31 - 40

Chapter 31: Adventurer Pub

Ha Lei took Long Yi and Leng Youyou to the Adventurer pub. This pub had extremely big reputation in Light city. And this pub was the gathering place of numerous mercenaries and adventurer.

The pub's light was somewhat dim, people with various occupation and race were dispersed throughout the hall. And uniformed pub girls with tray were also ceaselessly moving through this crowd.

Ha Lei led two of them to a corner of a pub. On the table at that corner, five peoples were sitting, presumably the companions of Ha Lei.

Long Yi carefully looked at these five peoples, two of them were male magicians of about 30 years old with extremely ordinary appearance. Among them one was wearing red colored fire element magic robe, and other one was wearing pure white colored ritual robe. And when Long Yi saw two fighters, he couldn't help but become stupefied, as one of them was actually a fighter of about 8 chi tall from Barbarian bull clan, two bull horn vertically stood above his head, and his face still had some characteristic of bull face. Other warrior was human, of about 25 or 26 in age, had fierce-looking face, and two sturdy arms was exposed from his leather armor, which had many crisscrossed scars on it. From these scars one could see that he was definitely very experienced fighter. After that when Long Yi saw that petite elf with a pure and graceful figure wearing green colored suit, the heart of Long Yi couldn't help but gasp in admiration. Elf clan was indeed a beautiful clan.

At this moment, Ha Lei had already begun to introduce, pointing at the magician wearing red colored fire magic robe, he said: "He is Advance fire magician, Ge Leite." Ge Leite superciliously nodded his head, Long Yi just smile and also didn't mind it, because all the magicians of Canglan continent were more or less rather arrogant, especially magicians with little bit of strength.

"This is Advance Light element Magician, Lan Tian, furthermore also an Advanced Priest." Pointing at other magician, Ha Lei introduced. All priests were also Light magician, but all the light magicians were not priests. Priest was a form of address to a type of job of Light church, so all the peoples of church could be called priests.

"Welcome to our ranks." Contrary to what one might expect, Lan Tian didn't show any arrogance, just mildly greeted Long Yi and Leng Youyou with a smile.

"They are Advance Fighter Shi Yan and Yong Shi of Barbarian bull clan, calling him barbarian bull is also okay." Pointing at that fierce looking human fighter and Barbarian bull clan fighter, Ha Lei introduced.

"Hello." Barbarian bull said with a humming voice, then stretched his big hand towards Long Yi, and his eyes showed provocation.

Long Yi just smiled, stretched out his delicate big hand, naturally this big hand was merely conversely speaking, if the hand of Barbarian bull was compared to the hand of adult, then the hand of Long Yi was just the hand of an infant.

One black and one white, two hands held each other, Long Yi felt a huge surge of power, if he was an ordinary person, then the bones of his hands would have already been squeezed to paste by this Barbarian Bull. But Long Yi was smiling as before, and the internal force of Ao Tian Jue was operating to dissolve the strength of Barbarian Bull. Naturally Long Yi also wouldn't forget this easily, and thought to teach him a lesson, just like how he taught a lesson to Leng Youyou.

The hand of Long Yi slowly began to contract, then the face of Barbarian bull became deathly pale, and he started to break out with large amount of cold sweats.

"Big stature, and pretty good strength." Long Yi smiled and used his left hand to pat the shoulder of Barbarian bull, but he naturally didn't release the right hand of Barbarian bull.

The pale face of Barbarian ox suddenly became very red, and gritting his teeth, he said: "Brother, I, Barbarian bull am convinced of your strength, so can you let go your hold." Hearing this, Long Yi released his hand, then Barbarian quickly shook his hand continuously. Ha Lei was surprised as he noticed a deep purple colored five finger mark on the big hand of Barbarian, then he looked towards Long Yi with a little bit more respect.

"She is elf archer, Lu Xiya." Ha Lei carried on to introduce.

"Hello, little elf." Long Yi greeted Lu Xiya with a smile. Then the pair of beautiful big eyes of Lu Xiya quite strangely sized him from top to bottom.

"Don't call me Little elf, I am not little, I am already over 150 years old." Lu Xiya said with dissatisfaction.

"Hehe, 150 years old elves are equivalent to merely 15 or 16 years old humans, so calling you little elf is isn't wrong." Long Yi smiled.

"Pervert." Leng Youyou coldly snorted. Seeing Long Yi was eagerly talking with Lu Xiya, made her heart extremely uncomfortable, as she still bore the grudge for that remark 'Not that hungry that I can't pick what I eat' of yesterday.

At this moment, Ha Lei introduced Long Yi and Leng Youyou. When they realized Long Yi, this child appearance person had actually reached Swords Master rank, they couldn't help but became extremely amazed and great respect appeared on their eyes. Only about 18 years in age and already Swords Master, with this they already knew that his future was limitless.

And when they knew that Leng Youyou was Advance Spirit Magician, all of them again simultaneously exclaimed in admiration. All of them clearly knew the terrifying attack power of Spirit Magician, and an Advance Spirit Magician is already a heavyweight anywhere they go.

Seeing the amazed expression on their face, Long Yi couldn't help but stealthily though inside his heart: "If they know Leng Youyou can also use dark magic, then what type of expression would they make."

"Well, since everyone have already gathered, let's talk about the mission we are about to do. This Lost city mission we are about to do is extremely dangerous. You should have already heard about the matter of the complete wiped out of Heavenly thunder mercenary group." Ha Lei spoke up to here, and paused. After that with extremely solemn complexion he continued.

"Although our strength is not comparable to theirs, nevertheless we also possess the advantage they didn't have." Ha Lei said this much and took out a map from his body and continued: "This is the map of Huang mang plain, was passed down from my ancestors. It is marked with the direction of Lost city, and the distribution of various kind of magical beasts are also illustrated in this map. So as long as we proceed carefully, we will be able to safely find Lost city." Ha Lei had clearly lowered his voice, after all there were many peoples in the pub, and he only wanted his group to know that he had the map of Huang Mang plain in his body.

"We will equally distribute the rewards of the mission and the treasures discovered in Lost city. Is there any problem in distributing like this?"

Everyone shook their head to express that there is not any problem.

"Good, since there is no problem, early morning tomorrow we will meet at the east gate of Light city. Now for the time being until tomorrow, you can busy yourself with your own matter."

Long Yi didn't leave, rather go to a bar and ordered a cup of fruit wine called 'green field with immortal footprint'. After that he started to ponder while care freely sipping that wine. "I didn't expect that the worlds of this giant fellow Ha Lei is this clear and logical, but it is not this simple like it resembles outside. The map didn't looked that old, was it really handed down by his ancestor?"

"Hehe, interesting, it looks like this trip will be very interesting." Long Yi rotate the wine cup, and a smile appeared on his face.

Chapter 32: Again meeting Yu Feng

"Do you know where 'green field immortal footprint' is native to?" Along with a fresh grass fragrance, Lu Xiya sat next to Long Yi, and was similarly holding a cup of green colored green field immortal footprint.

"Let me guess, it's unlikely to be your elf forest." Looking at Lu Xiya, Long Yi replied with a light smile.

Lu Xiya amazedly looked at long Yi, and muttered: "Are you simply pretending to be stupid?"

"I'm very sorry, intelligent is all along my biggest shortcoming." Long Yi boasted shamelessly.

"Heehee, you really are interesting man, where are you from?" Lu Xiya asked.

"I came from a very faraway place, why are you asking me this, can it be that you....began to like me?" Long Yi stared at Lu Xiya and laughed mischievously. His eyes were directly sizing up the beautiful and charming figure of Lu Xiya without concealing his intention.

The beautiful face of Lu Xiya became red, then she spat: "Shameless, big pervert."

Seeing this elf was getting shy, Long Yi began teasing her even more. While he was teasing this elf, from the corner of his eyes, he caught a familiar figure. This figure was Yu Feng whom he had rescued yesterday from the crowds of dire wolves. Right now she didn't have the sorry figure appearance of yesterday, and as before was wearing fiery red leather armor. And as if something was weighting on her mind, she was continuously drinking cup after cup of wine. Two beautiful maids were standing, one at her right side and other at her left side. If Long Yi was present yesterday, then he would have definitely recognize these 2 maids as the same maids who had come over with Yu Feng's mother.

"Hey, she is the young lady of Phoenix clan, you should give up your plan to hit her, otherwise you will not know how you die." Little elf Lu Xiya saw that the eyes of Long Yi were glued to another girl while they was talking, and felt a little uncomfortable inside her heart.

"I want to hit on you, you are many times more beautiful than her." Long Yi turned around with a smile. Since he didn't have to pay for sweet speech and honeyed words, he said it anyway.

"How can ah, I am not even half of her." Lu Xiya blushingly answered, but the smile on her face clearly explained that Long Yi definitely benefited from his sweet speech and honeyed words.

Long Yi just smiled. Although Lu Xiya was beautiful, but she really couldn't reach the level of Yu Feng. Also although he didn't know the life expectancy of elves, but Lu Xiya who was already 158 years old, was still extremely green regardless of physiology or mentality.

"Long Yi, I'm hungry, let's go to eat, ok?" Lu Xiya pulled the sleeve of Long Yi and said.

"Okay, by coincidence my stomach is also hungry." Long Yi nodded his head and stood up, then walked shoulder to shoulder with Lu Xiya towards the exit of adventurer pub.

But just when they were outside the pub, Long Yi heard urgent call from behind them: "Wait, you wait a minute."

Two of them turned around, and saw that Yu Feng and the two maids were hastily running towards them.

Yu Feng stopped not far away from Long Yi, then sized up Long Yi from head to toe. A short while ago in the adventurer pub, when she saw his back figure, she simply felt that his back was exactly same as the back of her benefactor who had rescued her yesterday. So she impatiently chased after him. But when he turned around, Yu Feng recognized that this man was exactly that perverted man who had felt her breast in that small town using unknown method, and suddenly her eyes revealed disgusted expression. The great hero inside her heart, how could this perverted man compared to him? Yu Feng coldly snorted, turned around and left without saying a single word.

Just at that time, the peoples on the roadside suddenly screamed in panic. A youth wearing a magnificent clothes riding a black colored unicorn was in the process of charging around violently, and was arrogantly shouting loudly: "Get out of the way, make way for this young master."

Momentarily everything was thrown into confusion, many stalls on both sides of the paths were knocked over. Even more bad was, a child of about six or seven was standing on the middle of the street, and seeing the unicorn was directly galloping towards him, as if petrified he stood motionlessly in horror.

"Bastard." Yu Feng cursed and ran towards the child with all her effort, but she was clearly too far away from that child, and could only watch helplessly as the child gets killed under the horse's hooves.

Suddenly, Yu Feng felt the wind blowing, and as if an illusion a figure appeared at the side of that child. Just at that time, the unicorn trampled passed that place without stopping. Seeing this many peoples cried out in alarm, believing that those two peoples were trampled. But in a blink of an eye, they saw that a youth while holding that child in his hand was slowly floating down from the sky, just like a celestial being descending the world.

Yu Feng was dumbfounded to see the figure of Long Yi floating down, then the figure of her benefactor suddenly appeared in her brain, which coincide with the figure of Long Yi. "Everything about this man resembles him, could it be that this perverted man is my benefactor?" Yu Feng found it very difficult to accept inside her heart.

At this moment, that youth riding the unicorn and charging around violently stopped some distance away, dismounted from the unicorn, and staring at the body of Yu Feng without blinking his eyes, he walked over to Yu Feng.

"Miss Feng'er, just a moment ago I sacred you, so I invite you to a dinner as a compensation." That youth obsequiously said to Yu Feng.

"Yin Jian, don't depend upon your status of being the son of city lord to wantonly break the rule, you should clearly know that riding the horse is forbidden in this street." Yu Feng angrily said, then coldly looked at him.

"Yin Jian? **?" Hearing the name of this youth, Long Yi couldn't help but felt somewhat funny. He distinctly felt that this name was somewhat familiar, and the behavior of this youth was also extremely familiar. Carefully thinking, he discovered that the behavior of this youth and the original owner of this body was exactly the same.

"Merely bumping into plebeians who don't look where they are going, what kind of wantonly breaking the rule is this?" Yin Jian arrogantly said. Then looking towards Long Yi, his eyes suddenly stagnated, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, Yin Jian walked towards Long Yi, cupped his hand and asked: "Brother, you looked very familiar, do you mind telling me your full name?" As a member of high society of Kuanglong Empier, Yin Jian naturally knew the brocade clothing on the body of Long Yi was not something common people could afford, plus he looked really familiar, so he stopped his arrogant expression at this moment.

Seeing the sudden attitude change of Yin Jian towards Long Yi, Yu Feng was somewhat startled. She knew that Yin Jian had never cared about the law within the Light city, and was also a type of person, who basically didn't care about any other person in this city.

"Name is Long Yi, before this I have never come to Light city, and also never met Your Excellency." Long Yi put on a false smile, and greeted him back. Long Yi guessed that, since this guy is the son of Light city's city head, perhaps he might have gone to Tenglong city with his father, and at that time, perhaps he might have meet or seen Ximen Yu, as both of them were feather of same bird.

Long Yi was naturally not stupid enough to declare his identity. Although after he had escaped from Tenglong city, the situation had already calmed down, but the official documents for his arrest was still not withdrawn. So he was still cautious, moreover he also didn't plan to assume the identity of original owner of his body.

Chapter 33: Drunk Lu Xiya

Hearing the answer of Long Yi, Yin Jian shifted his eyes and no longer pursue the question. Although he was a typical playboy, he was not a fool. Just looking at the bearing and natural noble aura of the other party, he guessed that the other party was very likely to be someone of higher status, so continuing to pursue the question was nothing more than plain stupid. Hence he turned around and continued to pester Yu Feng, this young woman who had never given him any face since childhood.

"Miss Feng'er, would you honor me with your presence for a dinner?" Yin Jian audaciously smiled and asked Yu Feng.

"Beat it." Yu Feng coldly spat a single word. Intricately looking at Long Yi, she turned around and went back with her two maids. And Yin Jian shamelessly followed after them.

Long Yi nodded his head, he was extremely familiar with this scene. He remembered that Ximen Yu used to pester Long Ling'er like this, merely this fellow should not be that outrageously bold in his lust that he would go and ** Yu Feng. Yu Feng herself was also not physically weak magician like Long Ling'er. Recalling Long'er, the expression of Long Yi became rather depressed.

"Long Yi, what are you thinking? I am going to starve to death." Lu Xiya creased her nose, and said charmingly.

"Let's go, mischievous cat." Long Yi affectionately patted the head of Lu Xiya, and started to walk. That depressed expression of just a moment ago changed into a warm smile, as if that the depression had never appeared on his face before.

"Weird guy." Lu Xiya muttered. She always had a gut feeling that Long Yi was a warm person, this feeling was just like a gentle breeze of elven forest which gladden her heart. So she was willing to stay with Long Yi.

At Phoenix villa located at southern city of Light city, Yu Feng was sitting alone inside her room. That agile and elegant figure of Long Yi was unceasingly flashing within her mind, but thanks to that first impression of him, she was completely unwilling to believe that he was her benefactor. As a matter of fact, if not for her prejudice, she would have definitely realize that the temperament of Long Yi was not something the average person could have.

Yu Feng opened her wardrobe, took out that robe that was draped over her body by her benefactor. She gently stoke the collar side of the robe, then her beautiful face couldn't help but became very red. If other people knew that the young miss of Phoenix clan who had her eyes higher than her head was hiding inside her room and thinking about a man while holding a man's cloth, then they might fall on the ground due to shock.

Yu Feng gently stroke for a good while, then she suddenly discovered that the design and cloth material of this robe looked very familiar. Her family operated every kind of business, so they had also dealt with clothing. And as an eldest daughter, she had a good sense in this area. Now she remembered that today he had encountered that perverted man, and the clothing on his body had very similar design and cloth material to the one she was holding now.

"Is it really him?" It was very difficult for Yu Feng to accept this, as the preconceived notion was extremely difficult to convert.

"This won't do, I should ask him directly." Yu Feng was still unable to let go. If she didn't clarify this, she would not be able rest or eat in peace.

However at this time, the voice of maid came from outside her door: "Miss, madam requested you to come over for discussion about a matter."

Yu Feng replied back. Then thought to go out to search him later tonight. As she was completely confident to find him if he was still inside Light city.

While on the other hand, right now Long Yi and Lu Xiya were having a meal at the most luxurious and most high grade Phoenix restaurant. From name alone, one could easily know that this restaurant was the property of Phoenix clan. This restaurant was built close to the river, and could view beautiful scenery. Long Yi and Lu Xiya had chosen the table by the window, currently they were eating delicacies while admiring beautiful scenery, every so and often they talk and laugh too, was completely a natural and unrestraint happy atmosphere.

What made Long Yi amazed was, Lu Xiya who appears to be delicate and exquisite, contrary to expectation drank wine very straightforwardly.

"Little elf, your drinking capacity is pretty good." Long Yi praised.

Because of alcohol, a layer of red glow was added to the beautiful face of Lu Xiya, this rosy pink was extremely alluring. Hearing compliments from Long Yi, she smiled sweetly, and said: "Of course, I used to soak inside the wine jar. When I was in elven forest, we often went to wine cellar, stole, and drink hundred flower wine, hundred flower wine you know? That wine tastes many times better than these wines."

Lu Xiya proudly said, right now her eye were somewhat misty, just like a layer of fine gauze was added, apparently she had started to exceed her maximum capacity for alcohol.

When Long Yi heard these 3 'Hundred flower wine' words, his eyes flashed with extraordinary splendor. As far as to his knowledge, only the elf royalty of elven clan could enjoy this hundred flower wine. So how could Lu Xiya just stole and drink it? Unless...….she herself was from royal family of elven clan. Perhaps she might even be the princess of elven clan.

Words started to continuously flow out from drunk Lu Xiya, sometimes she spoke about an amusing incident of her childhood, and sometimes she spoke about her experience in Canglan continent of these few years. While speaking, she had already drained two cups of wine already, at this time, Long Yi however not only not stopped her, but he shamelessly poured wine when her cup was empty.

When the eyes of Lu Xiya were already misty with drunk, and expression was somewhat absent-minded, Long Yi though it was a chance, hence he asked: "Little elf, tell me, is your mother the queen of elves?"

Lu Xiya looked towards Long Yi with her misty eyes and foolishly smiled. Then her head suddenly tilted down on the table and lost consciousness. Long Yi helplessly smiled, as he had mistakenly believed that she could still hold on for a while. But even if she didn't speak, from the narration of hers of just a moment ago, Long Yi guessed that there was very high chance for her to be the princess of elven clan. But could Elven queen let her only daughter to take risks like this? Or is this little elf ran away from home?

Long Yi settled the bill, and carried Lu Xiya out from the restaurant. On the street it was not good to use gale and decrease weight technique, so all along the way while he was walking, many pairs of eye were staring at him. Just imagine, someone was carrying a beautiful elf and walking on the street, isn't this eye-caching? And especially that elf was unconscious, this would naturally trigger the malicious speculation from the public.

Long Yi didn't know where Lu Xiya lived, so he directly took her back to the inn he was staying. After that he informed the manger that he was looking for a room for her to stay. Although Long Yi didn't mind to let this little beauty sleep in his own room, but they were neither relative nor friends, so he had to do this to avoid doing anything that may arose suspicion. After that thinking about that mysterious woman, Leng Youyou, who stayed next to him, Long Yi resolved to let Lu Xiya stay in her room tonight.

Chapter 34: Liren Fang's underwear

"Knock, knock, knock." Carrying unconscious Lu Xiya on his back, Long Yi lightly knocked the door. But even after a long time, no one answered the door.

Long Yi placed his ear on the door and listened but the room was completely silent, it seems no one was in the room. Having no other choice, Long Yi was forced to take Lu Xiya to his room, placed her on his big bed, then sat on the bedside and carefully sized up this little elf.

Sleeping Lu Xiya looked very peaceful, innocent and pure just like a newborn baby, it's a no wonder that the elven race were said to be the race most closest to the nature. Looking at the long soft looking ears of Lu Xiya, Long Yi couldn't help but became somewhat curious. He extended his hand towards her long ear and gently stroked it, but he had not thought that this would cause Lu Xiya to shudder. He had not expected that the ears of elf were so sensitive. This ignited the interest of Long Yi, so he kept on touching her long ear and finally lightly pinched that long ear of Lu Xiya.

Lu Xiya just muttered and caught the mischievous big hand of Long with her both hands. After this, the unexpected thing happened, after catching the hand of Long Yi, Lu Xiya didn't shake it off, rather pulled his hand to her chest, and then hugged it.

Long Yi was instantly stunned, this little elf couldn't possibly regard his hand as a body pillow. Feeling soft and elastic in his palm, Long Yi couldn't help but grabbed, then his originally quiet ** surged forward. This tent on his hip area was an honest reaction of his evil thoughts.

"Dreadful, really dreadful." Long Yi thought to extract his big hand, however he was also quite reluctant to leave this two round, soft and fragrant meat balls.

Long Yi looked at Lu Xiya's tranquil and beautiful face, adorable nose, and fair and tender lips which was often swaying. This appearance of Lu Xiya was really lovely to the extreme.

"How could she be this naïve? Actually trusting me this much." Long Yi thought inside his heart. After that his ** immediately settled down, he lightly tried to take out his hand, but he had never thought that sleeping Lu Xiya was actually holding his big hand very tightly without any intention of letting it go as if she was holding a treasure.

Long Yi gently smiled, he had never expected that even when he wanted to fulfill his desire as a gentleman, he was not able to do so. After that he gently used his strength to pull open the little hands of Lu Xiya, and placed a pillow in her bosom after taking out his hand.

Just then, the door of his room was knocked.

Long Yi opened the door, Leng Youyou with impatient face stood at the doorway, then looking at Long Yi, she said: "The inn keeper said that you were looking for me, what do you want?"

"Come in and you will know." Long Yi stepped aside.

But Leng Youyou just motionlessly stood in the same place. Having a cautious deposition, she was reluctant to rashly enter the room of stranger.

"What? Afraid that I would do something? You can rest assured, I have no zero interest in Wuyan type woman." Said Long Yi. [NOTE: Wuyan was ugly but virtuous woman in ancient china. So Wuyan is use as a metaphor for ugly but virtuous woman.]

Leng Youyou coldly looked at Long Yi, pushed him away and entered the room. Although she didn't know what Wuyan type woman was, but she unconsciously knew that these were the words mocking her.

"I came in, now speak why were you looking for me?" Leng Youyou snorted.

"Let's talk about it in the bedroom." Long Yi pointed to the partially opened door of his bedroom.

Leng Youyou immediately retreated one step, raised her guards, and staring at Long Yi, she nervously asked: "What....what do you want?"

Long Yi was startled, then laughed, and finally said: "What do you think I want to do? I only want to ask you a favor."

"Favor, what favor?" Leng Youyou placed her right hand behind her, and gathered dark mana. In case this fellow make any suspicious movement, she would immediately make her move.

The blood colored skull mark on the center of Long Yi's palm quivered, and Long Yi immediately knew that Leng Youyou was gathering dark mana, so he said with a smile: " Don't worry, I meant you absolutely no harm."

But these words were just like a big bad wolf saying to a little white rabbit: "Don't worry, I will not eat you."

"In the end what do you want, say quickly, or else I'll leave." Leng Youyou coldly said, and her eyes quickly looked towards the direction of door.

Seeing this appearance of Leng Youyou, Long Yi stopped teasing her, he pointed towards the door of his bedroom and said: "Look inside and you will know what favor I want."

Leng Youyou was not quite convinced, but still cautiously walked towards the door of bedroom, while paying attention to Long Yi's movement.

Seeing the current appearance of Leng Youyou, Long Yi unconsciously smiled, and said: "You are too exaggerating, I am actually a good guy."

Leng Youyou just snorted: "It'd be a wonder if you were a good guy."

At this moment, Leng Youyou was able to see the circumstance inside the bedroom from her current angle. When she saw that beautiful elf archer whom she had met just today was lying motionlessly on the bed while hugging a pillow, she suddenly snapped while pointing at Long Yi: "You bastard, what did you do to her?"

Long Yi answered with innocent look: "Don't accuse me wrongly, we had dined together, and she got drunk. So I brought her here thinking to let her sleep in your room, but you were out just a moment ago."

"For the time being, I will believe you." Leng Youyou entered the bedroom, then seeing that the clothes of Lu Xiya was in good condition, and the bed was also very trim, she said to Long Yi.

"Leng Youyou, you should trust my words, you know? Now we are on the same team, if there is not even a minimum level of trust between teammates, then all of our lives would be in even more danger." Long Yi said with a serious face. He was fully aware of the importance of trust between teammates to complete the mission. In case someone was at odds with the other member or leader, then everyone could be in danger.

Leng Youyou was startled, and replied only after a long while: "Your looks cause peoples to distrust you."

Long Yi was dumbfounded, touched his face, made a wry smile and said: "Is it? Are the words 'I'm a bad person' written on my face?"

Leng Youyou ignored the words of Long Yi, she just pointed to asleep Lu Xiya and said indifferently: "Carry her to my room."

Long Yi did not say anything further, just picked up Lu Xiya. Just at the time when he carried Lu Xiya, he heard Leng Youyou saying: "Don't take advantage of this."

This little mistress's skin is truly long-winded, Long Yi thought this inside his heart, just carried Lu Xiya and walked towards the room of Leng Youyou.

"Wait a minute, don't go in." Just when Long Yi carrying little elf was about to enter the bedroom of Leng Youyou, he heard her exclaiming for him to stop, then she hurriedly entered the bedroom first.

But it was already too late, his dazzling eyes had already seen several various colored elegant underwear on her big bed, even to the extent that he even saw the mark of Liren Fang embodied on them. This immediately caused Long Yi to remember Si Bi, as she had also worn underwear of Liren Fang. [NOTE: if you forgot, Liren Fang is the most popular and expensive brand of women's underwear in this world.]

Leng Youyou hurriedly hid her underwear in her wardrobe, and her cheeks were already thoroughly red.

Long Yi secretly laughed inside his heart, but outside he didn't even bat his eyelid, just placed Lu Xiya on her bed, turned around, and walked out from the bedroom.

"Long Yi, I…..I'll try to trust you." Leng Youyou's somewhat stiff voice came from behind.

Long Yi paused his steps, he knew that it was not that easy for Leng Youyou to say these words. He turned around, and said with a smile: "Take care of Lu Xiya, she is also our teammate."

Leng Youyou nodded her head, she suddenly felt that this fellow was not that hateful anymore.

Long Yi opened the door, suddenly turned around and spoke with a strange smile in his face: "Liren Fang's underwear is pretty good." Finished speaking, he immediately ran out of the door, then slammed the door shut.

"This damned pervert." Leng Youyou ganshed her teeth, and her face heat up.

Chapter 35: Public place with numerous peoples

Standing outside the door of Leng Youyou's room, his smile slowly fade away. Those several underwear of Liren Fang brought back his thoughts of Si Bi, that outwardly cruel but actually incomparably kind-hearted young girl. Every time he remembered that day when they were risking their lives to protect each other, Long Yi would feel warm inside his heart.

It was still not that late in the night, so Long Yi decided to go to Light church to take a look at whether he could find Si Bi or not. Light church was not located inside that alley where the guilds of various profession were located, rather located adjacent to mansion of city lord. And it was built using expensive snow rocks, had noble elegance appearance, it resembled a bit like western church. The huge statue of Light god was located at the most highest position of this building, looking down upon all living creatures like nobodies. But for Long Yi, the so-called Light god however was just an old bird-man with 8 wings.

Light church was quite lively, many believer were still travelling back and forth. And the sight of many peoples devotionally worshipping the statue of Light god could be seen everywhere in this location.

Long Yi walked over and reached out to a well-known priest, and asked respectfully: "Mister respected priest, may I ask whether saintess miss Si Bi is in Light city or not?"

Seeing the manner of Long Yi was good, this priest answered Long Yi: "Never came."

Long Yi was somewhat disappointed, as he thought: "I remembered Si Bi saying that she was coming over to Light city. Could it be that she changed her destination in order to hide from me." After this Long Yi asked several other priests, but he got same answer from each of them. Long Yi sighed, then he alone sat down on the lawn outside the church, and got lost in thought while watching the comings and goings of the believers. Suddenly he felt everything was false: "Did I really met Si Bi? Did I really experienced those romantic and unforgettable time?"

At this moment, on the top floor of the Light church, a figure with graceful demeanor and long blackish green hair who was wearing a priest robe was hidden behind a magic mirror, she was looking at that lonely figure of Long Yi below with tears all over her face.

"Long Yi, I'm sorry." Si Bi firmly bit her lower lip, and murmured. She extend her hand and gently caressed the figure of Long Yi in the magic figure, as if she was erasing the agony and loneliness of her beloved.

"Ai, silly child, since you love him this much, there is no need to persistently torment yourself." A gentle and kind voice sounded from behind Si Bi. A woman with beautiful beyond this world appearance, who looked about 30 years in age came behind Si Bi. She was wearing a creamy white holy and pure priest robe, and she looked as if she was enveloped in a layer of holy light. She was exactly Light church's one of the two big sacred priest, Priest Kai Lin, was longtime old friend of Si Bi's master, sacred priest Zhu Di.

"Elder, I can't, I can't." Hearing Priest Kai Lin who had always treating her as her own daughter comforting her, her crystal clear tears immediately rolled down She touched her that frightening birthmark on the left side of her face, and she utterly hated herself for the first time because of this birthmark.

"Silly child, silly child." Upon seeing this, Kai Lin said while feeling heartache. After that she came over to the side of Si Bi, hugged her and comforted her softly. She understood that Si Bi loved him very dearly from the bottom of her heart. Love, this thing word truly do great harm to peoples. In those years, she and Zhu Di had also suffered, but she never expected that Si Bi too would suffered from this.

Few neigh of horse awakened Long Yi from his trance, looking ahead, he saw completely fiery-red unicorn. Looking at it, he knew that this unicorn was the mount of Yu Feng. Long Yi looked at it for a while, but he didn't discover the figure of Yu Feng anywhere near. He stretched his hand and stroke its head, but outside of his exception, this unicorn very intimately licked his palm.

"Little beast, where is your master? What are you doing by yourself?" Long Yi smiled and teased this unicorn, presumably after passing through the matter of last time, this beast with lots of intelligence had already remembered him.

Around the door of city lord's mansion near the Light church, Yu Feng was anxiously searching for her mount, Red cloud. Although Red Cloud was very ill-tempered to other peoples, nevertheless it was very obedient to her, generally didn't run about everywhere. This time under the command of her mother, she had come to meet the city lord, this crafty bastard to discuss several matters regarding chamber of commerce. But to her surprise, her horse disappeared. She had extremely deep attachment towards Red Cloud, she had always treated it as her family member, so she was extremely worried due to the disappearance of Red Horse.

"Miss Feng'er, I asked peoples to help you look for it." From one side, Yin Jian immediately started to court her favor.

"You don't need to intervene in my matters." Yu Feng snapped.

"That beast is lost so just discard it. I will gift you my Xue Lishao." Yin Jian endure the rage inside his heart, and said with a smile. If this was someone else, then he would have already used force. But the influence of Phoenix clan as too big, if he initiate on using force with her then he feared even he himself would not be able to bear the consequences. So Yin Jian had always adopted soft approach on Yu Feng, but for others he basically didn't give a damn.

"Shut up, you are beast, get lost from my sight." Yu Feng roared burning with anger, and her phoenix douqi also suddenly appeared on the surface of her body.

The complexion of Yin Jian became deathly pale, and secretly clutched his hand tightly into a fist. After that he coldly snorted, turned around, and entered city lord mansion. As they says, even clay Buddha would get angry after three times, let alone human beings.

Yu Feng looked all around while walking, and unconsciously arrived at Light church. There she saw that her Red Cloud was in the process of acting coquettish towards a man.

"This, how is this possible?" Yu Feng could not believe what she was seeing with her own eyes and unconsciously muttered. With the exception of herself, Red Cloud never let anyone else touch it, let alone act coquettishly.

"Eh, is he." Yu Feng was rather shocked, and her state of mind suddenly messed up. Originally she had only suspected him to be her benefactor, but seeing Red Cloud was so intimate with him, her heart became even more uneasy and hope he was not, but she also indistinctly hoped that he was inside her heart.

Trying to forcedly calm down her state of mind, she took two deep breath. She who was accustomed to great winds and high waves unexpectedly was nervous to walk towards a person.

At this moment, Long Yi was patting the big head of Red Cloud repeatedly, and was ready to leave. Seeing him walking away, the heart of Yu Feng became impatient, so without thinking anything, she immediately darted to the front of Long Yi.

"Umm, I did not kidnap your horse, it came over on its own." Seeing Yu Feng was ferociously staring at him from in front of him, he mistakenly believed that she wanted to condemn him.

"I, I know it." Yu Feng stammered while speaking, and didn't dare to look at the eyes of Long Yi.

"You know? Then, let's part here and now." Long Yi shrugged his shoulder, but muttered inside his heart: "You know yet this ferocious look, I mistakenly believed that you want to eat people."

The whole body of Yu Feng quivered, couldn't help but remember the parting words of her benefactor: Treating wounds to save a person, was last resort, part here and now, meet you again at unspecified date. With the exception of voice, the intonation was exactly the same.

"You wait a minute." Yu Feng impatiently pulled Long Yi's arm and stopped him.

"You let go." Long Yi yelled.

"I will not let go." Just like a child, Yu Feng thoroughly acted in a fit of pique.

"Then take a look around you." Long Yi helplessly said.

Yu Feng looked around her, then her face suddenly heated up, but she simply refused to let go the arm of Long Yi, instead held it tightly with both hands. Originally both of them were already eye-catching as they were handsome man and beautiful woman, in addition to this, basically all the peoples of Light city knew the eldest daughter of Phoenix clan, so seeing Miss High and Mighty with eyes above her head was unexpectedly entangling with a man in a public place with numerous peoples, numerous peoples come over to joined in the fun.

Chapter 36: Difference of love and like

Seeing more and more peoples were gathering around them, Long Yi was rather helpless, and again look at this Miss High and Mighty who despite having her face thoroughly red like the monkey's butt, was still not letting him go.

"My Miss High and Mighty, I give up, so can we change the location?" Long Yi whispered, he was absolutely certain that many kind of rumors would fly around everywhere in a while. He didn't care about it but it would be not so good for the reputation of this young miss.

"M-hm." Yu Feng answered in a very small voice. But she didn't know why she was this nervous in front of him.

Long Yi took Yu Feng and quickly mounted on the back of Red Cloud, then immediately escaped from that place, and disappeared from the view of those peoples.

Inside cathedral of Light church, Si Bi saw her beloved man leave with another woman with her own eyes. Her whole body quivered continuously, and her pairs of lustrous eyes, instantly lost their luster.

"Silly child, look inside your heart clearly, do you really want to hand him over to another woman on a silver platter?" Kai Lin lovingly stroke the long hair of Si Bi, and sighed. Although Si Bi was saying this with her own mouth, nevertheless her heart was extremely unwilling to give up Long Yi.

"I don't know, I….I don't know." Si Bi shook her head absent-mindly, as her heart collapsed.

"Now he has better woman then me, I should be happy, isn't that so? But why am I feeling heartache like this? Elder, why?" Si Bi tightly hugged Kai Lin, and wondered just like a lost child.

Hearing the murmuring voice of Si Bi, Kai Lin felt heartache, her eyes flashed with pain and reminisce: "This child, myself and Zhu Di are so very much similar, could it be that Si Bi also needs to suffer pain for all her life like us?"

"Silly child, this means your heart is unable to let him go, so go, go and get him back." Replied Kai Lin.

Si Bi quivered, slowly shook her head, and said in a hoarse voice: "No, I can't be selfish like this, I can feel that his heart is unrestrained, enthusiastic and yearn for freedom, so how can I confine his heart inside my small world?"

"But child, did you consider about your feeling and yourself?" Kai Lin however denied. She quivered with dissatisfaction, as she thought: "The love of this lass is so great and passionate, that she'll do anything for the sake of her love. Even if there is hell before her, she'll directly jump down without any regret for her love."

Si Bi didn't answer Kai Lin, she directly got up, obstinately wiped her tears, and said: "Elder, I want to become very strong."


Long Yi took Yu Feng to a place where there was no one all around, then dismounted from the horse, and straightly stared at still blushing Yu Feng.

"Why are you staring at me like this?" Yu Feng was rather unable to bear Long Yi's stare, so she asked him while avoiding his gaze.

"Now you are feeling embarrassed? Just a moment ago, weren't you very bold? Also when you go back, you are definitely going to hear many rumors about how infatuation Miss High and Mighty was pursuing a man." Long Yi said with a smile.

"I don't care." Yu Feng was after all a young lady of influential family, so without giving a shred of ground, she simply lifted her head and replied Long Yi looking face to face.

Comforting the blazing eyes of Yu Feng, Long Yi actually was rather unable to endure. He indistinctly guessed that she had seen through his identity, otherwise how could her attitude change like this within a single day.

"Thank you for saving me." The voice of Yu Feng suddenly became very soft, and looking at Long Yi, her eyes became even more passionate. That view of his back of that time, it was impossible for her to forget throughout her whole life.

Pretending to be surprised, Long Yi exclaimed: "Aren't you mistaken, I don't remember saving you."

"You bastard, son-of-a-bitch, rotten eggs." Yu Feng suddenly outburst, then rushed in front of Long Yi, and started to punch Long Yi again and again.

Felling a barrage of weak punches of Yu Feng, Long Yi cried loudly inside his heart: "This clearly is the move of a sweetheart acting spoiled."

Although not painful, still Long Yi couldn't let her continuously hit him, so he caught both of her small fists.

"Okay, stop it, in the end what do you want?" Long Yi helplessly asked. Saying this was indirectly admitting that he was her benefactor.

Hearing Long Yi, caught Yu Feng again began to act out violently, however this time she use a bit more strength to beat him, denounced him for his shamelessness, complained that he seduced then abandoned, cast aside wife and discarded the son, seen her body and wanted to run and so on.

Long Yi repeatedly caught Yu Feng's restless fist, and making a wry smile he said: "Then your wish is….."

"Still need me to say? Take responsibility for your actions." Yu Feng lowered her head, she as an eldest daughter of Phoenix clan was unexpectedly using a trick to force a marriage, she couldn't help but found it laughable inside her heart.

Hearing Yu Feng, Long Yi was somewhat absentminded. Previously Si Bi had also used similar kind of argument and demanded him to marry her, but when he intend to accept it, she left him for a stupid reason.

"What happened to you?" Seeing Long Yi suddenly had a sad expression in his eyes, Yu Feng awkwardly asked.

Long Yi replied with a bitter smile: "I already have a wife."

"Wha….what? You are married? Then what should I do?" Yu Feng was shocked, and her facial expression collapsed. Although Canglan continent didn't restrict polygamy, but she was unwilling to share her husband with other woman.

Seeing the expression of Yu Feng, Long Yi guessed what was in her mind. Once more thinking of how Si Bi had left him so that he could find even more outstanding women and enjoy luck with many women, Long Yi thought about her even more. "This is exactly the difference between love and like."

"You do as you see fit." Said Long Yi, then didn't speak anymore.

Yu Feng was dumbfounded, even if she agreed, her mother would definitely not agree. All through the ages, women were in-charge in Phoenix clan, and from past till the present men marry into her clan, so let alone becoming concubine, it was impossible for her to marry out too. But could she let him go just like this? He however was the first man she was greatly interested in, yet she could not force him to separate from his wife. So what should she do now?

"There are many men in this world, so you will definitely come across someone better." Long Yi emblematically said this sentence, turned around, and disappeared without looking back.

Eyes full of tears, Yu Feng also spun around, but she sturdily didn't let the tears to fall down, only muttered: "Although there are many better men in this world, but I only like you!"

Chapter 37: Dark temptation

The dim light of night very quietly enveloped the earth, but Light city was still bustling. With multi-colored magic lights lit up in this city, this city looked very enchanting.

Lu Xiya stumbled and opened her eyes, after she slowly looked all around her, she dully shrieked and jumped up. Before anything else, she checked her clothing. After finding her clothing were in perfect condition, she sighed in relief. She remembered only up to the time she drank alcohol with Long Yi, and all the things that happened after that she knew nothing.

Hearing the shriek of Lu Xiya, Leng Youyou who was tiding up living room came over.

"You are? How'd I get here?" Lu Xiya was shocked to see Leng youyou here.

"That guy carried you here." Leng Youyou indifferently answered.

Lu Xiya's face become red, she naturally knew who 'that guy' Leng Youyou was referring to.

"Thank you, elder sister Youyou." Lu Xiya appreciatively thanked Leng Youyou.

Confronting that sincere smiling face of Lu Xiya, Leng Youyou obviously felt somewhat awkward. From her childhood till now she didn't have any friend, and also didn't have anyone who would call her elder sister.

Smile was magic weapon of human interpersonal communication, and the lovely smile of Lu Xiya was extremely natural and honest, so whoever saw this smile of hers, they would not be able to forget her magnificent smile. And this smile of Lu Xiya very quickly broke through the heart guard of Leng Youyou, then these two peoples unexpectedly chattered continuously as if they were close sister for many years, making other people sigh with feeling for Lu Xiya's affinity.

Long Yi dragged his somewhat heavy steps on the street, the bustling crowds of people were not able to block his lonely back. Lightly sighing, Long Yi threw off the distracting thoughts inside his brain, he figured it out, meeting and breaking up is up to fate, so why bother to insist, as the love between man and woman is very long.

Entering the inn, just when he was about to enter his room, the door next to his room opened, and a head emerged from the door slit.

"Where have you been? Why return only now?" Lu Xiya asked.

"I went to stroll outside, little elf, did you sleep comfortably?" Long Yi teasingly asked.

Lu Xiya pouted: "Unwell, my head still ache."

"Is that so? Come over here." Long Yi called Lu Xiya.

Lu Xiya bolted out just like a leopard cat, she basically didn't put up any guard against Long Yi. Basically the elves were very exclusive to humankind, because in their eyes, humankind were selfish, employ scheme to heavily massacre other races and so on, but towards Long Yi, Lu Xiya felt a hard to express in words closeness, and his lazy smile always made her feel at ease.

Long Yi rubbed his hands, and tiny amount of internal force revolve around his palm, thereafter become hot. He pressed both of his hand on the temples of Lu Xiya, and used his internal force to help her circulate her qi and blood. Leng Youyou immediately rushed out, caught Lu Xiya with one hand and pulled her behind herself, just like a hen protecting a chick.

"Little girl, why on the earth are you doing that?" Long Yi helplessly asked.

"What on the earth did you ask Lu Xiya to do? As long as I am here, don't think that it is possible for you to bully and take advantage of her." Leng Youyou coldly snapped.

Long Yi was dumbfounded and thought: "Why is this woman joking around like this? Which eye of hers sees that I was taking advantage of this little elf?"

"Elder sister Youyou, you misunderstood. Long Yi didn't take advantage of me." Lu Xiya hurriedly tried to defend Long Yi.

"Elder sister Youyou?" Hearing Lu Xiya calling Leng Youyou like this, he was rather surprised, and thought: "When did the relation of these two woman became this good?"

"Hey little girl, I just wanted to treat the headache of little elf. Why are you still distrusting me like this, have some trust in me. Ah, I remembered you saying that you would believe in me." Long Yi discontentedly looked over the direction of Leng Youyou.

Leng Youyou was somewhat embarrassed, she also remembered herself saying that sentence. Simultaneously she also remembered that Long Yi had seen her underwear and took liberties of her.

Under the electrifying supercilious looks of Leng Youyou, Long Yi's heart was actually somewhat lightly numbed, he didn't expect that the electric power of this girl's look was this powerful.

Immediately after that, Long Yi again called out Lu Xiya, again placed his palms on her temples, then his internal force seeped into her brain from the acupuncture points, and began to unblock the channels by dispersing the deposits of alcohol inside her body.

"Ah, so hot, so comfortable." Lu Xiya merely sensed a stream of hot airflow gently rushing into her brain, and felt so pleasant that she couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

Using internal force, he massaged Lu Xiya for a while. And just when Long Yi was about to stop his service, having tasted the flavor, Lu Xiya unexpectedly didn't complied: "Long Yi, don't stop. So comfortable." Then said to Leng Youyou: "Elder sister Youyou, you should also try this, it's really so comfortable."

Long Yi didn't know whether to cry or laugh, he just withdrew his hand and playing with the nose of Lu Xiya, he said: "Little elf, do you think I am free of charge massager."

Lu Xiya shook her head, felt completely refreshed and her head didn't ached a bit. So she curiously asked: "Long Yi, was that your magic? Aren't you a fighter? Don't tell me that you are duel cultivator, magic fighter?"

Leng Youyou also strangely watched Long Yi. Magic fighter, a duel cultivator was, some people already possessed magic physique, and also had aptitude to train douqi, these kind of peoples could duel cultivate both magic and douqi. But generally cultivating both results in both being very mediocre, therefore even if someone possess this kind of qualification, they always choose only one type to cultivate.

Long Yi shrugged his shoulder and said with a smile: "As a matter of fact, it's not a magic or douqi, and as for what this is, you don't need to know."

At this time, the blood colored skull mark on his left palm suddenly vibrated, and he sense a strong dark magic fluctuation, and was suddenly overtaken by the feeling of being spied on. He subconsciously looked towards Leng Youyou, only to find that her complexion was completely pale, and her body was slightly trembling with fear. And the dark magic fluctuation was not coming out from her body.

Long Yi was dumbfounded, immediately knew that this feeling of being spied on was very probably towards Leng Youyou. He stepped forward and caught Leng Youyou with one hand, then embracing her, he used his internal force to severe the dark magic fluctuation.

Leng Youyou spared no effort to ward off this dark magic 'dark temptation' which had completely enveloped her whole body. This type of magic could make people lose their rational, turning into a puppet of caster, furthermore this dark magic could also cause other people who cultivates dark magic to lose control over their dark magic, letting everyone to know that one cultivates dark magic. Leng Youyou knew that they found her, and as they were not able to absolutely determine her, they were using this method to probe. But just when she was no longer able to suppress her dark magic element, Long Yi suddenly pulled her in his embrace. She was struck dumb with amazement, and believed that Long Yi wanted to take advantage of her, but very soon she discovered that a warm airflow gushed out from his body, and enveloped her whole body severing the dark temptation. After that the dark magic elements inside her body also completely calmed down.

Chapter 38: Huangmang small town

After a while, the blood colored skull mark in his palm finally calmed down.

"It's all right now." Long Yi softly whispered in the ear of Leng youyou.

The beautiful face of Leng Youyou became red, pushed Long Yi away and fell back two steps. Feeling awkward and complicated, she just stood there not knowing what to say.

"You….." Lu Xiya pointed at Long Yi and Leng Youyou with shocked face, she didn't know what had happened just a moment ago, she just saw that Long Yi suddenly hugged Leng Youyou, and Leng Youyou obediently stayed motionless in his embrace.

"What you, it's already getting late, so we should get some sleep, as we need to wake up early in the morning tomorrow." Long Yi lightly knocked the small head of Lu Xiya, then opened the door of his room, entered and shut the door, leaving behind two startled girls outside.

After Long Yi entered the room, he quickly opened the window, and just like a wisp of cyan smoke, he swept past and landed on the roof. After that just like a vigorous eagle, he scanned the crowds in the street, but he didn't discover anything unusual. It seems the person who had casted Dark Temptation had concealed his magic fluctuation very well. Long Yi basically didn't know where to start, so he helplessly return back inside his room and began to meditate whole-heartedly. This world was not simple at all, so he needs to increase his strength as soon as possible.

Leng Youyou and Lu Xiya were lying on the bed side by side, the whole room was dark, but their eyes were shining like a full moon in this darkness. It seems both of them were not sleepy at all.

Leng Youyou was naturally thinking about Long Yi, the sensation she felt when she was in contact with Long Yi was extremely mysterious and unfathomable. Thanks to his help just a moment ago, she was able to conceal her identity as a dark magician. Leng Youyou was certain that Long Yi had become aware of dark magic inside her body, but why did he had indifference expression? And why was he able to easily block the effect of Dark Temptation, in the end who is he? A series of questions kept on appearing in her mind, causing her to toss around on the bed.

"Elder sister Youyou, are you asleep?" In the end, Lu Xiya couldn't bear and opened her mouth.

"M-hn, what's the matter?" Leng Youyou asked absent-mindedly.

"A moment ago, just what happened a moment ago?" Lu Xiya asked, she felt that the scene of just a moment ago was a little bit unnatural, why did the two diametrically opposite people suddenly hugged each other like that.

Leng Youyou remained silent for a good while, then lightly replied: "Nothing, now sleep."

"Oh." Lu Xiya replied. She knew that Leng Youyou didn't want to talk about it. She was not the type of people who didn't know where to stop, so even though she was slightly curious and was also slightly uncomfortable, she stopped pestering.

The very long night gently slipped away under the respective train of thoughts of these two girls, sky gave off misty lights, and the bustling sounds in the street began to rise again one after another.

Long Yi and other two walked towards the eastern gate of Light city. Long Yi walked in the front, and two girls just like his maids, one at the left and other at the right followed him behind. All the way, with the exception of silence, they was only silence. Long Yi also didn't know what happened to these two girls today, as if they had tacit agreement, both of them didn't speak a single world from this morning.

A little while later, the trio finally arrived at Eastern gate. Swords Master Ha Lei, Fire system Magician Ge Leita, Light System Magician Lan Tian, Advance Fighter Shi Yanshou, and beast-human fighter Shi Manniu were waiting for them.

"Good morning everyone, are we late?" Long Yi greeted everyone with a smile.

"No, we also just got here." Ha Lei as before had an honest smile on his face.

"Ha Lei, since everyone is here, let's go." Barbarian Bull loudly said. It seems he was somewhat too impatient to wait any longer. And he also looked like risk taking fanatics.

Ha Lei nodded, and waved his hand, after that the adventure team compose of eight individuals began to move towards Huangmang plain. They were in the formation which was commonly used by the adventure groups of Canglan continent. Fighters in the outside areas, magicians in the middle, and archer in the rear.

Huangmang plain was a boundless grassland expanding widely, but as a matter of fact, saying this plain was entirely grassland was not correct, because merely the periphery that could be seen was filled with green grass, after passing through this periphery grassland, the inside was more bleak and desolate, swamps were spread all over, and there were many wetlands, deserts and also numerous ferocious magical beasts all over. It is said that even S-class magical beasts appears in this place. This place was adventurer's paradise, and simultaneously also a graveyard of adventurers. In the past many years, no one knows how many adventurers had lost their life here. But men will die for wealth, as birds for food, many adventurers enter this Huangmang plains which was a treasure trove full of dangers. A magic core of a single B-class magical beasts could be sold for 1000 Amethyst coins, and a magic core of A-class magical beasts could be sold for several thousand Amethyst coins, this was merely very common things, and naturally many peoples risk their lives to get these things.

Huangmang plain was located at the borderline of Kuanglong Empire and Aoyue Empire, and do not belongs to any empires' jurisdiction, therefore this place didn't have any law and order, even if you kill people in this place, no one will care about it.

Half a month later, Long Yi and others finally arrived at a small town at the edge of Huangmang plain, and surprisingly, this small town was very bustling. Various kind of shops had everything you could wish for, tens of thousands of adventurer of various profession and adventurers groups were flooded in this small town.

"Wow, this place is livelier than the previous second class city." Lu Xiya exclaimed. She had already revert back to her former child disposition, and was chattering continuously.

"Everyone, be careful. Killing person is not illegal here, so we should not quarrel with others as much as possible." Ha Lei warned. He was a little bit more knowledgeable about this place. Many high raked mercenary groups come here for their mission, so if they fight here, then they would only suffer losses.

Ge Leite snorted, clearly not agreeing to this. Long Yi found Ge Leite somewhat funny, it seems this guy who was more than 30 years in age, was merely a frog in a well, could it be that this guy believed that among all these amass adventurers in this small town, he could do anything he wants with his mere Advance fire element Magician ranked strength? In this place, it is of no surprise even if you encounter Mage, truly don't know where all the food he had eaten for several tens of years had gone.

At this time, just when their party planned to look for an inn to rest, they suddenly sensed a strong magic and douqi fluctuation.

"We better not go over, and also don't intervene." Hai Lei warned.

Just when Ge Leita was about to express different opinion, suddenly a figure flew over from the chaos and landed on the ground near his foot. This was actually a half body of magician, and the intestine and internal organs were hanging down from the waist. The complexion of Ge Leita instantly become pale, then he hastily recede.

Lu Xiya also jumped back frightened, and reflexively tightly held the sleeve of Long Yi's garment. After that she didn't dare to look over.

"Yi, Master Magician of Aoyue Empire's Magician guild." After carefully looking at the magic robe of this half corpse, Ha Lei exclaimed in surprise.

Chapter 39: Clash

The reason why Ha lei was able to determine the identity of this half corpse, was because of the magic robe and magic guild medal on it. Each country's profession guild's profession dresses were different, and also the pattern of each rank dresses were also not completely identical, so anyone with discerning eyes would be able to determine the identity of others.

In Long Yi's eight man adventurer team, with the exception of Long Yi, Lu Xiya and this mysterious Leng Youyou, everyone else had joined profession guilds. Although after joining profession guilds, one would receive hefty monthly pay, and also receive the protection of respective guilds, but simultaneously they also had corresponding obligation. For instance, if one's guild and other countries' guild have a conflict or other members of guild is in danger, then one must aid. Naturally if there is internal strife, then they could either take part or not, according to one's choice.

Just when everyone were suspicious about the identity of these two peoples, suddenly two fireworks almost simultaneously rose in the sky, and exploded in the sky, making two types of completely different patterns.

"Turned out to be the magician guild of Aoyue Empire and magician guild of Nalan Empire, this has nothing to do with us, so let's look for an inn and rest." Ha Lei felt as if he was relieved of a heavy load, if it was Aoyue Empire and Kuanglong Empire, then he and the entire group would be forced to involve in it.

Just at this time, strong magic fluctuation surged from all direction. Sensing this Long Yi was speechless: "It seems the fight just escalated, isn't this small town very likely to be razed to the ground by magicians?"

"No, they will voluntarily gather outside this small town to settle their score." Light Magician Lan Tian said and his voice was still mild. But behind those mild voice, there was complete indifference. Everyone always put their own benefit first, even in this group, this light priest who always unreservedly speak about humanity was no exception. This matter had nothing to do with him, so he was indifferent.

Not long after that, multicolored various ranked magician almost filled this narrow street. Among them there were also fighters, thieves, and archers, it may be assumed that all of them were back up forces of respective group who had come over to help. This Huangmang small town was full of adventurers and tens of thousands groups of every countries. Now the magician guilds of two big empire clashed with each other, so how many people would get involved in it?

Just like Lan Tian said, everyone of both side refused to budge for a while, then began to move towards outside of this small town, and a lot of magician actually casted float skill too. This scene was too spectacular.

"How about we also go and see the bustle." Long Yi suggested. It was not easy to come across such large scale battle.

"No, we shouldn't. Many magicians are going to fight, and their destructive power is extremely alarming, if we go there, it is very likely to accidentally receive injuries. Now we should just go, look for an inn and rest well, so that we could raise our spirit to enter Huangmang plain tomorrow." Ha Lei opposed Long Yi's suggestion.

Ha Lei was leader of this adventurer team, and since he was against that, naturally no one had anything to say. After that they causally found an inn and rent four rooms, two in each room. Lu Xiya and Leng Youyou naturally stayed in one room, two magicians stayed in one room, Shi Yan and Ha Lei stayed in one room, and the remaining Long Yi and Barbarian bull in last room. Including Ha Lei, all others unexpectedly didn't want to stay in the same room with Barbarian bull. They didn't expressed it, but this particular aspects reflected the discrimination against beast-men.

Entering inside the room, Long Yi shut the door then said Barbarian bull in a low voice: "Big Bull, came over here."

Barbarian Bull admired Ling Yi very highly and also treated Long Yi as sworn brother. On one side because beast-men clan worships strong, and on the other side, from the start, only Long Yi and that elf had frequently talked with him, furthermore treated him as a friend. Although he was thick skinned but he clearly knew that other peoples more or less somewhat look down upon him. Only Long Yi even though it seems he was making fun of him, he would always sense warmth in them.

Barbarian bull heard to Long Yi, so he lowered his head. While standing Barbarian bull was more than 8 chi in height, and the posture of him lowering his head to the height of Long Yi's head looked quite comical.

Long Yi whispered something on the ear of Barbarian bull's ear, then the eyes of Barbarian bull lit up, as he repeatedly nodded his head.

After hanging the 'Please do not disturb' sign outside the door, Long Yi opened the window, bored his head and looked underneath for a while. This window was not faced towards the main street, only a small uninhabited alley was present. So using his internal force, Long Yi caught Barbarian bull, jumped down and lightly landed on the ground. This made Barbarian bull to admire Long Yi even more, and now looking at Long Yi, his eyes lit up in worship.

After that both of them dashed towards outside the town, and just when they reached the doorway, they discovered many peoples were also dashing towards the outside of town to watch the excitement. At that time, the sharp-eye of Long Yi suddenly saw two familiar figures who were in the process of dashing in front of them.

"Little elf, wait for us." Long Yi loudly yelled, he had never thought that, these two girls have sneaked out ahead of them.

Hearing Long Yi, those two girls stopped, turned around and waited for two peoples to come near them.

"Long Yi, I knew you'll absolutely sneak out." Lu Xiya smiled beautifully, as if she was extremely proud of herself for her own judgment.

"You two are too mean, not even calling us." Long Yi smiled and habitually teased Lu Xiya's small nose.

"Elder sister Youyou said that you will definitely catch up to us, so we come out first." As if she was also already accustomed to the teasing to Long Yi, Lu Xiya replied without even a bit of annoyed expression.

Long Yi looked towards Leng Youyou, but she evaded his gaze. In this half a month time, she had basically avoided meeting Long Yi. First he knew that she cultivates dark magic and second, he was extremely mysterious individual, so Leng Youyou subconsciously was cautious towards Long Yi.

At this moment, suddenly explosion sounds came from distance, and earth began to shake.

"Fight have begun, we should hurry over there." Long Yi excitedly said.

Looking over to the huge distance, Long Yi hesitated for a moment, then he casted gale magic spell on all of them. After that he took the lead and ran forward. Leng Youyou and other three felt their body became light, and their speed suddenly increased. All of them were starlet, and thought what this magic was. But without thinking, they knew that this was the trick of Long Yi, so the mysteriousness on Long Yi increased even more.

The battlefield was at the edge of Huangmang plain, and there were more than thousands of people on the both sides for this battle. So this battle was going to be really spectacular. Other than Long Yi and his group, several others were also on the sidelines.

"What is this? I thought this would be many times more devastating, so what is the meaning of this?" After seeing the scene of battle, Long Yi said with disappointment.

"Yes, that's right. I knew it, the magicians are turtles who only knows how to shoot from the rear." Barbarian Bull nodded his head and said with the same feeling.

But Barbarian Bull very quickly discovered that Lu Xiya and Leng Youyou were directly glaring at him. Only then he remembered these two companions were also magicians. Then he immediately stroked his head's horn and said: "I am not talking about you two, I meant them."

Both of these girls snorted coldly. Correct Lu Xiya was also a magician, exactly speaking she is a magic archer. It is common knowledge that elves were heavenly-gifted archer and magician. And after adding magic in bow and arrows, the might of bow and arrows become very huge. Compared to normal archer, magic archer were many times more powerful.

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Chapter 40: Fire element Master Archmage

The reason why Long Yi was disappointed was not because the peoples of both sides were not trying their best, on the contrary they were going all out regardless of danger to their life, merely the magicians of both sides were jointly firing magic attacks at the barrier of each other. Magnificent magic were exploding like a fireworks on the barrier, the momentum was really great, but even after cross firing for a long time, there was not a single injured person. So it was not that exciting to watch.

Right now this battle of thousands of peoples on both sides resembles a fireworks party instead of battle, but the power of magic were really excellent, in a single word strong. Long Yi and his group had already retreated and again retreated. Now the ground outside the barrier resembled freshly ploughed field, was full of bumps and hollows. The after effect of magic also caused the blood and qi of spectators to roll over and over.

The sky gradually darkened, the crescent moon mischievously emerged from the clouds. In the dim light of night, the magnificent magic looked even more magnificent.

"When are they going to end playing like this? Watching this, this bull almost fell asleep." Barbarian Bull droned. He was already somewhat restless.

"What's the rush? Wonderful drama is about to begin." Long Yi said with a smile. He discovered that the barrier of both sides had already began to fluctuate, clearly it was almost at its limit.

Sure enough, a little while after Long Yi finished speaking, the magic barrier of both side violently swayed, after that basically at the same time, they disappeared. After that the magicians of both sides simultaneously began to launch widespread attack magic, and the fighters who came to help respective sides rushed towards the other side just like cruel beasts of prey. It was common knowledge that the close combat ability of magicians was almost negligible, so at close combat, fighters could slaughter magicians just like killing chickens.

When the melee battle truly began, horrible shriek rose one after another. Meteors showers and hailstones started to rain down from the sky, earth thorns began to grow from the grounds, fissures started to appear on the ground, pure white holy light illuminated the night sky and so on. This confrontation cause both sides to suffer heavy losses, horrible shriek never stopped, and people died in even more strange ways, some peoples were roasted into charcoal, some peoples were freezed to popsicles, furthermore some peoples were stabbed by earth thorn into meat skewer.

Long Yi and his group were dumbstrucked watching this devastating and chaotic war of magicians. Just a moment ago, he was feeling disappointed, but now he again felt too excessive. The power of thousands of magicians truly was too immense.

"Be careful, quickly retreat." Long Yi warned, as he saw meteor shower was raining towards their side.

Just when all four of them were about to retreat, the ground suddenly shook violently, and all four of them lost their balance and fell on the ground. And what was even more terrible was, many huge cracks were spreading towards their sides from the battlefield, and just at this moment, the meteor shower was already before them.

Long Yi cursed inside his heart: "It turns out curiosity not only kills the cat, but also kills humans."

"Barbarian Bull, protect them." Long Yi immediately shouted loudly. Then he took out huge sword from inside the space ring, and brandish his sword. Ding ding dang dang, the falling meteor shower was split open. Barbarian bull also took out his weapon, a super mace, and knocked the rain of fire causing to scatter in all direction.

Long Yi and his groups were very lucky, the earth fissure finally stopped not far away from them, and only the meteor shower was sudden and unexpected, but all four of them were completely uninjured, they were merely in a slight difficult position nothing else. But many of the other onlookers were not so lucky, many of them were killed or injured by the chaotic magic which flew everywhere.

"Long Yi, we should withdraw." Lu Xiya said with lingering fears.

Long Yi nodded his head and said: "I agree, it's too dangerous here, we should withdraw."

At this time, Long Yi felt sluggish, and the air around seemed frozen. And the place in which magic were being fired in full swing suddenly muted. Everything looked abnormal.

"Ah, the magic element around are completely shucked out." Leng Youyou suddenly exclaimed in extreme surprise.

Long Yi released his spirit power, sure enough not a single bit of magic elements gathered.

"What is going on here?" Long Yi doubtfully asked.

"There is only one possibility, someone meddled in." Leng Youyou replied.

"Who is so powerful?" Long Yi exclaimed.

"Should be one of the 5 Master Archmage, as for who, you'll know right away." Leng Youyou answered.

Just after Leng Youyou spoke, a red figure flashed through the sky. Wearing an extremely gorgeous fiery red magic robe, an old man who had fiery red hair and beard appeared at the battlefield of Aoyue magician guild and Nalan magician guild. Seeing his magic robe's fine decorative pattern, one would know that he really was Master Archmage.

""Fire element Master Archmage PuXiusi."" Leng Youyou and Lu XIya simultaneously exclaimed.

"PuXiusi?" Long Yi asked very idiocy question. Even Barbarian Bull looked at him as if he is rustic. And also looked at him as if not knowing PuXiusi's name was a heinous crime.

Long Yi made a wry smile in his face. Then searched his memory, he indeed faintly recalled person with such name. But you can't blame Long Yi for this, blame the ignorant and incompetent Ximen Yu. With the exception of women, everything else were very vague in the memory of this boy.

PuXiusi looked at the miserable condition, couldn't help but had blue veins in his forehead twitch. The number of casualties on both sides exceed 100 people, among them there was no lack of Master Magician. He himself was not person of Aoyue Empire or Nalan Empire, was also not the people of Kuang long Empire, rather was from the small country called MiYa, whose population was less than one million. But because he was Master Archmage, the bordering country including three big Empire had very courteously receptive his small country.

"This is the matter of the magician guild of your two countries, so I don't have jurisdiction over it, but you all seriously disturb the silence of mine. Now all of you disperse, if you create further disturbance by continuing your battle, don't blame me for being impolite." PuXiusi said loftily.

Hearing PuXiusi, not even one among more than one thousands peoples below dared to rebut. All of them quietly began to clear away their companions' corpse. In their eyes, Master Archmage was supreme existence. Absolute majority of peoples had joined such large scale battle of magicians for the first time, so many peoples calmed down only after losing their voice from crying in pain.

Watching slowly dispersing crowds, PuXiusi sighed and said while shaking his head: "It seems Canglan continent will no longer be peaceful and tranquil."

PuXiusi knew that this large-scale war between two countries' guilds would definitely strain the relation between these two countries by a great degree. Basically magicians were very scarce, and cultivating them were not easy too, now all of a sudden many casualties appeared among them, that would definitely affect the relationship.

Just when PuXiusi was about to leave, he suddenly sensed unusual gaze on himself, so he instinctively turned around his head and looked over, only to see a handsome youngster at a distant place was unscrupulously sizing him up and also looking at him with full of curiosity.

PuXiusi couldn't help but become amazed. He knew that with his identity, even the emperors of three big Empire would look at him with extreme respect, who would use this kind of gaze to look at him, he couldn't help but want to try and see the weight of this youngster. So he congealed his spiritual power, and fired two essence just like sharp knife towards Long Yi from his two eyes.

Even after this he saw that the eyes of Long Yi only flashed, but refusing to yield an inch, Long Yi continued to look at him face to face.

"Oh, good boy." PuXiusi said with surprise.

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