613 - 620

Chapter 613: Water Parting Magic

In Long Yi's previous life, he had heard about the existence of underground seas, but he had always thought that they were just speculation. Now, that legend had truly appeared in this mystical world. The Smelting Death Cave beneath the sea was indeed very mystical.

Karl was excited to see this sea. Although most of the Sea Races were amphibians, they truly felt free and unrestrained only in the sea. For them, the sea was as important as air was for humans.

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Long Yi looked at that somewhat blackish seawater for a while. He then slightly frowned and said, "There seem to be some problems with this sea."

"What's the problem? How about I go and examine it?" Karl said and walked toward the sea.

Long Yi nodded his head and didn't stop Karl. He just wrapped his spirit power around Karl so that he could save him in time if something went wrong. He just felt that this sea was somewhat unusual; he remained uncertain about what the problem was.

Karl jumped into the seawater, creating ripples, and after a few air bubbles rose, the sea surface calmed down. However, Long Yi could sense that Karl was still swimming around beneath the surface, so he was not too worried.

Before long, Karl's head popped out of the sea surface. He then swam ashore while panting.

"How was it?" Long Yi asked. Seeing Karl's expression, he knew that this seawater truly had a problem.

"There are many poisonous substances mixed in this seawater. I was basically unable to breathe. I truly cannot believe that there is any life within this kind of seawater," Karl took a deep breath and said. Clearly, he had been holding his breath in the water.

With the strength of Long Yi, flying past this underground sea with Karl was truly not a difficult matter. Moreover, he had Bai Yu, a flying god beast. Merely, for an unknown reason, Long Yi vaguely felt that this was not the right way. It seemed that the poisonous problem with this sea was not the key point.

Long Yi raised his head and watched those strange birds circling in the air. Then, rubbing the beard stubble on his chin, he became lost in thought.

Karl didn't dare to disturb Long Yi. Since the scene in front of him was completely different from how the survivors of Smelting Death Cave had described, he truly had nothing to use as a reference to determine the truth of this matter.

A good while later, the roars of tiger cub, Fire Qilin, and other beasts came from some distance away accompanied by their energy fluctuations. The strange birds circling in the air also cried and disorderly flew everywhere as the seawater along the shore rose more than ten meters high.

Not long after, the energy fluctuations calmed down. Then, tiger cub, Fire Qilin, and the others dragged an over 20-meters long strange corpse in front of Long Yi.

Long Yi was speechless. The hunting ability of Little Three and the rest was truly first-rate. Other than some creatures in the sea and the strange birds circling in the sky, Long Yi couldn't sense other living beings nearby, but Little Three had found such a huge strange beast.

Little Three called toward Long Yi like a puppy while swaying its tail. It had been a while since it had last eaten the delicious meat roasted by Long Yi.

Karl received a great shock. At this moment, he felt like he couldn't be surprised ever again in his life. Staying with Long Yi, he had become numb to even the most marvelous things. If he hadn't, his heart would've been shaken so many times that he would die young.

Long Yi sized up this huge strange beast. Its entire body was covered with a layer of brownish-yellow thick scales. There was a dagger-like horn on its forehead. Its limbs had 8 fingers, and all were steel-like hard and sharp claws. Its eyelid had a layer of transparent membrane. Clearly, this was a trait evolved to adapt to underground life. At first glance, Long Yi knew that it was an earth-attributed beast with great defense, and he knew that this strange beast was some kind of underground-dwelling animal. Generally, this kind of animal had thick skin and rough flesh. It was not a good material for food.

"Little Three, you usually have good eyes. How could you be so blind this time?" Long Yi kicked the butt of Little Three.

Little Three whimpered with grievances. Then, opening its mouth, a light flashed, easily cutting open the stomach of this strange beast. Five head-sized yellow-shelled eggs rolled out along with its internal organs. As it turned out, Little Three had had its eyes on the eggs in the stomach of this strange beast from the beginning.

Long Yi knocked these eggs a few times, and scanning them with his spirit power, he sensed faint wisps of life. This showed that these eggs were fine. It seemed that Little Three had discovered this mother strange beast before the embryos had formed. It also meant that there must be a male strange beast nearby.

At that time, Fire Qilin ordered that Variant Fire Qilin to bring some trees and used Qilin Holy Fire to start a fire.

Long Yi looked at the vast sea for a while and decided to think while eating. He threw those five eggs into the flame and began roasting, but he quickly discovered that those five eggs emitted a yellow radiance and weren't damaged at all.

Long Yi burned with anger. That demonic corpse that had been so hard to kill like a cockroach had already made him incomparably gloomy, and now, he encountered obstacles when all he wanted was to roast some simple eggs.

Long Yi directly used his spirit power to pick up these eggs and made Fire Qilin use Qilin Holy Fire to roast them. He didn't believe that he would be unable to roast these eggs.

The heat of Qilin Holy Fire was far greater than a thousand degrees. Whether it was steel or rock, they would melt at this point, but these eggs were holding on. Moreover, Long Yi saw that these eggs could absorb the heat of Qilin Holy Fire. This should be a kind of self-defense mechanism.

"Kacha, kacha!" Along with cracking sounds, the eggshells of four of the eggs cracked open one after another, and a fragrant smell spread all over.

"Roasted." Long Yi was happy. He then took out seasonings from his space ring and sprinkled them on those four eggs, and the sweet aroma grew denser.

But, the final egg was not roasted despite the intensity of the heat. Its yellow eggshell had already turned fiery red, but it still didn't crack open.

Long Yi made Fire Qilin stop. Then he and Karl tasted a bit of the four eggs and gave the remaining food to the god beasts.

"Long Yi, look! What is that?" Karl who was blankly staring at the sea suddenly shouted.

Long Yi looked over and saw a few dark spots on the distant sea surface as a faint smell of blood blew over with the salty sea breeze.

"It's a corpse. I am going to take a look." Long Yi frowned and suddenly disappeared. Then in a blink of an eye, he appeared again, and two rotting corpses of the Sea Race fell on the ground.

"I know him! He is the captain of Sea Scorpion Clan's Elite Scorpion Guards. He was also a participant in this time's Treasure Seizing Convention," Karl said while pointing at the left side corpse.

"Doesn't this mean that the other caves are also connected to this underground sea?" Long Yi asked as if he were talking to himself.

Karl nodded his head in agreement. But, just when he was about to say something, a whistling sound resounded in the air.

The complexion of Long Yi changed, and the god beasts roared practically at the same time. Long Two and that Six-Winged Angel Skeleton stood beside Long Yi, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Strange, why did the energy suddenly become so strange?" Long Yi mumbled, and after taking two steps forward, his body suddenly stiffened, and he shouted, "Quickly retreat."

Merely, it was already too late. The space around them instantly became illusory, and a greyish black sea wave surged along with heaven destroying and earth exterminating momentum.

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Long Yi immediately cast an isolation barrier, but the world around them was already shaking as the sea wave surged.

Long Yi, Karl, Little Three and the others in the barrier could only watch the rapidly approaching huge sea wave helplessly. That crowd of strange birds circling in the air fluttered in panic. At that time, a huge sea monster jumped out of the seawater and swallowed several of them. They instantly fell from their lofty apex hunter positions to become prey.

Soon, the sea wave slammed down, and Long Yi and others inside the barrier sunk into the grayish-black seawater. In this foul seawater, countless fierce sea monsters seemed to have appeared. They ferociously attacked the barrier of Long Yi. Merely, the barrier created by Long Yi was very powerful. How could these trifling sea monsters break it?

Those sea monsters attacked for a good while without any results. Then, they dispersed as if they had never appeared.

Karl sighed with relief. There was still a lingering fear in his heart. The situation had changed too fast. Just a moment ago, they had been on the shore of the underground sea, but in the blink of an eye, the world was completely submerged by seawater.

"Long Yi, this…" Karl opened his mouth wanting to ask something, but the environment changed again. The seawater seethed as if boiling over, and huge undersea whirlpools turned toward the location of Long Yi's barrier.

But, Long Yi stood still in the barrier at ease. He closed his eyes and sensed the violent energy fluctuations all around. Clearly, this was not natural.

Suddenly, Long Yi opened his eyes and his black pupils shone with a terrifying glint. He let out a muffled snort, and six spirit tablets shot out from his glabella, forming a hexagon above the barrier. Then, the barrier which was being tossed about by undersea whirlpools suddenly stood still as if it had taken a root.

At that moment, Karl discovered a pitch black cave which looked like the big mouth of a sea monster not far away in front of the barrier, waiting to swallow them. According to the trajectory of the barrier just a movement ago, if they had stopped a second or two later, the entire barrier would have been swallowed by this dark cave. Thinking so, Karl sweated profusely.

"Do you truly think that I don't know what to do with you?" A hint of a cold smile appeared on Long Yi's face. Then the Water God Mark on his glabella emitted an icy blue radiance, and the Water God Spirit Tablet also rapidly spun.

"Water Parting Magic!" Long Yi lowered his voice, and the blue radiance of his spirit tablet flourished. Then, the greyish black seawater parted to two sides with this barrier in the center.

Chapter 614: Water Space Variant Beas

A several meter-wide rift forcibly parted the underground sea into two halves, and then, the barrier with Long Yi and others inside slowly floated down to the sea floor.

At that time, in the midst of the cleared cross-section, one could clearly see a strange beast's head. It had a distinct outline and very large eyes with floating hairs on its head. It looked just like a three-dimensional drawing in the seawater.

"What is this?" Karl exclaimed.

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Long Yi shrugged his shoulders. How could he know what this strange beast was? But, looking at this strange beast, he could clearly see that it was very angry at them. Merely, they didn't seem to have done anything that would provoke its anger.

Nevertheless, this strange beast didn't attack them immediately as if it were hesitating.

Long Yi sent forth his spirit power, attempting to communicate with it. Clearly, this strange beast was very powerful. In this underground sea, it was a peak existence, and even more importantly, it actually had an extremely powerful ability to control space. The appearance of that black hole just now had not been accidental.

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Merely, when the spirit power of Long Yi arrived in front of that strange beast, his spirit power encountered an obstruction; moreover, this probing made that strange beast violent again. The seawater surged violently, and a huge force began to pressure the cleared space created by Long Yi using Water Splitting Magic.

Long Yi was also somewhat angry now. This strange beast truly couldn't tell good from bad. It actually thought that he was mud that it could do anything with. It was just a strange beast with the water attribute. He, however, had the Water God Spirit Tablet and several god beasts. Although his fighting power diminished in water, he was also not so weak that he could do nothing. After thinking so, Long Yi used his World of Snow and Ice water magic. Under the bluff of the Water God Spirit Tablet, the seawater within a radius of several li was completely frozen. Merely, that strange beast had already disappeared without a trace.

The underground sea was very big, and Long Yi didn't have the ability to completely freeze the entire underground sea. In addition, this strange beast seemed to be invisible as if it had already become a part of the seawater. In addition, its space magic was very powerful, so it was hard to accurately pinpoint its position.

Long Yi stopped attacking after casting World of Snow and Ice and pondered for a while. He then laughed and gave up the plan of taking the initiative to attack. It was very clear that that strange beast had the ability to control space, but even if it could use space magic to block their route of retreat, couldn't he just split open the blockade? When he, Long Yi, wanted to leave, who could stop him in this world?

After thinking this, Long Yi closed his eyes and began to sense the space energy. He had studied space magic to a certain extent, and he knew that forcibly altering the space energy field with an external force would definitely cause an anomaly. He could split open this place using that anomaly to create a passage and escape.

Long Yi made all the god beasts and Long Two attack the place with the anomaly that he had sensed. As for himself, he alertly looked around to guard against a sneak attack from that strange beast. This strange beast was truly cunning; it actually could change the place of the energy anomaly, causing Long Yi to have to actively manage his helpers. But, despite that being the case, under the fierce attacks, the entire energy field began to sway.

Suddenly, a hint of surprise flashed through the confident eyes of Long Yi as he felt that something was wrong, so he made Little Three and the others stop their attacks. However, the entire space energy field still continuously swayed. In fact, the swaying became more and more violent. Cracks began to appear in the surrounding frozen seawater, and energy madly scattered throughout this entire space. This scene was just like the eve of Doomsday.

"That strange beast is crazy! It wants to perish together with us." At this moment, Long Yi finally understood the aim of that strange beast. It wanted to collapse this entire space, and the energy created due to the scattering of the space would wipe out everything within the space including that strange beast itself.

Long Yi's complexion changed. He immediately put on his Lightning God Armor. Coupled with the six spirit tablets, he ought to be able to endure the energy storm caused by the scattering of the space, but it was impossible for Karl to survive. He had never expected that this strange beast actually had such a powerful ability to control space. It was truly beyond his imagination.

This variant beast with such powerful water and space attributes was very likely to be a descendant of two high-level water and space god beasts. In addition, it had evolved and become even stronger during the past 100,000 years.

In the beginning, Long Yi had looked down upon it. But, the top-ranking forces of this world were not as simple as Long Yi had imagined. It had already been more than ten years since Long Yi had arrived in this strange world. He had experienced life and death situations and also countless fortuitous encounters to reach the current level, but when all was said and done, he had only touched the tip of the iceberg when it came to the power of Demons and Gods. Although he had Lightning God Armor and six spirit tablets of the Main Gods, he had not yet truly inherited their powers; thus, in this space left behind from the War of Gods and Demons 100,000 years ago, he had been surprised many times within a short period.

At that time, when the destructive end of both sides suffering was right around the corner, in Long Yi's isolation barrier, that egg that hadn't been roasted no matter the heat suddenly pulsated. Next, it swayed and cracks appeared on the eggshell. It was unexpectedly hatching.

Meanwhile, the violent energy within the space slowly calmed down, and Long Yi could feel pleasant surprise and excitement from all around the space via his spirit power.

"Don't tell me… this hatching egg is the descendant of this variant beast?" Long Yi was stunned. No wonder, they hadn't been able to find the male beast at that time. He had never thought that this water and space dual-attributed powerful variant beast was the father of the eggs from that earth-attributed mother strange beast. Since his group had eaten their four children, it was not surprising that this variant beast had desperately fought them.

And now that the last one was hatching, Long Yi knew that the matter was taking a turn for the better, but he still didn't dare to relax at all. After all, he had already eaten several of the other eggs.

The cracks on the eggshell became larger and larger, and then a bald fiery red head tore out from the eggshell. It then spared no effort, wanting to struggle out of the eggshell while whimpering in a low voice. It looked very cute.

At this moment, the energy storm within this space had completely simmered down, and a low call came from all around the space. Then, the little fellow inside the eggshell struggled even more as if it had been encouraged.

Finally, the little fellow broke out of its shell. Its entire body was bright red without any hair. But, it unexpectedly had only one leg and its eyes were still closed. This little fellow didn't seem to have any attack power, but it jumped while whimpering. Then turning into a wisp of red smoke, it flew around the isolation barrier in disorder, trying to reach that variant beast. Merely, without the permission of Long Yi, how could it leave the barrier?

Those low roars became even louder, and Long Yi noticed a hint of spirit power coming into contact with his spirit power. Upon sensing this, he couldn't help relaxing, and a faint smile appeared on his stretched taut face.

Chapter 615: Death impasse

After the spirit power of Long Yi contacted with the monster's, he heard a low voice in his sea of consciousness, "Outsider, as long as you let go of my child, I can let go of everything."

Long Yi said with apologetic tone, "Everything was a misunderstanding. Had we known that they were your children, we would have never touched even a single of their hairs."

The divine sense of that variant beast moved, and a change occurred in the energy field. Everything around them distorted and fluctuated, before reverting back to its original state.

"Eh, we're back!" Karl looked around and exclaimed. He discovered that the seawater had already retreated, and they stood on the shore as if everything that had happened just a moment ago had been a mere illusion.

Long Yi could sense the sincerity of this variant beast, so he dispersed the isolation barrier. Then, that little fellow flying all around changed into a red shadow and entered the underground sea. After cheerfully paddling around for a little while, it dived deep into the sea and didn't come out again.

After a good while, the divine sense of that variant beast appeared once again and said, "Outsider, I can see that you possess the Water God Spirit Tablet and also the Water God's Mark on your body. You are clearly the inheritor of Water God. I don't know why, but you clearly haven't truly inherited the power of the Water God Spirit Tablet. However, my parents had a close relationship with Water God beast and Water God in the Divine World, so since you have come to this space, feel free to ask if you need my help in here."

Long Yi was glad in his heart. This truly was a blessing in disguise. Just a moment ago, he had been worried about the consequences of both sides suffering, but now, the situation had made a big turn of 180 degrees.

"I wonder if you know of the existence of the Blue Sea Divine Soul? We are looking for this thing," Long Yi expressed with his divine sense.

That variant beast remained silent for a long time before replying, "Blue Sea Divine Soul is the divine soul that condensed after the First Tier Water God of the Divine Realm died in battle. He was also the master my father followed."

"Eh…" Long Yi was startled. Now, this matter had become somewhat difficult. Long Yi thought that since this variant beast had that kind of relation with that First Tier Water God, how could it tolerate him having thoughts toward the Blue Sea Divine Soul?

"I cannot help you obtain the Blue Sea Divine Soul, but I can teleport you all to Death Impasse. That place, however, was the most terrible battlefield of the War of Gods and Demons. The remains of countless high-class Demons and Gods are buried there. I don't know how many demonic specters and divine zombies there are, but no one has returned alive after stepping into that place," The variant beast said after a long time.

"Death Impasse?" The heart of Long Yi sunk after hearing the words of this variant beast. The demonic specters and divine zombies formed from the corpses of high-class Demons and Gods were absolutely different from general undead creatures; therefore, Long Yi didn't have any hope of his undead magic affecting them to any significant extent. Calling that kind of place Death Impasse would not be excessive at all. Wanting to obtain the Blue Sea Divine Soul and escape unscathed from such a dangerous place would truly be an enormous ordeal.

Long Yi frowned while examining Karl. In such a dangerous place, he wouldn't have the ability to take care of Karl's safety.

"Long Yi, what's going on?" Karl asked upon seeing Long Yi was looking at him.

Long Yi explained everything detailed by the variant beast and added, "Karl, Death Impasse is too dangerous. How about you wait for me here?"

Karl quietly caressed the Miluo Divine Bow in his hand and sighed, "I know that I would only be a burden with my strength. I will stay here. In any case, you must be careful, you have said that you will take me to experience the Human World of Blue Waves Continent. I hope you will live up to your words."

Long Yi patted Karl's shoulder and said with a smile, "You can rest assured: there is no place in this world where I cannot go. Just wait for my good news."

"Are you ready?" That variant beast asked.

"Yes, but I want to ask you a help. If I don't return from the Death Impasse, can you send this person out of this space?" Long Yi requested.

"Okay." The variant beast agreed. This matter was nothing difficult for it. It knew the Sea Race sent people in Smelting Death Cave once every one hundred years to seize treasures. In the future, he could just teleport this person to the place where the Sea Race had created the entrance, and when the Sea Race opened the path again from the outside, this person could just walk out.

At this moment, this water space variant beast used all its energy, enveloping Long Yi and his pets. In the next moment, they disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only the listlessly sitting Karl. He believed that he could never reach the level of Long Yi.


The expansion works of Soaring Dragon City were progressing in full swing. The new districts had already begun to take shape. Numerous refined, elegant and imposing buildings had risen. In addition, big trees transplanted from the Hengduan Mountains were planted on both sides of the street along with various kinds of fresh flowers, decorating the district. Nevertheless, the most striking of these buildings was the Continent Conference Hall. It was built for the purpose of holding the Blue Wave Continent Conference. It covered an area of more than one hundred hectares, and the main building had ten floors. It looked magnificent and imposing. The first task of this conference hall was to hold the upcoming Dragon Race Conference. Since its completion, countless tourists had come to visit it every day.

At this time, in the central square of Continent Conference Hall, a magic fountain was gushing out from the rockery. Below that fountain was a clear pond where fishes happily swam. There were also several white cranes washing their spotless feathers in the pond. It was noisy outside but very quiet inside. Visitors could only view and admire from the outside; they couldn't enter inside this place.

A group of women wearing beautiful clothing walked over from behind the rockery as their happy laughter and cheerful voices spread throughout the central square.

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In the middle of this group of women was a uniquely beautiful woman. She seemed to be in her early twenties. Her beautiful black hair was coiled up into a butterfly-like bun with some glaze hairpins. She looked very elegant.

The beautiful woman smiled while slapping away the little hands of the other women around her that stroked her belly.

"Big sister Xiangyun, let me touch! Look, isn't the baby moving?" Long Ling'er said while broadly smiling.

"Nonsense, the baby has not even reached one month of age. How can he move?" Nangong Xiangyun rolled her eyes at Long Ling'er and said.

"This baby, however, is the blood of our husband. Naturally, it'll be different. The baby of other people might move only after six or seven months, but his baby might move in less than a month," Leng Youyou who was wearing a skintight black attire said.

The rest of the women also chimed in in succession. From the first moment, the twittering never stopped.

All the women of this group were outstanding beauties, they were lovely enough to cause the fall of a state. With all of them gathered together, even a celestial being might not be able to look away.

"Madams, Empress requests madams to return to the palace a bit earlier. Empress wants madams to taste the soup she personally stewed." At that time, a young girl wearing the palace maid attire urgently walked over and notified them.

"Hehe, we will be having tasty food again. This is all thanks to big sister Xiangyun," Murong Shuyu said with a smile.

"Since younger sister Shuyu envies this so much, wait until husband returns. Then, you can work hard and let us sisters enjoy your light, okay?" Leng Youyou teased.

These women teased each other as they walked out of the Continent Conference Hall. Since Dongfang Wan had given them instructions, they didn't dare to disobey as daughters-in-law.

Outside the Continent Conference Hall, these women boarded into a super luxurious carriage and left under the protection of a group of imperial guards. The sudden appearance of these beauties intoxicated many foreign visitors. Only after the carriage couldn't be seen any longer did they came back to their senses and begin to inquire about those devastatingly beautiful women.

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At that time, the wily old foxes of Soaring Dragon City looked down upon them and said: "They are the wives of His Highness the Crown Prince. Only fools dare to have thoughts on them. Do you know Hell Angel, Hell Saintess, Light Saintess, Miss of the Phoenix Clan…? What? You know yet dare indulge in such flights of fancy? Hereafter, polish your eyes. Ai, you all are fortunate. Nevertheless, there are some people like us, the people of Soaring Dragon City, who get to see them every day."

So, with numerous not-local people surrounding them, those boasting wily old foxes proudly talked about the great love story of Crown Prince Ximen Yu over and over again with their saliva flying all around. Of course, they included the amazing love storm of Mea Holy Magic Academy.

Among the crowd, two hooded fellows in black robes looked at each other. One of them interrupted the speech of an especially excited wily old fox and said, "This brother truly knows the matter of His Highness Crown Prince like the back of your hand and often sees the madams, but I wonder if you know where His Highness Crown Prince is now?"

"You asked the right person. Now that the entire continent is unified, and you should know that the Dragon Race Convention is about to be held in our Soaring Dragon City, His Highness the Crown Prince is visiting the legendary Dragon Island, enjoying the beauties of the Dragon Race. If you want to see His Highness the Crown Prince, wait until the Dragon Race Convention. You will definitely be able to see him," That wily old fox confidently said.

The two black robed people thanked the wily old fox and moved back into the crowd.

"Big sister, it seems Long Yi truly isn't in Soaring Dragon City. If he is truly at Dragon Island, what should we do?" Among them, one black robed person worried in a low voice. Her voice was unexpectedly feminine.

Another black robed person sighed softly and whispered, "Jingjing, it seems we have to go to the imperial palace. It concerns the survival of our Cyan Wind Empire. No matter how they treat me, I will accept it."

At that time, when Ximen Nu had been enthroned, Mu Hanyan had tried to assassinate the new emperor, causing Long Yi to kill her. One could guess that everybody had a deep impression of her, but it absolutely wasn't a good impression. However, only the closest people of Long Yi knew where he was. Now, since the magic transfer arrays were being widely used, it might not take too much time to find Long Yi.

The Mu sisters, who had left the Blue Moon Continent using the transfer array within the Holy Temple, at this moment, chased the luxurious carriage heading towards the imperial palace.

Chapter 616: Demonic Specters and Divine Zombies

Inside the luxurious carriage, the women were happily chattering continuously. Their subject of conversation always revolved around the unborn child of Nangong Xiangyun and Long Yi.

Ximen Wuhen quietly sat at one side with a smile while listening attentively. Although she always had the role of younger sister in the midst of these women, she truly longed to integrate into this *** someday, becoming the real woman of her second brother. Unconsciously, her eyes blurred as if she was missing someone.

She gently lifted the window curtain of the carriage and watched outside. The newly built streets were bustling with activity. They were full of peddlers. Now, these streets however were the most crowded streets of Soaring Dragon City.

Ximen Wuhen sighed softly. The immatureness of those years when she was sixteen was long gone. Ten years could make a young girl truly grow up into a woman. Those ridiculous, hateful and sad feelings all dissipated, only this dense love fermented in the bottom of her heart.

When Ximen Wuhen was feeling sentiment, she accidentally saw two black robed figures from the corner of her eyes. She immediately became alert. She felt that one of those two black robed figures appeared very familiar.

Mu Hanyan sensed that someone inside the carriage was watching them and knew that they were already discovered, so she simply didn't hide any longer and lifted the hood, revealing her beautiful face that could charm all living creatures.

"It's her..." Ximen Wuhen was startled and muttered.

At that time, the remaining women noticed the unusual appearance of Ximen Wuhen and they all followed the gaze of Ximen Wuhen in succession.


In the imperial palace of Soaring Dragon City, Yangsheng Hall, Dongfang Wan wearing silvery inlaid with a gold gown and golden jade hairpin solemnly sat on the master seat with noble air. In addition, two pretty maids were respectfully standing behind her.

Everyone knew that Dongfang Wan, this empress, usually had polite air when meeting guests. No one had ever seen her losing her temper. But, every time her expression stagnated and she emitted her might, no one dared to even breathe deeply in front of her.

At this moment, Dongfang Wan was staring at Mu Hanyan and Mu Jingjing standing not far away from her. The appearance of these two sisters was very similar, but their temperament was very different, one was beautiful enough to charm all living creatures and the other was beautiful like a fairy maiden. Dongfang Wan knew the matter of Mu Hanyan to some extent. Although she had ill-feeling towards her due to her plan to assassinate Ximen Nu, as a woman, she however pitied her a lot. If a woman didn't love a man dearly, then how could she be willing to die under his sword?

"Empress, we have a very important matter to look for Long... His Highness the Crown Prince. We beseech Empress to help us." Mu Hanyan bit her lower lip and said kneeling on the floor. In this life, she had knelt only to heaven and her parents, she was too proud to kneel to any other person.

On the surface, Dongfang Wan still remained aloof and indifferent and indifferently said: "I wonder what noble errand made Miss Mu look for my son, there is no harm to tell us if it is convenient, but if it is inconvenient..., then forget it."

Mu Hanyan trembled. Other than Long Yi, no one else knew the matter of Blue Moon Continent, could she speak out this matter?

"Empress, we truly have an urgent matter for looking for His Highness the Crown Prince, but it is not convenient to speak." Mu Jingjing at one side also knelt and said.

Dongfang Wan raised her eyebrows but didn't speak.

Mu Hanyan hesitated for a bit. Cyan Wind Empire didn't have too much time, moreover, Dongfang Wan and these women around were also the close people of Long Yi, so, since they wanted to know, she might as well tell them.

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"Empress, I will speak." Mu Hanyan raised her head and said resolutely.

"Big sister, how can you..." Mu Jingjing urgently said, but she was stopped by a stern look of Mu Hanyan before she finished speaking.

But, just when Mu Hanyan wanted to speak out the overall matter of Blue Moon Continent, Dongfang Wan stood up with a smile and gently said: "Well, stand up, you two, since it is an urgent matter and so difficult to speak out, I will let it off. But, I will clearly tell you that, according to the news from Dragon Island, Yu'er has already left Dragon Island to the seas looking for the legendary Undersea City. His current whereabouts is unclear, who know in which corner of the sea he is."

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"Ah." Mu Hanyan sisters were dumbfounded, could it be that Cyan Wind Empire was doomed to be destroyed?

"But, Yu'er will set up a transfer magic array after he settled down, then you can immediately meet him. So, if you two don't mind, how about staying in the imperial palace for a few days? Perhaps, Yu'er will message us soon." Seeing the despaired appearance of Mu Hanyan sisters, Dongfang Wan added.


Death Impasse, the innermost part of Smelting Death Cave, Long Yi and his pets appeared in one corner along with a flashing of white light.

Long Yi looked around, sizing up this Death Impasse which was dangerous beyond compare in the eyes of that Water Space Variant Beast. This was a very long and narrow cave. The temperature was very high, but it gives a kind of extremely gloomy sensation. It was very quiet inside but one could occasionally hear a sizzling sound created when a drop of magma fell on the ground. It was very loud and clear.

Long Yi licked his somewhat dry lips. His nerves were stretched taut. Although he had seen nothing so far, his beastly instinct was already screaming that danger was all around.

Long Two and Six Winged Angel Skeleton stood closely behind Long Yi. As for Little Three, Violent Lightning Beast and two Fire Qilins, they were in front of Long Yi, making a semi-circle formation.

Suddenly, Long Yi sensed a minute death qi fluctuation. And just when he wanted to make a move, Little Three in front of him trembled, then it burst out with holy light while roaring.

Then, a black qi surged and a ghastly humanoid creature gradually formed in front of them. Those sharp fangs, ominous eyes and entangled muscles, one could know that it was not anything good at first glance.

This was a resentment specter formed from a high-class demon. It was completely different from ordinary resentment specter, it actually didn't fear holy light, on the contrary, it chose to make a move on Little Three, this god beast that possessed pure light physique.

Long Yi knew that the best way to deal with resentment specter, this kind of spirit creatures that were completely immune to ordinary physical attacks, was to use spirit magic to attack.

At that time, even without the order of Long Yi, Long Two holding a blood-red scythe rushed up to attack. He was also an undead creature, and the baleful qi around blood-red scythe soared. Upon seeing this, this demonic specter actually had some misgivings, but its speed was very fast and dense dark mist surged.

It goes without saying that the holy light of Little Three and Qing Holy Fire of Fire Qilin could effectively kill or wound resentment specters, but this demonic specter unexpectedly ignored them. It just dodged the attack of Long Two. As for the attacks of Little Three and Fire Qilin, it didn't care about it at all.

A fierce battle unfolded in this narrow cave, but no one could cause any damage to the cave walls. Initially, Long Yi was worried about this cave collapsing due to the energy scattering everywhere being too huge, and magma above submerging this cave, but, after seeing this, he no longer worried.

Long Yi saw that the situation on the battlefield was in a stalemate, but he didn't want to drag on this battle, so using a vast amount of spirit power, he surrounded that demonic specter completely.

That demonic specter saw that the situation was anything but reassuring and actually transformed into mist, wanting to disperse and slip out from the cracks of the encirclement of Long Yi's spirit power. Merely, even after flying a lap around, it discovered that the encirclement of Long Yi's spirit power didn't have any crack, so it condensed into a humanoid figure again.

But, just when Long Yi thought that this demonic specter was already like a turtle in a jar, that demonic specter suddenly issued a sharp scream, then turning into an illusory arrow, it attacked one point of the spirit power encirclement.

Long Yi felt his glabella was burning. And that demonic specter unexpectedly disappeared quietly in the midst of his spirit power encirclement. This stunned him. As it turned out this demonic specter's resentment power was very powerful. After a concentrated attack at one point, a tiny crack had appeared in the spirit power encirclement for a moment and it had escaped from this crack.

After that, death qi fluctuated violently in this narrow cave, and this cave which was quiet just a moment ago was thrown into disorder like boiling water. In an instant, cold wind whistled and various kinds of resentment specters appeared suddenly, in addition, all kinds of zombies filled this cave like ants. It was like he had instantly arrived at the Ninth Floor of Hell.

The cheeks of Long Yi twitched as he shouted "Good Gracious" in his heart while sweating profusely.

If these were just ordinary Undead Boss like Wicked Zombie, Dark Specter and so on, then he wouldn't have any problem to kill any number of them with his current strength. But, these were demonic specters and divine zombies, rose from the elites that died in the war of Demon and God. With so many of them appearing all of a sudden, just the dense death qi and baleful aura were already pressuring Long Yi so much that it was getting hard to breath. It was useless to struggle against this number unless he had a strength to oppose the entire world by himself.

Long Yi took a deep breath and he stood still in the same place. In the confrontation of momentum, even though the other side was far superior, he would never shrink back. What's more, he was just facing a group of strong death beings.

In the midst of thinking, the eyes of Long Yi flashed as he thought why that Water Space Variant Beast didn't directly teleport him to this place where Blue Sea Divine Soul was located. Now, in this circumstance, fighting recklessly was definitely courting death, but if he didn't fight recklessly, then he had to flee.

Thinking of that Water Space Variant Beast, Long Yi suddenly thought of the space magic Short Distance Space Teleportation Magic he had comprehended some time ago. For this, he had specially made a pile of space magic scrolls. He had never thought that it would be so useful this time.

Long Yi put away Long Two and others into dark dimension space, and just before those demonic specters and divine zombies attacked, he used that space magic scroll to teleport away.

Chapter 617: Blue Sea Divine Soul 1

A white light flashed and Long Yi appeared 100 meters away, but he was still surrounded by ferocious zombies and specters. The space magic scroll had teleported him in the midst of zombies. Although he was already prepared for this result to some extent in his heart, he still couldn't help shivering.

"Bang, bang!" The demonic specters and divine zombies around reacted quickly. A few of them attacked Long Yi, bringing along sharp whistling sounds as well as boundless and dense death qi.

But, the entire body of Long Yi was shrouded with a defense barrier, and those attacks made the barrier around him fluctuate, and his qi and blood churned, but he was still able to withstand those attacks.

Then, the figure of Long Yi flashed again, and just after he disappeared from that place, the second wave of demonic specters and divine zombies' attacks arrived.

If Long Yi hadn't teleported again, then this second wave of attacks was enough to smash his defensive barrier. In the first wave of attacks, there were only some demonic specters and divine zombies in the surroundings, but in the second wave of attacks, over a hundred demonic specters and divine zombies had gathered. Such a powerful attack, even if he completely inherited the power of one Main God, he would still be unable to take them head-on.

Long Yi flashed all around in the midst of demonic specters and divine zombies like a phantom. As a matter of fact, if he used Great Cosmos Shift, then he could also achieve teleportation effect, but Great Cosmos Shift consumed his internal force and that would cause the strength of the defensive barrier around him decrease a lot. In addition, the usage of space magic scroll was much easier.

Once again, Long Yi faced a group of undead creatures. Although they had a certain level of intelligence, they couldn't think of cooperating with their companions to secure the space, otherwise, with such huge power, it would be very difficult for Long Yi to break out even if he wanted. And even if he was able to break out successfully, he wouldn't escape unscathed, he would still lose at least a layer of his skin.

Death Impasse, this cave was very long and narrow. Only after using five space magic scroll, he finally left behind the place where demonic specters and divine zombies were concentrated the most. The remaining scattered demonic specters and divine zombies were not a big threat to him, the demonic specters and divine zombies behind him were still chasing him, following his aura.

Upon seeing this, Long YI hardened his heart and only after using additional ten space magic scrolls, he finally got rid of that terrifying group of undead creatures, entering an empty area. He then retracted his aura and stayed there for a good while to calm down. And after he calmed down, he suppressed his churning qi and blood while thanking his good luck. Although his defensive barrier was not broken, the impacts his body received made him feel extremely unwell.

After a while, Long Yi gingerly walked forward. But, just after a few steps, he discovered that the more he advanced forward, the narrower the cave became, and in the end, there was only a head-sized hole.

Long Yi scanned inside the hole and discovered that this head-sized cave was unexpectedly curved. He didn't know what kind of situation was in the front.

"F**k, is this making fun of others?" Long Yi cursed and moved a step back.

"Fortunately, this Young Master, I have Bone Shrinking Technique, otherwise I would have been truly trapped in this awful place." Long Yi thought aloud. Then, along with crackling sounds, he began to shrink and then crawled into that head-sized cave.

This small cave was so twisting and turning that it made Long Yi nauseous. In addition, although Bone Shrinking Technique was looked mystical, it was very troublesome to use. If the time exceeded the endurance of the body, then he would revert back into his original form with deformity. And if the external factor prevented him from reverting back into original form after the endurance limit of his body was reached, then he would have a violent death with the explosion of his internal organs.

When Long Yi thought of these possibilities, his heart tightened a little. But, his spirit power had always been obstructed by a kind of strange energy in the front.

"This Young Master will never die in this hole." Long Yi felt his body was somewhat sore, so he sped up.

If this cave was surrounded by ordinary rocks, then he would have leveled this cave in once second, but the rocks around were 100 times harder than the diamond. The attack power of those demonic specters and divine zombies was very terrifying, but they were still unable to leave behind a single scratch on the walls. One could well imagine the consequences of Long Yi being trapped here. Although Long Yi had space magic scrolls that could teleport him within the distance he could see with his eyes, in this very narrow and winding cave, their usage was very limited.

The time slowly passed and Long Yi began to feel tingling pain, which was increasing along with the passage of time. He gritted his teeth and moved forward, sparing no effort.

"Add effort, my husband." A familiar yet unfamiliar voice faintly reverberated in the ears of Long Yi. Long Yi who was already dizzy thought that he was having an auditory hallucination, but he felt a warm current flowing inside his body which eased him a lot.

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"Xiya?" The eyes of Long Yi shone as he muttered a name.

Not long after, a glimmer of light appeared in front of Long Yi. There was an exit just ten meters away.

Long Yi shot forward like an arrow, but just before he was about to pass through this exit, he slammed the brakes, and blankly looked outside this exit.

Outside this small cave, there was an extremely spacious big cave. Inside this big cave, evil qi was soaring, and ten demonic specters and divine zombies were fighting against each other with dense energy surging everywhere inside this big cave. Even if steel was thrown into there, it would instantly change into fine powders. These ten demonic specters and divine zombies were clearly formed from very high-leveled Gods and Demons. They were in a completely different level compared to those demonic specters and divine zombies he had encountered just a moment ago.

At this moment, Long Yi however could neither return nor go forward. It was very unwise to use space magic scroll in front of these very high leveled demonic specters and divine zombies, moreover, no matter how powerful his defense was, it would not be able to withstand a single blow.

But, the endurance of Long Yi's body had already reached the limit at this moment, thus, if he didn't go out now, then he would eat a big loss.

Since he was unable to change the actual situation, Long Yi rushed out under a cover of the rock, then along with violent crackling sounds, he felt refreshed as if he was finally able to let out after holding a urine for a long time.

Long Yi stuck to the wall like a gecko, but violent energy slammed against his defense barrier.

Suddenly, a strange silence befell in the cave and all those violent energy also instantly calmed down.

Long Yi looked over and saw those ten demonic specters and divine zombies had stopped attacking each other, and all of them were staring fixedly at him, making his heart shudder.

"Eh..., everyone, I am just passing by, you all can continue." Long Yi forcibly smiled and then walked past them as if he was just a passerby.

The gaze of these demonic specters and divine zombies followed the figure of Long Yi, then they turned around simultaneously and continued to follow Long Yi with their gaze until he reached far away.

"Are these undead creatures are so open to persuasion? Or, does this Young Master look too harmless?" Long Yi muttered to himself as he leisurely walked forward. He could feel tens of gazes behind him, but strangely, no one attacked him.

But, just when Long Yi was secretly pleased with his good fortune, he quickly turned away with a bitter face as there was no path in the front.

"Kid, since you have come here, don't leave, accompany us to play here." A sinister voice resounded in the ears of Long Yi.

Long Yi turned around and saw a head with a pair of long horns. A tall demonic specter was standing behind him and that voice had come out of its mouth.

Long Yi endured the surprise of his heart. Other than its physical body, the wisdom of this demonic specter had not degenerated at all.

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"Strange, strange, how come there are so many Main God's marks on your body? Lightning God, Water God, Wind God and Light God. Eh, you actually have six Main God Spirit Tablets too? So, the seven Main Gods weren't able to get rid of the divine curse in the end?" Another divine zombie wearing tattered armor came over to the side of Long Yi and sized up Long Yi with curiosity.

"Rubbish, is the curse of our Heavenly Demon God a joke? Although the seven Main Gods sealed our Heavenly Demon God, were they any better? Now that six Main God Spirit Tablets have appeared in the hands of this kid, I can see that they were unable to bear the pain of the curse and end themselves." That demonic specter who spoke the first laughed.

The rest of the demonic specters and divine zombies also gathered in front of Long Yi in succession and unexpectedly began to discuss.

For the first time in his life, Long Yi felt that his IQ was low. What kind of situation was now? A group of demonic specters and divine zombies who were fighting ferociously just a moment ago unexpectedly surrounded him and began to nit-pick. After one said something, another one would say something, they appeared quite close to each other.

"You all... what exactly are you?" Long Yi rolled his eyes and asked.

The demonic specter and divine zombie that spoke the first stopped the discussion.

"Scrap Archfiend, aren't you a glib talker? Go, explain to this little human friend." That divine zombie said to that demon specter.

"Kid, don't listen to this zombie, I am one of the five Great Archfiend under Heaven Demon King, Destruction Army King. Aren't you very surprised that we still have the intellect of our lifetime and we are coexisting peacefully?" This demon specter's voice was very jarring, but it didn't contain any hint of malice.

Long Yi nodded his head. He was indeed confused about this point. Even if they were very strong and preserved the intellect of their lifetime, how could gods and demons coexist peacefully? Seeing them chat and laugh appeared somewhat inappropriate.

"Ai, for 100,000 years, I can only stay here in this narrow space without perishing, even the hatred as big as the heaven also wear off." The demon specter sighed and said without hatred.

Chapter 618: Blue Sea Divine Soul 2

These demonic specters and divine zombies were the elites of the elites of the war of God and Demon 100,000 years ago. Among them, there was no lack of Archfiends and First-Tier Gods. In this Smelting Death Cave, they had transformed into an eternal undying undeads. And because they maintained their consciousness, they fought against each other day and night for several thousand years in the beginning. But, they were already eternal undying undeads in this space. No matter how severe the injuries were, they completely recovered after hundreds of years.

After repeating the same cycle for several thousand years, both sides were tired, moreover, because they were too lonely, they slowly began to communicate with each other, and gradually, the hatred between them gradually faded away. In the end, they became spiritually depended with each other.

For 100,000 years, other than researching the cultivation methods, they chatted, laughed and fought against each other after becoming undeads.

When Long Yi had entered, these demonic specters and divine zombies were moving about their body.

"You mean to say that you all were trapped in such a small space?" Long Yi pointed at this space that was just a hundred or so meters long and only fifty or so meters wide space and asked in disbelief. Forced to stay in such a small space for 100,000 years, moreover, couldn't die, was there anything more painful than this?

"Yes, so kid, now do you know why we were so happy to see you? After 100,000 years, we finally saw a new face, kaka..." That demonic specter laughed wildly.

"Isn't there an exit? Why didn't you all leave this place?" Long Yi pointed at that head-sized hole he had come from and said.

"Kid, take a look, can you enter that hole again now?" The divine zombie gloated.

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The heart of Long Yi was filled with ominous premonition. He immediately rushed over to the front of that head-sized hole, but discovered that although he could still see the hole, it was sealed by a layer of strange energy which blocked him from entering the hole. Moreover, all his efforts to enter was also futile.

"Kid, you cannot leave even if you die. You can only enter this space, you can never leave. Now, be obedient and accompany us. With all of us here, it will be difficult to die even if you want to die." The demonic specter roared with laughter.

Long Yi gnashed his teeth and sat down on the ground. He didn't want to be trapped in this goddamned place throughout his life. His loved ones were still waiting for him outside. If he had to stay here like these demonic specters and divine zombies, then he might as well die.

"Hey, kid, everything is useless now, in any case, we are bored, how about talking about what is going on outside with us? That demonic specter walked forward and stared at Long Yi with its four big eyes.

"Go go go, now, this Young Master is not in the mood." Long Yi waved his hand like he was showing away flies. He wouldn't give up so easily. He didn't believe that this small space could imprison him.

Thinking so, Long Yi sprang into his feet and began to carefully examine everything in this space. He didn't miss even an inch. He didn't believe that he wouldn't find any flaw.

"Don't waste your effort. If there was a flaw in this goddamned space, we would have already gone out. Would we have waited until you come here?" That divine zombie said.

Long Yi however ignored them and concentrated on his own matter with single-hearted devotion. Merely, the fact however was the fact. This space truly was invulnerable. Long Yi repeatedly inspected more than a dozen times, but he didn't discover even a hint of a flaw.

"F**k." Long Yi kicked the solid wall and his glabella flashed with silverish purple radiance. He put on Lightning God Armor and huge Lightning God Hammer appeared in his hand. He then used Lightning God Hammer to smash the wall. His anger made these demonic specters and divine zombies feel chill.

After smashing the walls for a long time, Lightning God Armor was retracted into his body. He then vomited a mouthful of blood and sat on the ground in exhaustion.

"I can't be trapped here, absolutely can't!" Long Yi muttered. Then, divine marks on his body illuminated and six spirit tablets shot out from his glabella and spun rapidly in the air. The energy within his body surged and a subtle connection appeared between the various kinds of energy within his body. Then, his gaze slowly became firm. At this moment, even those demonic specters and divine zombies actually felt a hint of fear.

The divine zombie leader looked at Long Yi in a daze for a long time. That illumination of spirit tablets made his eyes flashed with a hint of pain. In the past, it sustained his belief.

The demonic specter leader was also in a daze for a long time. Finally, he and divine zombie leader looked at each other, then leading the remaining demonic specters and divine zombies to one side, they discuss something.

The seven colored radiance around Long Yi faded, sprits tablets entered his body and his expression reverted back to normal. He knew that, the more anxious he was, the more he wouldn't be able to think of a good way. At this stage, it was already useless to be anxious, but, he didn't believe that he, Long Yi, would be trapped in this goddamned place forever.

At that time, those more than ten demonic specters and divine zombies seemed to have already finished their discussion and gathered around Long Yi.

"Kid, in any case, since you have nothing else to do, how about talking about the outside world?" The divine zombie leader said.

This time, Long Yi didn't refuse. He talked about the current state of the outside world. He didn't hide anything.

"Ai, I had never thought that the war of God and Demon that lasted for a thousand years nearly destroyed the entire world." The divine zombie leader sighed.

"Heavenly Demon King is already sealed for 100,000 years, but with his nature, if the seal is broken, then that day would herald the true end of this world." This demonic specter who once was Destruction Army King said. He knew that the reason why the war of God and Demon broke out 100,000 years ago was truly not because gods and demons were innately incompatible, rather because demons innately had wild ambitions. Everything was because they wanted to fight against gods for the control of the entire world. And now that it had already been 100,000 years since he had stayed together with these divine zombies, he was influenced by their behaviors to some extent. Therefore, when he learned that Heaven Demon King was about to break out of his seal and destroy the world, he couldn't bear to see it.

Long Yi became solemn. Since this demonic specter leader said so, then the consequences of Heavenly Demon King breaking out of the seal was truly a catastrophe for the entire world. In any case, he must not be allowed to break out of the seal.

Now, under the command of Heaven Demon King, the Shark Clan was looking all around for the descendant of mermaid imperial family. If Liuli was discovered, then the consequences would be too dreadful to contemplate. But, Shark Clan basically had never expected that Liuli had already returned to Undersea City and they were searching in the wrong direction. It might be assumed that, as long as Liuli obediently stayed under the protection of Miluo Clan, she was very unlikely to be in danger.

"Perhaps, you are the only one who can prevent this disaster." The divine zombie leader watched Long Yi for a long time and said after a sigh.

Long Yi however just shrugged his shoulders and indifferently said: "What can I do? Aren't I trapped in this goddamned place just like you all?"

"Kid, don't speak nonsense, we have a way to send out from this space, but you have to agree to our one condition." The demonic specter leader impatiently said.

"What condition?" The heart of Long Yi moved, but at the same time, he was somewhat suspicious. If they truly had a way to leave this space, then why were they trapped in this space for 100,000 years?

"If you are truly destined to return, then after quelling this disaster, make all the races of this world coexist peacefully. Don't instigate dispute easily. As for Demon Clan, I hope you will not exterminate them." The demon specter leader faintly said.

"That is natural, but I have a question I want to ask." Long Yi nodded his head and said.

The demon specter leader however interrupted: "I know what you want to ask, but you will know the answer when the time comes."

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Long Yi raised his eyebrows and no longer asked.

"There is one more thing I want to request you." The divine zombie leader suddenly said.

"Say it, as long as I, Long Yi, can accomplish it, I will not decline." Long Yi said.

"Take this bracelet, if you ran into a girl that can wear it after you leave this place, tell her..., her father loves her very much." The divine zombie leader took out an elegant silvery bracelet from who knows where and said. This bracelet had meticulous and mystical lines, emitting a sparkling divine light. When he said these words, his tone had a great fluctuation. One could well imagine how deep his feelings for his daughter were.

"Is your daughter in Blue Waves Continent?" Long Yi took the bracelet and asked with the changed countenance.

"During the war of God and Demon 100,000 years ago, my daughter was just born. At that time, she was affected by the energy of the battle. In order to protect her, her mother used all her divine power to seal her, and I..., I split open space and sent her away. I guess my daughter is in some corner of Blue Waves Continent. With the divine power of her mother, if no one undid her seal, then my daughter would automatically sink into a deep sleep until the seal undid automatically. And according to the calculation, now should be about the time." The divine zombie leader sighed and said.

Long Yi solemnly nodded and promised: "I, Long Yi, take an oath here, I will look for your daughter with all my strength throughout my life."

"Good, now, use your spirit tablets to protect yourself, we will teleport you out of here." The divine zombie leader said.

"Wait a minute, I want to ask a question, does anyone know Blue Sea Divine Soul?" Long Yi asked.

"Blue Sea Divine Soul? Are you talking about divine soul condensed after the death of First-Tier Water God?" The demon specter leader at one side asked.

"Yes, I came to Smelting Death Cave this time to find it." Long Yi said.

"Jie jie jie..., kid, that depends on this zombie in front of you." The demon specter leader strangely laughed.

Long Yi was startled and suddenly saw the light. Could it be that that First-Tier Water God was this divine zombie in front of him?

"Eh... that... can… can..." At this moment, Long Yi somewhat embarrassed. He opened his mouth to speak, but was unable to speak. He couldn't say that your divine soul is useless for you, you might as well give it to me.

"Well, kid, we meet here due to fate. Fortunately, my divine soul hasn't dissipated yet, it contains my water attributed divine energy. Although it is inferior to Water God in terms of attack and defense, it has a kind of special trait that Water God cannot match, that is..." When that divine zombie was just about to explain, space suddenly swayed and his words ceased abruptly.

Chapter 619: Returning to Undersea City

"What happened?" Long Yi urgently asked.

"Kid, there is no time, the Sea Race outside has already begun to open the space, we have to send you out immediately, or else, once the entrance to space is closed, you have to wait another one hundred years for the Sea Race to open this space." The divine zombie leader hastily replied. Then, with a wave of his hand, a fist sized blue light ball floated towards Long Yi.

"Take this Blue Sea Divine Soul, don't let it fall into the hands of another person." The divine zombie leader added.

"Kid, take care, I admire you very much, unfortunately..." The demon specter leader sighed. And seeing divine zombie leader was already emitting white light, he closed his mouth and rushing over to one side, he also emitted a large amount of energy.

"Hey hey, you have yet to tell me the unique trait of Blue Sea Divine Soul." Long Yi shouted. But, all the demon specters and divine zombies were already emitting their energy and their clear face had already become indistinct at this moment.

Slowly, the energy emitted by demon specters and divine zombies combined into one, forming an energy whirlpool in the air.

Long Yi suddenly realized something. His entire body shook and he shouted loudly: "Wait a minute, you all, wait a minute..."

However, that energy whirlpool suddenly became strong and the body of demon specters and divine zombies completely dissipated. Long Yi was unable to control his body and was sucked into this energy whirlpool.


Today was the day when the warriors of all clans that participate in Treasure Seizing Conference return from Smelting Death Cave. Outside Smelting Death Cave, various clans of the Sea Race were already waiting, all of them were watching that pitch-black entrance to Smelting Death Cave.

An hour passed, two hours passed, but there was still no movement in the entrance. Unexpected, not a single one walked out.

It was dead silence in this place. Not a single one utter a word, all of them were waiting.

Even after three hours passed, there was still no movement. Many people began to panic. Among them was Sea Emperor and the patriarch of Miluo Clan. This kind of situation had never occurred since Treasure Seizing Conference was held for the first time. In the past, the lowest numbers of people that had returned alive from Smelting Death Cave was ten, but most of the time, more than one hundred warriors would return alive. Now however, even after such a long period of time, not a single one returned.

Now, there was just one more hour left. After an hour, the entrance of this Smelting Death Cave would close. The heart of everyone tightened and, let alone speaking, no one dared to even breathe heavily.

"Came out, someone came out." Suddenly, a loud voice resounded. The heart of everyone shook and all of them rubbed their eyes and looked over.

Sure enough, a figure could be seen in that pitch black entrance. After that warrior got closer, they saw that he was wearing sea cloak. All the people cheered loudly. This was the first person to return alive, there might be other warriors behind him.

This sea warrior was greeted by a beautiful girl of the imperial palace and was led to the front of Sea Emperor. Then, the warrior took off the sea cloak, and a green face appeared in front of everyone. He was wearing extremely thin sea stone armor and holding Miluo Divine Bow. He was none other than Karl.

"It turned out to be Prince Karl. He is the first person to walk out of Smelting Death Cave, proving his extraordinary intelligence and strength. Let's wait and see who will be the next warrior to walk out." After that imperial etiquette officer finished speaking, everyone cheered.

Karl nevertheless was somewhat dumbfounded. But, he was pulled to one side by his father, the patriarch of Miluo Clan.

"What about Long Yi? How come you came out alone?" Miluo Patriarch urgently asked.

"Long Yi, he hasn't come out? Impossible. He didn't have an accident, did he?" Karl shook his head, then his dejected expression became firm. He believed in Long Yi, that human is omnipotent, would Death Impasse be able to trap him?

Afterward, he didn't utter a word no matter what Miluo Patriarch asked, he just stared at the entrance of Smelting Death Cave, waiting for the appearance of that familiar figure.

The time passed second after second, but the entrance to Smelting Death Cave was still quiet without any movement. The surrounding became dead silent again.

"Now, only ten minutes left." The imperial etiquette officer announced, shocking everyone. Could it be that only one warrior survived in Treasure Seizing Conference of this time? Were all those warriors wiped out?

No one dared to believe this. As a matter of fact, all the warriors that participated in this Treasure Seizing Conference were strong, moreover, they were large in number, but what did they encounter to have this kind of miserable result? This was something no one could accept.

"Five minutes left." The imperial etiquette officer announced again.

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"It seems he is dead." Miluo Patriarch sighed.

"No, he will definitely come out. Even if all the races of this world die out, he will not die." Karl who had not spoken a single word firmly refuted his father's word at this moment.

Miluo Patriarch frowned and strangely stared at his son. When did his ambitious and proud son have such unswerving faith in a human? As he saw it, this kind of faith had already become a kind of belief. The influence of that human was truly astonishing.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six..." All the people of Sea Race outside Smelting Death Cave simultaneously began to countdown. They still had a glimmer of hope in their heart. They hoped to see a surviving warrior walking out at the last second.

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"Five, four, three, two, one..." With the arrival of last second, everyone became silence, looking at that rapidly closing entrance of Smelting Death Cave. Now, they already had no hope. The result of this Treasure Seizing Conference was very miserable. Among over a thousand participants, only one had walked out alive.

But, just when the entrance only had a small gap, the seawater suddenly churned and a huge amount of energy gushed out. When everyone came back to their senses, the entrance of Smelting Death Cave was already closed completely, changing into a glittering white light ball again. And just in front of that light ball, there was a tall and straight figure who wore a sea cloak. He floated in the middle of the sea holding a black sword. He made people feel as if a huge mountain was standing in front of them, and that aura made their heart beat rapidly.

"Long Yi." Karl shouted and rushed over to the front of Long Yi, and looked at him with great admiration.

"I knew, I knew that you will be fine." Karl muttered.

Long Yi patted the shoulder of Karl as he thought of those demon specters and divine zombies who had dissipated and couldn't help becoming dejected. He had never thought that they would combine all their energy to break out of that space of imprisonment and send him out. And there only wish was to let all the races of this world to coexist peacefully without warfare.

Long Yi suppressed this emotion in his heart and walked to the front of Sea Emperor with Karl.

Everyone stood still for a moment and cheered loudly. They then strongly requested to see who this warrior that rushed out at the final moment was.

"He is the warrior secretly trained under Sea Emperor. His identity is secret, please forgive us for not announcing his identity. After a while, the treasures obtained by these brave warriors in Smelting Death Cave will be displayed in Imperial Square." The imperial etiquette officer said loudly with a hint of cold sweat in front of this crowd with surging emotion. As for Long Yi, he returned to Undersea City along with Sea Emperor and Karl using the transfer array.

Undersea City was still crowded, although many people had went to Smelting Death Cave to see the final result, there were still many people engaging in transactions.

After returning to Undersea City, regardless of the strong request from Sea Emperor to return to the sea imperial palace, he was determined to return to the residence of Miluo Clan to see Liuli. And seeing he failed to persuade Long Yi, Sea Emperor who was very eager to know whether Long Yi obtained Blue Sea Divine Soul or not decided to go with Long Yi.

And after entering the residence of Miluo Clan, Long Yi stopped Sea Emperor and Miluo Patirarch outside the door and rushed inside with Karl.

"Young Master." Liuli immediately rushed into the bosom of Long Yi.

Long Yi sighed with relief. As long as Liuli was fine, everything was fine. In the Smelting Death Cave he was always worried about her safety. He assumed that Heavenly Demon King might have noticed the existence of Liuli.

At that time, Bifei and Xiaomi also walked over and sized up Long Yi.

Long Yi finally relaxed and usual bad thoughts appeared in his mind. He looked straight at the beautiful eyes of Bifei and his passionate gaze made Bifei blush and she turned her head to avoid his gaze. But, she could still feel the gaze of Long Yi on the most sensitive regions of women. This made her feel hot.

"Bifei... aunt, was there any problem when I was out?" Looking at this shy appearance of Bifei, he naturally was attracted. And in the word 'aunt', he especially added weight to clearly show that he was teasing her.

"No... no problem, Liuli however was worried these several days, and I said that you are a scourge that wouldn't die even after thousands of years, you will absolutely be fine." When all was said and done, Bifei was an experienced person. She immediately recovered and seized the chance to speak sarcastically.

At this moment, the atmosphere was very harmonious. Karl who was standing at one side in a daze suddenly recalled dead Frank and Xueji. His mood immediately sunk and he quietly retreated.

Chapter 620: True or false?

The Sea Emperor was impatient to know whether Long Yi had obtained Blue Sea Divine Soul or not, but Long Yi was only concerned with chatting and laughing with three mermaids. Seemingly, he was so happy as to forget home and duty. But, the Sea Emperor could just only be anxious. He wanted to make someone enter and call Long Yi out, but he had certain misgivings. After all, he had to rely on Long Yi's help.

While waiting with expectation, the Sea Emperor became more and more anxious like a cat on a hot tin roof. But, just when he could not wait any longer and thought of making the Miluo Patriarch call Long Yi, Long Yi walked out of the courtyard with a smile.

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"Sorry for making Your Majesty wait for a long time. All say that a lad of warmth and tenderness is the grave of a hero, now I know from experience. Your Majesty, please don't laugh at me." Long Yi said to the Sea Emperor while laughing merrily. Clearly, he was speaking insincerely.

"Nothing urgent, nothing urgent, I already made Miluo Patriarch arrange a good secret room." Although the Sea Emperor was saying it was nothing urgent, regardless of his expression or tone, one could see that he was very impatient.

Long Yi smiled and nodded his head and walked shoulder to shoulder with Sea Emperor. In his mind, he, however, was having all kinds of thoughts.

The two people sat opposite to each other in the secret room. Sea Emperor who already impatient asked, "Long Yi, is there any news on Blue Sea Divine Soul?"

Long Yi frowned and sighed. He was laughing in his heart. These words of the Sea Emperor had a standard. He made it appear as if he paid no attention to whether he obtained Blue Sea Divine Soul or not, instead asked whether he had any news on Blue Sea Divine Soul.

"No…?" The heart of the Sea Emperor sunk.

"That is not the case, I was teleported to Death Impasse by a Water Space Variant Beast. There were demon specters and divine zombies everywhere. They were very powerful. I nearly died several times, and finally, I reached a no man's land. In that place, I encountered a divine zombie that maintain wisdom of his lifetime, ai…" Long Yi knew that the Sea Emperor must have heard the matters from Karl before, so he said truth mingled with falsehood. Originally, when he entered Smelting Death Cave, he didn't have any other thoughts. He genuinely wanted to help the Sea Emperor find Blue Sea Divine Soul at first. However, after that divine zombie leader later said to not let Blue Sea Divine Soul fall into the hands of others, and this divine soul contained a kind of unique trait that was superior to Water God, in addition seeing that the Sea Emperor was so nervous regarding this Blue Sea Divine Soul, he hesitated to hand it over to the Sea Emperor.

"Long Yi, why are you sighing? What exactly happened? Speak out." Sea Emperor stood up and queried. Now, his previous calmness couldn't be seen. Although he tried his best to keep calm, he was unable to suppress his inner desire.

"That divine zombie told me that Blue Sea Divine Soul indeed exists. Moreover, it was in his hands. Merely, it has mutated after 100,000 years, so he used his divine power to place a restriction on it." Long Yi said.

"Restriction? Then, did you obtain Blue Sea Divine Soul?" The Sea Emperor urgently asked.

"Yes." Long Yi nodded his head without any hesitation, but he added, "Merely, that divine zombie warned me to not let Blue Sea Divine Soul fall into the hands of others."

Long Yi said and opened his right hand, then a white light flashed and a faint green light ball floated in his hand, illuminating this secret room with exuberant green radiance.

The Sea Emperor suddenly stood up again and stared at the Blue Sea Divine Soul in the hand of Long Yi with infatuation. He then couldn't help reaching out to grab it.

Long Yi clenched his hand and Blue Sea Divine Soul disappeared into the air. At the same time, the Sea Emperor also came back to his senses.

"Long Yi, I truly need this Blue Sea Divine Soul, what do you want to part with it?" Seeing the attitude of Long Yi, the Sea Emperor knew that Long Yi didn't have confidence in him, so he let Long Yi make demands.

"Your Majesty, it is not that I, Long Yi, don't believe in you, merely, that divine zombie has already made it clear. I am also complying with the promise, but if Your Majesty truly wants this Blue Sea Divine Soul, then it is not difficult. First of all, I want to know what exactly do you want to use this thing for," Long Yi said with a smile.

Sea Emperor was startled and appeared as if he instantly aged a lot. He then sat down in dejection, and after a good while, he said, "500 years ago, after I hardened my heart and exiled the empress of Mermaid Clan from Undersea City, I married a woman of another Sea Race as a wife. She is the mother of my daughter Martha. Merely, just after Martha was born, the assassin sent by the Demon Sharks attacked. Although she survived by luck, she sunk into a suspended animation state.

"Because this matter is no small matter, I directly announced that the empress had died publicly, even Martha doesn't know this. Later, by a lucky chance, I learned about the existence of Blue Sea Divine Soul in Smelting Death Cave. It is said, swallowing it can resuscitate my empress. Therefore, I requested you to enter Smelting Death Cave to look for Blue Sea Divine Soul."

Sea Emperor sunk into a kind of sad mood. He even sobbed a few times and tears flickered in this eyes, making Long Yi visibly moved.

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"I didn't expect Your Majesty to be so affectionate and faithful. However, Blue Sea Divine Soul is restricted now, and I don't know whether it can resuscitate the empress." Long Yi said with moved appearance.

"Regardless of whether it can resuscitate empress or not, I still request you to let this emperor test it. As long as you agree, you can choose any treasure you want from the treasury of my imperial palace." Sea Emperor agitatedly pulled Long Yi's hand and said.

"Your Majesty is truly too polite. If I, Long Yi, takes your treasure for this, then I would be too ungrateful. It would be ungracious not to accept Your Majesty's kindness. If I don't, then Your Majesty would have a gap in your heart, and our relationship would drift apart." Long Yi patted the shoulder of the Sea Emperor and said. In his heart, however, he was laughing. Since he had a chance to obtain the treasure, why would he let this chance slip by? But at the same time, he was also on guard. This Sea Emperor was astute and very deep.

The expression of the Sea Emperor stiffened but immediately reverted back to normal and gratefully said, "You truly understand this emperor. Since you agreed to give me that Blue Sea Divine Soul to save my empress, this emperor can't thank you enough."

"Your Majesty doesn't need to be like this. If I don't give the Blue Sea Divine Soul to Your Majesty, then whom should I give it to? But, since this is a very secret matter, how about me and Your Majesty go together to use this restricted Blue Sea Divine Soul to save the Empress? If it is truly effective, then I will naturally be happy, but if it is useless, then I request Your Majesty to return it." Long Yi stared at the Sea Emperor and said. His worlds were watertight. If it truly worked, then it's fine, but if it didn't work, then not only this Blue Sea Divine Soul would return to him, he would also extort the treasury of Sea Emperor.

"That is natural, if you are willing to go with this emperor, then that would be for the best." The Sea Emperor agreed without any hesitation, making Long Yi feel that he was oversensitive.

After the negotiation, Long Yi and Sea Emperor returned to the imperial palace.

Then, passing through a heavily guarded passage, the Sea Emperor took Long Yi to an underground palace deep inside the imperial palace.

Long Yi clicked his tongue in admiration. This underground palace was built in several hundred years. It was enormous in scale, at least ten times larger than the imperial palace on the surface. There were fully armed elite soldiers everywhere. This should be the secret base of the Sea Emperor.

Since the Sea Emperor was willing to bring him over, this was enough to show his sincerity, merely, once Long Yi had a hint of suspicion, it was not easy to erase that suspicion.

The Sea Emperor led Long Yi to an elegantly decorated palace. He lifted the curtain and entered the sleeping quarters. There were a few beautiful imperial maids inside. They respectfully greeted him and left.

Long Yi nevertheless narrowed his eyes, and a hint of strange light flashed through his eyes. He had noticed that these few imperial maids were unexpectedly a little surprised when they saw the Sea Emperor. This explains that the Sea Emperor didn't come here often; this was contrary to the touching words he had said before. If he truly had deep feelings for this empress and he wanted to obtain Blue Sea Divine Soul for her by hook or by crook, then how come he didn't come here to see her frequently?

Inside the sleeping quarters, there was a dark green stone bed. This stone bed was full of exquisite patterns, looking very exquisite.

A beautiful woman wearing a purple flower patterned skirt was quietly lying on this stone bed. Her eyes were closed. If not for that pale complexion, others would definitely think that this was a beautiful picture of sleeping beauty.

"The empress truly is a rare beauty in the world. No wonder, Your Majesty bore her constantly in mind." Long Yi turned over and said to the Sea Emperor. Just a moment ago, he had used his spirit power to examine her and determined that this empress was truly in suspended animation state like the Sea Emperor had said. It was just like his grandfather Ximen Kuang at that time. Merely, several types of strange energies were circulating inside her body. These energies had flooded her heart veins and brain as if layers upon layers of iron chains were tying them up. It would be extremely difficult to recover.

The Sea Emperor sat on the edge of the bed, and he tightly grabbed the little hand of this beautiful woman with grief-stricken expression.

"Xiang'er, this emperor finally found Blue Sea Divine Soul. Whatever happens, you must wake up." The Sea Emperor mumbled to himself and unexpectedly, tears flowed down his cheeks. This scene was truly touching.

If it were not for noticing all sorts of improper clues before, Long Yi would have been touched at this moment. After all, he had also experienced all sorts of ups and down on the path of love. He especially hoped that all the lovers in this world got together. A person could be an evildoer, but absolutely cannot be a heartless rotten person without any relationship.

After a good while, the Sea Emperor looked towards Long Yi with a hint of pleading expression.

Long Yi smiled, and opening his palm, Blue Sea Divine Soul floated. Then, with a thought, this Blue Sea Divine Soul slowly drifted to the front of the Sea Emperor. The Sea Emperor gratefully looked at Long Yi, then waving his right hand, the Blue Sea Divine Soul flew towards this woman's little mouth he had opened with his left hand. Then, overturning his right hand, Blue Sea Divine Soul turned into a green light and entered the mouth of this woman.

The entire body of this beautiful woman suddenly flashed with green light, and her pale face slowly became a little red.

"Success, it is really effective…" The Sea Emperor exclaimed in pleasant surprise and held the little hand of this woman tighter.

But, all of a sudden, the entire body of this woman stiffened and then trembled violently. After that, light blue colored blood flowed out from her eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.