606 - 612

Chapter 606: Sea Emperor

The Land of Holy Spirit was located at the edge of the central district of Undersea City. It was well within the sphere of influence of the Sea Emperor. Of course, the entire Undersea City was originally under the direct rule of the Sea Emperor, but now that the three powerful clans of the Sea Race had joined their hands to oppose the Sea Emperor, the authority of the Sea Emperor was weaker than before. Only the center area of this Undersea City was now within the range of his complete direct control. Unfortunately, this area was only one-fifth of Undersea City.

Perhaps, the Sea Emperor had never even imagined that the Shark Clan would dare to build a secretive underground military base below the Land of Holy Spirit. That place held so many sea monsters that once the united front of the Shark Clan, Whale Clan and Shihun Clan rose in revolt, they would be able to directly attack the imperial palace of the Sea Emperor. At that time, Sea Emperor would be in great danger.

At this moment, Long Yi's group of seven were completely shrouded within a layer of sea cloaks, each revealing only a pair of eyes. This kind of attire was very strange to Long Yi, but he quickly discovered that there were plenty of people who were dressed like this who were busy bustling about Undersea City. According to Karl's explanation, there were many clans in the Sea Race, and their relations were also very complicated. Many clans had a huge influence within certain areas of Undersea City, but the more powerful a clan was, the more hostile rivals they had; therefore, in order to prevent clashes among the clans, Sea Emperor had made a rule: as long as one wore a sea cloak to conceal one's identity, no one was allowed to forcibly take off the other's sea cloak. As a result, such attire came into fashion and become popular. Despite that every clan faced many hostile clans, it was impossible to limit their activities to just within their spheres of influence. This sea cloak became the best method to conceal one's identity and safely go about one's business. In every region of Undersea City, one could see many people in such attires.

The buildings in Undersea City were also very peculiar. Most of them were built using sea stone and sea vines, and their shapes were very irregular. They were randomly square, round, or flat in shape. It was impossible to see these types of buildings on land.

In Undersea City, there were several thousand miniature cities within the city. Some of them were large cities, and some were small cities. When Long Yi's group passed through these cities, they saw that the vast majority looked like they were in a hurry because they constantly rushed about on their individual journeys. After asking his guides, Long Yi understood that because of the Sea Race Convention, the greater part of Undersea City was finalizing preparations to participate.

This Sea Race Convention held once every hundred years was a rare event for the entire Sea Race. Not only was there every kind of activity that the Sea Emperor personally hosted, there was also the largest trade conference in the entire Sea Race. For common people, this trade conference was the main theme of the Sea Race Convention. Most of the people would bring all their savings from the past century to sell off their unneeded things and buy things they urgently needed. As for the policies formulated during the Sea Race Convention, they were naturally the matters of the upper echelons of the Sea Race.

On the way to the largest place in Undersea City, Sea Emperor City, Karl and the Yamei siblings further explained the Sea Race Convention.

As a matter of fact, the trade conference was divided into quite a few levels. The higher the value of the goods one wanted to trade, the higher the level one could enter. Different levels were strictly segregated into different sections and schedules. The higher level trading places were also closer to the center where the authority of the Sea Emperor was more powerful. Therefore, one would come into contact with people of higher status at higher levels. This was also the reason why Yamei had captured the Rainbow Jellyfish to use as proof of their trading ability. With the rarity of Rainbow Jellyfish, they would be able to enter the first level without any problems.

When Long Yi and the others arrived at Sea Emperor City, although they had already been mentally prepared to some extent, they were still stunned by the scene before their eyes. Long Yi had never seen a city that was so crowded. He could only see people massing wherever he looked. Even outside the city, there were countless people dotting the land like ants. In addition, he could see unending rows after rows of stalls. This scene was truly magnificent.

"The trade area outside the city is the lowest level trade area of the Sea Clan Convention. Generally, the things found here are very common, but there are also things that people need. As for the more valuable items, all of them are appraised before being taken into the imperial city where they are distributed into different levels according to their value." Karl was very familiar with the matters of the trade conference. As the prince of the Miluo Clan, he had gone to the first level a hundred years ago.

"Then, should we go appraise our Rainbow Jellyfish now?" Long Yi asked. He knew nothing about this Sea Race Convention, so he obediently listened to the opinion of Karl and the others.

"There is no hurry. Since the opening ceremony of the Sea Race Convention has just ended, most of the people will choose to do appraisals at this time. Generally, the trade conference events of the first level will be held later because all the upper echelons of the Sea Race are very busy during this period of time. Let's go to find a place to settle down first," Karl smiled and said.

Long Yi raised his eyebrows. It seemed that the relationships within the Sea Race were also truly complicated, much like the Human World. Undersea city was filled with interconnected relationships that formed a web of authority.

Karl led Long Yi and the others through the overcrowded streets, but after taking a few turns, it suddenly became quiet. The street in front of them was unexpectedly open and spacious, but only a few people could occasionally be seen wandering about. On both sides of the street, there were still strange buildings, but there were guards of different clans vigilantly guarding each building.

Karl took out the command plate of the Miluo Clan and entered this street. After walking for less than one hundred meters, he stopped in front of a large circular house built with blue and white sea stone. The guards in front of that house had the appearance of the Miluo Clan.

Karl took off his sea cloak, and those two guards immediately welcomed him with pleased surprise. Then, one of them exclaimed, "Prince, you are finally back! Patriarch and Madam were very worried."

"Where are my father and mother?" Karl asked in a low voice. Thinking about how his entire Miluo Adventure Group had been wiped out, he was dejected.

"Patriarch and Madam have just gone out to visit friends," The other guard answered.

Karl didn't talk much. He led Long Yi's group into this big house.

Long Yi curiously looked around. The dwelling place of the Sea Race's upper echelons was generally decorated luxuriously, but they didn't use wonderful workmanships like human beings, but rather seven-colored corals, best quality pearls, colored glasses, and other treasures to decorate. According to the tastes of each person, the effect was also different. The only thing that was similar was that they all looked ostentatious in green and gold. In this aspect, Sea Race lagged behind compared to humankind. Their decorative designs could be described with one word: "tasteless."

This big residence of Karl covered a large area. There were altogether five circular houses. Those houses were not separated using gardens or pavilions like humans but by various shaped ponds. Those ponds were more than ten meters deep, and the light blue seawater in them reflected the light. There were also strange rocks and beautiful fish swimming in them. Although Karl had said that Undersea City used a huge barrier to isolate itself from the sea above, practically all households of the Sea Race in Undersea City had one or even tens of such ponds, which were used for resting and playing.

Long Yi and the others were given the innermost house to stay in, and Karl instructed all his clan members to not enter this house and to not disturb the group.

Sea Emperor City was still overcrowded. At this moment, a shadow that was not very eye-catching shuttled through the streets. After turning through quite a few streets, that shadow arrived in front of an impressive imperial palace belonging to Sea Emperor that was strictly guarded.

At this moment, Long Yi's entire body was covered with a sea cloak. His black pupils looked through the crowd and gazed at the only building that could rival a building from the Human World, the imperial palace. Because this was the time of the Sea Race Convention, the defenses of the imperial palace had been raised to the highest level, and ordinary people were not allowed to approach within a radius of one hundred meters.

On that open and spacious land surrounding the imperial palace, Long Yi saw the bodyguards of three clans waiting outside. They were bodyguards of the Shark Clan, Whale Clan and Shihun Clan.

Long Yi raised his eyebrows. It seemed that the Patriarchs of these three clans were in the imperial palace. Sea Emperor might be feeling unhappy at this moment.

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"It seems the muddled water of the Sea Race will be stirred up in any case. Perhaps, I can enter this muddled water and catch a big fish." A cold smile appeared on Long Yi's face. He had just come for the sake of Liuli and to form an alliance to face the coming danger. But, due to the strange combination of circumstances, he had discovered the underground base of the Shark Clan, which unexpectedly was a magic munitions factory. Moreover, that strange divine sense still horrified him even now. This big fish might be bigger than anything he had imagined.

Long Yi stared at the imperial palace with a profound gaze and then disappeared into the crowd.

Not too long after in a luxurious room of the imperial palace, a blue light flashed, and Long Yi suddenly appeared.

After looking around this room, Long Yi was a little surprised. Beyond a doubt, this was the room of Princess Martha, but this room was not as tacky as many other rooms of the upper-echelons. The walls were built with sparkling and crystal-clear shells and had all kinds of beautiful patterns, but the bed was a completely transparent waterbed. The surrounding dense magic elements clearly showed that it was made using water magic. As for why the magic had lasted for so long without dissipating, he was sure that a magic array was embedded in it to supply magic power. There was a big window on the right side made using light colored coral. Above it was a curtain made with weaved seaweed. This room was very elegant. The tastes of this princess were clearly of a different grade compared to the other people of the Sea Race.

Long Yi sat on the waterbed. It felt very comfortable like he was sitting on a wave.

At that time, he sensed two life fluctuations approaching this room. Long Yi's figure flashed and disappeared into thin air.

Then, two beautiful maids entered the room. Looking at their blue fishtails, he knew that they were from the Mermaid Clan. Because of their relations with Liuli, he had a cordial feeling toward the Mermaid Clan.

The two mermaid maids cleaned the room. In fact, there was nothing to clean up, so they stopped very quickly.

"Ai, there is still no news of Princess; I wonder where she is. God bless Princess… I hope she's fine." Among those two maids, one frowned in worry.

The other maid was also worried. She sighed softly and shook her head. She then opened her mouth but said nothing in the end.

"Little Green, just say whatever you want to say. Why on earth are you acting like this?" The first maid asked curiously.

Little Green hesitated for a bit and said, "Little Blue, I heard some the Empyrean Guards of His Majesty talking today! They said that our princess was kidnapped by the Shark Clan!"

Little Blue's complexion turned pale, and she nervously said, "That's definitely false. If Shark Clan has truly kidnapped Princess, His Majesty wouldn't let them off."

Little Green looked at Little Blue. Her thinking was not as simple as her close sister Little Blue's. She knew that the current Sea Emperor was more ruler in name than in fact. Even if Sea Emperor knew that Shark Clan had captured the princess, as long as the Shark Clan denied it, Sea Emperor would be unable to deal with them. Only naive innocents like Little Blue still believed that Sea Emperor was the supreme ruler of Undersea City.

"Heaven stands behind the good person. Princess will definitely return safe and sound. Let's go," Little Green muttered. Even she herself didn't know whether she was comforting Little Blue or herself.

"Yes, with this lordship around, even if that girl Martha wants to die, it would be quite difficult." At that time, a low and deep voice suddenly resounded. Little Green and Little Blue were so frightened that they jumped and shouted loudly while hugging each other. "Who? Who is there? Come out, otherwise, I will call imperial guards!"

Little Green looked around with fear and trepidation but did not discover a single soul in sight. It was not like she didn't want to scream. However, being rather more sensitive than the ordinary members of the Sea Race, she now detected that this room had already been isolated from outside, so it would be useless to scream.

Long Yi's figure appeared out of thin air. He slowly condensed in the midair and looked at these two little mermaids with a bad smile.

For an unknown reason, after seeing that bad smile of Long Yi, these two panicking little mermaids suddenly calmed down. They could feel a kind of familiar aura from this strange man.

"Who are you?" Looking at this very handsome man, Little Blue felt that this man was more handsome than His Majesty.

"I am a good friend of your princess." Long Yi said with a smirk. He deliberately placed more emphasis on the word "good." After all, the relation between him and the Mermaid Princess was naturally extraordinary.

"Is that so?" The simple-minded Little Blue immediately appeared as if she had been relieved of a heavy load.

"Don't believe him!" Little Green pulled Little Blue behind her. Although she was not afraid anymore, being wise, she couldn't believe in this strange man who had intruded the imperial palace so easily.

"It's fine to not believe in me, but do you recognize this thing?" Long Yi took out the golden gem given to him by Martha and asked with a smile.

"That is Princess's. How did you get it? What happened to our princess?" Little Green screamed, and she actually got into an attacking posture while emitting a strong spirit fluctuation.

The eyes of Long Yi glimmered. It seemed that this Little Green had cultivated spirit power, and he guessed that she had some spirit attacks. Unfortunately, this level of spirit was useless against him.

"Hey, hey. Don't be so nervous. Use your brain to think a little. Since you understand that this is your princess's thing, you should know that without the will of your princess, it would be impossible to obtain this thing," Long Yi flicked that gem and shouted.

Little Green and Little Blue looked face to face and recalled that this was true. Their expressions relaxed a bit, but they still didn't dare to completely believe in him.

"Well, I don't have much time to dawdle with you two. Quickly tell me where the Sea Emperor is now, I have an important matter to discuss with him," Long Yi said. Having someone show the way would be much easier than looking by himself.

"Then, tell us first: where is our princess? What happened to her?" Little Green hesitated for a bit and asked.

"You don't know? Your princess was kidnapped by the Shark Clan. She is in great danger now. I am looking for Sea Emperor to discuss this matter, but since you two are not telling me where Sea Emperor is and are wasting

time, if something happened to the princess in the future, that would certainly be…" Long Yi pretended that he had an urgent matter.

Upon hearing that their princess was in great danger, Little Green and Little Blue panicked. They had already heard that the princess had been kidnapped by the Shark Clan. Now that Long Yi had confirmed this, they subconsciously believed in him.

Little Green pointed out the location of Sea Emperor and clearly explained the situation of that place. She said that Sea Emperor was with the Patriarch of the Shark Clan, Whale Clan and Shihun Clan discussing something.

At this moment, in the main hall of the imperial palace, a handsome middle-aged man wearing blue soft-scaled armor paced back and forth with a depressed look. He had a pair of horns on his head, and a hint of ruthlessness could be seen in his half-narrowed eyes.

"Those three old bastards are simply pushing me too hard." Sea Emperor gnashed his teeth and slammed the desk made with ten-thousand-year-old sea essence stone, turning it into powder.

After venting, his mood settled down a little. Now, he was being opposed by the alliance of those three clans. Moreover, his beloved daughter had fallen into the hands of the Shark Clan. Today, he had been pressured by those three patriarchs, but he had had to grit his teeth and endure. He knew that he could not panic at this moment and had to remain calm; otherwise, the entire Undersea City would turn upside down.

Sea Emperor took a deep breath and muttered, "Why exactly did that old man Demon Shark capture Marta using every possible means? Is it to use her to deal with me? But, why didn't he mention anything today?"

"Could it be…" The Sea Emperor suddenly looked surprised, and his complexion turned pale. Only after a good while, did he mutter, "Impossible. Even if Demon Shark is power-hungry, he is also a person of my Sea Race."

Long Yi avoided the guards outside and hid in one corner of this hall. After he heard the muttering of Sea Emperor, he used his spirit power to create an isolation barrier.

"Who's there?" Sea Emperor immediately noticed that negligible fluctuation and shouted.

"It's a friend, not an enemy, Your Majesty shouldn't be alarmed." Long Yi revealed himself. He also didn't purposely made a mystery of simple things like he had with Little Blue and Little Green. In any case, he must offer Sea Emperor a minimum amount of respect.

"Human! How did you come to my Undersea City?" Upon seeing the appearance of Long Yi, Sea Emperor was shocked. At this time when the Sea Race was in a chaotic mess, why had a human from the far away land appear here? Could the human seek to become the fisherman stalking the oriole?

Long Yi noticed the certainty in the Sea Emperor's tone. This showed that he knew much more about humankind than others of the Sea Race.

"Your Majesty, I wonder if you recognize this!" Long Yi took out that golden gem. When that golden gem shone beneath the light, it eclipsed the other gems in the imperial palace.

Chapter 607: The truth of banishmen

Long Yi and Sea Emperor sat opposite each other. Long Yi sat and looked straight at Sea Emperor despite his huge pressure.

"Good boy! My daughter's sight is pretty good." The sullen look of Sea Emperor suddenly melted, and he laughed.

Long Yi raised his eyebrows. How come did those words seem somewhat wrong? He felt as if he had heard that the princess of the Sea Clan had a good eye in selecting a husband.

Sea Emperor, however, didn't dwell much on it, and retracting his smile, he said, "Since you have arrived in front of me, you must have a certain level of understanding about the matters of the Sea Clan. I don't know why you came to Undersea City, but I want to ask you whether you are willing to stand on my side?"

With a pondering smile, Long Yi tapped the table with his forefinger but said nothing. It was not about weighing the gains and losses; he didn't need to think over those matters. When he had decided to take part in the affairs of the Sea Race, he had decided to stand opposite the Shark Clan without any doubts. He had also wanted to ally with Sea Emperor to fulfill his plans, but if Sea Emperor wanted to pull him over with just these few words, it would not be that easy.

Sea Emperor also didn't urge him further, waiting for Long Yi to fully consider his offer.

"Standing at Your Majesty's side is naturally better. You look more pleasing to the eyes than those of the Shark Clan; moreover, you have a beautiful daughter. This is the most important point. However, everything should have conditions and benefits, especially in a power struggle. Isn't that so?" Long Yi said with a smile. With such a good opportunity in front of him, if he didn't extort something from Sea Emperor, that truly would be letting himself down.

Sea Emperor seemed to have already expected this and said with a smile, "What do you want?"

"As long as Sea Emperor agrees to my three conditions, everything is good," Long Yi said with a polite smile, but his eyes flashed with a scheming light.

"Speak," Sea Emperor said.

��The first condition: I want to know the entire truth about the banishment of the Mermaid Imperial Family from Undersea City five hundred years ago," Long Yi stared straight into the Sea Emperor's eyes of Sea Emperor and demanded.

The complexion of Sea Emperor changed, and his gaze instantly became sharp. This point clearly touched a certain hidden corner of his heart.

"What relation do you have with the Mermaid Imperial Family?" Sea Emperor asked.

"I naturally have a close relation with them; the current Mermaid Princess is my wife." Long Yi slightly moved his right hand. He feared one wrong remark would make Sea Emperor launch an attack.

Sea Emperor doubtfully examined Long Yi, but his aura relaxed as he asked, "Do you have any proof?"

Long Yi thought for a bit and took out that golden scale from his space ring. It was the keepsake of the Mermaid Imperial Family.

"Sacred Scale! Yes, that is the keepsake of Mermaid Clan." The expression of Sea Emperor softened a lot, and his gaze toward Long Yi also had a hint of a peculiar emotion.

Suddenly, as if Sea Emperor had thought of something, he urgently asked, "That descendant of the Mermaid Imperial Family… did she also come to Undersea City?"

Long Yi nodded his head while wondering why Sea Emperor was so nervous. It seemed that his feelings towards the Mermaid Clan were truly not simple at all. What exactly was the inside story behind the banishment incident of five hundred years ago?

"Your Majesty, in the secret base of Shark Clan, I heard the patriarch of Shark Clan saying that he wanted to use your treasured daughter and a descendant of the Mermaid Imperial Family to refine something. Does Your Majesty know something?" Long Yi recalled the words he had overheard and asked.

The entire body of Sea Emperor trembled. He had always held hope, and he had truly believed that the Shark Clan had kidnapped his daughter to threaten him, but at this moment, all possibility of that was severed.

"Do you want to know why I banished the Mermaid Imperial Family from Undersea City five hundred years ago?" Sea Emperor sighed as if he had instantly aged a lot.

Long Yi didn't speak. He knew that Sea Emperor would speak the truth of the matter that had troubled Liuli for many years.

Since 100,000 years ago, there had been a secret passed down from generation to generation of Sea Emperors. This was a shocking secret that had been hidden in the innermost part of each successive Sea Emperor's heart.

That War of Gods and Demons that destroyed heaven and exterminated many formidable lifeforms of 100,000 years ago had lasted over one thousand years and implicated all races. During that time, there had been thousands of intelligent races on the continent and in the seas. Nevertheless, two-thirds of these races became extinct due to that large scale war. One could well imagine how cruel and bloody that war had been.

In the end, the seven Main Gods of Divine Realm had fought against the Heavenly Demon King and used their joint efforts to seal the Demon King at the bottom of the sea, sinking the dry land that had originally covered half of the entire world into the sea to form a seal. Then, they had raised the Hengduan Mountains above this seal. In this final war, the seven Main Gods also hadn't escaped unscathed. The Heavenly Demon King had used his demonic blood to place a Demonic Curse on them during the final moments.

Since the seven Main Gods had been cursed with the Demonic Curse, they had feared that the divine seal of Heavenly Demon King would weaken when that curse flared up; therefore, the gods had fused their spirits with the bloodline of Sea Emperor's clan and the Mermaid Imperial Family. Other than Sea Emperor, even the Imperial Family of the Mermaid Clan didn't know of this secret. Five hundred years ago, Sea Emperor had noticed something unusual in Undersea City and felt strange. This feeling had been very cold and bloody. It had greatly resembled the demonic aura described in the ancient records of the Sea Race.

According to legend, if Heavenly Demon King successfully refined the God's spirits, it would break out of the seal and appear in the world once more. Then, without the suppression of the seven Main Gods, all the races in the entire world would be doomed.

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Therefore, for assurances, he had sought a reason to vanish the entire Mermaid Imperial Family from Undersea City. Fortunately, the Mermaid Queen of that time had had a very bad temper even though she was otherwise very admirable.

Sea Emperor had presumed that as long as the Gods' spirits were not refined, Heavenly Demon King would have no means to break out of that seal.

However, according to Long Yi's description, Sea Emperor guessed that at least a portion of Heavenly Demon King's prowess was known to others. Moreover, the patriarch of the Shark Clan, Demon Shark, lusted for the Demon King's power, so he had kidnapped the emperor's daughter using every means possible. Now, the patriarch was sparing no efforts to look for the descendants of the Mermaid Imperial Family.

After hearing the explanations of Sea Emperor, Long Yi was alarmed. In the War of Gods and Demons of that time, it turned out that Heavenly Demon King had been sealed at the bottom of the sea, and the seven Main Gods had been cursed with Demonic Curse. No wonder…

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"Thus, you must never let Shark Clan find the princess of the Mermaid Clan; otherwise, the Heavenly Demon King will break out of the seal, and the Doomsday will come." Sea Emperor exhaled a mouthful of chaotic qi and said while looking at Long Yi.

"Your Majesty can rest assured. With Liuli by my side, no one can even touch her hair," Long Yi said.

"I have already fulfilled the first condition. I wonder what the remaining two conditions are," Sea Emperor asked.

"I am sure that you will definitely agree with my second condition. I will help you deal with Shark Clan, and you will unite all the clans of the Sea Race. You must then cooperate with humans to prevent unknown catastrophes affecting the whole world." Long Yi paused for a bit and added, "It now seems that one such catastrophe regards the seal of the Heavenly Demon King, but whether your assumptions are true or not is uncertain. In any case, Sea Race and humankind must stand on the same side."

"Of course, that is no problem," Sea Emperor straightforwardly said. Since this also related to the life or death of the Sea Race, he had no reason to disagree.

"As for the third condition, I have not thought of it yet. We will talk about it in the future. As long as Your Majesty owes me a condition, it'll be fine. I assure you it won't be something that will force you to harm innocents," Long Yi said with a smile.

Sea Emperor smiled. He shook his head but said nothing. There was a hint of affection in his gaze. He had always wanted to have a son inherit his position as Sea Emperor. That girl Martha was intelligent and clever, but she lacked a majestic momentum and absolutely couldn't keep down the various clans of Sea Race, but this human in front of him had the boldness of vision and the requisite momentum. In addition, he was cunning like an old fox. 'If he married his daughter and inherited his legacy, how wonderful would that be,' Sea Emperor thought.

"Boy, you must participate in Treasure Seizing Conference tomorrow," Sea Emperor suddenly said.

"Treasure Seizing Conference? Is there good treasure to seize?" Long Yi was interested upon hearing about seizing treasure and asked with interest.

"I know ordinary treasures will not enter your eyes. However, the location of the Treasure Seizing Conference tomorrow is the Undersea Smelting Death Cave. This cave was formed during the War of Gods and Demons 100,000 years ago. There are treasures left behind by gods and demons inside," Sea Emperor said.

"The treasures left behind from the War of Gods and Demons?" Long Yi suspiciously looked at Sea Emperor and added, "Since the treasures are left behind from the War of Gods and Demons, they must be extraordinary. Why aren't you, the patriarch of the Shark Clan, and other high level experts interested in them?"

"It's not like we aren't interested in them, but there's a powerful restriction covering the entire Smelting Death Cave. Only after I cooperate with the patriarchs of the eight most powerful clans of the Sea Race, can we open a passage. Who doesn't want the treasure inside? Thus, several tens of thousands of years ago, all the clans of the Sea Race arrived at an agreement that the current Sea Emperor along with the eight patriarchs of the other clans would open the restrictions and let the entire Sea Race compete fairly. Only those who are under 300 years old are allowed to enter, and no one is allowed to rob others," Sea Emperor explained.

Long Yi thought for a bit and said with a sneer, "What a good plan you all have! Needless to say, all the large forces will dispatch people to enter that place. Once someone finds a treasure, I fear it would be hard for them to avoid the hunt later."

Sea Emperor was startled and said with admiration, "You are correct. The composition of the Sea Race is very complicated. The big clans are everywhere in Undersea City. The influences of the clans are jumbled, and the intelligence level among the clans is also different. It is basically impossible to carry out unified regulations. On the surface, it appears as if all the big forces check and balance each other, but in fact, it is also that the weak are the prey of the strong. This law has been the survival criterion of all living beings since ancient times. I will not change it and am also unable to change it."

Long Yi nodded his head. Having experienced two worlds, this law was naturally engraved in his bones and heart.

"I don't want any ordinary treasure. In the innermost part of the Smelting Death Cave is a Blue Sea Divine Soul," Sea Emperor said.

"Blue Sea Divine Soul?" Long Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, Blue Sea Divine Soul is the divine soul of a first-tier Water God. This thing has great use," Sea Emperor seriously explained.

Chapter 608: The Scheme Concocted inside Miluo Clan

At this time, inside a house located on the right side of the Miluo Clan's residence in Sea Emperor City:

"Father, the Shark Clan is brewing a terrifying scheme. We can no longer look on and ignore them like this. Doing so will definitely harm our entire Sea Race." Karl yelled this and agitatedly rushed over to his father, the patriarch of the Miluo Clan, who had just returned.

"Karl, you are still young. Now, all those elders are ready to make trouble; you shouldn't make things difficult for your father like them. In this whirlpool of a contest for authority, our Miluo Clan must not become involved. Remaining neutral is the only path to maintaining a peaceful home." Miluo Patriarch ignored his agitated son. For the sake of his Miluo Clan, he would absolutely not take risks against other powers. Regardless of whether it be Shark Clan or Sea Emperor, neither sides held an absolute advantage, and the final victor remained unknown. In any case, his Miluo Clan had an army powerful enough to defend themselves should the victor become greedy or vengeful, so it was comparatively better to stay far away from the muddy waters.

"Father, it's not that I am too young; it's you who have gotten old. Shark Clan, Whale Clan and Shihun Clan are all ferocious clans. If they vie for authority against Sea Emperor, the entire Sea Race will be affected. In the future, if they actually succeed in seizing authority, do you really think they will tolerate the existence of our Miluo Clan?" Karl was so agitated that his entire body trembled.

"You…" Miluo Patriarch ferociously glared at his son. Then, he sighed and said, "This matter is not up for discussion. I command this as the patriarch of the Miluo Clan."

"Father, I'm sorry. I was too agitated just now. However, the Shark Clan has built a secret underground base below the Land of Holy Spirit. Moreover, we actually discovered the skeletons of elite scorpion guards inside the Land of Holy Spirit. In addition, my friend said that all of this soldier's essence blood was sucked dry. This is definitely related to the Shark Clan. Father…"

"Okay, Karl, your father is tired. You should leave," Miluo Patriarch interrupted Karl in a low voice.

Karl gritted his teeth and angrily turned away.

"Karl, according to the clan's information, Xueji is already rushing over to Sea Emperor City. It is estimated that she will arrive later today. Go receive her on behalf of this father," Just when Karl was about to leave, Miluo Patriarch suddenly spoke.

Karl's entire body stiffened, and his entire body trembled. Only after a good while did he come back to his senses and quickly run away.

"Promise me that you'll take good care of Xueji for a lifetime." The voice of his good brother Frank reverberated in his ears. Merely, Karl felt that he didn't have the face to go see her. Frank was dead, but he had escaped alive. There was nothing more painful than this.

As for Miluo Patriarch, he, however, was examining that part of the elite scorpion guard Karl had left on the table, lost in thought while frowning.


When Long Yi returned to the Miluo Clan's residence, Bifei, Xiaomi, and Liuli were happily playing in a pond filled with seawater. Bifei was mature, Xiaomi was pure, and Liuli was tender and beautiful. This truly was an example of spring scenery. Fortunately, there was no one else in the vicinity. Letting other people observe this kind of scenery would be a complete waste.

After meeting Sea Emperor and learning the truth behind the banishment of the Mermaid Imperial Family, Long Yi's mood was excellent. He immediately shouted and jumped into the water like a cannonball, making those mermaids scream.

"Young Master, where have you been? I was unable to find you anywhere." Xiaomi patted her chest and swam over.

"This Young Master went to handle some affairs. Eh… I haven't seen you for a while, but Xiaomi, you've gotten a lot fatter." Long Yi lecherously stared at that standing tall plump bosom of Xiaomi. With only a thin layer of gauze covering her body, he could clearly see her full outline in the water, and he was full of praise.

In the beginning, Xiaomi had truly worried that she had gotten fatter, but seeing Long Yi stare at her bosom without blinking, her beautiful face instantly became rosy as she rebuked, "Young Master, you are truly hateful…"

Long Yi just smirked, but his eyes were restlessly gazing at the bosoms of Liuli and Bifei. Among these three women, the Bifei's bosom was the most eye-catching. That extremely thin silk cloth was unable to cover up her spring scenery. Her deep snow-white gully was even more soul-stirring than Xiaomi's. Moreover, compared to Liuli and Xiaomi, her mellow and full curves had even more of that special mature flavor. Long Yi suddenly recalled Elf Queen and Matriarch Phoenix.

"This is a sin; this is a sin. Being is the same as not being; not being is the same as being." Long Yi shook his head as if he wanted to throw away the thoughts of his mind. Nevertheless, the more he wanted to clear his mind, the clearer the beautiful faces of those two mature women became.

"Little pervert, what are you looking at?" Seeing that Long Yi was staring at her bosom and muttering to himself, Bifei couldn't help but feel hot and dry. She felt like his gaze had a distinct substance behind it. It caressed her entire body like a pair of big coarse hands. She wished to escape, but she discovered to her amazement that her heart didn't actually want to escape. This thought scared her, but she pretended to be angry.

"With such beauties around me, if I didn't look, then wouldn't the Heavens condemn me? Who asked Aunt Bifei to be so beautiful?" Long Yi came back to his senses and said this with a smirk, but he didn't move his gaze away from Bifei's bosom.

Bifei felt as if her bosom had been electrocuted, and electricity spread all over her body from her ***. A blazing heat unexpectedly appeared at her lower abdomen.

After associating with him for such a long period of time, Bifei already knew about Long Yi's naughty tricks, and even from their hostility at the beginning to their current friendly terms, she had felt a kind of peculiar feeling toward Long Yi. This was very normal, but that kind of feeling was under her control. Because she regarded Liuli as her own daughter, she had wanted to straighten out Long Yi's attitude.

Merely, after she and Xiaomi had returned to Undersea City, they had suffered all sorts of hardships and were even nearly violated by Golden Shark. However, at that most critical moment when they had already given up all their hopes, Long Yi had appeared and saved them. After that, she had been hardly able to control her feelings. When a man saved a woman who had been trapped in a desperate situation and had already given up all her hopes, the shadow of that man would be inscribed in her heart forever. Xiaomi was like that, so couldn't she also be like that?

Liuli was a very intelligent woman. She had already noticed that Aunt Bifei looked at her family's Young Master with a somewhat peculiar gaze these days. Now, in this situation, she was sure that Aunt Bifei had fallen in love with this naughty man like she herself had. She secretly determined this in her heart but didn't voice her suspicions.

Long Yi and the mermaids played around in good moods. During this time, he told them about what had occurred during his meeting with Sea Emperor and also told them the truth behind the banishment of the Mermaid Imperial Family five hundred years ago.

"So that matter was actually so complicated! Princess, you must be careful in Undersea City and always conceal your aura. Just in case, it is better to not go out during this period of time," Bifei said.

"Isn't Shark Clan sending people to look all over the various sea areas now? I think they will certainly never expect that we are already in Undersea City." On the contrary, Xiaomi spoke optimistically.

"Although that is the case, we shouldn't be careless. Liuli, listen to your Aunt Bifei." Long Yi recalled that strange feeling he had felt in the underground base of the Shark Clan and said. If that feeling was the divine sense of Heavenly Demon King like Sea Emperor had suggested, then he absolutely could not underestimate this situation.

Since Long Yi had opened his mouth to announce his decision, Liuli naturally nodded her head in agreement.


At that time, Karl, who was immersing himself in another pond in great sadness, received a report from a guard. It stated that the granddaughter of the Great Elder, Xueji, had arrived. Standing up and toweling himself, Karl helplessly prepared himself for this next difficulty.

Karl collected his depressed mood and looked at his slender and elegant sweetheart standing in front of him. He would never forget that this woman was also Frank's fiancée. He had promised Frank to take care of her for a lifetime. But, at this moment, meeting her face to face, all his emotions rushed out, blocking his throat, and he was unable to utter a sound.

"Where is he?" After a long time, Xueji asked softly.

Karl silently took Xueji to a room where Frank's corpse was placed. Because of the use of anti-decomposition magic, his corpse was not rotten. Merely, since Heaven Slaying Squid had sucked out his essence blood, his corpse seemed like a balloon without air.

Xueji sat next to Frank and gently caressed his crumpled hand. Tears flowed down her eyes.

Karl wished to console her, but seeing Xueji's suffering expression, he too suddenly realized that this girl who had once had an ambiguous relation with him was unfamiliar at this moment. This girl who had repeatedly complained that she was forced to live together with Frank because of that marriage agreement now looked as if she were greatly suffering. This expression clearly suggested that she had loved Frank to his bones. And then, thinking about all those matters of the past, a chill suddenly appeared in his heart.

"I'm sorry, Frank. You always asked me who I love… I, however, always avoided this question, but now, I will tell you: the one I really love is you. It's you, do you hear me?" Xueji said in a hoarse voice while she trembled.

Karl stood still like a fool and was unable to think of anything. Then, he felt like he had suddenly understood something, but when he wanted to recall this something, his brain turned into a blank space.

Only after a long time did Xueji stop crying. Looking at the dazed Karl, a complicated and pained expression appeared on her face.

"Can you explain all this?" Karl came back to his senses and asked while gesturing throughout the room. His tone was unexpectedly calm.

Xueji shook her head. Instead, she spread open her palm before Karl. Three dark green-colored arrows appeared.

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"Miluo Divine Arrows, you… you actually stole…" Karl's calm voice trembled. Xueji's actions didn't give him any hope that he had misinterpreted the truth. His grimmest inner guesses had turned into reality. It turned out that Xueji had had a purpose in approaching him. He had always pitifully been suffering because he wavered between his desire for love and friendship, which poor Frank had clearly noticed but pretended to know nothing of while suffering in secret. Even when dying, he had asked him to take care of her, but they had never expected that this woman had just been toying with the two of them.

"You damned!" Karl's face twitched, and ruthlessness flashed through his eyes as if he were about to become an insane beast.

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"Yes, I should be damned," Xueji ignored Karl's anger and faintly said.

"Be careful of my grandfather, he and Demon Shark…" Xueji's voice was quiet, barely able to be heard. Her body softened and slowly fell over Frank's corpse.

Karl could feel that Xueji was gradually losing her life. His legs softened, and he knelt on the ground. He then grabbed his throat and wanted to scream "Cheater! Betrayer!" to release this pain he felt. This kind of feeling nearly drove him mad.

Chapter 609: Smelting Death Cave

The wasteland located northwest of Sea Emperor City was the only place in Undersea city without throngs of people. There were crumbling piles of rocks, and grasses grew everywhere; it was quiet without sound. This place was the private land of the Miluo Clan. In the past, it had once been a mine. Although it had been discarded after all the ores had been mined, this land still belonged to the Miluo Clan.

A black shadow suddenly appeared in the distance, and in the next second, that black shadow materialized in the sky above this place. The afterimage in the distance had yet to dissipate, giving any who witnessed the scene strong visual intimidation.

The shadow slowly descended from the sky and then stowed away the sea cloak he wore, revealing his figure. A white silk gown draped his form, and he looked handsome; he was none other than Long Yi.

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Long Yi went straight toward a pile of rocks covered with long weeds and stopped. Karl lay there in the midst of a thick clump of grass like a corpse. This Karl, who had not fallen apart even when Frank had died before his eyes, appeared as if he had now lost his soul. His eyes were blank, and he didn't even blink. His milky-white eyelid layer had become light red, looking very scary.

Long Yi sat on a rock and gazed at the azure seawater on the other side of the barrier like those various kinds of sea creatures swimming above were very interesting.

Even after a long time, Karl didn't move. Long Yi also sat as still as a statue.

"Why are you not speaking?" Karl blinked, and a hint of focus appeared in his empty eyes, but, his voice was very hoarse.

"Eh, you are still alive! I thought you were dead," Long Yi pretended to look surprised and joked.

Karl sat up on the grass. His heart was still in pain, but compared to his feelings a moment ago, he felt a lot better. As a matter of fact, Long Yi hadn't done anything to contribute to this. He had simply used a bit of his spirit power to shake Karl back into reality, forcing Karl to notice his existence, before intentionally ignoring the Miluo Prince for a long time.

Karl had thought that Long Yi had come over to comfort him, but Long Yi had just sat still at one side like he had forgotten of his existence. This had also pulled his attention out of that despairing mood, and now that he had opened his mouth, much of his dark emotions dissipated.

"Long Yi, do you think I am a joke? The woman I dearly loved was only fooling me. Everything was just a scheme concocted by her and Great Elder. If it were not for her stealing the Miluo Divine Arrows, making my Miluo Divine Bow lose a lot of power… if it were not for Great Elder sparing no efforts to instigate this matter, would Frank have died? Would Miluo Adventure Group have been wiped out?" Karl's dark green face trembled as he spoke his words of resentment.

"Since you know there was a scheme, what are you doing here, full of remorse? It is very likely that the Great Elder of your clan is planning something big. Aren't you afraid that your family members are in danger?" Long Yi faintly asked.

Karl was startled. He had drowned in sadness and despair, but he had never thought of this. If he continued to wallow here, there might be unforeseen events in his clan.

"Thank you, Long Yi," Karl thanked Long Yi gratefully then flew toward Sea Emperor City.

Long Yi looked at the back view of Karl and smiled. As the patriarch of Miluo Clan, how could Karl's father be an ordinary person? Before he had come out to look for Karl, Long Yi had met with Miluo Patriarch and chatted for a while. In a few words, Long Yi had discerned that Miluo Patriarch was very clear about the current situation of Sea Race; moreover, he was not ignorant of the small movements Great Elder had been making in secret. In the beginning, Long Yi had found it somewhat strange. Why had the patriarch of Miluo Clan told him, a human who he had seen for the first time, all these secrets? Later on in their conversation, Long Yi had vaguely guessed something by carefully examining the Patriarch's expression.

At this moment, the Sea Emperor City seethed with excitement. The Treasure Seizing Conference, the main event of the Sea Race Convention that was paid close attention to by all the forces of the Sea Race, was about to begin. Everyone coveted the treasures inside the Undersea Smelting Death Cave. However, while they were the treasures left behind from the War of Gods and Demons 100,000 years ago, they were accompanied by extraordinary danger at the same time; otherwise, it wouldn't have been called the Smelting Death Cave.

According to Sea Emperor, Smelting Death Cave was a space that existed independently at the bottom of the sea. Inside, the environment was very harsh. In addition, not only were there resentment specters and zombies formed from the corpses of Gods and Demons, but there were also all kinds of variant magical beasts. All of them were variants left behind from the cross-breeding of god beasts and magical beasts that had survived the great War of Gods and Demons 100,000 years ago. Moreover, they had evolved in such a harsh environment for 100,000 years; thus, they might even be many times stronger than their ancestors.

Therefore, this Treasure Seizing Conference was very dangerous. It was very likely that all the participating people might never return, but if one was able to bring out a treasure, that person and his entire clan would be greatly honored, and their reputations would flourish. Moreover, all the treasures inside were extraordinary. With such a treasure in hand, no matter their hard or soft power, both would reach another level. As a result, although this Treasure Seizing Conference was very dangerous, even the clans who had significant power within the Sea Race would risk their young experts by participating.

In the spacious square of the imperial palace, Sea Emperor solemnly gave a brief explanation about the Treasure Seizing Conference, elaborating the dangers of this event and finally sung his own praises to illustrate that there was no coward in the Sea Race under the leadership of the wise Sea Emperor.

After Sea Emperor, as the three major powers nominally beneath Sea Emperor, the patriarchs of the Shark Clan, Whale Clan and Shihun Clan each delivered a speech one after another. Finally, the etiquette officer of the imperial palace announced the list of people and their associated clan who were participating in this Treasure Seizing Conference.

This time, there were 1,500 young experts of various clans participating in the Treasure Seizing Conference. One could well say that the Sea Race was filled with experts. Among these experts, the majority of them had formed alliances in secret. Once they found a chance, they would cooperate to kill other experts to seize treasure or reduce competitors.

After their vehement speeches, Sea Emperor as well as the patriarchs of the various big clans led those 1,500 participants to the transfer magic array that led to the Smelting Death Cave that was opened just once every one hundred years.

Long Yi, wearing a sea cloak, was mixed among those 1,500 young experts. There was a concealed triangular symbol on his sea cloak. This was the unique symbol of Sea Emperor. Long Yi observed this crowd of 1,500 participants and discovered that roughly a hundred people shared this concealed symbol, meaning that they were the people of Sea Emperor.

"Blue Sea Divine Soul, what is its use?" Long Yi muttered to himself as he walked into the transfer magic array. Then, the white light flashed, and he was surrounded by seawater once more.

From the amount of pressure, Long Yi knew that this place was without a doubt at least ten thousand meters below the sea's surface. While it ought to have been dark, there was a glimmering light ball that illuminated every detail of their surroundings. That light ball most likely marked the place where the entrance to the Smelting Death Cave was located.

At that time, all participants arrived here through the transfer magic array.

Sea Emperor looked deeply toward Long Yi. He was full of expectations and hopes. He was clearly placing his greatest hope on Long Yi.

"The time is running. Patriarchs, are you all ready?" Sea Emperor stepped forward and asked the eight strongest patriarchs of the Sea Race.

The eight patriarchs silently formed a circle with Sea Emperor at the center. Then, a large amount of energy gushed out from their bodies and gathered above Sea Emperor because of Sea Emperor's special ability to contain the energy of all living beings and fuse them together. After fusing the energy, he attacked that light ball.

Only after attacking several times, did a crack appear on that light ball. Then, that crack slowly expanded until it completely opened, and one could see red light glimmering inside.

The etiquette officer of the imperial palace who had been paying close attention to the situation waved his hand and loudly announced, "Enter."

Immediately, several hundred participants rushed forward, vying with each other to be the first one to enter as if they feared that the treasures inside would be taken away first if they were late. Long Yi, however, acted far more leisurely. Since he was not familiar with the circumstances within the Smelting Death Cave, why shouldn't he let other people scout the path first? Besides, if the treasures were so easy to find inside, why were there so few people who had obtained a treasure in these past 10,000 years? Finally, his objective was the Blue Sea Divine Soul located at the deepest parts of this Smelting Death Cave. Still, he also wouldn't mind killing and robbing others if he saw a treasure he liked on other people.

In the blink of an eye, among the 1,500 participants, only Long Yi and another person wearing a sea robe were left.

Long Yi sized up this person with surprise, and a smile appeared on his face. Then, under the urging of that etiquette officer, he entered the Smelting Death Cave. That person also followed behind Long Yi.

After everyone had entered, Sea Emperor and the other eight patriarchs simultaneously retracted their energy, and the entrance reverted back to the original state.

Inside, Long Yi glanced around and began to understand why this cave was called the Smelting Death Cave. It was very wide inside, and there were conical rock-like things hanging down from the roof; the walls were also uneven. Nevertheless, everything here was fiery red in color; everything glowed red with heat, and steam curled up from the floor. With the water-attributed physique of the Sea Race, those who were slightly weaker would immediately lose their fighting ability upon entering, and they could die without even once encountering any terrifying magical beasts.

Long Yi glanced around, and his gaze stopped on a person beside him. He said with a smile, "Karl, now, you resemble a man. If you wanted to give up your life just because of that small matter, how could you accomplish great matters?"

"You are correct. No matter what Xueji did to me and Frank, since she has already died, all affection and hate towards her should also perish. Now, I just want to do my part for my clan," Karl sighed and said.

Long Yi smiled mysteriously. However, looking at that hidden triangular symbol on Karl's sea cloak, he couldn't help but frown a little.

Chapter 610: Variant Fire Qilin

According to Karl, Miluo Clan had always been a neutral power in Undersea City. However, when Long Yi had talked with the patriarch of the Miluo Clan, he had noticed that something strange, and now, Karl was also wearing a sea cloak with a concealed triangular symbol. Thus, Long Yi was sure that the patriarch of the Miluo Clan had already joined the Sea Emperor's side long ago. Merely, they had not made it public for some reason; moreover, both parties had spared no efforts to show the Miluo Clan's neutral position. This matter was something worth noting.

Long Yi dared to confirm that this fellow Karl was still ignorant of his father's choice and knew nothing. Since Karl had a rather straightforward deposition, the patriarch of the Miluo Clan must not have had the confidence in him to reveal this kind of absolutely secret matter. This straightforward fellow would have probably given a hint of his father's thoughts to his best friend Frank and Xueji.

"Karl, did your father make you participate in this Treasure Seizing Conference?" Long Yi asked.

Since the patriarch of the Miluo Clan only had one son, it seemed unreasonable for him to take risks with his precious bloodline.

"Yes, my father wanted me to learn things while accompanying you," Karl said with a smile.

Long Yi cursed in his heart. This old fellow truly wasn't simple. The reason why Patriarch of the Miluo Clan had made Karl follow him was that with Long Yi's backing, Karl could temper himself without dying and possibly even get a cheap advantage to boot.

Long Yi and Karl advanced, and not long after, forks appeared in front of them. There were fifteen relatively small caves arranged in a row.

"Long Yi, which one should we go through?" Karl naturally followed Long Yi's decision.

"How would I know? Just choose casually." Long Yi shrugged his shoulders and chose the nearest cave.

It was very quiet inside the cave, but they could feel a faint hot air blowing against their faces. 'Could it be that this Smelting Death Cave is connected to the surface?' Long Yi thought.

And after walking for a while, Long Yi suddenly stopped and turned toward Karl.

Karl knew that something was wrong with this place, so he carefully looked around but discovered nothing wrong. However, just when he felt shame and was about to concede defeat and ask Long Yi what was wrong, he suddenly noticed a piece of cloth hanging on a protruding fiery-red rock on the right wall. Clearly, this was a thing that had been left behind not long ago.

When Karl told this discovery to Long Yi, Long Yi smiled and nodded his head, before saying, "This indeed is a clue that shows that there is danger here, but this is not the only sign. Did you see that scratch below the debris? Although it is very shallow, even at first glance, one can see that it was created by a weapon. Furthermore, there are a few crimson stains not far away. If my guess is correct, blood was splattered there."

Karl gazed at Long Yi with admiration. The more he interacted with this human, the more he felt that Long Yi was more unfathomable than the seas themselves. Following him, he would undoubtedly learn many things that other people couldn't teach.

Long Yi signaled Kart to take two steps back. Then condensing energy on his palm, he lightly patted the ground in front of him.

Don't underestimate the power of this palm; the seventh layer of AoTianJue was very powerful. Long Yi's tap appeared light, but the power contained in that palm was enough to level a small mountain. Only after this move made contact with a target, would its huge might suddenly break out. Long Yi feared that if he used too much power, something unexpected might occur, so he used only seventy percent of his full power. Like that, once he sensed something was wrong, he could immediately withdraw since his control over his internal force had reached a very high level.

When the internal force of Long Yi came into contact with the ground, it exploded in an instant, and shockwaves penetrated into the ground.

Then, the ground which had been dense just a moment ago suddenly melted and began to seethe. Fiery red magma splashed everywhere with stifling heat. All this was accompanied by a low roar and a crazy fluctuation of fire magic elements.

"Strange, how come this aura is so familiar?" Long Yi raised his eyebrows and thought.

The splashing magma was blocked by Long Yi. Not long after, a huge dark-red head popped out from the boiling magma, and its huge eyes ferociously glared at Long Yi and Karl.

Karl took out his Miluo Divine Bow and aimed at this terrifying huge head. That huge pressure made his arms tremble continuously, and he was greatly frightened in his heart, but he was a brave warrior who had faced the Heaven Slaying Squid. He was able to maintain his calm on the surface.

"Fire Qilin?" When Long Yi saw the huge head that popped out from the magma, he was shocked. The only difference was that Fire Qilin's head was dark red; moreover, it also had a hint of a dark evil aura. It was clearly a hybrid variant left behind from the cross-breeding of a Fire Qilin and another magical beast.

Fire Qilin was a god beast under Fire God. The one he had in his dark dimension space was undoubtedly the legitimate Fire Qilin, but what about this one? Was the Fire Qilin he had the same god beast that had participated in the War of Gods and Demons 100,000 years ago? Or was it actually that…

Just as Long Yi was lost in thought, that variant Fire Qilin held his head high, and the air above his head rotated and churned into a burning red cloud; furthermore, there was a black yin wind interweaved with it. It was a fusion of two completely different physiques.

At that moment, Long Yi noticed a fluctuation coming from the blood-red skull mark on his left palm. Fire Qilin seemed to have noticed the familiar aura outside and was very impatient to come out.

With a thought by Long Yi, a red light flashed beside him, and a miniature version of Fire Qilin appeared. Unexpectedly, it ignored the variant Fire Qilin. On the contrary, it familiarly rubbed its head against Long Yi's leg.

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The red cloud brimming with dark qi suddenly dispersed, and the momentum of that variant Fire Qilin in the magma also suddenly fell. In addition, there was panic and fear in its big eyes as it watched Fire Qilin who purred at the legs of Long Yi.

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Long Yi used his thoughts to communicate with Fire Qilin and learned that it knew nothing about this variant Fire Qilin from Smelting Death Cave, but the strength of this variant Fire Qilin was clearly far below it. As a result, that big fellow was frightened upon seeing it.

Fire Qilin turned over and issued a low roar at the variant Fire Qilin in the magma. The variant Fire Qilin immediately cowered and jumped out. At the same time, the magma also condensed.

This cave was not too big, and just the huge head of the variant Fire Qilin nearly filled this entire cave, so when it jumped out, it too shrunk into a miniature version. It then lay on the ground while whimpering as if it were begging for mercy from the legitimate Fire Qilin

Among the god magical beasts left behind as a result of the War of Gods and Demons, all were very powerful and possessed earth-shaking strengths. Such powerful strength was accompanied by a foolhardy pride to rather die than to submit. It could be said that once two god magical beasts met, generally, both sides would suffer losses. When these kinds of god magical beasts reproduced, some traits of their ancestors would be deeply ingrained in their lineages. At this moment, although this variant Fire Qilin also had an aura of a wicked magical beast, the majority of its lineage was still from a Fire Qilin, so it was only natural for it to succumb to Fire Qilin who had a very pure lineage.

Long Yi carefully observed this variant Fire Qilin. Other than many sharp bone spurs on key parts of its four legs and tail as well as its slightly different color, its overall appearance was similar to Fire Qilin.

On the other side, Karl had already put down his Miluo Divine Bow and was stunned. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. In the record of the Sea Race, god beast Fire Qilin was a god beast under Fire God, one of the seven Main Gods. For him, it held a supreme position. He had also seen illustrations of a Fire Qilin in the records of the Sea Race. In it, a huge Fire Qilin's entire body was covered with reddish purple flames, and a fiery cloud drifted about his legs. In addition, wherever it passed, everything would be burned to annihilation.

But, this little thing that resembled a cute red puppy in front of Long Yi was the Fire Qilin under Fire God. He could discern this upon seeing the fearful attitude of this variant Fire Qilin from Smelting Death Cave. It was just that the god beast under the Main God obeyed the orders of Long Yi, this mysterious human. Could it be that Long Yi was Fire God? Karl's mind was in a mess.

"Why are you in a daze? Let's go," Long Yi patted Karl's shoulder and said.

Karl came back to his senses and opened his mouth as if to speak but then stopped.

"I know what you want to ask, but it cannot be cleared in a few words, and this place isn't good for a long talk. Besides, you will naturally know everything in the future," Long Yi said with a smile.

Long Yi took the lead and walked forward. The now condensed ground was very solid. It would be unimaginable that magma had splashed here just a moment ago.

Fire Qilin held its head high and followed behind. That variant Fire Qilin also obediently followed behind Fire Qilin with its head lowered. It now looked like a small footman. Karl however was full of lingering fear. These two puppy-like things didn't appear at all dangerous, but he knew of their terrifying prowess. He consciously fell behind Long Yi because he didn't dare to pass these two things and walk shoulder to shoulder with Long Yi.

This cave within Smelting Death Cave was the territory of this variant Fire Qilin, so they didn't encounter any other strange beasts here.

Since this cave wasn't too big, they reached the end not long after their encounter.

Nevertheless, the scene outside greatly surprised Long Yi and Karl. Looking around, Long Yi almost thought that he had arrived at one corner of Blue Waves Continent, not the Smelting Death Cave at the bottom of the sea.

The ground was rocky with a lot of mud soil, and there were various kinds of vegetation. In addition, there was a light blue cloud-like mist fluttering several hundred meters in the sky. It resembled an azure sky. There were also no cliffs around. It was open and spacious without end. Anyone who suddenly appeared here would never believe that they were inside Smelting Death Cave.

"Damn, Sea Emperor. That old fellow didn't tell me that there is a place like this was in Smelting Death Cave," Long Yi habitually touched his nose as he muttered.

Chapter 611: Demonic Corpse

The faint heat in the air whisked past their face, and the leaves of that big tree not far away swayed with a rustling sound. In this open and spacious area, that rustling sound was especially clear as if this sound were amplified.

Under that big tree was a rock with strange weeds surrounding it.

Long Yi walked forward accompanied by the two Fire Qilins, and Karl also closely followed behind them. They felt very refreshed seeing the wonderful scene in front of them. Long Yi tried to fly in the sky, but once he reached that light blue cloud mist, he realized that he couldn't fly up anymore as if there were a layer of invisible energy. Even after using all his available means, he was helpless.

Nevertheless, after that initial refreshing sensation, everything looked kind of dry and dull. The scenery followed a fixed pattern where they were unable to see any other living creature despite walking for a long time. Other than the everpresent sound of the wind, this place was a quiet world, and this unnatural quiet made people feel fear.

"Long Yi, is this place truly still in Smelting Death Cave? Those people who had returned alive in the past never mentioned the existence of this kind of place." At this moment, Karl had no time to fear the god beast Fire Qilin. He quickened his steps to catch up to Long Yi and voiced his concerns.

"No need to worry. The Smelting Death Cave is itself an independent space formed due to the eruption of energies during the War of Gods and Demons. As for why those people who had returned alive before never mentioned the existence of this place, perhaps, no one was able to pass this variant Fire Qilin," Long Yi said with a smile.

Karl glanced at the variant Fire Qilin and couldn't help but believe in Long Yi's words. Facing such a powerful variant beast, who among the Sea Race could pass its territory? Only someone on the level of this mystical human being could pass through its territory without any injuries. Moreover, Long Yi had had sufficient resources to easily subdue this variant Fire Qilin.

After thinking so, Karl relaxed.

Long Yi leisurely walked forward while sizing up their surroundings. Suddenly, a hint of seriousness flashed through his eyes as his beast-like intuition told him that something hidden was staring at them.

Karl, who was walking behind, suddenly staggered. When he turned around to look at what had struck him, he saw a white thing flickering with an indistinct light appear behind the rock.

"Long Yi, did you see that?" Karl called out to Long Yi.

But, just after Karl had finished speaking, he sensed a burst of cold wind blowing over and shuddered. His heart quivered, but he still immediately stepped sideways, and Miluo Divine Bow instantly appeared in his hands. A green Miluo divine arrow changed into a green beam as it shot behind him. The space twisted behind this green light.

A sharp hissing sound resounded, and pain blossomed on his shoulder. Karl knew that his Miluo divine arrow had hit his target, but at the same time, he had also been injured.

Nevertheless, Karl didn't have time to sigh in relief at successfully harming his enemy. Another wave of attacks already approached his neck. Karl wanted to dodge, but he was helpless. The pain radiating from his shoulder had spread through his body and paralyzed him. Fortunately, at this critical moment, the attack that had nearly come into contact with his neck suddenly disappeared, and gentle energy enveloped his body, making that paralyzed feeling disappear.

After he had been saved by Long Yi, he looked back and saw a pitch-black monster with a pair of sharp horns nailed securely on the ground by his Miluo divine arrow. There was a pile of smoking ashes beside that monster.

Karl smiled gratefully at Long Yi. Strangely, at that critical juncture, his heart had not despaired. For an unknown reason, he had known that Long Yi would save him. One should know that, if a person had this kind of feeling toward another person, he already had a kind of blind trust and confidence in that person and, moreover, worshipped him.

There had been two monsters, one had been shot to death by Karl, and the other had been instantly burnt to ashes by the variant Fire Qilin.

Long Yi squatted down and examined the dead beast. Removing the arrow and returning it to Karl, he said, "These are dark-attributed variant beasts. Their attacks are highly toxic, and they are good at concealing themselves, but their offense, in itself, is not strong at all."

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At this moment, Long Yi had already removed the poison within Karl's body. Thus, other than a somewhat numb feeling, there were no big obstructions in his battle ability. He then pointed at the white thing he had seen just a moment ago and said, "Long Yi, you should see what this thing is."

Long Yi concentrated on that white thing on the ground that had a vague radiance circulating within it. Then, he scanned it with his spirit power while closing his eyes. Immediately after that, that peeping feeling intensified.

As a matter of fact, with the spirit power of Long Yi, he had already noticed the existence of this thing from the very beginning. With the sudden appearance of such a pure energy fluctuation, coupled with the feeling of being spied upon, Long Yi had thought to turn around back then, but he hadn't stopped and rather continued to advance forward, wanting to test whether that feeling would disappear. However, beyond his imagination, Karl had also coincidentally noticed it; moreover, two dark-attributed variant beasts had attacked the Prince.

At this moment, Long Yi decided to think no more on this conundrum. He used telepathy to instruct his Fire Qilin and the variant Fire Qilin to be alert. On the other hand, he waved his hand and blew away that rock. The white thing below gradually revealed its true colors. It was unexpectedly an over three-meter tall humanoid skeleton, and a faint radiance circulated from its head to feet. It looked scared.

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Long Yi's heart jumped and a strange response stirred in his sea of consciousness. The spinning spirit tablets within his sea of consciousness responded to this external origin energy that resembled their own.

At the same time, the wary Fire Qilin and variant Fire Qilin simultaneously roared. Their bodies expanded, and they assumed an attack posture.

Karl nervously looked around and notched the Miluo Divine Arrow to his bow. This kind of pressure made his heart jump violently, and his muscles stretched taut.

After a while, that strange aura in the air grew denser, but the owner of that aura had yet to show up. Even with the spirit power of Long Yi, he was unable to find the owner of this aura.

Long Yi raised his eyebrows, and a cold smile appeared on his face. He then looked back at the white skeleton on the ground. Since he couldn't find the peeper, he would look for the thing causing the reaction of the spirit tablets within his sea of consciousness.

Long Yi carefully scanned this skeleton, and his gaze suddenly rested at the chest of this skeleton. That place emitted weak energy that caused the reaction by the spirit tablets within his sea of consciousness.

Long Yi slowly reached out toward its chest, but just when he had come into contact with it, a series of explosions suddenly reverberated throughout the sky, and that ice-cold aura covering the entire sky gushed over. Moreover, several blood-red radiances suddenly appeared in front of Long Yi and shot towards him at lightning speed.

Those blood-red radiances pierced through his body and hit the ground, causing a more than ten meter wide crack to appear as the earth shook.

As for Long Yi, his figure twisted and broke up, gradually fading into oblivion.

At that moment, the two Fire Qilins roared simultaneously, and intertwining beams of purple Qilin Holy Fire tainted with black tyrannical qi shot towards a location.

A dark black light ball suddenly appeared. Under the onslaught of the two Fire Qilins, it bounced around like a rubber ball, but it withstood their attack without being damaged.

Suddenly, a gorgeous seven-colored radiance flashed past, and that black light ball twisted. Cracks began to spread along its surface. Finally, along with shattering sounds, smoke and dust filled the entire sky.

After the smoke and dust settled down, Karl clearly saw two tall figures standing opposite to each other. The entire body of one was covered with heavy black armor with only his eyes that flashed with a brutal green light being visible through the opening of his helmet. This green-eyed figure held a more than five feet long heavy sword in his hands. In addition, he emitted a dense aura of death. The other figure wore silverish purple armor that had mysterious patterns all over it and held a huge Lightning God Hammer. Moreover, he emitted such a violent aura that it stifled people.

"Demonic Corpse? There truly is this kind of thing in this world!" Long Yi, wearing the suit of Lightning God Armor, was surprised as he recalled a legendary thing recorded in the Undead Magic Collection of Bite-Xiuge.

A Demonic Corpse was a kind of undead creature formed in a special environment under the circumstances where its nature hadn't disappeared even though its brain had already died due to being killed by a high-class demon with a dark demonic nature. The attack power of this kind of undead creatures was several times stronger than when they had still been alive. Moreover, they also possessed considerable spiritual wisdom.

Long Yi already knew about the strength and trickery of Demonic Corpses, but to his surprise, this Demonic Corpse even knew how to hide and exert pressure to perturb its opponent's morale. In addition, its dark shield had been able to withstand Qilin Holy Fire, and even an attack by Long Yi who had worn Lightning God Armor and used the six spirit tablets was unable to defeat it.

The Demonic Corpse warily watched Long Yi with its cruel green eyes, but the huge sword in his hand was absolutely still. It didn't react to Long Yi's stifling pressure, but the aura of the spirit tablets surrounding Long Yi made it somewhat afraid.

Long Yi and this Demonic Corpse looked at each other for a while, and then, Long Yi suddenly looked toward the chest of that skeleton. Sure enough, this movement by Long Yi immediately attracted the attention of that Demonic Corpse. It roared and took a step forward.

"Karl, go and look what thing is in the chest of that skeleton," Long Yi ordered.

Karl who had been standing in a daze rushed to the side of that skeleton upon hearing the voice of Long Yi. He then broke open the chest of that skeleton, and a piece of oval spirit tablet emitting a soft radiance appeared before his eyes. Nevertheless, this spirit tablet had some clear differences from the Main God spirit tablets that Long Yi possessed. The Main God spirit tablets were smooth like mirrors, and they each contained a Main God's aura along with his or her Godhead and God essence. But this spirit tablet clearly had veins on its surface, and its aura was also substantially different from the aura of the Main God spirit tablets. Moreover, there was an even stranger matter. At the center of this spirit tablet was a thin pitch-black halo.

Upon seeing that the spirit tablet had fallen into Karl's hands, the Demonic Corpse was unable to control itself and roared madly. It then suddenly rushed towards Karl.

Chapter 612: Underworld Demon General

Karl's entire body stretched taut. That ice-cold death qi made him feel as if he had fallen into the ninth layer of the underworld. At this moment, he thought that he had already died.

"Bang!" A huge silverish purple hammer that dazzled with lightning hit that Demonic Corpse and sent it flying back. Karl felt as if the hand of Death strangling his neck had loosened. He then collapsed to the ground and panted. Now, his entire body trembled, and he also felt dizzy after narrowly surviving that disaster.

At this moment, Long Yi and that Demonic Corpse were already fighting, silverish purple and black lights entangling with each other. And under the power emitted by these two, the plants and trees around all became a fine powder. Even the rocks around them turned into a powder that spun around them like a whirlpool.

Long Yi brandished his Lightning God Hammer and felt the surging power within his body; merely, he wasn't feeling as comfortable as before in his heart. He was suppressing a stifling feeling within his heart. Although the attack power of this Demonic Corpse was clearly inferior to his, its defensive power was abnormal. This shocked Long Yi. No matter how many times Long Yi smashed this Demonic Corpse with his Lightning God Hammer, other than being in somewhat tough straits, it actually remained alive and kicking.

A lightning flickered in Long Yi's eyes, which had turned silverish purple in color, and he no longer recklessly fought against this Demonic Corpse. If he had continued like this, when he had been no longer able to maintain Lightning God Armor, he would have been the one to suffer losses. However at the same time, he also understood that this Demonic Corpse viewed that spirit tablet as the key point.

"Guys, come out and attack," Long Yi called out loudly. Then, the tiger cub Little Three, Violent Lightning Beast, Long Two, and the newly obtained Six-Winged Angel skeleton appeared from his dark dimension space.

Violent Lightning Beast with its entire body covered with silverish purple fur, brave snow-white Little Three, Long Two wearing a pitch-black bone armor and holding blood-red scythe, Six-Winged Angel skeleton holding the Judgment Lance, all coupled with the two Fire Qilins. Such a luxurious lineup completely surrounded the Demonic Corpse. As for Long Yi, he took advantage of this occasion to retreat.

After that, Long Yi recalled his Lightning God Armor and returned to Karl's side.

"Long Yi, they…" Karl felt that he had insufficient mental capacity for the first time, and he was so startled that he was unable to speak properly for a moment.

"My pets, not bad." Long Yi smiled and took that spirit tablet from Karl's hand. This was, without a doubt, a light attributed spirit tablet. Nevertheless, he could clearly sense that that black dot in the middle appeared too strange.

Karl who had just returned to his senses fell into a daze again. So many god beasts were his pets…

Long Yi used his spirit power to scan it, and a dense light aura surrounded him. As for that black dot in the middle, it seemed to hide from his probings.

Meanwhile, that Demonic Corpse who was besieged by numerous god beasts looked all the more restless with anxiety. It spared no effort to break out of the encirclement, but all its efforts were useless. Under the attacks of numerous god beasts, it could only take the beatings.

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Long Yi finally found a clue. He discovered that the black dot on this spirit tablet was related to this Demonic Corpse, and a sly smile appeared on his face. He then used his spirit power to create a tight encirclement in the spirit tablet and slowly compressed it, giving this black dot nowhere to flee.

The space where the black dot could move grew increasingly smaller, and finally, Long Yi's spirit power bound it.

But, just when Long Yi felt complacent, his glabella trembled. That ice-cold death qi unexpectedly broke through the binding of his spirit power like a hot knife cutting through butter and shot straight toward his glabella. If it weren't for Long Yi's spirit power being sufficiently strong, this would have truly made Long Yi eat a huge loss.

The back of Long Yi was drenched in cold sweat. He then used internal force for insurance while examining what had happened. Now, he discovered that this black was clearly a lost soul. Although he didn't know what method it used, it actually employed pure light energy from the tablet to maintain itself without dispersing. Just a moment ago, it had clearly wanted to enter his sea of consciousness and seize his body in order to rebirth.

"Damn kid, let me go!" The hoarse voice of that black dot was transmitted into Long Yi's sea of consciousness.

"Let you go? Heh heh. Speak about what you are first." Long Yi sneered. This situation reminded him of Dark God sealed in Heavenly Demonic Stone. Merely, he respected the former. After all, he had helped him a lot and saved his life many times. As for this fellow in this spirit tablet, Long Yi utterly detested him. Who had asked him to actually try destroying his sea of consciousness in order to seize his body?

"This lord is one of the three Demon Generals under Heavenly Demon King, Underworld Demon General. When Heavenly Demon King appears in this world again, that will be the doomsday of you all ants, kaka…" The soul in the spirit tablet laughed heartily.

"Reckless fellow." Long Yi's spirit power turned into tens of thousands of needles and stabbed that black dot.

Merely, to the surprise of Long Yi, the spirit attack of Long Yi actually did nothing to the soul of Underworld Demon General. He could only restrict and bind it. This naturally made him very depressed.

"Heavenly Demon King bestowed me immortality. With the small amount of power that you possess, what can you do?" Underworld Demon General arrogantly shouted. He was very complacent. And perhaps, since he had been too lonely in the spirit tablet, his mouth never stopped for a moment. He chattered endlessly.

Long Yi was vexed, so he directly cut off the spirit power connection.

As for the other side, under the siege of numerous god beasts, that Demonic Corpse had already lost its power to resist. Even though its defense was high, under the powerful attacks, it was gradually unable to endure. Now, cracks had already appeared on its armor.

Long Yi guessed that Demonic Corpse should be the physical body of this Underworld Demon General, and looking at the divine skeleton on the ground, he began to paint an image in his mind.

100,000 years ago, a First-Tier Light God and Underworld Demon General had fiercely fought. They were actually well-matched in strength, and finally, both of them used their finishing moves and perished together. The remains of this First-Tier Light God had become the white bones, and the corpse of the Underworld Demon General had become a Demonic Corpse after coincidently fulfilling the conditions to become a Demonic Corpse. As for his soul, at the final moment, it was absorbed into the spirit tablet under a freak combination of factors. This Underworld Demon General might have had some kind of unique characteristic, making his current soul and defensive power so astonishing. His soul hadn't dissipated even after 100,000 years, and his body had turned into a Demonic Corpse that had endured for 100,000 years.

At this moment, Long Yi had already initiated his most powerful attack. His blood-red scythe attacked the crack on the armor of this Demonic Corpse.

Along with a violent explosion sound, the Demonic Corpse stiffened, and it crazily roared. Then, although its armor had already fallen off, cold dark qi gushed out. Violent Lightning Beast, Little Three and Fire Qilin retreated to dodge this dark qi as they felt uncomfortable. Only Long Two stood still and absorbed this dark qi.

After Long Two had finished absorbing it, his thick bone armor unexpectedly shone, and the six bone spurs on his back glimmered even more brightly. Then, the red lights in the eye sockets of Long Two glimmered as he looked at Long Yi, and he instantly appeared in front of Long Yi and said, "Big brother."

Long Yi patted the shoulder of Long Two, but he was somewhat surprised in his heart. Now, the original mechanical voice of Long Two was a lot mellower. This was a big improvement. Perhaps, when his strength reached a certain level someday, his way of thinking and speaking would become no different from a human. This might truly be considered a miracle.

At this moment, tiger cub Little Three and Violent Lightning Beast had already shrunk into their miniature versions. They excitedly ran over to Long Yi and rubbed their heads against his leg. Especially Little Three, it actually rubbed Long Yi while drooling; moreover, it looked at Long Yi pitifully and whimpered.

"You are tarnishing the glory of tigers! Where can I get roasted meat for you now? Go to play over there." Long Yi flicked the forehead of Little Three, but Little Three easily dodged it.

Karl arrived in front of Long Yi in a daze. He looked at the god beasts playing at one side and again looked at the standing still Long Two as well as the Six-Winged Angel skeleton behind Long Yi. Then he looked at Long Yi with reverence as if he were a god.

"Karl, I regard you as a friend. I hope you will not disappoint me," Long Yi said with a smile, but he knew that it was unlikely for him to have a friend or brother of equal standing with his current strength and position. Perhaps, other than Barbarian Bull who he had met in the very beginning, no one could dare to claim brothership with him. Long Yi knew that, regardless of what he became, with the simple mind of Barbarian Bull, the bull would always think of him as a Boss or Big Brother. This was very unlikely to change along with his strength and position. There was a saying: one should lose something in order to gain something, and experts generally were lonely, this proverb was not a lie.

Karl remained silent for a while and nodded, but his expression remained as before.

Long Yi also smiled and said nothing. He then held the spirit tablet in his hand and recalled that strange feeling he had felt in the underground base of Shark Clan and felt somewhat restless.

At that time, Little Three ran over to the front of that skeleton of the First-Tier Light God and sniffed it. Then, its white pupils spun like a whirlpool, and the light energy circulating on that skeleton was absorbed. It was somewhat similar to Long Two. As long as there was something it could eat or absorb, it would not let it go.

Long Yi shook his head. In any case, this First-Tier Light God had already died, and leaving behind the remaining energy on his corpse was wasteful. It was better to let Little Three absorb it as nourishment.

After Little Three finished absorbing all the energy, Long Yi buried this skeleton of a First-Tier Light God and then erected a stele. This was his payback.

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After that, Long Yi and Karl gradually traveled further as god beasts followed behind them, frolicking behind the two's feet. After passing through this rocky wilderness, they were blocked by vast waters; moreover, a group of several meter-long monster birds with fiery red combs for manes were circling in the air, looking for prey in the waters.

"Underground sea?" Long Yi exclaimed in surprise upon smelling the salty air.