591 - 598

Chapter 591: Peculiar space

Strolling around Demonic Dragon Island along with Sharman and Crystal, Long Yi was in a good mood. The scenery of Demonic Dragon Island was truly great. This single island was actually divided into several completely different environments. At the center of this island was a continuous range of mountains covered with dense forests; moreover, there were also lakes hidden among them. The northwest zone, nevertheless, was filled with jagged rocks of grotesque shapes. The surface was full of grey-black rocks and steam occasionally shrouded this place. One could even hear the gurgling sound of spring water. This place unexpectedly was a hot spring of a quality that was very difficult to see on Blue Waves Continent. It was due to an active volcano located in this northwest region. Although it was an active volcano, according to Sharman, from the time since the Demonic Dragon Clan had migrated here, this volcano had never erupted. Merely, some smoke and dust would occasionally emerge from the crater. They had never seen magma flowing out. Presumably, it was a stable active volcano. As for the southeastern region, it was a wide expanse of flat land. That place had carpet-like lush green grass covering everywhere, and at its end was the vast sea. This scene truly made people sigh endlessly in admiration.

"Sharman, your Demonic Dragon Island is a good place. It is a pretty good choice for spending one's holidays," Long Yi sat on the soft grassland and said while looking at a few fire rabbits playing with each other not far away.

"Hereafter, you are free to come often, but I am afraid that our small Demonic Dragon Island will not even enter your sights soon," Sharman said with a smile. Looking at Long Yi, a hint of happiness appeared in her heart.

"How can that be? Your Demonic Dragon Island has such beautiful scenery; moreover, there are two outstanding great beauties! Anyone would be reluctant to leave after seeing them," Long Yi said with a smile.

Sharman smiled and said, "Then, are you also reluctant to leave? Of course, if there aren't any other important matters to attend, you should stay here for some time."

Long Yi bit a long grass stalk and imagined playing with his numerous girls in this grassland. Just like those fire rabbits, when they got tired, they could go to the hot springs of the northwest and be completely open with each other. At that time, touching Xiangyun's thigh, touching Ruyue's pert buttocks, not to mention…

"Long Yi, how come you are drooling? I can tell just from looking at your expression. Aren't you thinking about something bad?" The fantasies of Long Yi were destroyed by a pinch from Sharman. He screamed and came back to reality.

"Heh heh, I was thinking about you!" Long Yi said with a bad smile. He was very eager for that kind of pleasant business. In this world, he had already undertaken more than sufficient responsibilities, but wasn't everything for the sake of being able to live this kind of quiet and beautiful life in the end?

Sharman snorted softly, but a hint of a blush appeared on her beautiful face.

The four people fell into a kind of tacit silence for a moment. Only a sea breeze blew softly, and the grasses far away swayed. The continuous sea waves far away seemed to have suddenly turned blue from green, becoming well organized and coherent. This was especially fascinating.

Suddenly, Long Yi sprang to his feet. Clapping his hands, he spat out that grass he was biting and said, "Okay, Sharman, take me to a secret and quiet place to set up the transfer magic array. I and Liuli still have to go look for Undersea City. I cannot stay here for too long."

Sharman thought for a bit and led Long Yi toward the northeast direction. There was a big cave there, and the guards of Demonic Dragon Clan strictly guarded that place. However, these guards didn't stop them upon seeing that Sharman was leading them.

"This cannot be the forbidden land of your Demonic Dragon Clan, can it?" Long Yi asked with a smile after seeing more than ten huge demonic dragon guards.

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"You could consider it that. This is the resting place for the imperial kinsmen of the Demonic Dragon Clan. My mother is inside," Sharman softly replied. She looked somewhat dejected when speaking about her mother.

Long Yi gently held the little hand of Sharman, before releasing it. He talked no more.

Sharman looked at Long Yi, and her complexion became soft. She smiled at him in gratitude and then led them inside the cave.

The cave was full of fist-sized night-luminescent pearls that emitted a soft milky white radiance. There were no other decorations apart from this. Walking just a few hundred meters, they arrived at the end. There was a white jade door with a strange totem carved on it.

Sharman dropped a droplet of her blood onto the groove of this gate. This white jade door emitted a strange magical radiance and slowly opened, sliding to two sides.

Long Yi and Liuli were dazzled for a moment. By the time they could see once more, they discovered that the other side of this gate was a completely different world. A warm and cozy aura blew against them, and a lush and green land with neatly arranged unknown trees appeared before their eyes. There were also colorful fresh flowers with a group of beautiful butterflies dancing lightly and gracefully. A spring gurgled at the right side. There were simply so many beautiful things that one couldn't take them all in.

"So beautiful!" After a good while, Liuli finally managed to exclaim in amazement.

Following the gaze of Liuli, Long Yi looked up and was also surprised. Unexpectedly, this was not open space as he had expected. Rather above was a luminous rock, and the light it emitted felt no different from sunlight. He had never seen such a peculiar scenery.

"This place was accidentally discovered by the first Demonic Dragon King of our Demonic Dragon Clan. This place is too peculiar. Although it is not too big, the trees here are green throughout the year, and the flowers never wither. Moreover, the remains placed here will never rot," Sharman softly said, leading them in.

Those beautiful butterflies were not afraid of strangers. They just fluttered around everyone. Some even boldly landed on their shoulders, bringing along a strange fragrance. It was not the fragrance of flowers, but the fragrance of these butterflies.

When Long Yi raised this question, Sharman smiled and said, "No one knows how long these butterflies have been living here. In any case, according to my mother, there are 356 butterflies here and this number never increases or decreases. With that being the case, I think that since they have been surrounded by the fragrance of flowers for years and years, a variation might have been born in their physique."

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The four people walked through a long and narrow artificial path. Right in front and less than 200 meters away were rows of transparent crystal coffins. There were more than 30 crystal coffins with old and young men and women of the Demonic Dragon Clan lying inside them. They were all in human form, presumably because this mystical place was too small.

Sharman strode in front of a crystal coffin that was at one end. There was a young and beautiful woman lying inside it. Her eyes were closed, and she had a ruddy complexion as if she were just sleeping.

"Mother, Manman has come to see you." Sharman caressed the transparent crystal coffin, and her beautiful eyes became somewhat moist.

Long Yi performed the courtesy of humankind toward that woman inside the crystal coffin, and then patted the shoulder of Sharman and said softly, "Don't grieve; don't be sad. It is enough to have beautiful memories."

Sharman turned around and smiled, but her tears fell as she silently poured out her heart, "Mother, this is the man Manman likes. Isn't he very handsome? You will definitely like him; won't you?"

Sharman calmed down and said, "Set up the transfer magic array here. It will be safer."

Long Yi was startled, and he asked, "Isn't this place where only the imperial kinsmen can enter? After some days, your Demonic Dragon Clan will go to the Blue Waves Continent to participate in the convention. What about the rest of the clansmen?"

Sharman smiled softly and said, "Our clansmen have already become too bored from just staying here. It would be better to make them fly there."

Long Yi frowned and said, "Since you insist, I will set up the array here. However, I still want to find another place to set up an array. It is not a bad idea to take some precautions just in case something happens."

"Just in case something happens…" Sharman looked at Long Yi with a solemn expression and muttered to herself.

"No one knows what can happen in the future, so we should leave behind a route of retreat. Don't you understand, you pig brain?" Long Yi lightly knocked the head of Sharman and said. He didn't know what kind of calamity would befall this world in the future, but he knew that it would definitely affect the entire world. He must unite all the races as soon as possible.

"You are the pig brain, bull head, blockhead!" Sharman snorted. Turning around, she ignored Long Yi.

Long Yi just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. He began to set up a relatively small transfer magic array on the open space not far away.

After a while, the transfer magic array was set up.

"If you want to set up another transfer magic array, then how about setting it at the foot of Dragon King Treasured Mountain? Usually, only some elders go in and out of that place," Crystal said.

"Why didn't you say that earlier? You should have taken me there earlier…" Long Yi stopped speaking when he saw that Sharman's complexion had sunk.

"Let's go. Perhaps, father emperor and the elders have finished their discussion. You can also return and set up your transfer magic array," Sharman said and left in a huff.

Long Yi was stunned. He didn't understand why Sharman had suddenly gotten so angry. As it turned out, the brain structure of all female species had similarities with human women, at least in some aspects.

After exiting this strange space, the white jade gate behind them closed automatically.

"Liuli, you say, what was going on with that girl? I haven't offended her, but why is she angry at me without any rhyme or reason? Didn't I just say that I only want to set up another transfer magic array?" Long Yi grabbed the little hand of Liuli and asked in a whisper.

Liuli just smiled. Usually, Young Master was very sharp, but he was sometimes so foolish at times like these. She explained, "Sharman was not angry for this reason."

"Then, what was the reason?" Long Yi asked.

"I think that setting up a transfer magic array was just the pretext to lead you, Young Master, to this forbidden land. I think Sharman likes you," Liuli said with a smile.

Long Yi was still puzzled; he didn't understand how Sharman liking him was linked to this matter. After all, didn't everyone adore him?

"Her mother was there, Young Master. You are truly stupid," Liuli softly said.

Long Yi was stunned. He suddenly hit his own head and rushed to catch up to Sharman.

"Sharman, your mother is truly beautiful." The voice of Long Yi suddenly entered Sharman's ears.

Sharman stopped and turned around; her beautiful face instantly become lively. "You have a pig brain," She forcibly stopped herself from smiling and snorted.

As a matter of fact, she had taken advantage of this situation to accompany Long Yi to the forbidden ground because she had wanted him to meet her mother, but this bad fellow hadn't understand until now.

Chapter 592: Holy Temple's Ancient Magic Array

At the foot of the Dragon King Treasured Mountain, Demonic Dragon King and the elders had just finished discussing the matter of the Dragon Race Convention. Long Yi went over and directly chatted with them for a while. These elders had already heard of the strength of Long Yi, especially Pierre, since he had seen it with his own eyes. These old fellows didn't flaunt their seniority in front of Long Yi. After all, this world was a world where the strong were respected. Moreover, the relation between Long Yi and the Devouring Dragon Physique was an unusually close one. Even if he hadn't had this relation, Long Yi might still have become an imperial kinsman of the Dragon Race through his numerous Dragon Princess admirers.

After a bit, Long Yi set up a transfer magic array at the foot of this treasured mountain. It was comparatively larger than the first transfer magic array. Since this was the first time he had come to the Demonic Dragon Island, he thought about playing around for a few days, but seeing that Liuli was very anxious, he didn't remain here for a long time. He carefully listened as the Demonic Dragon King explained the route again and then bid farewell to everyone on Demonic Dragon Island. He along with Liuli rode Bai Yu and flew toward the vast sea, disappearing into the horizon in the blink of an eye.

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The cold moonlight softly illuminated every corner of the imperial city. The air didn't seem to be pleasantly cool like in the past; instead, it was somewhat gloomy and cold. One could vaguely see a few stars in the sky; it truly was not the starry sky like it had been in the past. The desolate moon was very lonely.

On Tianya Mountain, a beautiful and elegant figure stood straight like a thousand years old fossil. Seemingly, this figure never moved. When the mountain wind blew, her beautiful hair would flutter in the air, making her looked like a fairy floating above this world.

"Long Yi, have you ever thought of me? Or, have you already forgotten this Hanyan after being surrounded by numerous beauties?" Mu Hanyan watched the cold moon in the sky, recalling Long Yi's smiling face: his pitch black eyes that were like stars, the smile on his face that was like a bewitching magic speeding up the heartbeats of others.

Several months ago, she had woken up from a coma and discovered that she had landed in the imperial palace of the Cyan Wind Empire. After that, she had smiled miserably and never spoken again. She would have rather preferred to die in Long Yi's bosom and be buried in the mountain with wildflowers everywhere. Her flesh and blood would nourish the flowers and plants while her soul would float along with the cool breeze. Like that, whenever she missed Long Yi, the gentle breeze would blow those flowers and plants to tell Long Yi that she was thinking about him. Now, although she was alive, she and Long Yi were in two completely different worlds. A powerful invisible barrier had thoroughly separated them. At first, she had forced herself to not think of Long Yi, that man engraved on her bones and heart, but she had discovered that death was better than living like that. Only by thinking of his warm smile and pitch-black eyes filled with wisdom, did she know that she was still a living person.

"Big sister!" A clear and melodious voice came from behind.

Mu Hanyan shook a bit, and the phantom above the cold moon disappeared without a trace. The warm smile on her face also disappeared as if she had never smiled in a thousand forlorn years.

She sighed softly, but she neither turned around nor replied.

"Big sister, are you still blaming me?" Jingjing stepped forward, and grabbing the hand of Mu Hanyan, she asked.

The little hand of Mu Hanyan trembled, and she retracted her hand. Then indifferently watching Jingjing, she said, "Blame you? Why would I blame you? Also, Tianya Mountain is my territory, I wish to stay here alone. I don't want anyone coming to disturb me."

After speaking these words, Mu Hanyan turned away and walked toward a small wooden house not far away.

"Big sister, don't you want to see Long Yi again?" Jingjing watched the lonely back of Mu Hanyan and shouted.

Mu Hanyan paused and didn't move for a long time. Then, she faintly said, "Come in. Let's talk about it."

In that small wooden house, the two sisters sat opposite of each other. Clearly, these two women had gotten much thinner in this period of time. Especially for Mu Hanyan, that bewitching and charming attitude of hers had completely disappeared. It was replaced by indifference. Her beautiful eyes were also lifeless without any spirit that had brimmed within them in the past.

"Speak, did you find a way to split open the energy cover?" Mu Hanyan indifferently asked.

Jingjing shook her head and said, "Not yet. I have done over a hundred tests, but I have not succeeded so far."

Mu Hanyan frowned before the hint of emotion hidden deep in the bottom of her heart dispersed again.

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"But, there is a way to get out!" Jingjing clearly knew that there was no one around, but she still lowered her voice.

"What way?" Mu Hanyan asked.

"The Holy Temple," Jingjing replied. Mu Hanyan's hand, however, trembled, and she nearly knocked over a teacup.

"Are you insane!? The Holy Temple is strictly guarded. Basically, no one is allowed to enter or exit. The ancestors themselves set up this rule. Whoever enters without permission will be beheaded without exception. If we are discovered, even father emperor will not be able to save us." Mu Hanyan glared at Jingjing.

The words of Jingjing had shocked her so much that she had reverted back to her previous self a little.

"Now is the perfect time. Several big cities on the frontline have already fallen, and the Empire's reinforcements have already been cut off. If this goes on, the Cyan Wind Empire will be completely destroyed before long. Who would care about the Ancestor's rule?" Jingjing hastily said.

A hint of a ripple appeared in Hanyan's heart, and she tried to reason taking this risk. Now, the alliance of mankind was on the verge of destruction. Going out to look for Long Yi for help might give them a gleam of hope.

"Big sister, don't hesitate. Let's go! I know a secret path that leads directly to the Holy Temple. Now, most of the holy knights of the Holy Temple have already moved out to reinforce the armies. They will definitely not discover us," Jingjing said.

Mu Hanyan gritted her teeth and nodded her head. Then, with Jingjing leading the way in front, they quickly ran towards the foot of the mountain.

The frontline was in a critical condition, and the military strength of Imperial City was basically used up. Only a few soldiers were stationed in the city, so these two girls were able to easily sneak out of the city gates.

In the dense forest, Jingjing lifted up a slabstone camouflaged as green grass, revealing a dark hole.

When the two women jumped down, magic lamps on both sides of this secret path immediately lit up. These devices were very similar to the magic devices within the Lost City's City Lord's mansion.

At this moment, within the imperial palace of the Cyan Wind Empire, Emperor Mu Qingming was looking at a head-sized crystal ball on the table. On the crystal ball was unexpectedly the scene of Mu Hanyan and Jingjing rushing through the secret path.

"Your Majesty, are you truly determined to do this?" Behind Mu Qingming, a white bearded old man stood. He wore a strange-styled magic robe. He held a magic staff that emitted a faint cyan light. His voice was hoarse as he asked.

The tough face of Mu Qingming flickered under the illumination of the radiance of this crystal ball, showing his current state of mind. This secret path that led directly to Holy Temple had intentionally been disclosed to Jingjing by a person he had sent. Several other pieces of news such as the general location and activation method of the ancient restriction within the Holy Temple had also been intentionally leaked by him.

"This is our final chance. If someone has to be punished for this, then I, Mu Qingming will bear that punishment." Mu Qingming lowered his voice but spoke with determination.

Chapter 593: Clam Clan in a precarious situation

The weather on the sea was truly hard to predict. Yesterday, the sky had still been clear and calm, but today, lightning flashed everywhere along with thunderclaps. There was also a heavy rainstorm and strong gales. Sea waves would suddenly rise more than ten meters before slamming heavily on the sea again. Now, looking out as far as the eye could see, one could only see dreary and hazy wind and rain, and the entire vast world above the sea appeared hazy.

"Young Master, how long until we reach the Undersea City?" In a tent pitched on a small island, Liuli, who was leaning on Long Yi's shoulder, asked while watching the sea waves outside the barrier.

"It shouldn't be too long now. With the flying speed of Bai Yu, in another half a month, we will definitely reach the Undersea City," Long Yi patted the shoulder of Liuli and softly said.

Liuli nodded her head, but the melancholy condensed within her glabella didn't disperse. The closer they got to the Undersea City, the more nervous she became, and she got all the more worried about the safety of her Aunt Bifei and Maid Xiaomi. She feared that when they entered Undersea City, she would hear unfortunate news about them. After all, they had been banished from the Sea Race.

Long Yi felt Liuli's uneasiness and sighed inwardly, but he didn't speak, even though his heart was also somewhat taut. Undersea City was a world he had never come into contact with. According to the Demonic Dragon King, Undersea City had an extremely anti-foreigner stance; moreover, they were unusually powerful in the sea. Although he didn't fear to fight against them and also believed that no one in the world could block him from going anywhere he wanted, the purpose of this trip was absolutely not to enter conflict with the entire Sea Race, but rather finding out what exactly had happened to the Mermaid Clan hundreds of years ago in order for them to be banished from Undersea City. If possible, he even wanted to use his greatest efforts to unite the entire Sea Race.

The waves rolled over and over again on the sea's surface. But, there was also an undercurrent beneath the sea.

More than one kilometer under the sea, a group of sea tribes with strange looks and weapons were divided into two camps that were fighting. To be more precise, it was a complete one-sided slaughter.

Several hundred shark-headed people, each with a sharp fin on their backs, who were clearly of the Shark Clan held jagged weapons and were besieging a hundred or so people with thick shells on their backs. They were the Clam Clan and wielded huge hammers forged with iron and deep sea stone.

All the clansmen of this Shark Clan were well-trained, full of valor, vigor, and bloodthirstiness; moreover, their attacks were orderly. In contrast, those clansmen of Clam Clan were far inferior. Although their defenses were pretty good, they had already suffered heavy casualties under the attacks of the Shark Clan. Their blood attracted a large crowd of sharks, but they didn't dare to approach this battlefield as they feared those people of the Shark Clan.

Among this Clam Clan, a handsome young man and a beautiful young girl with a purple shell on their backs were guarded in the middle. Clearly, they were important figures of the Clam Clan.

"Prince, Princess, these are transfer stones! We cannot hold on much longer! Quickly leave this place using these transfer stones." An aged man of the Clam Clan stuffed two stones with magic runes carved on them in the hands of the young man and young girl. His aged face was filled with tears at the thought of his Clam Clan being destroyed overnight. Already, thousands of their clansmen had been massacred.

That handsome young man of the Clam Clan, nevertheless, looked stubborn, and looking at his guards falling down one after another, his eyes practically shot flames.

"I will not leave; I want to fight against these scumbags!" This young man waved his hand and yelled. Then, tightly gripping his purple iron hammer, he roared and rushed forward. He swung his hammer and actually killed several clansmen of the Shark Clan. He was very bold and powerful.

"Sijiate, come back!" That young girl of Clam Clan anxiously shouted and also prepared to rush over.

"Princess, let this old servant bring back the Prince." The aged man of the Clam Clan stopped their princess; then he rushed over, gritting his teeth. Now, the Prince and Princess represented the only remaining bloodline of their Clam Clan's imperial family; they absolutely could not let them fall into any mishap; otherwise, he would not have any face upon meeting the Clam King in death to whom he had many debts of gratitude.

At this moment, because of the appearance of this handsome young man, practically all the warriors of Shark Clan crazily rushed over toward his direction and attacked violently, instantly offing nearly half of the bodyguards protecting this young man. Although this young man was very bold and powerful, he was unable to match this group of bloodthirsty warriors of Shark Clan, and the numbers of wounds on his body increased.

"Prince, watch out!" A sad wail resounded, and this young man only felt that he was involuntarily falling backward as the scenery in front of his eyes became hazy.

When he flung back his head and looked forward, he saw blood spraying. He was indescribably sad. He saw that that old servant who had been so loyal and devoted to his Clam Clan had already become a dismembered corpse. He roared with sorrow and rushed forward madly, despite the forest of sharp saws in front.

Several warriors of the Shark Clan fell under the hammer of this young man, but ice-cold weapons attacked him from all directions in turn. Those were the special jagged swords of the Shark Clan. The remaining bodyguards of the Clam Clan didn't have time to save this young man. The young man hopelessly closed his eyes and waited for the arrival of his end.

"Sijiate…" The soft voice of the Princess of the Clam Clan resounded in the ears of the young man.

At that time, the young man suddenly felt like he was dreaming: he didn't feel the anticipated pain. He turned his head and saw a gorgeous blood flower bursting from the body of his big sister, and she was warmly watching him while slowly floating away in the sea. That was his big sister, the only magician of Clam Clan. After using all of her magic power, she had cast a Damage Transfer Magic Spell with her life as the price to shift all the damage of the attacks aimed at him.

"Prince, leave quickly!" The remaining guards quickly seized this chance and guarded their prince again.

The young man of Clam Clan helplessly watched his big sister being washed away. She was going to fall into the mouths of those bloodthirsty sharks. Upon seeing this, he hastily rushed over and held her tight.

"Big sister!" The young man of Clam Clan called out.

"Si… Sijiate… be obedient… leave quickly… you are the only hope… of our Clam Clan…" The young girl took her last breath before she finished speaking.

"No… don't, big sister, wake up!" The young man appeared as if he had lost his soul. He couldn't believe that his big sister who had always cared and cherished him would leave him just like this.

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"Prince, leave, leave quickly!" The remaining guards anxiously shouted.

The young man of the Clam Clan suddenly lifted his head, and looking at those ugly faces of the Shark Clan warriors and those jagged swords in their hands that were cutting down his clansmen, he trembled and roared, "One day, I will repay your Shark Clan's debt of blood with blood!"

A six-edged magic formation illuminated the midsts of the deep sea, and the young man holding his big sister disappeared. Meanwhile, the remaining guards of the Clam Clan smiled as they were chopped down by the warriors of the Shark Clan.

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At this moment, on an island, the devil claws of Long Yi were wandering inside Liuli's clothing, rubbing her plump **, while gently kissing her ears and neck. Such teasing slowly dispersed the melancholy feeling pent up in the glabella of this mermaid. She had already temporarily forgotten about Undersea City, so presumably after a joyous lovemaking session, her mood would brighten a lot. This was Long Yi's plan. According to him, this was one of the best means to divert the attention of women.

A soft moan escaped from Liuli's pink lips. Now, her beautiful face was bright red, and her eyes were blurred as she swayed to withstand the invasion of Long Yi.

Suddenly, both Liuli and Long Yi were shocked. Liuli held the big hand of Long Yi that was fondling her chest, and her blurred eyes instantly became clear. Merely, the blush of her beautiful face had yet to disperse.

"Young Master, I feel a kind of peculiar aura," Liuli said while carefully watching Long Yi.

"Is that so? I don't feel any aura. I just sensed a magic fluctuation not far away; I will go to take a look. You stay here." Long Yi retracted his hands from Liuli's bosom of Liuli and quickly disappeared from inside the tent.

Passing through the billowing sea waves and drenching rain, Long Yi found the place where he had sensed that magic fluctuation. He stopped and looked all around. Suddenly, a shadow shot out from a big wave not far away from him, and there was a weak life fluctuation.

Long Yi rushed over and looked carefully. He discovered that this shadow was a hugging pair: a young man and a woman, both with a purple shell on their backs. Those shells looked just like an enlarged version of a clamshell. He was sure that these two people were definitely from the Sea Race. He couldn't help but be happy because just when he had been worried about not being able to find Undersea City, he had found these two. Merely, these two were seriously injured. Especially that woman, she had already stopped breathing, only her heart beat irregularly.

Long Yi easily gave them some basic first aid to sustain them before carrying them back to the small island.

"Young Master, are they… Clam Clansmen?" Liuli looked at those two peculiar people Long Yi had tossed onto the bed and asked. She had once learned about the various clans within the Sea Race from Aunt Bifei. Looking at the appearances of these two people, they should be from the Clam Clan. Moreover, the purple shells on their backs clearly indicated that they were from the imperial family of Clam Clan.

"Perhaps, they are. Since we discovered them here, this shows that Undersea City is not far away. Now, I will treat their injuries, and after they wake up, we will request for them to show us the way," Long Yi said while curiously sizing up this second type of Sea Race. The first type of Sea Race that he knew of was naturally the Mermaid Clan.

Did all Sea Race individuals appear so beautiful? Seeing this handsome man and beautiful woman of the Clam Clan and again thinking about the appearance of Liuli, Bifei and Xiaomi, Long Yi couldn't help but think so.

Long Yi peeled off the clothes of these two people that had been woven with a kind of peculiar seaweed and used light magic to heal their injuries. Finally, he used his internal force and spirit power to repair their internal organs. Because their body structure was very different from that of human beings, Long Yi had to spend a lot of effort.

After helping them cure their wounds, the naked body of that young girl from the Clam Clan made Long Yi want to look at her a bit more, to assure that she was fine, of course. He was a responsible doctor! She was absolutely of the highest grade, but thinking that this pair of man and woman might be husband and wife, he quickly tossed away his thoughts. When all was said and done, he already had many beauties around him, so he already had a pretty good resistance to beauty.

"Young Master, can you guess whether they are big brother and younger sister or big sister and younger brother?" Liuli asked with a smile.

"Why not husband and wife?" Long Yi asked in confusion.

"Young Master is truly stupid. The imperial family of Clam Clan only has a direct line, without any sidelines, and the purple shell on their back is the sign of imperial family," Liuli smiled and said, "This means they are family."

Chapter 594: The Reappearance of Purple Gold Soul Stone

Long Yi was stunned, but he shrugged his shoulders. He didn't care whether they were siblings or husband and wife. In any case, it didn't matter to him. He only wanted this pair to guide them to Undersea City.

The rainstorm above the sea came fast but dissipated slowly. Only after a day and a night, did it gradually subside and the thick black clouds disperse, revealing a night sky filled with twinkling stars.

Long Yi lit a bonfire outside the tent and roasted a six-horned antelope. It was something he had hunted on Dragon Island and stored in his space ring as a reserve food.

Since Liuli didn't like to eat meat, she just ate some fruits and a kind of delicious seaweed found deep in the sea. At this moment, she was sitting to one side watching Long Yi flipping the grill above the bonfire. Just watching him concentrated on roasting meat while occasionally swallowing a mouthful of saliva and licking his lips and subconsciously revealing a warm smile, she felt that as long as she was able to see him, that would be a kind of lasting happiness.

"It's finally done!" Long Yi smeared the seasoning over the dish, and flipping it over, he tore off a roasted leg and bit it. He hadn't had the time to have a good meal in recent days.

"Little mermaid, why don't you come over and take a bite. Watching you becoming so thin hurts my heart." Long Yi said with a smile.

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Liuli rolled her eyes and mockingly replied, "So hateful, I don't want to."

While Long Yi was teasing Liuli some more, his eyes flashed and he suddenly said, "They woke up. Let's go and see them." After saying this, he put down the roasted leg. Wiping his hands with a handkerchief, he entered the tent with Liuli.

That young man of the Clam Clan was already sitting on the bed, watching his big sister who still had her eyes closed. He looked sad and also happy, and hearing the noise of their approach, he suddenly turned over and alertly looked at Long Yi and Liuli.

"No need to be nervous. We saved your life; do you still fear that we will harm you?" Long Yi said with a smile.

Seeing Long Yi's smile, the young man believed him for an unknown reason and instantly relaxed. He said in somewhat astringent voice, "Thank you for saving me and my big sister. I will definitely repay you in the future." After speaking, his eyes remained on Liuli, and a hint of doubt appeared on his face, and he asked, "Mermaid Clan?"

Liuli nodded her head and said, "That's right, but I am from the Mermaid Clan that was exiled from the Undersea City."

The young man suddenly understood and said, "So it turns out that you are from the Mermaid imperial family that was banished several hundred years ago. Then, what about him? He doesn't have the smell of our Sea Race."

"I am a human, I came from the distant Blue Waves Continent," Long Yi said with a smile.

"Human!" The young man exclaimed in surprised and sized up Long Yi.

"Heh heh, is it strange? Do you want to touch me? Generally, I only let beauties touch me." Long Yi smiled and stretched out his hand.

The young man hesitated for a bit before reaching out with his own ice-cold hand.

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Long Yi grabbed the approaching hand and shook it, saying with a smile, "I am Long Yi. I am very glad to meet you; she is Liuli, my wife."

"My name is Sijiate, and she is my big sister Yamei." Sijiate nodded his head, and looking at his big sister who still hadn't woken up yet, a hint of pain flashed through his eyes.

"You can rest assured. Your big sister is fine; she should wake up tomorrow morning," Long Yi consoled.

Sajiate got off the bed and walked outside the tent with Long Yi and Liuli. Carefully regarding the antelope meat Long Yi had roasted, he hesitated for a bit at first, but after tasting it, he ate like a wolf and a tiger. He didn't dislike eating meat, unlike Liuli.

After drinking several mouthfuls of good wine Long Yi had given to him, Sijiate felt like his soul was fluttering, and his emotions gradually got out of control under the guidance of Long Yi. He shed tears and wailed while telling of the calamity that had exterminated his Clam Clan.

There were numerous clans among the Sea Race. Clam Clan was among those of the Sea Race who loved peace. They were not aggressive and always lived in one corner of Undersea City without provoking the other clans of the Sea Race. And generally, other sea clans also didn't come to provoke them. Because Clam Clan was good at digging treasures, they paid a good sum of tribute to Sea Emperor who commanded the entirety of the sea clans. The Sea Emperor had taken charge of the Deep Sea Dragon Clan. Although Deep Sea Dragon Clan was called a Dragon Clan, it was substantially different from both the Divine Dragon Clan and the Demonic Dragon Clan. Because they lived at the bottom of the sea, and they had a dragon horn, they were called the Deep Sea Dragon Clan. They were good at water magic and lived in the Dragon Palace located at the center of the Undersea City. The common ground between this Sea Emperor and the land Dragon Clans might only be that they immensely prized sparkling and shining treasures. And because Clam Clan had the special ability to find treasures, they were favored by the Sea Emperor, and this was also the reason the other sea clans didn't dare to bully them.

Merely, several hundred years ago, the dominance of the Sea Emperor over the sea clans began to weaken. Moreover, Shark Clan, Huge Whale Clan, and several other aggressive and powerful clans began to unite to encroach on the power of the Sea Emperor, making Sea Emperor practically a figurehead.

And not long ago, the Clam King had obtained a Purple Gold Soul Stone from somewhere. Hundreds of years ago, these kinds of energy stones had already vanished within the surrounding thousands of miles around the Undersea City. The King of Shark Clan had demanded it using the name of the Sea Emperor, but Clam King hadn't complied, thereby attracting the calamity of the extermination of the entire clan. Not only had Clam Clan that lived in that far corner of Undersea City been massacred, even all the other Clam Clans that lived outside Undersea City had suffered a fatal disaster.

After the prince of Clam Clan recounted his tale in tears, he collapsed. He was completely drunk. Only Long Yi and Liuli looked at each other in blank dismay, looking anxious.

"Purple Gold Soul Stone? Didn't Bifei have one?" Long Yi made a wry smile. Thinking about it, for this piece of Purple God Soul Stone, Liuli and Leguxiya had also gotten into a fight, and later, when Bifei and Xiaomi had left, they had taken this Purple Gold Soul Stone with them.

"Aunt Bifei and Xiaomi didn't meet an accident, did they?" Liuli was anxious and fearful in her heart. On one hand, she was worried about the safety of Aunt Bifei and Xiaomi, and on the other hand, she was also feeling guilty. If that Purple Gold Soul Stone that had arrived in the hands of the Clam King had truly come from the hands of Bifei, then wasn't the genocide of Clam Clan indirectly caused by her?

"Don't worry, you also know how cautious your aunt Bifei is. There should not have been an accident; that Purple Gold Soul Stone is not necessarily hers," Long Yi comforted.

"I hope so." Liuli sighed softly.

Long Yi looked at the twinkling stars in the sky and frowned. If that Purple Gold Soul Stone was truly the Purple Gold Soul Stone of Bifei, then how had it landed in the hands of the Clam King? If the Clam King hadn't taken it by force, then how had he obtained it? If this had all been the intentions of Bifei, then what was her purpose?

Chapter 595: Undersea Passage

As the sun rose, a red glow appeared at the horizon and a rippling flame was reflected onto the sea surface. This scene was very dazzling.

The princess of the Clam Clan, Yamei, had already woken up. Now, she was sobbing while hugging her younger brother Sijiate who had also woken up with a hangover. Fortunately, she had survived, but the sad thing was the huge debt of blood.

Long Yi carefully sized up this clam princess. Her face was very elegant, especially her clear and beautiful eyes: they were limpid and distant; her skin was tender and soft as if water would come out if he pinched her. Other than the purple shell on her back, she could be regarded as a devastating beauty even among those of the Human race. And suddenly thinking about those alluring women who were captured in the fairy tales of his previous world, all of whom were lovely enough to cause the fall of a country, Long Yi smiled in a daze. But, by coincidence, this smile was seen by Yamei who had just stopped sobbing, and she immediately swallowed her words of gratitude, thinking he was gloating over other people's misfortunes.

Long Yi, however, didn't notice this. He was thinking about all sorts of strange races within this world. If not for experiencing everything himself and etching everything in his memory, he truly would have believed that he was immersed in a tediously long dream where even his real memories had become messy and blurred.

Yamei glared at Long Yi, but she was confronted with his black eyes shining with an inexplicable luster. Although his eyes were not focused, there was a kind of attraction, and she then understood that that smile of just now had not been directed at her.

Feeling the gaze of Yamei, Long Yi came back to his senses, and touching his face, he asked, "Is there something on my face?"

Yame blushed a little, and retracting her gaze, she softly said, "Thank you for saving us."

Long Yi just smiled and said, "No need to be so courteous. Your younger brother has already thanked us; let's end it with that."

Yamei didn't speak again. After pondering for a while, she suddenly raised her head and asked, "You are a human, and she is an exiled mermaid. Why are you here?"

Long Yi was somewhat surprised in his heart, this Yamei had immediately asked such a fundamental question. Even after suffering the horrible disaster of the extermination of her entire family, she was still able to calmly think of this issue. She was truly cautious and meticulous. Compared to her that simple younger brother, she was much better in this aspect.

"We came here to look for Undersea City and figure out the truth about the exile of the Mermaid Imperial Clan," Long Yi told the truth without concealing anything.

"Then, you want us to show the way?" Yamei was startled for a moment, and then her eyes instantly became sharp.

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"Yes." Long Yi calmly looked straight at her.

Yamei stared at Long Yi for a long time, and could only discern that he was speaking the truth. Her expression eased, and she said, "I can lead you two there because I believe that you will not harm our Sea Race; moreover, I also want to find out the truth of this genocide."

The eyebrows of Long Yi shot up, and he asked, "Do you believe in me so much?"

Yamei faintly said, "I believe in my own vision."

Long Yi smiled and looked straight into the beautiful eyes of Yamei. They were glimmering with insightful wisdom. Not long after, Yamei broke the eye contact and moved her gaze to one side.

"Since we are in agreement, rest well. We will go to Undersea City after you have completely recovered," Long Yi said with a faint smile. It was not hard for Long Yi to understand the thoughts of Yamei who had barely escaped with her life. If he couldn't understand her selfish calculations, he would not be Long Yi. Rather than saying that she was willing to lead Long Yi to Undersea City because she believed in him, it was better to say that she was gambling. While helping Long Yi, she also wanted to use the strength of Long Yi to find out everything about her family's death at the same time. Of course, they had this tacit understanding.

Afternoon: the sun rode high in the sky.

With Yamei and Sijiate leading in front, Long Yi and Liuli followed them toward the bottom of the sea. The shells on the backs of the Clam Clan were the best means to wander about in the sea. And Liuli was like a stranded fish put back into water in the sea: her golden fishtail gracefully swayed as she leisurely swam. As for Long Yi, he gathered internal force in his legs and swam forward, but his actions looked somewhat lacking in

artistic terms. However, since he had already reached the fifth later of AoTianJue, his skin could absorb oxygen even within the sea, so he was also relaxed.

After these people reached more than three thousand meters into the sea, it was already like night. At this depth, only a very small amount of scattered starlight reached here. At this point, Yamei and Sajiate stopped.

"Now, we need to go a further 10,000 meters, and we will see the entrance to Undersea City. This entrance is relatively better to sneak through, but the surroundings around this entrance are harsh. Not only are there bloodthirsty sharks, Heaven Slaying Squid and other very dangerous sea monsters, but there are also poisonous swamps. Therefore, other than some strong adventure groups of Sea Race, no one else dares to operate there,| Yamei turned around and said to Liuli and Long Yi behind her.

"Is it that dangerous?" Long Yi asked. One could say that the undersea world was a world unknown to him. He didn't know what land-based magical beast those bloodthirsty sharks and heaven slaying squids had an equivalent ranking too.

"There is a certain level of danger, but those sea monsters have their own territory. Generally, there will only be one per sea area. Therefore, there shouldn't be any problems with your strength," Yamei explained.

"Since that is the case, let's continue forward," Long Yi nodded his head and said.

After diving roughly 5,000 meters into the sea following Yamei and her sibling, floating specks of light appeared in the pitch-black sea. They were a kind of luminous deep-sea fish species. Diving deeper, their buoyancy opposed their motions more and more. Long Yi had to increase his internal force a little to resist the pressure and buoyancy. On the other hand, the siblings and Liuli seemed to have felt nothing. This was probably the difference between the human and Sea Race.

At the same time, Long Yi also began to worry. The pressure was already so great at the 5,000 meters mark, since Undersea City was more than 10,000 meters deep, didn't that mean the pressure would be even greater? In the future, when continuously expending his internal force to withstand the pressure, how long could he stay there? Moreover, if he suffered an attack, it would be very troublesome. After all, would he be able to display even a fraction of his strength? The heart of Long Yi became heavy as he thought of this.

"Be careful, there is a whirlpool passage below!" The voice of Yamei came.

Immediately after hearing Yamei's voice, Long Yi felt a strong suction force. He subconsciously held Liuli's little hand and used his strength to resist. However, Yamei and Sijiate just rolled into it.

"Young Master, Yamei said that it is a whirlpool passage. Shouldn't we enter it to go to Undersea City?" Liuli said.

Long Yi thought about the words of Yamei. At that time, she didn't seem to be afraid at all. This should be a passage like Liuli suggested. After thinking a bit, he calmed down and withdrew his internal force. Then, he entered that whirlpool passage while hugging Liuli.

After feeling as if the sky and earth were spinning around, Long Yi saw a light in front of him. The Yamei siblings were not far away in front of him. Then, he and Liuli looked around in amazement because they seemed to have arrived in a completely different world that defied common sense.

Now, there was a black sea with continuously spinning whirlpool above them and a crystal clear and transparent underwater world below them. It was as if there were a barrier separating these two worlds, juxtaposing two opposing physical realms. He didn't know from where those lights had come from. As for the seabed, it was blackish red, and air bubbles continuously rose upward. The black part was mud, and the red part was undersea magma.

"Remember, never touch those air bubbles! Also don't go to the sea floor," Yamei solemnly instructed.

Long Yi stared at those air bubbles for a little while but he was unable to see any danger. He took out a small dart from inside his space ring and threw it at an air bubble that was far away from them.

"Don't!" Yamei screamed, but it was already too late. A loud explosion resounded as that air bubble blew open like a strong explosive; moreover, it led to a chain reaction, and those air bubbles exploded one after another, causing the seawater to begin to boil.

Seeing those explosion waves rapidly spreading toward them, Long Yi was inwardly speechless. He immediately grabbed the Yamei siblings and Liuli, before quickly flying into the whirlpool passage above.

After exiting the whirlpool passage, Yamei patted her rapidly rising and falling chest. Then ferociously glaring at Long Yi, she screamed, "Didn't I say to never touch them? Do you want to kill us?"

Long Yi laughed hollowly and apologized, "I'm sorry."

Seeing Long Yi was apologizing, Yamei's anger also gradually dissipated. Merely, she was still somewhat fearful and said, "I guess that there's nothing we can do now. It will take some time for the activity below to calm down; I think we should wait an hour before we go down again."

Long Yi touched his nose. He had just wanted to see what would happen; moreover, he had already been quite cautious, yet that earth-shaking chain reaction had still shocked him. If he hadn't fled through that whirlpool passage, then even if he had exhausted all of his energy to block it, he would have definitely lost a layer of skin. Moreover, he would have still had three more people to protect.

Just when they were waiting beside the whirlpool passage, over ten multicolored light advanced towards them from the distance.

With Long Yi's sharp eyesight, he saw about a dozen different colored jellyfish. They were pink, green, blue, cyan, and so on…, but all of them were transparent and had long tentacles fluttering in the sea. They looked very beautiful.

"Such a beautiful group of jellyfishes," Long Yi exclaimed. In his heart, he knew that although these jellyfishes looked beautiful, they were very poisonous.

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"Are you saying that there are jellyfish? Where? Are they pure or mixed colored?" Yamei hastily asked. Her eyesight was not as good as Long Yi's.

"All are pure colored, and there are a variety of colors. What's wrong?" Long Yi asked.

"Really? Can you catch them? In the past, Sea Race used them to kill bloodthirsty sharks. In addition, average sea monsters will make a detour if they run into them. With them around, we will be much safer," Yamei excitedly said.

"Is that so? Merely, is that the only reason for doing so?" Long Yi looked at that group of beautiful jellyfishes and smiled while scrutinizing at Yamei.

Yamei was startled, and seeing those black eyes that sparkled even here in the dark beneath the sea, she suddenly felt as if he could see through her heart. Under the gaze of those eyes, she couldn't conceal anything.

Chapter 596: Undersea Fores

Long Yi had guessed it right. These kinds of pure-colored jellyfish were known as Rainbow Jellyfish among the Sea Race. This was because these kinds of jellyfish often moved together in groups of over five jellyfishes of different colors, making them look just like an undersea rainbow. These kinds of Rainbow Jellyfish were also very rare even within the vast seas, and their poison was also very strong and rare in this world. As long as one was touched by one of their tentacles, the nerves of one's entire body would be immediately paralyzed, and one's heart would stop beating within a short period of time.

The value of these Rainbow Jellyfish was also high here. Extracted poison from them could be refined into an extremely valuable and effective rare antidote; moreover, it could be refined into a poison that would spread through water and attack a large area. The refined poison would be tasteless and colorless. It could poison tens of thousands of undersea life forms to death without anybody noticing. For this reason, Rainbow Jellyfish was priceless in the markets of the Sea Race.

"Do you want to use the Rainbow Jellyfish to take revenge?" Long Yi asked after hearing the explanation of Yamei.

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"That is just one aspect. The convention of the Sea Race is right around the corner. We can use Rainbow Jellyfish to gain entrance to the trade association. Like that, it will be much easier to act," Yamei said.

"The convention of the Sea Race? Wasn't it supposed to have convened long ago?" Long Yi asked in surprise. Didn't Bifei and Xiaomi return to attend this Sea Race Convention? It had already been so long.

"It has not peaceful within the Sea Race for a long time, so the Sea Race Convention was postponed again and again. Finally, it was set for two days from now," Yamei answered.

"What exactly are the matters discussed at this Sea Race Convention?" Long Yi curiously asked.

"Sea Race Convention is held once every hundred years. All people of the Sea Race can come to participate. The main contents are the huge trade conference and the exploration of the undersea death melting cave. Sea Emperor will also issue some new policies and new decrees. It lasts for a month. Other than those main events, there will also be other events hosted by some Sea Race Organizations. You will know more in the future," Yamei said.

Long Yi smiled and said, "This Sea Race Convention is truly not bad. One day, I will propose such a grand event including the entire Blue Waves Continent."

"Enough of this. Will you capture those Rainbow Jellyfishes or not? If you miss them now, you might never find them again," Yamei urgently said, seeing those over ten jellyfishes were approaching closer and closer.

"Don't be anxious; am I not thinking of a way now? It is not difficult to control them, but the problem remains. Where would I put them?" Long Yi said. Regardless of his dark dimension space or his space ring, there was no seawater or pond; thus, if he put them there, some Rainbow Jellyfishes were bound to die.

"As long as you can control them, it is enough. I naturally have a place to put them," Yamei said.

After hearing that Yamei had a way, Long Yi no longer hesitated. He shot forward like an arrow. Emitting a large amount of spirit power to form an invisible container, he quickly caught those Rainbow Jellyfishes.

"Yamei, it's your turn now," Long Yi turned back and shouted.

Yamei gave a charming smile, and waving her hand, a faint white radiance appeared. Then, those Rainbow Jellyfishes under the control of Long Yi disappeared one after another until not a single one was left.

Long Yi retracted his spirit power and asked in surprise, "What did you use?"

In the dazzling hand of Yamei was a small finger-sized transparent cylindrical container. Inside, there were ten different colored light dots. Upon closer examination, those light dots were shrunken Rainbow Jellyfishes.

"This is a space bottle to store and domesticate sea monsters. It is filled with seawater and is very common in the seas," Yamei replied.

Long Yi nodded his head and seemed lost in thought. The sea and land were basically two totally different worlds. The main difference between this kind of space bottle and space ring was that living beings couldn't be stored inside a space ring, but this space bottle could. At this time, Long Yi's eyes suddenly flashed, and he asked, "Can all living beings that can breathe in seawater be stored within this space bottle?"

Yamei was startled, and strangely looking at Long Yi, she said, "Do you want to ask if the people of the Sea Race can be stored in space bottle?"

Long Yi smiled and nodded his head. Talking to smart people saved so much effort.

Yamei shook her head and said, "All living beings of the sea can be stored in the space bottle except those of the Sea Race. Perhaps, the person who invented these bottles, removed the possibility of storing the people of the Sea Race."

The eyebrows of Long Yi shot up, and muttering for a little while, he asked, "Do you have another space bottle? Let me take a look."

Sijiate took out a space bottle and handed it over to Long Yi. This space bottle was no different from the space bottle of his big sister Yamei.

When this space bottle fell into his hand, Long Yi felt an indistinct magic fluctuation coming from it. Then, using spirit power to probe it, he discovered that there was a miniature space magic array carved on the bottle. He seemed to have seen the composition of this magic array before, so Long Yi frowned and thought hard. This space magic array was very similar to a magic array he had seen in his Magic Array Collection, but some magic lines were changed at certain key points. This greatly surprised him. The person who had remade this magic array must have been a genius in magic arrays. He had actually shrunk, merged and refined this space magic array. Long Yi guessed that this might be the reason why the people of Sea Race couldn't be stored in this space bottle.

Long Yi fiddled with the space bottle for a while before saying to Sijiate, "How about giving this space bottle to me as a gift?"

How could Sijiate disagree with this man who had saved himself and his big sister?

"It is almost time; the matter below should have calmed down. Let's go down." Long Yi said.

The four people re-entered the undersea passage and arrived at the Undersea World below. Sure enough, everything had already simmered down. The seawater was crystal clear once more, and air bubbles were rising one after another like a world in a children's fairytale, but who would have guessed that these air bubbles were actually so deadly?

"How come the spread of these air bubbles have become so dense? How should we enter now?" Sijiate worriedly said.

Before these air bubbles had detonated, he was confident in avoiding them while crossing this area, but now, there was not enough space between those air bubbles.

"Sijiate, you don't need to worry. Someone has a way," Yamei said while looking at the relaxed expression of Long Yi. For an unknown reason, she believed that this human had a way to solve this problem.

"Indeed, this person has a good way. Just follow behind me." Long Yi lightly laughed.

Then, he emitted a large amount of spirit power and gently sent it forward. Those deadly air bubbles were gently pushed away, opening an empty path in the middle. But the air bubbles in the surrounding area were even denser now, practically each rubbed against another. However, there were no actual collisions. This greatly shocked Yamei and Sijiate, and their backs were drenched with cold sweat at the thought of Long Yi losing control for even a moment.

After that, Long Yi condensed some internal force in his legs and shot straight forward like an arrow while protecting that passage. Liuli and the others followed closely behind him.

Fortunately, the area covered by these deadly air bubbles was not very large; otherwise, Long Yi would have wasted a lot of spirit power, which certainly would have caused trouble in the future.

The four people traveled underwater at a high speed, and after ten minutes, they passed this sea area, and a new scene that appeared in front of their eyes surprised Long Yi and Liuli. They couldn't help but sigh with emotion at the wonder of nature.

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Before them stood an undersea forest. Various kinds of undersea trees, flowers and plants stretched as far as the eye could see. Unlike the green forests found on land, the vast majority of these trees were not green. Instead, they emitted different colored, glittering, and translucent radiances, and various kinds of fishes shuttled back and forth in dazzling formations. At first glance, it appeared just like a colorful jade forest. It was like scenery straight out of myth.

"Beautiful, right? But, don't get mystified by this scenery. This is the territory of the Heaven Slaying Squid. It always disguises itself and hides among the forest, waiting for a chance to kill all intruders in its territory," Yamei warned solemnly.

Long Yi looked around and saw that this beautiful undersea forest was peaceful and calm, but he knew that Yamei wouldn't speak randomly. It was certain that a potentially great danger hid within this undersea forest, so he asked, "What does the Heaven Slaying Squid look like? How is it different from normal squids?"

Yamei was startled and shaking her head, she said, "The Heaven Slaying Squid always appears in disguise and kills intruders with one hit. I have never heard of anyone seeing its true appearance."

The answer of Tamei was somewhat outside the expectations of Long Yi. His complexion also became somewhat solemn. No one had actually seen the true appearance of the Heaven Slaying Squid: this was enough to prove the strength of this sea monster. All those who had seen its true appearance must have already met their deaths.

"Since we have Rainbow Jellyfish, this Heaven Slaying Squid will have some scruples. I heard that someone used Rainbow Jellyfish to safely pass through this undersea forest in the past," Yamei took out her space bottle and said.

"Heard? That's as useful as a fart. Now, conceal your aura and follow me." Long Yi curled up his lip and urged everyone to retract their auras to the best of their abilities. Then, he took the lead to advance toward that undersea forest.

"Long Yi, wait a minute. Why don't we swim over the forest? It is easier to notice danger like that." Seeing that Long Yi was rushing toward the undersea forest, Yamei hastily called out.

Long Yi turned his head back and said with a smile, "My intuition tells me that it will be safer to go through."

Liuli followed Long Yi without any hesitation. She had complete trust in Long Yi without any reservations. Even if she lost her life, she would not complain; moreover, she knew that he would not let her get injured. Don't ask how, she just knew it.

Yamei and Sijiate hesitated a little and decided to follow this human. They didn't completely believe in his intuition, but his strength gave them a sense of security.

Chapter 597: Heaven Slaying Squid

Clear sea water flowed through this undersea fairytale-like forest. The seaweeds swayed and fluttered slowly. Light specks glimmered in the trees.

Long Yi's group of four entered this undersea forest and discovered that the inside and outside of this undersea forest were completely different. The flowers, plants and trees outside glittered and appeared translucent like jade stones. In addition, there emitted all kinds of lustrous and transparent lights. However, it was dim and serene inside. Only the surface layer of these towering sea trees was luminous. Upon careful examination, Long Yi was surprised to discover that the things that gave off the light emitted by these trees, flowers and plants were unexpectedly a type of very tiny organism. Hundreds of millions of these organisms gathered on the surfaces of these undersea plants.

Inside the undersea forest, water plants floated about. The rocks were slippery, and seaweed could be found everywhere. Moreover, strange roots of undersea trees protruded out of the seabed. There were also strange luminous strange fish shuttling back and forth. Occasionally, some huge sea clams would open up their huge shells, and the sparkling deep-sea pearls hidden inside would become visible. These pearls were so gorgeous and dazzling that they enthralled people. Some fish swam toward them to play upon seeing those shining lights, but these sea clams would suddenly close their huge shells, turning these fishes into their meals.

Strangely, whenever Yamei and Sijiate used their hands to caress these sea clams, they would obediently open up their huge shells. Then, these siblings would casually take away the huge sea pearl inside them.

Now, they had already walked inside this undersea forest for a period of time, but they hadn't encountered any danger. This relieved Yamei and Sijiate. However, this kind of calmness made Long Yi uneasy. He had a feeling that a great danger lurked beneath this calmness.

Suddenly, Liuli's little hand tightly grabbed the big hand of Long Yi, and a hint of horror flashed through her beautiful eyes.

"What happened?" Long Yi pulled Liuli into his embrace, and following her line of sight, he saw a severed and withered root of an undersea tree located beside a huge rock.

"That root is alive; its aura makes me feel fear." Liuli stuck close to Long Yi. She was trembling lightly.

Long Yi was startled and used his spirit power, but he failed to sense any life or aura from that root.

Yamei and Sijiate also looked doubtful. Clearly, like Long Yi, they sensed nothing.

At that time, Sijiate, who feared neither Heaven nor Earth, carefully advanced toward it while holding his huge purple hammer. He then touched that withered root, turned around, and laughed. "Don't be paranoid; isn't it just a severed root?"

At that moment, Long Yi with his sharp eyes suddenly noticed some shards of white bone in the mud below that severed root, and a kind of ominous feeling appeared in his heart. The hair all over his body stood erect.

"Watch out, return quickly!" Long Yi shouted, and the water seal on his glabella shone as he used Eternal Icebound Magic to attack that severed root behind Sijiate.

At the same time, that severed root that didn't seem to have any life twisted strangely and shot toward the confused Sijiate near it.

"Sijiate!" Yamei exclaimed loudly, but the Eternal Icebound Magic of Long Yi had already frozen both Sijiate and that severed withered root, changing the surroundings within ten meters of the two into blue ice crystal. Everything within that area was completely frozen.

Before Yamei even finished exclaiming, that frozen area shattered, and Long Yi had already turned into afterimages. He instantly reappeared at his original place after grabbing Sijiate.

And at that time, sharp whistles resounded from all directions, and the entire underwater forest seemed to tremble. The severed root that had attacked Sijiate by surprise had already broken into more than a dozen pieces. A green liquid slowly spread out in the seawater along with a strong smell of blood.

Long Yi carried Sijiate, Liuli and Yamei and immediately rushed to the back of a towering tree located some distance away. Then, he injected his internal force into the body of the unconscious Sijiate.

"Long Yi, nothing's happened to Sijiate, right?" Seeing her younger brother pale look and weak breathing, the Yamei's heart tightened, but seeing that Long Yi's expression was calm as usual, she slightly felt assured.

"He is fine; he will wake up in a while," Long Yi said. Just a moment ago, when he had cast Eternal Icebound Magic, he had made a slight adjustment in the water magic elements. The coldness that shrouded Sijiate was much less; therefore, the damage he had suffered from the coldness couldn't be considered heavy. As long as Long Yi used his internal force to expel the cold qi from within his body, he would be fine.

Sure enough, after the internal force of Long Yi circulated a lap within Sijiate's body, he opened his eyes and groaned. Then, he moved around a bit and discovered that nothing was wrong with him.

"Just a moment ago, what exactly was that? It really frightened me!" Recalling that moment, Sijiate's heart trembled. At that time, he had smelled the aura of his own death. If it were not for Long Yi, he might have really become a corpse.

Long Yi frowned. Remembering that green blood, a divine light flashed through his mind, and he suggested, "Was it the legendary Heaven Slaying Squid? I guess that severed root was one of its tentacles."

"I also feel that makes sense," Liuli said. Just a moment ago, she had been the first one to notice an unusual aura around that severed root.

"Heaven Slaying Squid?" Yamei and Sijiate exclaimed in fear. After all, the mighty name of the Heaven Slaying Squid already reverberated like thunder among the Sea Race. Many elite adventurer groups had been buried in his stomach. In addition, no one knew its true appearance, and it was shrouded by a veil of terror and mystery.

At this moment, the strange whistling sounds and vibrations stopped. A number of frightened small fishes fled the undersea forest. This undersea forest became calm again as if nothing had happened. However, Long Yi's group of four were absolutely not relaxed. That Heaven Slaying Squid could disguise itself like that with even Long Yi being unable to detect anything, so tentacles might shoot out from anywhere.

"Let's advance. Liuli, you pay more attention to the surroundings. Amongst us, only you can detect its aura," Long Yi said.

"Got it, Young Master," Liuli warmly agreed.

After this surprise attack, these four people became very alert, yet even after swimming through this undersea forest for several hours, they didn't encounter any further danger.

The four people quickly passed through the twists and turns, stone cracks and so on in the depths of this undersea forest, hurrying to escape this treacherous place. The light within this undersea forest was getting dimmer and dimmer, and the temperature was somewhat colder. Moreover, they rarely saw any life forms.

"Young Master, something's not quite right," Liuli grabbed Long Yi's hand and said with restless expression.

"Did you sense that aura again?" The pupils of Long Yi shrunk, and he tensed even as he asked. The Yamei siblings were also nervous.

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Liuli shook her head and said, "No, it's just that I have a strange feeling in my heart."

Long Yi's eyes shone, and he looked above through the gaps of branches and leaves. He could see several wisps of faint blue lights glittering. He believed in Liuli's instinctual sense just like Liuli believed in him. There must be something strange about this place.

At that time, a few screams came from far away. Perhaps, because the distance was so far away, those screams were a little distorted.

"It appeared. It's that aura!" A seven colored radiance floated in the hands of Liuli as she said in fear. It was not that she wasn't courageous, but it was just that that aura truly made her feel too frightened.

"Let's go and see," Long Yi said. This undersea forest was so secretive. The psychological burden of living with an uncertain danger was too great for everyone. Since that was the case, it was better to go out and figure out the truth of the danger. Even if that was more dangerous, it was also better than their current state of extreme suspicion and fear.

Long Yi put forth the strength in his legs and shot forward like a rocket while spreading out his internal force. Wherever he passed, no matter whether it be branches or stones, all turned into a fine powder. The other three people followed behind Long Yi using the passage he opened up.

Some distance away, the four people saw a long pitch-black tentacle swaying outside of the undersea forest. They could vaguely see a humanoid figure trapped within that tentacle. There were also some other shadows rushing toward this tentacle and attacking it crazily.

Long Yi was startled in his heart by the size of this tentacle. With such a big tentacle, how big must that Heaven Slaying Squid be? Still. he didn't think on it too much, and using Great Cosmos Shift, he disappeared.

"Frank, hold on; you must hold on!" Karl shouted himself hoarse as he watched his good brother who had grown up with him from childhood pierced by that tentacle and gradually withering. He felt terrible pain as if his heart were being torn apart. He shot the divine arrows of the Miluo Clan at that tentacle, but this divine bow that could usually break through any defense was like a child's toy in front of this Heaven Slaying Squid. It was basically useless.

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"Ka…rl, quick…, leave quickly, take care of Xueji…" Sensing his life was running out, Frank knew that the mission of this time had utterly. Only they two remained of their team of 35 people. Now, it seemed that even he wouldn't be able to escape with his life, so he could only hope that his good brother Karl could escape with his life.

"Xeuji is your wife. You should take care of her yourself!" Karl opened his eyes, and a few tear droplets dissipated in the sea. Nevertheless, he didn't notice that some green sea vines had already arrived behind him without making any sounds.

Suddenly, those green sea vines coiled around the hands, legs and even the fin-shaped wings on Karl's back like snakes. In an instant, he was completely bound and couldn't move. The divine bow of Miluo Clan that glimmered with mysterious runes also fell from his hands.

Chapter 598: The prince of Miluo Clan

This sea vine was unusually tough. No matter how Karl struggled, it was useless. On the contrary, it tightened and tightened with every passing second, and his entire body began to become stiff and numb.

Just when Karl had given up all hope in despair, he felt a light flash past him. Then the sea vine tied around him loosened. As his body began to regain its freedom, he saw a strange man with a warm smile in front of him.

"Catch your bow; I will go save your companion." Long Yi tossed that bow with its mysterious energy toward Karl. Then holding a sword, he circulated his internal force to condense some sharp sword qi to slash at that long tentacle.

"Oh!" The huge energy slash cut apart the seawater and ferociously cut the tentacle coiled around Frank.

Along with a wail, this tentacle suddenly shrunk, and Frank was freed from this tentacle that had been absorbing his essence blood. He was caught by Karl who waited at one side. From the deep wound Long Yi had cut on the tentacle of the Heaven Slaying Squid, green blood sprayed out like a fountain.

At that time, Liuli and the Yamei siblings had arrived and just happened to encounter the Heaven Slaying Squid that had gone mad due to the pain that it hadn't felt in a long time. Now, the tentacle that had received a serious injury from Long Yi madly thrashed; moreover, countless flesh thorns emerged everywhere on that tentacle before shooting out in all directions.

When Long Yi had attacked, he had already expected a counterattack of some sort. He moved rapidly. He carried both Frank and Karl and rushed toward the lower parts of this undersea forest. At the same time, he combined his spirit power and internal force to form a defensive barrier.

Withstanding several flesh thorns flying toward him, Long Yi retreated into a pile of boulders along with Karl and Frank. He then only heard continuous rumbling sounds as wood chips and stone pebbles rebounded all over. Now, the undersea forest was a big mess.

At that time, Karl, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, wanted to carefully size up his benefactor, when, to his surprise, Long Yi grabbed him and sidestepped quickly. Karl only saw a shadow brush past him, and then the boulder where they had hidden just a moment ago was smashed into pieces by a black tentacle.

"F**k!" Long Yi cursed. Then, he tossed these two people to one side and rushed toward that black tentacle from a peculiar angle.

"Whirlwind Interlink Slash!" Long Yi shouted loudly. The huge sword in his hand became ten thousand sword phantoms that sliced toward that huge tentacle with dazzling cyan light.

Although this move, Whirlwind Interlink Slash, was the sword move created by Long Yi when he had just begun to study the fusion of magic and douqi, it was now completely different from the past. The fusion of magic and douqi, then the fusion of different attributed magic, and finally the fusion of magic, internal force and spirit power, Long Yi had already progressed further then his initial explorations. In addition, with his current strength, the might of this move was simply incomparable to the past.

People only saw those cyan swords swarm that tentacle.

Although that tentacle was tough and tensile, it was unable to withstand the continuous attacks of Long Yi and was completely severed into two pieces. Green blood dyed the nearby seawater green.

That sharp and ear-piercing whistling sound resounded once more and the remaining piece of tentacle withdrew into the seabed mud before disappearing without a trace.

This series of matters seemed long when describing them, but in fact, they happened in just an instant. Liuli and the Yamei sibling who had just successfully dodged those flesh thorns rushed over.

"Young Master, are you alright?" Liuli swam over and asked with concern.

"Don't worry; you still don't know the abilities of your Young Master?" Long Yi smiled and rubbed the beautiful golden hair of Liuli.

But, Long Yi didn't have much time to boast while wearing his smile, and his smile suddenly stiffened. Then, he immediately activated the barrier that triggered upon touch to surround everyone. Dense and dark tentacles appeared everywhere in this undersea forest and shot toward them as fast as lightning.

Bang, bang, bang… Along with several collision sounds, the barrier swayed. Unexpectedly, it was already about to break. Moreover, in the midst of these dense and dark tentacles, a towering and very long giant tentacle roughly 100 meters thick appeared. Compared to this giant tentacle, that tentacle cut off by Long Yi simply paled in insignificance. Long Yi inwardly clicked his tongue, and his heart tightened a little. This Heaven Slaying Squid, what kind of sea monster was it? Just a tentacle was already so big… then how big was its body? Could it be that it could collapse a mountain with its body alone? How long had it taken to grow so big?

The remaining people also turned pale as their lips trembled. Even inside the barrier, they were unable to breathe easily under that powerful pressure.

Long Yi licked his lips, and a hint of excitement flashed through his eyes. He then somewhat worriedly observed those people beside him. His AoTianJue had already reached the fifth layer, and his spirit power and magic power had also already reached the peak state, so if he wanted to take a step further, then normal cultivation was useless. Only an actual battle could make him breakthrough again, but he was unfortunately already almost invincible in Blue Waves Continent. Now, however, just this bit of the Heaven Slaying Squid's power made him feel a pressure that he had never felt before, and at the same time, it also made his blood seethe in excitement. If he were alone, then even if he were unable to defeat it, he was confident that he could escape alive, but now, he had to give some consideration to the safety of those around him.

Long Yi thought for a bit. This Heaven Slaying Squid usually stayed here. In any case, it would not leave this place. Thus, he should first take his group away from here and return to safety. He would still have a chance to fight against it in the future.

"Yamei, release those Rainbow Jellyfishes. Let's see whether or not they are effective," Long Yi calmed down and said. The poison of the Rainbow Jellyfish was so poisonous that even the Heaven Slaying Squid presumably has some misgivings about it. If they didn't work, then he just needed to go all out.

Yamei agreed and relaxed a little upon seeing that Long Yi was calm. She took out the space bottle and released the seal. Those twelve Rainbow Jellyfishes instantly appeared in front of her, and Long Yi quickly used his spirit power to control the limits of their movements.

Sure enough, those dense and dark tentacles surrounding everyone retreated as if they had encountered something truly frightening. Even that giant tentacle was no exception. It seemed the saying that everything has its own nemesis was really true. These tiny Rainbow Jellyfishes could make this huge Heaven Slaying Squid feel dread.

Everyone was relieved, and Long Yi retracted the barrier, making the aura of these Rainbow Jellyfishes denser.

Those disgusting tentacles that had sprung out from everywhere of this undersea forest swayed. They seemed to hesitate for a while, but in the next moment, they hid and disappeared within the seabed. Then, the surging seawater also slowly restored itself to its original calmness.

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Long Yi didn't dare to relax his guard. He continued using his spirit power to control those Rainbow Jellyfishes. He didn't intend to put away these Rainbow Jellyfishes before crossing this undersea forest.

"Frank, quickly wake up. Don't sleep; we are going home…" Karl shook his good brother resting in his arms and called out while choking with sobs.

Long Yi squatted down and examined Frank. Then, facing the hopeful look of Karl, he inwardly sighed and shook his head. The essence blood of this Frank had been nearly exhausted; moreover, his internal organs had long since ceased working. If it were not for him forcibly holding onto his last breath, he might have already died long ago.

Seeing that even this mysterious benefactor had no way to save his good brother, Karl sadly watched his good brother in his arms.

At that time, Frank slowly opened his hazy eyes, and with his outer milky white eyelids hanging down, he said in his weak voice, "Karl… promise… promise me. Take care… take care of Xueji for your lifetime."

"B*****d, B*****d. Frank, you b*****d! Xueji is your fiancée! You cannot let her down. I will definitely think of a way to save you." Karl choked with sobs, and his face twisted in pain.

"Actually… I-I always knew… the person Xueji likes is you, but… but I selfishly… pretended to not notice… I… I don't deserve to be your brother." Frank was somewhat agitated and trembled.

Karl was startled and muttered, "It's me that was bad. I knew perfectly well that Xueji and you were engaged, but I still started to like her. It's me who doesn't deserve to be your brother."

"Promise… promise me, as my brother, promise me, take… take care of Xueji for a lifetime." Frank suddenly grabbed the hands of Karl, and his eyes shone for a moment. Even his words went smoothly.

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Long Yi and Liuli looked at each other and sighed. Frank was already dying; he couldn't hold on for long.

Karl silently nodded his head while tears flowed down his cheeks. How could he not know that Frank had already reached the end of his life?

"Good… good brother, thank…" Before he could speak his final word of gratitude, Frank weakly fell in the bosom of Karl wearing a faint smile.

Sijiate walked forward, wanting to console Karl, but Long Yi pulled him away and said in a low voice, "Don't disturb him. Let him calm down. We will rest over there for a bit."

Long Yi's group of four walked to one side and sadly observed Karl who was petrified like a statue while holding Frank. This was the first time they had carefully sized up this person of the Sea Race. His entire body was dark green in color. He wore a suit of brown armor. His head was oval-shaped and without hair. His facial features were similar to that of a human, but he had a milky white layer as an eyelid. He had eight legs with webbed toes. Long Yi wondered what race he was.

"They belong to the Miluo Clan. They are good at forging weapons and have a large army. They are very powerful among the Sea Race. This Karl is the prince of the Miluo Clan. The bow in his hand is the divine bow passed down in the Miluo Clan. The Miluo Adventure Group he created is very famous," Yamei explained as if she saw through the thoughts of Long Yi.

Another prince? Long Yi's eyebrows shot up. First, he had met the prince and princess of Clam Clan. Now, he again met a prince of the Miluo Clan. It seemed that the princes and princesses of the Sea Race were not particularly valuable. (*Editor's note: Or you have tons of plot armor*)

But, Yamei had said that the Miluo Clan had a large army, so this prince was worth making friends with. Perhaps, he might even be able to help them at a critical moment.

Long Yi narrowed his eyes, and an indescribable look appeared on his face. Then he exhaled, giving rise to a series of air bubbles.