of his leg on the top of other, both of his hands were at the back of his head, and it seems he was biting on a piece of grass in his mouth, and due to the darkness, the face looked somewhat hazy.

"So beautiful moonlit night, really give me poetic inspiration." That figure suddenly somewhat vaguely whispered.

Yu Feng was dumbfounded, "If this person is a bard, then how did he save me from dire wolves crowd?"

Just at that moment, that figure cleared his throat, and suddenly spoke, "Ah…..ocean, you are full of water; Ah...fine horse, you have 4 legs."

Listening this, Yu Feng was completely dumbfounded, "puchi" a lovely chuckle lightly echoed out in the night sky.

Chapter 27: Undead magic

"Are you awake?" Long Yi didn't get off, still lying on the huge stone, he asked. In fact when the breathing tempo of Yu Feng had changed, Long Yi had already discovered the she was awoke.

"M-hm, thank you for saving my life. I am Yu Feng of Phoenix clan, I don't know esteem benefactor's name, but Yu Feng will definitely repay you." Yu Feng really felt indebted, and she really wanted to know what her benefactor look like, but it seems he didn't intend to come over her side.

"This is so-called see injustice on the road and draw one's sword to help the victim, no need to repay. I have already send someone to inform Phoenix clan, so they will arrive here very soon. Since young lady is already awoke, I will be leaving." Finished speaking, Long Yi get off from the stone and turned around to leave. Due to the grass in his mouth, his voice was also somewhat ambiguous.

When Yu Feng was still unconscious, Long Yi had decided not to let her see his face. So he found some passerby, and using a gold coin as a reward, he had asked this passerby to inform about this to the Phoenix clan. It's not like Long Yi didn't want to make a connection with Phoenix clan, it's just that after this young girl notice the places on her body he had touched and seen, then his life will truly become extremely miserable. But now it seems she was still not aware of this, so naturally this was the best chance for him to escape from this place.

"Wait a minute, ah." Hearing the foot step of Long Yi, Yu Feng immediately struggled to sit up, which cause pain to appear from her wound, and she cried out in pain.

Hearing the painful groan, Long Yi couldn't help but to turn his head, and his heartbeat stared to rise again. But just at this time, from the spiritual power fluctuation, Long Yi saw that several lights were rushing towards their direction from Light city. Seeing this he instantly used great cosmos shift, and disappeared from that place just like a ghost. And only the faint broken voice entered the ears of Yu Feng, "Treating wounds to save a person, was last resort, thus leaving, meet you again at unspecified date."

Seeing that Long Yi was leaving, Yu Feng felt like she had lost something inside her heart. But now hearing the broken voice of Long Yi, she suddenly felt that something was wrong. What 'was last resort'? At that time a gust of evening wind blew in, and Yu Feng suddenly felt cold in her chest, then she lower her head to look, and was immediately embarrassed, her beautiful face immediately became completely bright red. It seems at the time when she had forced herself to sit up, the cloth which was covering her body had slid down, and her beautiful chest had come out from her tattered skin-tight armor.

At this time, Yu Feng also noticed her left breast and inner thigh were bandaged up. Now realizing that her body was seen by a stranger, Yu Feng was so embarrassed that she wanted to bury her head into the ground. Now she had roughly guessed why this man who had rescued her had ran away. After that Yu Feng sighed and drape the cloth Long Yi had left behind on her shoulder and softly spoke, "Why running away, irresponsible fellow, at most I would have just made you to marry me and be done with it."

As a matter of fact, when Long Yi had rescued her at that time when she had given up all hope, especially that tall and straight figure she had seen was imprinted in her heart before she had lost her consciousness, and this had cause a certain subtle change in her heart. She had subconsciously regarded Long Yi as her prince charming which she had dreamed for a long period of time. This moment Yu Feng also discovered that the value of cloth left behind by Long Yi was extremely high, a normal noble didn't have the ability to ever possess it. Discovering this, she determined that his background was certainly pretty good.

"I will absolutely find you, regardless of the ends of the earth." Yu Feng resolutely thought, then her heart and her phoenix douqi burned with enthusiasm. Because her prince charming whom she had always dreamed about had suddenly appeared in her world, and he not only rescued her, but he had seen and even touched her body, so Yu Feng naturally wanted to pursue him.

While Yu Feng was gritting her teeth and pledging, an elegant and poised extremely beautiful woman who looked like a goddess, with two maids appeared in front of her.

"Feng'er, are you okay?" This beautiful woman squat down, catch the hand of Yu Feng and worriedly asked.

"Mother, I'm fine." Yu Feng replied her.

"In the end, what exactly happened, and who injured you like that?" The eyes of this beautiful woman showed fury, she had already noticed the gown of a man on the body of her daughter. And she wanted to know who had injured her daughter like this, and after knowing she will definitely make him suffer fate worse than the death.

"Mother, we will talk about it after we return back. Feng'er is tired." Yu Feng weakly said.


Long Yi looked at that tall and big gorgeous city wall of Light city from far away, he didn't urgently enter this city. He just found a secluded place, took out that black colored magic wand and a bundle wrapped in cloth which was given to him by that silver wolf king from inside his space ring. This black colored magic wand was releasing strong dark element magic aura, if by any chance this was discovered inside the light city, he would be finished.

Long Yi held this unassuming magic wand, then looked all over this magic wand but couldn't see any unique mark, so Long Yi thought that this wand was perhaps only a low-dark element magic wand. After that he opened the bundle wrapped in cloth, and the sudden appearance of human skull inside it nearly made Long Yi to throw away this bundle.

"Who the hell is so wicked, placing a human skull inside the baggage to frighten other?" Long Yi placed this baggage on the ground, and carefully looked at this shiny pitch-black human skull. This was absolutely not ordinary human skull, because ordinary human skull would never emit such suffocating death aura.

Long Yi notice that underneath the human skull, there were two books, so Long Yi didn't think much and reached out his hand to lift that human skull. But when the hand of Long Yi came to contact with this human skull, it suddenly flew, opened its ferocious big mouth and ruthlessly bite into the finger of Long Yi.

Long Yi cried out in alarm, and wanted to shake it off, but unexpectedly it bit even firmly, and his fresh blood flowed into this human skull.

Long Yi gave up the struggle after a while because he noticed that the blood that had flowed out from his finger were being absorbed by this human skull. Slowly a trace of blood lines intertwined above this dark human skull and successfully formed a red colored network. And those lines of bloods were circulating as if it had its own life.

The heart of Long Yi was rather palpitating, he had never seen such abnormal thing. But he was not able to struggle free even after he had tried, so he helplessly watch this changes quietly. When this human skull was completely red after it was completely covered with blood networks, that human skull finally relax its bite and released his finger. But the even more strange thing that happened was, this human skull flew high up in the air and suddenly changed into blood colored light and entered inside the center of the palm of Long Yi's left hand. Long Yi was struck dumb with amazement, then hastily looked at the center of his palm, and saw a blood red human skull mark in his hand, which completely looked like a mark from the birth.

Studying it for a long time, Long Yi didn't find anything unusual, apart from the human skull mark, there was no change in his body. Since he was not able to understand or he simple didn't want to think about it any longer, he picked up those two books. It seems this book was extremely old. Long Yi shook off the dusts, and turned on the first page of this book. Long Yi was extremely surprised to see the 4 brash black colored large character on the first page. "UNDEAD MAGIC."

Chapter 28: Super skeleton

The hand of Long Yi trembled, and continuously murmured, "Undead magic, undead magic."

As a matter of fact, Long Yi couldn't help but became extremely surprised, because undead magic had already disappeared from this Canglan continent for several hundreds of years, and basically all the books of this undead magic were already burned down. But till this day people still remember the existence of this strong and evil undead magic. It is said that several hundreds of years ago, a genius necromancer had reached Master Archmage, then he wiped out 3 Master Archmage, 2 Sword Saint, and finally this genius necromancer used forbidden undead magic spell 'Eternal death', and summoned several tens of thousands of skeletons and zombies. And moreover also summoned zombie dragon. After that the several hundred meter radius of the surroundings instantly changed into a living hell. Due to this 3 Master Archmage and 2 Sword Saint died, and another one was injured. Furthermore the large army of skeleton and zombies massacred more than 10 cities causing the blood to flow like a river.

Finally after doing this much damage, this Master Archmage necromancer was severely injured, and disappeared without a trace. And from this time onward undead magic spells were stamped out from Canglan continent.

Long Yi inhaled a deep breath, then he turned a single page of this book, but seeing what was written on it, the hands of Long Yi trembled even more. God, what did he see? This thick undead magic book unexpectedly recorded Rank 1 elementary undead magic spells to Rank 11 forbidden undead magic spells in detail. In this world, with the exception of that genius necromancer BiTe Xiuge of several hundred year ago, no one else knew undead forbidden magic spells. So Long Yi guessed that this pitch-black magic wand and this bundle wrapped in cloth belong to BiTe Xiuge.

Very soon, Long Yi remembered all the content of this undead magic book, but he didn't understand many things written on it because he was new to this undead magic. After that Long Yi opened second book, and he was immediately wild with joy, because this second book turned out to be the detail instructions and notes of BiTe Xiuge on using undead magic spells. All the problems that may arise while practicing this undead magic was detaily explained in this book. Long Yi borrowed moonlight, and unconsciously read this book until its last page as if he was drunk and stupefied.

Only now Long Yi finally knew what that black skull was. It was actually undead dimension space created by BiTe Xiuge by using 9,999 corpses. And inside that dimension it contained 18 skeleton which was painstakingly created by him throughout his life. These 18 skeleton were not ordinary skeleton, each of these 18 skeleton were already Swords Master level in strength. And that unassuming pitch-black magic wand was actually a legendary magic item. According to legend, this was the magic wand used by King of hell, and the magic power of King of hell were sealed inside it.

Long Yi was wild with joy, and he was so happy that he almost fainted. 18 Swords Master ranked skeleton, a magic wand with sealed magic power of King of hell, and the books with all undead magic, this silver wolf king was unexpectedly quite generous, actually presenting such good things.

Long Yi calmed down after a while, although these things were amazing, but he must not use it in open, otherwise he had to flee to the ends of the earth, as many peoples would chase to kill him. It seems before all things he need to cultivate his internal force and mana.

Long Yi spread out his left palm, and looked at that blood red colored skull mark in the middle of his palm, then in his heart he couldn't help but wanted to look at those 18 skeleton with the strength of Swords Master.

After that he look around him, seeing no one around, Long Yi recalled incantation, then the blood red colored skull mark in his palm emitted an unusual red light. After that a space crack suddenly appeared in front of him, then a black light flashed, and 18 black colored skeletons whose whole body were covered with bony armor and holding a huge sword in their hand appeared in front of Long Yi. No, among them one was holding blood colored huge sickle, and this one looked far stronger than other 17 skeletons. Long Yi was dumbfounded, because the notes of BiTe Xiuge didn't talk about this strange fellow.

In order to examine the power of these skeletons, Long Yi pointed towards several trees in front and ordered them to attack it. Immediately after he had issued a command, that one skeleton holding a blood colored sickle swept past everyone towards those trees just like a gush of wind, and raise that huge sickle in the sky, and slashed it. Along with the blood red arc, those several trees were instantly chopped into pieces. Those trees were cut into pieces by that one skeleton before other 17 skeletons could even take a single step.

"Fuck!" Long Yi laughed wildly and rush towards that skeleton, then patted the shoulder of that skeleton. He was completely satisfied, the strength of this skeleton clearly exceed the Swords Master rank, and you could even say that its strength was slightly better than Great Swords Master.

"M-hm, let me give you a name, your master my name is called Long Yi, and from now on your name will be Long two." Long said to this skeleton, he had obviously forgotten that the skeletons are unable to make sense of what they were hearing.

After that seeing that it was already close to midnight, and the gates of Light city were also about to close, Long Yi placed all the things inside his space ring, and dashed towards Light city.

Light city deserved to be called northern trade center. All the street were extremely wide, and he could see endless rows upon rows of shops. Although it was close to midnight, there were still many pedestrians in the street, so many shops were still doing business.

Long Yi entered a luxurious inn, and saw that the lobby of this inn was brightly lit. In twos and threes, people were still eating supper in the dining hall next to this lobby.

It seems the business of this inn was doing extremely good, when Long Yi had entered this inn, there were only 2 open luxurious rooms left. And he had to pay 10 Gold coins per day for this room. Long Yi didn't care about money, currently he had 10,000 amethyst gold coins with him, so without thinking he just took out his Amethyst card and pay the rent for two days.

After paying the rent, Long Yi did not immediately go to his room, rather he sat down on the empty table of the dining hall and ordered two dishes. From afternoon to now he had ate nothing, and just until a moment before his mind was attracted by the undead magic, so when he saw other people were eating, he finally remembered that his stomach was also empty.

At this time, a woman dressed in black came inside, and her figure was extremely fiery, but her appearance was very ordinary. Without a second world, she also rented remaining luxurious room, and walked towards the dining hall.

Long Yi stared at this girl, of course his attention was not attracted by the looks of this girl, rather Long Yi couldn't see through this young girl with a single glance. At first glance, she seems like an ordinary person, and upon close look it seems like she was being wrapped in a layer of fog. Long Yi knew that she was not an ordinary person.

As if she felt the gaze of Long Yi, she looked towards the direction of Long Yi, and her eyes which was like a bottomless abyss met with his eyes. At that time, a strange glint suddenly flashed in the eyes of that girl.

"Humph." Long Yi coldly snorted, and a mysterious light suddenly flashed in his eyes. This caused her to feel as if she was stung in her eyes.

That girl groaned, her face immediately became pale, and she looked at Long Yi in horror.

Chapter 29: Mysterious Girl

Long Yi sneered: "Truly interesting, this woman actually knows sprit magic." But before his spirit power, the attack of this woman was undoubtedly displaying one's slight skill before expert. So naturally, Long Yi counter-taught her a small lesson, because he knew that this woman merely wanted to teach him a small lesson.

The pale complexion of this woman slowly revert back to normal, but her heart nevertheless was filled with terrifying waves. This hateful youth had casually dissolved her own spirit attack and counter attacked her with his spirit magic which was many times more powerful than hers. She had never thought that this ordinary looking son of wealthy family, was this actually such unfathomable spirit magician.

After that this woman casually ate her food, turned around and walked inside towards her room. Just this time, Long Yi also finished eating, so he stood up and followed behind her.

This woman saw that Long Yi was closely following her, so she couldn't help but became surprised, and mistakenly believed that Long Yi was plotting something unlawful against her. When Long Yi followed her all the way to the luxurious room's entrance of third floor, she was sure of her guess. She was somewhat frightened inside her heart, as a spirit mage she was very clear about the killing power of the spirit magic, because the spirit magic would not injure the physical body rather the soul.

Just at this moment, this woman saw that two inn assistance were coming over, so she immediately stopped, turned around and roared loudly to Long Yi, "You pervert, why the hell are you following this aunt? Do you want to eat me up?"

After this woman roared, a series of sounds of the doors opening one after another sounded. "Look what will happen now, you pervert. You dared to have a malicious intent towards this aunt." She complacently thought inside her heart.

Long Yi didn't know whether to laugh or to cry in this situation, he just calmly looked at the face of this woman and said with a smile: "Are you talking to me?" Soon after that he scanned this woman from the top to bottom, nodded his head and added: "Although I am very interested, but I am still not that hungry that I can't pick what I eat to arrive at that point." Finished speaking, he walked across this woman, took out a room card, opened a door and entered.

"Not that hungry that I can't pick what I eat? This bastard." This woman was so angry that her whole body was shivering, and a minute dark colored energy which couldn't be seen without looking extremely carefully flashed in her right hand for an instant.

"I hope you die very ugly death." She roared, clenched her fist, and opened the door of the room next to Long Yi, entered the room and forcedly shut the door.

"Spirit magic, and dark magic, hoho, never expected to be a kindred spirit." Long Yi leaning against the door of room laughed inside his heart. Just a moment ago, the red colored skull mark on the center of his left palm automatically vibrated, so Long Yi immediately sensed that fleeting dark magic fluctuation. It seems that this skull not only possess dark dimension space, but also the sensor of dark magic fluctuation.

Long Yi examined this spacious and well-lit extremely luxurious room. Then sat on the soft couch, and sipped a high grade fruit wine and enjoyed it. "As expected the suit of 10 gold is really different." Long Yi sighed inside his heart.

Lying on the big bed, the face of that woman was filled with anger. Just a moment ago, she had truly lost her face. She got angrier and angrier, and thought, "Why did that fellow insult me?"

"Not that hungry that I can't pick what I eat? Really infuriating." Snorting coldly, she angrily jumped out from the bed, and rushed to bathroom. Then looking at her ordinary face which completely lacked any distinguishing feature reflected on the magic mirror, she softly muttered an incantation. After that a dark energy flashed, and her face started to distort. After few moment, everything returned to calmness, and in the magic mirror, a face which was lovely enough to cause the fall of a country, crescent moon like eyebrows with stars like eyes, skin so exquisite and tender just like a pure drop of water, and especially that fine pink colored lips which could easily provoke the thoughts of countless was reflected.

"Stinking bastard, am I ugly? Judging people solely by their external appearance, if you see my true features, will you still be able to think not that hungry that you can't pick what you eat, humph." She was somewhat lost in narcissism, touched her own face, and a smile appeared on her red lips which could completely overshadow all the beautiful women in the world.

Long Yi didn't know that the person he had offended was such extremely beautiful woman. Currently he was sitting cross-legged on the bed, and was mediating, His body was releasing various colored magic elements. Among them purple colored lightning element was most abundant.

When the first ray of sunlight sprinkle through the window's curtain, Long Yi slowly opened his eyes, and at this moment, his pupil was purple in color, but very quickly it changed back to original black color. And just when Long Yi was about to stretched his body, a light breaking sound reverberated, then he flew in the air, circled a lap around the room, and slowly landed on the floor.

Sensing the surge of internal force inside his body, Long Yi was contented, but was also somewhat skeptical, as just after several days, his Ao Tian jue unexpectedly showed the sigh of breaking through the first layer.

After washing his face and rinsing the mouth, Long Yi had his breakfast, and asked the direction to Mercenary guild, afterwards he walked straight towards that place. Although it was just early in the morning, but various kinds of peoples and races were hurriedly walking on the streets of Light city. And finally Long Yi saw rarely seen elf, beast people, as well as dwarf. As expected male elves were handsome, and female elves were beautiful. And it seems beast people had a close relation with rank and race, usually higher the rank, lesser the chance of degree of variance. Inside the beast people, cat clan and fox clan were comparatively more beautiful and handsome, it said that the number of beautiful woman in these two clans were not to be in small number. Dwarves were very short, when Long Yi met a dwarf for the first time, he sighed, and was unable to imagine these small people of about 1 meter possessed amazing talent in forging. The dwarfs' weapons and armors were extremely well-known in entire Canglan continent. And the dwarf's weapon shops were also opened in all over this continent. [Note: I don't know how he meet beast people here, as in previous chapters it is mentioned that beast peoples had retreated to the forest.]

Walking two blocks, then turning and moving forward in the alley, here was the mercenary guild of Light city according to that person. Basically all guilds were concentrated in the neighborhood of this long alley.

The arrival of Long Yi attracted the attention of many peoples, because in this alley neighborhood, no one was dressed in magic robe and held a magic wand, rather were dressed in leather armor and was holding a huge sword, holding bow and arrows, or holding a gagger. In short, only peoples of these 3 types, no ordinary person could be seen. And in such place Long Yi was wearing gorgeous brocade dress, so he was particularly standing out in this crowd.

Long Yi look all around him, and finally saw one building with a banner where the huge words mercenary guild was stylishly written on it. After that under the gaze of peoples, Long Yi entered mercenary guild. The hall of mercenary guild was very big, was a boiling cauldron of voices, and was overcrowded. There were many mercenaries and mercenary groups in this place for accepting mission and completing mission.

Long Yi squeezed to the mercenary registering window, there was a pretty young girl inside.

"Hello, may I ask if you are here to register as a mercenary?" That young girl affectionately smiled, displayed her two dimples, and asked Long Yi.

Long Yi sensed kindness in her voice, he had never though that the attitude in attending the guests of mercenary guild was this good, then he smiled back and nodded his head, "Yes."

Chapter 30: Enemies on a narrow road*

(Title is idiom: enemies run into each other frequently)

"Mercenary registration requires 1 gold coin." That young girl answered with a smiled.

Long Yi nodded his head, paid the fee, took the form given by that young girl and filled it. Finally after that, that young girl gave him a mercenary card and a mercenary medal. A shield and two swords cross were engraved above that medal, and that medal was white in color. As a most low level F-ranked mercenary, after successfully completing certain number of missions, he could rise in rank. The medal of E-ranked mercenary was red in color, D-ranked was green color, C-ranked was yellow color, B-ranked was purple color, A-ranked was silver color, S-rank was golden color, and S-rank was also the highest level of mercenary.

After that Long Yi arrived at mercenary mission issuing place, and saw a huge blackboard where various kind of missions of different rank was written. Long Yi looked through the F-ranked missions for a while, and discovered that all the missions were only kill several fire rabbit, deliver a letter and so on type of mission. E-ranked and D-ranked missions were also comparatively simple, no challenge at all.

Suddenly, Long Yi saw an A-ranked mission on the top of the blackboard, which stated that, go to the Yuxu Mountain which was 800 li away from Light city, and kill B-class magical beast, Earth bear. After that take out a white colored jade like stone from its abdomen. Mission reward; 10,000 Amethyst coins. Seeing this, Long Yi was dumbfounded, and thought, "Is this talking about that Earth bear?"

Long Yi pondered: "How did the person who issued this mission knew that there is a white colored jade inside the abdomen of Earth bear? His purpose is clearly that white colored jade, 10,000 Amethyst coins, truly a good bait." But Long Yi was naturally not that stupid to hand over that white colored jade to complete this mission. His intuition was telling him that there was a big conspiracy behind this mission, and he didn't want to take initiative to engulf inside it.

Just then, a burst of clamor came through the hall of mercenary guild, so Long Yi looked towards the hall, and saw a 7 chi giant man who was carrying very huge sword on his shoulder, was using his thunder like voice to shout and draw the attention of all the people.

Long Yi go over, and listen to this giant man: "For Huang mang plain's Lost city mission, we are recruiting high ranked fighters and magicians. Our team is very powerful, we have 2 Advance Magician, 2 Advance Fighter, 1 Swords Master, and 1 elf archer. Anyone that want to join, come to sign up."

As soon as this giant man opened his mouth, more than half of the originally lively crowd suddenly dispersed, and one of the person among them who looked like a magician spoke: "Only fool would take this A-ranked mission, last time Heavenly thunder mercenary group took this mission, and were completely wiped out in Huang mang plain."

Hearing what this magician had said, Long Yi immediately pulled to stop him and asked: "Elder brother, is the strength of Heavenly thunder mercenary group which you have mentioned just a moment ago comparable to this person's group?"

This magician looked at Long Yi from top to bottom, and saw F-ranked mercenary medal on his chest, only then he had an appearance of understanding, after that he replied to Long Yi: "Did you have just join the mercenary guild? If so then no wonder you don't know about Heavenly thunder mercenary guild. This Heavenly thunder mercenary group was B-ranked mercenary group, had 1 Master Magician, 1 Great Swords Master, and a dozen or so Advance magicians and Advance Fighters. But even they were completely wiped out in Huang mang plain, now you say yourself, aren't this fool and several other Advance Fighters just courting death?"

After hearing this, Long Yi thought for a while, then looking at the disappointed face of that giant man, he walked over with a smile and said: "Hello, may I ask if I can join?"

That giant man looked at Long Yi, saw his dress up, and mistakenly believed that Long Yi was one of those son of rich family coming over to seek amusement, so that giant man instantly snapped: "We are going for a mission, not for a tour."

"I said I want to go with you for the mission, look here, just a moment ago, I have already registered as a mercenary." Long Yi said with a smile while pointing at his mercenary medal on his chest.

The giant man hesitated for a short while and asked: "Are you a magician or a fighter?"

"Fighter." Long Yi took out a huge sword from his space ring, then just like the giant man he also carried his huge sword in his shoulder.

Seeing the huge sword on the shoulder of Long Yi, the eyes of that giant man revealed envy. The mighty and magnificent design of this huge sword clearly showed that this huge sword was crafted by the hand of first-rate dwarf. And the blade of this huge sword was made up of forged steel with one hundred refining. So the price of this sword would definitely be more than 5 Amethyst coins.

"Are you Advance Fighter?" The attention of that giant man didn't leave the huge sword of Long Yi.

Long Yi just smiled, then waved his huge sword which flashed with light blue colored douqi.

"You are a Swords Master? We naturally welcome you to join us." That giant man was excited, he had never expected that this youth who looked less than 20 years old was actually Swords Master level. He however had to train hard for more than 30 years to reach the standard of Swords Master.

"My name is Ha Lei, what is your name?" The giant man forthright extend his big hand.

"Long Yi, I hope pleasant cooptation." Long Yi also extend his hand and reached out to hold the hand of that giant man.

"Please wait here for a moment, so we can find one magician and then we can meet with other fellows." That giant man answered Long Yi.

Ha Lei shouted several times again all over the place, but when everyone heard Huang mang plain's Lost city mission, they dispersed. So just when Long Yi and Ha Lei intended to go to another location to meet the other companions, and also have a lunch at the same time, a soft voice came: "I don't know if I could join?"

Hearing this voice, Long Yi turned around and was dumbfounded, because it turned out to be that the person asking was the same woman who had conflict with him in the inn. As before she was wearing black robe, and as before she had a plain face.

"My name is Leng Youyou, Advance Spirit Magician." Leng Youyou introduced herself to Ha Lei as if she didn't see Long Yi, then directly took out a medal of magician guild.

"You are Spirit Magician, good good, you are welcome to join. Finally we are ready." Ha Lei happily said. He didn't expect that he had such good fortune today, not only did he find a Swords master, moreover he still found an Advance Spirit Magician. One should know that Spirit Magician were extremely rare, they could attack silently so it was hard to guard against it, and the most terrible thing was they could directly attack the soul. Once soul suffers damaged, that person either becomes idiot or becomes vegetable.

After that the eyes of Long Yi and Leng Youyou directly met, and sparks flew about in all direction.

"So your name is Leng Youyou, it seems we two are fated to meet each other." Long Yi said with a smile.

Leng Youyou just snorted and replied in a cold voice: "Who is predetermined by fate with you?"

"How is this not a fate, as they says, it takes a hundred years to stay in a ship together, and it takes a thousand years to sleep on the same bed, we are now aboard people, so it seems we must have already known each other for hundred years in precious incarnation." Long Yi laughed.

"Even if we knew each other, we were definitely enemies in our previous incarnation." Leng Youyou replied.

"If previously there is any problem between you two, leave it alone for now. Now I will take you to meet our other companions." Said Ha Lei. After that he walked out from mercenary guild.

Leng Youyou resolutely stared at Long Yi and followed Hai Lei. Long Yi looked at the perk buttocks of Leng Youyou and couldn't help but lightly laugh: "Although appearance is not up to much, but actually possessed the real devil figure, che."