599 - 605

Chapter 599: Heaven-Sent Fortune

The undersea was one world, above the sea, however, was another world.

Without warfare, the above formed a perfect system. New states emerged everywhere and thrived. The state apparatus also operated vigorously. Each department had its own duty, and productivity was restored at an unprecedented speed.

The news that the Dragon Race Convention was about to be held in the Soaring Dragon City of Blue Waves Continent was well known by everyone, becoming the largest discussion topic among people during their leisure time. It seemed that all the races of the entire continent were seething with excitement about this reason.

Everyone knew how profound the significance of selecting Blue Waves Continent as the place to hold the Dragon Race Convention was. This was the beginning of the Dragon Race living together with the various other major races. Their power was widely known, but living in seclusion for millions of years had turned the Dragon Race into a legend; in addition, it had also made the Dragon Race have a completely different system from the system found on the Blue Waves Continent. Now, since the Dragon Race was returning to the continent and becoming a part of their world system, how could this not cause a sensation?

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The unification of the entire continent, the return of the Dragon Race, the creation of the transfer magic array, all of this was because of the Ximen Clan. In addition, because of the presence of the current Crown Prince Ximen Yu, the prestige of the Ximen Clan that had just become the imperial clan had already reached the pinnacle. Their status of the Ximen Imperial Clan was further consolidated by the thrilling news about the Dragon Race.

Now, if someone asked who was the person most admired by the youths of all the races on Blue Waves Continent, all would answer Ximen Yu. Due to his upgrade from being a very famous profligate son to reaching his current peak status in addition to his powerful army, trustworthy brothers, and most beautiful beauties around him, he represented a legend full of dreams.

Thereupon, that white silk gown, uninhibited black hair and lazy smile became extraordinarily popular. Even people of the Beastmen Race with their long hair all over their bodies could be seen wearing this kind of attire, making people involuntarily smile. Nevertheless, no one dissuaded them. After all, imitating one's idol was normal.

In the fairyland-like Elven Forest, Dongfang Wan along with her numerous daughters-in-law was chatting happily and strolling in the company of the Elf Queen mother and daughter. Behind them, Nika along with her squad of elven guards followed.

The environment of the Elven Forest was truly too beautiful. The fresh air, gurgling spring, splashing waterfall, and strange flowers and plants made Dongfang Wan and others enjoy it so much that they forgot to go home.

"Truly a paradise in the human world. If it were not for the urging of that husband of mine, I would truly hate to leave this place," Dongfang Wan said with a smile.

"Empress is always welcome in the Elven Forest. It is not a problem even if you live here for a lifetime," Elf Queen softly smiled and said. The Elf Queen and Dongfang Wan truly looked like sisters. They had the same kind of bearing; merely, Dongfang Wan looked a bit more cordial while Elf Queen looked a bit more elegant.

"Now that we all are one family, why are you still treating me as an outsider? Hereafter, how about addressing each other as sisters?" Dongfang Wan grumbled a little.

Elf Queen was startled, and Long Yi's face with that bad smile involuntarily appeared in her mind. She was already regarded as his mother-in-law, and now, she was going to become sisters with his mother. Then in the future…

Thinking this, Elf Queen was startled, and she hastily tossed those terrifying thoughts out of her mind. Could it be that she truly had some feelings for that little b*****d?

"Okay, I am older than you in age, so you can address me as big sister, and I will address you as younger sister. What do you think?" Elf Queen asked with a smile.

"Big sister calling me younger sister is naturally fine." Dongfang Wan smiled and held the hand of the Elf Queen.

If Long Yi learned that his mother was calling Elf Queen big sister, then one could only wonder if he would become extremely depressed. However, he might not be. He already didn't care that Elf Queen was the mother of Luxiya, let alone just addressing her as an aunt.

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Dongfang Wan and Elf Queen chatted joyously like that, but the great beauties beside them were even livelier. Now, delicate fragrance along with crisp laughter spread throughout the Elven Forest. Only Long Yi was blessed to enjoy this kind of scenery.

"Quickly, come and look at what fruit I picked. It's red and beautiful." Murong Shuyu announced while holding two red fruits in her hands.

"It's the Jadeite Fruit unique to our Elven Forest. Only when it turns emerald green in color, is it considered ripe. Now, although this fruit can still be eaten, it is very sour," Luxiya said with a smile.

"Sour? Let me try it." Nangong Xiangyun who was wearing a blue skin-tight silk skirt took one Jadeite Fruit, and taking a small bite, she chewed it. Then taking another bite, she said, "It's not so sour; it's tasty."

Luxiya and the group of elven guards behind looked at Nangong XIangyun in great surprise. Something was wrong, the red Jadeite Fruit was supposedly very sour.

"I will also try some." Murong Shuyu also took a bit after seeing Nangong Xiangyun eating this fruit.

"Ah, sour, so sour! My teeth are falling off! I am dying, big sister Xiangyun, you liar!" Immediately after taking a bite, Murong Xiangyun screamed.

"No, I truly think it is pretty good," Nangong Xiangyun shook the Jadeite Fruit in her hand and said.

"Can it be that this one is tastier?" At one side, Long Ling'er pointed at the half-eaten Jadeite Fruit in Nangong Xiangyun's hand and said while crumpling her face sourly like Murong Shuyu.

"Xiangyun, I have noticed that you like to eat sour things in these past few days, and last night, I heard you retching. Are you pregnant?" Leng Youyou smiled and asked.

All the women looked at Nangong Xiangyun at the same time. All of them looked excited. Here, other than Qing Wu, Piao Xue and Ximen Wuhen who still didn't count as Long Yi's women, all others were the women of Long Yi. All of them were looking forward to bearing the child of Long Yi. Even if that child was not their own flesh and blood, that child would still be the first bloodline of Long Yi.

Nangong Xiangyun looked at the Jadeite Fruit in her hand in a daze. Thinking about it, her physiological period had already been delayed for several days. Her heart involuntarily trembled. Could it be that she truly was pregnant with Long Yi's child?

At this moment, Dongfang Wan and Elf Queen who were walking in the front heard the commotion and turned back.

Then, Elf Queen used her power of nature to scan Nangong Xiangyun, and sure enough, she sensed a small life in her belly.

"Congratulations, Xiangyun! You are going to be a mother," Elf Queen said with a smile.

After she spoke, it became completely silent for a few seconds as if this news was too pleasant to absorb.

"Ah!" All women screamed in excitement and congratulated Nangong Xinagyun. In any case, the child in her belly was also their child.

Nangong Xiangyun was so overwhelmed that she was at a loss. Only God knew how much she had longed for this child, and now that her wish was fulfilled, it felt like she was dreaming.

But, the one person who was even more excited that Nangong Xiangyun was Dongfang Wan. She was finally going to have a grandchild, and the Imperial Clan would finally have someone to act as an inheritor. This was the greatest happy event possible.

Nangong Xiangyun immediately became like the most treasured and protected animal. Everyone stood around her. It truly was like they feared she would melt if placed in their mouths and fall if placed on their hands.

This news was immediately sent out from the Elven Forest, and within a day, this news had reached the ears of Ximen Nu who had been occupied by the preparations for the Dragon Race Convention. He had immediately been so delighted that he had laughed heartily, and his beard had trembled in excitement.

When Ximen Nu told this news to his father Ximen Kuang, Ximen Kuang instantly become anxious and roared, "What are you doing here? Still not going to bring back my treasured granddaughter-in-law! If my great-grandchild loses even half of a hair, I will beat your butt until it is mushy."

Ximen Nu sweated profusely. In front of his father, he didn't have any of the prestige of an Emperor. Thinking about it, when he was young, his butt had suffered many beatings to such an extent that there was still a shadow in his heart.


Long Yi and his group gathered together, and with a strong barrier around them, they swam above this undersea forest. In the beginning, they had advanced forward without any obstructions, but who would have thought that that Heaven Slaying Squid was so cunning? It had turned the innumerable green seaweeds into a big dense net and attacked with earth-shaking momentum. If this continued, Long Yi and the others would also possibly collapse due to exhaustion.

At this time, Long Yi made a prompt decision and chose to advance through the undersea forest. Although they could still suffer a surprise attack by some strange undersea plants, they were much more relaxed.

Along the way, via the mouth of the surviving prince of Miluo Clan, they learned that the Miluo Adventure Group had received a dangerous mission from the patriarch of the Shark Clan. It was to obtain the blood and bones of an adult bloodthirsty whale and also to look for a Ninth Nether Spirit Tablet lost in the undersea during the War of Demons and Gods. His reward had made Karl unable to refuse this mission. Once this mission was completed, Shark Clan would give him the invaluable sea mine located on the southeastern part of Undersea City as a reward. However, the even more important part was that the patriarch of the Shark Clan had promised to use the treasure of the Shark Clan, Dark Pearl, to save his cursed younger sister.

Karl had been unable to withstand his desires. He had undertaken this dangerous mission, and after losing over 20 brothers in a fight with a bloodthirsty whale, that ferocious sea monster, they had finally killed an adult bloodthirsty whale and successfully obtained its blood and bones. However, after coming to this undersea forest that belonged to the Heaven Slaying Squid, only he alone had survived.

Long Yi showed deep sympathy for the experience of Karl, but as an adventurer group leader, he should have already been aware of the principle that the gains were directly proportional to the risks. Like this adventure group, members of many mercenary groups of Blue Waves Continent were either killed or injured in order to complete a mission. Everything was just for self-interest. In the past, in that mission of the Lightning God, many first-rate mercenary groups had been destroyed.

"Look, there is a big cave there," Sijiate suddenly shouted while pointing at the left-front side.

Chapter 600: The Land of Holy Spiri

Long Yi and the others looked over. Sure enough, they saw a large cave in front that was roughly ten meters wide in the depths of this forest. It appeared dark without any light.

For some unknown reason, a kind of inexplicable feeling appeared in Long Yi's heart. There seemed to be something attracting him.

"Everyone, don't you feel this cave looks a little strange?" Yamei sized up this seemingly bottomless undersea cave and asked with hesitation.

"It is quite strange. That Heaven Slaying Squid couldn't inside, could it?" Sijiate said.

"That is absolutely impossible. Didn't you all also see that huge tentacle of the Heaven Slaying Squid? That alone was more than 100 meters thick. This cave is not big enough to hide even that one tentacle," Karl said.

Long Yi raised his hand, and five light balls appeared. Although the light magic element was very thin in water, it was more than enough to maintain a few light balls. Then, with a flick of his finger, those five light balls flew towards that cave.

When those light balls were roughly 100 meters inside that cave, they encountered an obstruction and were immediately extinguished.

"Long Yi, should we go in and take a look?" The purple shell on the back of Yamei flapped as she asked. She seemed to be very interested in this big cave.

"I think we should go and take a look. Does anyone have any objections?" Long Yi looked at everyone and asked. As a matter of fact, it was not wise to venture into this cave when they were already in such a dangerous undersea forest, but Long Yi's intuition told him that there was something in this cave; otherwise, he wouldn't have this kind of feeling.

Liuli took the initiative to shake her head; she would naturally always follow Long Yi. The Yamei siblings and Karl also expressed that they had no objections. Since their lives had been saved by Long Yi, they would not cower back if Long Yi wanted to enter. Moreover, taking risks was engraved in their bones.

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Seeing that everyone had agreed, Long Yi created a few light balls again. Shrouding everyone in an isolation barrier, they swam toward that big cave.

After arriving near the cave, they saw that there was a forty-five degree slanted slope to the cave's entrance. Long Yi used his hands to feel the cave wall and discovered that it wasn't formed with mud nor rock. It was very hard and smooth. They swam 100 meters and reached the place where Long Yi's light balls had been extinguished before.

"Eh, it's the end. There is nothing in the cave." Beneath the soft glow emitted by the light balls, everyone looked all around but discovered that there truly only was a dead end in front of them.

Long Yi frowned. Impossible! That feeling… How could this just be an empty cave?

Long Yi strengthened the brightness of the light balls, and the surrounding area was illuminated brightly. At this time, he suddenly discovered a few ancient magic runes engraved on the left wall.

"If some lines were added, and these magic runes were circled, it would resemble a transfer magic array!" Long Yi had studied a lot of magic arrays, and from an initial glance, he felt that these magic runes were very familiar, so he came to this conclusion.

"How about we give it a try?" Karl asked.

Long Yi had already had this plan. He transferred magic power to his fingertip and drew the connecting lines. No long after, a transfer magic array was completed.

"Now, as for inserting two pieces of magic stones, they should be eh…" Before Long Yi finished speaking, he saw that the magic runes that had already existed before they had come began to emit a faint radiance. This magic array could instantly activate! It unexpectedly didn't need magic stones as an energy supply.

"Should we go in?" Sijiate asked foolishly.

"Nonsense, if I don't enter, I will not be able to rest nor eat in peace." Karl's eyes shone. He couldn't wait to know where this transfer magic array would teleport him.

Everyone came to an agreement, and taking a deep breath, they entered this transfer magic array.

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Long Yi held Liuli's slender waist and only saw a blur in front of his eyes. When everything cleared up once more, he discovered that he was in an open field covered with overgrown weeds. The land below his legs felt real, and the air around was fresh. However, looking up, he could see blue seawater over a hundred meters above where all kinds of strange sea fish swam.

At that moment, the Yamei siblings and Karl stood up in the midst of a thick clump of grass not far away. They looked surprised and bewildered.

"Strange, how come we were transferred to the Land of Holy Spirit in Undersea City? Let's leave quickly! It will be troublesome if we are discovered," Karl looked all around and said in a low voice.

"What is the Land of Holy Spirit? Isn't this the wilderness?" Long Yi raised his eyebrows and asked. In the past, he had always thought that Undersea City was a city in the midst of the sea, but to his surprise, it turned out to be a place with a huge barrier that isolated the seawater. However, this was better. Although he could absorb oxygen within seawater to survive because he had reached the fifth layer of AoTianJue, a human was still a human: it was not so comfortable to soak in seawater all day and night.

"In the War of Gods and Demons a hundred thousand years ago, the Sea Race was also involved. At that time, the greatest Sea Emperor and his millions of people died here in battle. Later, this land was sealed off as the Land of Holy Spirit, and no one was allowed to disturb the late emperor's sleep. If someone was discovered here, he or she would be sentenced to death," Karl explained.

So many corpses? Long Yi spread out his spirit power, but he didn't sense any grievances. He then chanted an incantation and used Undead Summoning Magic. A few grotesque skeletons of the Sea Race crawled out of the ground and stood in front of Long Yi.

"Ah!" The Yamei siblings and Karl screamed at the same time and looked at Long Yi as if he were a monster. In the Sea Race, there were also magicians, but there weren't many, and most of them were proficient in either water or spirit magic. Undead magic merely existed in the legend; moreover, necromancers were regarded as envoys of the Devil.

Long Yi didn't feel like explaining to them. He just examined these skeletons of the Sea Race, and shaking his head, he said, "Look at the appearances of these skeletons. They are absolutely not a hundred thousand years old. They are at most over a hundred years old."

The attention of everyone shifted to Long Yi's words, and Karl exclaimed, "Impossible, no one has ever set foot here! No one is allowed to enter here other than the Sea Emperor who comes here annually to commemorate the dead."

"I don't have any reason to lie to you all, but do you all know what this is?" Long Yi took off a small plate from the neck of one of the eight-limbed skeletons.

"Isn't this the identity plate of a Sea Scorpion Clan's elite scorpion guard?" Karl took a look and exclaimed in shock.

"Are you sure? Karl, the elite scorpion guard was established two hundred years ago. How could they appear here?" Yamei asked.

With this, everything felt that the matter was somewhat fishy. This was the place of the Sea Race where their clansmen who had sacrificed their lives a hundred thousand years ago in the War of Gods and Demons were buried, but now, skeletons that were less than a hundred years old had appeared here; moreover, no one had been allowed to enter this place from the past to the present.

Long Yi sized up all the skeletons around him and found that there were no scars on them; thus, he was unable to discern their causes of death. He thought for a bit and twisted a front limb of this sea scorpion skeleton and examined it. After a while, he announced, "It seems that all of their essence blood was sucked dry before they perished. There is no marrow power inside this skeleton."

"Then, doesn't that resemble how the Heaven Slaying Squid kills? Didn't Frank die like that?" Sijiate asked.

The complexion of Karl changed, and the final tragic appearance of his good brother Frank appeared in his mind. He gnashed his teeth and said, "Examine! I must examine this matter!" He sensed a huge conspiracy at foot here.

At this moment, Long Yi's ears stood erect, and he said in a low voice, "Someone is coming, retract your aura and hide."

Having heard what he said, everyone retracted their auras and hid in the invisible isolation barrier of Long Yi. They squatted down in the thick clump of grass.

Not long after, along with crackling sounds, a group of fifty tall humanoid figures appeared. They wore armor and held spear-like weapons that dazzled with pallid light. They were still far away, but their bloody killing intent rippled in the air.

This squad of fifty people advanced in a neat formation and passed by several dozen meters away from where Long Yi's group hid.

"Which clan's army is this?" Long Yi asked in a whisper.

"I don't know. I can't see their true faces." Karl shook his head.

The Yamei siblings also expressed that they had never seen this army.

Perhaps, this was an army trained here in secret, and the Land of Holy Spirit was only a cover for them. Long Yi thought this was so.

"Let's follow them and see where they are going," Long Yi said.

The group of five followed this squad with some distance left between them. With the strength of Long Yi, tracking such a squad was very easy.

After roughly an hour, this squad stopped in front of an unassuming rock, and the person taking the lead took out a triangular plate and placed it above this rock. A white light flashed, and this squad unexpectedly disappeared into thin air.

The group of Long Yi rushed over to that rock and found that there was a groove embedded within this rock. If he forcibly moved this stone, then he feared that he would alert the enemy. Like that, the losses would outweigh the gains.

"Long Yi, what should we do now?" Yamei habitually asked Long Yi. She always felt that there was nothing in this world that this man couldn't do.

Long Yi closed his eyes and sent out his spirit power to examine whether there was any barrier or so on around this place. He was sure that whatever it was that had emitted that white light was not a transfer magic array because it didn't have the magic fluctuation of a transfer magic array, it had just been a simple magic power fluctuation. Could it be that there was an invisible magic gate here?

After a good while, Long Yi helplessly shook his head and said, "There is nothing here. Now, we can only use the most cumbersome method. We must wait here: I don't believe that they will never come out."

Everyone thought for a bit and felt that this was the only method they could use.

Long Yi dug a hole not far away. He then disguised it and covered it with an isolation barrier, beginning their wait while listening to Karl and the Yamei siblings talk about the current circumstances of the Sea Race, especially their insinuations about the circumstances of Mermaid Clan. He truly wanted to know the current situation of Bifei and Xiaomi.

Chapter 601: Sneaking in

In the isolation barrier, Long Yi's group of five talked while waiting for any movement occurring by that rock. Compared to the Yamei siblings, Karl, this prince of the Miluo Clan, clearly knew much more about the current circumstances of the Sea Race because among the numerous clans of the Sea Race, the Miluo Clan could be considered as one of the stronger clans. Moreover, not only was Miluo Clan one of the three biggest weapon suppliers of the Sea Race, it also had a powerful army that even the Sea Emperor himself feared to some extent. Thus, in the power struggle between the Shark-Whale Clan Alliance and the Sea Emperor, both sides spared no efforts to draw Miluo Clan to their sides.

According to Karl, his clan was hesitant about which side to lean toward. Karl's father, the patriarch of the Miluo Clan, preferred to remain neutral. Merely, there were some elders in the clan who endlessly bickered. They believed that this was a rare opportunity and that their clan should participate in this whirlpool of a power struggle and strive for the greatest profits for the clan. In addition, there were even more ambitious elders who argued that in the battle between the Sea Emperor and the Shark Clan & Whale Clan, both sides would suffer losses. At that time, they could take that opportunity to become the old fisherman and reap the benefits. Then, their Miluo Clan would be the big winner who got to laugh last.

Regarding this power struggle of the Sea Race, Long Yi was not interested. Merely, he only wanted to clearly know the truth about the banishment of the Mermaid Clan's Imperial Family five hundred years ago. Secondly, he wanted to unite the entire Sea Race and prepare for the upcoming catastrophe. Although this catastrophe was still an unfounded matter, he believed that it was unlikely for that Dragon God to deceive him.

Therefore, Long Yi felt that it was necessary to participate in the internal strifes of the Sea Race. Moreover, he felt that these matters weren't as simple as they looked.

While he was lost in thought, Long Yi suddenly sensed someone approaching. Looking over, he actually saw a person walking around by himself. He was dressed exactly the same as the previous squad, but the logo on his armored was somewhat different. At this moment, Long Yi knew that their chance had come.

"You all, stay here. I will go and deal with him." After speaking, he disappeared. In the next second, he had already appeared behind that person wearing heavy armor. Then, he hit the back of this person's neck, and this person fell to the ground and fainted with a groan.

Long Yi brought this tall fellow inside the isolated barrier and found a triangular command plate on him. This should be the key to enter that unknown place.

Merely, when Long Yi wanted to take off the heavy armor of this fellow and disguise himself, everyone discovered that the heavy armor of this fellow couldn't be taken off.

"F**k, is this armor grown on his body?" Sijiate punched the helmet of this fellow and angrily said. As for this curse word, he had naturally learned it from a certain someone.

"Cut it off. This Young Master doesn't believe that there's nothing we can do to this fellow." Long Yi was also somewhat impatient. He condensed internal force in his palm and cut towards the arm of this fellow. He thought that if he couldn't take off this fellow's armor, he would first cut off this fellow's arm. In any case, lacking one arm and having broken legs wouldn't threaten his life.

The powerful energy he condensed distorted the air around them. Then, along with a metal colliding sound and sparks flying in all directions, an arm separated from the body.

"Squeak!" A sharp and miserable screaming sound resounded as green blood splashed onto the ground. At this moment, this unconscious person wearing heavy armor woke up in pain, and his body acutely trembled.

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Long Yi picked up the cut-off arm from the ground and looked inside. He then casually threw this cut-off arm toward Karl with an amazed look.

"Young Master, the aura of this blood is very similar to the Heaven Slaying Squid. Merely, there is no powerful momentum of the Heaven Slaying Squid," Liuli said thoughtfully.

"This cut-off arm seems to be a tentacle of the squid. Merely, some kind of method was used to fuse it with the armor, allowing it to become one entity." Karl carefully examined this arm and was very surprised.

"Yet, the Sea Race doesn't have such a race!" Sijiate ferociously kicked that heavily armored person, and a scream resounded.

"Perhaps, this is just a sea monster, a sea monster controlled by someone," Yamei said.

Long Yi felt that Yamei's viewpoint was likely correct. Just a moment ago, he had used his spirit power to scan this armored person, and he had indeed had a squid-like structure. Moreover, there was a kind of very strange energy fluctuation within his body, and this energy fluctuation made Long Yi feel cold and bloody. If someone were truly controlling everything from behind, that absolutely wasn't a small matter. It was common knowledge that some sea monsters could be tamed and used for different purposes, but there were some sea monsters that were difficult to tame. Squids were one of them. But now, not only had someone successfully tamed them, but he had also made the squids wear armor and given them weapons to make an army. If this kind of powerful sea monster army that only thoughtlessly obeyed orders walked onto a battlefield, they truly would become invincible existences.

"A great scheme! Someone is definitely scheming," Karl shouted.

Long Yi narrowed his eyes, and then looking at the triangular command plate in his hand, he said, "You all will wait here I will go and take a look inside."

"Let's go together," Everybody said in unison looking at Long Yi.

"No, I don't know the circumstances inside. It is better for me to go alone," Long Yi waved his hand and said with a decisive tone.

He then walked out of the isolation barrier, and standing in front of that rock, he placed the triangular command plate into the groove. Suddenly, he felt a powerful magical fluctuation inside the rock. Then a white light sucked him in.

When Long Yi was able to clearly see the situation around him again, he was shocked. He discovered that he was standing in an open and spacious hall. A huge magic lamp dangled down from the roof of this hall. However, what surprised Long Yi was that the hall was filled with guards each wearing heavy armor and holding a spear.

Nevertheless, Long Yi quickly calmed down. These heavily armored guards stood straight and still as if they were sculptures without any life. It could be assumed that just like that heavily-armored guard Long Yi had captured, all of them were sea monsters under the control of someone, and they wouldn't move without orders.

Long Yi spread out his spirit power, and like a wisp of smoke, his figure disappeared from this hall and appeared in front of a room. Rather than saying this was a room, it was better to say that it was an isolated space. Other than the passage leading inside, this space was surrounded by blue seawater.

An unusually burly Patriarch of the Shark Clan was standing with his hands clasped behind his back. His head was very different from the other clansmen of his Shark Clan. His head was more like a human head rather than a shark's head. Other than a cyan scale on the top of his head and those sharp steel teeth, his facial features were the same as a human being's. He was the patriarch of the Shark Clan, one of the most powerful clans in the Sea Race.

"Reporting to Patriarch, we captured that girl of the Sea Emperor!" A general of the Shark Clan wearing golden armor entered from the passage and said with excitement.

"Oh? Captured? Take me there." A hint of excitement flashed through the eyes of the Shark Patriarch, but he quickly suppressed it.

The two people walked out of this space, and following this passage that meandered left and right, they arrived at the seashore. This so-called seashore seemed to be underground, and there were numerous guards patrolling back and forth.

That shark general led the Shark Patriarch through layer upon layer of defenses and entered a room that was decorated with more than a hundred fist-sized best quality pearls that illuminated the room. In the room, there was a bed made of sea essence, and on that bed, there was bedding weaved with very precious Sea Spirit Grass. At this moment, a young girl who was roughly 17-18 years old lay on that bed. Her face was exquisite, her skin fine and smooth, and there were two short horns on her head that paralleled to dragon horns. Compared to the Shark Clan, it was simply the difference between an angel and a devil. Even though both were actually from the Sea Race, their looks were very different.

The eyes of this young girl were closed. She seemed to be sleeping.

"Not bad, it's really true this time. Last time, that b*****d Sea Emperor made a fool out of us. It seems that new hatred piled on old will be vented on this girl." Sark Patriarch complacently laughed, but his dead fish eyes emitted a cold light.

"Patriarch, we lost many elites in order to capture this girl. How about letting our other close friends torment her?" The shark general looked at this sleeping girl and said these words with his eyes flashing with a lewd light.

"We absolutely cannot make a move on her now. Wait until we capture another one; then you can do whatever you please. If you dare to not heed this Patriarch, you know the consequences, right?" Shark Patriarch saw through the lewd thoughts of his subordinate and coldly warned. This subordinate was good in all aspects, but he had a small flaw: he was too lecherous. One should know that this young girl was the beloved daughter of the Sea Emperor. He didn't want to chase after small gains only to lose big.

"Yes, Patriarch. This subordinate absolutely doesn't dare to make a move on her." Hearing that cold tone of his patriarch, this shark general was frightened because he knew the terrifying means of the patriarch.

"For this period of time, let this girl have delicious food and good wine. Let her have good days. Oh, that's right, how is the inspection of those two women of the Mermaid Clan going?" Shark Patriarch suddenly asked.

"Reporting to patriarch, those two women are stubborn. They insist on saying that the Purple Gold Soul Stone is in the hands of the Clam Clan," The shark general replied.

"Humph, refusing to toast only to drink a forfeit. I reward those two mermaids to you," Shark Patriarch sneered and said.

"Thank you, Patriarch! Under this subordinate's means, they will have lives worse than death, kaka!" This shark general laughed lewdly. He was already very impatient. Since he couldn't make a move on the treasured daughter of the Sea Emperor, he would taste those mermaids. Mermaids were innately charming. Once anyone tasted them, they would never forget.

At this time, a shadow flickered for a moment outside this room. Long Yi shrunk to one corner and thought, "Purple Gold Soul Stone? Mermaids? Could it be that they are talking about Bifei and Xiaomi?"

Chapter 602: Rescuing Bifei

While Long Yi was thinking this inwardly, the Shark Patriarch and that shark general walked out together, but one went left, and the other went towards the right.

Long Yi hesitated. He might gain more following this Shark Patriarch, but he feared that the mermaids they spoke about were Bifei and Xiaomi like he suspected. They were the close relatives of Liuli; he absolutely couldn't let them fall into this devil's talons right in front of his eyes.

He thought for a bit and followed behind that shark general. Fortunately, this strange underground space didn't seem to have many people except for the many heavily armored sea monsters who were not alert. Practically all the rooms along the way were filled with these kinds of sea monsters. This place should be a very important secret stronghold of Shark Clan.

Long Yi followed this shark general through many winding paths without alerting him. It could be assumed that his mind was filled with the jade bodies of mermaids at this moment.

They walked past a few sections like this when heavily armored guards appeared in front of them. Unlike those puppet-like guards in the previous rooms, these guards patrolled everywhere with vigilance. Clearly, their controller was especially focusing on them to keep a close watch on their surroundings. These kinds of guards were also present at the one section of the passage where that daughter of the Sea Emperor was placed, but even then, there had not as many as this.

Long Yi was well aware of the perceptivity of these heavily armored guards. If he didn't use spirit power to isolate his aura, then within a certain range, even if he successfully hid his figure, he would be discovered. Nevertheless, Long Yi wondered what was actually inside since there were so many guards stationed here. Long Yi was increasingly looking forward to seeing it. He carefully retracted his aura and used earth magic, the Earth Concealing Magic, to quietly follow that shark general underground.

Suddenly, the dim yellow radiance covering his body flickered, and Long Yi cursed inwardly. Layer upon layer of magic restrictions were laid out, even underground; moreover, their strength was truly startling. Now, if Long Yi wanted to quietly sneak in past these magic restrictions using the melting magic elements property of AoTianJue, he would have to work for no less than ten days without rest to accomplish it. By then, who knew what the shark general would do to the two mermaids? However, forcibly charging in was also unwise because he had as of yet only seen the tip of the iceberg regarding the true colors of the Shark Race. In addition, this Shark Clan controlled countless of those heavily armored sea monsters. From this, he could infer that they were very formidable. Of course, with Long Yi's current strength, he was confident that he could defend himself without any problems, but the problem was that he still didn't know the consequences of stepping into these muddy waters of the Sea Race.

Fortunately, that Shark General didn't enter those magic restrictions. Instead, he turned into a secret room next to it. This made Long Yi breathe a sigh of relief. After all, he could always examine those restrictions later.

This ugly shark-headed general walked into the secret room and sat on a chair located at the center of this room. Glaring at a few guards, he ordered, "You all, withdraw! Let this general personally interrogate them."

After all the guards withdrew, this shark general lewdly smiled and sized up those two tied-up mermaids in front of him. These two mermaids were listlessly hanging their heads low, their beautiful light blue hair also hung down loosely, and their hands were tied above them. Their fishtails below the waistline were tied up with tough seaweed. As for the upper parts of their bodies, they were covered with just a thin layer of fine gauze. Large portions of their spotlessly white jade-skin were completely exposed.

This shark general greedily stared at the charming bodies of these mermaids and stood up. Thinking about it, it had already been more than one hundred years since he had last enjoyed a mermaid's body. At that time, he had married a mermaid as a concubine. At that time he had discovered that to his surprise, although the flavor of mermaids was quite good, they couldn't endure severe lashings. She had unexpectedly died under his tormenting. And since this incident had spread out, no mermaid that had been willing to marry him. Even the girls of other clans became so scared that they would turn ghastly pale upon hearing his name. They would rather die than marry him.

Originally, it had been no problem for him to capture a few girls of the Mermaid Clan with his means, but after the imperial family of the Mermaid Clan had been banished from Undersea City five hundred years ago, this clan unexpectedly hadn't become like a sheet of loose sand. Instead, it had only grown more united. In addition, since even Sea Emperor directly placed obstacles in his way, he couldn't do anything even if he had the will too And now, an opportunity had finally come for him to unleash his list. Moreover, these were two of the best quality of girls from the Mermaid Clan. How could he not be excited?

Perhaps, they sensed the unscrupulous greedy gaze of this shark general, and the two mermaids rose their heads with some difficulty, revealing their stunning faces. One was mature and charming, and the other was pure and cute. Who else could they be other than Bifei and Xiaomi?

"My mermaid darlings, tell this general the whereabouts of the Purple Gold Soul Stone now while this general's mood is good. Then, this general will treat you two gently later. Otherwise, after this general is done, this general will bestow you two to my subordinates as a reward. I think my 2,000 elite shark guards will serve you two nicely, kaka…" The shark general laughed complacently. If he could find the whereabouts of the Purple Gold Soul Stone, that would be great merit, and the patriarch would definitely treat him favorably, not to mention that when it came down to it, the prisoners were powerless in preventing him from just gifting them to his subordinates anyway.

Bifei was still able to remain calm, but Xiaomi was so scared that her complexion turned pale. She just bit her lower lip and held back her inner panic as she continuously cried in her heart, "Young Master, Young Master, quickly come and save Aunt Bifei and Xiaomi!"

When people were desperate, they would always think of the person who they trusted the most to come and save them. Xiaomi was no exception; Bifei was also so. She found that Long Yi's handsome face wearing his signature bad smile had unconsciously appeared in her mind. Although that bad fellow was not decent, and he frequently stared at her chest, compared with this ugly fellow in front of her who made her feel like vomiting, Long Yi was undoubtedly very pleasing to the eye. More than that, he also had unfathomable strength.

"Why am I foolishly wishing for such a fantasy? He and Liuli are far away! How could he come to save us? It seems that I and Xiaomi are doomed this time." Bifei tossed out that unrealistic fantasy from her heart, and a bitter smile appeared on her face.

"It seems you two are very stubborn. Since that is the case, don't blame this general for being rude!" The shark general laughed and began to take off his golden armor.

Bifei and Xiaomi trembled, and Xiaomi shrieked in terror, "Young Master, Princess, quickly come and save Xiaomi!"

"Shouting, shouting, your shouting is going to make this Young Master deaf." A voice suddenly resounded throughout this secret room.

Bifei and Xiaomi were shocked at the same time because this familiar voice sounded like it belonged to Long Yi. Were they having auditory hallucinations in despair? When they opened their blue eyes and saw a familiar figure casually leaning against the opposite wall with a bad smile, they didn't dare to believe what they were seeing for a moment. After confirming that they were not seeing an illusion by glancing at each other, they instantly felt at ease. At that moment, tears flowed down their cheeks even though they hadn't shed tears before even when under the threats of the shark general.

As for the shark general, he was not an ordinary person; otherwise, the Shark Patriarch wouldn't have regarded him so highly. Immediately after noticing Long Yi behind him, he thought to rush out and alert everyone, but he discovered that a powerful barrier had already surrounded this secret room.

"Human?" The shark general didn't rashly launch an attack. This fellow who had appeared all of a sudden was too strange, and especially that casual smile without any worries made his heart very restless. Only after sizing Long YI up carefully, did he ask his question with some doubt. After all, the sea and land were two completely different worlds. The human race, that kind of extremely intelligent land race with frightening creativity, only existed in the legends and ancient books and records of the Sea Race.

"It seems you are not too stupid. I hope you will not try to be smart, but if you are unwilling, I can make my brother accompany you to play," Long Yi looked at this shark general's left hand and said with a smile. Then, Long Two with a dense dark aura condensed around him and holding a blood-red scythe appeared in front of Long Yi.

The aura of the current Long Two was amazing. The bone armor, purple veins, six purple bone spurs on his back, red light flickering in his bottomless eye-sockets, and blood red scythe with its bloody aura made him look like a devil that had come from hell. It was unknown how many lives had been reaped by that blood red scythe.

"Long Two, play with this kid. Don't kill him," Long Yi instructed with a smile.

"Yes, big brother," Long Yi answered with mechanically. Then turning into a wisp of shadow, he rushed toward the shark general.

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As for Long Yi, he no longer looked at them, and with a flick of his finger, he undid the bindings restricting Bifei and Xiaomi. Since they had been tied up for a long time along with having their power restricted, not to mention that their fishtails ached and were limp without any power, how could they support their weights? After their bindings were undone, they weakly fell forward. Fortunately, Long Yi was there. He opened his arms in time and caught them in his arms. No one knew if this was intentional or not.

"Young Master, Xiaomi misses you to death!" Nestled in the bosom of Long Yi, the panic Xiaomi had been forcibly holding in for a long time came out. She sobbed and cried with tears flowing down her cheeks.

Even Bifei who had always been incomparably firm became very weak at this moment. If not for Long Yi's timely appearance, then the fates of her and Xiaomi would have been very miserable.

Long Yi used Spirit Protect Magic on these two women, and their emotions finally came under control. Immediately after that, Bifei pushed Long Yi away with a red face, but Xiaomi kept on nestling in Long Yi's bosom with her mind at rest and conscience clear. She knew that the bosom of her Young Master would not belong to her after this moment.

"Young Master, how come you're here? What about the princess?" Xiaomi looked up, and she happened to see Long Yi's serious look. Her heart stopped, so she asked this in a timid manner.

"Now, you think of this Young Master and Princess? When you left without a word, do you know how worried your Princess was?" Long Yi glared at Xiaomi before his gaze moved to Bifei.

Xiamo stuck out her tongue and looked pitiful. Of course, she knew that Long Yi was not truly angry.

Bifei didn't avoid the gaze of Long Yi. She sighed softly and said, "Some matters had to be resolved. Liuli is the only one with the bloodline of the mermaid imperial family. Nothing can happen to her."

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Long Yi thought about those restless days of Liuli where she neither ate nor sleep well and wanted to speak more about her condition. However, at this moment, along with a sudden burst of wind, a golden light flashed. Then, that shark general fell heavily on the ground as if he were a dead fish. He struggled for a bit but was unable to stand up.

Chapter 603: Reasons

Long Yi calmly sat on the stone stool the shark general had sat on just a moment ago. Xiaomi and Bifei stood behind him while Long Two stood at one side glaring like a tiger eyeing its prey. As for the shark general who Long Two had treated like a toy, he was just barely alive, and now, he was suspended in midair with seaweed. He was very alarmed and felt panic in his heart.

"You should be an intelligent person. No, no, I mean, an intelligent little shark. Now, you have two choices: one is to cooperate with me, and the other is to suffer all kinds of torture and die," Long Yi smiled and spoke, but his eyes were filled with ice-cold killing intent.

That shark general's dead fish eyes shrunk, but he laughed and said, "Human, I am a general of the Shark Clan. Betraying the Shark Clan is an absolutely impossible matter; you can kill me!"

Long Yi was somewhat surprised. He hadn't expected this scoundrel to have such backbone. Clearly, this strange underground base had a grand secret. Moreover, his intuition told him that that secret was definitely located in that mysterious place shrouded with layer upon layer of magic restrictions. It would be truly somewhat troublesome to go there without this fellow leading the way.

Long Yi's black pupils gradually deepened into bottomless black holes. They contained the vicissitudes the universe had observed for millions upon millions of years. His voice also grew magnetic and bewitching as he suggested, "Even nobodies drag out their ignoble existences; moreover, you are a person who can summon wind and rain even in the great Shark Clan. It would not be worth it to die like this."

That shark general suddenly became dazed, and his eyes lost focus. Hearing Long Yi'S bewitching words, he began to struggle with indecision. He didn't want to lose the women around him or the fawning soldiers below him. Long Yi saw that this shark general was still resistant, so he continued, "Why can other people live well, but you have to die? Remember your beautiful wives and concubines; furthermore, remember your descendants. After you die, your wives and concubines will be taken away by others and your descendants will lead miserable lives and fall. Perhaps, they will all be slaughtered by your enemies one day. You should think clearly."

Upon hearing the words 'wives,' 'concubines,' and 'descendants,' this shark general's body suddenly shook, and he seemed to truly consider Long Yi's offer. Long Yi delicately guided his state of mood. This general was already a very narrow-minded person, and thinking about how his wives and concubines would be divided up by others, his heart twitched. Nevertheless, the point that hit the most vulnerable part of his mentality was the one mentioning his son who had yet to grow up. Compared to others who had sons and daughters in great numbers, he, however, only had just this one son. Without his protection, his son would definitely be murdered by his enemies. That Iron Shark General of the Black Sea Shark Guard hated him down to the marrow of his bones.

At this moment, the expressions of Bifei and Xiaomi standing behind Long Yi were also blurred. Bifei was in a slightly better situation. She concentrated her powerful spirit power on her glabella to maintain her mind's clarity, but Xiaomi was completely dazed on the same spot. Bifei knew that Long Yi must have used his spirit power to intrude upon the mind of this shark general. While this attack was not aimed at them, they had still involuntarily fallen into a daze upon hearing his bewitching voice. His spirit power was so powerful that it would frighten those who became aware of it.

At that moment, that shark general shook, struggling to resist Long Yi's words a few more times before finally becoming sluggish. Then, he muttered, "I don't want to die. I don't want to die…"

Long Yi complacently laughed in his heart about being able to hypnotize and brainwash this shark general. Originally, he could have directly invaded this shark general's sea of consciousness with his formidable spirit power and forcibly set up a spiritual restriction to achieve control over this shark general. Merely, this method had a big flaw. If the willpower of the other party was firm enough, it was very likely for this forceful procedure to damage the brain. Therefore, his words, actions and manners after being controlled would be very different from usual, which would be easily noticed and expose Long Yi's manipulations as soon as any formal examination was performed. But, by using spirit power to bewitch and hypnotize the other party, and thus destroying their psychological barriers, the other party's mind mind would become blank. Long Yi could then draw out whatever he wanted and no one would find any problems even if an examination were done.

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Long Yi snapped his fingers and placed down the tied-up shark general. After that, that shark general's dazed eyes began to slowly regain their focus. Behind Long Yi, Bifei and Xiaomi also returned to normal simultaneously. Then, the two women looked at each other with lingering fear in their hearts. What if Long Yi used this trick to do naughty things? Xiaomi simply felt breathless. As for Bifei, a hint of expectation flashed through her eyes while she gazed at Long Yi's back view. Such a powerful man was the husband of her princess. With his help, her hopes of the princess returning to the Mermaid Clan and reclaiming her birthright was far greater. In her view, no matter whether it was Liuli, herself, or Xiaomi, they all belonged to the Sea Race. Although the outside world was vast, when all was said and done, it was not their world. Their roots were in the Sea Race, so it was all that mattered.

The shark general crawled up and respectfully said to Long Yi, "Master, this Golden Shark awaits your orders."

"Golden Shark, is it? Tell me about this underground base. What is it used for?" Long Yi asked with a smile. Then, looking back, he pointed at Xiaomi. Xiaomi immediately understood Long Yi. She stood behind him and rested his head rest on her chest before massaging his shoulders.

"Replying to Master, this is the place our Shark Clan uses to produce the army," Golden Shark replied.

As expected, it was like that. A pondering expression appeared on Long Yi's face. His guesses were not limited to this point.

After the question and answer session with Golden Shark, Long Yi was able to roughly understand the circumstances of the Shark Clan.

It turned out that 200 years ago, the patriarchs of the Shark Clan, Whale Clan and Shihun Clan made an agreement to form an alliance. These three most fierce and powerful clans of the Sea Race allied together and began to madly subvert the authority of the Sea Emperor. This was also the time when the patriarch of Shark Clan, Demon Shark, called together his most trusted subordinates to secretly build this place that was half inside Undersea City and half stretched outside Undersea City under the cover of the Holy Land of Undersea City. It had taken nearly a hundred years to build this place, and Patriarch Demon Shark had also obtained strange big squids in a steady stream for an unknown time. These squids that had low intelligence were used to create the army while a strange method was used to control them. This sea monster army was brave and not afraid of death. Their fighting power was very great; moreover, they always obeyed orders. As for where Shark Patriarch had found these big squids and that method, Golden Shark expressed that he didn't know.

When Long Yi asked why they had tried every means to capture the daughter of the Sea Emperor, the answer of Golden Shark greatly surprised Long Yi as well as Bifei and Xiaomi who were standing behind him.

Originally, Shark Patriarch Demon Shark had not only wanted to capture the daughter of Sea Emperor, but he had also secretly dispatched the elites of the Shark Clan everywhere around Undersea City to look for the traces of the Mermaid Empress and her descendants who had been banished 500 years ago. Allegedly, he needed to use the two to refine something. As for what exactly was that thing, Golden Shark didn't know. He only knew that Patriarch Demon Shark regarded this matter as very important. The degree of importance was even greater than that of the rebellion.

The complexions of Bifei and Xiaomi turned pale. Like that, wasn't the arrival of Liuli in Undersea City like a lamb entering the tiger's den?

"Golden Shark, did you capture Bifei and Xiaomi just for the Purple Gold Soul Stone?" The eyes of Long Yi flashed as he asked.

"Yes, Master," Golden Shark replied.

Long Yi turned around and looked at Bifei and Xiaomi. Then, they all sighed in relief. It seemed that the Shark Clan was entirely unaware of Bifei and Xiaomi being related to the mermaid imperial family that had been banished five hundred years ago. If not for this, no one knew what could have happened.

Long Yi rubbed the beard stubble on his chin and pondered. It seemed that there was something wrong with this matter. What exactly was the thing that required Shark Patriarch using the daughter of the Sea Emperor and Liuli to refine it? Could it be that these two women had secrets not known to anyone? It seemed the truth about the matter of the banishment of the Mermaid Imperial family was not simple at all.

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"Bifei, how were you two captured?" Long Yi didn't think more about the reasons. Instead, he thought to look for further clues from this direction.

"In the first place, I took the Purple Gold Soul Stone and hastily returned with Xiaomi to participate in the Sea Race Convention. Merely, because of the internal strife between the Sea Emperor and the alliance of Shark Clan and the others, the Sea Race Convention was postponed. We then took advantage of the chaos and entered Undersea City. At that time, I recalled our empress having a good personal friendship with the patriarch of the Clam Clan, so I went to look for him with the Purple Gold Soul Stone, but somehow this matter was exposed and implicated the Clam Clan. I am ashamed to face them…" Bifei said in a low voice.

The Purple Gold Soul Stone was a priceless treasure among the entire current Sea Race. Everyone coveted the energy contained within it. Basically, Bifei had wanted to exchange this thing for the complete support of the Clam Clan because she had known that the Sea Emperor regarded the Clam Clan very highly. If Clam Clan had offered this thing to the Sea Emperor, they would have been even more favored by the Sea Emperor. Unfortunately, the Shark Patriarch had gotten wind of this and ruthlessly exterminated the entire Clam Clan. Meanwhile, while the two had been running away, they were also caught to be interrogated about the whereabouts of the Purple Gold Soul Stone.

"Where is the Purple Gold Purple Stone?" Long Yi asked.

"I hid in a secret place. I am sure that they have not found it. If they had found it, I and Xiaomi would already have been killed," Bifei tucked a bit of her hair behind her ear and said this complacently. This demeanor startled Long Yi.

"Did you return to Mermaid Clan?" Long Yi asked.

Bifei's expression became gloomy, and she said, "While the other places within Undersea City are dangerous, Mermaid Clan is even more dangerous compared to these other places. When the Mermaid Imperial Clan was banished, I don't know whether someone from inside the Mermaid Clan also played a role in this matter, so I don't dare to take the risk."

Long Yi nodded his head. Bifei was a very cautious person. She was always careful, but he didn't think there was a spy in Clam Clan. Then who exactly had leaked the news? Could it really be someone from the Clam Clan?

"Oh, that's right. The Patriarch of the Clam Clan said that the value of the Purple Gold Soul Stone was not only due to the huge amount of energy contained within it," Bifei suddenly recalled something and revealed this to Long Yi.

"Not only the energy… then what else?" Long Yi asked, feeling this might be the key of the matter.

"I don't know. Right when the Patriarch of the Clam Clan was about to tell me, the army of the Shark Clan attacked," Bifei frowned and said.

Long Yi thought for a bit and asked Golden Shark: "Do you have a way to lead us into that forbidden land?"

Golden Shark thought for a bit and said, "Replying to Master, it is not difficult to enter. It's just that someone else is responsible for guarding inside. I fear we will be discovered easily."

"As long as we can get in, you don't need to worry about anything else." Long Yi smiled as he looked forward to seeing what was inside.

Chapter 604: Secrets inside the restrictions

The defense outside the magic restriction fell under Golden Shark's responsibility. He could easily order around the heavily armored guards surrounding this passage.

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According to Golden Shark, this place was used to process those heavily armored guards. Furthermore, there was also another secret passage inside, but he didn't know where it led. Other than Shark Patriarch, no one had the right to enter. This was everything he knew due to the limits of his authority.

Long Yi first decided to let Golden Shark arrange a secret and safe place to make Bifei and Xiaomi temporarily take shelter in consideration for their safety. Like that, he had no fear of disturbances in the rear.

The surface of the place where layer upon layer of magic restrictions were located looked just like a thick stone wall. Clearly, a special method was employed to conceal the secrets it hid. Like this, the aura and radiance of the magic restrictions wouldn't be perceived by outsiders. However, perhaps because they had never expected that someone would come here via an underground route, the aura of the magic restrictions could be sensed when underground.

Golden Shark took out a command plate and placed it on the stone wall. Then, a blue light flashed, and a stone door suddenly appeared on this stone wall.

"Give me the command plate. You don't need to enter. Go and do what you should do." Long Yi took the command plate of Golden Shark and entered. Then, the stone door embedded within the wall disappeared without a trace.

Now, there was an open and spacious irregular passage in front of Long Yi. It was more than ten meters high and surrounded the yellowish brown cliffs. This passage appeared very old.

Long Yi was surprised. He looked around and walked to the edge of this passage with somewhat heavy footsteps. He then touched those deep marks on the wall. If his guess was not wrong, this passage should have existed for at least several ten thousands of years. These slanted marks on the walls were caused by edged tools and the ground created via magic. Moreover, the bloodstains splashed on the walls had already blended into the wall with the passage of the time. If it were not for Long Yi possessing a powerful spirit power, he basically wouldn't have sensed the traces of battle. In other words, several tens of thousands of years ago, people had fought a fierce fight here.

Long Yi condensed his internal force on his palm and palmed this cliff.

Bang! his palm that was infused with internal force couldn't break down this cliff, only leaving behind a deep mark. Nevertheless, compared to the deepest mark on this cliff, his mark was a bit shallower. This meant that that person who had left behind this mark several tens of thousands of years ago must have been a bit more powerful than him.

Long Yi couldn't help but have doubts. He didn't know what made this cliff, but it was unexpectedly so hard. At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder just how powerful the Sea Race of that time was. Just looking at the deep and shallow marks dotted all over the cliff, one could well imagine how powerful the people fighting here were. One could say that anyone who could leave behind a little mark on this cliff could become a well-known figure on Blue Waves Continent.

Long Yi didn't think much about it. He concealed his aura and flew forward. According to Golden Shark, all the guards that patrolled inside the restrictions were strong shark guards, not heavily armored guards created through sea monsters. The reason why there were no shark guards patrolling this passage was that the cliffs on both sides emitted a kind of invisible weak energy, and staying here for a period of time would make their body spasm and their mind fall into chaos. This was also a matter Long Yi was unable to understand.

Long Yi flashed and disappeared like a wisp of smoke into this passage.

After taking a turn, there was an exit to this passage not far away. At the exit was a squad of fully armored shark guards. And every ten minutes, a squad of patrolling shark guards would pass by this exit. One could well imagine how tight the defenses inside were.

Long Yi stuck close to the roof of this passage like a gecko and melted into the shadows. Even if someone looked up, they would not necessarily discover him because Long Yi looked just like a piece of protruding rock by using his powerful disguising skills.

Long Yi didn't immediately leave through the exit. He carefully used his spirit power to explore his surroundings first. He didn't dare to be careless at all. If he rashly snuck in and triggered an alarm, then he would alert the entire enemy and that would be bad.

Only after familiarizing himself with everything around like it was the palm of his hand, did Long Yi use Great Cosmos Shift and to disappear from the spot. In the next second, he appeared in the middle of two squads of patrolling shark guards as they intersected. In the next instant, his figure disappeared again and appeared at one corner with no one around.

At that moment, a noise came from a passage not far away. Long Yi looked over and saw a squad of shark guards dragging over a hundred heavy armors. Clearly, these heavy armors were equipment for the sea monsters.

The eyes of Long Yi flashed as he thought of a way to muddle through by taking advantage of this distraction.

This squad of shark guards dragging heavy armors arrived at the tightly guarded exit. The leader of this squad then displayed a command plate. After that, the shark guard guarding the exit opened the magic door and let this squad pass. He didn't notice that a person who shouldn't be there was hiding in one of the heavy armors.

Long Yi blended into this squad without anybody knowing and entered inside. He then quietly hide in a dark corner and examined the scene in front of him. But, upon seeing the scene inside, he was dazed for a long time.

Golden Shark's descriptions were basically insufficient to even convey the basic idea of this place. This was the reason why Long Yi lost control of himself. This was no longer some underground passage here, but rather a huge underground space. It was more than one kilometer deep and had spiral stairs around each floor. People of the Sea Race were busy bustling about on every floor. These people were from all kinds of Sea Race, yet all of them were just skin and bones.

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In addition, each floor was separated by a hundred meter tall tower, and a ferocious shark guard stood on it, watching over his respective floor.

At the lowest part of this place, there was a magic array emitting a strange aura; moreover, it glimmered with a deep purple radiance. This magic array was unlike any magic array that Long Yi had ever seen before.

"This… f**k…" Long Yi was in a daze for a while before coming back to his senses. He then saw a shark guard ruthlessly cleaving a person in two, and that corpse was thrown into the magic array at the bottom.

A hint of killing intent flashed through Long Yi's eyes, and a thirst for blood seethed in his heart. He finally understood why Golden Shark had such peculiar thoughts when he had asked about the creation method of the heavily armored guards. This was simply a magic version of a munitions factory. He clearly saw that those squids were just fist-sized in the beginning. They were then packed into a trunk filled with black water to nurture them and sent to the next floor. Long Yi couldn't clearly see how many among them were processed, but he saw these trunks were next wrapped up with a strange kind of magic sludge. Then, the squid that emerged from those trunks were as big as a human. As for the other steps, Long Yi was unable to see.

Just when Long Yi was thinking to go and look for the magic passage that even Golden Shark had no right to enter, his hairs suddenly stood erect, and his heart became heavy because he felt as if someone were looking directly at him.

Almost like a conditional reflex, Long Yi took advantage of the time when the passage he had entered just a moment ago was wide open, and he suddenly released his spirit power. Those guards instantly froze, and Long Yi rushed out.

Then, after using Great Cosmos Shift several times, he returned to that unguarded passage. At this moment, his heart beat rapidly, and his forehead was covered with sweat. He was certain that someone had been peeping at him just a moment ago; moreover, that spirit power had not been in any was inferior to his; in fact, it might have even been stronger than his own.

Long Yi calmed down, but he looked serious. This Sea Race was truly a hornet's nest. It seems the task of uniting the Sea Race would not be at all simple.

Long Yi took out the command tablet of Golden Shark and came out of this space surrounded by the magic restriction. He then went to the secret room to look for Golden Shark. Now, he wanted to take Bifei and Xiaomi and immediately leave this underground base that concealed a heaven-shaking secret. However, he suddenly remembered the captured beloved daughter of Sea Emperor. She was a genuine princess of the Sea Race; thus, her status was much higher than Liuli's, Karl's and the others'.

Perhaps, I can find out the secret of her body, Long Yi thought. Because this matter involved Liuli, Long Yi was somewhat concerned, so he wanted to know what Shark Patriarch wanted to refine using the Princess of the Sea Race and Liuli.

With Golden Shark acting as a guide, Long Yi effortlessly entered the stone room where the daughter of Sea Emperor had been imprisoned.

Under the dim and gentle radiance of a hundred or more best quality pearls, the eyes of the Princess of the Sea Race were still tightly closed, but her exposed skin shone like fine china.

Long Yi carefully sized her up and secretly gasped in admiration. Although he had many devastating beauties around him, the beauty of this Princess still stunned him. No need to speak about her extremely fine and exquisite facial features, the natural charm of her body alone was enough to make any man under heaven fall for her. With such a beauty, letting Golden Shark ruin her would be a tragedy beyond compare.

"I know you are awake," Long Yi sensed the slight change in her breathing and said this with a smile.

This princess leisurely opened her eyes, and those pure sea blue pupils shone with brilliance. She then sat up and moved her legs out of the bed. Her movement was very natural and spontaneous. He couldn't see the slightest bit of panic on her face. She just looked at Long Yi for a bit and suddenly became surprised.

"You don't belong to our Sea Clan. Who exactly are you?" The princess said. Her voice was soft and melodious, but she had an unquestionable authority in her tone.

"Princess is so intelligent, are you truly unable to guess?" Long Yi stepped forward and sat down beside the princess. Teasing a beauty was one of Long Yi's great hobbies. Every time he did so, regardless of whether he had previously been in a bad or heavy mood, his mood would relax.

The princess frowned and moved away. She could sense a peculiar aura that she had never sensed before around this man with her acute senses, but she didn't seem to hate it; instead, it made her beautiful face hot. She was unable to comprehend this.

"Human?" The princess asked with uncertainty.

"Smart, I knew that princess would certainly guess it right," Long Yi said with a smile and shamelessly moved closer. That cold feeling he felt when his arm touched this princess made him feel extremely comfortable.

"When did humans collude with the Shark Clan?" The princess directly stood up and demanded.

Long Yi stopped before going too far. He then fell backward on this big bed made of ten thousand year old sea essence. Smelling that lingering delicate fragrance of the princess hanging around that quilt weaved with sea soul grass, he felt tranquil and calm.

Chapter 605: The reunion of master and servan

Seeing Long Yi lying without a care on the bed she had been sleeping on just a moment ago, the Princess of the Sea Clan involuntarily swayed her legs. She looked calm on the surface, but her heart raged turbulently while she guessed at Long Yi's purpose in coming here. In the history of the Sea Race, humankind was a life form of legends. However, at this moment, a human had suddenly appeared here, As a result, she involuntarily let her imagination run wild. She even thought that the Shark Clan had colluded with the humankind from the dry land.

"What exactly do you want to do?" The princess asked. She believed that he was tacitly agreeing with her assumptions upon seeing he refused to answer.

"Princess, did you know that you are very enchanting? Oh, that's right, I still don't know the name of this princess." Long Yi answered evasively with an indescribable smile.

The princess looked at Long Yi suspiciously. Her guesswork of just a moment ago was shaken. If this human had truly colluded with the Shark Clan, then how could he not know her name? But, if that were not the case, how did he appear here? Looking at his current relaxed expression, the idea that he and the Shark Clan had no relations truly was not too credible.

"Martha, what about yours?" The princess replied after hesitating.

"I am Long Yi. Hehe, you don't need to be formal. I and Shark Clan don't have any cordial relations. I came here just because I was curious. Running into you is just a coincidence, but I just happen to have some questions I want to ask you. This was the reason I appeared in front of you just now," Long Yi sat up and said with a smile.

A hint of alertness flashed through Martha's eyes, but she requested, "Please speak."

Long Yi remained indifferent to her alertness and said, "I heard that the reason why the patriarch of Shark Clan racked his brains to capture you is that he wanted to use you and the descendants of the Mermaid Imperial Family that was banished from Undersea City five hundred years ago to refine something, I am very curious. What exactly is the thing that the Shark Clan wanted to refine using you? What is the use of that thing?"

Martha who had been vigilant from the beginning was stunned. Clearly, Long Yi's questions had greatly surprised her.

After he had asked these questions, Long Yi carefully examined Martha's rapidly fluctuating expressions. That stunned expression was not fake at all, so he frowned and asked, "You didn't know?"

Martha came back to her senses, and shaking her head, she answered, "I always believed that the Shark Clan captured me in order to deal with my Father Emperor. This is the first time I've heard that I was captured for refining something."

Long Yi pondered while tapping the edge of the bed with his forefinger.

"Since you've asked me a question, can I ask you a question now?" Martha stared at Long Yi's handsome face and was finally unable to endure not asking.

"Mmm?" Long Yi raised his eyebrows, and his black pupils shone like shiny dark gems. This accelerated Martha's heartbeat.

"I want to know how you found Undersea City. What was your purpose in coming here?" Martha asked.

"I had someone lead me to find Undersea City. As for my purpose in coming here, it is useless to tell you. It might be meaningful to speak to Sea Emperor." Long Yi smiled and replied while watching Martha. In his heart, he, however, was thinking about how to make Martha help him meet Sea Emperor.

Martha got off the bed and walked about as a small bell around her ankle made crisp "cling, cling" sounds. However, this beautiful princess was actually methodically contemplating her plans with each measured step.

"I got it. Is it not the Mermaid Imperial Family that was banished five hundred years ago that brought you here?" The azure pupils of Martha glimmered with light as she thought of something.

She then stopped her steps and asked Long Yi, staring straight at him. The Human World was far away from the Sea Race. There had been no contact between them for over a hundred thousand years. Thus, only someone from the Mermaid Imperial Family who had been banished from Undersea City five hundred years ago could lead people here without any scruples.

Long Yi smiled and nodded his head. Although this speculation was not completely correct, it was not far from the truth. If not for Liuli, he wouldn't have thought of looking for Undersea City. He said, "Since you have guessed it, I will also not deny it. I want to meet your Father Emperor for a matter. I wonder if Princess Martha has a way to let me see him?"

Martha smiled and said, "Of course, I have one, but you must first prove your relation with the Mermaid Imperial Family."

This princess was quite shrewd. Long Yi thought for a bit before taking out the golden scale Bifei had given him from his space ring and said, "I wonder if this can prove it?"

Dear Readers. Scrapers have recently been devasting our views. At this rate, the site (creativenovels .com) might...let's just hope it doesn't come to that. If you are reading on a scraper site. Please don't. "The Sacred Scale! Yes, this is the keepsake that was passed down from generation to generation of the Mermaid Imperial Family." Although Martha had never seen the keepsake of the Mermaid Clan in person, she could still discern whether this keepsake was real or fake with one glance. As the Princess of the Sea Race, she had her own identification methods.

Martha walked over to Long Yi and sat beside him on the bed. Then, she moved her small head closer to him.

A delicate fragrance assailed Long Yi's nostrils, and it infinitely magnified her charm. Did this princess want to throw herself in his arms at their first meeting? Long Yi stared at a white expanse of snowy white jade skin around Martha's neck; in addition, feeling a soft and tactile impression on his arm, his heart was ready to start wriggling. However, he then heard Martha whispering in his ears.

Although that fragrance of Martha lingered around him, and her warm breath blew in his ears, making him excited, the content of her words immediately snapped him out of his wild imaginations, and he carefully listened.

That's right. Martha told Long Yi the secret method to meet Sea Emperor. She didn't completely believe in Long Yi, but she was imprisoned at this moment and relatively helpless. Moreover, she knew that the matter of the Mermaid Imperial Family was very important because she knew that her Father Emperor had been secretly sending people everywhere in search of their whereabouts these last several hundred years, but the sea was very vast, and there had been no news. As a result, her Father Emperor had been endlessly depressed about this.

Finally, a blue light flashed, and a golden gem appeared on Martha's palm. Then she said, "Take this gem, and my father emperor will believe in you."

Long Yi took the gem, and then he asked with a smile, "Why didn't you beg me to take you out?"

Martha curled her lips and answered, "Why should I ask something nonsensical? You probably will refuse to take me out. In addition, if I suddenly disappeared from here, wouldn't that startle the snake to show the venom of its fangs?"

Long Yi raised his eyebrows and closely examined Martha. At this moment, he truly observed Martha, this Princess of the Sea Race, with increased respect. The intelligence of this beauty truly shouldn't be underestimated.

"You can rest assured. You will not be in danger here. Until the descendants of the Mermaid Imperial Family are found, the Shark Clan will not hurt you," Long Yi said.

Martha nodded her head and suddenly smiled brilliantly as she said, "If I escape from this place in the future, can you take me to the Human World to have a look?"

Long Yi looked straight at her and said, "Of course, Human World is a beautiful place. You will definitely like it."


In the place Liuli, Karl and Yamei siblings hid, all of them were somewhat restless with anxiety. It had already been such a long period of time since Long Yi had left, but there had been no movement from the secret base. Moreover, they had also seen quite a few heavily armored guards entering and exiting that place; thus, their hearts were in jitters.

"Long Yi has been gone for so long. Nothing could have happened to him, right?" Blabbermouth Sijiate said.

"No, absolutely nothing will happen to Young Master." Liuli bit her lower lip and glared at Sijiate.

"It should be fine. If Long Yi had been discovered, then with his strength, how could there have been no activity? It wouldn't be so calm like this," Yamei thought for a bit and decided.

At that time, the large stone suddenly flashed, and three heavily-armored guards appeared. Moreover, they unexpectedly walked straight toward the position they were hiding.

The hearts of the four people tightened, and they prepared to fight.

When those three heavily guards arrived in front of the invisible barrier, one person that seemed to be the leader used the lance in his hand to poke a thick clump of grass, and the invisible barrier unexpectedly shattered. The four people jumped up at the same time, but right when they were about to attack, they felt as if the space around them had condensed, and they couldn't move at all.

"Heh heh, are you all welcoming me like this?" A familiar voice resounded.

"Young Master!" Liuli felt like all the pressure she had been feeling disappeared, and she immediately called this out with pleasant surprise.

Long Yi rearranged the isolating barrier and took off his helmet.

Seeing that familiar smiling face of Long Yi, the four people were joyful. Without Long Yi, they had felt as if they had lacked a backbone, and now that they saw him once more, their hearts immediately calmed down a lot.

"Eh, Long Yi, who are they?" Karl noticed the slightly trembling heavily-armored guards behind Long Yi and asked.

"Them? They are the gifts I prepared for my little princess Liuli," Long Yi said with a smile.

"My gift?" Liuli had an inexplicable feeling, and she suddenly trembled as she could sense a familiar aura being emitted from these two heavily-armored guards. Her eyes brimmed with tears.

The two heavily armored guards received Long Yi's tacit signal, and accompanied by a flash of blue light, the heavy armor they wore disappeared, and Bifei and Xiaomi whose eyes were similarly filled with tears appeared in front of everyone.

"Aunt Bifei, Xiaomi…"


These three people, although they were master and servants, were very close. These three mermaids hugged each other and cried.

Long Yi happily stood at one side while touching his sour nose. No matter the race, familial affection was always an irreplaceable existence, and it was also the reason why the intelligent creatures were intelligent creatures. The most important thing was that they all had rich feelings.

At this moment, Yamei and Sinjate remembered the horrible disaster their Clam Clan had suffered through and thought of their clansmen who had died tragic deaths. Tears streamed down their cheeks. The eyes of Karl were also red, and his heart was full of forlorn emotions.

After a long time, the three women calmed down. Then, Bifei kept asking about how Liuli had fared while they had been separated. She never even said a single word about the sufferings she and Xiaomi had suffered through these past days.

"Well, it's good that everyone is fine. Now, the most pressing matter is leaving this Land of Holy Spirit as quickly as possible," Long Yi said.

Then, the group of seven people quickly disappeared into the horizon of this wilderness overgrown with weeds.